#What is a Rotary Union?
rotaryunion · 4 months
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dbarn · 1 month
Oh! Almost forgot to add this. I got curious about the signs on the D23 picture spot.
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Whatever the "MMFE" is (Marsh Market Fishery Enterprises???) it has the Latin motto "bonus piscis mortuus est piscis." Google translate assures me that this means "a good fish is a dead fish".
The second one is "Friends of the Market: Zootopia's Oldest Fellowship". Maybe a Rotary Club type thing?
The one on the right has a picture of a walrus under "OLD BAY BRUISERS/LOCAL 1477" (yay unionization) and what appears to be CLAMS on one side and GLORY on the other. Which... uh, honestly, sounds more like a sports team than a union.
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Sociopaths across the globe finding posters of these kidnapped children. Babies, Holocaust survivors and tearing them down. I saw, they were all over the upper east side, the same posters of the 8-year-old girl, the 9-month-old baby, and someone had literally gone to the trouble of printing it out with the word "occupier" under it, if you would believe that.
And let me explain to you exactly why this is happening. These people have woke mind-virus.
In the woke mindset, there's no difference between right versus wrong. They see the world only through the lens of powerful versus powerless, and then they superimpose race onto that.
So, anybody who is a "person of color" has less power and thus is inherently virtuous, no matter what they do, and anybody who they perceive as a "white" person is inherently morally compromised and an oppressor and has no virtue and is evil.
And they code Jews and Israel as "white." And just like all white people, there's no such thing as an innocent white person or an innocent Jew to these woke people.
And so what they do is, when there's evidence of a Jewish victim, what could be more pure and innocent than a 9-month-old baby, they literally have to destroy the evidence because it destroys their mindset, their worldview.
And let me just tell you one more thing. You know, there's a lot of people walking around saying the Jewish people are shaking, the Jewish people are scared. We're not scared. We are livid. And if these sociopaths think we're going to cede this great nation to them, they're in for a big surprise.
"Another aspect of the construction of whiteness is the way certain groups have moved into or out of that race. For example, early in our history Irish, Jews, and Italians were considered nonwhite—that is, on a par with African Americans. Over time, they earned the prerogatives and social standing of whites by a process that included joining labor unions, swearing fealty to the Democratic Party, and acquiring wealth, sometimes by illegal or underground means. Whiteness, it turns out, is not only valuable; it is shifting and malleable." -- "Critical Race Theory, An Introduction" (Third Edition), by Delgado and Stefancic
The Role of the Moslem Woman: Article Seventeen: The Moslem woman has a role no less important than that of the Moslem man in the battle of liberation. She is the maker of men. Her role in guiding and educating the new generations is great. The enemies have realised the importance of her role. They consider that if they are able to direct and bring her up the way they wish, far from Islam, they would have won the battle. That is why you find them giving these attempts constant attention through information campaigns, films, and the school curriculum, using for that purpose their lackeys who are infiltrated through Zionist organizations under various names and shapes, such as Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, espionage groups and others, which are all nothing more than cells of subversion and saboteurs. These organizations have ample resources that enable them to play their role in societies for the purpose of achieving the Zionist targets and to deepen the concepts that would serve the enemy. These organizations operate in the absence of Islam and its estrangement among its people. The Islamic peoples should perform their role in confronting the conspiracies of these saboteurs. The day Islam is in control of guiding the affairs of life, these organizations, hostile to humanity and Islam, will be obliterated. -- Hamas Covenant 1988
Critical Race Theory and Hamas both echo the same "Jews control the world" conspiracy theories as the far-right.
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
I was halfway through my second Tetra-Pak® of oven-warmed (they say not to use the microwave) reduced-sodium chicken broth when I finally flipped to the editorial page of my neighbour’s newspaper. Those bastards in the government were sticking it to us again, with a planned “safety blitz” on the highway. You don’t need me to tell you, dear reader, what other fascist invented the concept of “the blitz.”
Now, you need to understand something about our local highway. It’s not like a real city’s. It has a bunch of jacked-up curves right in the middle, where they joined it together over successive projects as the city grew. Sometimes it’s six lanes. Sometimes it’s two. Exit lanes aren’t marked. Sometimes exit lanes are also merge lanes from a different highway. One section used to be part of the amusement park before all the fires. It’s a lot of fun, and the most fun part about it was that the traffic cops were afraid to be on the highway. Their union called it “really fucking unsafe.” With an endorsement like that, any safety operation, blitzkrieg or otherwise, would be bound to fail.
There’s another problem with the highway. During the week, it’s all commuters. Hardened drivers who know the rules of the road, and understand what to expect. They’ve been on it every day, in every weather condition. They can probably tell you every curve and bump, even if they don’t think of themselves as real drivers. Then you throw in some random asshole who doesn’t normally drive on the highway but just this once has to go across town at 9 A.M. to pick up Mister Floppykins’ anal wart medicine from the less racist of our two 24-hour vets. That random asshole – that normal person – immediately causes a twenty-five car pileup, forcing an intervention from law enforcement.
Of course, that’s a matter for the debate team. After the fact, those eggheads could argue that any enforcement operation barely scratched the surface of the law-breaking on-it-everyday speed demons who treated the highway like some kind of no-holds-barred carnage zone, a place where civility went to die and staying in your lane was practically unheard of. In reality, everyone knew the cops were catching some heat after letting the Mayor Himself’s Daughter Herself get away with a minor cocaine infraction when her gently-crashed Tesla saturation-bombed a popular downtown eatery with half-charged 18650 lithium-ion battery cells, and they needed to make some exhaust tickets in order to renew public confidence in their so-called institution.
They didn’t do it to me, of course, even though I was myself blitzed by the federales. That morning, I “had to” give my shark of an attorney, Max, a ride down south, so he could pick up a set of monogrammed cufflinks from the rotary (wrong kind, I asked) club. He’s too afraid to drive on the highway normally, you see, but he was all too willing to kick in for gas. I still will never know how he managed to turn “unjust widened-exhaust ticket” into the weeping officer handing his own badge and gun to Max.
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stiwfssr · 2 months
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In most of Canada, hard liquor is sold exclusively through government entities rather than private companies. These government storefronts are known as the "Liquor Control Board of [province name]". The Liquor Control Board of Ontario had been on strike for the last three or so weeks, but their union prevailed and the stores re-opened today -- to the benefit of my evening plans.
