#When someone makes some rude posts on a blog that didn't even have shit to do with you
theglizzardwizard · 1 year
😐 are you for real?
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cordeliawhohung · 5 months
I saw a reblog of the anonymous ask someone sent you about using character ai, and someone responded saying something about how it’s disgusting to even ask that, which is a liiiitle harsh, but I digress.
The issue here, is that there are more people who don’t understand what AI is doing than people who do understand.
ChatGPT, Open AI, Character AI, Gemini, etc ALL steal from published works on the internet. It cannot be prevented, no one can stop it from happening.
I’m not an artist & I don’t publish my writing, but I do genuinely care about the artists and writers who are having their work stolen and receiving absolutely zero credit.
Please, please, please, do not put someone’s work into AI.
If you want to create a character, or a storyline & use character ai, by all means, go for it. But PLEASE, don’t disrespect or disregard these artists by feeding their work into an AI. It completely diminishes all of the hard work they put into their art.
oh boy, nothing like having a post you made in fucking january suddenly gain a fuck ton of attention lmao.
while i understand where you're coming from, i think you completely missed the main point of my response to that anon.
1: i literally explained that ai steals work to that anon. i said it's a pale imitation of what a real human would write. that it takes works that people put so much effort into and regurgitates it out. i told them not to put stuff into ai. i informed them, and i wasn't rude about it either. emotional, maybe, but i wasn't being rude.
2: the main issue i had with that anon, besides the ai grossness, was the insinuation that i'm not "creating enough content" for them. "the readers can interact more with the characters" comment from them really grinds my gears. even if ai didn't steal from creators, and it wasn't a godawful abomination, them wanting me to put my ideas and works into something that they can interact with that isn't through me completely disregards the entire purpose of me having this blog in the first place. which i ALSO explained to them. why would i want to put my work into a 3rd party source and not interact with my followers when that's literally my favorite part of creating? bonding and talking about the shit i put effort into? i had every right to be upset about that, and so does every other writer.
3: i have no control how people reblog my posts. so idk why you're coming in my inbox about what someone else reblogged, really, just to tell me everything that i've already explained to that anon. i know who you're talking about too, because they're a mutual of mine, and honestly, i agree with them. it's disgusting to suggest someone should put something into a third party source so they don't have to wait for me to "churn out works" or whatever. i know people aren't well informed. which is why i informed them on that post and left it at that. i also explained why it's frustrating to receive asks like that, to hopefully prevent them from doing that again.
also, while i have whoever is reading this, i'd also like to mention that the anon who sent that ai ask sent a response back (that i didn't bother to respond to because i wasn't trying to make this a thing) somewhat apologizing and said they asked me that because other blogs on tumblr were doing it too. don't do that. don't assume that just because some people are doing x thing, that means you can suggest it to someone else. it's rude, and comparing blogs is just frustrating in itself.
anyway. i will not be making this a thing. do not come into my inbox debating the ethics of ai or whatever, as i will simply not entertain it. (:
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thought--bubble · 5 months
Taking a little breaky break
This is just a heads up for my small little group of people on here. I have come to call my friends. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm going to be taking a much needed respite from tumblr and probably discord, too. I am feeling lost, sad,overwhelmed, and confused.
I know it sounds silly or whatnot, but all of this stuff is overwhelming and depressing, and I feel sick when I open this app at this point.
The best word to use, I guess, would be winded, maybe?
I joined Tumblr in Sept 23, and at first, it was really fun, a much needed escape from my daily never-ending list of crap to do.
I unfortunately learned how crazy this fandom can get early on and the hard way. I had hoped that that was just a one-off due to my newbie ignorance and took it as a lesson learned for myself.
But it's starting to feel like the drama never fucking stops. It just keeps going, and nice people, kind people, just get dragged and ridiculed for seemingly no reason. I will pathetically admit that I am a sensitive soul, and the things I've read and seen have seriously negatively affected me.
When people are catty regarding people they don't like or that don't like them, I can usually reconcile that to a particular degree. People are, in fact, people. Not everyone is going to vibe with everyone, and people will make jokes at others' expense, and it isn't exactly mature, but it happens.
That is what I expected when I heard this was coming. Some catty shit slinging between people who don't like each other.
But that isn't all this was, and I'm having a really hard time with that. I even thought, "Oh maybe some moderately rude jokes here and there where you know cultural differences and stuff could account for that" like I'm from the northeast and we can be harsh out here. So something that may be offensive to someone from another area may be looked at here just as a joke made in poor taste.
I know I myself have made jokes or whatnot, but you would think certain things would be off limits.
I thought I could combat the negative with positives. Silly jokes, little messages filled with love, but even that isn't working at this point.
My heart hurts, and my brain hurts.
And all this stuff has made me question myself. I had a block list a mile long for the longest time. Filled predominantly with people I had never spoken to because I was scared, nervous, I didn't want to accidentally interact with a post of someone who would be upset that I did, I unfollowed blogs I liked based on this same principle. I just desperately did not want to make someone mad or uncomfortable and find myself back in some weird mean anon tornado.
I tried to sus out who would be bothered by my presence and who wouldn't. I can't even know if my thoughts on who may or may not be upset by me were based on my paranoia or a perception i developed or was potentially affected by outside sources.
Now, i just don't know what the hell is going on.
Sorry for the word vomit. Just wanted to be honest. There are some of us out here who are just standing around with question marks over our heads.
Maybe it's because I wasn't here for a lot of that other weirdness. Maybe it's because of early events that shaped my experience on this app, but I for sure 100% need a break.
I'm an odd duck and love this app mostly because it's the only site I've seen where others actively fan-girl over my favorite Ewan character.
