#Wildlife management
arden-wings · 7 months
"fuck hunters" is an uneducated statement. hunters are bigger wildlife advocates than most people, and when you make generalized statements like "fuck hunters" you are clearly referring to either a) the hunters you knew who bragged about not following the laws or b) you're clutching your pearls over people who kill animals.
hunters are extremely important for our ecosystem! they keep wild populations in check, are one of the biggest funders for conservation efforts, and help promote sustainable land practices. not only is hunting beneficial for our land, it is also a tradition for many families for putting food on their tables and just for the sport and camaraderie. there will always be hunters who break the rules, but the people who follow them are the people who help sustain wildlife for everyone to enjoy.
reevaluate your beliefs if you are jumping to say "fuck hunters" when you read or hear about someone enjoying hunting. hunters are not heartless killers, most of us are people who care about animals and maintaining their natural habitats.
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ashleyfableblack · 11 months
With a gust of green flame Queen Chrysalis Sparkle appeared in the disaster-zone that was the West Tower royal laboratory of her wife. "Twilight? I-"
"Honeybug! Thank you for coming home early."
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A wide-eyed Queen Twilight cautiously prodded at the hissing spider with a pair of tongs. It lunged and snapped at them with its chelicerae. It backed away from her, it's forelimbs raised in a threatening pose. As it sideled sideways, looking for an opening in Twilight's defenses she maneuvered the tongs like a shield.
A concerned Chrysalis regarded the scene with a raised eyebrow. "That is a Green Widow."
Twilight continued her defensive dance with the irate arachnid. "Correct!"
Chrysalis looked from the hissing creature to Twilight and back. "And why is it here in your laboratory with it's acidic spittle and venomous bite which could even kill an alicorn, like my wife?" Her horn crackled with a whisp of green flame. She drew close to her pony wife, ready to interpose herself.
"I know you're concerned, honeybug." Twilight quickly attempted to reassure her. "I'm fine- WOOP!" She ducked as a thin spray of grey mist shot past her shoulder. It's impact left a smoking buckshot pattern on the nearby bookshelf.
Chrysalis pursed her lips, her fangs scraping against the chitin in worry. "I see." In a gust of green changeling flames she created an invisible shield around Twilight.
"The potency of the green widow's venom is legendary and it's precisely why this one is here. Green widow bites in the Whitetail woods are rare but they have a very high mortality rate. I need to retrieve a sample of its venom to continue our local hospital's research into developing a viable antivenom. This little fellow was volunteered by our local wildlife wranglers for the process. Normally Fluttershy would be handling this but she's come down with the ponypox."
The spider kicked a few of the broken tongue depressors out of its way. With an angry chomp it hefted up the tattered remains of a plush doll, made to resemble the buttercream pegasus and flung it at Twilight. "I'm afraid this little fellah is not in any mood to cooperate."
"Why do you have a little plushie of her?"
"Discord left it here after our last tea-time." She traded knowing eyes with her wife and shrugged. "I didn't ask. Anyways, I was hoping you could help with this moody little guy, with your people's knowledge of the creatures of the deep woods, I theorized you might have an insight to its behavior or at least be able to hypnotize it momentarily."
Chrysalis chuckled. "I'm so glad you had the good sense to ask for my help." She kissed her wife's horn and gave it a playful nip with her fangs. "But mesmerizing it with my enchanting gaze won't be necessary, beloved."
Chrysalis turned to the spider and made a series of clicks and whispered hisses. The furious arachnid set down the beaker it had hefted overhead, prepared to hurl at Twilight. The two hissed and spat back and forth for a moment as Twilight watched in wide-eyed surprise. They were communicating. She was still learning just how helpful it was to have a wife who had literally been almost every species of creature in the world.
"You speak its language?" Her brow furrowed. "It has a language?"
The creature angrily stomped it's forelimbs as Chrysalis nodded. Occasionally it pointed at Twilight and made a particularly disgusted sound, slapping its pedipalps together.
