#Why Celestia and Luna are needed
proffydumb · 1 year
GUYSSSS LISTEN HEAR ME OUT. What if I said that I was working on an aftg fanfiction but its a my little pony au should I keep their names as Neil josten or like Twinkle Red or something help
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mirtash · 6 months
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a lil bit of lore: Princess Luna had to banish her sister on the Sun for 1000 years  Luna doesn't have enough power to hold the sun on the sky for long enough because Celestia being in her nightmare form (it's not a Day Breaker but I don't have a name for her yet eeeee like Supernova or smth???) weakens Luna's connection with the sun (and also Luna holds less magic power than Celestia in general) what's more Nightmare Celestia cursed Luna's ponies to be "the creatures of the darkness where you belong", turning them into Bat Ponies. most of the ponies in Equestria are bat ponies. Pegasy Unicorns and Earth ponies only comes from ancient pure blood families like Apples, Pies, Glimmers, etc some as Rainbow and Rarity mostly look as regular pegasys and unicorn but they can hold trates of the bat ponies (fangs, ears, sometimes wings) Bat ponies and the hybrids don't feel good enough during daytime (their eyes works so much better in the dark, they flies faster during night time and prefer lower temperature) and that's another reason why Princess Luna has to hold moon at the sky longer than sun Apple Jack
- She puts flowers in her mane in the memory of her mother. In this AU Pear Butter is a very cool genetic. She died when Apple Bloom turns 5 and Apple Jack (who just turned 15) left absolutely heart broken. However this tragedy made Apple siblings much stronger and they've become closer than ever. That's when Apple Jack finally gets her cutie mark, representing her bond with apple family (three apples represent Apple Bloom, Apple Jack and Big Mac) - Apple Jack is one of the ponies who doesn't really enjoy Luna's reign mostly because she is a farmer and it's hard for her to take care of the various apple trees during longer night time. - The Apple family is VERY conservative they are one of the very few families in Equestria who still grows original sorts apples (and other crops), including a super rare Zap Apples and that need extra care due the lack of sunlight. - one of the Apple family ancestors happened to be the leader of the earth ponies rebellion that happened in the first years of Luna's reign. Luna's spirit was broken after she had to banish her sister and things didn't go very well in her kingdom. Hundred of angered ponies led by the "iron mare" Red Delicious broke into the Castle of the two Sisters. The guards didn't even try to stop them.  When ponies entered the throne room they saw The Princess of darkness, crying over her sister's broken throne. The room was filled with blooming Sunflowers, favorite flowers of Celestia. Then Luna turned to them and she spoke to them as a princess and they saw the power she holds and they realized she can destroy them all with a single spell. But she didn't. Red Delicious who was determined to fight "the princess of darkness" till the end finally saw the real Luna and she wasn't scared or angry anymore but started to feel the compassion for her. - Red Delicious herself helped Luna to make a plan on defeating hunger. Ponies were starving due the lack of crops and Red Delicious worked hard alongside with Luna to invent plants that would be able to grow effectively in the dark on the shortest time. Ponyville became the first night farmers city (very close to the Castle of the two sisters). 
Rainbow Dash - Her full name is Rainbow Stormcloud Dash. - Her mother and father are both pegasy and her grand grand father is a hybrid bat pony (she likes him sooo much he is super cool) However, she doesn't have any trates of bat pony except of the ability to see in the dark and flying at night. - Rainbow mane in different varieties is a very rare gene that only exists in her blood line a very long time ago one of her ancestors tried to save his friend from a dragon and flied so fast he broke the laws of physics and a Sonic Rainboom happened.  After that his mane turned rainbow colored. Pegasus with a rainbow mane was born once in a generation since then but a very few of them were able to perform a Sonic Rainboom. - Rainbow Dash is the first pegasus in Equestria history who was able to perform the Nocturnal Rainboom. - Her dream is to become a Shadow Bolt. They are the best flyers in Equestria!!! And most of them are bat ponies because it's hard for a pegasus to perform bat's tricks. Not for Rainbow though! 
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Sleepwalker Infection
Twilight knows something, but what?
——— Transcript ———
Twilight Sparkle 1-31-20xx
Log #1
I can’t believe this is happening. Luna said she took care of it. I was so vigilant, but I never thought it’d appear this way. Stupid! Stupid! Why did it spread to Rarity though? She said Luna visited her in her dreams, but is that really enough for it to spread from Luna? Luna should have never gone to handle it herself. But if she hadn’t… things could have been much worse for us all by this point.. I worry for Celestia. Luna is in such a bad state.. Please please tell me it’s just these two.. please tell me we did end up avoiding disaster. I need to find a way to cure them.
Hearing Rarity’s screams and pleas stabs me deeper and deeper in my heart every time I have to cast that spell on her. Please don’t let me lose her.
I can’t look my friends in the eyes.. I wish they could understand. but I’m sworn to secrecy…
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sharkdoughnutz · 5 months
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it might've taken me over 3 months, but i've finally finished my own designs for the mane 6
my main thought process for designing them was to use a color from the rainbow! i had to look up colors and their meanings to determine which color should go to which pony
rainbow dash is red because she's the most fierce and bold. sidenote: her mane and tail color is actually white but she finds that boring so she dyes it, not her tail because i didnt like how it looked there
fluttershy is green because of nature and animals, pretty basic i know lol. also her pelt pattern is supposed to look like a deer's
applejack is blue only because i felt orange would fit rarity better, and yellow and purple were going to the other two remaining girls, so apple got stuck with blue but i tried my best to make it work for her. i think blue also means like maturity or smth similar so it works out anyways
pinkie pie is yellow because she's like the embodiment of happiness and joy so it made sense (also i had to use the pink color cuz there is no yellow color for the font)
twilight is staying purple mainly because of her previous life surrounded by royalty and the such, and also because purple is a main color in a twilight sky - orange is secondary so thats why she now has orange too
and finally, rarity is orange because of her creativeness, especially when it comes to fashion design; i think her design is my personal favorite.
