#Who told Alaia to do that?
cakepoppresent · 5 months
I'll Take Care of Everything Don't Worry About a Thing
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Grayson with his head pounding searches the crowd for Gideon. His eyes dart back and forth but his concentration is broken when he hears his name being called
Gideon: Grayson...I missed you
Grayson: Gideon! I've been looking for you everywhere! We need to talk!
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Gideon: I'm right here. What's the matter?
They end up in a private hallway and Grayson looks up into Gideon's eyes "You wouldn't lie to me right?"
Gideon: Of course not
Grayson: You promise?
Gideon: I promise
Grayson: I heard what you did to your family. Did you really sell your company off?
Gideon: Don't be too upset, they'll survive even without the company but they won't be able to try and control me anymore. We can be together without any worry
Grayson: Who did you sell it to?
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Gideon: A businessman from Mt. Korembi. What's the matter? Let's go home we have so much to talk about
Grayson: I heard something else and I want you to be honest with me
Gideon: Of course
Grayson: Are you working with someone dangerous? Like a gang or mafia or something
Gideon: Who told you that?
Grayson: It doesn't matter! Just tell me what's been going on. I feel like I'm in the dark when it comes to you.
Gideon: Grayson, Let's go home first. We can talk about this later
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Grayson: No! I always have to wait! All I do is wait for you to tell me anything! Tell me now!
Gideon: Grayson. Let's go home first. I promise I'll explain everything
Grayson: You promised nothing would happen with your grandparents but they sent Alaia and they sent someone to attack and threaten me. I'm tired of the promises. I want to see your back
Alarms go off in Gideon's head. The tattoo hasn't healed and he hasn't had a chance to explain things to Grayson
Gideon: It's complicated Grayson. I am going to give you all the details
Grayson: No. You either show me your back right now or I'm leaving. For good.
Gideon: Grayson! I would never do anything to hurt you. You know that
Grayson: It's your inaction that's hurting me right now! Su said-
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Gideon: Su? He's the one who told you? Su is a lying bastard you can't trust anything he says.
Grayson: I can't trust anything YOU say
Those words stun Gideon to the core, Grayson doesn't trust him anymore? His Grayson? Gideon doesn't know how to handle that information but slowly responds
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Gideon: I promise Grayson it's not what you think. Daisuke is a business partner
Grayson: Oh my god. So it's true. If I never pressed you to tell me anything right now you wouldn't have told me! What's the tattoo they gave you? how would you have explained that?
Gideon: I love you. I wouldn't have lied to you Grayson
Grayson: This is getting too much...I need to go I need to leave
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Gideon tries to chase after Grayson catching his arm before Grayson snatches it back "Leave me alone! I'm done! Leave me alone"
Gideon: Grayson. I know you're upset and I'm sorry but please we need to talk
Grayson: I'm tired of talking and waiting. Just...I just want to be alone!
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Grayson leaves Gideon standing there alone in the hall. This isn't how things were supposed to go, entering into the stairwell Grayson lets the tears fall. He is tired, he misses Gideon already, and he wants things to go back to normal
???: You must think you're so great
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The tears stop as Grayson sees Alaia standing at the top of the stairwell "You're actually not well. What's your problem"
Alaia: My problem is you! You ruined everything! I'm supposed to be with Gideon! Not you!
This is exhausting why should Grayson have to deal with the lunatic
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Grayson: Even if there was no me, it still wouldn't be you. Even if I don't want Gideon you still can't have him you damn lunatic
Alaia screeches in anger and rushes towards Grayson. He notices something in her hands and he closes his eyes and braces himself but nothing comes
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Grayson hears a commotion something falls to the floor, he hears a thud and someone groaning "Grayson! Are you okay?!"Opening his eyes Su is standing there and Alaia is knocked out on the floor with a knife across from her
Grayson: Omg she was really trying to kill me
Everything comes to a head and Grayson starts crying again he is just so tired "Su I'm tired I don't want to be here anymore I want to leave"
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Su: Of course, let me call security for her and we'll go back to my place okay? You don't have to worry about a thing
Su calls security and they immediately handle Alaia and hand her off to the police. Veronica and Grayson are both distressed about what transpired over a few hours. Relationships are over, trust has been broken and hearts shattered. What a way to start the summer
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gurlbesimpin · 5 months
Blood and Gold (OC DU x Gortash)
Chapter four: investigate the murders I
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Alaia's eyes are tired and weary; having stayed up all night recalling her recent encounter with the tyrannical archduke himself. She sits on one of the many benches outside of the Elfsong Tavern, her silver blade dagger in hand as she glances at her own reflection within the lethal blade. Her moment of tranquility is interrupted by her two elf companions, The pale vampire-spawn rogue and the drow paladin. Both step outside of the bustling tavern to join her presence and upcoming adventures.
"Dear, you never did join us last night did you?"
Astarion inquires, his red eyes gleaming with curiosity and his usual arrogance. When no response is given, Minthara steps forward and reinforces the group.
"We have murders to investigate and power to claim; Alaia's midnight walks are none of our concern, vampire."
Alaia grumbles and rises to her feet, adjusting her battle-worn armour. She throws a sharp glare at the two elves before reaching for her map; the entirety of Baldur's Gate kept on the stained crumpled parchment. Sighing, she glances up at the busy streets; many civilians, beggars and refugees walking the old stone paths. Astarion raises an inquisitive eyebrow:
"Looking for something?"
"Finding where we should start looking..."
"The tyrant mentioned some suspicious deaths in Rivington did he not? Perhaps that's a start"
The Drow responds, her arms crossed and face scrunched in mind frustration. Alaia gives a half nod before stepping forward into the bustling streets with no words spoken; her black curly ponytail swinging with each step she takes. The pale vampire-spawn follows suit along with Minthara, their steps leading towards the Gate once more to Rivington. The air is cool yet humid, the scent of sea water dominating their own natural musk.
"Ah Fraygo's Flophouse! I remember the Tiefling mentioning it a while ago. Apparently the beers are delicious... Not that I'd drink such a disgusting beverage."
Astarion inquires, motioning at the old yet tall and shabby building on the bridge. The very Tiefling he mentions being Karlach, one companion whom Alaia cur off from the party; her head residing within her bag. Karlach had made the mistake of turning her axe on the rogue, disagreeing with her hunger for power and the slaughtering of refugees within the Emerald grove. Alaia vividly remembers Karlach's story, or what little she has told her. Though she is aware of who had sold her to the archdevil Zariel.
Alaia glances up at the windows of the Flophouse, her expression puzzled at the boarded off third story windows. Halting her steps, she turns towards the Flophouse; interest piqued at the mysteries that could lie within.
"What are you doing? We don't have time for a drink"
Minthara huffs exasperatedly; her eyes piercing into the back of Alaia's head. Astarion doesn't seem as concerned, his tongue running over his fangs as he mentions his cravings for a wine-like beverage. Pushing he heavy oak doors open, the three elves are greeted with the loud ramblings of many patrons and adventurers. Astarion doesn't give Alaia's mission a moment of thought, immediately approaching the bartender with a sly smirk.
The young blonde woman greets him kindly:
"Why hello there, how may I help you?"
"Hm, do you have something 'full bodied and red?'"
Minthara unlike Astarion follows Alaia up the steps into the second story; eyes analysing every nook and crevice for potential clues or threats.
"Full bodied and red hm? Why certainly we do sir. To celebrate Duke Gortash's coronation, it'll be on the house"
The bartender winks, her hand holding a rag and wiping down the counter. Meanwhile Alaia and Minthara have discovered a suspicious gap behind a wardrobe.
Minthara swings her kneels acquired hammer (which she had taken from Ketheric Thorm's corpse) against the wardrobe, causing a loud thud and the doors to crumble and cave in. Alaia moves forward, crawling into the hidden room that lies behind the now-broken wardrobe, her one brown and one blinded eyes wandering across the room.
Minthara doesn't join her, rather she stands guard outside of the entrance; her hammer held tightly in her grip.
"Anything of interest?"
Alaia's hands reach for a piece of parchment on the desk, a list of names and instructions on the paper.
"Those wishing to face the Dread Lord's Tribunal and enter the Temple of Bhaal must slay the targets on this list and frame the corpses as a murder by the cult of the Absolute.
Bring the victim's hand as proof of the killing. Walk in blood, Aspirant.
Duke Belynne Stelmane - Elfsong Tavern, Lower City.
Father Lorgan - Open Hand Temple, Rivington.
Dribbles the Clown - Circus of the Last Days, Rivington.
Alexander Rainforest - Office near the Counting House, Lower City.
Franc Peartree - Abode near Feolgyr's Fireworks, Lower City.
Cora Highberry - Large home near Baldur's Mouth Gazette, Lower City.
Figaro Pennygood - Facemaker's Fashion, Lower City.
Chef Roveer - Elfsong Tavern kitchen, Lower City.
Nesha Leesha - Blushing Mermaid, Lower City.
Varri Vanthampur - Vanthampur Villa, Upper City."
Among them is Duke Stalemane, a name the Emperor has mentioned before. Stalemane was his love, his 'nearst and dearest' as one may put it. Alaia rolls up the parchment as stuffs it in her pocket, her eyes drifting to a corpse resting by the unoccupied bed. Kneeling by the corpse, she runs a finger over the deep settled wounds, her gaze scrutinizing.
"Did you hear me?"
Minthara's voice echoes, her annoyance palpable. With a huff Alaia rises to her feet and speaks plainly: "I know where we must go. We'll start with the weapons-dealer, Franc Peartree."
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Happy STS, Anna! Here's a vaguely Halloween-ish question for you. You've mentioned you can't use hell-related expressions in your writing because your world doesn't have hell. What kind of "post death" situation are we looking at? Do different cultures, etc. have different beliefs about it? And, to end on a more silly note, could you theoretically have little ghosties and ghouls floating around based on your conception of this universe's afterlife? 😅
Happy STM, Kate!
Hmm. So this is a bit complicated, but also I keep it really vague for the most part, so not lol
Supposedly, there's an afterlife, a good one and a bad one. I only ever focus on the bad one, bc it's kinda plot-centric, so *shrugs*
In my world, there are five elemental gods, so there are no different cultural leanings regarding "religion", which barely exists. People are supposedly judged by their respective god once they die, and admitted to the good afterlife or sent to the fire goddess, who punishes them in eternal fantasy hell aka the pits of the damned.
The fire goddess, Malachiah, is a greedy bitch though, sooo *cough* there's issues with that.
Here, have an excerpt, under the cut.
Also, sorry, but there's no chance of ghosties or ghoulies floating around :(
[Alaia] landed in the sea of fire, the flames searing her skin. Immediately, she began screaming, heat rushing down her throat as the pain paralyzed her senses. It only lasted for a moment before a skintight layer of blue light appeared around her, cutting off the pain. Kicking furiously, she came up amid a sea of tortured faces, the ones immediately surrounding her trying to latch onto her, pull her back under. She dodged around them while Fyel blasted them with silver fire; thankfully, they were slow and she was a strong swimmer, having grown up by a lake. *Over here,* Fyel called, and she swam after him as he blazed a path through the tortured souls in the pits of despair. He led her to a small island of blackened rock that looked sharp enough to slice into her hands and knees as she climbed up, but her blue shield protected her. The same couldn't be said for her clothes, which had been completely burned off. Her skin was reddened, but the burns didn't appear too bad. She grabbed her braid, releasing the long strands to provide herself some cover. Vaguely, she wondered how her hair survived the fire when her clothes hadn't. Looking across the sea of flames, she caught sight of a head of white-blond hair. Icy blue eyes framed with white lashes stared at her before they sank into the sea, and she choked on a sob. Serin shouldn't be in the pits of despair. The Mother should have taken him with her beyond the veil, to rest in peace. A peace he more than deserved, not the eternal flames, not the pain and despair Malachiah's realm brought the wicked. That hadn't been Serin, she told herself. She was imagining things.
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peonierose · 2 years
Under the Mistletoe
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Pairing: Bryce Lahela (M!MC) x Luna Auclair (F!OC)
Words: 2,274
Rating: General
Summary: Luna and Bryce spend some time with their friends Ethan and Hayley and the open heart gang in Boston.
A/N: I’ll be participating in the Holiday event for @choicesficwriterscreations as well as @choicesflashfics I used these prompts they’re going to appear in bold: “Have I told you how much I hate Christmas shopping?” / “You know, when you said ‘Christmas party,’ this isn’t what I was expecting.” / ”You’re lucky you’re cute.“
I used the prompt @choicesdecember2022 You & I
A few days earlier
“Have I told you how much I hate Christmas shopping?” Ethan says carrying shopping bags.
I hope he won’t fall. I grin. It would be fun though. I could definitely steal a kiss in the snow.
”Come on grumpy face. Don’t leave me hanging. I want to get Luna something special. She and Bryce will only stay a couple of days before they go back to Hawaii, and I want this visit to feel special for them.“
I can see Ethan sigh.
”Alright, fine. But only because I like Luna.“ He smiles.
”You’re like her big brother, it’s so cute.“
I grin and together we walk through the snow, crunching under our soled boots. White air is coming out of our mouths like puffy clouds.
It’s a beautiful white Christmas in Boston. As Ethan and I go from store to store to find a nice gift for Luna. Bryce’s is already wrapped. But we’re still looking for something for Luna.
Ethan heard of this local artist who makes beautiful art pieces. From handmade jewelry to paintings, even little glass figurines.
There’s something for everyone.
We enter the shop and see a woman with dark toffee-colored curls held back by a purple headband standing in front of a sculpture.
She looks up when she sees us and smiles. Her big brown eyes sparkle with joy.
”I’ll be right with you. Just give me a second.“
Ethan and I nod and admire the craftsmanship she has on display.
I can see that Ethan is standing next to the jewelry cases.
”Something caught your eye?“
I ask him and he nods towards a moon necklace. I admire the pretty golden moon hanging on a dainty gold chain.
The artist just walks towards us as Ethan is about to ask a question.
The artist smiles at us.
”I’m Teresa. How can I help you?“
”We were interested in that necklace. You don’t do engravings by any chance, do you?“
Teresa nods.
”I do. I can do it by the end of the day. Would that work for you?“
Ethan and I nod.
”It’s for a friend of ours she’s expecting twins next year.“
”Oh wow that’s wonderful. I might have an idea in regards to the necklace.“
Ethan and I look at each other and just shrug. Then we nod at Teresa to go ahead.
”Why don’t you combine a silver and a gold moon necklace? That way you can write both names on separate necklaces.“
”That’s a wonderful idea.“ I nod enthusiastically.
”Alright, perfect. I’ll need the names of the twins and an address where I can deliver the present.“
We give Teresa the names.
”It’s Kehlani Mae and Alaia Rose.“
Teresa writes it down, we pay, and exit her shop. I look at Ethan and smile at him.
”This was the easiest Christmas purchase we ever made.“
We pass some Christmas carolers who sing jingle bells on the way to our apartment.
We need to get some last Christmas decorations done. Then later we’ll pick up Luna and Bryce from the airport.
I smile at Ethan. Snowflakes glisten in his dark hair.
It’s so beautiful to celebrate Christmas in Boston.
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Ethan and Hayley picked us up from the airport. And we are on our way to their apartment.
Jenner nestled between us. I pet him and he leans into me.
Bryce just stares at me.
”Lunes kept asking if you guys will bring Jenner along. It’s like I don’t even exist anymore.“ He says and pouts like a three-year-old.
”Look at that Bryce got replaced by a dog. That’s truly precious.“ Ethan grins.
”Don’t worry B. We‘ll have plenty of snuggle time together.“
I grin and he smiles.
”Thank god I bought new earplugs. So go ahead and have fun.“
Ethan mutters.
”Aww Ethan, that's so cute of you.“
Hayley says and we all grin.
We arrive at Ethan and Hayley’s place and Ethan helps us with our suitcases. We rode the elevator to their place. As soon as they open the door we get greeted by our friends.
Bryce and I grin. Poor Ethan looks like he just got the scare of his life.
Sienna, Rafael, Elijah, Jackie, and Aurora stand there looking super festive in their ugly Christmas sweaters.
Ethan turns to Hayley as Bryce and I walk inside exchanging hugs and kisses.
“You know, when you said ‘Christmas party,’ this isn’t what I was expecting,” Ethan says.
Hayley smirks.
”I gave them a key. So that they could make this surprise happen.“
Ethan just nods.
We all laugh at that.
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Four days later…
It’s our last day in Boston before we have to fly back home to Hawaii tomorrow. It’s been a lot of fun. We’ve gone to the Christmas market, been in a snowball fight which I won fair and square. Had a competition for decorating gingerbread houses and made some snow angels.
Though the best part is right now. Spending time with our friends.
We’re all sitting, eating, and having a great time. With some festive Christmas music, Hayley put on.
The Christmas tree is decorated and glows. The presents have been put under the tree. It’s perfect.
Luna grins at me and points to her gingerbread man. The poor gingerbread man looks slightly disfigured as she’s dunking the gingerbread man in her hot cocoa, topped with whipped cream.
”Look at the drunk gingerbread man.“
”More like the gingerbread man enjoying his jacuzzi.“ I grin.
”Filled with cream.“
Everyone laughs.
”You guys are just weird.“ Jackie remarks.
Luna just grins at her while I pull her close.
”Are you ready to pop?“ Jackie asks.
Luna leans back in her chair.
”I still have 2 and a half months to go.“
Luna groans and looks at me while I’m enjoying some whiskey. Courtesy of Ethan getting out the good stuff.
”I had to pee five times last night because your kids decided to sit on my bladder last night.“
”Oh so they’re my kids now?“
Luna grins while I just smile and shake my head at her.
Jackie grins at Luna.
”You know that’s always something I liked about you, Luna. You don’t take Bryce’s bullshit. You serve it right up to him.“
”I have ovaries of steel. I wanted to say balls of steel, but that’ll offend Ethan’s poor sensibilities.“ She smirks and grins her blue-green eyes twinkling with mischief.
Ethan turns in Luna's direction.
”Excuse me?“ He exclaims while everyone else just laughs.
Luna smiles softly at Ethan.
”It’s okay for a man to be sensitive Ethan. We still love you. It doesn’t make you less of a man if you’re in tune with your emotions.“
Ethan stares at her and then just smiles and shakes his head at her.
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Bryce and Ethan stand together talking, not realizing they‘re standing under a mistletoe.