Chrysalis sighed. "Yes. Of a sort. Most sapient beings do." There was a slight tinge of irritation to her words.
"Chrysalis!" Twilight used her magic to retrieve a pencil and note tablet from a nearby desk, excited to record this new knowledge. "This is incredible! Equestrian science knows so little about the green widow!" She hadn't even considered this discovery. "Ooooo! What did it say?"
"Well, for starters, Her name is Miss Mugglywumpus. She does not appreciate being snatched from her burrow and she is very offended by your eyelashes."
Twilight blinked. "My… eyelashes?" The spider hissed and reared up again.
"Yes." Chrysalis looked back to the angry spider. "You've been fluttering them at her in a very rude threat display."
Twilight lifted a tiny mirror to examine herself, suddenly very self-conscious. Normally she was very proud of the inky black cilia which framed her almond-shaped violet eyes. Chrysalis often complimented her on their "come-hither" quality. She supposed they might resemble antennae or some other form of limb to the right perspective.
Her changeling wife continued. "Not only that but your aggressive blinking has been signaling very crass remarks about her hygiene, the size of her abdomen and capacity to spawn a respectably-sized brood."
"I WHAT?!"
Chrysalis motioned to the creature with her serpentine eyes. It glared up at Twilight with all 8 of its crimson peepers. Fangs glistening, forelimbs folded across it's thorax. If there was any expression in a spider's body-language which might indicate it had been the recipient of a potent yo-mama slam, this looked to be about right.
Twilight gave a dejected sigh as Chrysalis placed a consoling hoof across her withers.
She had expected today to be quite eventful. However, as Rainbow Dash might say, she did not have 'sparking a first-contact disaster with her face' on her bingo card today.
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This is why house sparrows, or HOSPs, must be culled on sight. Buy a trap, take them out.
They are drastically reducing our songbirds in North America, any cavity-nesting songbird is at risk of being attacked and killed on their nest by a territorial house sparrow.
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dougielombax · 11 months
The Emu War began 91 years ago today.
Total madness.
What a fucking shitshow that was!
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forestfeeling · 1 year
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Caught and released a gorgeous rainbow trout in class today!
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safecastle-sale · 3 months
Louisiana governor signs new law on hunting dogs to track mortally wounded deer
Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry has signed a groundbreaking new bill recognizing the importance of using hunter-dogs to recover ‘mortally wounded’ deer.
Act 272 now allows licensed hunters to use dogs to track down mortally wounded deer and permits the use of handguns ‘no longer than six inches’ on these wounded animals.
Under the new law, only one dog per tracking party is allowed in the pursuit of a wounded deer. However, a second dog can be used for training purposes. Tracking dogs must either be on a handheld leash or equipped with a GPS tracking collar. If the deer is found alive, the hunter may use a centerfire handgun with a caliber between .25 and .45.
Please note that this law does not apply to hunting in the Louisiana Department of Wildlife Fisheries Management Areas. Additionally, hunters can only pursue a mortally wounded deer onto private property if they have obtained verbal or written permission from the landowner.
Act 272 will take effect on August 1, 2024.
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magiskarp · 7 months
Gaaah in my wildlife management class we were going over paleoindigenous peoples and the concept of ‘localized overexploitation’ which as a gut reaction feels like literally just a way to say ‘sustainable use but in a not “correct” way’ (correct being european). Like, if you’re using the resources, or driving an entire buffalo herd off of a cliff, thats maybe wasteful from our perspective but like, there are other herds of bison. They aren’t gonna disappear. And also you’re leaving the area, so its gonna be fine. Like, i dont get how overexploitation can be local, it has to be large scale because an ecosystem is like a lake and you are a person with a bucket, you are not going to drain the lake because you took too much from one area and left. Idk. Also this is submitting to the premise which might in and of itself be false.