i also tried to come up with creative cutie mark designs and i think i passed. though, the only one that isnt super obvious what its trying to represent is probably twilight's. basically i was going for a six pointed star (each point representing each girl) then it comes together in the middle by the white part to symbolize they all need each other or smth like that
i might get around to celestia and luna because i feel like they'll be fun to redesign, and maybe even spike or the cmc
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ywraa · 4 months
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I tried redesign the timeskip design for twilight :0
Left is my ver while right is my attempt to make it show accurate
Some change I did:
- I decide to give twi cadence’s body type since the timeskip is like 20 years or something I don’t remember and not like hundreds years so it won’t make sense that she would become as tall as celestia
- I decided to give her normal mane instead of wavy one, idk how magic hair work in mlp but I feel like it would take a long time for her hair to go wavy like Tia and Luna (I think it also need a lot of magic)
- Her hair is inspired by her crystal design and I add some tiny star as well cause why not
- Since her crown is a fusion of celestia and luna’s crown, I try to add some ref of the sister to the crown like the moon and the sun
- Instead of gold accessory, it’s silver and blue cause I think it suit her more
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musenilla · 1 year
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'You were never king.' Felt like drawing some king sombra, ramble on his story belowww,, ___
Once an ambitious and cunning soon-to-be future leader of the crystal empire, turned into one of the most corrupted unicorns in all of Equestria. Sombra was never actually royalty, and the Crystal Empire's beginnings lacked a true hierarchy. However, due to his exceptional talent and mastery of magical arts, the residents noticed his power and decided to consider him as the next in line for the throne, 'King of the Crystal Empire,' under strict monitoring. This continued until he discovered that Princess Mi Amore Cadenza was given the title to rule the entire Crystal Empire once her training was completed. Sombra questioned why she was chosen over him; was it simply because she was an alicorn? Surely, that couldn't be the only reason, although it was what Sombra thought at the time. During his training, Celestia and Sombra were once students together, delving into forbidden magic as it was deemed necessary for future leaders. They supported each other, reminding themselves of the importance of maintaining balance since such magic was forbidden for a reason. It then became evident that Sombra delved further into this magic in secret, a path one should never tread alone. Upon discovering that he used dark magic to manipulate decisions, they stripped him of his royal title and banished him from the Crystal Empire. Nevertheless, the years of training were not in vain, as he turned rogue against the empire after that. In a fateful confrontation, Sombra learned that it was Celestia who had taken Princess Cadence under her wing, making her as a potential future ruler of the Crystal Empire, thanks to Luna. The revelation further fueled Sombra's bitterness and resentment. Celestia attempted to reason with him, seeking to make amends, but his exposure to dark magic had irreparably corrupted him.
Believing that he had been next in line for the throne and feeling betrayed by the influence of an alicorn, Sombra reached his breaking point. His ambitions and sense of entitlement ultimately led him down a path of darkness from which there seemed to be no return.
Yeah don't know if this would be 100% headcanon but I just needed to get some story out, enjoy!!
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hugsandchaos · 3 months
You know, I’ve been thinking… What if Danny wasn’t a human halfa when meeting Luna, but a halfa pony?
I think it’d be interesting if Luna just went for a walk late at night because she was feeling upset, but instead finds a very distressed foal stumbling around and trying to find his bearings.
He absolutely freaks out when she approaches because he doesn’t know who she is or what’s going on, and in his fit on panic, transforms and reveals that he “shouldn’t be in a pony form”, hinting that he’s a different creature who was transformed into a pony.
Luna manages to calm him down and comforts him, and after, she starts helping him learn to get used to his new pony body. She’s still confused and baffled by this much information in so little time, but this… child really needs help.
And that’s why when Celestia went to see Luna in the morning, she was talking to a young alicorn about how to start his lessons in magic and flying!
Also, I think it’d be cool if after an unspecified amount of time, Danny is painted as the alicorn of the stars or space since he loves it so much.
Celestia = The Sun
Luna = The Moon
Danny = The Stars/Comets/Planets (which one???)
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eros-agape-art · 6 months
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----- ----- *wirring* *click, click, click* *wirring*
Testing, testing... Okay. This is the second tape I'm making to record the status of the Infection... Or at least, that's what everypony is referring to it as. Through my extensive research, and what little Thorax could tell me, that what we're dealing with is a species of fungi known as Ophiocordyceps versicolor.
It happens to be a direct relative to the Ophiocordyceps unilateralis fungi, which is notorious for devouring insects, primarily ants, from the inside to use its carcass as a breeding ground... This raises cause for concern because it spread through any open orifices, such as the mouth or nostrils.
In addition, it has a long standing history of affecting Changelings from the few records that were preserved in the lower hidden levels of the Changeling hive colony. It's particularly deadly to ponies as well, with a few documented cases across Changeling and pony records, from what I could piece together. But the knowledge it limited and bears no detailed analysis.
...But there are more concerning matters than this discovery. I've since told the other Princesses and Equestria has kind of been thrown into a panic. Cadance has quarantined the Cryatal Empire and only sends letters via magic, Celestia has taken to safeguard Canterlot while Luna has joined me here in Ponyville. She's working to keep ponies' hopes up, lulling them into gentle sleep when needed.
To make matters worse, Mayor Mare has completely disappeared. She went to send word to Zecora with a few other ponies, but they haven't returned since. Applejack then took it upon herself to serve as acting mayor. Everyone trusts her, it's not a surprise to me, but she doesn't sugarcoat anything either. She tells everyone the truth about what's happening, keeping everyone informed while I'm working.