But right now, not even my love for Will can keep me on this app, and for those who know me, that's truly saying something.
This post is not meant to badmouth anyone at all. Honestly at this point I couldn't bad mouth anyone because I'm fucking lost on who anyone really is or how they really feel about things, dude I'm just plain lost.
Thank you to those who have been kind. My apologies to those I may have judged or assumed things about based on who the hell knows.
I hope that when I come back, I can open this app without yet another person that I like having a post of them being torn apart. Or a post of a story that I had heard being told in a completely different way and throwing me for a complete loop.
For now I am going to watch Will edits on TikTok and maybe read via Ao3.
Love and healing vibes to all.
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Okay, I have some gripes about the self ship community. I need to get off my chest. This is a long one. Do not derail this, I will block you. Pro.ship and com.ship DO NOT try to interact with this post, I will block you too. I do not have the patience for this today.
Rant/gripes under the read more.
I'm probably going to get shit for this or something, but I'm getting exhausted over this. The self ship community didn't used to be so scary and hateful. What the hell happened?? What happened to being understanding and kind to others who didn't feel comfortable sharing f/os or having doubles? Why the fuck are we dealing with people spreading lies, causing drama and pulling shit because they're mad someone doesn't want to share? Or causing shit because you end up finding out you share with someone, but instead of blocking them and moving on, you start shti instead? You go out of your way to attack them, harass them, give them trauma and make them feel unwelcome all because you couldn't stand the thought of someone else sharing an f/o instead of using the block button and the black list function that are right there. All because you couldn't respect someone's boundaries.
Why the hell are we being racist or ableist to each other for no other reason besides "I don't like them"? That doesn't give you the right to be cruel to someone because they're a different race or have a mental or physical disability they can not control. There's never an excuse to be out here being so hateful to someone because you feel like you're allowed to say a word or term that you have no right saying or reclaiming just because you want to drag someone down.
And then there are people who question if others' sexualites are valid or not because of the gender of fictional characters they're interested in??? When the hell did we decide that was a "good" idea to do any of this?? Then you have the audacity to claim they aren't valid enough to be considered their own sexuality or gender because they're not good enough for you? Why the hell would you think this is okay?? Does it make you feel better about yourself?? Because it shouldn't. And if it does? You need to take a moment and ask yourself why.
And don't even get me started on the fact that we have to deal with so many pro.shippers and com.shippers in this community. Especially ones that try to lie about it, hide it, and disrespect other's boundaries. We already have to deal with enough toxic bullshit in this community enough as it is, and now we have to deal with these people as well.
It's already hard enough to thrive and grow in this community enough as it is due to the whole fact that unless you're popular or ship with a popular character or have a more appealing and attractive art style compared to others, you don't get much interactions at all. It's a struggle enough in this community for small blogs. We don't need to add on all of this hate to it.
All of this is exhausting and frustrating. I remember when it used to be fun and welcoming, and when we tried to uplift each other, give each other a boost and respected other people's wishes and boundaries. What the hell happened?? When did this all change?? If you're uncomfortable sharing, you're valid, but please don't be so rude and disrespectful to others over it. The block button and the black list function are available to us. It applies to basically everything. Someone rubs you the wrong way, or you don't want to interact with them? Block them. You don't like a person? Block them. Don't like a ship that involves a character you don't like? Black list the tag. It's that simple. I really wish we didn't have all of this hatred happening right now. I really wish this community wasn't so scary and cause so much anxiety for people. Self shipping is supposed to be about having fun and for your own comfort. What happened? What happened to this community?? We need to fix this. People have left the community because of all of this or have been driven out by others over this. This has to stop. We have to do something. I know I myself am just one person, and I'm just a small blog, but it doesn't mean I can't use my voice to an extent.
Thank you for reading. Thank you for taking a moment to listen. Hopefully, this community will improve soon.
Have a good day.
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holybibly · 21 days
Hi. I just wanted to say thank you so much for being kind and gentle even when you don't agree with someone's opinion. I just sent someone an anonymous ask about my personal views on shipping idols with eachother and my point was skewed in the post. They took it the wrong way and thought I was being homophobic. One of their followers commented on the post and started being really vulgar towards the anon (me) and the person I asked was being passive aggressive towards the end of their response to me. Anyways now I'm crying becuse I didn't mean to upset anyone and said in my post I was not commenting on anything they did at all. I really looked up to their blog and nowi don't feel welcome there. I sent them a second post trying to clear up my original points.
Sorry for trauma dumping I'm just glad your blog is a safe place for everyone and you treat everyone with respect. I'm a new atiny and this community just makes me feel really safe. (It was an SKZ blog)
Thank you for caring about people even if they aren't your bunnies!
Oh baby, I'm so sorry that happened to you, I hope you're feeling better now.
I don't think it really matters whether you're my bunny or not. Even though I only write for Ateez, I've been in the K-pop community for a long time and I've been in a lot of fandoms and experienced a lot of things. By the way, if anyone doesn't know, the group that introduced me to K-pop was Shinee, and I've been around for so long that I was there for the debut of EXO and most of the other groups.
I would also like to say that I try to describe the members in as much detail as possible so that even those fans who are not familiar with our boys can enjoy reading my work. I welcome all fandoms to my bunny kingdom.
As for my disagreements on some issues. I always emphasise that I am expressing my personal opinion and it is absolutely fine if someone disagrees with it. The same goes for my ffs, I am personally open to a huge amount of different perverted shit, and my list of warnings is quite extensive and detailed, so I am always surprised when someone writes to say that it was unpleasant or that I should add more warnings, turning the fanfic into one continuous red flag.