Thus the haggard-looking gif. It is from Trailer Park Boys, season 2, episode 1. Ricky and Julian have just been released from jail and Bubbles asks them, "So what's the plan, boys?" The gif depicts the following scene in its entirety.
I have spent the last few days near the elderly and a rotary phone and that exposure may have influenced my current interest in the aesthetics of old technology -- VCR-quality video and the like. So I made this gif.
I love how scuffed gifs used to be by necessity and I have wanted (and tried) to perpetuate that art-form born of low bandwidth.
I am drunk from the liquor for the first time in three or so weeks and thinking about art.
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From Penn  Yan, with love
By Jonathan Monfiletto
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Depending on how you look at it, it was either the height of the Cold War or the early days of this standoff between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Fourteen years after World War II ended, the Iron Curtain had indeed descended as Russia wrestled Eastern European countries into its orbit, and the Space Race was on after Sputnik and Sputnik II were launched. Still, the Cuban Missile Crisis had not yet unfolded, the Vietnam War had not yet erupted, and there were still more than 30 years before the USSR fell along with the Berlin Wall.
Amid this period of tension – sometimes with sharp words, other times with nuclear threats – as the world’s two superpowers stared each other down, a dozen Soviet graduate students – with an average age of 27 – spent a week in Penn Yan in November 1959, during a monthlong tour of the United States. They visited various businesses and industries and other establishments, and they learned about what life is like in a democratic, capitalist society during what was billed as an activity to build better international cooperation and understanding.
The group, which also included three American guides, arrived in Penn Yan on Wednesday, November 4 from the Boston, Massachusetts area – having visited Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, WGBH Educational Television, and the like – and then departed Penn Yan one week later for a two-day visit to Washington, D.C. and a weeklong stay in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. One of these things is not like the others, as the old Muppets song goes, but it seems Penn Yan got the nod for a tour stop because of its prior connections to the Experiment in International Living, one of the entities that organized the experience.
But unlike the group’s other stops, Yates County could offer a look into life in a rural, agrarian community. While six local families each housed two of the Soviet group members during their weeklong stay, the activities during the day kept the Soviet students learning about the agricultural and industrial components of the area and enjoying the recreation offered by the Finger Lakes region. Following a reception at the Oliver House on Thursday, November 5, the group took a walking tour of downtown Penn Yan and later visited three local farms – the Loomis poultry farm, the Miller dairy farm, and the Emerson poultry processing plant. The next day took them to Cornell University to tour the campus as a whole and then visit the animal husbandry, agricultural engineering, and home economics schools.
Other notable activities included attending classes and an assembly at Penn Yan Academy, touring Penn Yan Boat Company and Urbana Wine Cellar, and being feted at a dinner held by the Penn Yan Central School District Adult Education Advisory Council on the final night in the village. There was plenty of time in the itinerary for fun, however – group rides on Keuka Lake and even group flights over the lake as well as the senior play, a high school football game, a bowling outing, free time with their host families, and more. Civic organizations from the Chamber of Commerce to the Rotary Club to the American Legion and other groups hosted the visitors at different points in time.
The group included a medical student, a correspondent for a youth newspaper, a post-graduate agricultural student, a pianist, and even an actress, who was the only member of the group to be singled out in a newspaper headline. None of them had visited the United States before, but all of them seemed to leave with a good impression, especially of the Penn Yan and Yates County community. The goodwill extended to their hosts as well, as the families who hosted the Soviet students wrote letters – now contained within the subject files of the Yates County History Center – commenting on their positive interactions and experiences with their foreign guests. The local American Legion, seemingly contrary to its tenets, even allowed the students to use its facilities to celebrate the 42nd anniversary of the Russian Revolution – an event compared to the Fourth of July in an editorial in The Chronicle-Express.
Generally, the Penn Yan families who hosted the Soviet students had good things to say about their guests and the visit, noting the students were well mannered and well educated and the families and their visitors enjoyed discussing their respective lifestyles without getting into politics. Two main criticisms of the weeklong tour were the television coverage that distracted the Soviet students from the task at hand and the lack of free time in the schedule with which the students could have spent more time with their host families. Overall, it seems as if everyone – the Soviet students and their American hosts alike – believed the experience was a pleasant and worthwhile undertaking.
The words of one of the Soviet students, Vadim Loginov, as quoted in a newspaper article, might sum up the feelings of goodwill on both sides of this moment of U.S.-Soviet cooperation: “We know we have a different approach to things, and a different philosophy of life, but we did not come here to look for the differences, but rather want to see the many things we share alike.”
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Celebrating Grandparents
Fun with our Grandparents!
"Grandparents are both our past and our future. In some ways, they are what has gone before, and in others, they are what we will become." —Fred Rogers
Hosts Julia and Keerthi talk about the superpowers of grandparents. They possess the unique ability to turn every mundane event into an epic adventure. Each one is a treasure trove of adventure, mystery, and, quite often, questionable fashion choices from their youth. They’ve seen it all—wars, moon landings, and the evolution of the telephone from rotary to touch. Keerthi’s grandparents are Indian and don’t speak English, so they couldn’t be on the show today. But Keerthi shares how much she loves hanging out with them on their coconut farm when she visits India. One set of her grandparents is from the same village where Kamala Harris’ mom grew up! Julia introduces us to her two amazing and accomplished grandpas.
Yukon joined Julia and Keerthi for a lively discussion about how he came to America from China and became a renowned economist, not seeing China again until he became the World Bank's country director for China with an office in Beijing. His stories and advice will have listeners craving more. Unfortunately, Julia’s grandfather on her dad’s side was unable to come on the program but she interviewed him about his life earlier. Jonathan Howe is a retired four-star United States Navy admiral, who worked at the White House with Henry Kissinger and President Nixon. He was the Special Representative for Somalia to United Nations Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali. He met his future wife at age 13 and the rest is history. Both grandpas have Wikipedia pages.
Yukon Huang: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yukon_Huang
Jonathan Howe: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Howe .
This show honors grandparents everywhere! Grandparents are the heart of our history, the soul of our future. Celebrate your grandparents. Happy Grandparents Day!