I clear my throat and both guys look up.
Ethan raises an eyebrow. His blue eyes were eyeing me questioningly.
”Do you realize where you’re standing under?“
They both look up with horror.
”Dibs not it.“ Bryce says.
I grin, having the time of my life.
”Oh that won’t work here babe. Just give him a kiss.“
Everyone waits with bated breath.
”Why do I have to kiss him? Can’t he initiate the kiss? He’s the taller one.“
Bryce complains.
”I’m not letting you out of this one. You too Ramsey. Be a dear and give my very hot fiancé a kiss. It can be on the nose too. I won’t judge.“
Ethan just stares at her.
Bryce tries to back up.
”Dude no. Don’t listen to her. Don’t let her bully you into doing everything she tells you, just because she’s pregnant. Lu stop it.“
I laugh and wait for them to kiss.
Meanwhile, Ethan gives Bryce a kiss on his cheek. Thankfully Bryce hasn’t turned around. Otherwise, it would’ve been a kiss for the ages.
I capture the moment on my phone.
Bryce pouts, but soon he smiles again and tugs me towards him to give me a loud kiss.
”I can’t believe it. Your lips almost made contact with Ethan Ramsey.“
Bryce grins.
”Yeah. Yeah. Let’s go get some food and pretend this never happened.“
”Fat chance. I’ll be teasing you over this for a while.“
”Oh, shocker.“
I slap his ass.
Bryce looks shocked, but then he grins.
”You’re lucky you’re cute.“ B says while pulling me close. I grin and kiss him.
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Elijah and Aurora had to go because they were both on call. The hospital is short-staffed, and with other doctors being on vacation they volunteered to be on call if they were needed.
They both hugged me and Luna wishing us a merry Christmas.
So now it’s Ethan, Sienna, Hayley, Rafael, Luna, Jenner, and me.
We sat around the Christmas tree.
”Is it time to open presents? So freaking exciting.“ Lunes sits there looking super cute in her white cashmere dress and her hair pulled up in a bun.
Sienna grins looking eager to open some presents too.
”Anyone who says they don’t care about the presents is just lying.“ I comment earning a fist bump from Rafael.
Hayley grins.
”Trust me Hayley dragged me from store to store until we found the right gift.“
Hayley rolls her eyes.
”He’s lying through his teeth. He loved every second of it.“ Hayley grins.
I pick a dark green present and gently push it toward Ethan.
”You go first. Lunes and I both chose the present for you. Hope you’ll like it.“
Ethan eyes us as he gently opens the present.
”It’s nothing weird is it?“ He asks afraid, it’ll be some weird shit.
”It’s not sex toys. Just open it.“
”That makes me feel only slightly better.“ Ethan says.
He peels away the wrapping paper.
”Whiskey?“ He asks.
I grin.
”Read the label.“
He sighs but reads the label out loud.
”Only the best friends get promoted to godfather.“
He looks shocked and slightly uncomfortable by all the attention focused on him.
Sienna, Rafael, and Hayley lean closer to Ethan to read the label too.
Even Jenner leans into Ethan, thinking it might be treats for him. Sorry, buddy whiskey isn’t for dogs.
Sienna sniffles.
”That is so beautiful.“ She grabs a tissue.
”I don’t know what to say. I feel very honored. I’d love to be the twin's godfather.“
Ethan says and holds the whiskey bottle close. As if it’s his most prized possession.
”Thank you, I haven't expected this at all.“ He looks so touched as if he’s about to cry.
I smile and have tears in my eyes too. Luna leans into me and I snuggle her close.
Hayley clears her throat.
”I don’t know if we can top that. But Ethan and I got you two something.“
Hayley hands both of us a present.
I tear into mine and hold out two onesies.
When I see the onesies I smile.
One says ”If you think I’m good-looking you should see my dad“
The other says ”Best Daddy ever“
I look down and start to realize March is going to be here faster than we think. It’s all hitting me now. I’m going to be a dad in just 2 and half months. Holy shit.
That’s pretty scary, to be honest, but as I look around and see laughter and love in my friend's eyes and Luna who is so touched I know I can do this. Because I’m not alone.
Luna starts to cry and Sienna hands her the box of tissues. Luna takes one and daps at her eyes.
I am excited to see what Luna got from Ethan and Hayley.
She unwraps the present and sees a box that says Artemis. Must be some jewelry store.
She opens the box and gets out two necklaces.
One silver and one gold moon necklace. She stares at it and then gives it a closer look.
When she hands me the necklaces and starts to cry again I take a look.
The necklaces are engraved.
It’s the names we’ve chosen for the twins.
Kehlani Mae on the gold necklace and Alaia Rose on the silver necklace.
”We bought two pairs for both you and Bryce. In case you both wanted to wear them.“
Hayley says and hands me a golden-wrapped present too. I open it and find the same two necklaces as Luna does.
”Wow, guys. I don’t know what to say. You made this Christmas very special for both of us.“
Ethan and Hayley smile.
”Christmas lost its special side to me a long time ago … but you’ve brought some of that magic back.” Ethan says.
”Aww. We love you too Ethan.“ Luna says and hugs him. He endures it but smiles softly.
When Luna and Ethan break apart everyone else opens up their presents.
Sienna got some lush products she wanted. Hayley’s gift.
A red sweater for Sienna. A blue one for Hayley from Rafael.
Grinch socks for Ethan from me.
Luna and I got Sienna and Hayley matching bracelets with an engraved dolphin. They were both excited, to say the least.
Rafael got a colorful painting made by Luna with all the wonderful places in Brazil. So that he might miss his home less. He was very touched by the gesture.
On the next day, we hugged each other goodbye and boarded our flight back home to Honolulu.
All in all. We had a beautiful exchange of gifts. There were some tears and laughs, but we spent some wonderful days with our friends. Ones that we consider family.
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entwinedreams · 1 year
a humble brown leather satchel holding alaia’s supply of art supplies. it is covered in various paint splotches, stains and scratches.
the satchel reliably carries all of alaia’s needed materials; their travel easel, small to medium sized canvases and art journals, several small glass jars, kamera and kamera film. it also holds mementos from their travels.
it is their proof of travel, their proof of existence, their proof of self, the proof they can do things by themself, without their adoptive father hovering over and belittling them at every step of the way.
many adventurers who cross paths with alaia often tell them that they need to get rid of the satchel. it weighs and slows them down, a useless, overbearing weight, that could be better used on actual adventuring gear.
alaia refuses. this satchel is their whole life- the proof of their own strength, their own morals, their own willpower to leave behind everything and learn about the world and become a better artist. it's a chance to experience sights that could never be truly felt in a photograph or on film. a chance for connection. a chance to be a real person, beyond the walls of fontaine, beyond the heavy and judgemental gaze of their peers and guild, beyond the weighty name of their adoptive father.
this humble satchel is their loyal traveling partner. their companion when they rouse from the strange dreams that haunt them. the sole witness to tears shed that would earn open scorn in their home, the thoughts they dare not speak to others out of fear of being ridiculed by their peers.
the satchel's most precious quarry to alaia, though? journals that hold the contradicting words of their father, their teacher. the distorted reality he told them. the information they wanted, held from them until they begged and pleaded- and yet it remained twisted. but... yet , the journals contain sketches and portraits of unique people met, of breathtaking scenes, of happy moments captured through their dreamy gaze.
yes, this world, this existence held unimaginable joy and sorrow in equal amounts. living was both pain and relief. humble things could easily contain extravagant inner worlds. yes. this is what the satchel meant to them.
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thedeadthree · 2 years
multiples of five for viktor and an oc of your choice please! 💕
ROSIIEEE hii! i hope your doing well dear! <3 THATS MY DEAR BOY. ive had him for EONS he means the world to me AHH. hmm and for the second one in honor of tlou releasing today on hbo! i'll introduce alaia! <3
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i would say MODUS by joji would be a cute first slow dance song for him! i would say first slow dance parter would go to the lucky dear ness (or nessie as he likes to call her <3 shes aj @jendoe's girlie!)! for a goood chunk of his life slow dances wigged him out u know? it's what his parents did at galas, and furthermore, its what people in committed relationships do u know? so it would take a "love of their life" sort to sway prince skittish of long term relationships <3
to be honest i think until nessie he didn't think himself as much of a romantic? and after they become an item (nessie will likely have to go "LISTENN BUB I THINK UR NEAT" or something like that jksankjn bc for all of his banter and etc etc dear boy was like UHH when it came to the art of courting ahjsabjx). but he'll try his best! its like watching a baby dear learn how to walk which is precious but also PRIME opportunity for teasing (affectionate). wanted to be in love but didn't think it was for him u know?
he's a social butterfly my dear boy sure is! of course soap and willa and Garrick and ghost begrudgingly are the besties and price and isi are like parental figures to him <3. radolfo and alejandro (dad wars between him and price kajnsj their time together in that cell was all the convincing ale needed that vik was to be his son jjhsjh) became instant besties of his <3. he has a number of close friends and fringe acquaintances as well! though the one who will hold the candle as his friend of all friends for him would be his late brother aldric <3
vik gets crushes like his dogs track mud in his house... ALL THE TIME. the essence of the "falls in love with a new person everyday." hehe <3 he took the cake for that until he met *COUGH*!
hES TrYinG hIS BeST his upbringing he's a nepo baby and his tendency towards the dramatic (stubs his toe? shakespearean tragedy.) he makes an effort for practicality but like his mannerisms in the romantic department its like watching a deer learn how to walk <3 viktor "how much does a banana cost? $50?" mason <3
no greater slight he could make to his mother if he didn't put thought into his sense of style bjsbjd and thank the heavens for aldric and his IMMACULATE TASTE bc i am confident dear boy would have considered joggers and a t-shirt as a suitable formal wear jankxdk. he learned all he knows from him! <3
his grandma on his moms side in france pronounced it as meh-meh and as a like seven he used to say it that way until aldric told him its MEME not meh-meh habjsbj (after waiting EONS until vik was fifteen to tell him DARN OLDER SIBLINGS). now, its just around graves to get on his nerves <3. he's a twerp!
he survives only bc select clowns would find his "hot mess with a heart of gold" nature endearing <3 he's beelining for roman, ayrenn, vindamea and enya the moment he sees them! strong badass ladies who can break his neck like a twig? AND upon them knowing him for five minutes if anyone touched a hair on his head they'd zero everyone on the scene hehe <3 he's drinking mead with baelor afterwards and running for the HILLS shrieking and tears in his eyes seeing una on the back of the cannibal <3 its fun!
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i think maybe not a first slow dance song but something for a first emotional moment where the bleakness of the post apocalyptic landscape of the world (which members of her family may or may not have been responsible for the outbreak) and its really getting to her.. i think of DEAL ME by MeLoveMeAlot ft KÅIKÅI? the "you can't kill me I'm alive / you gotta deal me i'm alive ... we all know no paradise." i think would be lovely for her in that moment u know? like a hold her while she sways a bit sort of post panic attack moment?
she was the child of seattle socialites and so the notion of romantics came from her admirers verses from her u know? but! she is for sure with the love language of gifting as that was the way she saw her parents expressing their affections and what people around her would do for her. so sort of a romantic but? not really?
i think between her and viktor she would have more friends but none of them she would consider close, acquaintances at best u know? a lot of her friendships in seattle were superficial. a lot of them were more so to have a connection to her name? to say they knew the family? she was little when the outbreak hit the friends she had and their parents it was like that? she needs friends i am PLEADING. these days its easier for her to have dalliances and acquaintances <3
crushes? in the year of our lord 2023 post outbreak? not on her life <3 she does have more than a few admirers though in higher circles and in leaving the comforts of home traversing the landscape <3.
alaia actually would have that over dear boy vik! i am still working things out (im doing lore diving as im watching the show rn <3) her step father before the outbreak was a neurosurgeon and he was looking into understanding the outbreak. on her defying her dads wishes and finding survivors outside of FEDRA the things she learned from him and the people around her she took to things rather well!
the outbreak broke out in 2003 i believe right? y2k in the post apocalyptic pnw/us fashion icon besties! luxury clothing from the 2000s and 90s inherited from her family! it may be the end times but that didn't mean she had to stop dressing cute!
sending memes? in the year of our lord 2023 in a post apocalyptic era? shes asking "huh?" habjwbdjbj in a no-outbreak au, dear girl was pronounces it as memes! <3 or nuisances <3 (rich people u know?)
oh shes not fighting jkanknw <3 fighting? in these chanel boots? she wouldn't dare! she and narcissa and sybille are sipping champagne as the fighting rages!! she would likely if she must use ye olde charm and request damiano to protect her (AND HE OBLIGES *cough* clown <3 but also love that for her! and he's valid for it!) and that's how she walks out of the conflict without a scratch <3
#🌹: rosie#rosebarsoap#oc: viktor mason#oc: alaia alcántara#leg.asks#leg.ocs#leg.txt#TY TY ROSIEE FOR THE ASK <3 i hope ur doing well dear!! this was the cutest to do and to develop them with!#i don't have much on her at the moment but i did do some reading and i may have her bio dad be the head of fedra?#so on her learning he made it VERRY clear they weren't to provide aid any further survivors she was like YEEA no bud <3#they fully expected to learn she was dead within the week.. i would almost also say they sent out parties to look for her?#but she knew how to thwart them <3 she had been doing it for years so it was no challenge!#(at a point she also meets tommy right and learning she came from a well off upbringing he was like?? how are u not dead?)#(shes a smart cookie bestie! i don't think she informs who she is for a WHILE but <3 yea <3)#theyll either be besties or something more i haven’t decided sksjjxjx 🤍😵‍💫#totally not for the giggles after the final question thinking of a crossover thing jasnknkw it would be inch resting!#ocs from the fantasy verses interacting? with the modern clowns? funsies! neat!#vik is being held together with star wars duct tape and glue but he's doing his darnedest and I love him <3#he was easily spooked by relationships prior to nessie <3 congrats dear! u did it!#the new banners and how they look for them both turned out so pretty GAHH im emotional <3#i had to make new ones as the old banners are on my old m*acbook and i love love how they turned out <3 and the babies deserve it <3
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mrsjokerphoenix · 5 years
Chapter 3- we always go back to the places where we were happy
summary- You a Rouge CIA had masterminded the plan for Joker to break out of Arkham Asylum. You planned to run away with him but destiny had other plans and he left with his former psychiatrist Harley Quinn. Breaking your heart and leaving you to pick up the pieces. You had left him behind and moved on and had only focused on building your empire but life was about to change once again.
A/N- sorry im dramatic and its a slow burner. No smut yet I just want it to be extra special between them and things with Joker are unpredictable so yea LOL Next chapter for sure! Let yalls girl know what you think! All comments welcome good and bad. 😊
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All you could think about was getting home and pouring yourself a glass of wine. Youve been so busy with work you desperately needed me time. “Finally” as you turned the key to get into you apartment. Suddenly a cold towel attacked your face while an arm linked around your neck and everything went black.
You suddenly awoke confused and disoriented and tied up. “Where the fuck am I” you screamed at what seemed to be the biggest man youd ever seen guarding the door. “Get me the fuck out of here” pleading and looking around trying to make sense of what was happening.
“Sorry misses we have strict orders to keep you here until other wise told.” He said while maintaining his eyes straight ahead.
“I dont give a fuck what you were ordered to do! Do you know who I am?” You growned. “Ill have you killed! do you hear me?”
A million thoughts were racing through your head. Who could you have pissed off? Was I going to be killed. You were trained for situations like this but fear still overtook your body. “Calm down calm down and think.” You tried to tell yourself. You examined the room, it looked expensive but no windows. You’re only able to see one door. Great maybe theres a window in there. “Can I at least go to the bathroom?” You huffed at the guard. Not a single word was uttered as he walked over to you and unlocked your restraints. “There is no windows in there and dont try anything funny. Theres 2 guards on the other side youll never make it out of the building.” He warned almost as if he had read your mind. “Building?”you thought this was someone’s home.
Your feet hit the cold marble floors shocking you a bit as you walked to the bathroom. Once inside you ran directly to the toilet and barfed up clear fluids. “ how long was I out for?” You questioned. “ could if be the russians? Maybe the Saudis? No it cant be I have great relations with both sides.” You felt exhausted and whatever it was you knew you could talk yourself out of it. You splashed cold water on your face and gargled some mouthwash that was on the sink and made you way to the room.
As you were walking out there was knocking at the door. An older lady probably mid 50s and short silver hair, dressed impeccably handed the inside guard a black garment bag With Alaia printed on the front. A second guard brought in 3 boxes of shoes. One box readTom Ford , second jimmy choo and the third one Dior. Now, now you were really confused. “No no no, am I being trafficked.” You stood in shock as they laid out everything for you in the bed.
“The boss wants you ready by 9 sharp.” He ordered
“The boss? Wth is going on? Is this a joke?” A Nervous chuckle escaped your lips.
“No!” He said not very amused by you. “Please do as your told, everything else you need is in the bathroom closet, we’ll be outside while you get ready miss.” And out the door he went.
You walked over to the bed, middle finger grazing the bag. Intrigued you opened it. A beautiful vintage black long Alaia bandage dress with side slits. You backed away not being able to wrap your head around the situation. “Why this dress, why were they providing such luxuries” You sat against the bathroom door knees to your chest trying to sooth yourself. “I need to get out, am i going to be killed?” putting your head down on your arms. You always knew this job was risky but you never thought your time would come so soon.
7:45pm read the clock when you finally mustered up the courage to get up and get ready. You had it all planned as soon as whoever had you here let his guard down you would look for a phone and call for help. Faulty plan since you didn’t even know where the hell you were. “Lets do this” as you picked yourself up the floor.
Surprisingly everything you need was there. Almost as if they knew exactly what you used. Everything felt so eerie but you had to shake it off. You finally settled on a messy low bun with two strands of waves framing your face. A classic makeup look with red lips and the diamond studs and diamond bracelet that were discreetly placed under the garment bag which you didn’t notice until you got dressed. You put on the black strappy Tom Ford. You knocked at the door to let the guard know you were ready.
“Wow” he stuttered almost immediately regretting it. “Im sorry miss, are you ready to go?”
“Yes, even though id much rather you let me go free.” You said.
“No can do and im sorry but I will have to handcuff and blindfold you.” He let you know.
“Are you kidding me?!” You stared. You wanted this to be over, you just wanted your home.