If you do not like it or feel uncomfortable - do not read it, you are consciously exposing yourself to something that will make you uncomfortable and disgusted after reading it.
It also annoys me a little that in a world that defends "one's own opinion", we are criticised and insulted for having the courage to disagree with the general opinion. And even if you are supposedly homophobic, that is your right, but you should not insult someone for it. There are different people, cultures, upbringings and religious beliefs, we have to be able to accept different points of view.
Let me tell you a personal story. One of my best friends is an ardent homophobe, but at the same time I know that she was brought up in a very strict religious family and it is quite difficult for her to perceive the world outside the traditional biblical canon. But this does not prevent me from communicating with her, I respect her opinion and try not to bring up the subject in our communication. We can communicate with people who are completely different from us and who have different views of the world around us. But for some reason, if your opinion is different, the crowd jumps on you with insults. I am so disgusted by this.
So I want to create a safe and maximally tolerant community where we can be who we really are, and even if we don't agree with someone's opinion, we can always express our thoughts in a gentle and respectful way.
Please, bunnies, be aware that I will not tolerate rudeness or disrespect on the blog, either towards me or my bunnies.
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kharmii · 4 months
not sure if you have noticed but there is someone in the submas tag whacking the beehive with some mean sounding posts and honestly I think it's hilarious and I'm all in for it.
The fandom bullies need to be pushed off their high horses and brought back to reality that they are just some rude bullies on the internet harrassing people for having a different opinion on fictional characters
And honestly the person is also right: they are frustrated because Ingo in LA took a lot of the shine off the original cast of the game. It is a tragedy he's there but it's also a shame the other cast gets sidelined so much.
And the fandom makes it difficult for others to enjoy the content. It's basically that bird meme with the crow being submas fandom being so obnoxious and loud the other part of the LA fandom gets totally overshadowed.
And I say this as a submas fan. I love the twins a lot. But the fandom is on the brink of becoming unbearable. At least the loud annoying obnoxious part, I actually think the "unpopular" side is much more calm, chill and friendly. And much less in your face.
The fandom needs to get down off their high horse and become a more calm fandom again.
I didn't get along with either side of the fandom, and truth be told, I think a lot of them are the same group of cowards and hypocrites playing politics. This fandom is smaller than I thought. Recently, someone on the crazytrain tag inadvertently let me in on the spice Twitter of one of the very first antis who blocked me. The twitter has 'Proshitters DNI' on their pinned post, (hurr durr durr, get it? Pro SHITTERS. How cleever..) and yet the whole blog is full of fat furries with top surgery scars. FOR SURE that person has a blankshipping side blog FOR SURE.
Side note: I'm into men, but Rule 63 isn't bad if the female version is hot. There's nothing grosser, however, than seeing a male character made into a fat gross furry with top surgery scars and a vagina. IDC about your trans representation. That's GROSS. IDG why trans is such a prevalent social contagion when it's represented in a way that makes me throw up in my mouth a lil like, ..ew..ew..ew..ew..EWWW!!1!1 Why would you wreck him like that?!
Nobody on earth wants to see that shit unless they are into that specific fetish. I doubt even trans males want to see that shit. Hey, you want to be a real male, right? That's the ideal right? Then represent yourself as an actual male and not a gross looking morbidly obese mutilated biological female with a rank dog's head. Fandom is supposed to be escapism, so spare me your harsh, repulsive reality.
Anyway, not only does that person have a side blog, but I'll bet they were on the blankshipping tag putting the most stupid of stupidest head canons out there, like 'RICH WIDOW OMEGAVERSE INGO, YO!!' Where Omega Ingo is yeeted to Hisui, and everybody assumes his alpha (his own brother) is dead because his werewolf bite mark is fading. Everybody in Hisui is pressuring him into choosing a new mate so he can crank out a litter of ass-puppies from his bunge-womb and save Hisuian society from a population crash (Omegaverse totally isn't dog-fucking, but like all the terminology is dog-related).
Almost everybody in the blankshipping tag was into Omegaverse or general werewolf bullshit, so don't even act like you don't know what I'm referencing unless you joined this fandom last week. Other than that, it was annoying when people would use their autism to be obnoxiously antisocial (I only want 'likes' or conversations in tags), or like when people had an issue with me reposting slim beautiful bishounen twins from Asian artists off Pixiv or Twitter. People have been doing that since Tumblr began, -there are entire blogs devoted to it- and yet it only became a problem when I started doing it.
*checks* I think I found the blog this ask was referencing. It's a fun blog because it gets people talking. That and Emmet month has the fanart picking up. My drafts are packed. There's a lot I disagree with though, like how Ingo overshadows the other characters and makes them less relevant. Actually, people being into the Train Twins might make the PLA characters MORE relevant. PLA might have been a forgettable game to some people, but love for submas angst made the other characters grow on them.
Also, they complain that the PLA tags on AO3 are either full of Train Clown fics or Volo x underaged Akari. In the absence of the twins, Volo x Akari would be the ONLY thing you'd see on AO3. You'd probably see even less of the other characters. The Volo betrayal might be the most interesting part of the game for most people. -So many people got taken in by how he pretended to be your friend, tried to get Giratina to kill you, then made you feel sorry for him at the end.
That last part was a guess, btw. I've read very little of both Submas and Volo fan fiction on AO3 outside of the specific ships I'm into, and I've read very little of those too. Most fan fiction comes across as dismal and unpleasant, so I make sure not to read it. That's the responsible thing to do. If you read something in a description you don't like, then don't read it. IE: Not once have I ever clicked on an Omegaverse after holding the bridge of my nose and reading the description of what it is. It's still fun to take the piss though, like....hey maybe people would write more Adaman x Irida -or- Commander Kamado x Beni if there wasn't so much RICH WIDOW INGO MAKES A NEST TO PLANT HIS ASS-PUPPIES INTO11!!1!!!