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Bio: Yukon Huang:
Yukon Huang, Julia’s grandpa, was born in Chengdu/Sichuan and grew up with his grandfather in Changsha/Hunan. In 1949, his grandfather sent him to the United States, where his parents were studying. He did not see China again until he became the World Bank's country director for China and had his office in Beijing. He attended school in Washington, then the only Chinese among 600 students.[3]Yukon Huang is a senior fellow with the Asia Program. He was formerly the World Bank’s country director for China and earlier director for Russia and the Former Soviet Union Republics. He is an adviser to the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and various governments and corporations. His research focuses on China’s economy and its regional and global impact. Huang has published widely on development issues in both professional journals and the public media. His articles have appeared frequently in the Financial Times, South China Morning Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Foreign Policy, Bloomberg, Foreign Affairs, and the National Interest. His books include East Asia Visions, Reshaping Economic Geography in East Asia, and International Migration and Development in East Asia and the Pacific. His most recent book, Cracking the China Conundrum: Why Conventional Economic Wisdom Is Wrong  (Oxford University Press) focuses on U.S.-China Economic and Technology tensions. He has a PhD in economics from Princeton University and a BA from Yale University. https://carnegieendowment.org/people/yukon-huang?lang=en
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/151308/fun-with-our-grandparents
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crackspinewornpages · 20 days
It Can't Happen Here 20/38 -Sinclair Lewis
Like beefsteak and potatoes stick to your ribs so does the Good Book, he hopes his ministers will quote from II Kings 18 31 and 32. (come men eat of their own vines until he comes to take them to the land of wine so they won't die) 
Despite claiming Montpelier, Shad fixated on Fort Beulah as the executive center of County B, partly because he was partners with the banker RC Crowley, who made profit on property and partly Shad wanted to show off to his old pals. He claimed the judge's chambers at the Scotland County Courthouse as his office and completely redecorated. Shad chose his assistants that had some education and manners and Doremus thought he could see what was happening in Washngton by watching him. “and understood thus that a Buzz Windrip-a Bismark-a Caesar-a Pericles was like all the rest of itching, indigesting, aspiring humanity except that each of those heroes had a higher degree of ambition and more willingness to kill.”p.151  
By June the Minute Men enrolled 562,000 and the War Department paid them up to 16,000. (about 364,000) Veterans of the Great War were given privilages and Sarason convinced Windrip college teaching the horrors of conflicts didn't weaken masculinity but made students more patriotic. “and skillful in the direction of slaughter than the average youth.”p152 Most ranks were farmers and factory workers and a large number of former criminals. (so those that don’t have much of an education and already prone to violence) One erring child called Windrip the Chief (others called him Fuhrer Imperial Wizard and Commodore) meaning anything noble and good hearted, (the exact opposite of what he is) so on July 4th 1937, five hundred thousand youths made their own chaotic parades. They were rough now without Adelaide’s hand, but nothing could be done now, and the next day came the blow. 
Someone noticed the Soviet Star was five points not six so they weren't insulting them, hectic words were sent out and thousands were quick to design a new one. Sarason (who designed the original one) came up with the ship wheel, the ship of the state and industry, motorcars and Father Coughlin’s suggestion of National Union like the emblem of the Rotary Club. Sarason drew similarities to the swastika and KKK symbol. (which are things no decent person wants to be associated with) By Loyalty Day, replacing Labor Day, they sang about the wheel. 
In August Windrip declared since all aims were being accomplished the League of Forgotten Men was now terminated and all the older parties, (the Democrats and Republicans) the only one is allowed the American Corporate State and Patriotic Party. Well, there’s two now, the party and those that don't belong and those ones are out of luck. Sarason divided occupations into six classes, agriculture, industry, commerce, transportation, communication, banking, insurance investment (this is more than six can Sarason not count) and the grab bag of sciences and education. (doesn’t surprize me science and education are last of the government’s priorities) All labor unions were supplanted by local syndicates under governmental guidance. (so there are no unions) Strikes and lockouts were forbidden under federal penalties so workmen wouldn't listen to agitators. The Corporatists were called Corpos, the ill-natured ones called Corpses, but it more fitted their enemies. (it just goes breaking down all the factors of these new systems of bureaucracy) 
While the Corpos promised 5,000 to every poor family it was undertaken by the Minute Men. Unemployment under Windrip disappeared, (did it dissapear or did they just stop reporting it) all workless men and their families assembled into labor camps under MM officers. The men were paid a dollar a day (almost $23)  and in turn had to pay a seventy (about $16) to ninety cent (about $21) a day for lodging and now there was discontentment with those who had now less but there was less rebellion. (can imagine having to support your family with only a few dollars every day and if you complained at best you’d get thrown out without a job or home at worst you’d get shot) Every evening the loudspeaker in one of the precious voices told them they were the honored foundation of a new Civilization. (as in they are literally the foundation remember the roads aren't paved with gold they aren't paved at all you are expected to pave them with your bones) They took to it and the MMs saw they hated the Jews and Negroes to look down on. “Every man is a king so long as he has someone to look down on.”p.157 (well sadly yeah that’s human nature) 
Each week the government said less about the 5,000, it was easier to respond to malcontents with Minute Men. Most of Windrip's plans were carried out, inflation rose, everyone profited except the very poor workmen, businessmen professionals and the elderly. “The workers, with opportunity tripled wages, saw the cost of everything in the shops much more than tripple.”p.157 (damn this hits close now) Agriculture suffered after foreign buying and exporting of American food ceased. The changing dollar had Big Business, confused employees did not know what to get in wages and labor unions gone, industrialists came out with doubled wealth. The other respected points were eliminating Negroes and Jews. Negroes were massacred by Minute Men in cities and Jews were charged double rates and grafts and to accept wage and price rates by Anglo Saxons. And they were told to declare how much better treatment they have in America than Europe. 
The 80,000 relief administrators were told to list every unmarried person’s finances, professional ability, military training and their opinion of the MMs and Corpos, those that protested being spies were arrested. (they’re finding out who’s loyalty useful or not) By 1937 MM officers made their own laws against Jews and Negroes. Women who complained their men had disappeared were beaten or arrested. Increasingly the bourgeois began escaping to Canada. “just at once, by the “underground railroad” the Negro slaves had escaped into the free Northern air.”p.160 In Canada and other countries those propagandists began publishing allegations against the Corpos and MMs. Due to this the guards quadrupled at every harbor and border. 
