#Wild Wynchesters
makeusfly · 8 months
The Wild Wynchesters
I don’t read a lot of historical romances, but it’s not the historical aspect that usually stops me – it’s the heteronormativity. Fortunately, Erica Ridley doesn’t know the definition of the word. I did initially read them out of order, starting with the sapphic one, The Perks of Loving a Wallflower. I pretty immediately doubled back to read The Duke Heist and have read the other two within…
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whimsicaldragonette · 11 months
ARC Review: My Rogue to Ruin by Erica Ridley (The Wild Wynchesters #4)
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Publication Date: September 12, 2023
The riotous Wynchester family has taken on a new case to expose a forger, but the prime suspect isn't at all what he seems in this captivating Regency romp from a New York Times bestselling author. Lord Adrian Webb is a no-good, roguish, rakish scoundrel of the first order, which is why his father sends him to the Continent and cuts him off without a farthing. When (penniless) in Rome, what's a disgraced gentleman to do, but dabble in some light forgery? After all, better to leave the original works of art where they belong instead of some English snob's drawing room. But soon his scheme snowballs out of control, and a blackmailer is out to ruin him. The Wynchester family is known for their daring capers to help those in need. Until now, Marjorie has always let her siblings take the lead when it comes to planning undercover work. But someone in London is trying to pass off counterfeits and this time she's the only one with the skill needed to find the culprit. Her investigations lead her straight to Lord Adrian Webb. But every time Marjorie thinks she's figured Adrian out, she learns something new that turns all her assumptions on their head. He's a sinner. A saint. A heartless scoundrel. A loyal brother. A liar. A good kisser. Er…wait… She can't afford to lose herself in the passionate embrace of a man she'll have to turn over to the magistrate as soon as the case is closed.
My Rating: ★★★★★
*My Review and Favorite Quotes below the cut.
My Review:
I always love Erica Ridley's books, and I love the Wild Wynchesters the most. A charming, witty family of orphans with unusual talents who dedicate their less-than-legal efforts to the protection of those in need. What's not to love?
This is Marjorie's book, and it was so nice to get more of an understanding of her character. She has hung back in previous books (for reasons nicely explained here) and so was the Wynchester I was least familiar with. She is not only an incredible artist and forger, she has synesthesia and has a stubborn, independent streak that has previously been well-hidden.
Adrian is a cheerful, charming forger who gets in trouble with a slimy crime boss and requires Marjorie and her family to rescue him. The banter and flirting between them was such fun, and I loved seeing two artists and creative minds working together and sparking ideas off each other. It was inspiring.
I read the entire book with a smile on my face and hated to see the story end. I don't think I could ever get tired of the Wynchesters' heists and capers and sheer chaos. This is definitely one of my favorite romance series. The story is fun and light and flows easily and the characters are well-rounded and feel like real people.
I can't wait for Elizabeth's book. I realize I've been saying that from the beginning, but it's still true. She always manages to steal the show for a bit from the sidelines for me. I'm terribly curious about Jacob's story as well. His trained animals also always steal the show a bit and inject a lot of humor into the story. How could adorable homing kittens and hedgehogs fail to charm?
I have preordered the audiobook so I can listen to the story again when I need to be cheered up. I highly recommend this series for fans of lighthearted Regency romps (one of my favorite genres).
*Thanks to NetGalley and Forever for providing an early copy for review.
Favorite Quotes:
Any book a reader chose to invest time in was by definition a worthy book.
“Finally,” Elizabeth said with feeling. “I thought I’d never get to use my sword.”
“Any excuse to create art is a good reason.”
Marjorie hooked her arm through Adrian’s. “We each have our talents.” Elizabeth brightened. “Is my talent murder?”
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a-ramblinrose · 5 months
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Just one more chapter she said, many many chapters ago....
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My second read for the Romance Readathon is The Perks of Loving a Wallflower by Erica Ridley.
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This is the second book in the Wild Wynchesters series, and I could have used it for like four different prompts, but I'm going to count it for "read a romance that doesn't have an illustrated cover."
