#I would rather believe a liar than to doubt the victim
lolapath · 1 year
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♰ Belladonna of Sadness ♰
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
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cyarskj1899 · 1 year
Aye ik we're joking but in all seriousness say a real and genuine prayer for Angela Harris…Aniah Blanchard's mother…she dove head 1st into this situation because of what happened to her daughter only for this to be fake…Carlee and her folks ran with that lie knowing it was bs while this woman was ready to sacrifice everything to make sure the same didn't happen to Carlee… they're pathetic 💯 #RIPAniah
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that’s so wrong. Brought all those emotions up & made that lady experience it again
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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All. Of. This.
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cyarskj52 · 1 year
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She needs to be in a psychiatric care facility. Not jail or prison. She didn’t harm anyone. She just wasted time which is very bad but not a call to take up space in a place where actual criminals should be
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cyarsk5230 · 1 year
theneighborhoodtalk TNHT Staff: @YesThatsDee
Neighbors, Carlee Russell may have arrived to her parents’ house barefoot, but it now appears she’s been given a boot…from her job that is!
According to Daily Mail, she’s been fired from her job at a spa. On July 13th she was caught on camera stealing items from her employer. She reportedly took a dark bath robe and toilet paper.
Her boss, Stuart Rome, says “It was really devastating for them thinking a co-worker was abducted.” “The following day, Saturday, it was the busiest day of the week, and they had to plug along and work,” he continued.
He says the spa has been affected and swarmed with negative comments on social media, “We’re just trying to keep the doors open,” he explained.
It’s unclear if this will turn into criminal charges for Carlee. We will keep you updated as this story continues to develop.
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vintage-bentley · 3 months
have u seen the gaiman allegations
Just did. I think I’ll listen to the podcasts, but I already believe the women. The article said Gaiman believes one is just a bitter ex and the other is mentally ill, which seems very shady.
“Tortoise understands that he believes K’s allegations are motivated by her regret over their relationship and that Scarlett was suffering from a condition associated with false memories at the time of her relationship with him, a claim which is not supported by her medical records and medical history.”
I’m not surprised by this, honestly. I’ve seen women talking about the rape scenes in his works, including a child victim in snow glass apples. I don’t trust men who are infatuated with writing rape.
It’ll be interesting to see how his fans react. Unfortunately, because of how much they worship him, I doubt that they’ll turn on him any time soon. I have a feeling it’ll be like a mini Heard vs Depp, where the women are shamed and trashed and automatically assumed to be lying, just because of how beloved the men are.
His fans have this view of him as this “amazing unproblematic activist lovely person king”, and I can’t see them letting go of that to support women instead. Many people would rather support a possible rapist than a possible liar. So I have a feeling his fans will be rushing to defend his reputation. And it’s going to be so frustrating to watch.
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Lady Susan Readthrough: Character Analysis, Reginald De Courcy
The brilliant thing about Reginald is that he isn't dumb. Sir James is definitely a himbo, but Reginald is very intelligent in his letters, while completely stupid about Lady Susan. And as it turns out, in the real world many people who join cults, believe conspiracy theories, and take quack medicines are also intelligent. In fact, it's harder to get them out because they are better able to argue and justify themselves and their beliefs.
Reginald is trapped by Lady Susan because of and not in spite of his intelligence and good nature. Like Catherine, he seems to be a protective person, so when he is convinced that Lady Susan is being attacked and slandered, he focuses on defending her rather than questioning her stories. His vanity would also be flattered by thinkng that he alone knows the whole truth. Lady Susan builds a personalized conspiracy theory for her victims to live in and she always has an answer whenever the illusion is threatened.
Also, as a young man in love, we can excuse some of Reginald's blindness to Lady Susan's true nature. He most likely doesn't have experience with people who can lie so easily and guiltlessly. His own family seems great, so he wanders a bit into Catherine Morland territory, being unable to believe that anyone would do wrong because he wouldn't.
However, Reginald retains some doubt which leads to his ultimate salvation. He finally speaks with Frederica and realize that Lady Susan has been misrepresenting her daughter's character. When the final reveal happens, he accepts it along with the shame of being wrong. And while we think, "Of course! He must change his mind in the face of the truth," many people dig in harder when proved wrong. This is how cult leaders manage to predict the apocalypse multiple times without losing their following.
Reginald is in many ways, just a normal man. He falls victim to a con artist because people are always vulnerable to deception. We each may think we would be Catherine, stalwart against a liar, but we are most likely to be Reginald. Swayed, drawn in, and eventually enthralled by a silver-tongued person.
The key is to have a network of friends and to take their opinions into account. Reginald refuses to listen to either his father or his sister, he could have avoided a lot of heartache that way.
