#White folks more specifically clears and hews definitely do not interact
cyarskaren52 · 1 year
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cyarskj1899 · 1 year
Aye ik we're joking but in all seriousness say a real and genuine prayer for Angela Harris…Aniah Blanchard's mother…she dove head 1st into this situation because of what happened to her daughter only for this to be fake…Carlee and her folks ran with that lie knowing it was bs while this woman was ready to sacrifice everything to make sure the same didn't happen to Carlee… they're pathetic 💯 #RIPAniah
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that’s so wrong. Brought all those emotions up & made that lady experience it again
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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All. Of. This.
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cyarskj52 · 1 year
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She needs to be in a psychiatric care facility. Not jail or prison. She didn’t harm anyone. She just wasted time which is very bad but not a call to take up space in a place where actual criminals should be
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cyarsk5230 · 1 year
theneighborhoodtalk TNHT Staff: @YesThatsDee
Neighbors, Carlee Russell may have arrived to her parents’ house barefoot, but it now appears she’s been given a boot…from her job that is!
According to Daily Mail, she’s been fired from her job at a spa. On July 13th she was caught on camera stealing items from her employer. She reportedly took a dark bath robe and toilet paper.
Her boss, Stuart Rome, says “It was really devastating for them thinking a co-worker was abducted.” “The following day, Saturday, it was the busiest day of the week, and they had to plug along and work,” he continued.
He says the spa has been affected and swarmed with negative comments on social media, “We’re just trying to keep the doors open,” he explained.
It’s unclear if this will turn into criminal charges for Carlee. We will keep you updated as this story continues to develop.
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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imma still believe black women, the carlee russell situation doesn’t stop that for me. y’all be easy tho!
Muting this afterwards. Argue with the wall and yo momma
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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So about Carlee Russell, most people who are kidnapped do not lie about it. So saying shit like “this makes it harder for missing people” is a lie.
Yall are using this story as a gotcha but we still need to do more to locate missing Black Women. That much is still true.
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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This is 2 year old Wynter Cole-Smith. She was abducted on Sunday, July 2. Her body was found near Coleman Young airport in Detroit on Wednesday, July 5, 72 hours later. The case is now being considered a homicide.
It is because of little Black girls like Wynter and 100,000 other missing Black women and girls that we responded with such urgency in the case of #CarleeRussell.
We make no apologies for responding to the gravity of the moment. We will do it again if necessary.
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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To see Black men reacting the way they are to this Carlee Russell news is so disheartening.
Too many of y’all hate Black Women and take pride in seeing Black Women harmed.
Y’all really want to be oppressors and it shows
but if I say these hoteps deserve to be another hashtag then I’m wicked. But apparently you hate bw so much that maybe a wicked statement like this is though harsh but it is warranted
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Thing is, I'm saddened by the news because I know her actions just add more fuel to the fire when it comes to Black women being believed.
I want Carlee to get help.
Funny how that same metric isn't applied to ww, despite Sherri Papini and a slew of others.
The folks who’re more excited about the possibility of 1 hoax than concerned about the reality of 100, 000 missing Black women need to beg the rest of humanity for forgiveness.
Concern is not a sin, but callous apathy is.
I would rather believe the victim the first time only to find out that it was a hoax then to doubt them
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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Like I need people to be serious for a second. This case in the year of 2023 is not the cause for why missing Black women and girl haven't been getting attention for decades. Cut the malarkey. Nobody was saying anything about how Sherri panini was destroying other white women and white folks in general when she faked her kidnapping and lied about it for six years because the only thing that she was destroying was the livelihoods and lives of Latino women because she painted them as her “kidnappers “ and had the police haven’t looked even deeper to see if panini’s story was real or not, two innocent Latino women would be in jail for a crime that they didn’t commit.
So why is it that when one black folk screws up, it’s the community that suffers the most?
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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drake’s lame self.
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cyarskj52 · 1 year
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Now let’s start doing the same for the yt women that falsely claim rape and domestic violence.
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cyarskj52 · 1 year
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The woman was obviously having a mental health crises, why wasn’t she given impatient treatment, instead of arrested?
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cyarskj52 · 1 year
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Waste of time! Meanwhile, rapists, murderers, and white supremacists walking free! 🙄🙄🙄🙄
We know the fuckery why!
This country wants to humble bw but these hews are threatening the lives of black and brown folks with their lies go lock them biiiiiches up
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cyarskj52 · 1 year
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Non-Black people weaponize the criminal system everyday without the slightest repercussion—we see it happen. Lie and threaten Black ppl with calling the cops, file false police reports, criminalize mundane everyday situations, but sure let’s criminally charge her 🙄 fuck off!
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cyarskj52 · 1 year
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So we arresting all the yt women who call and make false police reports next amiright?
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