Once handcuffed and not able to see you were lead what seemed to be a horribly long hallway and into the elevator. Once inside the guard undid the cuffs and took the blindfold off. You noticed he had pushed the PH button. We were going to a penthouse but whose? Wondering, suddenly your heart sank to your stomach and you were finding it hard to breath. “It cant be” the realization hitting you like a cargo train.
Elevator doors opened revealing a dimly lit apartment home ceiling to floor windows overviewing Gotham city.
And there he stood back towards the elevator entrance, standing in-front of the bar. There he stood in his perfectly tailored red suit and shiny slicked back locks now painted green.
“Joker” you muttered.
Lifting his glass of whiskey while holding his cigarette on the same hand, he turned to face you.
“Welcome back kitten”
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The fae spirits want our townsfolk to do something silly...and so they do!
Feat: @thebellamybarnes, @lyn-nichols, @wolfontheloose​, @mayarparker, @colettescoven
Bella knelt by the edge of the fountain, looking forlorn at her nails as a few acrylics had chipped off, her normal nail beneath rather plain looking. “This really isn’t fair,” she told the bat spirit that giggled in a way she knew could not possibly come from any real bat. “Stupid thing,” she muttered as she once more began to scrub at the fountain, told by her fae that it was apparently her job to clean the thing. Her Gucci jeans were ruined and she had scuffed her Alaia heels to death moving around the thing. It really didn’t look any cleaner.
"Bells!" Lyn shouted the name, feeling like though they still barely knew each other, she could recognize that blonde head anywhere. She sprinted forward, boots thunking heavily against the sidewalk, the snake wrapped, scarf-like, around her throat giving a displeased hiss at being so jostled about. "Hey!" She almost skidded to a stop next to the blonde, fit to burst with things to say. "Bells! Hey, what's up!?"
Looking up as her name was called she breathed a sigh of relief at the momentary escape from cleaning. Honestly she liked the nickname, she loved any kind of nickname that was offered to her but her friends when she was human had called her Belle so anything akin felt very familiar. “Lyn,” she smiled, brushing her wet hands off on her jeans, half her nails missing by now. “Cleaning, apparently I have to get this fountain clean, but it’s basically left me exposed to whatever everyone else’s fae have wanted them to do. One guy was running around pulling everyone’s hair, it hurt,” Bella pouted, taking the chance to rub her head. “I’m glad you and your fae seem to be getting on,” she noted, gesturing to the rainbow snake as the bat she had tried to tug her hands back to cleaning with the claws at the end of it’s wings.
"Cleaning?" Lyn's contorted facial expression showed her obvious distaste for the idea. "Oh... Your bat is an asshole, I'm so sorry, it's so cute." Lyn pouted at the pink-winged animal, confused as to how something so cool looking could be trying to get Bellamy to do something so awful. "I just have to speak truth!" Lyn said, giving her snake a little pat on it's triangle-shaped head with her fingertips. "Doesn't even have to be my truth!!" And then, as if on cue, a voice in her ear, sibilant and gentle, and her face fell. "Oh, Bells." Lyn launched herself downward, arms wrapping around the blonde, squeezing tight, once, twice, three times, and then, after a pause, a fourth. "Four hugs. Just for now! You'll get more later!"
“It is an arsehole, I really liked bats before now,” Bella acknowledged before looking to the snake enviously. “The truth? You don’t seem like a liar...,” she rolled off, not completely understanding at first. When Lyn continued she was slightly confused, though before she could ask what she meant she suddenly felt slender arms wrapped around her petite form. “Four hugs?” She questioned, feeling each gentle squeeze. Even in confusion she was comforted, she was kind of an affectionate person and until people got to know her she didn’t usually like to overwhelm them. “I do? Do we have plans? I mean, I’m down for anything that isn’t cleaning this thing but what why hugs?”
Lyn bit her lips shut, brows knit together. It had been a couple hours since she'd woken to find the fae-spirit in her fruit bowl, and she'd gotten a few answers from the snake, but little in the way of actual explanation. "Okay," She said, hands held up in a defensive position, "I know how this sounds, trust me, but the snake... It tells me things." Yeah, she sounded... well... It wasn't good, but considering Bella had chipped her nails off scrubbing a fountain, Lyn could at least assume she'd get a little more sympathy than if she was the only one suffering. "It's uhm... Things I don't think people normally talk about... Like uhm... Your mom."
Bellamy rose her brows, looking to the snake as she said it told her things. Very shady, immediately reminding the ex-Catholic of the story of Eve and the snake but deciding that likely whatever the snake was whispering was not quite the same, after all the bat was telling Bellamy things. Mostly one thing but it was quite communicative though no one else seemed to hear it. "My mother?" she asked, the title alone showing their emotional distance. "I suppose I don't really talk about my Mother, she's not really worth -" But then the hug thing clicked and Bella looked down at Lyn's hands rather than her face. "Oh," she let out, scrunching up her face. "Well I appreciate the hugs, you definitely don't have to count them though, we'll hug more than are countable, I promise," Bella smiled softly in the hopes Lyn wouldn't feel so badly for her. "I'm much more inclined to hug than she is. Plus you're entirely huggable," she grinned more firmly, lips tight but smile wide.
"My dad sucks." Lyn said quickly, "So like. I get it, kinda." There was a flash of something in her features then, delicate and wounded, "And uhm... If I'm being honest I miss him. I don't... I don't tell people that. I don't tell anyone that actually. But... I can tell you." She said with a nod. Still frowning Lyn got down to her knees near Bella, picking up one of the brushes her vampire friend (could she say friend yet? she hoped so...) was using to clean. "Think I can help?" She asked, curiously glancing at the bat as though she needed it's permission to help.
Bella was going to ask for some kind of secret in return, nothing large since she presumed the snake only told her that her mother had not hugged her much, and likely not why but Lyn offered herself up and Bella allowed the grin to soften. "I should probably miss my Mother but I don't, I mean, maybe I do, but I just don't miss her how most people probably do. It's hard to miss someone you never really got to be affectionate with," she offered, reaching up and attempting to hold Lyn's hand however awkwardly from where she was. "So, if your Dad sucks but you miss him, then maybe he did some things worth missing," Bellamy smiled as Lyn knelt down with her. "You can...?" she rolled off, looking to the bat whose eyes were on the snake. "I think you can, you should tell me some other secrets the snake has told you though, fun ones. Is anyone doing anything shady in town? Because I definitely think the witch that owns the florist is getting around this town," she asked, offering Lyn one of the brushes as she began to gently clean the stone.
Lyn blinked rapidly at Bella's words about her father, another secret of hears threatening to make itself known without the words even getting a voice. Damn, she could be a big fucking crybaby sometimes. She refused to let it show, though, squeezing Bella's fingers as the other woman reached for her hand before joining her to clean the fountain. She took the offered brush, and followed her friend's lead, scrubbing gently. "Oh, please," Lyn said, relieved by the offer, "I've been trying to keep them in but... I wanted to trust you so...I'll tell you." She glanced up from the spot she'd been gently buffing clean, a twinkle in her eye, "You're totally right. This town, and the next one."
"I've been trying not to clean, the bat just starts screeching in my ears," she offered up as her own reason for being there and being in such a mess. It made sense Lyn was doing her best to keep them in but wasn't quite able to. "So hopefully your snake isn't quite so annoying when you resist," Bellamy said. "You can definitely trust me, I won't tell a soul. Admittedly I'm a huge gossip but not about family or like big emotional stuff, only about cute romance-y stuff or like when people do adorable things. I'm really bad at not saying when people have done something cute, even if they're embarrassed by it. Like I will tell everyone you head banged pixies out of your hair, it's too adorable not to tell people," she explained as she cleaned, before her eyes went wide. "The next one too? Damn. First I was suspicious and now I'm just plain impressed."
"Preeeeetty sure it's been threatening to strangle me by wrapping around my shoulders like this, but I'm trying not to dwell on it." Lyn said with a shrug. Bella bringing up Lyn's desperate fight for survival made her laugh, and she reached up with a free hand to stifle the sudden noise, "Please do, because it was kind of badass." She chewed on her lower lip for a moment, face scrunched up, and then shook her head, thinking better of admitting her own secret in favor of listening to the snake at her ear for another one. "There's a barista at the coffee shop who's dating... Ke-" She paused, frowning at the name, asking the snake for clarification, "Wait, who? Oh, Keiran. Nooo idea who that is. Oooh, Keiran is the owner of the coffee shop. Scandal."
"Wow, subtle but obviously effective," Bella chuckled, rubbing the fountain with one of the brushes. It was nice to see Lyn in a situation that, though partially threatening was not actively scary. "Oh definitely, worthy of mentioning, total bad arse move. You'll be walking into the Den terrifying all the werewolves there in no time," she grinned, knowing that even if Lyn didn't know any werewolves the Den was an old enough spot and known enough location she'd definitely know of it and the reputation it had. "Wow, people really are getting around. At least Kieran and the barista are exclusive, presumably, poor barista if not, but the whole boss/employee thing is probably fun. I've only ever flirted with one employee, but there wasn't really a boss/employee thing to it. How about you? Will the snake compel you to tell me you've been into your boss before?"April 25, 2020
The mention of werewolves had Lyn biting her tongue again, and she focused instead on scrubbing away a stubborn spot of what could have been leftover graffiti. "Hhmm, maybe, if that were a thing that happened." Lyn said, shrugging a shoulder, "Had a mild crush on one of my professors, but never my boss." She gave the snake a little glance, reached up to skim her hand over the smooth, dry scales, and felt it shift a little tighter. "I met one of my neighbors, he's a hot werewolf." Lyn said, wondering if she could keep up with small admittances to appease her spirit.
"Oh, professor, what did you go to college for?" Bellamy asked, she'd never even finished high school, rather she got her GED once she became a vampire. It hadn't affected things work wise, she had people with degrees to advise her. "Oh yeah? They're all hot to me, literally and physically," she grinned, nudging Lyn, not quite noticing the way that the snake was toying with her. "You should like strategically plan going outside in robes, like 'oh no, my food came faster than the delivery said and I didn't have time to dress'," Bella feigned a dramatic innocent tone. "What's he look like?"
"IT," Lyn said, "Not nearly as impressive as my doctor brother, but I like it." Lyn grinned at Bella's playful nudge, though she did try to make a mental note to maybe see if Ryden had any werewolf friends she might like. The vampire's suggestion made her snicker, and Lyn shook her head wildly, "Not a chance in hell." She pressed, still trying not to laugh at the idea of her throwing herself at Ryden like that. "He's not.. I don't want to..." She couldn't quite get her words in the right order, and settled for shaking her head before going on to explain, "He's like... stupidly, unfairly hot. Nice accent, fuck ton of tattoos?"
"Any chance your doctor brother is a werewolf?" Bellamy snorted a laugh, presuming Lyn's brother was not in town and most certainly not a werewolf. "Come on! I could lend you so many lace robes," Bella pouted, and with a form like Lyn's she had no doubt it would work because while both petite Lyn had a lot more going on upstairs, Bella rarely wore a bra because it was so unnecessary. Still stupid, unfairly hot sounded like a lot of wolves in Bella's opinion, but once a little more came she immediately let out a giggle, biting her bottom lip to keep from grinning too widely as excitement came over her. "Oh my god, Ryden," she said, which meant she'd let go of her bottom lip and the beaming amused grin came. "Your neighbour is British, yeah? Has a motorbike he calls Princess? Please say yes so I can definitely get you a robe to totally fuck up his whole life with, the poor puppy."
"No, why wo-" Lyn caught up half a second too late, and curled her nose up, "Nope. Not allowed. You're way too cool for my brother." She spoke matter of factly, leaving no room for argument. Also she was pretty sure that he'd get so nervous in Bella's presence that he'd walk directly into a wall. Smooth was not really something either of them had managed to master, Lyn was just better at hiding it behind a wall of ridiculousness. At the mention of her neighbor's name, Lyn's jaw dropped, and she stared over at the vampire, disbelieving, "Oh my god, yes!! Holy shit, you know him? Oh my god, okay, of course you know him." She rolled her eyes, somehow it seemed only fitting that the two were at least friends, if not more, "Oh my god, no robes, why are you like this?" Lyn was laughing too hard to focus on the cleaning now. "What about you? Surely there are about fifty hapless suitors trailing after you everywhere you go, yeah?"
"I mean, I promise I'm less cool than I seem, but I'll keep away from your brother," Bella assured her, watching as Lyn quickly agreed that Ryden was her neighbour. "Yeah, I've actually known him a while, he's the employee I flirted with, I still flirt with him, I mean, you've met him, he's a flirty guy," she reasoned of her connection to Ryden. They were definitely more than that though, more than people who had flirted. "He's my puppy, though not much of a puppy anymore, he's like my best friend," she explained, smiling more gently. She did get a bit concerned, she knew Ryden, knew his past about his ex, and while Ryden was totally available to be friends with and sleep with and even share emotional sides of yourself with he was by no means ready to date, but maybe Lyn wasn't either. She was young and gorgeous, why would she want to settle down? "I actually moved here a while ago because my last boyfriend and I were really close, he actually asked me to turn him but...he had kids and it became pretty obvious he'd lose a lot of time with them if he stayed with me so...it's been hard to get over him. Ryden actually really helped, he wants to break his kneecaps in but he's a good friend," Bella explained, running her hands over her thighs. "I did, uh...kind of fool around with this guy I met at a bar, but not sure it's an onslaught of suitors quite yet."
Lyn nodded at Bella's description, no doubt in her mind that Ryden was the sort who could chat up anyone he wanted and get them blushing under all that attention. "Exactly," Lyn said, as though that exact description was proving a point she hadn't made out loud. Lyn's brows knit together, and she reached out, setting her hand on Bellamy's. Lyn, as much as she was trying to immerse herself in this town, in this life, was still a human, and there were times that she could forget that the usual relationship bullshit took on a thousand different layers in a place like this. She parted her lips, ready to apologize, to try and offer any words of condolence she might have built up, but then came that voice again, the quiet hiss in her ear that somehow formed words she could understand. "Kemper... He's afraid of snakes," She said with a grin, reaching up to give her scaly friend a little rub along the chin. "Like, super scared."
Lyn didn't quite say much about Ryden and she hoped she hadn't made the girl feel awkward about her connection to him. They'd slept together, presumably what she'd said implied that, but Bella loved Ryden in a way that she couldn't quite describe, perhaps because her family had never been one for the feeling, but also because there were so many layers to it. "You should definitely flirt with him the next time you're both...on your lawns or whatever, he's really fun. Plus you're both huge bad arses." However when she suddenly said Kemper Bella leaned in, "snakes? That's...amusing, especially since you kind of have one," she chuckled. "You know Kemper though? I didn't even say his name..."
"Trust me, I already flirted with him over our shared stray cat, I've done my civic duty," She teased, sticking her tongue out at Bella in the hopes of appeasing her friend. And as much as she'd been focused on their earlier conversation, their mutual friend the hot werewolf, Lyn couldn't help but feel like she noticed something renewed in Bella's interest as she moved in closer. "I think my uh, companion, is a little offended by his dislike, honestly." Lyn shook her head, side-eying the snake as she explained, "No. Never met the guy, never heard his name before. I just... y'know... It's telling me things... Things I shouldn't know... Probably don't have any right to know..."
"It is a citizens duty to flirt with Ryden, I could see that," she smiled, glad it seemed Lyn was fine, even if it didn't quite sound like she was sure she'd flirt with the cute werewolf boy next door. That was an amazing cliche movie waiting to happen and Bella needed to watch it. "I'd feel more sympathetic for our fae friends if they were actually friendly themselves," Bellamy shrugged, likely not to use snakes against Kemper. "Oh, wow, so it really is just trying to create drama. I'm sure you can keep some of it in, yeah?" She'd abandoned the cleaning by this point, the bat climbing on her back to attempt to pull her back to it but Bellamy was distracted, mostly resisting the urge to ask the snake if he had a girlfriend and if he did whether or not Bella was prettier. "You can tell people my Mum didn't hug me much, I won't get upset. I'm not afraid of much though, at least not like out of nowhere. I'd be scared of a snake if it was trying to kill me but not just...generally."
"True," Lyn agreed, giving her snake another little chin rub, "Pretty sure the only reason I'm not getting strangled now is because I'm running my mouth." She appreciated Bella giving up secrets to share, but she didn't quite know if she could use the same one twice. Maybe to different people? "I don't know what the point is... I mean, why are you doing this?" She said, holding up the scrub brush she'd been using to clean the fountain. "I thought at first like..." Lyn sat back on her feet, pensive, "I wondered if it was something deeper? I came here look for answers, really, trying to find some sort of truth, I guess? So maybe this was a reminder that I don't need to know everything, that knowledge can be dangerous, and needs to be treated respectfully..." She shrugged, glancing up to Bella and then at the snake still looped around her shoulders, "Or this is random bullshit because faeries are tricky fuckers. Who knows."
"Feel free to run your mouth, I won't tell anyone Kemper is afraid of snakes, or about your Dad," not that she'd got a full picture there anyway. Bella wanted to ask but didn't want to pry, at least not while Lyn was in a position where she was forced to share. "I will however tell Ryden you said he's hot...," Bellamy teased, unable to help herself. "I'm not sure, I guess I didn't think about it. I've gone through enough supernatural stuff to know sometimes there is no meaning to it, especially with fae, they're tricky bastards, I mean, why did they try and drag you into that house, you know? If it does have meaning, me being forced to clean seems rude, I clean my house, and I keep my businesses much cleaner than the health and safety people ask." She paused, so self invested she almost missed what Lyn had said, clicking once she'd truly heard it. "What kind of truth did you come here for though?"
"Pretty sure I told Ryden to his face that he was hot, and it's not like he can't know," Lyn said, rolling her eyes, and then, briefly pressing her fingertips to her forehead, as though exasperated by the very fact she went on for a moment longer, "I mean seriously, stupidly, unfairly hot, like.. why?" She focused when Bella went on about her own task, and the mention of the sprites made her wince, rubbing at her head as though she could feel phantom pain in her scalp from their scratchy little hands. "I don't know," Lyn said, and tried to ignore the snake shifting around her neck, like a creepy version of Pinocchio, tightening everytime she avoided telling something she'd rather keep down. "About... The world? About myself, about how... Nowhere else really felt right until I got here."