Reginald reminds me the most of Edmund Bertram. While Mary Crawford is far less objectionable than Lady Susan, both men are in love with someone who would not ultimately make them happy. Edmund keeps seeing that Mary is not suited to be a clergyman's wife, but he talks himself out of his opinion. Reginald occasionally sees Lady Susan's true nature, and yet continues to ask her for explanations.
Edmund is far more infuriating to me because Mary isn't even lying to him, she frequently tells him her real opinion and he assumes that she's joking. Reginald is actively being deceived, and by an expert. Both men react about the same to their big reveal and they resolve to never see the woman again. Both get over it after an unspecified amount of time and marry a second option.
That's the end of Lady Susan for now! I hope you enjoyed reading with me. 😊
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linalilia · 2 years
Also, Daisuke's relationship with Kei! I think my boy would first notice yours thanks to their matching flashy sunglasses. It's nice finding someone with something in common with you in Milgram. (Poor Daisuke doesn't have a smokers group uuuuu)
Kei is actually not the most romantic kind of guy, he always gets straight to the point and even though he might say a cheesy pickup line or two, he will say what he wants from you almost immediately and he will make sure it's impossible for you to say no to him.
If Kei ever tried to flirt with Daisuke... Well, Daisuke would flirt back! That is, until Kei tells him what he wants, in which Daisuke would probably back out completely. He doesn't actually want to get into anything further than flirting. He likes flirting! He views it almost as if it were a playful way for him to make friends. Funny, huh?
This guy is a lot more childish than he looks like and he often gets mad at people for very stupid reasons.
Once Daisuke finds out that Kei is mad at him for a rather stupid reason, he won't be able to take Kei or his childish anger seriously. He'd most likely get up and leave Kei to his temper tantrum until he calms down. Like an experienced older brother or something.
His mood swings are so unpredictable that even the bravest people find them terrifying, especially considering that he's not afraid of getting violent and he doesn't care about the whole "prisoners can't hurt guards" rule.
If Kei ever, ever, tries to pick a fight with Daisuke, he'll find that Daisuke won't take it lying down. He's had some experienced with fist fights, even ones with improvised weapons! Perhaps most concerning of all is that Daisuke won't have any problem talking to Kei afterward as if they're still friends, as if the whole fight hadn't happened. Is he...used to people with violent mood swings?
Kei is actually a huge liar. And he's not even that good at lying.
Daisuke lies a lot too! Sometimes because he needs to keep certain things secret, sometimes just for fun. He'd find Kei's obvious lies funny, and even play along sometimes if he has nothing better to do.
Kei also loves to make people believe that he's the victim and not somebody else and he will do anything to make people trust him.
Someone with violent mood swings? An innocent victim? Kei? Daisuke won't fall for his manipulation tactics. He's met plenty of victims and abusers and victims pretending to be abusers and abusers pretending to be victims, Daisuke is hardly phased by anything Kei tries to convince him with. He doesn't mind playing along though! It's not like he's any better.
kei and daisuke noticing each other like
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and i actually can imagine kei being a smoker as well though he mostly does it for the aesthetic sooo maybe they actually have even more in common than they thought!
also it's okay, i can definitely imagine kei flirting with daisuke at some point, but i doubt that he would be serious about it, sometimes he just does it out of habit and also because it's kinda like a coping mechanism to him but we're not gonna talk about that daisuke would be more like a friend to him, maybe even an older brother figure? yes, kei is an older brother himself, but.. he kinda wanted to be the younger one instead and he certainly feels like one most of the time because of his younger brother being more responsible than him. maybe kei wanting to be seen as someone who's younger than they really are is also a part of the reason why he can act like a child sometimes? and it's good that daisuke can fight back because kei is actually weaker than you'd expect, at least when he doesn't have some kind of weapon with him. he just can't fight only with his own fists, he's too used to people being so scared and helpless that they can't do anything to stop kei, haha..
kei would act like he finds daisuke playing along with his lies funny at first and he would even thank him, but at some point.. he would reveal that he actually thinks it's annoying. he knows that daisuke can see right through his lies and he doesn't actually believe him. so can he stop acting like that already? it just makes kei feel more pathetic, he knows that he's not good at lying, but he wants people to believe him and not just go "haha, you're so right, kei, that definitely happened".
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magicanddaggers · 1 month
@neverhangd continued from here
You can’t blame her for thinking he would, though. Most murders may end up concealed by closed doors or deep shadows, but how much of that is necessary when you can slip past unnoticed? When you move with the grace of a cat and the impunity of a shadow? When locks tumble apart at your touch and your lust for blood is at least as literal as it is metaphoric? Anne looks away from Astarion and back to the exsanguinated corpse lying on the bed. She can’t exactly say she cares about the murder—it’s a boon if it’s anything to judge from the amulet around its neck, a skull in the center of a triangle that she’s damned tired of seeing by now—but it’s going to make things more difficult if the others see it this way. She’s been good to her word, keeping Astarion’s condition to herself, helping to catch him live prey when the others are abed at camp, and until now she’s assumed he’s been good to his word. Less sloppy about clues and feeding. It’s clear her mind is made up when her gaze snaps back to Astarion’s, pale green eyes boring down into his blood red stare. “Swear it, then. Swear to me this en’t yer doing.” She’ll help to conceal this if it’s not. If it is, though…well. “I don’t got time for fuckwit liars without the sense t’kill discreetly.”
