#Wiliam and Catherine
fightingformysoul83 · 6 months
I can't believe it....
Well, I guess I can. My sister and I are very different, but she thinks we have to be the same. Well today I found out my sister is a Sugar or a Sussex Squadie. She actually thinks MM is okay... she thinks the Royal Family treated her badly and that I believe everything the Royal Family says.
She claims to have read Spare.... however doesn't know that like half the book has been proven lies. Harry admits in the book that MM treated the staff poorly, which is one part of book that is proven true. He also has admitted it was MM who made Catherine cry not the other way around like MM says. My sister doesn't realize that the Royal Family hasn't even said anything negative about the duo, they have more class then that. My research has been based on the accounts of people who are close to both sides, you know what we have all been looking at for years. She believes William cheated, even though it's been debunked so many times. She laughs at the meme about William loosing his hair, about Diana snatching her looks back. William is still handsome, he still has that sweet smile and gorgeous blue eyes, he's tall and fit. Hair is not the only thing that makes someone good looking. My sister has no right to judge anyone else's appearance.
I don't even think my sister realizes that Diana wasn't as good as everyone likes to think she was. Diana was passionate about her charities and did want to help people, she passed that down to William, she also passed on her charisma to William.
However Diana was rude to staff, was childish and selfish, Harry got those traits.
Now I don't think Harry is innocent in all this but MM manipulated him and they married too soon and I think he would have been better off without her.
She says there's nothing wrong with MM. I can't believe mt sister doesn't know about the lying, manipulating, narcissistic person MM is. Which I don't really want to talk about. Just say that so many lies told by this duo has been proven to be lies.
Harry broke the promise he and William made to each to not drag each other in press or in public (as we all know siblings fight, they know dirt on each other). The only thing Harry can say about William is that he lost his hair. Then claims William didn't marry for love... only he and Meghan did.
Whereas William could let leak everything that Harry has done in the past and completely ruin him, but William won't, he has class and is a stand up guy. I am so sick of people, mostly fellow Americans believing Harry and Meghan, they are awful people.
Mind you I didn't get fully ingulfed in the Royal drama until about a month and half ago. I knew a little here and there but always sided with William and Catherine, I have always had a good instinct about people, like since I was a kid, , a fact my sister seems to forget or ignore.
I even got into it with Sugar on Threads this week because they couldn't believe and American would side with Wales'.
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world-of-wales · 1 year
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The Duke and Duchess of Rothesay attended the National Service of Thanksgiving and Dedication to the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla at St Giles' Cathedral in Edinburgh || 5 JULY 2023
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ifreakingloveroyals · 6 months
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18 September 2012 | Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge dance with the ladies at the Vaiku Falekaupule for an entertainment programme in Tuvalu. Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge are on a Diamond Jubilee tour representing the Queen taking in Singapore, Malaysia, the Solomon Islands and Tuvalu. (c) Arthur Edwards - Pool/Getty Images
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houseofbrat · 6 months
Just another example of how performative and exploitative KP are. Dame Deb’s family coming out in support of someone who doesn’t have cancer, when KP were happy to use her as a photo op before she died, but showed no support for her fundraising appeal either through a donation from their foundation or by purchasing one of the t-shirts. It was The Duchess of Edinburgh who did.
Unlike the Royal Family account, they won’t post on World Cancer Day because the patronages they support for those with cancer are beneath KP as “ribbon cutting work with little impact”. The King, Queen and other members of the family have done decades of work to support several cancer related charities because they are actually serve people from all walks not life, not just footballers, seaweed peddlers and toddlers.
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royal-confessions · 4 months
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“The way Prince William was always more protective of Princess Catherine when was pregnant is so cute. Istg his hand was like a magnet to her back, and he always seemed to watch like crazy whenever they were out together on engagements. I feel like Prince Wiliam is definitely the protective husband and and father, and probably was a protective boyfriend.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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I desperately need to understand what Harry and Meghan really want. What is their objective? After 4 long years of spitting on the royal family, what more do they want ? Why this obsession with Kate and William ? They have millions of dollars, a house, children, businesses. For you, what are they really looking for ? Sorry for all these questions, but I would really be interested in hearing your opinion.
you won't be able to understand their logic because their brains aren't wired correctly.
Meghan wants to be as powerful and desirable as Catherine.
Harry wants the same power as Wiliam but without the duties, he just wants to be as powerful as William.