"Part genetics, part hard knock life, part werewolf, it just came together and became abs with tattoos and an accent," Bella practically cried, but laughed instead. "Plus it's like, people are just hotter when they know how to talk to you." Ryden was strangely good at getting people to open up, even though his ego was quite large. Lyn went on though, about what her truth was, it didn't quite make sense that would be why this would happen but she did get the feeling. "I never felt myself until I was a vampire, maybe we're just people who were attuned to the lies, and need truth to feel ourselves. I think that's a good thing."
"Yeah, Professor X really fucked that one up." Lyn said with another roll of her eyes. Any hint of Bella's origin story would have interested her, but this part in particular had her curious, wondering if the answer could really be that simple after all. She wasn't sure if she was ready to be something other than human, yet, for now just knowing that this all was real was slaking her thirst for truth. "How long have you been a vampire? Can I ask that?"
"Oh yeah, for sure. I'm only four years old as a vampire," she admitted, knowing it perhaps seemed like she was older, not much older since she was looking sadly at missing fake nails and discussing boys but she wasn't as rabid as she had been when she was first turned and took a lot of responsibility for herself. "I was turned on my twenty-first birthday and the next thing I knew I was surrounded by dead bodies with a man telling me I was a vampire, that was basically the first few months of my life. I didn't know anything, I was completely stupid but I was kind of a stupid human too so," Bella shrugged.
Lyn couldn't hide her surprise at the answer. Although it made sense, the idea of 'young' vampires seemed out of place to her. She'd expected some wild number, for Bella to admit she'd been around during the Civil War or something ridiculous, but really she could have just had a baby-face, and not a member of the undead and it would have been just as likely. "Shit..." She muttered, "That's a hell of a way to wake up." Bella's mention of being a 'stupid human' seemed to rouse Lyn's living necklace, and as it spoke to her, Lyn's face fell. "Oh... No..." Lyn muttered, shaking her head with a frown, and she wondered if lifting her hands to her ears would stop the snake from telling her secrets that she wanted her friend to share of her own accord.
"Yeah...," was all Bella really said, sometimes she missed it. When she was first turned she was reckless and violent and unfeeling, she refused to attach to anyone who wasn't her sire. Now Bella was so attached. Sure, she could probably kill anyone in that park and not feel too badly for it, but Lyn? No, she'd never be able to take it. When Bella cared even a little about someone it was the same as caring a lot. "I know it sounds mean to call myself dumb but I was, maybe not like smarts wise, though kind of too, I basically never went to class, but I made some bad decisions," she continued, not aware that it was the snake whispering things that were upsetting Lyn. "How about you? How old are you?"
Maya had given up trying to outpace the rabbit still following her. Or maybe it was a bunny. There was probably a difference, but she didn't know what it was. She had gotten pretty good at ignoring it though. However, since her successful job interview that afternoon, the creature had only gotten more insistent. After all, she had a kitchen now. As she walked into the park, it hopped along slightly behind her. She'd taken to calling it Bugs, since it's accent reminded her of the cartoon character. It started to talk again. Not interested in listening, Maya paused, turned to it and said, "Literally kiss my ass, Bugs. Please and thank you." She didn't want for the rabbit to respond before turning back to her original direction.
This was a disaster and Ryden was pretty sure he'd never been this irked in his entire life before. But then again, he felt the same way each time something pissed him off. And the wet bird sitting on his shoulder, refusing to just GO AWAY, was pissing him off something bad. It wasn't much of a problem that it dripped all over his shirt and constantly tried to shake the water off its feathers even though they never dried off, or the fact that it obviously had Tourette's, spitting out curses randomly like some angry little parrot with a very rude owner. It was the fact that it became more and more obnoxious around any amount of water or liquid, which in turn gave Ryden strange ideas he knew were definitely not his own. And, it was impossible to get away from it. First, it had the ability to fly. Second, it would magically appear on his shoulder even if he closed himself off someplace. He tried. He tried everything he could think of. Last resort - visit a witch. He went out with that plan in mind except... it didn't seem like he was the only one with an affliction. People were walking around with all sorts of critters attached to them, doing strange things like muttering to themselves or performing unusual tasks that just made them look like they were complete nutcases. A random guy for example, came up to him, screaming in his face that the end was near. When asked what was he talking about, he seemed confused. It only got worse in the city center. Where people would usually go about their business, they lingered, satisfying this or that newly acquired quirk with an obsessive compulsiveness. "Fuck me..." That was when Ryden passed by the fountain and he probably would not have noticed Bellamy if the stupid bird hadn't started squaking like mad in his ear. "SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" He growled, spooking some who'd passed by. Swiping at the bird angrily, he walked up to Bellamy. "What the fuck are you doing?!" It came out too angrily, but that wasn't Bella's fault.
Just like every other time Maya had tried to tell the creature to fuck off, it didn't work. But she had gotten pretty good at tuning chatter out in the last year. She kept walking towards the fountain. A few other people were out and about. Most seemed to be dealing with their own rude little creatures. Some seemed to be doing better with it than others. Someone shouting caused her to whip around to face them, immediately ready for a fight. But even with her heartbeat thundering in her ears, Maya recognized Ryden. She didn't recognize the blonde woman apparently cleaning the fountain. Neither of them poised an actual threat though. Slipping out of fight or flight, she unclenched her fists and relaxed her shoulders. Not knowing if he had noticed her reaction, Maya didn't say anything about it. The rabbit piped up with a "See, like that guy. Clearly, he needs to chill the fuck out." "Still a crime, my dude," she replied, not even bothering to look down at the creature. "So y'all got some little bastards too," she commented, noting the damp raven on Ryden's shoulder and the pink  bat hovering around the woman.  "Guess I should be glad its not just me."
"We're cleaning," Bellamy said of her and Lyn's activity, from the aggressive way Ryden had approached she anticipated his creature was being as kind to him as Lyn's was. "I broke nails, puppy," she pouted, holding up her hands that had lost about half of her acrylics. Thank god she healed fast otherwise the nails would have looked really gross. Behind him a woman with a rabbit spoke, unsure if she was telling Ryden he was committing some crime or the creature that it was. The pause in her cleaning though caused the bat to pull sharply on Bella's hair. "Ow," she winced, picking up the brush once more. "Everyone in town," she told the girl.(edited)
Ryden couldn't cope. This was a complete 'nope' situation. This was....* magic*. And magic was an unpredictable pile of bullshit you couldn't punch teeth out of to make it calm down. "Okay, okay..." He breathed in and out, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. "We need a witch to figure this shit out. I can't deal with this shit. What the bloody hell are those?!" He pointed at Sarah's rabbit and Bella's bat. The raven on Ryden's shoulder provided a useless input. "FUCKERS!"
His reaction was strong, Bellamy often forgetting that some people couldn't quite go with the flow of all of this stuff. Lyn was human but clearly quite resilient like Bellamy was, while Ryden and the bunny girl weren't quite having the same time with it. "People are working on it, I've found it's just easiest to give in, granted...from the sounds of things what my fae wants me to do is pretty minimal in comparison to other people. I have to clean this fountain until it looks new, it's all the bloody bat will go on about it. He's calmer when I do...maybe do what it wants? Unless it's murder, don't murder."
Maya ran her fingers through her hair. She didn't like any of this either. Having been in plenty of shitty situations before though, this didn't even rank among them. Annoying, yes. Infuriating, yes. But not even close to the worst problem of her life. It was the trade-off she supposed of living in a town that was safe for supernaturals. Shit like this, whatever it was, happened. "People?" she asked, "Who are people?" There might very well be some agency that dealt with things like this, but she didn't like the vagueness of /people/. "And yeah, mine wants me to do a crime, so I'm going to stick with no," she added more as an afterthought than anything else.
"This is bullshit!" Ryden protested, this close to throwing a tantrum fit. He sat on the edge of the fountain, the part Bella wasn't cleaning, and thought really hard on what type of fae he knew about. Problem was, there were so many he didn't know where to start with. Hi was highly unqualified to deal with the situation. Eyeing Maya, he raised an eyebrow, curious. "What does it want you to do?"
The appearance of new people seemed to rile the python around Lyn's shoulders, and as much as she wanted to talk, to greet the others with her typical excitement, the snake held her in sway. It told her... Well, it told her a lot. It was as though it had been waiting for this, the entrance of new people, new things to tell, to urge her to tell. Lyn chewed on her lower lip anxiously, hearing just enough of Bella's explanation to manage to nod along. "Little allowances," She finally piped up, "Is there like... a halfway mark you can meet?" And then, in an example that no one but Bellamy would understand, since she already had an idea of what the scaled being around her neck could do. "Bella used to steal from the church collection plate. Just pennies. Sorry, Bells, but you were a kid, that's not that bad."
"I would assume some kind of city council?" Bellamy answered the woman, she was attempting to be helpful but it seemed to only be riling the two of them up further and further. She looked to see the girls answer to Ryden's question though, wondering what could be so terrible she'd be requested to do, but Lyn suddenly made an announcement, "Lyn!" Immediately she laughed however, not actually that concerned. "Let's be real, God didn't need pennies, I did, so I could get gum and warheads."
Maya was about to answer Ryden's question when someone else piped up. She didn't recognize them either. And wondered a little how she hadn't noticed them. She noted the blonde woman's name, Bella before returning to the question at hand. "Well, if anyone wants to let me borrow their kitchen and point me towards the nearest dispensary, I might be able to shut him up for an hour," Maya replied with a shrug. The pot and brownies part weren't an issue for her. But she drew a hard line at giving them out to unsuspecting people and not only because she was about 90% sure that was definitely a crime. Even if it wasn't a crime, it probably should be.
"I don't get it." Ryden said to Maya's explanation of what her fea wanted her to do. "There's a Ministry of Magic department at the City Hall but it's prolly packed full and everyone's puttin' in complaints. I went right by, the line is terrible." Ryden's leg started bouncing, the big man cracking his knuckles nervously. The raven on his shoulder was now pretty much screaming all sorts of colorful profanities, but the werewolf was growing desperately numb to the noise by the second. "How... is this relevant to the shit we're in??" He asked Lyn, who had shared a completely random piece of info all of a sudden about Bellamy's past.
"God totally doesn't need pennies, and neither did that church, I'm sure." Lyn agreed. The unknown woman drew her attention next, giving just enough hints about her own animal companion that Lyn could only drop her jaw in outright jealousy. "I'm sorry, can we trade? You have to make pot brownies, and I'm stuck with Snitchy, the Secret-Spilling-Snake?" The snake was obviously less than pleased with the nickname, giving a loud hiss that would have been audible for everyone around, and in an attempt to please it, Lyn looked at the only one in the group unfamiliar to her and asked, "What was it about the Wizard of Oz that made you cry? Was it scary? You know that rumour about the dead body is totally an urban legend, it's a bird. Also, hi, I'm Lyn, it's nice to meet you." The last bit was an afterthought, Lyn realizing belatedly that though the world had shifted some things needed to remain constant habits. Ryden's annoyance made her bristle slightly, something her snake reacted too pleasantly, and Lyn levelled a steady gaze at her neighbor, "The snake is telling me people's secrets, and it wants me to share them, you big fuckin' nerd." She said accusingly, the snake having given her a heads-up to some of Ryden's Netflix choices.
"You could always offer the brownies to people who like you know like pot, so like you're not giving them to people about to pick up their kid but instead gifting them to people who would already pay for them?” Bella mused, shrugging her shoulders. She did have a nice kitchen that she could offer but wasn't quite sure why the woman couldn't do it in her own and wasn't sure it would be polite to ask. "Personally I'm enjoying most of the secrets. I'm hoping to find out something juicy," she teased Lyn as she continued to clean. "How about you, puppy? What's that crow getting you worked up to do?"
"Shut up!" Ryden seconded Lyn's envy, now that he had figured out what Maya's fae spirit-induced compulsive behavior was. Lyn's accusation confused him momentarily, and Ryden made a face. "Gotta say, no one's called me a nerd b'fore but... okay I guess yer not in yer right mind right now." "Uuuh, I am not sure yet. It gits crazy near... water???" The raven was in a frenzy at the moment and everyone would probably struggle to talk over it's rude cawing.
Lyn stuck a hand up in the air at Bella's suggestion, volunteering herself, "Listen, you could make regular brownies and I'd take one, but if you're gonna start giving away special brownies... I will help you, I will do my best." She pressed a hand against her chest, although honour-bound to help the other woman with her plight at great sacrifice to herself. She waved off Ryden's confusion, although the questions were piled up in her mind, it was a personal quest at this point. Was he into Ghibli movies? Because who wasn't? Or was he secretly ninja-running down the apartment hallway when she wasn't looking? "Like... it wants you to swim? Or is water... bad?" She called out, trying to make her voice heard over the raven's noise. The one benefit to it's yelling was that it temporarily drowned out the soft voice of her snake.
"You're a nerd?" Bella asked teasingly, poking Ryden with one of her remaining false nails, having assumed most of that was directed at the other woman. "It's not telling you? Mine's got like a squeaky little whisper, I can't understand anyone else's though because if I could I'd just hang around Lyn until all of this went away getting to know everyone's secrets." The hand that had poked his calf gently rubbed it, knowing that a reminder they didn't know when the creatures would be going away could potentially stress him out further.
"Bugs here wants me to give out pot brownies without telling the people their pot brownies," Maya explained to Ryden. As for other avenues of placating it, she merely shrugged. Her lack of access to a kitchen remained a problem. But she didn't want to get in to that, especially not with a secret spilling snake around. Considering it was right that she had cried the first and only time she'd seen The Wizard of Oz, she didn't want to find out what else it knew about her. She didn't comment on it either though, hoping that the trend of the conversation would mean no one thought much of it.
"I mean, sure? I don't know, nerdy is a bit of a broad term, innit?" He shrugged, not really shook by the 'secret' Lyn had partially revealed about him. Ryden was shouting too, and louder than everyone else, because the stupid bird was right at his ear. "No, this is all it does, it projectile vomits crap like that." He pointed at it, the bird now cracking up some pretty nasty insults, usually limited to one noun only accompanied by maybe a couple of colorful adjectives. He had to think about it for a second. The raven shut up as he considered. "Sorry, Bella, I know you'll forgive me one day." He stood up and picked the petite woman up then plopped her carefully into the fountain. "Wet t-shirt contest. That's what it wants me t'do." At least he got it figured out now. The raven had jumped off his shoulder now, flying happy circles around his head, cackling. "Well, it is kinna funny. Like that 'go for a swim' challenge." He had to admit.
Lyn was watching the bird, wondering if she could ask her snake about it. She hadn't ever sought any information from it, it had been more than happy to just share, some secrets simple, easy, like the ones the assembled group had so recently brushed off. Some, though, were devestating, and these were the ones that were burrowing into Lyn, things she told herself she'd have to keep inside, things she couldn't even reveal she knew. She scrambled to the edge of the fountain when Ryden dumped Bella in, one hand clapped over her mouth as though in horror, but her laughter could be heard from behind as she peered over the edge at her friend. "Oh man... At least the fountain's clean-ish now..." Though she didn't think that would appease Bella any.
Bellamy frowned temporarily as he said that she would forgive him one day, feeling him grab her, the bat at her shoulder calming for a strange reason. "Puppy, wha-?" and she was cut off as her scuffed heels landed in the water, as did her jeans and half of her waist, the fountain surprisingly deep, Bellamy not suspecting it. She was ready to say she wasn't mad when he announced it was a wet t-shirt contest and Bellamy splashed him with a large amount of water. "Give us our wet t-shirt contest," she responded, unaware she had caught Lyn sitting by the fountain in the process, the other woman's legs as well. A smile on her face before suddenly her eyes went wide, "Something swam by my ankles!" she objected, wiggling in the water in the hopes of it swimming away.
Maya stifled a laugh as Ryden dropped Bella into the fountain. "Seems on par," she commented as far as the raven wanting him to throw people into water. The rabbit by her feet pointed out that maybe if he had some pot brownies, he might've been nicer about it. Maya ignored it. She did take a step back from the fountain though. Her jeans would take forever to dry and her other pair were dirty from a scuffle a few days back. "Yeah, I think your raven would definitely want you to participate in this contest," Maya teased Ryden. She looked towards Bella's ankles when the woman shouted about something swimming by them. But she didn't move any closer. The fountain wasn't big enough that it could be much more than a confused fish. At least, she didn't think it could be.
It was odd but just a moment ago, Ryden was practically fuming. Now, the bird's happiness over a thing as stupid as throwing someone into a fountain seemed to have made Ryden all giddy and amused. It was obviously influencing his mood. A chuckle coming up, he shrugged, taking off his already wet shirt without any protests. "I win. Who's next." He turned to Lyn, the second in line since Maya stepped away. "Who's nerdy again." He made grabby hands at her.
"Oh, like a big koi fish?" Lyn asked curiously, leaning even closer to the fountain as though expecting to see it full of large, beautiful fish. She hadn't realized that by moving closer to the fountain she'd put herself in danger of being Ryden's next victim. "No." She said, although the words were hardly commanding as she started scooting away from him, though not nearly fast enough, if he were serious about making her the next target. "Uh, still you," She shot back, although further antagonizing him was probably not the smartest move, Lyn couldn't help herself. If he grabbed her, she just knew she'd try to take him in as well, even if that meant clinging to his arm like an over-sized koala.
Ryden removing his shirt was enough to temporarily distract her, Bella letting out a teasing wolf whistle as she continued to fidget in the water. For a vampire she should have handled some kind of fish moving around her ankles better but a lot of the times Bellamy still had terribly human reactions. "Smaller, maybe there are like fish in here, or frogs," she said as she moved. When Ryden made Lyn his next victim though she readied herself to help Lyn pull him in if he tried. If his crow wanted them to be in the water then he deserved to be in it too.
As annoyed as she was, Maya couldn't help but wolf whistle when Ryden took off his shirt. It did worry her a little though that doing as the raven asked had affected his mood so much and positively. If it did that to everyone, they were all in trouble. More trouble anyway. The rabbit piped up again. "I really don't give a fuck," she told it, almost offhandedly. She still didn't move any closer to Ryden or Lyn. She had no desire to end up in the fountain. Especially not if there were frogs in there. "So, we have basically no idea where these creatures came from or when they're going to fuck off back where they came from. Do I have that right?" she asked.
"Oooh, yes." Now Ryden couldn't stop himself anymore. It was like an addiction - as soon as he did it once, he had to do it again and it was all he could think of. He went for Lyn, attempting to pick her up by her waist.