"Bloody Hells, woman, I fucking swear it wasn't me!" Astarion squeaks out, his voice a bit high pitched and defensive as he raises his hands, also very defensively. His eyes are wide in what can only be described as the fear of the Gods put into him by her accusations as he backs away from being within dagger's distance to her.
Up until now, their relationship had been rather comfortable and cozy, Astarion had found someone who for whatever reason was keen on helping him and keeping him, and his secret, safe and protected. She's even gone so far as to help him find prey that's a bit better than rodents and birds. While he certainly is innocent in this instance, however, he knows how it looks.
"Anne, please, you must believe me..."
But the evidence is, quite literally, laid out before them. The draining of blood, the puncture wounds on the victim's neck. Hells, if he didn't know better, he'd be blaming himself as well. The hunger in his belly is enough to tell him he didn't do this in some sort of deep trance.
But if not him... then who?
Perhaps Cazador sent one of the other spawn's, though he doubted they'd feed on a thinking creature, even being so far away from their Master. He might've been free from the lord's influence at the moment, but the others would still have to follow the rules. No thinking creatures.
Which puts into his head the most unnerving thought he's had since this disastrous adventure began. What if Cazador himself has come looking for him? Surely, then, he wouldn't be hiding, feeding discreetly like this, that was not his Master's style.
But who, then?
"I know..." He squeaks out a little bit once more, then clears his throat and takes a deep, unneeded but somehow necessary breath to calm him before speaking again. "I know how it looks. I don't blame you for accusing me in the slightest, but... I did not do this. We are in the Shadowlands, after all, I would be surprised if there weren't other vampires hiding out in these parts. Or... or Cazador's finally come for me, which would open up a while new world of problems for us all, not just myself. The point is... I didn't do it. I swear."
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
theneighborhoodtalk Not Carlee Russell 😩. Jamie’s fans aren’t feeling his silence concerning his health scare. Thoughts? 👀
As far as I know Jamie Foxx ain’t say sh*t to none of y’all , it ain’t his fault others let this story run wild. He is not obligated to do that.
Yall swear people have to tell you when they blood sugar is low, what’s in their 401k, and the last person they slept with for you to carry on your day
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forensicated · 10 months
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TRIGGER WARNING: Discussions and depictions of racism and rape.
Strap in - it's a long one! More picture at the bottom to depict what happens given that it's the most important part of the episode.
Smiffina Episodes - Episode 288
Andrea is in Neil's car after their night at the hotel, believing that everything is finally working out for her. (We can handwaive her not answering her phone or checking messages by being too busy with Neil I guess but still!!! Surely someone at Sun Hill other than the 2 most senior officers have seen the papers by now and would have bene calling their 'friend' demanding to know what was going on?!) Neil reminds her that she has to resign after she's gotten the last important bit of information. She promises that it will be her last day.
Gina has been trying to track down Andrea but there's no answer at home or her mobile number and the paper office will only say 'no comment'. Despite all the chaos, she still has to give evidence at Kennedy's trial.
Colin 'helps' out in custody when Ken has difficulty restraining his prisoner. He roughly forces his arm up behind him and hurts him - causing upset amongst the prisoners friend and a concerned Leela who witnesses it - and knows that if the prisoner had been white, he wouldn't have behaved in such a needlessly aggessive manner. "Bit heavy handed weren't you?" "Just helping out. What's the problem? You're not related to him are you?" "That's witty...."
Neil asks what the fuss is outside the station when he reaches CID. Sam, Phil and Ramani tell him about Andrea being an undercover journalist and the newspaper report. "I must say," Quips Phil. "The photo on page 3 is rather disappointing."
Andrea approaches and is swarmed by the press. Smithy saves her by dragging her in and getting the gates closed but he's clearly not happy in having to do so, dragging her to Gina's office as a smug Gabriel stands at the top of the ramp watching. "You're a disgrace to the uniform."
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Bit rich, Gabriel...
"You know he's covering something up, Smithy!" "That makes two of you!"
Andrea tries to get Gina onside by saying she didn't write it, her Editor did. She said she didn't want it published, especially not whilst she was still working there. Gina cannot be swayed, mocking Andrea's false humility and attempt at claiming she found it hard betraying her colleagues. Then she breaks the news about Andrea having to report to court - despite everything - to give evidence. Gina tells her she's to be escorted to and from court where she will be then taken to DPS headquarters and interviewed and no doubt suspended.
