#Wilbur soot agere
koithelittle · 6 months
christmas movies & cuddles
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note; my first fic here, yay!! terrified would be an understatement. idk how long it’s taken me to write this but it’s been a while, i was really struggling with being okay and confident with it so if it suck’s, i’m sorry. requests are open tho! for all things, and my inbox just in general so have at it! okay that’s all.
warnings; use of daddy/dada, cutesy pet names, brief mention of alcohol (wils past wif cwistmas), ummmss,,, mark boardman is there! great sitter- okay that’s all i think! not proofread for mistakes so beware!
pairing; cg!wilbur soot x gn!little!reader
taglist; @jjtheresidentbaby @lillylvjy @wilmaslittleflower @whos-nicooo (ask to be added!)
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wilbur always found enjoyment in making you happy, in doing things that would bring a smile to your face or make you laugh and giggle. he loved to be your sun, when all you were surrounded by was darkness.
he's never been fond of holidays if he's honest. he didn't like dressing up for Halloween, and as a guy in his mid-late 20s, he didn't particularly care for the party side of halloween either. when it came to Christmas, it only seemed to remind him how lonely he was. or had been. before he met you, christmas was spent inside, alone with alcohol to numb the loneliness.
but now, with you, he has every reason to celebrate it. christmas decor goes up november 1st, Christmas cookies get made the day after and he already has a list of gifts he plans on getting for you and all of your shared friends. he has plans of activities, and small outings to go on. you go ice skating together, where he holds you to his side and keeps you from falling. he takes you out to get a christmas tree together, bringing it home and setting it up in the corner of the den.
he'll stand on his toes to hang up the garlands, spending hours outside hanging up christmas lights on the porch (you tell him it's not worth the cold he'll endure, but he insists on doing it without you peeking all so it's a surprise). he loves doing things for you, and holding you and keeping you warm during the cold nights. he'll make you tea or cocoa and hold you between his legs as you both watch a christmas movie.
you show him all your favorites, although, elf is his all time favorite. he finds it bizarre and funny at the same time. how silly it is, and campy it feels. he'll rub your stomach and kiss your cheek, holding you close to his chest.
if he's honest, part of why he does all of these things is to help you, to heal you and to make christmas fun for big you and little you (because let's be honest, he does everything he can to bring a smile to your face both big and little).
lately, though, he's wanted to focus more on at home, quiet christmasy adventures. things that you would feel comfortable doing when you're regressed, which meant quiet and cuddly activities that meant being cooped up inside.
he'd seen the whole boo basket trend, and thought it was a neat idea but wanted to have his own twist on it (prior to deciding, he also saw the burr basket posts but those fizzled out before he really got a good idea of what he had planned). he sat down at his desk to list a few stores he'd stop by and what items he planned to get from each one.
the local bookstore was sure to have a santa book, and maybe even a few jellycats (you eyed them all the time, and he almost always sneakily bought the mini ones to hide around the house). after the bookshop, he'd head to another shop, one that he's sure would have a basket and maybe a blanket, some candy and instant cocoa, amongst other things.
once his list was completed, he hurried down the stairs to where you were cooped up in the corner of the couch, wrapped up in one of his blankets with your stuffed bunny held against your chest. you'd been regressed for a few hours now, and needed quiet time so he set you up in the living room awhile ago, your favorite cartoon playing on the TV.
he sat beside you, pulling you into his side as he kisses your cheek and temple. he rubs your arm as he smiles down at you, "hello, baby, you ok?" he whispers as you whine and crawl into his arms, sitting in his lap.
he chuckles softly, nuzzling his nose against your hair as your hands grip onto his shirt. he pulls back to get a look at your face, hand on the side of your head as he pushes hair out of your face.
"love," his voice is a bit more firm, "are you okay?" you shrug as a response, soft frown held on your lips as he sighs and pulls you closer. he presses kisses to the top of your head, running his fingers through your hair as his other hand rubs your back.
he holds you for a while, the TV playing as background noise more or less as he coos and whispers a soft lullaby to soothe you a bit. when your grip on his shirt loosens, and your breathing steadies out, he pulls back to look you in the eye again.
