#Which alerts jaro
corvidscreams · 5 months
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Cal made a new friend! He’s also small! Boba can’t play too far from the water, but there are lots of interesting things in the tide pools.
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agentrcmedy · 2 years
@griefdestined | starter
Beep. Chocolate wisps fell across the focused visage of a soft, feminine face as fingers wove through the threads of the second half of a poncho. Beep beep. A yawn was stifled, ears tuning out the binary speech of her only companion in their shared green haven as the handiwork continued. Sleep had evaded her for the third night in a row, though she’d be kidding herself if she feigned ignorance as to the cause.
Ten years. It had officially become ten years since the horrific day her entire existence had been thrown on its head. Ten years since her adopted family had been ripped from her in that temple. No matter how many days passed her by, the nightmarish scene still plagued her. Her daily routine became preoccupied with going over every single name of the fallen in her mind as her main purpose to continue surviving. She would honor their memory, even though living without her dearest friends was akin to daggers slowly piercing her soul.
Plo. Aayla. Barriss. Depa. Drallig. Shaak Ti. Jaro. Mace. Obi Wan. Yoda.
BEEP. BEEP. BEEP! Blinking from her engrossed daze, Melina’s distant brown stare followed along the route of the floor to where her droid vehemently succeeded in gaining her full attention. A brow quirked in its direction, hands lowering her poncho to her lap, as she wondered the reason for the commotion. Something had captured the alarm of the droid outside, which in turn prompted her to sit up straight. Her free hand reached before her, delving into her ability of insight to detect whether she was in danger.
What she did not expect to find, however, was him. His presence was filling her with every emotion she had not dared to feel in a decade. Pushing herself to a standing position, eyes nearly bugging from their sockets as her craft clattered forgotten to the ground below her feet, the female Jedi stumbled from her abode to the forest atmosphere surrounding her. Her droid rolled before her, whirring anxiously as it led her to what had alerted it to trouble in the first place.
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 It took her several minutes of racing through brush and clusters of trees before finally approaching unnatural sounds. There, in the midst of the clearing, was a partially crashed ship. It was not enough to produce any medical emergencies for the persons who had been inside, though it could take awhile to fix the damage done to ensure any future flights.
“H-How...” Any further words died on her lips as the woman could do nothing else but gaze at the sight before her, wondering if it was all a hallucination or a dream. This could not possibly be real, could it? Was he truly there? Her empathy was never wrong, but there was no way. She had been one of the presumed deceased. And so had he. Not to mention, no one knew where to find her. She had been determined to remain that way, until now.
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ct-hardcase · 7 years
hey, want a sad-ass au/possible ending for my stygeon prime security guards?
Kanan and Ezra apparently make a point out of not having inquisitors chase them during the beginning of Season 3, and my brain automatically jumped to “death.”
Sidious, carrying on the tradition of what he did to Dooku with Ventress, tells Vader that he has to slaughter his inquisitors. For what reason, I don’t know. he said Ventress became too powerful but I doubt that’d be likely, so maybe he’d be convinced that they’re planning to try overthrowing him and Vader, or maybe he wants Vader to kill them for being failures. Probably the more likely option.
While Edan, Pari, and Jaro technically don’t have any clearance to really know about the inquisitors, they know something’s up. They know the head inquisitor is long dead (that rumor spread quickly through the base, faster than they drew the conclusion for not having seen him on the security feed), and they see that the others are slowly dying out (there’ve been three who have been missing for a year now. the last time they’ve seen someone gone that long was for six months). 
They also know what there haven’t been any new inquisitors showing up to replace the dead. They piece together that something’s going to happen, but they figured that they’ll get reassigned. 
During the late hours of the night, when Edan and Jaro really should be in bed, but are in conversation with Pari. Suddenly, Pari gets up-to-date access codes from an incoming imperial ship, which then proceeds to shoot the base of one of the towers before she knows what’s happening. She punches the alarm and issues an alert that they’re under attack. She raises the shields before more damage can be done, but she sees the figures outside disembark and the blood drains from her face. Darth Vader is visible in the night vision camera, accompanied by various deathtroopers.
They were clearly outmatched. Sure, Stygeon Prime had various stormtroopers guarding the place, but she knew they would be no match for what they faced. The three watch in horror as Vader slashes his way through ten stormtroopers with ease, the deathtroopers taking out the rest. 
The assailants make their way to what they know are the inquisitors’ quarters (they have fewer cameras in that area, but enough around it for them to inference it well enough). One remained in his room, letting out what the security guards could only assume was a blood-curdling scream as Vader’s saber impaled him between the ribs. 
The others had escaped to the other areas of Stygeon, and that’s when Jaro grabs their shoulders, and tells them that they need to move, and he did not survive the clone war by being stupid, he knows one might come up here and try to find the other inquisitors. 
Before they leave, they see the cook and a few of the janitors shot down by the deathtroopers as they continued their search. Nobody was safe.
They run through the hallways, hands on their blasters, as they desperately try to make it to the hangar without encountering any of the attackers. It didn’t go through their minds that they were probably committing treason--they just wanted to survive. 
Pari even takes out a lone deathtrooper with a shot around the corner as they run, run to the maintenance door to the hangar bay, hoping to steal any ship to escape. They see the door at the end of the hallway, only to find someone at the end, one of the remaining inquisitors, and that’s when they know that they’re done for. 
Edan hisses at her that if she hurries with them, they can all escape together, and they do, they run, until they simply cannot. 
Every one of them is frozen in place, and Edan and Pari lock eyes, knowing what’s to come. Vader slams them against the ground, hard, and walks up to the inquisitor. Time seems to stop as Vader forces her blade far away from her, steps on her chest, and drives his lightsaber through her face. Pari was closest to her, and gets stabbed in the chest as she reaches for her blaster.
Edan screams, but is silenced by a deathtrooper shooting him in the head. Jaro hangs his in defeat, as he follows.
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