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emperornorton47 · 9 months
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runawaytherapy · 2 years
Freezeout Lake, Montana
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This Wildlife Management Area (WMA) offers free camping with some really great company. We look for these WMA's because they always offer wonderful surprises. Most people come to view the Snow Geese in early March flying in from California. Over 300,000 strong. They rest up here and then continue on their journey to Alberta and central Saskatchewan in Canada. We came in the off season when there is no crowd of bird watchers. Just nature, in the raw, at her best. Even in the down time this lake doesn't disappoint.
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townpostin · 2 months
Transport Minister Visits Elephant-Affected Areas in Jharkhand
Transport Minister Deepak Biruwa visits Hatgamharia block to address issues in elephant-affected regions. Minister Biruwa distributes torches and fireworks to villagers for elephant protection, assures compensation for damages. CHAIBASA – Minister Biruwa distributes torches and fireworks to villagers for elephant protection, assures compensation for damages. On Tuesday, Jharkhand’s Transport…
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randodeadpool · 2 months
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rustysanimalcontrol · 5 months
Expert Bug Control: Reliable Exterminator Solutions
Dealing with bug and pest infestations is a concern for every property manager and building owner. From ant invasions to the unnerving sight of cockroaches scuttling away when the lights turn on, the presence of bugs can severely affect the comfort and safety of your property.
The quest for a reliable bug control service is fraught with challenges, especially when faced with companies that offer quick fixes, yet fail to tackle the problem at its core.
Specialized Bug Extermination for Property Managers & Businesses
Finding a pest management company that offers dependable, year-round service for commercial, industrial, and residential properties can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. The issues of inexperienced staff, high turnover, and generic extermination practices complicate the search for a service that can genuinely meet the needs of property managers, businesses, and homeowners.
At Rusty’s Animal Control (RAC), we understand the unique challenges bugs present to your property. We don’t just offer pest control; we provide peace of mind with our experience, diligence, scientific approach and a process tailored to solve bug problems effectively.
The RAC Bug Control Approach: Tailored Solutions for Every Infestation
The RAC approach to bug control goes beyond the initial extermination. We start with a thorough inspection and assessment of your property, followed by persistent efforts to not just control but eliminate the bug problem. Our plans are customized to the specific bugs, their habitats, and behaviors, ensuring a strategic response that addresses the issue at its root.
Effective bug control is a science. Understanding the life cycle of various bug species is crucial to developing an effective extermination plan. Without this knowledge, efforts can easily become futile. RAC utilizes scientific principles to inform our strategies, ensuring that our efforts are not just effective but also efficient and long-lasting.
Start with a Comprehensive Assessment
Delaying action against bugs only worsens the problem. If your property is facing an infestation, reaching out for a professional assessment is the first step toward a solution.
RAC offers thorough assessments for a wide range of bugs, including ants, bees, centipedes, cockroaches, earwigs, mice (when related to bug control), millipedes, moths, rats (in the context of their role in spreading bugs), spiders, stink bugs, and wasps.
While we are equipped to detect bed bugs and termites, our focus is on providing comprehensive control and extermination services for a broad spectrum of other bugs.
Get in Touch for a Tailored Quote
Understanding the nuances of bug control and extermination services is essential for any property manager or business owner looking to protect their property from infestations. Contact Rusty’s Animal Control today to learn more about how we can help you keep your property bug-free.
Learn more about pest control and exterminator services
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swkrullimaging · 8 months
Will Wolves Decimate Elk Herds
There has been a lot of discussion about the elk herds since the recent release of wolves in Colorado. Hunting advocates are constantly complaining that wolves will decimate the elk herds, destroying a way of life for outfitters (hunting guides), and hunters. So that got me to thinking about numbers and common sense. Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) is following through on a Colorado voter…
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humane-solutions-inc · 11 months
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stone-cold-groove · 11 months
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The future of hunting in America.
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headlinehorizon · 1 year
Recovery Efforts for Rare Tortoise Species Receive Boost
Read about the latest news on the release of Bolson tortoises as part of a long-term conservation effort. Discover the importance of their habitat, the challenges they face, and the hope for a brighter future.
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