"I've gotta go out for a bit, do you want to go stay with grace or wilma?" he whispers softly, hands on your lower back as he gets you to sit up a bit more.
you shrug, eyes stuck on the wall behind him as you zone out. he rubs your back, bringing your attention to him again, "okay," you mumble, dropping your head to your shoulder.
he kisses the shell of your ear, recognizing that you're most likely nonverbal or at least close to it. he nuzzles his nose against your cheek in a light manner, tickling you. you giggle softly, tensing up before relaxing in his hold when he kisses your temple.
"what if... I called over wilma to keep an eye on you, mm? orrrr maybe joe? ash? mark?" he smirks, pressing a few kisses to your cheek.
"ummm.. mark!" you giggle softly, smiling wide and happy at the thought of getting to see Mark again. you have a few drawings for him, as well!
"mark? okay, well can you give Daddy a few minutes while I call him, yeah?"
you nod softly, scooting out of his lap and settling in front of the TV as you start to play with your stuffies. wilbur sits up, walking over to the foyer as he calls mark, listening as it rings.
mark picks up, "hey, mate! what's up?" his voice is bright and chirpy, always happy.
"hey, I've got a favor to ask," wilbur starts, and you perk up. you sit up, leaning over the back edge of the couch, looking over at him and smiling.
Wilbur smiles over at you, chuckling before he continues, "I need to head into town for a bit and I was wondering if you'd come over and look after y/n for a bit? they're little right now and I just don't want to leave them alone but I can't take them either," Wilbur sighs, pacing a slight bit as he awaits and answer from mark.
you don't bother to listen to the rest, slinking to the corner of the couch and curling up happily. he walks over a moment later, sitting beside you and rubbing your side and arm.
"hey lovebug," wilbur coos, you lift your head and smile sleepily at him. he pulls you up into his lap, holding you close.
"hi, dada," you whisper, head rested on his shoulder as he rubs your back softly, free hand playing with your hair.
"mark will be here soon, yeah?" he smiles sweetly, rubbing your upper arms as he pulls back to look at you.
he holds you close to him, humming a soft tune as you let the time pass quietly. mark soon rings the doorbell and wilbur greets him before giving him a way too detailed run down, as if he'd never been your sitter before. then, wilbur finally leaves.
he hurries out to the car, heading into town. he had the list pulled up on his phone, ready to have things marked off. he started with the book shop, sifting through the various christmas children books and collecting a few in his arms, checking out and walking next door to the children's shops.
he spends the rest of the next two hours, shopping and gathering things of all kinds. your favorite candies, a blanket, a stuffie or two, books, crayons, etc etc. anything that could make you feel better. and so, after he puts everything in the trunk, he gathers it all up into the basket, making it look all pretty before he tucks it into the passengers seat, making his way home.
while wilbur is driving home, you and Mark are set up on the kitchen floor. he made a little sensory box for you, one that he brought from home. youre playing with the toys, making the dinos fly as mark watches you and cheers you on, making you giggle with every question he has.
"what's this dinos name, little one?" mark coos, holding a blue dino up to you.
you giggle softly, taking the dino and placing it on the top of his head, making it jump around before taking it back and putting it in the box, “bluey,” you hum.
“oh, bluey? that’s a nice name, hm?” you nod at mark’s question, quietly playing in the box that holds sand and rice and an assortment of dino toys.
“when’s daddy gettin home?” you mumble quietly, eyes cast down on the dinos you’re playing with.
mark hums, thinking for a moment before he answers, “soon, hun, promise.”
soon didnt come soon enough for you, waiting not so patiently for wilbur to come home. once you hear the door click open, you jump up and hurry to the door, slinging yourself into his chest. you hug him close, babbling incoherently to him as he hugs you back.
"hey, baby, you okay? you miss me?" he croons, pulling you closer against his chest, his arms wrapped around you. you nod, giggling happily.
"missed you, dada!" you squeal as he moves to pick you up, holding you on his hip as mark cleans up in the kitchen.