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Art credit: ばた@bataabiiru Twitter.
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bittyfromquotev · 5 days
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Didn't want email notifications but sure here we go. I can't tell if you're being willfully ignorant or not, but I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt. Also from looking at your responses, just wanted to let you know that was 3 different people on anon there. I was the one telling you "probably" is still an accusation. Those other two were not me, though I'm pretty sure the anon who used bold italics was likely the person who first send you the dot points ask after the rude quotev anon.
If you're old enough to pull the "I'm a minor" card then you're old enough to know what you've done is wrong or questionable. I've seen this a couple times where you throw your minor status around where it's completely irrelevant. Being a minor isn't a get out of jail free card in case you didn't know.
You tend to assume every criticism is "assuming your intentions" or aren't valid because they "don't know you". That doesn't mean anything when your actions have consequences and you post them publicly for people to make judgements on. You are on social media, nothing you do here is ever truly private and any expectation that people won't view your blog is naïve.
Your behavior is attention seeking. You say you don't want to be in the drama, but you keep talking about it and stirring the pot and then get upset when you're inevitably brought back into the drama. You say things in a way that implies you want the gore anons to harass you. This is attention seeking behavior and it doesn't even have to be intentional. This is not me saying you as a person are an attention seeker, it is me saying that the things you say display attention seeking behaviors. There is a difference. I also find it concerning that you are, even perhaps jokingly, inviting a harassment group to do the same to you.
"Start telling them 'like a teach(er) or parent' how to act. No one likes a social dictator." To that anon? Way to completely not read what I said at all. I said that just because you're a minor doesn't mean people can't call you out for shit, *like teachers and parents do* as an example. You wouldn't pull the minor card on them, would you? No, because it means and accomplishes nothing other than telling someone you're young.
Not everyone who is rude or doesn't agree with your beliefs or actions is a gore anon or supporter. You do not deserve to be harassed, no one does. Which is why you shouldn't throw accusations like that around lightly. It's invalidating to the people who actually had to suffer from them. It dilutes the problem and makes it harder to actually know who the gore anons target and how they act because suddenly everyone is a gore anon or supports them. There are 3 main gore anons that have identified themselves, and they all have distinct ways of typing, which is how people have started to recognize some people in the group.
You constantly say not to assume your intentions, well what about you? Did you not also assume the intentions of people? That sort of thing is why this drama got started in the first place, because people *assumed the intentions* of people. To clarify, this *is not me saying this is your fault*. Let that not be twisted. I am talking about the general actions of several individuals throughout all this drama.
Anyway, hope the rest of your week goes well!
Thank you for letting me know that it was multiple people. Let’s go over this again.
As I explained, I did not pull the “I’m a minor” card to get out of stuff. I said it because I didn’t know what to say to the anon that was initially rude as fuck. I’m not trying to excuse ANYTHING with being a minor.
You seem to only be looking at this specific trend of asks, which mind you, is basically OPENLY agreeing with someone telling me to get the fuck of the Internet. I know my actions have consequences. I’m not saying people’s criticisms aren’t valid, though I can see where you’re coming from. I’m just saying that I didn’t ask for criticisms on my actions. Judge me all you want, I just don’t want people telling me stuff when I didn’t ask for advice/criticism.
This is actually something I can give you credit for. However, the Gore Anons themselves haven’t got near me, but they’ve gone near my friends. I do that because I find it ridiculous how they won’t talk to ME but will shit on my friends. Of course, I’m not saying that my friends suffering is funny, I’m just saying that I’m a little baffled as to why they haven’t come to me after so long of me defending my friends and antagonizing the Gore Anons.
Dude idek what you want me to say here. We’re just saying that I have not asked for criticism from a stranger. And I already explained the minor card thing in point 1.
Okay you got me there. That comment was unnecessary. See how I’m taking accountability here? Yeah.
Again, this has only happened once or twice. If you’d look at my ask tag, you’d see that a few time I state that I TRY MY BEST not to assume people’s intentions. I respond to things that I have done with something, then follow it with “it’s not an excuse but this is happening”. Plus, if I ever DO assume people’s intentions, it’s because of what their intentions have been towards my friends and strangers in the past.
I did not invite random, unsolicited criticism from strangers. If I wanted criticism, I would have just said “okay” and moved on.
Also, how am I just NOT SUPPOSED TO BE PISSED when I get ROPED INTO DRAMA that doesn’t even have to do with me!
I’m not gonna block you unless you send another ask like this. I hope you have a good rest of your week as well/gen
EDIT: I also think that if I was really undermining victims (which I’m not) then my friends who are/were victims would have either blocked me or called me out on it. Neither has happened.
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0junemeatcleaver0 · 1 year
Anonsense: A Deconstruction of a Bad Faith Argument
I honestly don't know why I'm even posting this. Will it be helpful for people who don't know how to immediately clock a bad faith argument? The people pleasers who might feel compelled to answer every anon no matter what? I hope so.
Do I have a bit of a bee in my bonnet after being woken up at 4am because I forgot to silence my phone only to see this bullshit after living through the most stressful week of my fucking life?? Also yes.
Whatever. At best this is a learning moment, at worst it's an opportunity to point and laugh at someone who thinks they deserve a Nobel Peace Prize for failing at being real pussy cunt-cunt in a stranger's inbox.
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I am confused. You haven't watched the show but you hate the show...? Correct! You can, in fact, hate a thing you've only gotten a taste of. I saw the trailer (you know, the thing networks release to get you interested in a show?) and didn't care for what they were doing. That opinion was only cemented when I saw the ridiculous clip of Louis chasing a fucking goat around.