"I can't whistle," Lyn said with a frown and a shrug as Ryden stalked towards her. She certainly echoed the sentiments of the other two women, but lacked the ability to show it in the same way. She saw the look in his eyes, and knew it was over for her. She could only pout as he lunged for her, for all their previous jokes about fighting dirty she wasn't going to actually fight Ryden. She could, however, wrap her arms around his shoulders, forcing him to have to pry her off if she was going in the water. She was too distracted by a shirtless Ryden coming after her to focus too much on the stranger's words. For Lyn this was almost a regular day in Opulence, she was just telling herself to roll with the punches.
"I think so, I know it's kind of troublesome," Bellamy said to the girl whose name she had yet to catch, making sure she was still watching Ryden's movements against Lyn. "But it's kind of the punishment for getting to be here and be ourselves," she grinned, her focus shifting because Ryden began to put Lyn into the water, Lyn's slender arms around his broad shoulders. It was then Bella took the chance to grab Lyn's own shoulders, attempting to drag Ryden in with her, perhaps from the shock of her own strength he wouldn't have expected from Lyn. A splash came as at least one of them entered the water, hoping both had.
Maya nodded. She'd forgotten in the commotion that she hadn't mentioned her own name. But it didn't seem overly important anyway. It still didn't quite feel real that she could stay here safely. Her eyes tracked Ryden & Lyn though, still trying to stay out of that.
He had a very good chance of winning this one against Lyn. But when Bella came to her aid, her vampiric strength just enough to spoil Ryden's plans, he rolled into the fountain too, laughing his heart out. He raven seemed bery happy with the situation as well, bouncing merrily along the edge of the fountain. Sitting up in the water, Ryden rubbed a wet hand over his face. "This is bad... I can't stop laughing now. I gotta..." He tried to stand up while struggling with a fit of giggles, his mood doing a 180 now that he was actually doing what his fae wanted him to do. "I gotta... git that one as well." He announced, pointing at Maya,who was the only one left standing.
Lyn let out a small, gleeful shriek through gritted teeth as she felt Bella's hands on her shoulders, "Go, Bells, go!" She tried to cheer her friend on, sucking in a deep breath and holding it seconds before the vampire pulled them down into the water. She bobbed up beside Ryden, scrambling to her feet, plucking at the now super clingy fabric of her top, a very pissed-off python now more like a turtleneck collar around her neck, though Lyn tried to be unbothered by it. "This is why I always wear black," She muttered, stepping over towards Bella, her words making it sound like werewolves chucking her bodily into fountains was a daily threat.
Bellamy wrapped her arms around Lyn's middle as she got up, putting a chin on her shoulder, though Lyn could feel it at her neck Bella merely felt shadows there, nothing to interrupt her movement. "Well thank god you do wear black, though this could be the perfect time for robes," she teased Lyn, poking her stomach softly. "If you can even get out of this fountain," she taunted Ryden as she held her friend to protect her from the frogs and fish in the water. It was probably four feet deep based on Bella's own height, so leverage was the real issue of getting out rather than strength.
Immediately, Maya tensed again. Logically, she knew it wasn't that big a deal. After all, her clothes would dry and no one meant her any real harm. But the thought of being physically picked up and tossed, no matter how playfully, set off her already frayed nerves. "Go for it, if you want to get kneed in the balls," she replied, playing it off with a joke. She just hoped that Ryden couldn't see through her as easily as he had that first night at the bar.
Lyn settled her hands on Bella's arms as the girl wrapped around her, turning just enough so that the vampire could see her stick her tongue out in response to her teasing. "Quiet, you." She moved her hands only to clap as Maya seemed to square off with Ryden, "My money's on the girl!" She called.
Ryden couldn't seen anything right now - he was laughing so hard that tears started welling up. And lucky for Maya, this made it very hard for him to stand up and actually get out of the fountain. "Hahaha hahahaha pfffff, okay, okay, gimmie a minute..." The raven, all content now, bounced back onto Ryden's shoulder, ruffling its wet feathers before it nestled there. "Aww, man... Lookit that. He's so happy. I think he's sad he's the only one all wet all the time. That's actually kinna cute." Ryden reached out to give the rave a scratch on its head but it called him a bitch so he changed his mind. "Yeah, nevermind, he's an asshole." Now that he's calmed down a little, he gave getting out of the fountain another try. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Ya take that ball kneedin' elsewhere, I ain't interested. Ya'll guys need help?" He asked Bella and Lyn - he got them in there, he can take them out.
Bella resisted the urge to make a joke at Lyn's expense, knowing it would have probably been gentle teasing if it was the two of them but potentially embarrassing with Ryden within ear shot. "Clearly you just need to stay in the water forever, you'll get very pruney," she said instead of Ryden's wet crow. "Help Lyn out first, that way she can stand on my hands." Bella had a bit more strength and with Ryden's help it would be easy, not so much for Lyn.
"That water is really dirty." Colette said staring over the soaking wet group. She thought about passing without a word but couldn't help herself. Seeing Bella and Lyn she couldn't help but laugh.
As Ryden struggled to get out of the fountain, Maya relaxed. Not all the way, but enough that she could pass it off for just being annoyed with the rabbit. "Gladly," she replied with an almost real smile when he, at least seemed to, change his mind about putting her in the fountain. Still a little cautious, she moved forward. "Here, I can help," she said, offering Lyn a hand. "C'mon Doc, just do it," the rabbit argued, "See how happy it made that big lug. You can be happy too." "Will it make you less of a dick?" she asked, still not looking down at it.
Lyn waded through the water to the edge of the fountain, throwing her hand up in a wave to Colette, "Trying not to think about that, thanks!!" She gave Ryden the finger, and reached instead for the hand of the girl she didn't know yet, using it to try and pull herself up onto the stone edge of the fountain, relying, too, on Bella's offered help. "My middle name is Eleanor," She offered, though no one had asked, at least by now no one was questioning it. At least she wasn't throwing people into fountains. "I lie and tell people I don't have one because I hate it!"
"Fine, struggle. Eleanor." Ryden shrugged at the finger Lyn flipped at him, then just bounced out of the fountain, no problem. "Ugh... where my shirt at?" He tried to shake some of the water off but his pants were completely soaked so it was no use. At least he found his shirt quickly enough. He used it to wipe himself down. Once Bella and Maya were done helping Lyn, he reached out to help Bella.
Bella frowned as Ryden went to find his shirt, taking a moment for her to realise he was coming back. "It's cleaner than usual," Bella told Colette, "I've been cleaning the fountain all day but yeah...the inside is still pretty moldy." When Ryden offered his hand she grabbed it, leveraging herself out, letting him go once she had a knee on the edge and was able to pull herself from the water that dripped off her clothes, clinging to her skin as it did Lyn's. "Can we request secrets?" she asked, coming to her feet and squeezing out her shirt.  "Because I think after that we deserve Ryden's middle name."
"Oh shit," Maya said, realizing when Lyn offered her middle name that she'd neglected to introduce herself. "Maya by the way. I'm Maya." She half laughed as she said it, knowing it was odd she hadn't mentioned it earlier. She blamed the whole situation. "Awww boo," she teased Ryden when he pulled his shirt back on. When Bella asked about requesting secrets, Maya fell silent. She didn't think anyone really cared, but she'd rather keep her secrets to herself.
"You've been cleaning the fountain all day?" Said with a raise of her eyebrow. That was a strange thing for a vampire bar owner to spend the day doing. "It does look nice." Colette admitted.
Lyn let out a groan at Ryden's words, regretting giving that one away immediately. All the same, it was easier to bare her own embarassing secrets than others. She'd keep doing this to herself as long as she could if it meant saving others the potential pain. "Please don't call me Eleanor," She asked Maya, "Lyn, my name is Lyn. Nice to meet you, even though this is really fuckin' weird." Outside of the fountain she knelt down to pull off one of her boots, planning to empty them of water. Bella's question made her grin, and Lyn turned to the snake, who reared it's head up to face her, and Lyn reached out with a finger, stroking the underside of the snake's head curiously, "What do you think? Do we get to know?" The snake said nothing, but as if she'd heard a great revelation, Lyn gave a dramatic gasp, turning her gaze to Ryden, bright blue eyes wide in faux-shock. "Eunice!? Ryden Eunice. Oh, it's got a lovely ring. Is that a family name?"
Still rubbing his face with his shirt, Ryden peeked out at Lyn, giving her a raised eyebrow look. "I don't know, if we're talkin' 'bout middle names, mine's Douglas and I ain't nearly as embarrassed over it as you are." At Maya's booing, he offered her a charming wink. Glancing at Colette, he looked disappointed. "Why are you normal?"
"That is what the bat wants me to do," she said, gesturing to the creature that peaked out from beneath her hair to Colette. "Thank you," Bella gushed at the compliment, giggling quickly as Lyn insisted that Ryden's middle name was Eunice, part of her would have believed it, his first name and last were relatively cool, something had to offset them. "Ryden Douglas Bolt, Ryden Eunice Bolt..., I mean...both sound like real names," she mused, releasing the fabric of her shirt. Honestly Bella wanted to press for secrets about Kemper, but she knew it would put Lyn in an awkward position, and if it got out that she wanted to ask then it could potentially get back to him that she wanted to. "Shit," Bella whispered to herself, realising she'd incidentally created a secret by thinking too much. "Is she normal tho?" Bellamy refocused on Colette. "I know she has a bee that's apparently a bit of a bee-itch." With that she giggled, sitting down on the fountain and continuing to clean.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure its Eunice now," Maya teased Ryden. She didn't add her own middle name since it was neither important nor funny. Her middle name was just a form of her mother's name, the mother she'd lost when she was 8. "What does it want you to do?" she asked Colette, curious if there was any kind of trend across the creatures.
Lyn looked over at Bella, shrugging a shoulder, "Snake doesn't tell me shit that I actually wanna know." Then, though, the snake did speak, and Lyn rolled her eyes at the hissing, shaking her head as she kept her gaze on Bella, "You want me to tell you all the dirt on your new boyfriend. Nope. You have to ask him yourself." She told the vampire, and followed her gaze to the witch, glad to see Colette rather unscathed with everything that was going on. "You have a bee? Cool!" She'd dumped out one boot, and moved on to the next, a small puddle at her feet from all the water dripping off her.
"I don't think you mentioned that to me," Bella said, looking to Colette with Maya's question lingering in the air of what her bee was asking of her. "Maya potentially needs a kitchen to complete hers, maybe the community college? Probably some potheads there you could give brownies to successfully," she mused, not because they were in community college but because there was a large segment of people in their twenties likely to be chill with it. However her cheeks grew in size, not going red due to her species but growing in size to show she was blushing. "That's childish, not boyfriend, guy I slept with," Bellamy said, shaking her head, even though she'd been the childish one discussing robes all day. "I don't want to know secrets, I just like...want to know if he's single." Lie, she didn't care, she was quite certain she was better looking and capable of pulling him away from any girlfriend he had. "Or like if I need to get checked." Lie, mostly because she couldn't catch anything. "Or, you know, just -," she cut herself off and shut up. She was terrible at lying when she knew there was no way Lyn was buying any of it. "I will ask him myself, yes."
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cakepoppresent · 1 month
We'll Be Okay
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Everyone heads to Brindleton Bay to enjoy the end-of-summer party hosted by Veronica. A whole summer apart everyone has a lot to catch up on and enjoy their last moments of freedom before their last year of university
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Heading to the kitchen to get some more things for the party, Grayson feels a little disappointed that he hasn't seen Gideon yet. It took the whole summer for him to get the courage to finally face Gideon. Not paying attention to his surroundings he hears his name being called
This is awkward. Very awkward.
"We need to talk Grayson"
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They sit together quietly just enjoying each other's company. They left each other on such bad terms now that they are here sitting beside each other none of them know what to say first. "I did get that tattoo. It's a dagger with a snake on my back. I'm sorry for keeping that from you. I did it because I wanted to make sure I could protect you, looking back at it now I did more harm than good. I'd do anything for you Grayson, it was a small price to pay if it meant we could be together"
"I've done things I'm not proud of. I just don't want you to think any less of me"
"I should have trusted you more. I still trust you...I was just being silly"
"My family did some unforgivable things. It was a scary situation but you don't have to worry about them anymore"
Grayson understands the meaning of those words but he wants to hear them loud and clear. Gideon still feels like the same man he grew up with but now there is an edge to him that Grayson wants to understand
"Did you...kill your grandparents?"
"No. Just Alaia..."
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It's a hard pill to swallow knowing that Gideon the person he grew up with could do that. He saw Gideon through a rose-coloured lens, his Gideon was sweet, soft and comforting. He knows Gideon is still all those things but this version of Gideon is very attractive. The question at the tip of Grayson's tongue is gonna be hard but he knows this is an important step for them
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"Would you hate me if I said I wanted to stay single for a little while longer?"
Those words cut at Gideon's heart. He just wants things to go back to how they were. He wants Grayson back in his life, his home and his bed. Life is empty without him.
"I could never hate you."
"I do want to get back together...eventually. But this past year has been a mess, I stopped feeling like myself with everything going on. I stopped painting, I was stressed and felt this heavy weight on my shoulders. I love you so much but this space would be good...for us"
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Gideon doesn't want to take a damn break. He wants to be with Grayson officially, he wants to get married and he wants Grayson in his bed every. single. night.
"You're not allowed to see anyone else!"
"Since when were you so selfish?"
"I don't care! You can't do it! I heard something over the summer did you beat up a kid in high school for wanting to ask me out?"
"Who told you about that?"
"Answer me!"
"Yes. He was a little shit and I'd do it again" Grayson is losing his mind, Gideon has always been hot but this is at a new level and he likes it. A lot
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They lay together silently. Once they get up they are stuck in this awkward place, not boyfriends but still friends, not exactly broken up either. Grayson didn't give a timeline for how long he wants their break but it's probably better this way. "Don't worry. We'll be fine"
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rubywalkcr · 5 years
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hey gang! corrie here, back at it again with my third (and final) character, ruby walker. she’s a cutie and i love her so much already, i hope you guys do too. undercut is all the info ya’ need on her. enjoy n happy reading! @frostfordstart
soooooo....this is ruby, she’s pretty much like og betty cooper from season one of riverdale, minus the whole dark betty stuff because that’s nasty. 
she comes from money and was originally born in the hamptons, to a businessman father and a trophy wife mother. it wasn’t really a happy home.
she has two older siblings (brother and sister), who have basically become clones of her parents. ruby never wanted to be like that. 
she’s a single mum and has a young daughter called Alaia and you’ll see the father of her daughter knocking around frostford cause it’s @nik-reign​
nik and ruby met in high-school and were complete opposites, nik was a bad boy, always causing trouble but rubes was a big ol’ nerd && she wasn’t a fan of him.
ruby was basically the only kid in class who wouldn’t egg or cheer nik on when he did something dumb. annnnd that got nik curious....
eventually after some chasing from nik, she agreed to go out on a date and the rest is history.
they started to date and she started skipping some classes, her grades started to slip && her parents weren’t happy. 
one day, rubes woke up and she was feeling funny, turns out she had morning sickness!! so she took a pregnancy test and shocker....she was very much preggo. 
she told nik and they had a big fight about it, she was worried he wouldn’t step up to the mark etc. they eventually decided together that they were going to keep the baby.
they told their parents and both sets of parents were absolutely against it.  they tried to convince the pair, to put up alaia for adoption. 
but the kiddos were dead set on keeping her and that’s just what they did. 
she gave birth to baby alaia and the trio moved to manhattan together, but they wanted their young daughter to have a good start in life. so at twenty three years old, they upped and moved to frostford.
they lived happily as a trio for a few years, but nik and ruby ended up, ending things :(
now ruby has her own place has joint custody of alaia. herself and nik co-parent her. and they are doing quite well. 
she works as a freelance writer @ the frostford herald. she loves it! it’s her life! 
wanted connections:
parent friends
best friends (two/three people she’s real close with, don’t have to have kids)
fwbs (just cause she’s a single mum doesn’t mean she can’t have fun right??)
exes (i feel like she’s dated a couple of people since her break up with nik. could’ve ended fine or it could’ve got real ugly)
please like this post if you’re down for plotting with rubes (or any of my characters tbh) annnnnd i’ll message you. feel free to hit me up on discord @ corey in the pub ™#0678 too! xx
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Word Find Tag
Catch up p4, completing May's backlog 😅 Thanks for the tag, @dogmomwrites! <3
Special rules for this one: If you can't find a word, leave a fun fact about your WIP, OCs, or writing process!
My words: harbinger, reserve, viscera, lunge, and note
Your words: denial, death, deserve, distance, and distress
Gently tagging: @k--havok, @poetinprose, @experi-sketches
Wow,, these words were hard! Had to skip back to Shattered Soul to get four out of the five, instead of three lol.
CW for blood, and extremely crude language in viscera, im so sorry 😅
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Yeah, didn't think I'd have this one (in any of my wips, apparently lol). Fun fact time!
I enjoy this book so much that I've considered making Shattered Dreams a prequel and starting with this one.
Reserve Alaia
"Who—what are you?" she whispered. He cocked his head. "I'm Darian Arrio-alvaro Devante, a Guardian class mage. What has happened to you, little fae? Where is your clan?" Her eyes widened as golden scrollwork appeared on his temples, framing his eyes for a moment before fading out again. She bit her lip, unsure how to answer that. Why did they think she was fae? Was that the only reason they weren't slicing her head from her body at this moment, or ripping into her with those fangs? Pain cascaded through her again, even worse this time. Tears pricked her eyes as she leaned forward, a whimper escaping as her shadow pulsed with waves of urgent warning. She felt whatever reserves of magic the Veil had given her gutter and recognized her borrowed time was running out.
Viscera Serin
"She was easy enough to manipulate the first time," Marcus said with a laugh. "She's nothing but a lying whore, but at least she's an enthusiastic whore. I can see why you risked being sent to Menai for a chance to fuck her. I hope her cunt was worth it." Serin shook with rage and a visceral terror as Marcus approached him as well. Serin's body remembered what Marcus had done to it, what he was capable of. The goddess licked her lips. Delicious. He has such fear of you, Marcus. He feels such despair at the thought of you fucking his lover.