She's even working hard to protect her family, I know Granny Mith would greatly appreciate that. She unfortunately passed shortly before everything began. I think that's why AJ is so on edge all the time, I don't think she could handle losing Big Mac or Apple Bloom.
I'm honestly glad that she's taken up the position of acting mayor, it's lifted a weight from my shoulders, and she wants to support me in any way she can. Though I worry for her and Pinkie the most, as they face the most risk of infection as Earth Ponies.
Although I still reside in Ponyville, I perform most of my research in the Changeling hive. The young Changeling I mentioned last tape... has unfortunately passed, the fungi fully matured in such a short time, but it's unclear how long she even had it. She may have been found when it was already too late, but there isn't much I can do now, except for studying the fungi before it dies so we understand what it is we're handling fully.
I fear... that we will have to resort to awakening Chrysalis for the sake of Equestria, but I'm working tirelessly to ensure that doesn’t happen.
Little is known about fungi, referencing known relative fungi and examining known subject for analysis
Fluttershy has been showing cold/flu-like symptoms lately, AJ is keeping close tabs on her
No search party for Mayor Mare and other missing ponies has been formed, everyone is too on edge for fear they contracted the fungi, even though it's unlikely to be in the Everfree forest
fungi responds to anti-fungal treatment, small percentage dies within 3 hours upon treatment. this could lead to the development of a cure, but it's still in the testing phase
fungi is possibly slow acting, which gives ample time to pursue treatment
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"I don’t know if y’all are ready for what we cooked up" 👀
Alright alright alright alright
So, the CMC have 3 reoccurring plots pre cutie mark
1. Do a thing to get a cutie mark. Straight forward. Moving on.
2. Sibling bonding. Straight forward. Moving on.
3. Luna comes to each of them individually and helps them with a fear or insecurity they’re dealing with. Jessie, let’s get cookin.
Luna is an interesting character that they do not know how to properly use. She can’t show up often but when she does be it show or comic she’s depicted as a more down to earth pony of the people. She enjoys spending time with her subjects even if she tends to have problems with it and desperately wants nothing more than to be cherished. This makes for a fine enough character but unlike Celestia she is rarely given a space to shine as someone to look up to.
This is a shame as Luna being someone who was corrupted and reformed actually has some wisdom to share. She’s seen in herself the consequences of letting resentment and fear fester in your own head without support.
Because when Luna gets with these girls she’s her best self. She’s fun and kind but she’s also direct and teaches the girls important lessons about self worth, understanding yourself and those around you, not letting your fears consume you. Everything she had to learn the hard way she now imparts on these three specifically.
These three specifically. No one else, at least, not that we see which is what matters.
By the time of blame and gloom they treat her not as royalty to bow to but as a friend who’s come to them in an hour of need. Someone who can guide them. She in turn sees them as friends, and as ponies who will use her wisdom well. Almost like a mentor.
Why does Celestia’s apprentice take over the Sun and Moon? If the Princess of the Sun can raise a protege to lead her people when the time comes to raise the sun for the final time, why should Luna not get the same?
Why should Luna be deprived of girls who love her for who she is and not what the represents? Or the chance to make dreams a safe place even in her absence?
The Cutie Mark Crusaders call from destiny shouldn’t be to wander the waking world and teach people how to get their marks and how to wield them. That’s a problem they only invent in the season they choose to make this their answer. Their call to destiny should be to continue Luna’s legacy. Luna’s gentle but direct wisdom. Three young women who just like her attempted time and time again to find the easy way out of feeling outcast-and girls who found the answer in friendship far easier than she did.
The Cutie Mark Crusaders should’ve been Princess Luna’s students.
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Best princess has arrived! All hail the empress of the night!
Genuinely I had so much fun with Luna. I really wanted to keep the slay of Nightmare Moon to show the scars such a tragedy left.
Also here's Luna before Nightmare Moon, and the lore I made:
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(not happy with the anatomy but oh well)
Luna always struggled with not getting recognized for her efforts. She fought against nightmares in the dream world all alone for centuries. Rarely would ponies remember her visiting or helping.
Her sister Celestia was praised and loved. While Luna was often overshadowed.
She put a lot of pressure on herself, insisting she would be fine. She would protect Equestria during night like Celestia did during day.
Luna kept nightmare creatures from escaping the dream realm. But when she failed to destroy one, Celestia would deal with it. Followed by scolding from Starswirl, their mentor.
The Nightmare creatures feed on negativity, fear, and doubts. All of which Luna was filled with. But although they tried to cause her further distress, she didn't yield. Only destroying more of them.
But with every vanquished nightmare, some of their darkness would cling to Luna, corruption from nightmare energy accumulating. But it wasn't her downfall. Rather, something else was being fed within her.
A nightmare made from Luna's self doubts, hatred and sorrow. A being that fed of the corruption left behind by the many nightmares slain. A being just as powerful if not more than Luna. One that grew stronger, and stronger. A being that will be known as Nightmare Moon.
Luna had always harbored jealousy for Celestia, and anger towards the ponies of Equestria. But Nightmare Moon wanted to act upon it. Likewise did the nightmares stuck in the dream realm. They recognized Nightmare Moon within Luna, as not just one of them, but a being that could bring them the power needed to take over the waking world. They need only wait for the perfect moment to strike.
Luna kept to herself her struggles, and when she did reach out, nobody understood. Eventually she started to listen to the voice in her head. She grew more angrier, tired, jealous.
One day, she gave in, too tired to keep fighting. Letting Nightmare Moon take over. Quickly she regretted it however...
What followed was a battle between the sisters, and Nightmare Moon being sealed away to the Moon. Luna alongside her.