After 4 years we can say that they are really taking the path of second-rate royals and they are starting to be conscious. Why? 3 pseudo-royal visits to "less economically developed" countries because no real country will finance their tour without an investment in return. The problem is that it is obvious, which is why Meghan and Harry opt for ultra-controlled communication with a single journalist who has no idea how it works and who is convinced that this is how it is.
The biggest problem for Meghan is that her business has been overshadowed by Catherine's absence. I don't know if people realize, but Catherine was absent and she launched her brand but people noticed Catherine more. At that time (according to my tarot readings) Hollywood was impressed by Catherine's impact, they sold so many articles for 10 days. That's when they understood Catherine's power. AND it's over for Meghan, she can try a lot of things, she will always be behind.
Currently for Harry, he still has things because his father is king and his brother is the future king. But forget one thing, we are really starting to see that he is separated. We will never treat him the same way as William. Personally, he still has 4 years left in front of him after that it's over!! Prince George is coming, he will be 14 and he will enter adolescence, if he goes back to Elton, imagine the world press. Harry will be eclipsed by his nephews and niece. The children will start to participate in national and international tours.
What will they do?
that's all for me, good night.
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Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis have two "perfect" role models in the shape of two unlikely royals - who are themselves "spares to the spare."
The young royals, who could be considered the "spares" to future King, Prince George, the first born child of Prince Wiliam and Catherine, Princess of Wales, should look to Prince Edward, the new Duke of Edinburgh, and his wife Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh, for how to go about their life as working royals.
Edward and Sophie have been hailed as the perfect role models for Charlotte and Louis due to their successful roles within the Royal Family.
The couple recently carried out a historic ceremony on behalf of King Charles III, marking 120 years of friendly relations between Britain and France.
Their rise to prominence has been a long time coming, according to former BBC Royal correspondent Jennie Bond.
Jennie told OK!: "They thoroughly deserve the recognition they are now getting."
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She added that despite their work often being overshadowed by other royals, they have remained devoted to their causes.
As they take on more prominent roles, they are proving themselves up to the task and serving as excellent examples to their great nephews and niece.
It is a position which has notoriously come with question marks attached as the Royal struggles to carve out a life for themselves in the shadow of the crown.
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Jennie added:
"They [Edward and Sophie] have always been quietly devoted to their various causes, but their work has been overshadowed by other royals.
I suppose every cloud has a silver lining... and as the King calls on them to take a more prominent role, Edward and Sophie are showing they are very much up to the task.
"They are also serving as excellent role models to their great nephews and niece - showing that you can be a 'spare' or even a 'spare to the spare' and make a real success of working as a valued member of the Royal Family."
But among the many benefits of the Prince and Princess of Wales ' preference for gentle parenting directed by what Catherine has learned from her studies of early years education, it is clear that the couple will be striving to normalise their younger children's lives with the hope that they never feel like working as royals is their only option.
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"William and Catherine must be acutely aware of the problems for a royal spare," Jennie explains.
"They have already shown that they have a different and modern attitude to bringing up royal children.
I'm sure they will do everything to make Charlotte and Louis feel every bit as special, loved and valued as George.
I imagine they will encourage Louis to explore life outside the royal fold... it could be the military, but it could also be working in the charity world or whatever he finds appealing after his education is finished.
I'm sure they will encourage him to go to University, which they both enjoyed and where, of course, they found love.
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"And from there they will want him to find a life that is meaningful to him as well as appropriate for the son of a future King.
They will try to ensure that he feels he is living a life of value, irrespective of his place in the line of succession.
And that will probably involve service of some kind as they have emphasised from the start that they want their children to understand that having empathy with others is not only a kindness but is rewarding as well."
Edward and Sophie have seen their popularity and recognition within the Royal Family soar over the past 13 months, since being given new titles.
The pair are increasingly front and centre at crucial events, stepping in for the King while he prioritises his health recovery.
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Prince Edward is a trusted supporter of the arts sector, taking up his late father's Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme mantle.
Meanwhile, Sophie champions gender equality tirelessly, raising critical awareness around issues like female genital mutilation (FGM) and avoidable blindness prevention.
Away from participating in Royal duties or representational roles on behalf of the King, Edward and Sophie, along with their two children — Lady Louise Windsor and James, Earl of Wessex, 20 and 16 respectively — reside at Bagshot Park close to the Windsor Estate, whenever they're not away studying at university or school.