Lunge Alaia
Kiral crumpled beneath her, and she fell with him, twisting to avoid falling on his sword. Scrambling up, she lunged across the sand to Darian. Jesam held him in his lap, tears tracking down his dirty face as he held a hand over the wound, trying to staunch the blood that was gushing out. "Get the leathers off!" Alaia shouted as she kneeled beside them, taking Darian's pale ash-streaked face in between her hands. "You will stay with me. I will never forgive you if you told me I'm your mate only to run away from me to die." He tried to speak, his amber eyes pained as they locked onto hers, but nothing emerged from his mouth except blood, and he coughed.
Note Aleix
Aleix scrubbed a hand over his face, thinking he had never been so bored in his entire century of existence. Alaia was incredibly wary of all of them. As a result, she spent most of her time outside in the gardens behind the Hall of Healing. After Aleix had persuaded her to come to the beach with him, no one had been able to keep her out of them. So, he had spent the last four weeks watching as she weeded, pruned, and watered the plants. She resisted any attempts to draw her into conversation and continued to refuse offers to see the city or visit a grove. Which left him with nothing to do but stand there. Kiala said the gardening was good exercise to rebuild her endurance after her ordeal. Alaia had accepted the herbal and the little journal Kiala had offered her, taking the book outside with her and making notes about the various plants when her body made her rest. That had been fairly often to start, but he could tell she was gaining strength. The sun had given her pallid skin a healthy glow, and she was starting to put on some weight. All good signs of physical recovery. He shifted his weight from foot to foot, stifling a sigh. He was not used to being inactive.
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peonierose · 1 year
Primrose sounds super intriguing! I suspect it might be a travel fic?? Idk I just get very travel vibes from it lol
And you've got to tell me more about Waffle House! Is it fluffy, is it sweet, is it angsty, the people gotta know lmao!
But peonie, like just wow, i love your WIP titles so much. They just give me "summer, beachy" vibes, with a hint of 2010s nostalgia. Love them all so much!
Mads 💚
Here are little snippets from Primrose and Waffle House 😉 Fyi primrose might be something different than you’d expect. Waffle House so far is pretty fluffy. But it’s in the early stages so it could change 🥰😅
Really? Oh my gosh thank you. I always just go with my gut when it comes to titles 🥰 So you saying you love them means a lot really.
Thank you so much for asking me about my wip 💚
Book: Open Heart
Summary: Bryce and Ethan go to a sex dungeon. Bonding over drinks.
Luna knows the owner, Madame Rose, because she did an art piece for her for free. It’s now on full display when you enter the dungeon.
Madame Rose was so happy and thankful she told Lunes she can come and visit the dungeon anytime she wants. Even bring some friends.
Being a dominatrix isn’t just dressing sexy and knowing a thing or two about pleasure. These are people too. Who enjoy this kind of pleasure. Which I respect a lot. We’re all beautiful and unique in our own way. Dressing in leather and being dominant? Why the heck not.
I sigh and stare at my phone. I can practically hear Luna say:
”Call Ethan and ask him to go out for some drinks.“ I grin and take my phone.
I dial Ethans cell thinking 9 pm isn’t too late. Hopefully he didn’t go to bed already. I make myself more comfortable on my bed. It rings and rings. I’m about to hang up when after a couple of seconds I hear a deep frustrated male voice.
“I hope you have a good reason for calling right now Lahela,“ Ethan sounds frustrated.
I hear some rustling and a frustrated female voice in the background. I smile wider.
“Hi Hayley. Did I interrupt your little love fest? Yeah sorry not sorry. Also I feel really touched you recognized my number Ramsey,“ I say grinning against the phone.
“I’d really like to enjoy some time with my wife without you interrupting us,“ he says and I grin again. It’s so easy to get a rise out of him. Though I feel a teensy bit bad for interrupting his sexy times with his wife.
“I can call you back in five minutes. It won’t take you longer than that right?“ I tease Ethan
Waffle House
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Luna Auclair x Ethan Ramsey
Summary: Luna and Bryce spend some time together with their kids at the Waffle House.
Both Kehlani and Alaia let out excited squeals.
”I think it sounds like a great idea babe.“ I say.
Lani turns in her chair and looks up at me with her big brown eyes.
”Why do you say babe, daddy?“
I lean down and kiss the top of Lanis head.
”I say that because I love your mom.“
”Can we say babe too?“
I grin. At the age of three Lani and Rosie are two very curious little girls.
”That’s reserved for me Lani.“
She sighs and Alaia grins at her, which makes Lani smile again.
We switch and I take over to braid Alaia’s hair.
Luna whispers.
”They’re way to assertive. That’s your side of the genes.“
I chuckle.
”Don’t forget good-looking.“ I wink.
”I swear your ego swells every time.“
I laugh hard and cover Lanis ears with my hands. Luna does the same with Rosie.
”You gotta know that I was going to make a dirty joke after what you said.“
Luna rolls her eyes.
”Let me guess. Something else swells too.“
I can’t resist to give her a kiss.
”You know me too well Lunes.“
She grins and winks at me.
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seadrops · 11 months
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( jennie kim, cis woman, she/her ) — the ton welcomes CLARISSA ‘RISSA’ TOUSSAINT, the YOUNG MISS from BRIGHTON. excitement is aplenty for this social season, and i’m most certain the TWENTY-FIVE year old MISS RISSA TOUSSAINT will be no different. whispers have told me that they are ARDENT & ASTUTE, but do you not agree that they can be HAUGHTY & FANCIFUL at times? perhaps it’s because i think of floating in vast, dark waters, not knowing where you begin and where the sea ends ╱ hair gathered in a black ribbon, curls loose and wild, girlhood not entirely abandoned ╱ the turning pages of a book read well after midnight, filling the silence of your home library ╱ fingers sunk into marble skin, delicate to the eye, but unyielding to touch when i see them. surely lady whistledown knows them as THE QUIXOTIC, but i have yet to see their name in her papers. 
— penned by ciel; pinterest.
NAME: clarissa alaia toussaint. NICKNAME: rissa.   AGE: twenty-five.   PLACE OF BIRTH: brighton, england. NATIONALITY & ETHNICITY: british & korean. GENDER: cisgender woman. PRONOUNS: she/her. SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual.  RELIGION: anglican by birth; agonistic.   PARENTS: hugo toussaint & francesca toussaint née fitzwilliam. SIBLINGS: aurora toussaint (elder), priscilla toussaint (elder), franklin toussaint (younger). LANGUAGES: english, korean (fluent), german (conversational), french (conversational) HOBBIES: notating her books, studying different philosophies across time, amateur cartography & piano playing.
I. her mother would tell the story of her near swan song birth for years to come — how she’d cried as loud as any storm before going near lifeless, tiny body blue from lack of oxygen. how her mother felt hope and life drain from her as she lie in bed, certain her newly born infant would be called so soon to god. you were my miracle baby. thirdborn and three times as lucky, she had said with eyes so fond and full of love that rissa had not thought to look deeper than surface level.   II. if only her mother had known the possibility of misconstruing one’s own nativity story. miracle. yes, that is exactly what she was. the story of her origin only validated what she had known in her bones from early childhood. she had no doubt her siblings would go on to accomplish a multitude of things, — they were cut from the same cloth after all, and such was their inheritance — but none would become something as great as she. III. proving herself however, was a herculean task. if she was three times as lucky then she was also three times more likely to be scolded. rissa could not fight dancing to the thrum of music only she could hear, doing as she pleased from an early age. education only seemed to embolden this streak, grooming her ambition and impulsiveness to character flaws rather than mere curiosities. freeing hunting dogs from cages, writing letters to parliament, and a failed attempt to sneak into the city of london all before age nine had her mother at wits end.  IV. pandora’s box had long been opened and it was too late to unsew the stitch that had been knotted. rissa could not be dissuaded from her look upon life, her idealistic world view painted with broad strokes of philosophy on the inherent goodness every human being is born with. the loveliness of life was something she desperately clung to, shutting out the coldness of her father’s gaze and curl of her mother’s lip with flowery poetry and epic stories of faraway lands. she clung to education.  V. something ugly wound its roots around her rib cage when her younger brother was accepted to oxford. who was more deserving than her? who more zealous, more driven? who more perfect? her hunger to become something more ate away at her insides as her mother pushed to move to london for a season. she was quickly surpassing majority age, which was equally as mortifying.   VI. marriage had always been an assured aspect of rissa’s future — as sure as her shining future achievements, she would have it all. being faced with reality was never her strong suit however, and the odds of anyone of the appropriate status being interested in her and her ambitions seem slim. this goal is something she is not willing to compromise on (though she is rare to compromise in general), but her mother has opposing plans. 
many could mistake her rebelliousness as intent to insult her upbringing and her family at large, but they’d be wrong. her unhappiness doesn’t stem from her family or station in life, but from the truth that it is not enough. her rose colored glasses have deluded her into believing that she can have her cake and eat it too. she can be rebellious and transform the world, but still retain her status and wealth. she can have her ambitions with a spouse who supports her willingly every step of the way. whether this is true or not remains to be seen. 
she has an opinion on anything and everything and if she’s asked about something she’s never heard of or tried or done then she will do it and get back to you posthaste!
she cannot admit she’s wrong. she cannot compromise with others. she cannot admit she has a weird laugh.
she wanted to sneak to london to meet the king btw. she fr thought she could talk her way into seeing the king.
definitely spends an absurd amount of money on dresses and shoes without a doubt.
she has a poor relationship with her father as he is incredibly emotionally distant from all of his children barring his son, who he is still emotionally distant with, but can hold a conversation. that’s more than what his daughters can say, especially rissa. she’s not quite a black sheep, but she’s not too far from it at this point. not that she would allow herself to realize she’s one anyways. 
she definitely believes the world and the country must change and that things can be made better for people everywhere, but she still also believes that there’s nothing wrong with a monarchy being in place too so like…………yeah, delusional.
is also a self described pacifist. she believes almost all situations can be resolved without violence (and by extension war). 
she’s actually not religious at all. she doesn’t outright disbelieve in god, especially not publicly, but she thinks her faith and time are “better worth spent in the corporeal world” like girl shut up.
the toussaint family immigrated from france through her paternal grandparents. they had a great deal of wealth when they came to england, but a lack of title paired with french accents made them social pariahs. hugo being born and raised within the culture helped, but only so much at the time. it wasn’t until they managed to arrange a marriage between hugo and francesca that this changed — the fitzwilliams were of very high standing amongst the gentry and close with several noble families. they had the standing while the toussaints had the money; falling onto hard times with a few bad investments made the fitzwilliams desperate. marrying francesca was the ultimate move that paid off, and hugo was eventually awarded the title of baronet by the king a few short years later.
while the marriage panned out for hugo, it did not for francesca. she’s very embarrassed that she was forced to marry down and it’s always been something of a great shame of hers. hence her obsession with making sure all of her children marry as best as they can.
her brother actually. they’d be dysfunctional as hell
maybe a potential betrothal? doesn’t have to be cemented by any means but it’d be fun bc her mother is a notorious meddler and she wants to make a really good match for rissa as she sees who her children marry as an accomplishment 
anyone who challenges her world view or train of thought
could be along the lines of the above but an intellectual rival
people she can be delusional with. let’s get crazy
idk i just want something absolutely insane
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knightdenver · 4 years
➤ Is that KJ APA on campus? Oh no, that’s KNIGHT DENVER. From HONOLULU HAWAII, the 19 year old has come to study PSYCHOLOGY with a MINOR in CIVIC AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT. Rumor has it he is PASSIONATE and WITTY, but SKEPTICAL and COMPLEX, which is why he is known as THE WILD CARD. He resides at DELTA PSI BETA and is the SOCIAL CHAIR, Knight is here on a BASKETBALL scholarship and can’t wait to graduate. ◄
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tw: alcohol, tw: underage pursuing, tw: cps
knight’s name came in a dream, it is hawaiian tradition for grandmothers - especially with first born.
his name means warrior, which when he was a little kid he was called red warrior or red knight because of his hair.
was born on july 4th, so he is a cancer through and through
born and raised in honolulu hawaii, his family belongs to a samoan tribe
he originally attended UCLA for basketball, but transferred to monarch university in the spring semester of last year
his dad, Keanu - goes by ke (pronounced key) is full blooded hawaiian and samoan from both his parents.
mother, claudia, was a model in nyc trying to find her way as a teenager who was kicked out of her home when her parents didn’t support her career.
she met, Keanu when she was 18 and after a few months of dating, they fell pregnant with Knight. He was their first of 8 kids to come.
claudia was raised so strictly, that the island life was a breath of fresh air. her and knight’s dad met on a cruise ship, she thought he was just another passenger as she was working during the summer but she soon found out it was part of the family’s resort offerings.
the denver family owns ebay and resorts, along with tons of land in hawaii, air bnbs, their own slices of paradises.
what made him him;
sports were always his favorite. with his name meaning warrior, growing up the golden state warriors along with the denver nuggets were his favorite basketball teams. now he of course loves the golden knights hockey team and their go to football team in hawaii is the 49ers. sports are his life, he was always super active as a kid and played both football and basketball. at only 6′0, it was a tough choice of which sport to choose after high school ended, but he decided he wanted to be the next steph curry and his father put in calls for management. 
knight had a personal trainer since he was 14, his own workout room, a pretty strict regiment and lives a pretty healthy lifestyle. the boy is all about fresh fruits and veggies, fishing, hunting, appreciating what he eats.
a big part of being hawaiian is the spiritual culture they have, picking a church, they believe in four gofs and sundays are usually filled with lots of events after service if you have the time to attend. usually sports were scheduled around these so that all kids had sundays free. now, in college, he finds himself questioning his religious and spiritual beliefs. but he his a man of the ocean, water calms him and helps him. music is also something he likes to listen to in order to escape his thoughts and doubts.
making friends isn’t hard for knight, he’s super outgoing and always takes an interest into what his friends are into so they always have someone to talk with.
one of his best friends since days playing kick the can, kaymen was raised by a single mom who was never around. she used drugs often and once they got into high school, she let her son kaymen throw parties and would even purchase them kegs and alcohol in exchange for drugs.
now, knight has smoked, but never was interested in heavier stuff. his dad would always remind him about drug test with sports and he didn’t want to fall into a habit that many kids parents he saw had.
at one party that kaymen was having on a random wednesday night, knight was only 14 when kaymen’s mom started flirting with him. it was weird to say the least. she wasn’t much of a mother figure and all she cared about was her next high, she had 3 kids that lived wondering where there next meal would come from. knights family took them in often without a question, would feed them, figure out a reason to drop off pizzas or food to last them a while.
but then when kaymen’s mom was starting to really go after knight, send him texts and pictures, grope him at parties and even spiked his drink once to try and take advantage of him....things changed.
cps got involved because knight told his mom and dad, they immediately called the cops and his best friend and his siblings were taken away all together. kaymen was pissed at knight, some guys didn’t understand why knight didn’t take it as a compliment and it was just hard. he felt like he lost a piece of himself with that entire situation, but thankfully once he turned 18, kaymen was able to reach out again and they don’t talk about his mom, but he lives in washington state with family and is really proud and thankful for knight doing what he had, it saved him and his siblings from the torture and hell they were going through that no one knew about.
college student;
knight is used to getting away with things because he is on the basketball team, here on a scholarship and he isn’t really book smart?
hes more street and common sense smart, he knows a lot about a lot but when it comes to studying, especially math, this boy sucks. he doesn’t get when or where in life he’ll ever need it, especially since his phone has a calculator.
being social chair is something that was pretty much invented for knight. he loves recruiting people for the frat, loves throwing parties and coming up with weird themes.
psychology and personal, community and civic engagement studies is what knight is studying. he wants to become a social worker and make differences in children’s lives. he doesn’t want kids stuck in situations with absent parents or any aged child being taken advantage of in any situation. he’s pretty sure that even though he wants to go pro as a basketball player, he’s still going to figure out a way to help kids in need every day.
love & friend life;
knight is a guy’s guy. he loves his friends, going all out for them and making sure he’s there whenever they need to vent, go on car rides or get out the house.
saturdays are for the boys, he loves gaming, surfing, taking advantage of southern california weather, beaching it up, exploring all of that.
hawaii is by far the best place ever and a certain petite, raven hair girl made him fall in love with it more once she arrived in his life. rosalicia silva had and has him simping with no shame. she was his first everything and if he had it his way, she’d be the last as well.
but they don’t see eye to eye on the future. which is tough, but now they’re together at the same school, both transferred at the same time and he has no doubt in his mind that fate brought them back together and this is going to now be their greatest adventure.
knight can surprise you, its why he’s the wild card. he can make you laugh, has the best puns, doesn’t show off how loaded he is but will always pick up the tab.
working out buddies are very much needed. also if you have a puppy, you get like, 10 bonus points forever. he’s in love with animals, especially dogs and isn’t afraid to show it.
super good with kids seeing as he is the oldest of 8, but is also protective in ways like a brother to most that he cares about.
random things;
his family has 3 dogs; rocky, lilo and stitch
the names and ages of his siblings goes; Knight, (19 as of July) Alaia (sister) who is 16, Kapono (brother nicknamed Kap) who is 14, Niko (brother) who recently turned12, Keile (sister, pronounced ka-lei-e) is 9, Cora (sister) 6, Miliana (sister, nicknamed Milli) is 4 going on 14, and the youngest Denver child is Jagger (brother) who just turned 2.
his favorite drinks are IPA beers, summer shandy, imported beers from hawaii, sweet drinks, shots of jager or whiskey
his family has a custom built mansion in honolulu, they have big time money, and his family also has a home in laguna beach for when they visit or want to be in the southern california area. they also have a condo in LA
the resort that his parents, grandparents and close immediate family owns & runs is the Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort. extended family on another island owns the Grand Hyatt Kaui Resort and Spa. knight is set up to have his own vacation home on a lot of land he picked out once he graduated high school on his 
knight is super good at everything he does, like active and physically. he can skate board, bike, ride rtv’s, even motorbike and is working on motorcycling.
drives a truck.
was allowed at an early age to get tattoo’s because it’s hawaiian tradition and most of his tatt’s are family based or done by family and close friends in hawaii.
his immediate family has over 100 members with cousins, aunts and uncles that he often gets them messed up.
open for all connections!
0 notes
It was never my intention to give her the cold shoulder.
The sudden hiccup in communication between us was far from deliberate, yet my beloved maternal figure insisted otherwise.