Ex Senator Walt Trowbridge was watched night and day by reading his letters and tapping his phone, they found nothing incriminating and thought he saw the light. On the Fourth of July Trowbridge invited the MMs to help set off fireworks. A Canadian airplane flew close to the rockets and turned off its lights and they couldn't tell where it landed. The guards later passed out drunk and woke finding Trowbridge had escaped with the Canadians along with four boxes with incendiary papers he published as he fled the country. Doremus and thousands like him were smuggled copies, possession of which is punishable by death. (it revealed Windrip became rich off of grifts) By winter Trowbridge had a new underground that aided thousands to escape to Canada. 
“In the little towns, ah, there is the abiding peace that I love, and that can never be disturbed by even the nosiest Smart Alecks from these haughty megalopolises like Washington, New York, & ect.”p.162 
The Democratic policy of wait and see grew shaky especially when Doremus went to his college reunion, the eyes of the three Corpo commissioners held instability. Doremus looked for his friend who warned him of the ban in military criticism, his house was a mess, he was fired for being too radical and needed to move without a job. His friend Dr. King says he’s lucky to be half Jew, so cunning, (he also says Hitler is Windrip’s boyfriend) he’s also been fired but has a job lined up, just sad to leave his research behind. (he’s a chemist) The president claimed they were let go because of overstaffing and changed the subject. There’s a new Director of Education for the Vermont New Hampshire District and one of his jobs is to make sure editors publish correct corporate ideals.  
The Minute Men were less favored than in the cities, in Fort Beulah they were drilling under National Guard, officers and Shad but Doremus refused to check. He first saw them in the  public parade in August when Dan Wilgus forced him outside. “Doremus thrilled to the MM flags, the music, the violent young men, even while he hated all the marched for,”-”He understood now why the young men marched to war.”p.167 He also hated Shad at the head of the procession, sneering through it all. 
By September Doremus was hearing a lot about the Secretary of Education, now it wasn't pleasant news about Macgoblin. He made many enemies purging teachers, it culminated in him trying to out drink his bodyguards and drunkenly tried to call on his former teacher. When told he was out visiting his Rabbi friend Macgoblin and his guerillas went to him. They made assess of themselves at the Rabbi’s house and Macgoblin asked why they don't all leave and start a nation in South America. Dr. Schmidt explains that Macgoblin is the Secretary of Education and a Corpo. “I have heard of that cult, but my people have learned to ignore persecution. We have been so important as to adapt the tactics of your early Christian Martyrs!”p.170 Even if they were invited, they wouldn't attend their only Dictator is God, they don't see Windrip as a rival. 
Schmidt tells Macgoblin the reason he’s drinking like a pig is because he’s a ashamt (I think this is Hebrew for guilty) once a promising researcher, now sold out to freebooters. Macgoblin snaps that they’re stinking intellectuals, peddlers and thieves until Schmidt yells at them to get out. Egged on by the MMs Macgoblin shoots the two and the guards chased down the houseman who ran to the streets where a cop stopped them. They were all arrested and brought to trial, but it was thrown out as the Rabbi and Schmidt were Jews (even though Schmidt wasn't) trying to coax MMs into ritual murders. (yeah they’re going there) Macgoblin was congratulated by Windrip and Sarason and the cop who shot a Corpo wasn't as lucky, he was sent to a beat in the Bronx. 
Doremus got a report from a surviving guard and wasn't happy on top of Shad replacing his delivery boys with MMs to check the paper, he raged. “If they were murderous Jews, then he was a murderous Jew too, he swore, and it was time to do something for his Own People.”p.172 That night he wrote a scathing article on the Corpo administration, Macgoblin and Windrip. “Not that all of them are as vicious as Macgoblin. Some are merely incompetent-like our friends Ledue, Reek, and Haik. But their ludicrous incapability permits the homicidal cruelty of their chieftains to go on without check.”p.173 Dan Wilgus refused to print it out of fear, so Doremus does it himself with Wilgus’s help. When he showed his family the proofs they all feared for him. “It used to be you did what was right and got a nice stick of candy for it,”-”Now, it seems if whatever's right is wrong.”p.175 (sometimes doing the wrong thing is the right thing especially under a dictatorship those laws were made to be broken) 
When he left his home he didn't go to the office but Lorinda’s, but first to Greenhill’s. His daughter’s family was still up and he overheard David say he wanted to be a newspaperman like his grandfather. He stayed only ten minutes telling himself nothing bad can happen to this household but told Greenhill he’ll have a run in with the Corpos one day. (is it foreshadowing if it’s tomorrow) Shad wanted him to join he said no, Doremus warns him to be careful of Shad, Greenhill says he’ll slip him cyanide. 
Lorinda finished tending to guests before she and Doremus could talk, he has her read the article. He had to decide whether to pull it from publishing by eleven, she told him he has to run it. She taught Shad in school for a year and he was a bully then and now he wants her to serve MMs for free and they’ll pretend she doesn't sell liquor without a license, she refused and now has a court summons. Doremus tells her to get a lawyer, the Corpos are using courts as grifts for accusations of sedition. (the law isn’t on your side when those in law are against you in their kangaroo courts) 
Lorinda was afraid the Corpos will do something to them, they’ll be so desperate they’ll cling to each other or be so rebellious. “we’ll feel so terribly that we’re standing for something, that we’ll want to give up everything else for it, even give up you and me. So that no one can ever find out and criticize, we’ll have to be beyond critisism.”p.179 How could such a detached people like them get involved. It is too late to kill the article for tomorrow, she’s glad to be shot rather than crippled with fear. Lorinda went back to work but Doremus didn't sleep that night listening for phantom assassins. 
