#White-browed Tit-Warbler
lowcountry-gothic · 7 months
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Birbfest Collection 2024, by Aga Więckowska.
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starskynder · 8 months
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White-browed Tit-Warbler
Final birb of the Birbfest 2024 challenge! Yeah!
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suzythesilkie · 2 years
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To say I enjoyed painting this is an understatement: I LOVED designing and bringing this lil guy to life! A commission from a lovely client that let me go wild with their design for a barbarian White-Browed Tit-Warbler.
High-Res print available >here<
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cloud-ya · 2 months
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suddenly, new oc
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ciahuang · 8 months
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white browed tit warbler 🦄 for birbfest!
yellow cloud studio on instagram
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triruntu · 4 months
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#557, a white-browed tit-warbler!
Requests for birds are open, updates happen on Thursdays. [project tag] | [kofi]
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themesopelagiczone · 1 year
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this is the white-browed tit-warbler and he is fucking gorgeous. they're found in central asia, central china and along the himalayas, and IUCN red list category is (thankfully) least concern.
birdlife data zone | ebird | birdforum
photos: askar isabekov | dave irving | imran shah
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entity56 · 9 months
What's your favorite bird species?
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These fucking things. Also these:
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andramariestudio · 8 months
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Birbfest Day 31: White Browed Tit Warbler.
I did it! 31 birds all done! I fell behind and it was hard to catch up!
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herpsandbirds · 4 months
Do you have any round birds?
I require the roundest of bois
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White-browed Tit-warbler (Leptopoecile sophiae), male, family Aegithalidae, order Passeriformes, Qinghai, China
photograph by David Irving
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Bearded Reedling aka Bearded Tit (Panurus biarmicus), family Panuridae, found in wetlands across much of Europe and Central Asia
photograph by Kev Chapman
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Long-Tailed Tit (Aegithalos caudatus), family Aegithalidae, order Passeriformes, East Asia
photograph by Cherrug Nature Photography
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Eurasian Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula), male, family Fringillidae, found across much of Europe and northern Asia
photograph by birds_kirilltanaev
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pngblog · 2 months
White browed tit warbler plsss thx
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random-tail · 4 months
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These 2 harpies were ispire by @missterious-figure dca au Wine and Feathers au.
A small drabble underneath featuring these 2 with in the au.
Its early morning as you walk leisurely through the Safari Zone to your section that you manage. The peacock section. As the handler of the 3 biggest attractions to the Birds of Paradise casino, you had to make sure everything and everyone was ready for the day. Yet as you sip your coffee, you can’t help but take your time just to enjoy a small bit of solitude before you are suffocated by the attention of 3 very clingy peacock harpies.
As you walk however, something gets your attention. Or more specifically someone. You recognize the much smaller harpy as a white browed tit warbler, a newer addition, added for their more diluted colors as a type of cool down from the more vibrant birds. They waved at you from out under a tree, and after doing a quick glance around and seeing no one else. You knew they were asking for you. You even point to yourself to make sure and they nod.
Glancing at your watch, you have enough time to see what they needed, even though they really should consult their own handler. But you shrug it off and start to approach. Yet as you grew closer, something was off as you could catch something on their flight feathers. Is that.. blood?
You kick up into high gear as you drop your coffee and full out run to the small injured harpy. Your lack of caffeine was not as important then getting the poor thing to the medical wing. Though your sudden walk to run must of startled them as they jolt and step back. Your too concerned however to catch them glancing to their side.
Once you get to them, you quickly and calmly offer your hand to them. “What happened? Are you alright? Where does it hurt?” you fire off one question after another as the harpy seams to stammer, perhaps their in shock? You gently cradle the wing/arm that seems to have the most blood on it. “Come on. Lets get you to the medical wing. I’ll stay with you till we can get ahold of your handler and-“
“My, my, what a sweet little mouse you are. No wonder those pompous peacocks are so smitten with you.”
You jolt and spin around to see the other side of the tree just in time for a clawed hand to grab you by your jaw. Lifting it up so you were on your toes and couldn’t open your mouth. “Such an ugly thing too. At least some humans have the decency to wear makeup.”
You immediately glare at the new person holding you up. Only for the glare to drop when you realize it’s not a person put another harpy. A sectary bird harpy. And he was BIG. He looked as if he could butt heads with Eclipse which was a feat in itself. Specially considering Eclipse is the largest of the harpies in the casino.
He regards you with dark, sharp, eyes like a falcon would a field mouse. Just before it strikes. But you recompose yourself as your attention is drawn to his free claw, which was caked in dried blood, as he tucks a stray hair behind your ear.
“No matter, you don’t need looks for what I need you for.” He smiles at you with a tilt of his head.
You smack his hands away and off you before pointing an accusatory finger at his chest. “Did you do this to them?” You use your other hand to motion to the smaller harpies wing. His grin grows sharp. “Hmm I don’t know? Did I do that little Crest?” You turn to who you assume is Crest, just in time to see them lower their head, terrified, and shake their head no. You frown.
He chuckles “See, not me. But enough of that. I’m Lance and I have a little message for you little pea-" you cut him off as you turn to Crest. “Hay, Crest was it? lets get you to the medical wing now ok?” you ignore the pompous bird as you cup Crests injured wing and begin to move them to the right direction.
