acanthawrites · 3 hours
I’m not sure why people struggle with this concept, what did they think would happen to Naruto if he gave up on Sasuke? It would have made him a jaded character. I can only think if maybe Sasuke had killed someone close to Naruto then he would have gone after him in revenge?
it’s always said naruto chased sasuke for 3 years because that’s the gap between vote1 and their reunion but shippuden occurred in the span of 2 years so in reality naruto dedicated 5 of his life to chasing sasuke. and even at vote2 he makes it clear he would’ve refused to give up regardless of time. so when people wonder what could’ve made naruto gave up on sasuke, the answer is simply nothing. not sasuke’s pushing away, not sasuke’s murder attempts to him or his friends right before his eyes, and certainly not time
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acanthawrites · 11 hours
The sad thing is when he wrote Sasuke and Naruto so organically and then diminished his writing by putting contrived 💩 in. Leave the characters open ended, not every story has to tie everyone’s long term relationships up in a bow. He could have very easily just left it out and it would not have affected the plot at all, if that’s the case then it’s better left on the cutting floor.
Sakura is "the juice"
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Some people might remember this interview where Kishi talked about writing characters and him using Sasuke as an example. And funnily enough, even non-shipper men on narutoforums immediately came to the conclusion that Sakura is the juice that Sasuke doesn't like, and Naruto is the tea that Sasuke likes.
"I want a character to behave like this --- if it's a juice situation where Sasuke wouldn't want to do it --- I need to create a different pattern/circumstance so the juice situation happens"
A good example of tea situations, Sasuke acknowledging and protecting Naruto where it comes naturally to him. "If tea shows up in a scene, he'll drink it". His "body just moves on its own" to protect Naruto:
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Whereas with juice situation, it is like this. "If it's juice, I don't think he will drink it because he doesn't like it":
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In order to make juice situation work, he will create a different circumstance:
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Since Sasuke's body does not "move on its own" for Sakura, what Kishi will do is create a contrived circumstance where Sasuke HAS TO switch places with Sakura's vest in order to get out of the desert, so he appears right behind her, and she falls on him due to exhaustion, thus creating a scene. None of this would have been needed if Sasuke just instinctively protected Sakura like he does Naruto.
Because protecting someone you love is not about looking down on that person (like how SS tried to justify Sasuke's disinterest in protecting Sakura). This is something Naruto had to learn. In the beginning, Naruto did not like being saved by Sasuke because it made him feel inferior.
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However, Sasuke did "die" for Naruto later in the same arc because Naruto was important to him.
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Kishi brought what Haku said here back in the war arc, where Naruto brings it up to Sasuke.
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And Naruto understands now. And that's why he likes it. Because he knows it means Sasuke loves him. That's why Kishi also made sure to give Naruto a reaction whenever Sasuke protected him during the war arc.
Because as I said instinctively protecting the person you love is not about "looking down on them" but about loving them. It's an INSTINCT. Something Sasuke did not have for Sakura during the war arc, because Kishi knew it would have been out of character for him. Which is why Kishi had to make that contrived scenario in order to create a "moment" SS wet their pants over.
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acanthawrites · 1 day
A good post! Here are some of my own thoughts ~
I have a very soft spot for NaruSaku mostly because I think from Naruto’s perspective it’s a very ‘safe’ relationship for him. From a writing perspective I think he emotionally connected with Sakura from a shared trauma perspective regarding ⭐️Sasuke⭐️. The problem with the heterosexual coupling is that I never felt it really swung realistically for Sasuke, it feels incredibly forced.
A lot of people will make the same argument for Naruto which is why the only heterosexual relationship that made sense to me was Sakura regarding that shared trauma that they had which often you find glues people together. The overall problem is however is that Naruto’s primary and obsessive driver is Sasuke (and vice versa) it’s so coded into the characters that they almost lose *narrative function* when you separate them.