“An honest propagandist for any Cause, that is, one who honesty studies and figures out the most effective way of  putting over his Message, will learn fairly early that it is not fair to ordinary folks-it just confuses them-to try to make them swallow all the true facts that would be suitable to a higher class of people.”p.181 (in essence ya’ll are dumb like those schools that dumb down the curriculum because they think it’s better so they don’t even have to try to teach the lower performing students) Also one learns the best way to win over people is if you give a speech in the evening when they are too tired to resist you. (he’s pretty much confessing how he’s manipulating them banking on them being too stupid and tired to see it) 
As his editorial was delivered Doremus looked down in the street from his office window as the MMs read the Informer and look up at the building. The people gathered into a mob, “Probably many of them cared nothing about the insults to the Corpo state, but had only the unprejudiced, impersonal pleasure in violence natural to most peope.”p.182 All it took was one MM shouting out to lynch them to start the mob but Shad called for them to stop only because the Corpos are going to take it over. (he also slaps a woman demanding her 5000) 
Doremus was escorted to the courthouse and county jail, he hasn't been there except as a reporter to interview inferior people who got arrested. (yeah Doremus here is what we call a flawed character they are a good person in the sense of everyone else around them but clearly not a perfect person) They left him in a damp cell for hours. “The tyranny of this dictatorship isn’t primarily the fault of Big Business, nor of the demagogues who do their dirty work. It’s the fault of Doremus Jessup! Of all the conscientious, respectable, lazy-minded Doremus Jessups who have let the demagogues wriggle in, without fierce enough protest.”-”Is it too late?”p.186 As it got darker he thought of Emma and Lorinda, why can’t he have both, maybe it’s getting too hot to let a man stop for bread (Emma) let alone wine. (Lorinda) 
Doremus waited until midnight when he was escorted to the judge, then he had to wait more outside the courtroom. He knew the MM and studied him in his new uniform. “I wouldn't particularly want to be a dictator over on Aras but I most particularly do not want him and his like to be dictators over me, whether they call them Fascists or Corpos or Communists or Monarchists or Free Democratic Electors or anything else!”p.188 Lorinda then came out of the courtroom and Nipper (the owner of the Tavern) looked triumphant and Aras gloated before Doremus was called in. 
Military Judge Effington Swan presided, he had ordered the MMs to invite Doremus here to get his advice as a journalist. Doremus corrects that he was dragged here because of his editorial about Windrip now Sawn remembers that minor incident. Doremus is tired and demands to know the charges, just libel, sedition, treason and homicidal incitement. Easily gotten rid of, and Swan subtlety threatens his family so he’ll play along with them in his paper and act as their spy. 
Doremus demands a lawyer, all due process has been suspended, martial law is necessary in a crisis. Shad makes a remark about Lorinda and Doremus jumps up to attack him but was thrown down by Swan who tells him Lorinda’s been sleeping other men too. Swan releases Doremus on parole to teach Dr. Staubmeyer how to do his editorial job and only write as he tells him, and it’ll start with his apology, admit he’s a liar. (oh there’s nothing journalists hate more than printing a retraction and saying they were wrong especially when they are right) 
Then Dr. Greenhill storms in (the MMs let him in because he said he was needed and he’s also treated their STDs) demanding to know what they’re doing Swan lets Greenhill go off and dig his own grave by telling them everyone’s had enough of them kidnapping honest men. He calls the three judges half-baked Hitlers, cowardly public enemies in toy soldier uniforms. Swan allows Shad to take Greenhill out to be executed by rifle squad. “From the courtyard, the sound of a rifle volley, a terrifying wail, one single empathetic shot, and nothing after.”p.196 
The trouble with Jews is that they’re cruel anybody who knows history knows they tortured debtors in catacombs while the Nordic are distinguished by their kindness to all including inferior races. (damn they’re not even trying to hide how antisemitic they are and if you think nobody would be so stupid as to believe something so ridiculous similar propaganda was use to villainize the Jews in Europe preceding WWII) 
After Judge Swan’s sentence of Greenhill’s execution his house was raided and a cache of seditious books and documents were found. (how much you want to bet if they exist at all they were planted) Mary’s protests of her husband's innocence was ignored and to punish her and give warning to others, they seized all the property and money left to her. Some said Doremus could fight for her but he couldn't as he was still on parole and subject to the authorities. She moved into the attic and didn't come out for a week. “But within a week her David was playing about in the yard most joyfully...playing that he was an MM officer.”p.198 
The rest of the house waited for something, the normally cheerful meals were quiet as every time they spoke it went to murder and the Corpos. David talked the most while Doremus was fond of children, he preferred political topics. He suspected Emma was more upset by his arrest than Greenhill's murder, bad people went to jail, Jessups didn't. (lady priorities) His office was deader than home, but he was able to convince Staubmeyer to keep Dan Wilgus on the payroll. As the weeks went by not a minute did he not hate his slavery, why stay, he was too old to start again. “So he raged-and went on grinding out a paper dull and a little dishonest-but not forever. Otherwise, the history of Doremus Jessup would be too drearily common to be worth reading.”p.201 
He did the math, if he fled to Canada he could cash 20,000 (almost 456,000) if he could smuggle it and live on twenty dollars a week. (about 456 which isn’t bad but how much are monthly bills) Well the others could if they could find work, (yeah spreading less than five hundred among what five people a week would be pretty thin) but him, he didn't fancy living in poverty for honesty and freedom. (you’re not one of those journalists that think you're not a true one until your own government assassinates you are you) There were those under other dictatorships that resented tyranny and refused bribes yet weren't courageous enough to go into willing exile, particularly when they had dependents. He tried to hint to Staubmeyer to retire but they caught on and Shad reminded him of his place and Doremus figured something out. “he was equally in danger of slipping into acceptance of his serfdom and of whips and bars if he didn't slip,”p.203 
“Under a tyranny, most friends are a liability.”p.203 One quarter turn on you, one keeps quiet, one dies with you, the other keep you alive. He and Lorinda were close, but they plotted to kill Corpos. Karl Pascal asked if he was going to join the communists nervously, Doremus is interested in civilizing and protecting against enemies, but it isn’t Russia, it's America he wants to help, Pascal calls it nonsense. “Listen, Comrade Karl, Windrip and Hitler will join Stalin long before the descendants of Dan’l Webster. You see, we don't like murder as a way of argument-that's what really makes the Liberal!”p.205 Perefixe hated to give up, he’s scared and is going to Canada. Medary Cole was a surprise, already tired of the tyranny paying them to bully. “-he who had ecstatically voted for Mr. Windrip.”p.206 
In October it was declared the Corpos ended all crime in America (again it didn’t disappear they just stopped reporting it) all tried under Court Martial, one in ten shot, four in ten sent to prison, three released, two joined the MMs. Windrip announced the way to stop crime is to stop it (what is this people die when they are killed logic) and Medary praised his firm hand. Windrip then revealed the New American Education System, scores of colleges were closed (but they opened Windrip University I’m not making a joke) some absorbed into Corpo universities. (Central Park was closed to the public to be used as a playground) All universities have a set modern curriculum omitting the classics, language and religious studies, archeology and histories before 1500 because the key to civilization is Anglo Saxon purity against barbarians. (ah time for the brain drain I see time to scrap out anything that doesn’t align with the state much like what China’s Red Gaurds did during the Cultural Revolution) New textbooks were written under Macgoblin (are they written like those Texas textbooks that claim the slave trade was immigrant migration) and students told not to waste their time on literature and instead read recently printed newspapers. (so telling students not to read anything that could give them a different viewpoint than the lies the state prints) Education was also sped up, anyone could graduate in two years. (all you needed to get in is either attended a business college or a recommendation from a Corpo and have at least two years of high school so mostly people with no real fundamental education) As he read the prospects for these Barnum and Bailey universities Doremus remembered the Greek professor from Isiah was in a Corpo labor camp. 