Colin claims he did nothing wrong in custody and that Leela is only seeing fault 'because she's Asian too'. Before Leela can pull him up on it properly, they're stopped by an elderly lady who has been mugged. Colin tries to take over and play the hero, but Leela reminds him of his position and that he has to stay with the victim whilst she goes to follow it up. As they walk off, Colin tells her her attitude stinks, Leela reminds him he's just a PCSO and isn't allowed to investigate.
At court, Neil confronts Andrea as he finds her on the phone to another journalist asking if he'd sent the press cutting and photograph - relieved when he tell her he has. Neil mocks her for being unable to not phone in one last story and asks if their talk now is on or off the record. Andrea doesn't understand, thinking they'd sorted everything out. She promises to make things right. He tells her that the expose has stopped everything. "You tell me one thing and do another." He doesn't trust her.
Andrea's interview in court does not go well - her background exposed by the defence. She claims it doesn't affect her evidence. Because being a know liar and breaking the law makes her an impeccable evidence giver! Adam is not impressed with Neil, knowing that they're in a relationship. Neil tells him he didn't know about Andrea being a journalist. He starts to continue but Adam tells him he either ends the relationship or ends his career at Sun Hill, demanding a full report on every bit of sensitive information he told her.
In the canteen, Colin clams he doesn't think Andrea did anything wrong as her assignment was to see if the MET was too PC. Tony rolls his eyes and informs him Positive Discrimination is rubbish and he claims that Leela is evidence that it is true and that she probably jumped the queue because of where she's from. "What?" Leela replied dryly. "Islington?" Colin claims that 'they' (other ethnicities) are terrorists, "they meet at their mosques and their temples and they sit and talk about how they can take over this country." he claims, insisting that 'we're living in fear here!'
Leela again has the upperhand over the idiot. "I'm living in fear alright. Fear of you becoming a police officer." Tony laughs, getting Colin's back up further. "I've more right to wear that uniform than you." "Why? Because you're white?" "Because i'd be a better copper than you!" He insists. Colin continues to inflame the situation, literally spitting at Leela when she calls him a bigot. Tony tells her she needs to report it or he will. Leela, still smarting from the situation with Sheelagh after she blew the whistle on a colleague from Barton St prior to moving to Sun Hill, tells him Colin isn't worth it. Tony sighs - and goes to tell Smithy.
Andrea's articles from before her time at Sun Hill were looked into - including the first victim of Alan Kennedy, the serial rapist. The defence tries to claim that, as she signed in the most important piece of evidene AND had met and talked to the first victim - she wanted Alan catching and invented/embellished the case to ensure it happened alongside Sam Nixon (who got over involved in it too). Sam can't resist squaring up to Sam, slapping her across the face. "You STUPID, SELFISH little COW!" She blames her for undoing every bit of success they had gotten so far and that "noone believes a single word she says."
Smithy hauls Colin up in Gina's office for the bollocking of a lifetime. Colin demands to know what Leela said to them, Smithy tells them she didn't - it was someone else who reported it. Colin claims it was a simple overreaction but she provoked him. Smithy reminds him that he warned him about it yesterday, Colin lets a racist slur slip in bfore correcting himself. Gina tells him he's going to be suspended once the superintendent returns. Colin asks how long for - Gina says she hopes permanently. Colin refuses to listen to Smithy and wait outside Adam's office, storming straight out of the station, barging through Jim and Ken. Ken turns to have it out with him and Colin insults him before setting off the fire alarm with his elbow as he goes. As Adam returns, Gina tells him what Colin did to Leela that Ken saw Colin start the fire alarm and that he ran off before they could stop him. Adam is fuming, claiming it's a disciplined service and that it's time officers were reminded of that. He sends Ken to go and find Colin and bring him back in.
Ken finds Colin in the pub and tells him he's been ordered back to the station and needs to face the consequences of what he's done. Colin insults him and Ken grabs him by the throat to stop him continuing. "I'll go back to Sun Hill, don't you worry." he growls. Ken leaves the pub and updates Phil, hanging up as he sees Colin drink driving a large ford transit van that he's stolen that has Arabic writing on the side of it. He jumps in his car and follows it.
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"The enemy within, hey?" June muses as they watch Smithy escort Andrea through the station. Andrea begs Smithy to let her go to her pigeon hole to retrieve some evidence to 'get' Gabriel. "So you can take it to your paper with another big story so you can show us up that little bit more? Andrea Dunbar solves sniper case?" "I wouldn't do that!" she pauses before adding. ".... Not at first." Smithy gets called away on an urgent matter, but not before he tells Andrea 'to get the damn thing. if it proves a link [between Gabriel and the sniper] come and find me, otherwise I'll just assume it doesn't prove a thing." he says, having to walk off to sort the concern out. Andrea hurries to her pigeon hole and rips the letter open to find the article...