I’ll be honest I only ever saw Naruto in a heterosexual relationship if Sasuke was out of the picture (aka dead) because otherwise Naruto would just have done what he always did and chase Sasuke around because that was his primary driver. He *needs* Sasuke around in order to be whole. Sasuke to a certain extent could just go off and be miserable but Naruto was always his redemption… that’s a very difficult corner to get out of from a narrative perspective once you’ve written it in to then say oh and then they got married to other people. 🤷🏽‍♀️ It doesn’t work.
I’m not going to comment on NaruHina really, it’s a pairing I despise not because I hate Hinata but because it diminishes the value of both of the characters when together. It’s lazy lazy lazy and bad writing.
I finally got myself to continue watching naruto shippuden and I'm all the way up to s11 now and naruto and sasuke have a deeper bond than they have with literally anyone else in the entire show. Naruto says he loves Sakura but I feel like it used to be only a crush when he was younger that he clung to even when it dissolved into nothing. I think naruto lost the last bits of that fully when sakura confessed her love to him. I also think that Sakura doesn't actually love Sasuke. My assumption is that she only likes the image of him that she created in her mind. On that note, the only one who I really feel like she loves naruto from any of the girls is Hinata. She's had long lasting feelings for him but still she doesn't know him. No one really knows or understands him the way sasuke does. Sasuke and Naruto understand each other on a deeper level, I think its especially because they understand each others childhood situations and what they made out of it going forward. Naruto said it himself, their roles could've easily been switched up. If their attitudes had just been a little different about their situations then Naruto could've been the one turning coat to the akatsuki and sasuke might've been the one trying to get him back. I think about that a lot, how it might've turned out if their roles had been switched up. Because of this sympathy and understanding they can bring up for one another and for the others past, they have a deeper bond. They challenge each other and compare. They're rivals and friends and I am convinced no one else has a stronger bond to either one of them. Not only that but the lengths naruto goes through for sasuke when everyone else has already given up on him.
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acanthawrites · 2 days
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Chapter 5
!! Do not repost art !! It is by my talented friend Beany
Main pairing: Sasuke x Naruto
Genre: NaruSasu, Lemon, Slice of life, AU, University Students, London UK
Rating: 18+ / Mature
The person who had told him relationships were simple should be taken out and shot as far as Sasuke was concerned. He'd never been so stressed in his life, it was like bringing order to chaos.
“Hey,” they could hear Naruto from the corridor stopping to take off his shoes. “Sorry I’m late, a little old lady puked on me.”
“Why?” Kiba said suspiciously eyeing Naruto in his turquoise scrubs as he ambled into the kitchen. “What did you do to her?”
“Nothing,” Naruto retorted back at him raising an eyebrow, “I was just taking her bloods at the wrong moment. I had a shower though, so it’s okay, but my stuff needs to be put through an industrial washer.”
 He turned brightly and saw the dark-haired man sitting at the kitchen counter and grinned.
“Hey Sasuke.” He said casually, reaching forwards to touch him  lightly on the back.
Sasuke felt his whole body react to the lightest of brushes from the blond’s fingertips but tried to pass it off as simply trying to sit up straighter. He hadn’t seen Naruto in turquoise before, the loose-fitting square top with its V neckline and short sleeves left little to the imagination. The shade of blue bringing out the brightness in Naruto’s eyes and the warmth of his skin tone, as well as accentuating the toned muscle of his upper body. He looked unreasonably good Sasuke thought, and then averted his vision to look back at the campaign leaflets, making a note not to make visual contact with Kiba who was looking at the both of them with narrowed eyes.
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acanthawrites · 4 days
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Chapter 4
Main pairing: Sasuke x Naruto
Genre: NaruSasu, Lemon, Slice of life, AU, University Students, London UK
Rating: 18+ / Mature
The person who had told him relationships were simple should be taken out and shot as far as Sasuke was concerned. He'd never been so stressed in his life, it was like bringing order to chaos.