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lindseygray11me · 1 month
{The Wild Wynchesters Review} Hot Earl Summer by Erica Ridley
Elizabeth Wynchester is a character I aspire to be. We have many of the same ailments, joint issues, muscle spasms, swelling, and many more. She measures her health like a battery which is something I do as well. I’m useless under 20%, but not Elizabeth. She wielding swords and kicking butt. I wish I could do half as much as the swashbuckler that is Elizabeth Wynchester. Elizabeth turns out to…
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dilawrosas · 9 months
[BOOK REVIEW] ARC: My Rogue to Ruin by Erica Ridley
This Erica Ridley book is AVAILABLE NOW! ✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️ This book features a rakish hero who got disowned from his family and resorted to art forgery to get by. Then the hero got caught by a blackmailer and now his freedom is in peril. The heroine’s family helps those in need and in this case, the heroine has the skills to take charge of the forgery investigation. This brings the heroine to the…
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cathygeha · 10 months
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My Rogue to Ruin by Erica Ridley
The Wild Wynchesters #4
The Wynchester family was born one year when Baron Vanderbean adopted a motley crew of orphans. Each book in this series stars one of the siblings that are related by choice and not by blood. Stronger ties than they have are rarely if ever found anywhere else. Each story provides excitement, a quest, a problem to solve, action by the family members, group work, and the main character ends up with true love and happiness with their partner added to the family. Is it realistic and believable? Perhaps not. BUT the stories are fun, action-packed, emotional, zany, filled with animals, and a nice escape.
What I liked:
* Marjorie Wynchester: experiences sound, smell, and taste in colors; is partially deaf from a childhood disease, extraordinary artists and forger, sometimes feels lacking in comparison to her siblings, steps up and steps out as she is lead in the effort to expose a forger
* Lord Adrian Webb: banished by his family, artist, forger, treated badly by his father and brother, wants to reestablish his relationship with his sister, more caring than his rogue-title, not nearly as rakish and depraved as people believe
* The way the Wynchesters work together to provide what is needed to right wrongs
* Their motto or saying that “Wychesters do impossible things all the time – every day” and how they prove it in each book
* Jacob’s menagerie and the way he reminds me a bit of Doctor Doolittle – it will take someone special to be his partner – look forward to his book
* Elizabeth – someone who seems blood thirsty, learns quickly, sees more than others realize, and will star in her own book next
* Seeing how those already partnered up are doing
* That Snowley, the crook, was taken down
* Knowing there is another book or two to look forward to in the future
What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about Adrian’s family and how he ended up abandoned for something he did not do…wanted to take the one that did what Adrian was accused of to task…wished that person had been exposed and dealt with, too
* Thinking about the way the poor lived during this time and how difficult their lives were
Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Yes
Thank you to the author for the ARC – This is my honest review.
4 Stars
The riotous Wynchester family has taken on a new case to expose a forger, but the prime suspect isn't at all what he seems in this captivating Regency romp from a New York Times bestselling author. Lord Adrian Webb is a no-good, roguish, rakish scoundrel of the first order, which is why his father sends him to the Continent and cuts him off without a farthing. When (penniless) in Rome, what's a disgraced gentleman to do, but dabble in some light forgery? After all, better to leave the original works of art where they belong instead of some English snob's drawing room. But soon his scheme snowballs out of control, and a blackmailer is out to ruin him. The Wynchester family is known for their daring capers to help those in need. Until now, Marjorie has always let her siblings take the lead when it comes to planning undercover work. But someone in London is trying to pass off counterfeits and this time she's the only one with the skill needed to find the culprit. Her investigations lead her straight to Lord Adrian Webb. But every time Marjorie thinks she's figured Adrian out, she learns something new that turns all her assumptions on their head. He's a sinner. A saint. A heartless scoundrel. A loyal brother. A liar. A good kisser. Er…wait… She can't afford to lose herself in the passionate embrace of a man she'll have to turn over to the magistrate as soon as the case is closed.
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readtilyoudie · 2 years
With their chins high and noses pinched, some said the Wynchesters were as common as flies. Lawrence rather suspected that if Miss Wynchester was wild and common, she was more like a dandelion. Strong and beautiful, able to spring back taller than before no matter how hard one tried to cut her down.
The Duke Heist (The Wild Wynchesters #1) by Erica Ridley
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caffeineandcatnip · 2 years
I'm bouncing off my more serious reads pretty hard rn, could use recs for fun historical romances.
