#What is Html5
techprastish01 · 8 days
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sometimes i Understand ppl who hate spoilers but also sometimes i just. man. i am not smart enough and have too much whimsy in my heart. current example.
i am Aware of so many spoilers for orv. i see them. i will get to them. i will acknowledge them as i get to them. some of them are technically Why i started reading in the first place.
this does not mean i have any fuckin idea what in the good gd damn is happening Right Now. spoilers mean nothing to me if i have rocks in my head??
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man the death of flash really just like. marked an era for the internet in general huh. like i know the general web was on a consumerist decline beforehand but just the whole impalement of 'thing you can watch/play freely in your browser that some random guy made in a single afternoon' really just removed a whole avenue of creativity from the base up.... and from that the rest of the web's only further conglomerated
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jadexartsacademy · 2 years
This Is What I'd Do To Learn The Inputs In HTML5 In 10 minutes #html #cs...
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mypicyard · 2 years
What is HTML?
if you have a question, what is html ? then answer is given below:
HTML represents Hyper Text Markup Language and consists of a series of elements. 
HTML is the standard markup language for making Web pages. 
HTML depicts the design of a Web page.
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cre8tivit · 20 days
Progress. Slow, eventual progress.
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Getting a bit tired of staring at this, but at least it's no longer color-vomit.
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heictojpgconverter · 5 months
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werewolf-kat · 6 months
Been really digging Frank's Laboratory on Youtube for JavaScript + Canvas tutorials since coming across him this past week. He keeps everything clear and shows patience for beginners. It's really been keeping me motivated to learn game dev in JS too! My dream...
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techprastish01 · 15 days
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animetoonguy · 7 months
What is .NET Blazor
.NET Blazor is a web framework by Microsoft, allowing developers to build interactive web applications using C# and .NET, with both client-side and server-side options.
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thecommoncoder · 7 months
Exploring the Basics: What is HTML? Welcome to The Common Coder! For our first video, we answer the question of "What is HTML?" by exploring the absolute basics of HTML. We talk about HTML documents, tags and elements, and wrap up with a demo on how to create our very first HTML file. Enjoy! 
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makemychance1 · 1 year
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mobilereview369 · 1 year
The HTML to XML Parser Code Converter is a free online HTML to XML Parser tool that helps programmers and developers convert their HTML code into XML. The HTML to XML Parser is free and easy to use, and HTML to XML Parser can be used to convert HTML code into XHTML and other formats.
If you want to use it click on me
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webtutorsblog · 1 year
Some Advanced HTML Tags and Techniques: Take Your Web Design Skills to the Next Level
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HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard markup language used for creating web pages. It allows you to structure content and define its meaning, layout, and appearance on a web page. Here are some advanced HTML tags and techniques that can help you create more dynamic and interactive web pages.
The HTML head element contains information about the document, such as the page title, meta information, and links to external resources. The head element is included in the HTML file before the body element and is not visible on the page. It is used to provide information that the browser or search engine can use to better understand and display the document. Some common elements found in the head include the title tag, meta tags for SEO, links to stylesheets, and references to JavaScript files. By including the appropriate information in the head element, you can help to improve the user experience and search engine optimization of your web pages.
Learn More About HTML Head
HTML Color
HTML color is an important aspect of web design, and learning to use color codes effectively can enhance the visual appeal of a web page or website. HTML color codes can be used with various HTML elements, such as <body>, <div>, <h1>, <p>, and <a>, to name a few. They can also be used in CSS code to style elements within a page or an entire website.
Learn More About HTML Color
Semantic HTML
Semantic HTML uses tags to describe the meaning and structure of content, rather than just its appearance. This makes it easier for search engines and screen readers to understand the content of a web page. Examples of semantic tags include <header>, <main>, <nav>, <section>, and <article>.
Learn more about HTML Semantic
Custom Attributes
HTML allows you to create your own custom attributes for elements. This can be useful for storing additional data or metadata about an element, such as a data attribute for storing an ID or a tooltip. Custom attributes should be prefixed with "data-", such as data-id or data-tooltip.
Learn more about HTML Attributes
HTML Forms
HTML forms are used to collect user input and are a fundamental component of many web applications. Advanced form techniques include validation, using the required attribute, and customizing the appearance with CSS.
Learn more about HTML Forms
HTML5 Canvas
The HTML5 canvas elementallows you to create dynamic graphics and animations on a web page. With JavaScript, you can draw shapes, lines, text, and images, and animate them using various techniques.
Learn more about HTML Canvas
Responsive Images
Responsive images ensure that images are displayed at an appropriate size and resolution for the user's device and connection speed. HTML provides several ways to implement responsive images, including the srcset and sizes attributes, and the picture element.
Learn more about HTML Images
HTML Table
HTML tables are used to display data in a structured and organized manner. They consist of rows and columns, and each cell can contain text, images, links, or other HTML elements. To create a table, you use the <table> tag, and then add rows with the <tr> tag and cells with the <td> or <th> tag. The <th> tag is used for table headers. You can also add attributes such as "border", "cellspacing", and "cellpadding" to the <table> tag to adjust the appearance of the table. By using HTML tables, you can present data in a clear and readable format on your web page.
Learn more about HTML Table
HTML Class
HTML classes allow you to apply a specific style or behavior to a group of HTML elements. To create a class, you use the "class" attribute and assign a name to it, such as "my-class". You can then add this class to one or more HTML elements by using the "class" attribute followed by the class name, such as "class=my-class". This makes it easier to apply consistent styles across your website and to make changes to those styles by editing the class definition in your CSS stylesheet. Classes can also be used to target elements with JavaScript or jQuery, making it easier to manipulate their behavior and appearance. By using HTML classes, you can create a more flexible and maintainable website design.
Learn more about HTML Class
HTML JavaScript
HTML and JavaScript work together to create dynamic and interactive web pages. JavaScript is a programming language that can be embedded in HTML documents to add interactivity, animations, and other dynamic features. You can include JavaScript code in your HTML document using the <script> tag, either by including it directly in the HTML file or by referencing an external JavaScript file. JavaScript can interact with HTML elements, manipulate the DOM, and communicate with servers to dynamically update web content without requiring a page refresh. By using HTML and JavaScript together, you can create powerful and engaging web applications that run directly in the browser.
Learn more about HTML JavaScript
In conclusion
By utilizing advanced HTML tags and techniques, web developers can take their web design skills to the next level. From creating dynamic animations with the canvas element, to implementing responsive images and web components, these techniques allow for more interactive and user-friendly web experiences. Additionally, it is important to consider accessibility when designing web content, ensuring that all users can access and interact with the content. With these tools and techniques, web developers can create more engaging, accessible, and responsive web pages.
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jadexartsacademy · 2 years
How to Style Input Type in CSS for a Professional Look #html #howto
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mypicyard · 2 years
HTML is used to provide basic structure of any website.
If you have a question that what is html ?
answer is hyper text markup language.
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