A particular scene in this was inspired heavily by @konohomies art who drew Kiba and Nartuo being just so in character. It's just *chefs kiss* Please hit them up, their artwork is gorgeous
 “Okay good.” Naruto responded, putting his hands over Sasuke’s, hoping to convince him not to throttle him to death on the front lawn.
There was a noise behind them and the colour abruptly drained out of Sasuke’s face, Naruto knew what he was thinking – that Madara had come to check that Sasuke had not been lying to him in the previous exchange.
Without thinking he put his hands on either side of Sasuke’s face and leant into kiss him in one glib movement. Sasuke’s mouth was slightly open in surprise as Naruto covered his lips with his, his hands automatically loosening a little around the blond’s collar. Naruto closed his eyes leaning into it and running his fingers into Sasuke’s thick dark hair, there was no point in going half in, might as well make it look real whilst he was there.
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acanthawrites · 4 days
Fish Bird
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!~ Please do not repost this picture it is by my dear friend Beany ~!
Chapter 3
Main pairing: Sasuke x Naruto
Sub pairings: Shikamaru x Ino, Kiba Inuzuka x Hinata, Sakura x Naruto
Genre: Angst, romance, fluff, smut, humour, horror, action/adventure
Rating: 18+ / Mature
Summary: Set sometime after the start of shippuden, Sasuke is forced against his will to return to Kohona and is placed under house arrest. Naruto is assigned as his would-be-jailor. They attempt to navigate what remains of their fractured relationship
"…Sasuke," Naruto persisted, in that same tone of voice as though someone was on the verge of dying: "I made you breakfast, are you hungry?"
Not even an insult.
Which he might have even welcomed.
So either Sasuke was ignoring him, which was highly probable; he was asleep, which is equally likely; or… he was dead.
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acanthawrites · 5 days
‘Your light burns me’
The Sun ☀️
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And the Moon 🌙
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acanthawrites · 6 days
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Naruto's '😁☀️'
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acanthawrites · 6 days
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{x} | Artist: にろ | Permission to Post
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acanthawrites · 8 days
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Main pairing: Sasuke x Naruto
Genre: NaruSasu, Lemon, Slice of life, AU, University Students, London UK
Rating: 18+ / Mature
The person who had told him relationships were simple should be taken out and shot as far as Sasuke was concerned. He'd never been so stressed in his life, it was like bringing order to chaos.
"Oh…hi." he said in as close to casual tones as he could possibly manage. He gave Naruto this awkward nod and then pretended to be entirely engrossed by the bus stop map, as if he urgently needed directions to somewhere. My God this man must think he had totally lost his marbles.
Were there directions to sanity maybe on this bus map? It was highly unlikely that Naruto could be thinking anything other than Sasuke was acting like a complete lunatic.
What sort of excuse was he going to come up with on questioning? Hi sorry, I had to bolt out of your flat at 6am on a Saturday morning without so much as a goodbye?
There was no excuse, apart from alien mind control chips or lack of prescribed medication and neither of those routes sounded particularly appealing to Sasuke right now. He gave the map one last desperate look, saw no magical solution appear before him, sucked in a breath and turned to face Naruto.
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acanthawrites · 10 days
i wanted to take the time to explain what living with schizophrenia is like for me, and how people misinterpret my condition. the media and even most doctors have a very skewed and otherwise inaccurate interpretation of what schizophrenia is. most people believe that schizophrenia entails someone being entrenched in the depths of psychotic episodes 24/7, constantly hallucinating, and constantly experiencing delusions.
this is simply not the case for most! schizophrenics. that behavior is more akin to schizotypal personality disorder, or schizotypy. many schizophrenics have what are called "negative symptoms" most days. negative symptoms meaning that they "take away" from your cognitive ability and cause you to withdraw from life activities.