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rotaryunions · 3 months
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bestonseal · 4 months
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rotaryunion · 4 months
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zooterchet · 5 months
Colella's Supermarket (America's Special Mission Force)
Colella's Supermarket, located in Hopkinton, Massachusetts (now shut down), was modeled to help employees, of highschool (highschool jobs allowed for military cadet or police informant or state police status at college) and town labor (those found in poverty but allowed to live in town, the generous support system found through the Ludlow family, the "Spiders", descents of Queen Elizabeth I, the "Virgin Queen"). The model, is to survive Buchenwald, a famous death camp in Italy during World War 2, intended for political opponents of Benito Mussolini (the man who invented "Dro", poisoned marijuana, instrumental in Hitler's election to the German Chancellorship).
Through Colella's, ATF operatives (those dealing in grocer's union rules, to counter Canada) are trained and outfitted in cross multitasked operation skills, and a work disorder called "Vladivostock", hated by the French nationals in New England for producing lithe, thin, muscled, and burly men, and vivacious women, however with the same food intake as French prison guards (large, obese men, and greasy ugly women).
Here are my five special operations, using Blockbuster Video, a Trump owned company, now shut down and transferred to Rotary Presidential Association ownership (YouTube) due to my acts of valor in the field, against Canada.
"Death Race 2000": The resistance to the Boston Mafia, while infiltrating the police services of Canadian Mounted Patrol, and the removal of the Boston Mossad office, the alleged State Police control; actually located on highway stations, with police living in apartment complexes out of Chestnut Hill Realty.
"Run Ronnie Run": The resistance to the Haitian "Negro" movement, to label all of anyone's skin color as black, however inside the stance and sphere of the white man's rights; for the common rumor, to become industry, without the complex dynamics that make these things work. A better labor, for the past physical plant worker at a college, now a warehouse or factory laborer, where books and texts are now illegal, leaving only "A Farewell to Arms", by Ernest Hemingway; seeking to produce the same childhood as the famed Malcolm X, a fetal alcohol syndrome baby.
"CB4": The shutdown of the clad feminist, those women who demand independence and power, however are infirmed under severe physical handicap. The "Pink Panthers" movement, they are found in every walk of life, and they are "walking", at all times, in the words of famous Hopkinton crime boss, Alex "Wheels" Danahy, his label by local police authorities. The hunt for "Wheels", through his alias tags of those disabled online, continues, to catch each of the "enabled" community, for their dream, the American Dream, of running people off the road in traffic at screaming speeds, in Franklin Delano Roosevelt's special car. Once all the disabilities were cured, they believed they could be immortal, with cybernetics and slaves in the French, Israeli, and Taiwanese Maoist enclaves of INTERPOL, run by the Mainland Red Chinese. Sadly, the CS Lewis dream, has been shut down, and "The Matrix", is at an end; now, merely a movie, about what could've been.
"8MM": The creation of a new arts movement, where only wealthy envoys from foreign countries are killed, and on reality TV, if they volunteer to represent their homeland, "The Croatan Society", the Titoist movement supported by the famous "Boston Strangler", the De Salvo family and DC Comics. Previously, actresses were murdered, for reporting a lesbian haze from a female homosexual, a guidance law student, however now those women are saved, and become attorneys at law instead, with the haze artists kicked out on the streets, to be supported by their home countries; where their language is garbled, without the UN Law Academy to assist them. Suspecting their famous friend, "Riker", but not the cad, "Xanatos", they are in a state of misery, losing their top volunteer envoys, "The United Nations Mossad", and other Persian Jews, to the streets, with famous investments like Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks Coffee, the "barista" job, a share owner in the Vietnamese coffee trade, shut down. No longer can Reagan Foundation purchases of businesses occur, for those little yellow girls, "Hello Kitty". Now, the kitty can't eat human flesh, a dead drama club champion; "cat", in the Chinese boneless spare ribs.
"Bowfinger": The end to the internet supremacy of France and Israel, with the recovery of women marked with disabilities through claimed "household accidents", actually Apple technology from Steve Jobs, employed on timed circuits for the "Holocaust History Museum", the radio promotions industry; "the champagne room". All those stolen children from police officer fathers, taken to strip clubs in prison towns, returned to the life meant for them, that of euthanization, and their fathers freed from their long duty, no longer victims of the National Hockey League and the radio promo guys, "Bobby Brown", his ballad made famous by Frank Zappa, the man himself. Now, lesbian marriages to men are over, and women can marry whom they presume to choose, without mob threats from Sheriffs Unions, B'nai B'rith, and we can return to some semblance of life; the days of MUSH, are over. 4chan, is gone, and 8chan, is the future, of the modern internet, where nobody pays attention if you post on "chan", the Waters Foundation; you wanted the Holocaust, Islam; Small Penis Humiliation.
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sinoseo · 5 months
What types of tooling are available for cnc gasket cutting machine?
CNC gasket cutting machines use various types of tooling to accurately cut gasket materials into specific shapes and sizes. The choice of tooling depends on factors such as the type of gasket material, the desired cut quality, and the complexity of the gasket design.