Something fans of colour especially black fans talk of so enthusiastically and fondly? You're right, VC fans of color are all a monolith and all enjoy the show. And the fact that I--a rando white person--hate the show is mortally wounding to them all. This is in no way infantalizing to fans of color, to imply that I somehow have enough power as some random person to ruin their good time by making posts about how silly I think this show is--posts I don't tag so that fans of the show don't have to see them.
And these fans aren't always show onlies. I know. I've talked to a few of them. They seem nice.
Idk if this ask is going to come off as bait Yes you do. You absolutely know that. And if you didn't know that, that was your clue to go back to the drawing board re: how to phrase what you meant in a good faith way.
-think of it as you will How kind of you. Thanks for the permission.
but this...you realize this comes off as some type of way, don't you? Only to the people who are actively looking to be upset, yes. And I don't care about those people. They are not of my concern.
You have had an ask that you published where the anon says they don't care that "certain demographics" of people are loving AMC. That's very very sus. 'Very very sus'. Am I suddenly on Twitter? Anyway. You do realize that book-only fans are constantly accused of belittling all show fans no matter what we say, right? That it's much more likely that anon said "certain demographics" meaning "the fraction loud, obnoxious fans who will accuse you of being immoral for not liking the show" and "people who never read the books and have nothing to compare it to" and not as some dogwhistle to mean "fans of the global majority", right? Also, my memory is shit. I may have used that phrase and if so, see the above reasoning for why I used it but also if I didn't: Why am I being held accountable for a random person's choice of wording?? I'm not anon's mom.
I don't particularly care if you answer or not. I'm sure. That's why you wrote an essay in my inbox. To not get a response.
If you block. I did. Fuck outta here.
I just had to put it there. Did you? What was the goal in this? Do you even know?
Maybe this is rude as per tumblr etiquettes. It's pretty rude regardless, but hey what do I know. I'm no Emily Post.
But this was just so odd as I am new to both the book and show fandom and while going through blogs I found yours So what I'm hearing is you're missing a lot of context for what's been going on around here and you've not realized that, is what I'm hearing. And you're either purposefully ignoring of didn't wait to find the many, many posts I've made detailing why I personally think the show is bad, why I think the white cishet frat bro turned wanna be auteur showrunner is doing a bad job of including characters of color in the text, the reblogs of fans of color who have brought up similar points, etc?
Stretch before you reach this hard, anon.
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theteablogger · 11 months
ValancyRedfern here again -- I've been spending some time since Strange Aeon's video down the Andy Blake rabbithole again. And, having now seen again, from a distance, what he tried to pull and have other people pull on his behalf (remember chordak7? I didn't until last night!), I am now pretty convinced that he was behind lying about me. I don't want to publicly bring in the name of the person who believed the lie about me, but it was that I posted something insulting about them. (1/2)
VR 2/2 -- And that I'd then deleted said post. I never deleted posts on that blog. I don't even know what insulting thing I'm supposed to have said. But I didn't do it, and I had no way to prove it. It shook me -- I don't think Andy's brilliant at getting into everyone's mind, just that he's persistent. If you throw enough at someone, something is bound to stick. You know how Abbey said Andy leaves a lot of anger behind? This was so small, comparatively, and I am still FURIOUS.
I had to look back through a couple of people's archives to find that one, but now I remember. For everyone else, "chordak7" was someone who popped up out of nowhere in 2015 (under a different name) and decided they wanted to do some kind of true crime type writing about Andy. They said they were "drawn to dangerous people" and compared themself to Clarice Starling from The Silence of the Lambs. First they contacted Andy himself; then they started asking Andy Awareness blogs very general questions about him, apparently without having read much of anything first. They were very persistent. The bloggers directed chordak7 to particularly informative posts of theirs and warned them that talking to Andy might not be a great idea. When they refused to do interviews, chordak7 got hostile and rude. A couple of months later, they contacted Abbey to apologize and made a weird and awkward attempt to make friends, while persisting in their intention to write about Andy. Abbey understandably was not receptive and chordak7 finally backed off after that, blaming the whole thing on Andy. It was all very strange.
From the interactions I saw between chordak7 and AA bloggers, and what I just read on their blog from that time, I wouldn't be surprised if Andy had been egging them on. They were very angry with him.
I also wouldn't be surprised if Andy were behind that lie about you. Mr. "I never send anons!" was caught sending an inflammatory one about an AA blogger back then, so who knows how many more he sent to stir shit behind the scenes. I don't blame you for being angry.
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bedazzlecunt · 5 months
Does it make you uncomfortable when people ogle you? It's hot in theory but it makes me feel so gross when it happens I get too scared to dress how I want.
i'm assuming this is in reference to the grocery shopping post, and i want to clarify that i wouldn't qualify that (looking at my tits and then looking away) as ogling, as least not in the way the word is usually used. like, i do dress very differently than most people and i don't begrudge people noticing that. i get stared at a lot even when my fits aren't slutty because i'm just fairly alt. i don't really care if i've dressed in a way where my tits are shown off extremely obviously and people notice and look accordingly. at least half the people i caught staring on that trip were clearly not looking in a horny way so much as a surprised one, and the only look i got that made me feel uncomfortable was actually one from a guy who clearly didn't approve and scoffed and rolled his eyes. anyway, this is all to say that people staring at me a bit because i look Fun and Unique doesn't bug me in and of itself so long as they're not treating me differently or etc. i like attention, and i also often end up staring at people who look cool or are hot or both! i've stared at some great asses yknow
that being said, being ogled the way i'd define it sucks and i hate it and it's deeply rude. like, i've definitely been in situations where a stranger is blatantly staring at my tits and i know and they know i know and they just keep doing it. in my experience it often precedes actual harassment which is worse. and, unlike someone who looks out of surprise and then thinks 'tits, nice' but is otherwise normal this type of person's staring is less out of surprise or even appreciation (however rude it may be) and more out of a desire to assert dominance or even shame. it's like the guys who catcall you from their car; they don't actually care that you're hot, they just want to be dicks and dehumanize you. that sorta shit makes me uncomfortable much more than the idea of somebody noticing im hot and that my tits are out and doing a double take about it. and because i am extremely confident, annoying freaks might sometimes make me nervous but they don't ever make me ashamed; they're the problem, not me.