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... just in time for Gabriel to open the door behind her and stare menacingly at her. He snatches the letter from her whilst throttling her with one hand and forces her into the nearest empty office. She insists she's not the only one with suspicions, she's just found the final link - and that he was involved with the sniper. Shaken, Gabriel stares at her - making Andrea realise that, for the final victim, he had gone solo. "You can't prove any of this." "I could if the sniper was till alive, but he's dead... fell from a tower block whilst you were with him." She scoffs. "You killed him!" "Prove it!" Gabriel growls. Andrea tells him he's transparent, the people at work have seen and heard things. They know who he is. "Noone knows me." Gabriel slowly confesses the truth - he came for revenge against June. He hated her for giving Gabriel up. So he told her he was her son - and watched her suffer. He found he liked the power the unifom gave him and he liked being a copper... he wouldn't leave.
Gabriel is knocked off track when Andrea mentions Kerry. He blames her for leading her on and not telling him that she wasn't interested. He claim it could have ended there - but she started nosing around and found out things that she shouldn't... Andrea says it doesn't explain why the sniper shot her. Gabriel just smiles slightly. "He didn't....." Andrea looks horrified, working out what that means. He knew he was going to be exposed when he saw her talking to Smithy - so he killed Kerry. She asks why he's confessing to her and he tells her its because 'the game is up'. He's now facing away from her and away from the door. She could run into the corridor and scream for help - but she doesn't... she keeps questioning him. She calls him a murderer - he says he's worse than that... he destroys people. "First June, then Kerry. Jason would have turned on me and told the truth, so I had to kill him too. It was the only way... and now there's you."
Ken catches up with Colin and tries to arrest him. Colin opens the van door and knocks Ken clean out. Later Ken wakes up int he back of the van with a huge amount of petrol in the van. He's cuffed to it and can't get out. Colin tells him he has a point to prove. "Wasn't a good idea to try and arrest me was it?" he scoffs. Ken tells him he was ordered to and Colin claims it's alright, thats where they're headed - right though the front door.
Andrea tries to manipulate him and tells him she's his colleague and friend and can help him - it has to stop. "Why don't you come out with me now and you can tell people the truth."
Colin continues to rant nonsensically. He claims he's going to give Sun Hill a wake up call. He apologises to Ken and tells him he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He insists he's going to show Adam how terrorists don't need flying lessons to destroy a building - he's literally ranting and raving and not making much sense.
In the front office Marilyn is running behind, not knowing Reg is waiting to propose to her. Smithy asks her if Andrea has left yet and she says she hasn't seen her but she can't be 100 percent certain.
Andrea tells Gabriel she knows what it's like to lie to people she cares about and live a double life but knew she'd be found out one day. She says it's a relief now it's over because there's no more lies or secrets. She says she thinks Gabriel needs that too. "How do you sleep at night?" "I don't." Gabriel replies, choked. Gabriel is close to giving in but thne claims it's too late for him.
Ken begs Colin to stop the van and pull over. He claims its the only way to make it end. He tells him its nothing personal, he's sorry - and then he throws the handcuff keys into the back of the van as he drives into the carpark, with poor Ken literally unable to get them and getting covered in petrol. Colin leaps out of the van as it moves, leaving it to career into the front office.
"How many more people have to die?" Andrea begs Gabriel. She says it's time for Gabriel Kent to give himself up and let David Kent walk out of the room.
On hearing the van approaching, Smithy looks over his shoulder in shock, grabbing a member of the public beside him and literally superman like leaping out of the way with him as it crashes into the front office. (Impossible to get a decent pic of this due to the speed but check out the arm positions. Definite superman flight haha!)
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"What the hell was that?" exclaims Andrea as the building shakes on impact.
The alarms going off and the officers come running. "Smithy?!" shouts Marilyn, scrambling to her feet. "I'm alright." he replies. "Are you ok?" Marilyn tells him she's fine but she's cleary terrified and in shock. Smithy asks her to show the gentleman he'd saved out. (surely he'd be needed for a witness statement but we won't go into that given what's about to happen....)
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Smithy investigates the van and turns the engine off, looking in the back... only to find Ken. He tries to get into the van but the door is wedged. Marilyn shouts for Smithy again and he tells her to leave. Ken, sadly, is resigned to his fate as he's spotted fire starting in the engine. Ken screams at him to get out, Smithy refuses and leans in the window, giving him more handcuff keys, "I'll get you a fire extinguisher!" he tells him desperatley.
Instead of taking the keys, Ken grasps Smithy's hand tightly and calmly tells him to get out. Smithy swallows and draws back. Marilyn's phone rings and she goes to answer it.
The van bursts into flames, the front office collapses in on Marilyn, Smithy has a wall fall in on him, Andrea and Gabriel also suffer much the same fate but Gabriel isn't pinned whilst Andrea is trapped under rubble shouting his name. At first he goes to help her... and then he has a realisation. If she dies, his secret 'dies' with her too...