these include avolition, which is emotional withdrawal, apathy, poor grooming/hygiene, and less involvement with work, and school. blunted affect, which is diminished facial and vocal expressions, poor eye contact, and minimal use of gestures and body language. alogia, which is short or single word/syllable answers to questions, avoiding communication altogether. this can sometimes be called "poverty of speech" and it feels like a very accurate descriptor. anhedonia is difficulty in anticipating and feeling pleasure, and participating in fewer leisure activities. asociality is the is having few friends, poor relationships with friends and family, lack of motivation to be in relationships, and reduced social interaction.
none of these things involve hallucinating. schizophrenics tend to live in episodic periods, where you are experiencing more negative symptoms than positive, then sometimes more positive and less or no negative, though they can be experienced at the same time. sometimes symptoms or episodic periods simply go into remission for a while. i tend to experience negative symptoms most of the time, and have short but intense episodes of positive symptoms. it can be easy to miss the episodes of positive symptoms, which is why so many schizophrenics get overlooked and dismissed and don't receive a diagnosis, or have their diagnosis doubted when they are experiencing negative symptoms.
please understand that there is so much more to our lives than hallucinating and having "strange" beliefs. we deserve to have our entire condition recognized, not just the shocking and "scary" parts.
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acanthawrites · 10 days
This is literally Muse
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acanthawrites · 13 days
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acanthawrites · 15 days
Just my boys 😌
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Naruto and Sasuke + hands
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acanthawrites · 16 days
Chapter 2 excerpt - very mild spoilers for the next chapter
Pairing SasukexNaruto
Characters: Kiba Inuzuka being the adorable twit that he is
Kiba looked pointedly at Naruto as Shikamaru said this, "You said you'd help me with that," he reminded his friend. "Don't forget!"
"Keep your underwear on," Naruto replied rolling his eyes. "Not that you'll be removing it anytime soon, I think it's a lost cause Kiba. She lives with Neji. There's no competition."
"That's a nice way to talk to your friend!" Kiba said indignantly, "What does he have that I don't?"
“Do you want that alphabetically? Numerically? Grammatically?”
Sasuke laughed at that, it was the first time he had express amusement and relaxed a little since crossing the threshold to the flat. Naruto found himself staring at him as he did so, transfixed.
Meanwhile Kiba cast his hands in the air dramatically, muttering the words: 'Et tu, brute?' and flounced theatrically back to the fridge.
“Neji is in my tutorials,” Sasuke said, his voice was a little thawed as if he had started to relax. “Knows his shit.”
“That doesn’t help me.” Kiba said despondently, draping himself on the kitchen counter dramatically as if he was approaching a guillotine. “I want him to sound incompetent not competent.”
 “Look I’ll stand there and do my best impression of being gormless, it won’t be hard.” Naruto said helpfully, getting up to pat Kiba on the back and pick up another beer bottle.
“No,” Kiba said standing up, hand on his chest looking rattled. “What if she likes that better?”
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acanthawrites · 16 days
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Main pairing: Sasuke x Naruto
Genre: NaruSasu, Lemon, Slice of life, AU, University Students, London UK
Rating: 18+ / Mature
The person who had told him relationships were simple should be taken out and shot as far as Sasuke was concerned. He'd never been so stressed in his life, it was like bringing order to chaos.
As they left Sasuke rounded on Gaara furious, there was a look of knowing on Gaara’s face that simultaneously made him want to throttle him and cross examine him at the same time. That technique probably wouldn’t have gone down very well in court.
“What are you? My agent now?”
Gaara gave him one of his impossible to read looks, crossing his arms and examining Sasuke with his lime green eyes in a way most people would probably have found unnerving.
"Think of me as combination of your social worker and events secretary. You'd never leave your house otherwise."
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acanthawrites · 17 days
Okay but did Kishimoto just wake up on the regular and be like GOD DAMNIT I WROTE THEM GAY AGAIN?!
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an au where naruto & sasuke just love eachother a lot (edit: it’s not an au actually)
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