like, this is my kink blog so obvi kink is what i talk about, but i also just sincerely and nonsexually like the bimbo aesthetic. 9/10 when i go out in one of my teeny fits kink is not really on my mind. and i think in an ideal world ppl w tits could wear whatever they want and have their nipples out or etc and nobody would think anything of it, so there's an element of me just like. living my life as normal yknow. i genuinely do forget that nipples n shit are like, a Shock for some folks, cos that sorta shit is so whatever to me
anyway, this is all to say yes i hate being ogled, but i don't really count general looking as being ogled, and sexual harassment of any kind is shitty and awful. there's nothing wrong with not dressing the way u want if u know doing so is gonna make ur anxious or, worse, unsafe, tho! your happiness matters more than ur aesthetic!
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demonicintegrity · 7 months
Watching from the sidelines as photomatt makes a fool of himself. and I'm just tired.
Listen im not gonna say "i hope someone dies in a car explosion full of hammers" has like, the strongest high ground standing. I'm above that. So may you. But I am gonna say it highlights the double standards pretty well. Are we gonna pretend like half the site wasn't openly wishing for Trump or any sort of alt-right politician to die? Not even like in a cartoony way? Just straight up memes about preparing the crave rave if anyone went? Which was a lot more passionate and strongly motivated than this? I watch so many people get straight up nazis in their askbox. I see so many bigots remake blogs without a sweat if they're even deleted in the first place. Misinformation and racist memes abound. But this small thing gets someone and all their blogs nuked off the website? Okay. Sure. Yeah. That tracks.
Hell, the fact no one can even tag him now shows a special standard. Wdym none of us can blocked being mentioned by others but the specialist ceo can because he's getting flamed for his own double standards? We can actually, its just buried in my settings I didn't know was possible until writing this and double checking. LMK if yall knew that was an option cuz I sure as hell didn't. @staff can still be mentioned and replied to on some of their posts, I'm sure some genuis is gonna have the bright idea to bother them even though they have no control over him. Hell, I've seen them being tagged in posts about policies and drama and all that! The ability to bother the working folks is never taken away but the ceo is above that.
(and no, it's not comparable to a kys joke, which I have never and will not ever condone. That's a fucking crime and terrible.)
(And if the average person can't get the police to do anything about the weirdos in their dm's, if celebrities couldn't get the police to help by being stalked by paparazzi, I doubt they're gonna take "someone on the internet I don't know wished I would be dead by a silly way" seriously. They wouldn't even take my roommates bike being stolen on camera seriously. That was a bluff out of his ass and we know it. He just wants to throw around power he doesn't/shouldn't have.)
("I hope X person dies" is harassment at best but not a credible death threat. It's hard to prove any sort of legitimate attempt behind the words. I would know, queer people get told they should be dead all the time and there's nothing that can be done because it's not a threat. I don't even think it was mentioned at him or anything like that, so it wasn't even intended to be seen by him. So yeah.)
And that's what all the outrage is about. It's the double standards. It's about how all these legitimately awful people still stick around because its not hard, but some random queer or otherwise marginalized person will get scrubbed off the face of the Earth because they were a little rude once. Or because they've done nothing at all. Remember when normal-horoscopes' blog got nuked for no fucking reason at all? Have no idea if that blog was ever restored. But man, all those posts unable to be searched for again.
And to be clear, I'm not surprised by this. In the slightest. When have ceo's ever reacted will to the people using their product not giving a shit about them? I may not know the entire story of who this trans women is and her history but like. But this part doesn't shock me. It sucks but its not surprising when Whatever Rich Ceo picks an enemy out of thin air and tries to drag them around as an example. It's happen so many times. I'm not shocked.
Nor does seeing the transphobia spike AGAIN because of it.
It's just exhausted that I set up myself here all comfy and everyone I follow is considering jumping ship again. I doubt I'll ever use any of the tumblr copycats. I got rid of my twitter. I've been putting off making an instagram for forever. If this goes assume your best chance is finding me on discord or by carrier pigeon. And ill be upset as hell because I love tumblr, it's my homebase, and I just set up my art blog here.
Yeah. So none of this is surprising. Disappointing, but not a surprise. You mean the website that regularly thinks any depiction of a queer person deserves a mature label with no ability to really appeal and fight against that, is being mean to a trans person?? Is the sky being blue also shocking??
Yeah whatever. This isn't changing or personally affecting me in any way but like. Man. Sure. Okay. Might as well be an issue on top of the others on this god forsaken webbed cite.
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mouseratz · 8 months
No one is a fat “phobe”. I was fat as a kid too and only up until a couple years ago I wasn’t. I’m skinny but not instagram skinny like normal skinny and after I eat I look like I gained even more weight till I wake up again, like normal. I was fat too the difference is I don’t complain about it online and make it the base of my identity. And you take everything in the worst way, nobody is mad your autistic or fat, but when u do the above things like complain it just is sad. There’s other things to talk and think about. I’m sure it’s not fun thinking about it for you.