Here are some common types of tooling used in CNC gasket cutting machines:
Steel Rule Dies: Steel rule dies, also known as flat dies or cutting dies, consist of a wooden or acrylic base with steel cutting rule inserted into it. These dies are used for cutting soft and flexible gasket materials, such as rubber, cork, and foam. Steel rule dies are cost-effective and versatile, allowing for the creation of custom shapes and intricate designs.
Rotary Dies: Rotary dies are cylindrical cutting tools with cutting blades or teeth mounted on their surface. They are used for cutting continuous or long-length gasket materials, such as rubber strips or extrusions. Rotary dies can achieve high cutting speeds and are suitable for mass production of gaskets with repetitive shapes.
Waterjet Cutting Heads: Waterjet cutting heads use a high-pressure jet of water mixed with abrasive particles to cut through gasket materials. Waterjet cutting is versatile and can be used to cut a wide range of materials, including rubber, plastic, metal, and composite materials. It produces clean, precise cuts with minimal heat-affected zones, making it suitable for delicate or heat-sensitive gasket materials.
Laser Cutting Heads: Laser cutting heads use a focused laser beam to cut through gasket materials with high precision and speed. Laser cutting is ideal for cutting thin and intricate gasket designs, as well as materials with high tensile strength, such as graphite or compressed non-asbestos sheets. Laser cutting produces clean edges and allows for tight nesting of parts to minimize material waste.
Rotary Blade Cutting Heads: Rotary blade cutting heads consist of rotating blades that cut through gasket materials as the cutting head moves along the material. These cutting heads are suitable for cutting softer materials, such as foam or rubber, and can accommodate thicker gasket materials than steel rule dies. Rotary blade cutting heads are often used in combination with CNC routers or oscillating knife cutting machines.
Oscillating Knife Cutting Heads: Oscillating knife cutting heads use a vibrating blade to cut through gasket materials. The oscillating motion reduces friction and heat buildup, resulting in clean and precise cuts. Oscillating knife cutting is suitable for a wide range of gasket materials, including foam, rubber, cork, and felt.
Punching Tools: Punching tools use a hydraulic or pneumatic mechanism to punch out gasket shapes from sheet materials. These tools are suitable for cutting simple shapes and hole patterns in gasket materials such as rubber, cork, and non-metallic sheets. Punching tools are often used in combination with CNC punch presses or turret punch machines.
These are some of the common types of tooling used in CNC gasket cutting machines. The choice of tooling depends on factors such as the type of gasket material, the desired cut quality, production volume, and cost considerations. Each type of tooling offers advantages and limitations, and selecting the appropriate tooling is essential for achieving optimal cutting results in gasket manufacturing.
What safety certifications should automatic gasket cutting machine adhere to?
Automatic gasket cutting machines should adhere to relevant safety certifications and standards to ensure the safety of operators, compliance with regulations, and quality assurance. Some of the key safety certifications and standards applicable to automatic gasket cutting machines include:
CE Marking: The CE marking indicates compliance with European Union (EU) safety, health, and environmental protection standards. Automatic gasket cutting machines sold or used within the EU must adhere to the Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC) and meet essential health and safety requirements outlined in Annex I of the directive.
UL Listing: Underwriters Laboratories (UL) is a global safety certification company that evaluates products for compliance with safety standards. UL listing signifies that the automatic gasket cutting machine meets specific safety requirements and has undergone testing and evaluation by UL.
ANSI/OSHA Standards: The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) establish safety standards and regulations for machinery and equipment used in the United States. Automatic gasket cutting machines should comply with relevant ANSI/OSHA standards, such as ANSI B11 series standards for machine safety.
ISO 12100: ISO 12100 is an international standard that specifies principles for risk assessment and risk reduction associated with machinery safety. Automatic gasket cutting machines should adhere to ISO 12100 principles to ensure that hazards are identified, evaluated, and mitigated through appropriate safety measures.
ISO 13849: ISO 13849 is an international standard that specifies safety-related parts of control systems, including requirements for the design and validation of safety-related functions. Automatic gasket cutting machines should comply with ISO 13849 to ensure the integrity and reliability of safety-related control systems.
ISO 14119: ISO 14119 is an international standard that specifies requirements for interlocking devices and their associated guard systems to prevent access to hazardous areas. Automatic gasket cutting machines may incorporate interlocking devices as part of their safety systems to prevent operator injuries.
NFPA 79: NFPA 79 is a standard for electrical safety in industrial machinery published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Automatic gasket cutting machines should comply with NFPA 79 requirements for electrical safety to prevent electrical hazards and ensure safe operation.
EN 60204-1: EN 60204-1 is a European standard that specifies safety requirements for electrical equipment of machinery. Automatic gasket cutting machines should comply with EN 60204-1 to ensure the safety of electrical systems and components.
ISO 9001: While not specifically a safety certification, ISO 9001 is an international standard for quality management systems. Manufacturers of automatic gasket cutting machines may be certified to ISO 9001, indicating their commitment to quality and continuous improvement processes.
Adherence to these safety certifications and standards demonstrates the manufacturer's commitment to producing safe and reliable automatic gasket cutting machines. Additionally, it provides assurance to operators, employers, and regulatory authorities that appropriate safety measures have been implemented to minimize risks associated with machine operation.