"I missed you too baby! how about you settle down here, mkay?" he sets you down on the couch, tucking a blanket over you as he moves into the kitchen.
"were they okay?" wilbur kneels down to help clean up the dino toys and what other things get taken out of the box.
mark smiles and nods, "of course! they missed you though, alot."
wilbur hums, smiling to himself at the thought as he and mark bid goodbyes, mark soon leaving through the front door. you peak up over the back of the couch, arms folded and chin resting atop of them.
he chuckles, walking over to you and kissing your forehead, brushing hair out of your face gently, "hi love, I'm gonna go get something, okay? be a good little love while I'm gone. I'll be right back," he places a lingering kiss to your forehead before he turns to leave out the door. you stay there, watching the door like a puppy. he steps back in a few minutes later, a basket covered with his jacket now clad in his arms.
"close your eyes, bunbun," he smiles widely, and you do as told, giggling softly as you shut your eyes. you feel him sitting down next to you and something wicker being placed in your lap.
"open, love," he smiles as you, watching as you excitedly giggle and look up at him.
“all for me?” you whisper in disbelief, eyes wide with joy as you hold the sides of the basket, waiting for the go ahead.
“mhm, just for you, baby. go on, open it. it’s for our evening,” he smiles a bit softer, hand reaching behind your head to rub your hair as he watches you excitedly unwrap it all. your eyes widening with each thing, giggling and squealing happily with each little gift. once it’s all open, you crawl into his lap and wrap your arms around his neck, settling in for a hug.
“thank you, daddy!” you giggle softly, nuzzling your face into his neck as wilbur hugs you close.
“did you like it?” he hums, kissing your temple and cheek as he guides you back so he can look down at your face.
you nod eagerly, “all of it! every bit!” you reach over for the little bunny stuffie he grabbed for you and you show it to him, “it looks like you dada!”
he chuckles, rubbing your cheek and nodding, “oh it does, doesn’t it?” he takes it into his hand, waving it a bit at you as you giggle.
“yeah! ‘s you, dada!”
“well that’s a high compliment, mm?” you nod softly at his words as he hands the bunny back to you, pulling you into his lap as he rubs his thumbs over your soft cheeks, “how does a christmas movie with popcorn and candy and cuddles sound, mm?” his lips curl up in a coy smile, eyes bright with love for you.
you nod in agreement, resting your head on his shoulder as your hands rest on his sides, “mmhm, please?”
he nods, mumbling a quick okay as he kisses your cheek and sets you aside on the couch, “i’m gonna go get stuff from the kitchen, ok? you stay here and rest,” you nod, rubbing your eyes sleepily as you curl up on your side.
he hurries into the kitchen, starting some popcorn as he fills your favorite sippy with some juice, setting that aside as he pours the popcorn in a bowl. he sits beside you, popcorn on the coffee table as he hands you your sippy cup. you hold it, leaning against his side as he sets up a movie, cuddling close with you as you both quietly watch the movie together.
the rest of the evening is spent cuddled up with a christmas movie and candy, no need to talk or chat, and that’s the best part.
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wilmaslittleflower · 5 months
cg!christmas! wil from sb !
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notes; hi! It’s been a bit yeah? I was rewatching this video today and wanted to make something for him so! Here’s this and I hope you enjoy!
paci credit; thelittelswitchshoppe on ig!
taglist; @koithelittle @littlesoot @littlesakura-anon @sillylittlekibbie @burgundy-baby @tinysharkzz (wanna be added? Send me an ask or dm!)
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littlebabyself · 5 months
little Wilbur headcannons !! <3
remember! This is just my opinion ^^ plz request things btw guys!!
It’s honestly 50/50 whether he’s gonna be on tommy level chaos or philza level chill that day
He sometimes is small but is also sometimes big and a caregiver! he loves his stuffed animals and is always very hesitant to share. the caretakers are still working on teaching him that.
he’s the most spoiled of the littles but he’s still very polite.
he loves listening to music while small, he especially loves it when techno plays him music himself.
his favorite small activity is playing his baby piano and painting, well, painting the walls. And when he’s big he gets to paint over it with the wall paint.