I drew a line in the sand, Barbara concluded in one of the three-part passive-aggressive emails idling my inbox. A crippling sense of uncertainty riddled me the longer I pondered on what my reply should be. Responding back with a defensive tone would earn me nothing but a hostile talking to and me running the risk of potentially being motherless all over again. No matter how thorough the explanation and my reasonings behind failing to reach out by simply picking up the phone were, my behavior would always be deemed as ‘sketchy’.
I was on the losing end of the battle; criticized for the distance that had wedged between us.
“Our relationship is falling by the wayside because of your doing”, according to Barbara.
The statement like a harsh blow to the gut, weakening me more than she’d ever know.
Above all else, Barbara Dawson despised feeling slighted. And as mentioned in part two of her lengthy laundry list of discrepancies, we hadn’t spoken to each other in a month of Sundays.
Had it, been that long?
Sure enough, calls had been far and few between, much of that having to with the ironclad obligations taking up my schedule. In the instances where I wasn’t expected to tag along with Mya to dress alterations appointments or listening in on conference calls where the indecisive bride-to-be made changes to the reception menu, I enjoyed any bit of slumber I could take.
Being the close friend Mya Evans wasn’t the quintessential walk in the park as the public presumed it to be.
My fingers were set into motion across the phone’s hypersensitive touchscreen attempting to form some sort of response.
Silverware purposefully clanking together on the opposite side of the table prompted me to place my phone down altogether. I huffed inwardly, allowing my eyes to roam over the Caprese salad placed before me that had gone untouched. Soon the aimless din pervading Rosemary’s, an Italian hotspot for brunch located on Greenwich Avenue, became unbearable; a pair of eyes belonging to my recurring lay bore into mine.
Our shared silence bothersome, intensifying the moment he followed my stare downward.
Before I could raise my arm to pick the phone up again, he beat me to the punch and grasped it,  placing it to the left of him soon afterward.
“You’re awfully quiet.” He observed, fiddling with the small portion of smoked salmon lingering on his plate.
“I’m always ‘awfully quiet'. That isn’t so out of the norm.”
He offered the barest hint of a smile; the fact that--more times than not--our lulls sufficed, resonated the longer we stared at one another.
Our relationship hadn’t been built on typical courting.
Screwing each other’s brains out and the routine outing for a meal where we happened to engage in what seemed like contrived small talk just for the sake of being polite was more our forte.
Two weekends ago, however, a dramatic shift was initiated.
I accompanied him to Complex’s cover reveal for their highly anticipated summer issue.
Solange Knowles, their cover girl, was in attendance.
Not mixing in with the crowd and taking those expected snapshots in front of a blow-up photo of the magazine cover, but DJing. Most of the partygoers, permalance journalists as well as digital content editors and record label bigwigs who tended to scope out unsigned talent at those particular events, stood around in disbelief -- flabbergasted at the carefree creative and how down to earth she turned out to be.
She was personable and coy, all while playing R&B songs from the nineties.
The sweltering rooftop gathering erupted in nostalgic delight that evening as classics from yesteryear livened the sticky summer air.
It was a night to remember for many reasons, the most significant basis being that it rendered a shift in my dealings with Troy. Although we were successful in the aspect of not labeling our circumstance as dating, his arm remained draped across the small of my back throughout the entire night. I could’ve chalked it up to him wanting his colleague to witness him acting chummy with a model, but I didn’t.
It felt genuine.
It felt right.
At the same time, it also petrified me; feeling at the very moment develop actual sentiments for this man beyond lust. I was beginning to crave him beyond the encounters within the confines of my home. I wanted to know him, wholly.
Shrugging away the flurry of thoughts cluttering my mind, I picked up my fork and dug in. In comparison to Troy’s need to eat with gusto, I ate with apathy.
“So do you plan on holding my phone hostage over there, or do you intend on handing it back anytime soon?”
“Eat first.” He instructed, indicating my full with his fork. “It wouldn’t hurt to go few minutes without it. You haven’t looked up from that thing since we ordered.”
“Something of great importance must’ve had my attention then.”
“Perhaps. What’s so important that we can’t engage in conversation while we eat?”
“You don’t wanna know.”
“I asked, didn’t I?” He let out a timid chuckle. “Humor me, Nicole.”
“My mother,” I spoke in an even tone. “Hill’s mother. I should’ve specified beforehand--”
“--But you look to her as a mother.” He gathered.
“Very much so. During my childhood, I acquired guardians. What the foster care would deem as remarkable or promising maternal figures. I had a ‘father’ too once. But Barbara Dawson is my mother. The only mother I’ve ever had.” The statement hung in the air for quite some time. Stolen glances substituted for words that failed to be expressed. Her piercing brown eyes bore into mine, longing to inquire about why a former lover’s mother had been my epitome of a maternal figure. “My biological parents were never in my life. If by some chance they were walking alongside me on the street, I wouldn’t even be able to tell you what they look like.” My attention drifted towards the table able, perusing the Alaia laser cut tote bag. Its white exterior embossed by numerous punctures reminiscent of lily-white doilies. “Up until my teens I was in and out of foster homes,” I murmured, “I harbor a bit of resentment and anger because of that.”
“Given your circumstances, you had a lot to be angry about.”
“Right.” I reaffirmed without saying too much.
I would’ve gone on a spiel about the young interracial couple in Woodhaven and told him that I was their little introduction into parenting. They treated me like porcelain--as if I came equipped with directions to treat with delicacy. By the end of my year-long stay, none of that mattered, anyway. The truth of the matter remained that whenever I reached a point of normalcy, it was ripped right away from me.
By my tenth birthday, Olcott Street out in Forest Hills became my new home.
Due to my firm assertion to call her everything but ‘mommy’, we never quite meshed.
A series of school fist fights landed me at Sister Gloria’s doorstep. Social workers responsible for the livelihoods of other children referred to the Astoria resident as a Godsend due to a number of foster children raised in her three-bedroom home. At one time I vaguely remember there being six children living there; three boys and three girls, including myself. All of us were expected to carry out daily chores once homework was completed. Wednesdays evenings were devoted to bible study. The running joke amongst the congregation Sister Gloria and her children never missed Thursday choir rehearsal; rain or shine, sleet or snow. On Sundays, Sister Gloria woke us all before sunrise to prepare us for morning service. Aside from hearing the good word she sought out that the seven of us would occupy the second row of pews inside the sanctuary, right behind the deaconesses.
I could’ve bored Troy into a thoughtless story about Sister Gloria and her ultimately ending my cycle of being passed from promising parent to promising parent. Though she didn’t quite fit the mold of the mother I yearned to have, I was blessed to have crossed paths with her.
“I’ve been through some shit,” I declared, “Internal shit. I’ve been through more foster parents throughout my childhood than you can count. It wasn’t that I was some difficult child looking to act out at any given moment. It was either they acquired too many children at once, or a pair of doting foster parents fresh out of pre-service training realized taking in some random child carrying  wasn’t as easy as they perceived it to be.” I elaborated, lifting up my fork and placing a generous slice of mozzarella and basil. “You ever meet a person, and for whatever reason, you two just happen to click?”
“Sure.” Troy retorted sparingly, propping his head on his palms.
“Well, Barbara’s that person for me. From the moment Hill introduced me to his family, we clung to each other. And despite the fact that her son and I are no longer together, we’ve still maintained our relationship.”
“There was some uncertainty in your voice during that last part.”
Troy countered, his eyebrow-raising in suspicion.
“Was not.”
“Was so.”
“Eh,” I sensed where the conversation was beginning to shift eased down a bit in my seat, “How about I spare you the long-winded version?”
“Either way I’m all ears.”
Although he opted for either version, I refrained from dishing out too much.
Glancing at the practical wristwatch I donned, time was of the essence.
There was somewhere else I had to be.
Despite my best efforts to squeeze in an afternoon quickie, I was met with a docile kiss on the forehead; far more reserved than the ones we exchanged in the familiar setting of my apartment. “I have to run. Gotta finish this write-up,” He murmured against my skin, “Have fun at the bridal shower. Call me when you get back from the Hamptons.” We separated, rejoining only seconds after to kiss again.
My excruciating two-hour commute to East Hampton couldn’t have ended soon enough. Aside from fighting the urge to tell the driver that I wasn’t up for engaging in aimless conversation and being ill-equipped with nothing other than responding to work-related emails to keep me busy, regret set in the once a returning draft from the truck’s AC rushed against my skin.
Perhaps nixing a bra with the lace off-the-shoulder top I threw on at the last minute wasn’t such a good idea.
The SUV cruised onto the property along the stone pathway, parking under the porte-cochere supported by stark white columns.
Though he made the drive unbearable, I gave my thanks to the burly chauffeur and mentioned that I hadn’t to stay the whole duration of the party.
My mind was set on seeing Mya, handing her my gift, and leaving.
I arrived amidst a somewhat frantic transition from activities.
The host--chief editor of Blakewood Publishing Group and close peer of Mya--soon followed happy hour up with the gift portion of the party.
Subsequent to spotting yet another article of La Perla lingerie removed from a plain box, I decided I’ve had enough and ventured off, setting my sights on the bar.
That was, until, I discovered the bar located by the home’s waterfront entrance
At the bar, I indulged in a dirty martini.
One turned into two.
Two almost turned into three, but before beckoning over the brunette behind the bar for another martini, I acknowledged the set of eyes that had been peering over at me devouring an olive. “You’re staring?” I blurted out, sinking my teeth into the flesh of my bottom lip. Recoiling atop the lucite barstool, I pushed the empty glass aside with one hand, tossing the bare toothpick along with it.
“My apologies.” The woman with deep-set dimples uttered apologetically. The space between us lessened once she ditched her seat at the bar’s opposite end and claimed the empty seat beside me. “Eileen Darby.”
“Eileen Darby. Eileen Darby. I’ve heard that name before. Where have I heard that name? Ugh. Either I’m well past tipsy or my memory isn’t what it used to be.” I mumbled.
Delicate snickers floated through the thick air muddled with inebriated coos coming from the drunken pack of partygoers behind us.
A settled Mya sat clad on one of the multiple pieces of aqua patterned furniture, clad in a skintight midi dress that hugged every curve in her figure. Over low cut ‘do sat a personalized veil she was rumored to be given upon her early arrival; her forthcoming name change, ‘Mrs. Pratt’ was hand-stitched on its back in wide cursive.
“Media. You’re in media, aren’t you?”
“You can say that,” She pursed her lips into a thin line, nodding sparingly. “I worked in casting some years back but with some success, I’ve been lucky enough to executive produce a few hit reality shows.”
“Reality TV, huh?”
As the liquor sank in, a newfound courage emerged, fueling me to spar with a media juggernaut who force-fed dysfunctional behavior to the masses.
“Oh, a hmph from Nicole Warren. Interesting. Trust me I could detect the criticism.”
“That wasn’t criticism,” I paused, “Okay maybe it was. Could you blame a girl for having her assumptions about the madness you display on television?
“Entertainment.” She attempted to correct, earning a firm head shake.
“You consider drink throwing and belligerent women charging one another ‘entertainment’?”
“Personally no. But according to the average two million viewers any of the shows I’m the executive producer of, it is.”
“Is it really worth it though? What good is garnering millions of viewers every week when the castmates are being presented in a bad light because of the contrived situations they’ve been placed in?” I challenged, managing to not slur my words. My brow rose as Eileen and I engaged in a staredown.
Though I made it a priority to stay far from pursuing any form of reality television that involved an ensemble cast with ego inflated by meager accomplishments, I was hip to the behind the scenes antics production tended to pull on the individuals who hoped to establish themselves as household names.
The over-consumption of liquor during filming.
The contrived meetups with cast members that set the tone for anti-climatic squabbles that were always cut short due to on-site security.
In the grand scheme of things, none of the horrid behavior was worth the negative exposure.
“In some ways, it is worth it to these reality stars. They’re getting noticed-- some more than others, but still noticed nevertheless. It’s all about gaining publicity and getting the masses talking.”
“Early on in my career, I was told that all publicity isn’t good publicity.”
I learned that hard lesson in during London Fashion Week.
An after-party hosted by Burberry’s creative director left me sloppily teetering out into the paved streets with Hill guiding me into a town car parked nearby. The two of us were tossed into the throes of success at the same time and transitioned of those who were inexperienced to individuals who traveled out the country on a regular basis.
“Look at you, all drunk and shit...This ain’t you.” He reprimanded me like a parent reprimanded their child. “You’re gonna be plastered all over the internet by morning. Watch. Mark my words.”
Of course, I was too intoxicated to form a verbal reply then.
To acknowledge that I’d heard him I nodded just as my head hit up against the car’s window. Before a drunken cat nap pervaded me on the way back to our hotel, I remembered the slick utterance, “All publicity ain’t good publicity. Craig told me that.”
By that time I’d been just about sick hearing about the decrepit trainer he regarded as family.
Turns out he was right. By the morning, I was referred to as the runway model who couldn’t seem to handle her alcohol. For a week I was a public spectacle.
It was safe to say that that particular London Fashion Week, for me, was a complete dud.
I turned back to Eileen, shrugging Hill out of my thoughts. This time I traded in my tight-lipped smirk for a look of indifference.
“Maybe I shouldn’t judge all reality stars by lumping them all under the confrontational umbrella. But you have to admit they’re pretty extra. Are you okay with having your name attached to all that madness?”
She offered a halfhearted shrug, far too timid to outright answer at this point.
“Not all of my shows are centered around confrontation. I’ve co-produced a  family oriented mini-series following a rapper and his family.
“Oh you mean the rapper doing damage control after his multiple affairs and secret children were brought to light?”
“Yes, but the show was still centered around family. The children he and his wife shared met the children he had outside the marriage.”
“After the mothers got into a heated argument in a restaurant parking lot.” I tutted.
“For someone to be walking runways and posing for ad campaigns, you seem to know a lot about my shows.”
“I’ve watched a few,” I confessed with an earnest shrug, recalling the four-month long hiatus I’d taken from modeling. Amidst keeping tabs on Hill as he ventured from city to city on a frequent basis and caring for myself I binged watched a marathon in awe at the behavior displayed. It was as if I were witnessing a trainwreck. No matter how much I wanted to look away, I couldn’t seem to turn the channel. “Petty fighting aside, I could see why the average viewer tunes in every week. I’m guessing you and whoever’s head of casting orchestrate the tangled storylines --”
“I’m afraid not. You’d be surprised how little production has to do with the storyline. Yes, we might set up a scene where friends may meet up somewhere to film together. And unbeknownst to them a rival of theirs may or may not have also been listed on the call sheet and mandated to show up for air time.”
“So you’re saying, you and your production staff have -- to an extent-- contrived storylines.”
“I won’t say yes, and I won’t say no. Can I ask a question?” She didn’t bother to hear my answer before starting up again. “Why do you have such reservations about reality television --”
“Not all reality tv, just the ones you’ve happened to have a hand in producing,” I quipped, easing the jab with a glib grin.
“Well, as an individual who strives to do better, may I ask what I can do in order to improve my programming?”
“I don’t work in television so I wouldn’t know.”
“But you do watch tv, my shows specifically.” She added, countering my petty jab with one of her own. “So tell me what can I do to improve my programming.”
Before dishing her the answer Eileen sought out to receive, I beckoned the bartender over and ordered another dirty martini. “For starters, you can tone it down on all the alcohol I’m certain the castmates are being provided. All that liquor only fuels bad behavior. And if the people on your shows are striving to elevate their careers to the next level, being filmed with a glass of whatever in your hand will hurt them unless are they’re looking to do business-wise is earn a collaborative deal with a bottom-shelf liquor brand. Another thing would be to allow genuine situations to happen. Not of that manipulated bullshit should fly, like ever.  In a perfect world, production should let situations be organic.”
“Well said. Concise, even.” Eileen tilted her head. “Now if you were to be given a show what would be its premise?”
“I don’t know. Maybe me and a few of my girlfriends -- actual friends of mine by the way, not some people I halfway don’t know or like for the matter-- panning through our circumstances but also helping each other out at the same time. Sorting our own bullshit out, you know. Not in an unhealthy, belligerent way.”
“Funny. Mya said you’d say something like that.” Her hand adorned with gold plated midi rings motioned in Mya’s direction. “‘We’d been in close contact for some time now. I thought greenlighting eight episodes with the network about a show surrounding Mya Evans as she juggles the many hats of being a wife, career woman, and friend to an assorted group of women would be interesting. She wasn’t too fond of the other shows I’ve been attached to but she didn’t shy away from the pitch. We played with the idea of which of her friends would make it on. Your name was the first to be mentioned, of course. I think you’d be a great addition to the tv world.”
“Oh no, no, no…I couldn’t do that.”
“Why not? Just imagine if you graced millions of viewers’ TV screen every week. Of course, they’ll associate you with being just another pretty face. But once you open your mouth and articulate yourself, they’ll fall in love with you.”
“Me? Of all people why me?”
Eileen sighed, tugging a sandy brown wisp behind her ear. “I don’t know you on a personal level and I’m solely going off of what I’ve read in magazines and seen in interviews. Women would reason with you--connect with you, especially if you let that prissy guard down of yours and actually open up.”
“Oh please! Has no one ever called you prissy? I’ve heard stories about you being quite the diva.”
“Assertive bitch--maybe. Classifying me as a ‘diva’ is a bit of a stretch.”
“Don't shoot the messenger, darling. I'm only telling you what I've heard from photographers and their people.”
I pursed my lips into a snide grin. “I may have had a few choice words for an unpaid intern or two in my past..”
”You’d be surprised how much gossip I’ve heard about folks in the entertainment industry that I don’t care to follow up with and determine whether it's factual or not.”
Somewhere between laughing at a joke and Eileen recalling a squabble on set where extra security had to resolve two women pulling each other’s hair out, Mya removed herself from the party’s epicenter and joined us at the bar. “I’ve seen you met Eileen.” She took a sip from her champagne flute, her other hand running down the ivory colored number she wore for today’s festivities.
Eileen cleared her throat and downed the last bit of the brown liquor on the rocks she’d been nursing throughout our entire conversation.“Yes, we’ve been having a little pow-wow over here,”
I tussled my wavy wisps.  Mya’s eyes peered into mine, assessing whether there was something else on my mind, something that I wanted to say. Though our friendship hadn’t dated back as long as some of the women gifting her with the cliche silk monogrammed pajamas with her forthcoming married name on the back or high-priced jewelry Mya had the means of getting herself, she knew me well enough to know when I was holding back.