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leakpack · 6 months
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metamoonshots · 11 months
[ad_1] The specter of on-line censorship is actual and an ever-expanding risk to our freedom of speech and affiliation. Earlier than the creation of the Web, the way in which most individuals related was by their group. Locations reminiscent of moose lodges, rotary golf equipment, union halls, automotive golf equipment, Boy Scouts, and Lady Scouts had been the first methods individuals in the identical group might get collectively and arrange round a shared sense of rules and goal.These days appear quaint and from our very distant previous. Assembly individuals this manner was the norm till the early Nineties, which isn't way back when you concentrate on it. With the creation of the Web, individuals have relied much less and fewer on in-person social networking and opted to start out networking on the Web.It’s not like you'll be able to blame individuals for adopting a brand new instrument that makes life simpler. As a baby of the '90s, I keep in mind utilizing America On-line (AOL) and the horrible 56K modem to connect with the Web. Again then, you may actually hear your pc connecting to the Web. In case you are a millennial or older, you'll know what I’m speaking about. :)I keep in mind the primary chatrooms when all you wanted was a username and a chat you needed to leap into. Fully unfiltered, uncooked, and new. Nobody knew what would turn out to be of this expertise, however we knew it was cool and thrilling. No on-line censors had been filtering for “hateful” content material or highly effective algorithms designed to maintain you hooked into chatrooms. It was only a instrument to have enjoyable and join.Whereas the Web has been a internet constructive for the world and society, it did include some drawbacks. It has taken away from the sense of group we had earlier than the Web. You'll be able to go searching and see everybody watching their telephones. No natural conversations are happening round you. Everyone seems to be comfortable residing in a digital jail of their very own making.If you wish to know why everyone seems to be feeling disconnected from one another regardless that we reside in probably the most hyper-connected time in historical past, the Web and smartphones are on the root of the issue.Loneliness EpidemicConsider it or not, America is within the midst of a loneliness epidemic. Nearly 50 percent of Americans have reported experiences of loneliness. Do you know the mortality affect of loneliness is just like smoking 15 cigarettes a day?Inside this 50 % of Individuals reporting feeling lonely are numerous Bitcoiners. As early adopters of Bitcoin, it might appear to be you might be on an island alone with nobody to speak to about Bitcoin and the way it will change the world regardless that you might be surrounded by individuals you understand and love.Bitcoin adjustments you and the way you see the world to the purpose that it's arduous to narrate to popular culture or BS across the water cooler about final night time's recreation. You understand how f’d up the world is and perceive what the federal government is doing to the cash and society at massive. Speaking about sports activities or the newest present simply appears trivial now, doesn’t it?Nobody exterior of the Bitcoin group can actually relate to this worldview. It turns into very isolating for those who don’t have a buddy who can vibe with you on that stage.Because of this many people search for a group on-line for connection. Discovering individuals who can relate to you on Bitcoin Twitter is way simpler than discovering somebody in your local people. Bitcoin Twitter is cool and enjoyable to work together with individuals there, but it surely’s not the identical as sitting in the identical room with a fellow Bitcoiner, consuming a beer, and nerding out about Bitcoin for a few hours. You CAN’T substitute that in real-life expertise with digital.We'd like that in a real-life sense of group if Bitcoin goes to achieve the long term. Strictly being
a group that solely exists on-line makes the motion simpler to regulate, divide, surveil, and conquer. Because the greenback's worth continues to hyperinflate into oblivion, the very last thing the powers that be need is for robust communities of Bitcoiners banding collectively to indicate individuals how Bitcoin is a greater cash and a greater financial system to arrange society.When the federal government feels threatened by Bitcoin and the central financial institution digital forex involves fruition, being able to transact domestically with Bitcoiners can be extremely vital for you and your loved ones. Along with financial tyranny, digital censorship will come down like a hammer on X (Twitter), Fb, Instagram, and so forth., to regulate the narrative that society follows. The one factor that may’t be censored is face-to-face interactions. They will’t cease you from sharing your information with others in your native communities.Growing the social layer of Bitcoin is extremely vital and a mission that Orange Capsule App has taken to coronary heart.The Social Layer Is Censorship ResistantThe social layer of Bitcoin is what makes Bitcoin, Bitcoin, if you concentrate on it. With out the social layer, Bitcoin is nothing however a protocol, however whenever you overlay the social layer on high of Bitcoin, the true energy of Bitcoin is to vary how we work together with the world and one another.Whereas centralized platforms reminiscent of X (Twitter) have gotten us this far, it's time to embrace true freedom tech to keep away from the all-encompassing censorship that continues to creep into our lives. Nostr is freedom tech that I urge Bitcoiners to make use of as an alternative of centralized platforms like X, however getting on the Orange Capsule App is one of the simplest ways to construct the social layer in your local people, thus making Bitcoin even stronger.The federal government can’t cease you from speaking to your folks, household, neighbors, and strangers about Bitcoin. If you meet individuals in actual life, friendships are likely to kind, new enterprise partnerships are created, and all the pieces improves. When issues get robust, that is the social community which you can genuinely depend on. Join right this moment; it’s tremendous easy and simple to make use of. You'll be able to even host your individual occasions! You will notice that you're not the lone Bitcoiner in your space and begin to make buddies and new connections.An orange tablet a day retains loneliness away!Yow will discover me on nostr: npub1cl4deuxsxk2ldqgq85q9xfn898253qjyfcrcnkqd2wdks7ppu43qn0gu8kIt is a visitor submit by Robert Corridor. Opinions expressed are solely their very own and don't essentially mirror these of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Journal. [ad_2]
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Replacing bath faucets with a single handle
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A bathtub faucet is not as easy to replace as a sink faucet, especially if you want to replace your two-handle faucet with a single handle. Among the difficulties you will encounter are removing part of the wall to access the faucets and patching the unused holes in the wall after installing the new handle. The procedure is easier if your bathroom's designer had the foresight to include an access panel for the bath fixtures. When it comes to patching up unused holes, a cover plate may be just what you need.
Turn off the water in the bathtub. If you can't find a specific shut-off valve, turn off the water for the entire house. Be prepared to turn off the water until you install the new faucet valve.
Remove all of the tub trim, i.e., the handles, the hardware - the plates around the handles - and the tub spout, using adjustable locking pliers and a screwdriver. You may need a handle puller to loosen the hard-to-remove handles from the valve stems. Unscrew the spout with the locking pliers, being careful not to scratch it.
Remove the access panel on the other side of the tub wall to access the valves and pipes. If you have one, find it on the opposite side of the wall behind the tub or in an adjacent closet. If you can't find them in the bathroom, look in the closet of the adjoining room.
This large metal plate covers the holes left by the two faucet handles. It allows you to create a cutout between the faucet shafts to access the piping and valves in the wall. Trace the outline of the plate on the wall with a pencil so that it covers the holes in the two handles and the access area. Using a drill, drill a starting hole about 1.8 cm from the drawn line from which to cut. Insert the tip of a reciprocating saw or rotary tool into the drilled hole to cut out the wall, staying 1.8 cm from the line as the rubber lip of the rosette will need something to lean against. If the walls are tile, make the cuts with a rotary tool or saw with a diamond blade, removing just enough tile to install the valve within the line created.
Make the cuts at a distance of at least 15 cm from the valve. If the valve is connected to the pipes by unions, unscrew the unions with two small pipe wrenches, holding the pipe with one wrench and turning the union nut with the other. This also applies to the valve rods attached to the old unit.
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