He also watches a lot of animal documentaries, but his favorite are puppies and cats, household animals and such.
He’s very pouty even if it’s a chill day. Of course he’s always polite no matter what but he can get super pouty, like even more than most littles. he’ll whine about the way his socks feel and how the trim is weird, and how his nails are yucky, or how he needs to potty. ((although it’s always good to tell your caregiver if you need to. So that’s one good Wilbur point LOL))
he prefers the park over the forest unlike his brothers. The forest smell gives him a headache sometimes, and he just generally prefers not to get messy.
his favorite thing like ever is when his drawings are put up on the fridge. He loves drawing and doodling, he draws his stuffies, caregivers, little siblings and friends, visitors, celebrities, favorite characters, and anything else his silly mind can think up.
he keeps a little journal to keep track of his regressions. It’s also a fun thing to doodle and do math work in ((poor baby is not very good at math when small))
When he’s in baby space he will SOB if he’s not being held. Baby space is super scary for him.
sometimes the caregivers will take the smalls into public but Wilbur REFUSES to go with them even if he doesn’t have a paci or any signs of being small. ((Me too will, me too))
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tsukishimasbaby · 4 months
Gonna start taking requests for Wilbur Soot. Simply because I love that man.
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littlesakura-anon · 6 months
wilbur + blue
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this is fun :3
@wilmaslittleflower you wanted to be tagged ^_^
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littlesoot · 4 months
𝜗𝜚 ┈ cg!wilbur 。
cinderella theme ⋆˚ 🐾 ˖°
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notes; might make a belle / beauty and the beast one next :3
tags; @koithelittle , ask to be added!
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spiderdogkiddo · 5 months
Hello, if you have time I'd like a newborn agere moodboard Honey and Bunny themed
(If you wanna throw in a wilbur soot that'd be cool too)
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🍯 wilbur soot , newborn , bunny
🐇 moodboard / sensoryboard
🍯 agere / petre
🐇 req ! reqs open
🍯 sfw interactions only
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eyluvu · 6 months
Cg!Wilbur moodboard:)
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“Me and my girl could go on high, my girl's the world.”
HC's under the cut:
I'm not even an age regressor I'm just sad and lonely and want him to take care of me.
Picks flowers with you and puts them in your hair.
He plays his guitar for you ALWAYS.
He loves to bottle feed his little; he loves looking into their eyes as they drink tiredly.
His favourite thing is when you are so small you just lie with your head in his lap and watch punzie.
He calls you his little punzie :')
He loves giving piggyback rides!
He holds your hand when you're out, and swings your arms together.
Petting every cat you find.
Hums to you a lot.
“You're my precious little girl/boy/baby! Yes you are!”
Little paci kisses are his favourite.
My blog ISN'T just agere; it may have some things not appropriate for littlespace. I just want to keep all my thoughts in one spot.
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koithelittle · 6 months
cg!cc!wilbur moodboard + headcanons!!
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note; so like half of these? were from a hc post that was unformatted and turns out i messed up the request but i am- i can’t fix it without feeling absolutely horrible so. i turned them into this and just added like way more! i have plans for a couple new fics plus absolutely endless moodboards so be looking out for that! this moodboard was my first and has been collecting dust in my drafts for months. love it tho! otay das aww.
paci creds; littlemothshop on ig!
other moodboards
taglist; @jjtheresidentbaby @lillylvjy @wilmaslittleflower @whos-nicooo (ask or do to be added!)
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- he makes sure your regression is completely private, only the band knows and whoever of your friends knows.
- barely anyone even knows you're dating him, let alone that he's your cg when you're little. it's all very private!
- he has pacis, sippys, and toys all scattered around the house. although there's a special spot for it all, it's just sort of floats around !
- he's big on cuddling you when you're little, especially if you're having a hard time ! he'll hold you, calling you soft names to help you slip into or stay in little space.
- doesn't really mind any name but prefers daddy/dada!