But even when stuck in the moon, did Luna try to travel dreams. Likewise did Nightmare Moon do the same.
She fought valiantly against the nightmares even when in exile. She sent dreams to warn her sister, tried talking with her. But... None were received. The Nightmares made sure of that.
So Luna had to play dirty sometimes, sending nightmares warning of threats she saw from the moon. But not always were they remembered. Even more rarely did Nightmare Moon let her.
For a millenia she tried to at least alleviate the pain caused by her mistakes. And for millenia none would notice.
Until a certain Twilight Sparkle, student of Celestia, received vague visions of a grim future. Followed by her beginning research on "The Mare in the Moon" in her dreams. Luna finally, had found someone who didn't forget her warnings.
Twilight told Celestia of her worries, and Celestia sent her on a journey to Ponyville. There which similar events to the show's pilot episodes would take place.
Anyways yeah that's my rewrite of the Nightmare Moon. Yes it's sadder and darker but it's my rewrite I do what I want.
I took heavy inspiration from the "Nightmare Rarity" comic about how Nightmare creatures exist etc, and how Nightmare Moon happened. Even if not canon I still adore the concepts-
I also wanted to add to why Celestia believed in Twilight's potential so much. Not just because of her magic, but because she actually heard Luna's pleas and warnings. Something even Celestia struggled with. Which was the catalyst to her realizing that, yes, Twilight is gonna make a great Alicorn one day! (Then Gen5 happened and fucked the lore up)
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s0nia246 · 5 months
Day Dream in Pinkies senses au
Pinkies senses au created by @my-quirk-is-fred
Info on Day Dream
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Subject: Day Dream
Interviewer: Twilight Sparkle
Date: [Redacted]
[Begin Log]
Day Dream: Twilight!
Twilight Sparkle: Good evening, Day Dream. How are you doing?
Day Dream: I'm currently feeling a bit disoriented but otherwise okay, I guess....Why do I have to be in here?
Twilight Sparkle: ...It's ah...to help us with checkup. You'll have to be in the containment cell for a while.
Day Dream: Oh... okay.
Twilight Sparkle: Do you wanna talk about what happened to you during your time in the Everfree Forest?
Day Dream: Well, it's all a bit of a blur, to be honest. After I got to my old cave, I remember wandering the forest looking for things to journal, and then... everything just seemed to blend together. I lost track of time, and it felt like I was trapped in some sort of dream world.
Twilight Sparkle: A dream world, you say? Can you elaborate on that?
Day Dream: It's hard to explain. It was like being in a perpetual state of half-consciousness, where everything around me seemed surreal and fantastical. I saw things that couldn't possibly exist in the real world. Everything was made of candy, specifically gummy worms. Maybe my magic was going haywire or something.
Twilight Sparkle: Fascinating. And how did you eventually find your way out of this dream world?
Day Dream: It's hazy, but I remember hearing a voice calling out to me. It sounded familiar, like someone I knew. And then suddenly, I woke up in the forest, disoriented and confused. Then I found Spike, and he told me to come here.
Twilight Sparkle: Do you recall anything else about this voice? Are there any specific details that might help you identify its origin?Day Dream: Uh... It sounded like a lot of people were talking all at once. I heard Princess Celestia, Luna, you....pretty much everyone I know.
Twilight Sparkle: Interesting. It seems like your experience was quite....interesting. We'll need to investigate further to understand what caused it. Tell me if you remember anything else. For now, let's focus on getting you settled back in and ensuring you're feeling alright.
Day Dream: Okay. Also can you get my bag. I wanna read the book I found.Twilight Sparkle: I'll get write after the checkup.
[End Log]
Twilight Sparkle proceeded with the checkup, ensuring Day Dream was physically and magically stable after the peculiar experience in the Everfree Forest. Once everything was confirmed to be in order, Twilight retrieved Day Dream's bag and handed it to her.
"Here's your bag." Twilight placed the bag on the floor right next to Day.
"Thank you, Twilight." Day Dream smiled as she took her bag from her. She reached in and pulled out one of her many journals and a mysterious looking book that had an interesting looking cover.
"Your dinner will be ready soon," Twilight said before walking out of the room. She disappeared into the darkness outside the door before Day Dream could ask any questions.
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(I suck at drawing horror XD)
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
What do you think a romantic yandere concept of Opaline from MLP gen 5 would be like?
I wrote this on Docs but I didn't see this was specifically romantic, so I tweaked it from the original draft a bit, still ended up a bit general if that was okay, I apologize :(. Doesn't change much though.
Yandere! Opaline Arcana Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Manipulation, Narcissism, Possessive behavior, Kidnapping, imprisonment, Isolation, Violence/Thoughts of murder mentioned, Emotionally controlling behavior mentioned, Cages, Forced relationship implied.
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I may not have finished MLP: Make Your Mark, but I believe I know enough about Opaline to give my thoughts on her.
Opaline Arcana is an Alicorn that has been alive since Celestia and Luna.
By the time of Make Your Mark she is nearly powerless due to Twilight.
Now she tries to use Dragon Fire in order to grow in power due to being a Fire Alicorn.
Opaline is malicious, scheming, and deceitful.
She is very skilled in manipulation, especially emotional manipulation.
Considering how well she can control Misty, Opaline would use honeyed words to gain her obsession.
Speaking of Misty, I'd expect her to be used by Opaline for her obsession.
For example, maybe Opaline can't stop thinking of a pony who's close to the Mane 5.
Earth pony, pegasus, unicorn, it doesn't matter to Opaline.
For some reason she feels she needs you.
Whenever she spies on the Mane 5, her eyes drift to you.
At some point you may just drive her insane.
She doesn't understand why she feels so weird around this one pony.
So, she sends Misty to spy.
She already needs the unicorn to search for magic sources, she might as well have her look into why you're so special.