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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imma still believe black women, the carlee russell situation doesn’t stop that for me. y’all be easy tho!
Muting this afterwards. Argue with the wall and yo momma
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cyarskj52 · 1 year
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Now let’s start doing the same for the yt women that falsely claim rape and domestic violence.
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deviantartdramahub · 1 year
DeviantArt - Discover The Largest Online Art Gallery and Community
The staff deleted your content because you were intentionally spreading false information and unfairly targeting other users you dislike, even though they hadn't done anything wrong. It seemed like you were trying to create a negative portrayal of them, similar to a low-quality B-movie. I also find it strange that you are complaining about how the DeviantArt staff manage their website, but you didn't seem to have any issue when I was expressing my opinions about it. It seems like you are expressing your "concern" because you have been caught lying once again to people who are unaware of the situation and the drama caused by you and your friends. Additionally, you believe that when someone says "I understand," it is evident that they have no understanding at all.
You proceed by asking, "Why would someone with sociopathic, narcissistic tendencies and malicious intentions invite you to join a group that goes against your own moral principles? Furthermore, this group includes a grooming victim who dislikes you to the extent of labelling you as a "idiot" and a "liar".
You are often referred to as an idiot and a liar because your actions and behaviour align with those characteristics. You sit behind a screen, whether it be a phone or a computer, and post highly dishonest statements about people. It is evident that you harbour a strong dislike towards them, even though they have not done anything wrong except for opposing your group of individuals who appear determined to drive us away. However, the question remains: why? We did not initiate a conflict with random individuals on the internet, and we certainly did not engage in inappropriate behaviour with minors on a website intended for artists of various backgrounds, excluding explicit content that should be condemned and forgotten.
Do I need to remind you that it was your friend, Mod-S/Twonaps, who initiated this situation? Additionally, should I also mention the numerous death threats made by other users, who were also considered your friends, towards many users including myself? I shoudln't have too, but it seems like your that full of shit you have choicen to purposely iqnore the facts of all those times! And once again, for the millionth-time, you have chosen to use Triagonal as the central piece of your statement. Could you please refrain from speaking and leave? It seems that you are not well-liked by anyone. You have consistently engaged in verbal attacks, spreading false information, making defamatory statements, and accusing individuals of being involved in illegal activities such as paedophilia, harassment, and stalking. However, it is important to acknowledge that you are not a victim in this situation; rather, you are the one responsible for initiating these actions. Did you deceive your own therapist about what was truly happening? I am aware of someone else who engages in that behaviour, but their relevance is not significant at the moment. You consistently engage in dishonesty, frequently resorting to lies rather than telling the truth. In fact, I have serious doubts about your ability to be truthful. All of your claims and statements appear to be either fabricated or baseless accusations made solely for your own amusement. YOU GOT CAUGHT
frigidhermitprincess, Now go away and play with your dolls you idiot!
The link disappeared (Microsoft Edge has been doing that lately) but the description made it possible to google. Yeah, this is accurate.
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hellotherekenobi · 3 years
───high and dry.
summary: no one can predict what day will be their last, and you don’t want any regrets. it looks like now is as good a time as any to tell obi-wan all you’ve wanted.
tw: angst, mentions of death and injury.
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There were plenty of feelings you didn’t enjoy. Disappointment, heartbreak, when you step in a puddle with your socks on. Maybe that last one was the worst, but nothing compares to pain. Real pain. Throbbing pain. The kind that leaves your fingertips tainted red as you try to steady your breaths and keep a clear head. The kind that leaves you with that one dreadful question no one should have to answer: am I going to die?
Yes, says the voice in your head. Yes, if you don’t move. It’s a fiery feeling that bursts at your side when you try to move an inch to the left, something that rips a yelp from your throat that you couldn’t have kept down even if you had tried. It burns but you don’t stop. You keep moving, dragging yourself along the wet ground, nails digging into the mud, until you’re beside the hole. That damned hole that you fell down. Though, that was an understatement. You were pushed down.
Despite the rasp, you call out. Help! Was anyone still there? You couldn’t care less at this moment if the person who remained standing on top was the very same person that ran you through, you just called out with all the might you had and hoped that if anyone would hear you, it would be Obi-Wan.
There was a thud only moments before that came after the sizzle of a lightsaber, and you knew that someone had won the fight. The question kept poking at your mind as you called out, but you were already as good as dead even if a threatening face dropped down to greet you. You didn’t take care to the other question that promised to tear you apart at the answer; if Obi-Wan was the victor or victim. Was he already dead? You’d rather waste away if it were true.
Then came another sound, of someone inching down the hole as small clusters of dirt sprinkled from beneath their boots. You moved your head to the side as you waited, hoping for good. A single slither of dirt came crumbling down as the figure dropped to their feet a little further from where you sat, grunting at the impact. They were weakened from the fight, no doubt, but it was only until they called out your name did you know who it was, and your questions were answered.