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bookstagramofmine · 1 year
NetGalley Book Review: Defying the Earl by Erica Ridley
NetGalley Book Review: Defying the Earl by Erica Ridley @NetGalley @EricaRidley #BookTwt #BookBlog #BookReview #Books #RegencyRomance #Romance
Defying the Earl is my third Erica Ridley book, so I may as well admit that I like her books and commit to reading the Lords in Love series (this is the second book I’ve read in the series) and The Wild Wynchesters! This particular book, Defying the Earl, came out on the 21st of April! I’m thrilled to have gotten a copy by Webmotion via NetGalley. It’s a short read at 221 pages! As I mentioned…
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traceydyer · 2 years
(Download) The Modiste Mishap (The Wild Wynchesters #2.5; Heist Club #2) - Erica Ridley
Download Or Read PDF The Modiste Mishap (The Wild Wynchesters #2.5; Heist Club #2) - Erica Ridley Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => The Modiste Mishap (The Wild Wynchesters #2.5; Heist Club #2)
[*] Read PDF Here => The Modiste Mishap (The Wild Wynchesters #2.5; Heist Club #2)
 A Regency-set comedic caper featuring a book club of meddling spinsters.Miss Sybil Stamper is the least fancy member of the reading circle known as The Heist Club. To her friends, bespectacled Sybil is the Queen of Lists, but she?d rather be belle of the ball. When she finally acquires an evening gown, her life looks like it?s falling into place. But when a client?s valuable objects go missing, not only is Sybil?s happy ending in jeopardy?so are the futures of other young ladies just like her!With the help of the Wild Wynchesters?a uniquely talented family of caper-committing siblings who don?t let ?laws? stop them from righting wrongs?Sybil and her club of delightfully bookish spinsters take on the heist of the Season.PREQUEL TO: NOBODY?S PRINCESS
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whimsicaldragonette · 2 years
ARC Review: The Modiste Mishap by Erica Ridley
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Publication Date: August 26, 2022
A Regency-set comedic caper featuring a book club of meddling spinsters. Miss Sybil Stamper is the least fancy member of the reading circle known as The Heist Club. To her friends, bespectacled Sybil is the Queen of Lists, but she’d rather be belle of the ball. When she finally acquires an evening gown, her life looks like it’s falling into place. But when a client’s valuable objects go missing, not only is Sybil’s happy ending in jeopardy—so are the futures of other young ladies just like her! With the help of the Wild Wynchesters—a uniquely talented family of caper-committing siblings who don’t let “laws” stop them from righting wrongs—Sybil and her club of delightfully bookish spinsters take on the heist of the Season. PREQUEL TO: NOBODY’S PRINCESS
My Rating: ★★★★
My Review and Favorite Quotes below the cut.
My Review:
This was super cute. It was a light, quick read, and it kept my interest fairly well. I was not nearly as invested in the story as in the Wynchester novels, though I found my interest increased when the Wynchesters made an appearance. I wouldn't say that this really stands on its own, but as an addition to the Wynchester series I think it works well. I especially enjoyed the moments where Elizabeth Wynchester came on the scene, and would recommend it for that alone. *Thanks to NetGalley, WebMotion, and Erica Ridley for providing an e-arc for review.
Favorite Quotes:
"Helping others is what we do." "When not reading," Philippa added. "Or talking about reading."
"I'm not a bluestocking," said Elizabeth Wynchester. "I'm a bloodthirsty malcontent."
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a-ramblinrose · 5 months
“She was doing it again. The thing she promised herself she wouldn't do: imagining all the ways it could go wrong instead of envisioning how it might go right.”
― Erica Ridley, The Perks of Loving a Wallflower
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oliviabuckland · 2 years
Download PDF The Perks of Loving a Wallflower (The Wild Wynchesters, #2) EBOOK -- Erica Ridley
Download Or Read PDF The Perks of Loving a Wallflower (The Wild Wynchesters, #2) - Erica Ridley Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => The Perks of Loving a Wallflower (The Wild Wynchesters, #2)
[*] Read PDF Here => The Perks of Loving a Wallflower (The Wild Wynchesters, #2)
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austinparsons · 2 years
[PDF] Download Nobody's Princess (The Wild Wynchesters, #3) EBOOK BY Erica Ridley
Download Or Read PDF Nobody's Princess (The Wild Wynchesters, #3) - Erica Ridley Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => Nobody's Princess (The Wild Wynchesters, #3)
[*] Read PDF Here => Nobody's Princess (The Wild Wynchesters, #3)
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ireadwhatuwrite · 3 years
Sneak Peek at The Duke Heist by Erica Ridley
Sneak Peek at The Duke Heist by @EricaRidley #BookTour #Giveaway #Historical #Romance #BookTour #TheDukeHeist #EricaRidley #TheWildWynchesters @SDSXXTours
Sneak Peek Miss Wynchester swept into the Duke of Faircliffe’s dining room with her head high.  Faircliffe’s throat went dry and his mind emptied of rational thought. Gone was the insipid blandness of tan-on-tan. Her curves were now draped in a slip of mauve twill, overlaid with a sweeping frock of white netting. The dark velvet trim on the light rose bodice matched the velvet vandyke points…
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