Opaline is already quite focused on her plot to rule Equestria by stealing all of the magic.
Yet the Alicorn feels distracted when you come up.
Why does she actually want to listen to Misty about your day?
She knows she has a distaste for the Mane 5, but she feels she hates you less.
If she just wanted to steal your magic then she shouldn't care about you.
It's not like you're that strong magic-wise, if anything Sunny is stronger.
It boggles her mind when she actually enjoys watching you.
Misty is grateful that she has an excuse to be around her new friends, but grows concerned for you.
You have no idea what you do to Opaline.
Only Misty knows… even then not by much.
She just knows you drive the Alicorn crazy at times and you have no clue about it.
You're oblivious to the scheming Alicorn miles away from you.
That is until Opaline starts getting bold.
Maybe she asks Misty to lure you to her castle.
That or maybe Opaline finds a way to capture you herself.
At some point Opaline feels she has to look into why you make her feel in such a strange way.
Misty is reluctant to take part in luring you.
However, scared by the Alicorn's fiery rage, Misty lures you out of Maretime Bay.
She claims she has something cool to show you!
It's a secret….
Having no clue about the incoming danger and trusting Misty as a friend, you follow.
Only for Opaline to swoop in and trap you.
Similar to other MLP villains I've written about in the past, Opaline may keep you caged away.
The first half of her obsession is the Alicorn studying you.
You're kept in a cage, if you're a unicorn your magic is negated or straight up stolen, if you're a pegasus your wings are restrained.
Opaline taunts you, claiming you're weak.
Yet she also shows frustration as she doesn't understand why she feels strange for somepony like you.
She wonders if it's pity….
But it becomes clear it's something else later on.
She begins to notice it when she's softer towards you despite you being behind bars.
Opaline of course uses manipulation to get her way.
Like with Misty she puts you down and often makes you feel like you need her.
It's her way of preventing you from leaving.
She's strong and is offering you a home with her. 
If you're loyal you can be out of the cage and in a room
She's softer with you than Misty, but the treatment is very similar.
You want to run away but Opaline no doubt has caged you with magic like when Misty was grounded.
Misty may flee to “spy”, in reality she's trying to get you help.
She feels remorseful for her actions and knows she has to get you help.
Opaline treats you as something pretty to look at, something between a pet and someone she admires.
It's an odd relationship.
Sometimes she mocks you, sometimes she pulls you closer for affection.
You're scared of her toying.
Even when the Mane 5 come to help with Misty, Opaline refuses to let you go so easily.
You've driven her crazy and now she finally has you.
Is she just supposed to let you go?
No… she won't allow it.
As an Alicorn she's meant to get what she wants!
She'll keep you in her castle all to herself…
Even if it means destroying your so-called “friends” to do it.
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cheemscakecat · 4 months
MLP Redesigns/Rewrite Pt 1: Twilight Sparkle [And a Starlight Glimmer Rant]
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When Celestia made Twilight an Alicorn, it didn’t make her immortal or taller. Other than a small magic boost and a pair of regular Pegasus wings to get used to, Twilight stayed the same.
That was until she and her friends answered the call to investigate Starlight Glimmer’s cult. Instead of having an ugly magic table map to tell them where to go, the elements themselves created a star that led the group to the secluded wasteland cult.
Twilight had always been very studious, even to the point of self isolating from classmates. After all, she had Spike, and could write to her brother, her old babysitter Cadance, her parents, and her mentor the Princess. Why did she need more friends? Even someone semi-likeminded and ambiverted like Moondancer was not given the time of day.
When Twilight got her Alicorn wings, it took her a very long time to learn to use them. Physical activity was never her strongest subject in school, she only took the class because it was required. However, she now had help from Rainbow Dash and the whole Apple family in training up her new wings. The Apples helped her increase her physical endurance, she learned to run farther and kick harder.
At the same time, Rainbow dash and her Wondercolt teammates taught Twilight how to exercise her new wings. It was very important for her to build their strength before even trying to hover: untested wings could not carry the weight of a Pegasus foal, much less a grown adult who was not born with wings.
Twilight began to travel back to Canterlot more often, both to study and to reconcile with old classmates. After she earned Moondancer’s forgiveness, she set her sights on Princess training. This time of course, without neglecting friends. Twilight realized that Luna and Celestia were not being honest with each other about their true feelings, and she and a visiting Fluttershy managed to get them to open up.
Discord warned Twilight that if she ever obtained immortality, she’d better pray for the mercy of having at least one immortal friend out of her main group. Twilight however, managed to come to terms with it after realizing her friends would not become immortal unless blessed with Alicorn status while wielding the elements. Even if the rest of her friends didn’t live forever, she’d still have Celestia, Luna, and him for company. And hopefully she’d be on good terms with future immortals who wielded the elements after her friends passed.
Twilight’s future job would be to teach morality, friendship, and respectfulness to pony kind, and to protect against invading kingdoms that may take advantage of a pure-hearted Equestria. If she didn’t obtain immortality, her writings would still be preserved and her ordinances and laws kept in effect unless something warranted an edit.
But referring back to the cult incident:
Starlight had been keeping tabs on the new developments in the world, without her cult victims knowledge. After all; she would have to make sure nobody could foil her plans for taking over Equestria and reshaping it to match her vision. Unlike the canon show, Starlight was not overpowered enough to steal the princesses cutie marks. [Seriously, why was she able to do that, and why was she able to get off Scott free?]
Anyways, Starlight had studied the history of the Elements of Harmony, and realized that they were capable of bestowing new powers and altering a user’s appearance. When powered up through frequent use, the elements would eventually gift their users a very valuable power up.