In your time being Suns, Moons, and Eclipses handler. You’ve learned the best punishment for those who demand attention, is to ignore them out right. So you start to lead a very shocked, if not concerned, Crest away from Lance. Only to receive a very rough and a very sudden reminder of just how dangerous harpies can be.
Lance rips you away from Crest who lets out a sharp shriek as he slams you up against the tree and pinches you jaw hard. His grin was gone as he stares you down with wild angary eyes. “You little rodent. I was gonna have you deliver a verbal message for me but perhaps a more.. physical,” you feel his claws dipping into the flesh of your cheeks. “message will be more necessar- CAW!!” he drops you as Crest rips out one of his tail feathers. Scrambling to your feet, you get away enough to duck under his talons when he try’s to snatch you again. You then tackle Crest to the ground feeling you needed to protect the already hurt and scared harpy.
Yet as you brace yourself to feel Lance’s talons, you and Crest are yanked back behind a wall of Gold, Silver, and Bronze feathers. You breathe a sigh of relief as you look up to find Sun and Moon holding both you and Crest away safely while Eclipse with his plumage fully fluffed. Size up the sectary harpy.
Eclipse and Lance were practically equal in hight as the 2 stared each other down. You could see Eclipse readying his talons while Lance’s was on full display. Yet he then suddenly relents. “Well, looks like I won’t need you to give my message after all, little mouse.” Eclipse blocks his view of you. “Back off! What kind of idiot goes after a handler unprovoked?!” Lance makes a gasping motion. “unprovoked? Mwa? I was merely trying to get a message to you 3 and my talons just..” he glances over Eclipses wall of feathers towards you with a sharp grin. “slipped.”
Wasn't quite sure how to continue it after that so anyone's free to interpret what would happen next.
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scottpartridge · 8 months
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White-Browed Tit Warbler, day 31 - the final day of #birbfest2024 . #Birbfest is hosted by @monkeymintaka this year and created by @birdietam.art 
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burnt-outtransgender · 3 months
Hey, my brain wanted to tell y’all that I think Midas’s wings would look similar to a white-browed tit warbler and Malitae’s would be like a glasswing butterfly.
I assure you these are real creatures
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luxudus · 1 year
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A Spectember art piece that took me most of the month to make. Showcasing a Batesian mimicry ring found in China some 7-10 million years in the future.
    The northern snakeheads have diversified into several families of amphibious fish that are all highly successful in the Chinese subtropics. Overall, they now possess primitive feet derived from their pectoral fin.     One such species is the Violet Deathhead (Rutrumaput pharmaphyrous). A species of semi-aquatic and semi-fossorial snakehead that uses its shovel head to dig up a wide variety of prey. What makes the Violet Deathhead stand out is its iconic purple, black, and orange patterning used to warn predators of its potent venom-tipped rays.     The Violet Deathhead's infamy would spread throughout China's ecosystem. Its colors became an iconic warning of certain death. Something so iconic it spawned a variety of mimic species, all possessing the same patterns to ward off predators.
    One of the first notable mimics isn't a snakehead or a fish altogether. But a sailfin lizard. Its ancestors rafted here from the Philippines during a particularly nasty southwest monsoon. They became so successful they spread across the entire continent.     This mimic species is known as the Shamfin Lizard (Zhonghydrosaurs purvexicauda). They are a species of arboreal herbivores with a slight tendency to feed on insects.     As their name implies, their tail takes on the same purple, black, and orange patterns used by the Violet Deathhead to present itself as such to trick predators. They even go as far as to develop fake eyespots on their back to match the model species' heads.
    With as much speciation also comes the weight of extinction. And it is no different in this ecosystem as well. During this period, many species of Cranes and herons had to migrate away from China or go extinct altogether. However, this opens a new niche for an unexpected group of birds to flourish.     The second mimic species is the prism-winged Stiltit (Hydorbaino porphypteros). They are a species of wading piscivores that descend from the white-browed tit warbler.     They retained their ancestors' coloration but now for a new purpose. It's now within their underwing and patterned in the likeness of the Violet Deathhead's sail.
    The third mimic species is the Mockfry Mawed Moth (Stekoprosteros mimeofry). They are species of flying pollinating moths that retain their proboscis into adulthood. They are surprisingly social and live in large flocks their whole lives. As their genus name suggests, their resting state has their forewings erected upward, unlike other moth species.     They possess similar colors and patterns to the Violet Deathhead but seem to mimic their species' young. The moths and fry are around the same size and live in large groups. Plus, Deathheads have their iconic coloring during their entire lives.
    The final mimic species mentioned isn't a vertebrate or even an animal. Instead, the Fool's Death (Coleus teleinephos) is a species of Eudicot flowering plant. The stem of the Fool's Death grows into an arc, with the upper stalk resting in the giant leaves of the plant's base.     The Fool's Death's signature green and purple leaves allow it to mimic the patterns of the Violet Deathhead. And since their ranges overlap the most of all the mimics. The Fool's Death is surprisingly the most effective at being a mimic as it gets avoided most of any of the mimicking species.
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myobsessionsspace · 4 months
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white-browed tit-warbler
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