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NOTE: Edited (xxx)
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the-empress-7 · 7 months
Imagine having a whole ass Wiliam and Catherine right there representing the monarchy you reign but still thinking you need your traitor son who said he once dreamed of killing you and a woman who flat out accused you of being racist to a baby to represent you 🙈
Right? Also the line of succession is hundreds of people deep, please pick anyone other than Harry or Andrew FFS
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With two days left to submit nominees, here is where the list stands:
Jean Lannes
Josephine de Beauharnais
Thérésa Tallien
Jean-Andoche Junot
Joseph Fouché
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
Joachim Murat
Michel Ney
Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte (Charles XIV of Sweden)
Louis-Francois Lejeune
Pierre Jacques Étienne Cambrinne
Napoleon I
Marshal Louis-Gabriel Suchet
Jacques de Trobriand
Jean de dieu soult.
François-Étienne-Christophe Kellermann
Louis Davout
Pauline Bonaparte, Duchess of Guastalla
Eugène de Beauharnais
Jean-Baptiste Bessières
Antoine-Jean Gros
Jérôme Bonaparte
Andrea Masséna
Antoine Charles Louis de Lasalle
Germaine de Staël
Thomas-Alexandre Dumas
René de Traviere (The Purple Mask)
Claude Victor Perrin
Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr
François Joseph Lefebvre
Major Andre Cotard (Hornblower Series)
Edouard Mortier
Hippolyte Charles
Nicolas Charles Oudinot
Emmanuel de Grouchy
Pierre-Charles Villeneuve
Géraud Duroc
Georges Pontmercy (Les Mis)
Auguste Frédéric Louis Viesse de Marmont
Juliette Récamier
Bon-Adrien Jeannot de Moncey
Louis-Alexandre Berthier
Étienne Jacques-Joseph-Alexandre Macdonald
Jean-Mathieu-Philibert Sérurier
Catherine Dominique de Pérignon
Richard Sharpe (The Sharpe Series)
Tom Pullings (Master and Commander)
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
Jonathan Strange (Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell)
Captain Jack Aubrey (Aubrey/Maturin books)
Horatio Hornblower (the Hornblower Books)
William Laurence (The Temeraire Series)
Henry Paget, 1st Marquess of Anglesey
Beau Brummell
Emma, Lady Hamilton
Benjamin Bathurst
Horatio Nelson
Admiral Edward Pellew
Sir Philip Bowes Vere Broke
Sidney Smith
Percy Smythe, 6th Viscount Strangford
George IV
Capt. Anthony Trumbull (The Pride and the Passion)
Barbara Childe (An Infamous Army)
Doctor Maturin (Aubrey/Maturin books)
Thomas Cochrane
Colquhoun Grant
Klemens von Metternich
Friedrich Bianchi, Duke of Casalanza
Franz I/II
Archduke Karl
Marie Louise
Franz Grillparzer
Wilhelmine von Biron
Wincenty Krasiński
Józef Antoni Poniatowski
Józef Zajączek
Maria Walewska
Władysław Franciszek Jabłonowski
Adam Jerzy Czartoryski
Antoni Amilkar Kosiński
Zofia Czartoryska-Zamoyska
Stanislaw Kurcyusz
Alexander I Pavlovich
Alexander Andreevich Durov
Prince Andrei (War and Peace)
Pyotr Bagration
Mikhail Miloradovich
Levin August von Bennigsen
Pavel Stroganov
Empress Elizabeth Alexeievna
Karl Wilhelm von Toll
Dmitri Kuruta
Alexander Alexeevich Tuchkov
Barclay de Tolly
Fyodor Grigorevich Gogel
Ekaterina Pavlovna Bagration
Louise von Mecklenburg-Strelitz
Gebard von Blücher
Carl von Clausewitz
Frederick William III
Gerhard von Scharnhorst
Louis Ferdinand of Prussia
Friederike of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
Alexander von Humboldt
Dorothea von Biron
The Netherlands:
Ida St Elme
Wiliam, Prince of Orange
The Papal States:
Pius VII
João Severiano Maciel da Costa
Juan Martín Díez
José de Palafox
Inês Bilbatua (Goya's Ghosts)
Alexandre Pétion
Vittorio Emanuele I
Frederik VI
Gustav IV Adolph
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
Recycling old snits to kick Catherine again: Revealed: Meghan Markle's reality TV star friend Garcelle Beauvais made jibe at Kate Middleton for missing Lilibet's birthday by u/Von_und_zu_