Discord wielded the Elements in the age of Draqonequus, and they both made him immortal and warped his appearance. His being able to keep his powers despite turning against the will of the Elements proved that they were unable to take back power once given out.
Princess Celestia and Luna were granted Alicorn status by Starswirl the bearded, but were at the power level of Twilight or Cadance until the Elements of Harmony gave them the trademark power boost. It turned their hair into some strange, ever-moving substance, gave them power to assist the movements of the sun and moon, and granted them immortality.
The problem was that the elements would not work for just anypony; Cadance had been expected to be the next user, but the gems did not respond to her attempts to recover them. Starlight couldn’t just summon them or steal them to obtain their power.
But if the Mane 6 were allowed to get their supercharged magic and new forms, she’d miss her chance. She wanted all 6 power boosts to overpower the two ascended princesses and take the kingdom for herself. So she came up with a very devious idea.
If she stole their cutie marks and managed to put them on herself all at once, she would theoretically be able to dupe the Elements into thinking she was their chosen users, and steal all that magic for herself. She just needed to lure the Mane 6 in and take the marks before they tried to fight her.
Starlight Glimmer began abusing her cult followers more and more, knowing that enough injustice would draw the Mane 6 to her hellhole “village” to fix whatever was going on. And at first it seemed to work.
Fluttershy became very ill, but that wasn’t such a big deal in Starlight’s mind. It was a good bargaining chip for getting the Mane 6 to grovel for help, and she could always just keep them locked in the solitary confinement bunker until the illness passed.
But then Fluttershy’s symptoms became more concerning, and word of it spread to the streets of the cult. She was suffering random and violent mood swings that led to her snarling, lashing out at the others, endless pacing, and charging into walls and random objects. The other Mane 6 members began to get early symptoms too, leading to fears that the village would be overtaken by this disease.
Starlight saw this as a wonderful opportunity! She could use it to gaslight her followers into seeing the outside kingdom as a terribly compromised, disease ridden hovel that they should seek to “fix”. After all, if their greatest warriors/envoys were so susceptible, what did that mean for the poor, unwashed masses of Equestria? The princesses were not able to help them, but they in their town had the medicine and the work ethic to save the world.
Starlights heinous plan backfired when the Elements sensed their users in danger and the great injustice taking place at her hooves. They appeared in front of the cutie mark-less Mane 6, healed their illness, and violently took their cutie marks back from their containment, alongside all the villager’s cutie marks.
Then every single Mane 6 member got their power up, and as Starlight had feared, Twilight got the most power of them all. Immortality and the power to influence the stars.
It had all gone wrong! She was supposed to win, she was supposed to prevent this! But that was a mistake she did not intend to repeat. The hunt to arrest her would soon reach a fever pitch, especially as the Mane 6 figured out how to work their new powers and her victims revealed details about the cult. The traitors. How could they do this to her, after all she had done for them?!
Starlight’s only hope was to reverse time and prevent these 6 ponies from ever getting their cutie marks and from ever meeting. She was not strong enough to take them as they were now, not even with the finest dark magic the criminal underworld had to offer.
She didn’t care who got hurt in the process of rewriting the timestream. After all, an Equestria pockmarked and weakened by multiple successful villain attacks was ripe for the taking. How would the ponies not get disillusioned with the Princesses for their failure to protect everyone? If not by storming the castle, she’d take control by campaigning for a government role and filling the cities with her empty promises.
So yeah, I didn’t like how Starlight was just… allowed to walk free after everything she did. She manipulated and abused an entire village and kept them in strict seclusion for years. Over a guy. Who didn’t even do anything heinous to her, he just left to study [as a child] and they fell out of contact.
Then she stalked the Mane 6 for months, so she could learn their weaknesses. She went back in time to prevent Equestria’s current defenders from getting together, with no regard towards the threat of villains they had defeated. Or the fact that she was erasing decades of pony lives over the 6 people she had a vendetta against. Think about how many lives she would have rewritten, even without the villains as a factor.
Starlight had to have heard about Discord, Tirek, Nightmare Moon, and Crysalis after studying the Mane 6 and wandering the cities of Equestria; she had to have known she was risking it all.
No Starlight, you losing a childhood friendship does not give you a pass for being a manipulative, isolating cult leader, trapping the Mane 6 in your cult with the intent of keeping them there indefinitely, and especially rewriting the timeline over getting defeated for it!
And the kicker is that Twilight knows this, she knows she hurt Moondancer, and she never became an abusive villain over it. She also knows Sunset Shimmer wanted power, but even she wasn’t this bad. She was manipulative, but the mind control gloves didn’t come on until she was corrupted with Twilight’s crown. She also didn’t confine people against their will in a random desert.
Starlight should have been placed in Tartarus with the likeminded Tirek. If they ever got back out and teamed up, it would either be the Mane 6 and Discord, or Twilight and Discord who defeated them. But that’s a story for another day.
Instead of Starlight raiding the changeling hive with Discord, Trixie and Pharynx, a mix of old allies who didn’t live in Ponyville came.
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Coco Pommel realized Rarity had missed an important deadline yet was radio silent about it.
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RaRa noticed Applejack hadn’t written to her in a while, and they hadn’t had another falling out.
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Maude sensed something was wrong.
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Spike failed to visit Ember, something he would never do, not without sending a letter via dragon fire.
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Gilda happened to be in town wanting to visit Rainbow Dash, but she was acting very… unloyal. Like they didn’t ever meet, and that wasn’t the kind of prank Rainbow would pull.
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Moondancer was sent by the princesses after Twilight put off a visit to Canterlot that she wouldn't have wanted to miss.
Might make a future post about that event, but that’s all for now. More redesigns coming soon.
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mylittleponyauprompts · 5 months
An AU where one of the other main six use the mirror pool instead of Pinkie Pie. What is their motivations? How did they find out about the mirror pool compared to Pinkie Pies prior knowledge of it, did they learn about it from her?