- he likes to set up corners around his house that are safe spaces. pillows and blankets and one of your many favorite stuffies. he also likes to put a basket that has some coloring stuff n toys!
- when he's streaming and you're regressed, he'll usually set you up under his desk, blankets and a stuffie, paci and the switch with your headphones. he'll ruffle your hair and rub your back while he streams, making sure to keep an eye on you while he's talking.
- he's got pretty set boundaries with you. bedtime at a certain time, with quiet time before. baths are always fun! and they're always after playtime so you're a bit calmer !
- loves getting you custom pacis from shops, managed to get a lovejoy themed one and couldn't stop smiling at how happy you were.
- speaking of Lovejoy! he'll take you to band practice alot, little or big! the guys love to help care for you. hold you and play with you! Joe is your favorite, since he likes to let you sit in his lap and play with his beard.
- wil really likes to color with you, but he's also always up to play pretend too!
- keeps close tabs on you and knows your habits pretty well, so he catches when you slip way before you do!
- loves cooking for you all of the time, he knows your safe foods like the palm of his hand so he'll give you a few options to pick from at each meal
- holds you when you sleep, and rubs your back
- favorite names to call you are bunny, baby, and little one!
- his kitchen is packed full of all of your safe foods and favorite utensils and plates! it’s mostly in your favorite color, but he knows it helps you eat and enjoy eating so he doesn’t mind
- he has a little note on his phone that lists your favorite things, big and little. movies, shows, snacks, foods, sweaters of his— etc. he wants to remember everything he can!
- he’s very patient and soft with you, careful with his words and tone.
- he likes it when you lay across him, your head on his shoulder or his lap so he can rub your cheeks and hair. just loves giving you mindless affection!
- favorite part of the day for him is when he’s getting you to sleep. sometimes it’ll be through a vod he puts on, a cartoon or he’ll just sing to you.
- loves sitting behind you with you in his lap as you play. he likes to join in too, of course but sometimes he just likes to watch.
- he likes to color with you and help you find all the colors you need, handing them off to you whenever you ask
- piggy back rides!! although his favorite method of travel for you is holding you on his hip or carrying you when you face him. he just feels safer doing that, like he can keep closer tabs on you.
- whenever you pout or you’re sad, he’ll get you to laugh and giggle by making silly faces or noises but especially likes tickling you!
- reads you a story at every nap and bed time. sometimes he’ll make them up but he really likes the books since he can show you pictures!
- he sits you on the counter or on a stool while he cooks so he can keep an eye on you but still have you involved without you getting hurt or feeling obligated to help. he can do it just fine on his own, but he doesn’t mind you being there!
- he’s more strict when it comes to routines above all else. he just wants to make sure you’re healthy and well cared for.
- he likes to have some age appropriate and easy workbooks on hand, just to give you a few pages to work on while he works. you feel involved and you like filling them out (and he likes checking them so he can put stickers on it and draw a smiley face for good work!)
- he’s a picnic guy, so he’ll gather up a lunch in a picnic basket, pack your little bag and take you out to the park or an empty field or even a pebble beach and just have a lil picnic with you. he’ll read a book or write some music while you color and draw or play with whatever you brought!
- he loves it when you kiss his cheek to make him smile. if he’s ever sad a lil kiss on his nose or cheek or chin will just make him absolutely beam! and then subsequently attack you in kisses and tickles.
- loves calling you baby, but baby bear has a nice ring to it to him.
- jokes he’s your papa bear
- adores when the guys come over to work on music but end up playing with you and indulging you in your pretend play! mark gets really invested when your toy of choice is blocks, he’ll try to build the highest tower but joe always knocks it over. cue a very long bicker match!
- ash likes to color and draw with you. he’ll teach you cool techniques and show you all the fun stuff he can draw!
- joe really likes to play with your calico critters with you, coming up with silly scenarios or putting silly outfits on them.
- wil likes to watch from the sidelines, just gushing at how cute it all is. he has good friends, but an even better love!