As Mya continued to assess me, Eileen stood up from the barstool and bid us farewell. We exchanged a firm handshake while Mya was quickly engrossed in a hug.
“So when were you planning on telling me about the reality show you’re doing with Eileen Darby?” I uttered the moment the cunning executive producer mingled with other guests.
“Eh, I hate the term reality show. It has such an ugly stigma. I prefer to refer to that project as a docu-series.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” I quipped. “Why was my name brought up in that conversation? And don’t lie and say that it wasn’t because Eileen herself told me.”
“Can’t we talk about this sometime later? Like tomorrow when there are fewer people around.” She attempted to walk away, taking quick, eager sips from her champagne glass, but I reached forward and lightly grasped her arm.
“No, we can talk about this right now.”
“Fine. Follow me.” She spat. We ventured away from the party and headed up a flight of stairs that led to the home’s second floor. With each step made, our footsteps made corresponding clicking noises that echoed the further we trudged along the hardwood. Two wooden chairs bedecked with patterned cushions that looked to be far too firm were located at the end of the hall, along with a row of potted plants positioned by the wide, sun soaking windows. Mya and I engaged in a staring match for what seemed to be an eternity until she gave in and sat down, unfastening both of her sandals’ ankle straps, tossing the high heeled shoes aside before retrieving her glass again.
“I was offered the deal after my co-writers and I submitted a few chapters of the book. I wasn’t sure how word got out there but maybe a week after that I ran into Eileen and an OK! Magazine event. We exchanged numbers and maybe went out to lunch once or twice. She presented the idea. I was completely turned off by it. And from there, we began discussing who’d be a great fit for the show. And that’s that. Nothing else.” She spoke, tilting the champagne flute’s base upwards. “I haven’t signed off on everything yet. My attorney’s still looking over everything. But if I were to sign on, I wouldn’t begin filming until after my honeymoon.”
“Where do I come in at in this whole thing?”
“However you wish to come in at, Nicole. You don’t have to come in at all if you don’t want to. I’d respect your wishes. Convincing someone to do anything they have reservations about was never my thing. It’s your life and your reputation on the line. Television could make or break you.” She rushed out before taking another gulp of champagne. “I should be back in Manhattan a week after the wedding. Jason finally settled on a location for the honeymoon.” She said, her eyes beaming with enthusiasm. “It’s looking like Santorini for us, and thank goodness it is because he strongly considered the Maldives even though we just spent my birthday weekend there last March...” She blabbered on.
Unbeknown to her, I tuned out at the mention of the moment the Maldives were mentioned.
The South Asian island arrayed with more sandbanks that I could count was where Hill and I had spent our last vacation together. A three-day two-night stay in an overwater villa was followed by a two da yacht ride along the waters of the Indian Ocean.
We conceived there.
Our relationship reached its peak there.
The reason behind its demise, among other aspects, had originated there.
A reciprocated passion wasn’t the uncompromising issue.
Our displays of affection never dwindled, whether we were at odds or working out over the periodic rough patches of an overzealous dispute. Kissing, groping and heated lovemaking were constants that bound us; it was the glue that held us together--that joined us from the very beginning.
We were doomed from the start.  
“Call me when you’ve thought it through. I guess I’ll present the idea to my other two girlfriends.”
“Hypothetically speaking, what happens after that?” Part of me wanted to prod around about the ‘other girlfriends’ that she considered to be part of the docu-series but decided against asking. Mya was fond of knowing the who’s who in the entertainment industry. From urban models to overly-privileged wives of record label execs.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to refill my glass. If I’m going to judge a damn contest based on which dress made of toilet paper is the prettiest then I need me a buzz.” She snickered before grabbing her heels and her glass. She paused and then reverted her gazed to me. “Thank you for the gift. No one’s ever gifted me with cooking classes before.”  She said prior to hurrying back down the hall.
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rainydawgradioblog · 5 years
FROM THE ARCHIVES: Treefort 2019 - Tres Leches Interview
This year, Rainy Dawg Radio was invited to attend Treefort Festival, an annual celebration of art that takes place in downtown Boise. The festival took place over the course of 5 days on a surprisingly sunny March weekend and included musical acts spanned across multiple venues which ranged from large standing concert halls to small independent bars. Down at the Shredder, a beautifully grimy dive bar, Seattle band Tres Leches played a daytime set that paired perfectly with the drizzling Seattle-esque weather outside. The three piece band consists of Rainy Dawg alumnus Alaia D’Alessandro, Ulises Mariscal, and Zander Yates who cycled through drums, guitar, bass, and theremin throughout the set like a game of musical chairs. I talked to the band the following day over free coffee and treats (shout out press room) to talk about college radio, the band’s formation, and the current state of music in Seattle. Note: The following script has been edited for clarity.
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Tres Leches live at Treefort. Photo by Willy Picton.
Chelsea: First I’m going to talk about some radio stuff because Alaia was a DJ here at Rainy Dawg.
Alaia: I was, yeah!
Chelsea: What was your show called and what did you play on it?
Alaia: It was either called Phonic Earth or Phono Seattle, I forget which rendition I used, but I played a bunch of different kinds of music. I think it was Phonic Earth because I played music from all over the world. Not just in Seattle but we had some cool people come in to do small in-studios. We had Hijos De Agüeybaná play bomba music. They played barriles which are these big drums. They have African heritage and it combines with Taino, which is indigenous Puerto Rican, and played other percussion instruments. They make it up to dance and some of the dance movements and lyrics are Spanish. It is like a big combination of all the different backgrounds of puerto rican culture. We also had a local band at the time called Night Train and did an in studio with us.
Chelsea: Do you feel that your time at student radio and the connections that you made help you in your starting career with music?
Alaia: Yeah definitely. Now I work at KEXP and that’s been a huge help. Having some experience behind the board at Rainy Dawg helped me. I really enjoyed being able to use that as a platform to help local bands too and get them on the radio or have them in for conversations. It taught me a lot about networking. Our band puts packets together to send to other radio stations. Also, curating shows was helpful, like how Rainy dawg does like a once a year concert.
Chelsea: Yeah, now we do three shows a quarter.
Alaia: That’s great!
Chelsea: I meant 3 shows a year with one a quarter sorry haha. But I think the show that you’re talking about is our birthday fest.
Alaia: Oh okay yea that might have been it. When I was there, Unknown Mortal Orchestra was playing. That was kind of a new territory for the station at the time. It was kind of a big deal to have that band there. It wasn’t the first time they had a big band there, but it was one of the first times the students had really done all the curation for it. Got the band, got the funds so that was a really cool step forward. So it’s really awesome that you do three shows a year now, that’s incredible, congratulations!
Chelsea: Yeah! We do two of the shows with local bands only and the last show is where we get national acts, usually we have a local band or two as the openers. And the other thing we do is a battle of the bands which is our next event actually. So then I guess if you all didn’t meet in Rainy Dawg, how did you guys come together?
Zander: Alaia and I met at high school.
Alaia: We met in the band room at school.
Zander: At Nova High School, we started jamming. We were in bands together back then.
Alaia: I still remember when he walked in, he looked very different. But yeah it was funny, I think you seemed kind of sheepish at first.
Zander: Yeah, I was pretty nerdy.
Alaia: And then Ulises and I…
Ulises: I went to Bumbershoot in 2011 I think and I saw this Mexican electronic band that was playing Bumbershoot, Nortec Collective. They were doing like Norteño and Electronica. I didn’t know Alaia and Zander and all of a sudden I heard someone talking in the background and it was Alaia and she had like a really loud voice.
Alaia: (loudly) What are you talking about!
Ulises: Like in a good way, haha! I was just listening in like I wonder who that person is? And we kinda look at each other like we kinda vibe you know really like *snaps* that. We didn’t have to talk or anything. And then we realized that she liked some of the same bands from Mexico like I’ve never met anybody that knows bands from Mexico and I was just like “how do you know those bands?” and we stated chilling and she pushed me to play the drums cause, you know, I’m a painter, so we went to the EMP museum and we kinda started jamming there and I was like “I’m gonna buy my first drum set!” And then we kinda just started jamming from there. And it was fun!
Alaia: At the time he had told me “I’m a DJ!”
Ulises: I’m a DJ actually!
Alaia: Now you are! Now he DJs for Hollow Earth Radio! But at the time I think I looked back to Zander and was like “Ah yeah, I met this DJ”
Zander: I forgot about that!
Alaia: You did not DJ!
Ulises: I was thinking in the future. “I am a DJ, I know what I am not right now” but it worked!
Chelsea: Do you think Seattle is still a place where bands can emerge or do you think that the emergent music scene is being pushed out?
Ulises: Well, in my opinion, I think that all these problems that we have with housing and homelessness is kinda in a good way pushing artists to get out there with their art you know? I know it’s bad but as an artist you kind of have to do that art and make yourself hurt. And now we’ve got to be more of a community to keep going.
Zander: More pressure with [Amazon] not getting taxed, it makes it really easy for them to come in and do whatever they want as a business and it makes it really hard for small business to come up because they have to pick up the bill. The small businesses have a really big hand to play in the music scene of course and venues are having a really hard time. And again, with property prices raising, it’s affecting the kind of music you hear in Seattle, which isn't inherently bad all the time. It is sad to see bands move out because it is really hard to have a drum kit in a small apartment. It’s harder to have band practice, and it’s also just harder to practice and create music that has a lot of complexity or virtuosity to it because it’s hard to put a lot of time into practicing, because there’s no way you’re gonna make it if you’re not working 40-50 hours a week. You hear that in the music a lot. There’s a lot more solo artists because it’s really hard to have a band and there’s a lot more bands that just have really simple music, again not an inherently bad thing but, it is just kind of interesting because you hear it and you’re like “this band sounds like this because of this economic factor”.
Zane: Do you think that has changed during the time you all have been together in the music scene in Seattle?
Ulises: It’s changing really fast. I feel like sometimes we don’t even have time to stop and say “this is where we are”. It changes so fast you have to just get with whatever is happening because it’s just very chaotic and all over the place. It reflects what [Zander] was just saying about how the city is changing. Like the scenery of capitol hill is just construction and there’s constant noise which definitely reflects on your music without even thinking about it. So it definitely plays a role and I try to take it as part of the artwork, like “okay, there’s nothing I can do and at least I can get something from it.” I know it affects a lot of people and it sucks that bands have to move out so I want to make sure that it stays in the music so when people listen in the future they know what was happening today so we don’t make the same mistakes.
Alaia: I will say that I think the community’s response to all of this has been really strong and you have all these bands that are fighting for their independence and fighting for their community, like the Black Tones come to mind, and then you start kind of really having to create community. I love the shows we’ve been playing, I love all the shows we’ve played, but the ones we’re playing currently seem the most supportive. The artists want to stay and see the other bands like “hey all my fans, I want you to see something new!” And that changes with genre mixing too, which is not about staying part of one scene, it’s about breaking down all the scenes because we all need each other. And we can’t divide things into scenes, or north and south and west and east, because we all need to see each other right now and see our resources and pool them together, so it doesn’t matter if you’re playing with an electro cumbia artist like Terror Cactus or a hip hop jazz afro-latinx artist like Guayaba or also DoNormaal and Bearaxe. Everyone right now needs to come together and if artists affected by issues are able to express themselves and be themselves consciously or subconsciously, then those artists are gravitating toward each other and really starting to support each other. It’s not cool anymore to be the loner artist and I’m glad that fallacy is dying.
Zander: It’s cool how that’s the norm now. I remember being in shows or booking shows back in 2012 when there were mixed bills, cause I wasn’t thinking about the bill I just asked my friends if they wanted to play a show and didn’t care that they played a different genre. But I remember all the sound engineers and booking managers thought I was really weird for doing that and now it’s the norm. In Seattle it’s hard to find a show that only one genre, and I love that because it brings everyone together where people can interact and share ideas which is really cool.
Chelsea: People are all over Spotify, Bandcamp, whatever now and you don’t see as many pure metalheads or die hard rock fans or people interested in only one genre, so there’s genre blending for fans and artists. So you said that you’ve been enjoying the shows you’ve been playing lately, is there anyone that you saw either here at Treefort or in Seattle recently that you’ve liked? Anyone that really surprised you?
Alaia: I liked ORUÃ who played last night. They played a couple bands after us. They were definitely really groovy in an unexpected way. When I think of groovy I think of genres that are classically dance music like soul, or RnB, or dance pop and electronica. This was very psychedelic. The beats that the drummer had were really danceable.
Ulises: I’m excited to see Carrion kids. I think their singer is the drummer of another band that came to Seattle and played with us a while back called Los Honeyrockets. Definitely excited for them and Y La Bamba. They’re probably playing right now, but we’re seeing them later.
Alaia: Oh, See Hurricanes at freakout fest in Seattle. They were fun to play with.
Zander: Well we’re excited to play with the black tones again, and go see them.
Ulises: They’re releasing their first album. We’re excited to go see them.
Chelsea: Are they a Seattle band?
Ulises: Yes, they’re really amazing. Another band that I saw that I didn’t know and was surprising was Velvet Q.
Alaia: Yeah!
Ulises: Yeah, I was very impressed. It was one of those moments where you just walk in and you’re like “holy shit this is a great band!”
Zander: I saw Gaylan Lee here and he was pretty freaking good. He’s just a ridiculously good songwriter. It’s really cool to see people and just be like “Oh this person’s really going to be remembered” Well I guess everyone is going to be remembered in some ways, as long as the internet doesn’t get solar flared into non existence, but it’s cool to hear people that you’re like “Woah, this is a legendary singer-songwriter and just a very legendary person” and see someone perform like that. That venue was great, the Boise contemporary theatre.
Chelsea: Yea! I saw Wend there yesterday. They described themselves as chamber psych.
Zander: Oh that sounds awesome, I wish I could’ve seen that.
Chelsea: It was really good, they had a harp and a bunch of strings and everything. It was one of the bands that has like 12 people.
Zander: Oh those are the best kind of bands.
Chelsea: Definitely one of my favorites that I’ve seen. I’ve loved the whole curation of the festival. And I was surprised that they reached out to us to give us these press passes.
Alaia: I think that the festival actually cares about who’s coming to it, and that everybody can at least make connections, and they care about connecting people throughout the community here and throughout the world. I got that state from the stage we were at, the whole curation for that stage was great. It felt like they booked people saying “I think these people would be friends.”
Ulises: Also, the hotel we were staying, at a lot of bands were staying there too, so it was good to talk to some people who were playing. (to Zander) You talked to somebody in the bathtub right?
Zander: (laughing) Hot tub!
Alaia: There was a band High Hazel in the artist home upstairs who we talked to, they’re playing tonight.
Chelsea: Well the last question I have is: do you have any upcoming dates in Seattle that we should tell the UW community about?
Ulises: Alaia and Zander have shows in Seattle coming up, they have their own solo projects.
Alaia: I’m going to be playing April 6th at the clock out lounge with with my band, it’s just my name Alaia, A-l-A-I-A, and sometime it looks weird when you look it up. My name is Alaia D'Alessandro. When you look it up it’s A, lower case l, A, uppercase I, A so it’s like 3 A’s with 2 lines but they’re actually letters it’s just for being cute, but it might not be functional. Also, we’re going to submit a video for a tiny desk so tell ‘em to watch it.
Zander: I’m playing a show April 25th at Vermillion. And if you google my name you’ll find it, I’ve got a bunch of crap out there, I’m starting a YouTube channel and all that, I’m doing some cryptocurrency projects, I kind of want to save the universe so I’m doing a lot of shit. And then after these shows we’re also playing a benefit on May 31st. It’s a benefit for Nova high school because they have to fund some teachers out of pocket, because the school district is not doing their job.
Alaia: That was the high school we met at. That was the high school that just let us make bands.
Zander: We’re working on some new music. We’ve got side projects and you know, we put out a really cool album last year and we might put out some more stuff this year but we’re kind of creating an expanded universe like Star Wars nerds. And Uli’s got some really cool projects he’s working on too, I don’t know if it has to be secret.
Ulises: Oh, well I’m just working on some artwork for the city, I’m pretty excited about it. I was selected out of thousands of artists and I didn’t even have to apply because you know, most art that you want to make you have to make a resume, and submit photos and everything, but for this, they contacted me. I thought it was a scam at first, as an artist nothing good ever happens to you, but no, it’s awesome, it’s going really well for most of us. I think at the beginning I’ll say to all the artists, it’s going to be really hard at the beginning and you’re going to want to quit and you’ve just got to keep pushing.
Alaia: As the buildings are going up in Seattle we’re also building our own thing, just to sound like a dad.
Zander: That’s legit though, to be able to create your own space, to create your own existence. I was reading this argument on YouTube, like it wasn’t really an argument just this person being really down on themselves being like, “what are we going to do? We’re never going to be free, or have liberty because there’s this battle for wealth and resources” And a lot of people don’t want to create, they just want to hoard, or take, or inherit because work is hard, even artwork! Any of it is hard, and someone said the route to freedom is through new technology and creation like creating new spaces. I guess it’s like the original idea behind DIY, and I agree with the root ethos of DIY, and it become more of an aesthetic like ordering things on Amazon. Like I got this DIY pin on the internet.
Ulises: Yeah, I think we’re losing that with technology. I know a lot of people my age who do not know how to do things DIY, like when you have less, you have to go and kind of create things, and a lot of people are losing that creativity 'cause we have technology, which is really sad.
Zander: But some people are gaining it through technology. I mean, crypto is DIY currency. But I think it’s cool that most people even learn just a little bit of HTML growing up, just so we could make our myspace look cool. It’s kind of neat when you think about it, like HTML didn’t even exist when our grandparents were alive, it’s a form of coding. And it’s interesting how people adapt, I also agree with Ulises; I think it’s sad that people don’t know how to fix things.
Ulises: I think there needs to be a balance, we’re losing from one, but we’re also gaining from both. That’s what I mean when I say we should be working toward both, instead of just going into technology and leaving the other.
Alaia: There’s a way to have diversity in the way you do things and in your tools and your resources.You can value the DIY cryptocurrency and you can value the handmade things that take maybe a little more time to make, or maybe a little more of your physical labor to put in, and that gives you a different result and that’s special that they’re both different things and they can provide different kinds of value.
Ulises: (pointing to Alaia sitting in between him and zander) This is a balance right here.
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