Optional additions:
Four examples I can think of
Rarity: needs more hooves on a large project, a time limited project. And no one in town is skilled enough to help her. After asking around for advice, mainly twilight hoping to find a spell, she finds her answer surprisingly from Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie bringing up that if Rarity had more of herself the project would be done in no time, and bringing up the mirror pool off handedly. And while pinkie Pie just brings up the name of mirror pool, after some research in Twilight's library she finds the information she needs.
Rainbow Dash: wants to race herself. Over hears Pinkie Pie talking to herself about the mirror pool.
Applejack: basically the same as Rarity but farm work flavored instead of sewing. Big Mac has been injured and the farm would get done quicker with more hooves around. This would require her to get over her strong stubbornness about not needing outside help. Maybe she's convinced it's not outside help since it's a clone of herself.
Twilight Sparkle: ends up being very similar to Pinkie Pies dilemma. Can't hang out with all of her friends at once and Can't make a decision. So why not make more of herself? She finds out about the mirror pool while panic studying in the library. Maybe a clone even ends up going to an event in Canterlot to visit Celestia and Luna. And honestly it would probably go just as chaotic as Pinkie Pie. Lesson zero but there is a million Twilight Sparkles. Oh no!
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sketch-shepherd-art · 6 months
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Alright so I’ve finally finished all of Make Your Mark on Netflix (I have no interest in Tell Your Tale) and, well… I certainly have thoughts. Unfortunately I felt MLP G5 (even including A New Generation) was pretty weak. I don't HATE G5 of course, but it certainly has problems. Not counting the ton of continuity errors and plot holes and retcons from G4, most of the episodes + specials on their own I found flat and boring.
And yes I KNOW that G5 deserves to be its own thing and shouldn’t rely 100% on G4’s popularity but come on… a sequel series still needs SOME connection to its predecessor, and G5 has so little of it?? And the worst part is that the super sparse FIM references were for legal reasons, which makes me even wonder why bother setting it in the same universe as G4 instead of just making a complete reboot. And yes I’ve heard that the G5 comics actually go deeper into the lore, but important worldbuilding details should be included in the show proper, not in supplemental materials. 
So yeah, that only inspired me to make even more changes for my MLP next gen AU. Starting with a bunch of different ideas I have for Opaline. More details about my revamped design and backstory for her under the cut
First off, her canon design is way too gaudy and takes away a lot of her intended scare factor, so I redesigned her with multiple variants. For all versions I removed her blue eyeshadow and the braids around her ears (too ridiculous-looking and difficult for me to draw), and made her hair a bit more asymmetrical. 
As for my version of her backstory, rather than Opaline being over a thousand years old and having known Celestia and Luna when they were fillies, I made Opaline a former student of Twilight who became her successor as the next Alicorn Princess. Only Opaline didn't do a great job as a ruler which caused Twilight to drain her of her magic and banish her to the outskirts of Equestria.
But after Twilight died of old age (don't ask me why Twilight didn't find a new successor, still working that out) the magic shield locking Opaline outside Equestria faded and allowed her back in. So she was the one who caused disharmony between ponies all over again (yeah kind of a repeat of the Nightmare Moon situation but), and additionally kidnapped Misty as a filly to use her as a spy and do tasks to help Opaline get her powers back, including her wanting to steal dragon fire to become a fire Alicorn like in canon.
Made this change for two reasons 1) the whole “ancient villain who knew Celestia and Luna back in the day escaped now and is planning to wreak havoc on modern Equestria” has been done a hundred times already in FIM, let a new villain form literally during Twilight’s reign 2) it would keep the rejection aspect of Opaline's canon backstory but give her more personal beef with Twilight which is why Opaline targets her
so my AU wouldn't just have all ponies restore unity and then have Opaline just come as a threat right after like A New Generation + Make Your Mark did. Achieving harmony between pony AND non-pony kind would be done over the course of a series and not just one movie, with Equestria being restored + Misty being freed after Opaline's defeat. The Unity Crystals still play a role in my AU, with Twilight having created them as a new alternative to the Elements of Harmony rather than just a macguffin to stop Opaline specifically.
Also if it were up to me I like my #3 redesign the best, the blue hues would probably fit the best for a fire-based villain (fire being blue when it's hottest and all) but that depends on if/when I wanna draw my AU Opaline in the future
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skylarsblue · 2 years
May I make a request for an age regressed reader who really wants Bo Sinclair to watch MLP with them?
Or did I already send this? I don't know. ;-;
(I’m gonna assume this is Gen 4 because that’s the best one (fight me). Also, first age regression request! FLUFF TIME)
❀Bo w/ A Regressed MLP-Fan Reader❀
✧Age Regression; AGE REGRESSION IS NOT A KINK I DON'T WANNA HEAR ANY ARGUMENTS. It's cute and y'all need to accept it.✧ ❤Fluff, no cursing this time, hard opinions on fictional ponies, GN!Reader, a singular mention of a kink but it's just some silliness, reader briefly implied to have long hair but it's barely there❤
Age regression is a pretty niche thing to talk about, even more so back in the early 2000s. Gonna be real, bub, he's not gonna have any clue what you're talking about if you bring it up.
Seeing you regressed probably first happens as an accident, a stressful situation became too much and you just started acting differently. He wouldn't get it, watching you grow subtly more clingy and quiet, timid almost. He'd be concerned but he wouldn't ask questions at the time.
Assuming you brought it up later, he'd need you to explain it in at least three different ways, honestly. He's never personally experienced something like that(he thinks so anyway), which makes it hard for him to understand.
"Your brain just...makes you act like a kid sometimes? Why?" "Because my childhood was trash and it wants to find a way to cope. Being an adult is stressful, Bo." "...You got a point there."