- sometimes when he’s bored or lonely (when he’s on tour mostly) he has a habit of doing a bit of online shopping and ordering whatever thing you last mentioned. sometimes a stuffy, sometimes a paci but more often than not, a new toy. he just loves you and the thought of getting to see your face when he finds something for you just makes it even better.
- just overall a very attentive and sweet cg!
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wilmaslittleflower · 4 months
someone to you
notes; hi hi! So, here’s some cg!professor!wilbur!!! I hope you like! Request are open!
warnings; um- fluff! Regressing in class, soft Wilbur, if I missed anything please tell me!
edited; a little
wc; 800 (it’s short)
taglist; @koithelittle @littlesakura-anon @littlesoot @wilburstamagotchi @burgundy-baby @eyluvu @tinysharkzz (wanna be added? Send an ask or dm!)
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it all happened to quickly. One moment you were sitting down, writing notes that Wilbur explained and showed the whole class. And then the next, you were looking around with gloss covered eyes as you took in your settings. You didn’t know what was going on, but all you knew was that the you wanted Wil.
His giggle cut through your thoughts as a student made a joke about the notes, Wilbur agreeing with them yet continuing. You quickly shoved down the urge to giggle with him, and instead curled in on yourself and continued to listen to his voice. You brought your thumb to your mouth and gently put a bit in so it looks like you were chewing your nails, yet enough so you could suck on it.
Wil saw this. He saw how you brought your knees up to your chest and hugged your body closer together. Saw your expression on your face as you looked at him. Your thumb up to your lips and headphones on. He knew from that alone you had regressed and that’s what made him end his lecture early.
“Ok, that’s it for today! We’ll finish this section off on Friday. Have a good rest of your day everyone, y/n can you stay back for me?” The sound of your name being said so softly throughout the room, made your fuzzy mind clear as you perked up. He was smiling at you as you put your stuff back and made your way down to him.
Setting your bag down by his desk as he locked his classroom door, having a good time gap until his next class and you not having anything else that day. When he turned around, he walked over to you with his arms open, inviting you into them. Giggling, you ran up to him and jumped into his arms, Wilbur easily picking you up and carrying you into his office.
“Hi baby.” Wilbur whispered to you as you nuzzles your head into his neck, just wanting to be close to him.
“hi daddy..” you said softly to him, sleep underlining your words.
Wil smiled at you as he sat down at his chair, rubbing your back as he opened one of his desk, taking out the paci and toys he kept in there. “How small are you love?”
“Hmm finks m two…. buwt I fink m smawwer..” you said, words cut up as you thought, shaking your head as you did. “tant tawk.”
“That’s ok, love. Don’t talk if you can’t, you don’t have to. You remember what I told you? The yes and no things?” After he saw you shake your head, he smiled at you and brought your paci out for you, which you took with wide eyes and a small. “Wanna go to the bin over there and pick out a stuffies and a coloring book? Or you can watch something on my laptop.”
You got up and went over to the bin in the corner, pulling all sorts of things out as you found the one you were looking for. Giggling, you hugged it and showed Wilbur as you came back over to him.
“Oh, they’re lovely darling. That’s one of your favorite, yeah?” He asked as you nodded and nuzzles back into his chest as he got his laptop out. “Ok, so I’m guessing you want to watch something, what do you want to watch love? can you type it in?” Wil asked as you sat up and and slowly typed in the title of what you wanted.
Wil smiled at you as he held you closer to him and twisted his chair around so it was easier for you to watch the movie. As the title card showed on the screen, Wilbur ran his hands up and down your back and through your hair as he quietly hummed in your ear as the well known music played.
Feeling your eyelashes flutter against his neck, and you shift to get more comfortable in his lap, Wil immediately adjusted with you as he shushed you to sleep. “Shhh darling, go to sleep. I’ll be here the whole time, I promise. Just sleep love, you deserve it.” He said as he kissed your forehead and cradled you closer to him.
Given the permission, you slowly closed your eyes as the noises drowned out and sleep washed you away in its delightful presence.
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babibrew · 1 year
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Cg!Philza R!Wilbur moodboard for @tybeanybabie !!