Y'know I'll feed a troll a little bit now just because i'm bored. Are you, like, not familiar with the concept of bloating? (Of course your stomach looks bigger when you eat. That's kind of how those work- they stretch to contain your meal while it digests. that's what a stomach does.)
And I'll be pretty obvious for you, get really personal- there was a period in my life where I didn't eat much at all. I did starve myself, though not with the express purpose of being skinny (my anxiety made me feel sick way too often), and I did lose some weight, I'll give you. I ate a meal or less daily, skipping entirely some days, and my stomach hurt all the time, for around two years. The weight loss was noticeable enough that people would comment how good I looked and must've been feeling, even though my mental illnesses were at their peak and I was very close to committing suicide (and would've said as much if they asked. but most people didn't. because I was losing weight, I must've been taking care of myself, right?)
I still, at my absolute skinniest, would be, by BMI, be categorized at the borderline of overweight and obese. Fatness is often genetically determined, there's only a certain range your body will tolerate, simply. We are told otherwise because it sells- it sells weight loss products and extreme diets, and while exercise isn't innately bad, it absolutely pressures people into more extreme routines there, too, and buying more of that shit. It financially benefits a lot of people to say fatness is a disease in of itself to sell cures that really do not do shit. All of the studies we have show that sustained weight loss is INCREDIBLY difficult to achieve past a certain level (no, I'm not linking, because I'm lazy, ill give you that, too), and big fluctuations in weight repeatedly (up and down, often called "yo-yo"-ing or "yoyo dieting") are NOT good for the body (yet, people are still encouraged for the effort, and blamed on being "gluttonous" or "lazy" or "undisciplined" for being unable to keep weight off).
And, past all of that, even if fatness was something that made you sick- how would that justify treating fat people like this? the harassment, the disbelief, the entitlement, for just having people aware of your body? where is the kindness, if you really think we're so suffering? why is it all holier-than-thou condescension?
anon, you seem like you are very new to the idea of fatphobia, which is why I've taken my time to explain anything at all. I would recommend looking into this topic more, but also try to understand how other people feel instead of taking the time out of your day to send rude messages to someone you've never met.
plus, if you scroll through my blog, you'll see a lot more shit posts and discussions about anything else. I like to draw, I make art. I collect toys, and post about that. Have you looked at anything in my profile but the post that got 20k notes & my responses? I am a whole person, I'm just not going to shut up about my fatness or my mental illnesses because they're part of it. This is a picture you've painted wholly for yourself to justify your disgust of something I said.
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twistedapple · 2 years
Hey so I'm not bad-faithing you and I'm not arguing with you either, you're allowed to think what you think and I'm not disagreeing with you, but on that post with Malleus and N Harmonia, I think you should maybe make your own post for those tags? I know you weren't trying to be rude, and I understand the twst fandom is reactionary, but because artists and creators can see tags from reblogs by default now it's not kind to fill tags with criticism that the artist didn't ask for.
Are you the artist?
Are you, a random anon, giving a lecture to a random stranger on internet on how they should post on their own blog?
Are you so pressed that you didn't even check the pinned post where I explicitly say that I do not appreciate when people tell me how to run my blog?
See, I decided last weekend to enable anon again, and it starts with this shit right here. I'm not even criticising the art, which is genuinely cute, I'm expressing a disagreement regarding an opinion. If the artist is hurt by that, man do I wish for them to never set a single foot outside, because I won't be the last person who may disagree with them on something.
Now go lecture someone else, please.
Bisou bisou, gonna disable anon again so if anybody feels brave enough to send that sort of thing, they can keep their name attached to it as well.
To all the other opiniated people feeling like doing that shit: hi I am autistic and yes I just gave my opinion regarding characters HC'd as being autistic. And I dared disagree with that! (Dropping this just in case some people go on a rant about NTs not considering that X character may be autistic, blissfully unaware that NDs also have different opinions. I know how this hellsite and its inhabitants work all too well)
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topguncortez · 2 years
Hey G
I don’t understand why people still think it’s ok coming into your asks and telling you how to write, give a lecture or criticise. As someone that struggles to stick up for themselves I find it really inspiring when you dish out exactly what they deserve.
For me and I’m sure others the kinky stuff you post whether it be in a fic or your thoughts (eg Glen Powell omg what I would let that man do to me) it makes me feel more normal or sexy, I’m not sure how to explain it. Fuck you’ve even given me new ideas. Hope you never feel discouraged because some people can’t help feeling entitled or rude and thanks for sharing.
I love getting advice and taking critiques and ideas. . . when I ask for them. I have a friend who edits most of my work and a beta reader who reads it all. Hell, I even appreciate the NICE anons saying: "hey you spelled this wrong" or "I have a questions about a part."
The thing I don't like is when unsolicited rude ass anons come into my inbox treating me like I'm stupid and trying to tell me how to write. I didn't ask you for your advice. I didn't ask you to critique me. I do my research when it comes to writing. I don't just pull shit outta my ass and call it a good day ESPECIALLY when it comes to writing something like CNC or anything with kinks.
It's taken me a long time to be able to speak up for myself and that comes from being in a toxic fucking fandom for nearly a year and having anons talk about me on other blogs. I don't have the time for it. I am too old for it. and I'm not gonna be a doormat any more.
and thank you for reading my stuff and liking it <3 it means a lot!
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deviantartdramanow · 2 years
ohhhhh boy.