After he's grown to understand it, he won't have any problems with it. Oddly enough, he'll slowly start to find it cathartic for himself. He'll find himself getting a lil dopamine boost whenever he starts noticing you doing something that signals you're teetering.
Won't indulge you in front of his brothers unless his brothers start to act kind of caregiver-ish. Bo don't share.
You will absolutely ruin the daddy kink for him. He can't hear the word in that context anymore and it makes him cringe when he does.
Bo doesn't like cartoons, he never really has. He's never really been a TV person in general, it tends to serve as background noise whenever he's doing something else. But he does have a habit of saying he won't be watching the show you're watching, then he'll just stand behind the couch, forgetting the task he was about to start.
Will probably tease you for liking My Little Pony, I'm not gonna lie. Nothing too mean though! He just likes making you all pouty.
He's gonna roll his eyes and cringe when you ask him to watch it with you. He's a grown man! He doesn't have any business watching a "little girl's show". But he's got a soft spot in that charcoal heart of his, so eventually, he'll cave. But he's gonna complain!
He'll probably scoff and act like the show is killing his brain cells at first, but he's an idiot because he gets so invested. (Magic of Friendship boi)
His favorite is Apple Jack. I think that should be a given. He doesn't like Celestia though, feels a little too connected to Luna and he holds a grudge.
He starts to whistle the tune to the songs in his free time. He'll lose his mind and die on the inside if anyone points it out, because he's not doing it subconsciously. Except you. If you start singing to his whistling he's gonna just smile, cause he's a SAP.
"Bab Seed Bab Seed, what we gonna do-" "A bully on our tail gotta r- Oh son of a-" "YES! YES YOU KNOW THE WORDS!" "You hush your mouth."
When there are big villains in episodes he gets super into it. He acted personally offended when Discord made the Main 6 reverse their talents.
He did laugh when Chrysalis zapped Celestia but then immediately got upset when the other princess were affected.
Definitely had the song from Chrysalis pretending she was Princess Cadance stuck in his head for like, a month.
WILL buy you the toys but you gotta keep them in your room, he'll keel over in embarrassment if someone sees little pony figures on his shelves without the context.
He's kinda stingy about sharing you when you're small, but he'll allow his brothers to watch the show with you two if they want. Vincent probably likes the music, but he's not super into it. Lester might get more into it than you, actually, he likes pretty colors.
Vincent's favorite would be Twilight & Lester's would be a tie between Fluttershy & Pinkie Pie.
Once a group of tourists came into town in the middle of a long Two-Part episode and he missed most of it, so he drove into the city and just bought the CD of the entire season. FOR YOU, of course, TOTALLY NOT FOR HIM-
The TV was bright in the overall dim household, speakers turned up to allow the sounds of the cartoon to fill the room. The noise was coupled with the sound of crunching Goldfish crackers between your teeth, eyes tuned into the screen as calloused fingers worked through your hair. "Oi, eat your fruit too. Can't live off Goldfish." Bo said softly, nudging your leg with his boot. You were sat on the floor in front of him, between his legs, whilst he messed with your hair. You let out a little huff but grabbed the pastel bowl on the coffee table, poking a fork into some strawberries. You looked over your shoulder as you ate one, awaiting praise. "That's better." Bo mumbled, patting your shoulder.
You turned back to the screen, watching the group talk about Fluttershy's "stare". With a little hum to catch his attention, Bo looked down, waiting for your words. "Who's your favorite?" You asked softly, voice picked up in pitch slightly. Bo rose an eyebrow and glanced at the screen. "Apple Jack, she's the only cool one." He said, unable to stop the smirk as you gasped. "Fluttershy's cool!" You insisted, turning to face him. "She's a wuss-puss, doll. Not cool." He taunted, chuckling as you tossed a pillow in his face. "Don't hate the messenger! I'm just saying the truth!" He chuckled as you smacked him with the pillow again, which he blocked with ease, snickering as you settled into his lap with a pout. "You take that back!" He held his hands up in a faux surrender position. "Alright alright, they're all cool. How about that?"
Your gaze narrowed suspiciously at him, slowly lowering the pillow back onto the couch. "Mmm okaaay-" "Except Fluttershy." Bo laughed again as your mouth dropped open in offense, blocking your hands from getting the pillow once more. Left without your weapon, he squeezed you tightly, leaving you unable to use your arms. "You traitor! Bully!" The man snickered as you fought against his strength valiantly, only to dramatically give up a minute later. "I'm too tired now. I'm sorry Fluttershy, I've failed you." You mumbled with a tiny frown. Bo rested his chin on top of your head with a chuckle. "I'm sure she'd appreciate your efforts, doll. Now finish your fruit, took me forever to cut'em into shapes, ya know." He said, grabbing the bowl. You hummed and tapped your chin as if you were debating, looking at the ceiling in thought. "My hands don't work." You said suddenly, dropping your hands into your lap.
Bo rose an eyebrow and tilted his head. "Oh they don't, do they?" He asked, watching you shake your head. "Nope, they don't work." You insisted. The brunet clicked his tongue and gave a somber sigh, putting a piece of fruit on the fork. "Such a shame." He said with an eyeroll, holding the fork to your mouth. You took the fruit and nodded intensely. "'S a shame!" You slurred, whining when he pinched your nose. "Don't talk wit'cha mouth full." He said, moving his head so yours could rest against his shoulder, getting another piece of fruit on the fork for himself this time. He looked back at the episode and narrowed his gaze. "...the hell is a cockatrice?" You laughed and shook your head, taking another strawberry off the fork. "You'll see, and it'll prove Fluttershy is the coolest!"
"Mhm, sure, whatever ya say lil' one."
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