“Obi-Wan!” you groan, voice barely loud enough.
You try to move but the effort is too much, being poked by that fiery feeling yet again.
He rushes to your side, skidding along the mud to kneel beside you and raise a hand above your wound. “Oh Maker, no.” he breathes, something unsteady.
“I should have blocked it,” you say.
Obi-Wan shakes his head. “You couldn’t have.”
“I could have fought harder.”
“You fought well.”
“Not well enough.” it’s almost a groan when you say it. Obi-Wan shushes you but you don’t let him. “It doesn’t look good for me.”
“Stop.” he emphasizes, seeing as you ignored his attempts to quieten you. “You’re going to be fine.”
As much as you wanted to believe that, the chances of you being fine were much too slim to get your hopes up. There was only two outcomes of calling for help and one of them was not surviving this. Now that Obi-Wan is here, you’re wondering if you should have simply rolled over and accepted fatality. You couldn’t bare to actually look at the damage, but you know that even calling it a scratch wouldn’t lighten the mood. It was deep. Too deep.
He assesses your wound with more concentration, as if it had changed since the last time he looked. The only thing that changes is how much blood continues to seep out. You’re sure you’re covered in it, coating the ground as well. Despite the amount, Obi-Wan doesn’t give in. He keeps trying to push against the odds.
“If I can just stop the bleeding,” he starts, and you know it’s going to be your turn to shush him.
“Keep it wrapped,” he continues. “Then get you out of here.”
“Obi-Wan,” it’s as firm as you can say it. “Look at me.”
He hesitates at first, breathing heavily as if he needs to catch up from all the words he just spoke. You notice the way he’s shaking, ever so much that you’d have to know him well to spot it. You do know him well. You know him well enough to realize he’s affected by this much more than you, and he’s going to crumble unless he can steady himself. But he manages to meet your eyes, however slowly, with that boyish fear lurking beneath the cerulean.
“It’s okay,” you whisper. He shakes his head again. “It’s okay.”
“No, no.” the tears start now, welling in his eyes and threatening to fall. “Don’t leave—don’t leave me.”
It’s not a pretty sight when your hand finds his cheek, painting his skin a deep red. That’s all of you.
“I can’t,” he chokes out. “I can’t... not again.”
He doesn’t make sense, but you don’t voice your thought. The injuries you’ve sported from your other missions haven’t always been small, but you’ve outlived them. Being in a situation as life threatening as this can be counted on one hand, and even that would be excessive. You’ve always bounced back. This time, though, the springs are feeling worn out.
“I can’t lose you too.” he whispers, a tear spilling down his cheek.
“Oh, Obi-Wan,” you breathe, bringing your hand down to grab at the fabric of his tunic, silently cursing at yourself for this very moment and how it had to happen. “I’m so sorry.”
It was like when he was a padawan, wasn’t it? When he had fought beside his master, yet it wasn’t enough at the time. The way Qui-Gon had been slain, it was like how you were attacked—lightsaber pushed into your side. Obi-Wan’s worry and trembling attempts to assure your survival was an instinctual defense mechanism, all because of what he experienced as a boy. Oh, Obi-Wan, you think. Oh, my sweet Obi-Wan. I’ll be brave for you.
“No, not again.” you assure him, swallowing thickly. “My cloak. You can wrap the wound with that.”
You barely have the strength to point over to it, where it lays soaking after it had fallen down the hole much earlier than you had. Obi-Wan hurries to grab it, folding it to thicken the material and have the cleaner side outward.
“Can you sit up?” he asks you.
You sigh, knowing how the fire is going to return again the moment you move, but nod regardless. Obi-Wan scoops a careful arm under your body to tilt you forward and though you try not to curse, the longer you’re in this position the more it stings and you cry out.
Obi-Wan’s quick to return you against the wall, voice rising out of fear. “I thought I could move you.”
“Yes, but I never said it wouldn’t hurt.” the last word comes out in a hiss. You would explain to him that it was because of the pain and not because you’re frustrated, but you doubt he cares about being offended at this point. Honestly, neither should you. “Keep going.”
Though he grunts at your response, he moves you forward again to quickly bring the cloak around your abdomen and wrap what he can before resting you back. The cloak feels tight wrapped around you, but it doesn’t seem to bother your wound. You don’t mention it. Instead, you reach deep within your trouser pocket to pull out your comlink, slick with your blood.
“Since yours broke,” you say, pushing it into Obi-Wan’s open hand.
The comment manages to earn a raspy chuckle from him, though his smile doesn’t stay for long. “I go through too many.”
“Yes and cloaks, too.” when he gives you a look, you crinkle your nose at him. “Such the drama queen.”
“I can’t help it,” it seems to be a half-minded comment before he flicks the comlink open, trying to hide the squeamish look on his face as he pounds a finger down on the button to call, but you catch the way he stares at the blood.