I used to think clubby was just some funny dude who liked to role-play, and when I found him roleplaying with one of my besties, I felt like I wanted to rp with him too, but I guess I didn't want to pop in and ask him if he wanted to rp cuz that would be rude.
and then a year later he sent me a note asking if I wanted to rp with him. I said ok, he asked me what my interests were which was weird? since I could use any interest (except problematic stuff of course) and when he started the rp.
I was excited until he went "ok now I have this character hypnotize this character and make them act like a baby" and then he went on to mention fucking diaper changing on them. and even worse? he chose underage characters for the diaper shit, like Lincoln loud, wednesday Addams, some total drama contestants, I don't recall which one he used, but I do remember they're canonically underage, and of course his 9 year old oc eduard. idk why he made that oc 9 smh
and later on one of my friends called pedoverse out on his discord server after he sent him a note asking to rp, and my friend said he randomly sent a whole lot of people notes asking to rp which is annoying. he also had a channel about him (his discord server had separate channels to rant on problematic users like him) and there a user showed a screenshot about their friend getting uncomfortable after dream wanted to involve teenage twilight sparkle in diapers, and asking "wHy DoN't YoU lIkE pEoPlE wItH sPeCiAl NeEdS"? after the friend said they were uncomfortable.
and speaking of special needs, I am an autistic person myself, and that excuse he made to do disgusting rps with minors and just be a creep in general really fucking offends me. and how he didn't cut ties from that cuck who drew porn of Cassandra and still supported menslady even after reading a comment about her homophobia further describes how he doesn't deserve to be respected on the internet as a whole. so yeah. after seeing the news and him being a fucking creep in my notes, I've lost respect in him.
so dreamiverse if you are reading this: you might think you are innocent and you are being "bOoLiEd" but nobody is bullying you. you bought this upon yourself. you continue to ask everyone including MINORS you meet to change your 9 year old oc's chris chan wannabe diaper and wipe his dirty butthole with their bare hands despite being called out for it on here and on several posts on da and that's why we are calling you a pedophile. and don't fucking play the special needs card, because special needs does not give you an excuse to creep out other people with your diaper bs.
if you never wanted this blog to go after you, then pick out something else to rp with than changing underage character diapers. or at least accept it if people don't want to rp with you. if they don't want to rp with you then find someone else. or better, go to a site for roleplaying, because da is an art site and not an rp site. and if you want to do diaper rp with someone, age check the characters you want to add to the rp (you might want to age up eduard to 18 or make a new oc who is an adult) and make sure you're rping with adults only.
anyways, either clean up your act, nick, or get the hell off the internet and touch grass.
that's all I have to say about this prick.
(won't ask proof for this since you can simply go on his about page and scroll into the comments and you'll see the same fuckin "my name is nick, want to rp in notes or chat???" over and over, and stuff mentioned above is in the pinned post)
-Mod S
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northwest-cryptid · 21 days
Not too long ago I saw a youtube video for some indie vtuber I've never heard of. It appeared in my recommended videos on the front page of my youtube feed and it, somehow changed the way I view all this streaming and video production stuff.
It was simply titled "welcome to my channel" and this alone sparked a sort of thought that ran through my head. It's so similar to the many titles I see for blogs, websites, and various other media that pertains to one's personal media.
I understand this is likely a massive autism moment on my part, but to me; this blog is my personal blog. It's a place for me to post whatever comes to mind, it's not being posted for you, or anyone else. It's being posted because I thought of it, and I'm recording it somewhere. I do not make "content" here, I don't owe anyone anything here, this is for me. It's similar in that respect, to my website. I have a sort of public website, and then a private website. The public one is actually a website I work on with 2 other people who are also learning HTML. It's sort of our public space to learn things and try shit out. Meanwhile my personal website is just that, it's my homepage, it's my personal little corner of the web where I can do whatever I want without being recognized. I don't even give people a link to it, I don't want anyone knowing it's me, or that it exists. I'd be happy if someone stumbles upon it in the far off future and gets to see a glimpse into the past at who I was, and what I enjoyed without any kind of filter or nuance for an audience.
But when it comes to streaming? When it comes to my productions? I focus almost solely on the audience, I hardly ever do something simply because I thought to do it, merely because I wanted to. I do not do things for me the same way I would when blogging or posting on my website.
Why? Well because there's an audience of course.
I mean okay think of it like this, if I'm going to play a game, do I stream it? No. If I'm just playing a game I'm probably watching something or listening to music on my other monitors, I might do the same thing over and over again to grind, I might fuck off and do nothing for 4 hours; I might get tired and go make a coffee before I come back and do something. My audience would likely say "that's fine!" But it's not really much of an entertaining stream then is it?
If I'm playing something, and I know I'm going to stream it, suddenly I need to account for how I'm going to make it interesting, I set up some kind of goal, I go about it in a sense that's fun to watch and follow along with because I'm asking you for your time and you're spending your time on me.
Seeing someone's video titled "welcome to my channel" I put a sort of involuntary emphasis on the "my" this was HER channel, where I assume she does what she wants, and her audience is coming to her channel with that knowledge in a way. I don't know, it made me sit back and reassess how I'm doing things. I've often said if I didn't have to appeal to an audience or a chat I might be able to make some really interesting streams, but that it's hard when I feel a need to entertain and participate in a chat. I can't just shut up and not say anything or ignore my audience that's kinda rude and kinda boring if I'm being real.
Sometimes I won't play things on stream just because I fear it might be too slow or not interesting even though I enjoy it a lot. Sometimes I don't play things on stream because I feel like I'll need to talk a lot and my asthma makes that difficult.
But I also feel like if I sort of had a place to just... do what I wanted when I wanted, without fear of how my audience might feel towards it; maybe they'd get to see me go live more. So I don't know, I've got a lot of thinking to do on that front.
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