Sorry this took so long, I misread your ask at first but the fixed one looked bad imo so have both?
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littlebabyself · 5 months
can I request a cg arg!wilbur moodboard perhaps?
- @koithelittle
Hello!! Hope you like this! I’m not particularly very familiar with arg!Wilbur since I joined the community around 7 months ago but I think I did it alright! Sorry this took a lil while, I’m still figuring out all this gif and and tumbler stuff lol
”just one more moment little one, dada’s filing a video for work”
“get your paci bud, we’re gonna go to a new house for a couple days”
“you wanna go to the park with dada? I’ll push you on the swings sweetheart.”
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tsukishimasbaby · 4 months
may I perhapppss!!! request something about cg!wilbur? maybe like mornings and nights with him? (i got excited cuz there's not much wilbur agere creators :{ )
- @koithelittle
CG!Wilbur Morning & Nights HCs!
A/N: Thank you so much I have been obsessed with this man since like 2019. Also I apologize that this is so short, I’ve been extremely uncreative lately. 😔😔😔
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Surprisingly, he probably wakes up before you. He’s a busy man, so he usually wakes up relatively early, around 8 or 9am.
He kisses you awake! Like plants little kisses all over your face. It almost immediately makes you little, especially because of how foggy your brain already is when you first wake up.
He’ll happily make you breakfast or order something! This man can’t taste but he can follow a recipe. He gets really excited when you like the food he makes because he can’t taste it himself so he’s always really nervous to give it to you.
When it comes to night time, he isn’t very strict, but he still has some rules! You get about thirty minutes of quiet/wind down time before bed. You usually spend this time cleaning up, picking out a bed time story, or taking a bath.
He would be happy to read you a bedtime story or to sing you to sleep. He has such a soothing voice.
He also gives you little kisses before you go to bed too. This man loves physical affection.
He’s always big spoon when it comes to cuddling. It doesn’t matter how you guys cuddle as long as he’s holding you.
Guys, I love him so much. He is so. Amazing. And precious. And wonderful. And awesome. And amazing. And—
Pls send in more 🤞🤞🤞
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littlesakura-anon · 6 months
cg!wilbur + christmas
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this my first time tryna make a moodboard waaa i have no idea what i'm doing i don know if this is good ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১ seein other people doin it makes it look fun also in the christmas mood already
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littlesoot · 4 months
𝜗𝜚 ┈ cg!wilbur 。
belle / beauty and the beast theme ⋆˚ 🐾 ˖°
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note; i’m loving all the princess / disney themed ones i’m doing, idk who to do next tho ;(
tags; @koithelittle , ask or dm to be added!
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alex-ducky · 1 month
-presentation ☆-
Hiii !! im alexander, a (MINOR) Trans boy from argentina :3
(i have bad english)
Im an age regressor bc of childhood trauma
Im a BNHA/MHA and DSMP Fan!
I have autism-
I do something that is kinda weird-? that is that i change my names and pfp depending on what character im feeling like at he moment or stuff like that? i had got very bad existencial crisis questioning who i am and stuff like that- people say i might be a system or something like that- but i don't have a diagnosis for something like that, so, until i discover why i do that or i have a diagnosis of that, im just a guy who believes he's an bursona or other characters so badly that has sudden personality changes and crisis where he doesn't know who he is
the names of my "personalities" (let's call it that, idk) are:
Wilbur /William / Argbur / Ghostbur / Simpbur / Incelbur / Revivebur / Lmanbur / Exiledbur
Quackity / Quacks / Big Q
Philza / Phil
Techno / Technoblade
Hizashi / Present Mic
Aizawa / Eraser / Eraserhead
Karl / Karl Jacobs
Jschlatt / Glatt
Slime / Slimecicle / Charlie
Tommy / TommyInnit
also- i like to draw
Im a Wilbur Soot Supporter !
i have a instagram account, it is " alex._.ducky "
i have xenogenders and xenoidentities
im kinda of a therian?? (I DON'T BELIEVE IM AN ANIMAL BRUH)
and- idk what else to say, i just hope to make friends here or sm :D
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