He speaks into the comlink firmly, asking for aid. There’s a rough static acting as a reply before it hisses once and a voice, barely audible, begins to speak. Though Obi-Wan tries to inform the other person as best as he can, there’s too much feedback to get a clear sentence through. He tries again, then again, then once more before a whine screeches out of the speaker and it sends Obi-Wan into a soppy rage you’ve never seen before; slamming the comlink shut as he cries out.
“Hey,” you start, just finding your voice by the end of the word. “It’s okay.”
“They don’t know we’re here,” Obi-Wan bellows. “How can this be okay? I—I’m not a medic. I can’t... I can’t help you.”
The air stays quiet as you wait for Obi-Wan to take a breath, watching the frustration fade from his jaw first and then his brows. You would always tell him that he was not a very good liar because of those eyes of his and the way his brows arch or furrow. You’re the only one who knows me like that, he had told you. You had hoped to know him more before this day came.
“Hold me.”
“What?” he asks, and there’s that boyish look in his eyes again.
It’s what you need right now. Even if it were a silly thought, being held by Obi-Wan could cure any disaster. If there ever were a time to be selfish, it’s now. So, you simply nod your head at him, letting him know you meant what you said, then he’s moving beside you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders to gently lower you—head rested on his lap.
This is it, you think. The perfect place to die. He was still warm, unlike you who was growing colder each minute. He held you comfortably and intimately, something you yearned for since the day you realized just how in love with him you truly are. It’s perfect. You’re in the arms of the man you love.
His hand seeks out yours, holding it tightly. “There’s so much left for us. All the things we always wanted, they’re still waiting for us. So you can’t leave. Okay? You have to stay.”
His words are softer, slower. Not frantic like they had been before. You don’t know if the change in tone is because he believes the words he says or if he’s accepted what you already have. It’s only now, with those words, that it starts to sink in just how unfair this is. You had promises, but what good were they now?
“You’re right,” you say, feeling the tears prickling. “There’s so much... so many things we still haven’t done. So many words I haven’t spoken. So, I’m going to say them now... if you’d listen.”
Obi-Wan nods, moving closer if it were at all possible. “Tell me.”
Licking your lips, you need to coat these words. “I promise... to love you... and to cherish you, til death do us part.”
A sob breaks the flow of your words, both from your own lips and Obi-Wan’s. It rocks you both, shaking down your spine and to your toes. It feels like it rocks the earth as well, and you can barely keep the tears back when Obi-Wan begins crying in earnest now, letting out all of the pain he was holding back to keep him sane. You’d feel the pain too, but your body is numb. It’s been numb for a while and you wouldn’t dare tell him. You just cry with him over the promise you both made to each other and won’t be able to keep—his promise to love you completely, like you love him, and to share a name, share a heart, share a home. All of it is broken now. There’s no hope left.
It was a dream you two shared, of living a life away from the Order and away from the war. A life you could both grow old together in, where your story would be shown in the grey hairs and the wrinkled skin. The stories that could be past down from your children to theirs. The love you share would coat the stars, but your heart will rest between the sparkles until he could meet you again in the next life. Maybe it will treat you kinder.
The image in your head of saying those vows to Obi-Wan properly, somewhere warm and secluded, sits behind your eyelids when you close them, starting to fade in his arms as his cries reverb. You watch the scene where you take his hand and slip the ring on his finger, smiling as bright as the flowers he had picked out. You see his hair shining golden in the sunlight, an iridescent happiness that swells up in his chest as he says I do. You watch him lean to you closer, pressing his lips to yours in a kiss unmatched from all the others. But you feel it too. Now, in this moment outside of your dream, you feel Obi-Wan’s kiss, and you realize when his tears touch your cheeks that he’s giving you the kiss that will last forever, if now was the only time he could promise it.
Without the strength to kiss him back, you let go. You let yourself slip away. You ready your course to the stars to watch over him. Now or never, and now until forever. Though, the stars prove out of your reach when you hear something, and it’s when Obi-Wan’s lips pull away from yours do you recognize the sound. It’s your comlink. It chimes and you can hear Obi-Wan’s voice spring to life, almost washing you over and reviving you, and suddenly your senses awaken when his hand touches your cheek and his voice opens your eyes.
“They’re coming, darling. Hold on.” he smiles, something confident. “And I promise, I’m going to marry you.”
taglist: @penfullofwordsaheadfullofstories @alwayssleepingforreal @yelenacbelova @immoral-rose @bloodybunnyuwu @princessxkenobi @mythandmagik @i-cant-hear-you16 @pradahux @inukako @whyiminlove @cosmicsierra @dxnxdjarxn @voidmalfoy @darthkenobii @iamtracyz @chogisss @nectav @disastereyebags @hellolitty @stareyeddie
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