Recycling old snits to kick Catherine again: Revealed: Meghan Markle's reality TV star friend Garcelle Beauvais made jibe at Kate Middleton for missing Lilibet's birthday Why is the DM prominently running this stupid story about this Garcelle person's comments uttered in June 2022, on E!'s Daily Pop talk show about her opinion as to the failure of William and Catherine to drop everything to attend the putative female child's birthday party in June 2022 during the Platinum Jubilee. And, I guess they also missed the chance to be photographed by sycophant Misan and appear in the NF mockumentary as photos from this "party" were splashed about strategically by Madame after the fact.Btw - am I the only person who does not have a clue about this Garcelle person? Just like I had never heard of Megsy until she had been dating Harold, I've never heard of her before the jam crap. Now, I consider her pre Markled and toxic.Garcelle Beauvais, known for her stint on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, has become the latest famous fance to join the exclusive 'jamfluencer' club alongside Chrissy Teigen, Heather Dorak, Tracy Robbins and Kris Jenner.Garcelle, who lives in Northridge which is a 80-minute drive to Montecito, has previously spoken about the royal family feud and opened up about her thoughts on The Prince and Princess of Wales.Garcelle said it was it was 'shady' for the future King and Queen to miss their niece Lilibet's first birthday, which she celebrated at Frogmore Cottage in Windsor in 2022 during the late Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee.On the day, Wiliam and Kate were in Wales representing his late grandmother by overseeing concert rehearsals at Cardiff Castle, joined by Prince George and Princess Charlotte - who undertook their first official royal walkabout.***However, Garcelle said it was it was 'shady' for the future King and Queen to miss their niece's birthday, despite being on official duty.The 57-year-old said: 'What's going on is, "What a coincidence, we're out of town, I'm washing my hair". There's a little shade there.' When she was asked whether the scheduling could be a coincidence, Garcelle replied: 'No. They can't hold back the flight a couple of hours to meet Lilibet and Archie?'The reality star has since proved her closeness to Meghan after she bagged herself jar number 15 of the royals' American Riviera Orchard Jam, and uploaded a picture of the jar resting on a bunch of vibrant, yellow lemons.She captioned the post 'Sweetness' with a lemon emoji and tagged the American Riviera Orchard Instagram. Only 50 of Meghan's closest celebrity pals got sent a limited edition jar of her jam as part of her 'soft launch' to the brand.What?! How charming to equate duty and royal engagements with the "I'm washing my hair" excuse. How thoughtful to suggest inconveniencing everyone involved with the long scheduled royal engagements in favor of a last minute birthday party for someone they do not know. Of course, William and Catherine, and the entire RF should have dropped everything to show up to celebrate this child's birthday! Because of course, Harold and Madame are more important than those peasants awaiting them in Wales!It is just incredible to me that they are finding this petty crap from years ago to keep them in the news, to kick the PPoW again, to distract from any criticism of their faux royal tour to Nigeria, etc.Also, it could not be more obvious to me that someone in Montegrifto prompted/wrote this article.https://ift.tt/28XPo5J post link: https://ift.tt/cRZa9ne author: Von_und_zu_ submitted: April 30, 2024 at 04:44PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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The Princess of Wales' Year in Review: March
March 1st - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited Wales and carried out a number of engagements. They started their day at Pant Farm, before visiting Abergavenny Market. Later, the couple visited the Hwb Torfaen before finally planting a tree at Blaenavon World Heritage Centre for The Queen’s Green Canopy
March 3rd - The Duchess of Cambridge, Patron of the Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, held a Centre for Early Childhood Meeting at Kensington Palace. On the same day, the Duchess of Cornwall's Reading Room released a post sharing Catherine's top five children's books: The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark, Stig of the Dump, Charlotte's Web, the Katie Morag series, and Feelings
March 8th - The Duchess of Cambridge, Patron of the Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, held a Centre for Early Childhood Meeting at Kensington Palace
March 9th - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Patrons of the Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, received Lord Hague. That afternoon, William and Catherine visited the Ukrainian Cultural Centre
March 14th - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended the Commonwealth Observation Day service at Westminster Abbey
March 17th - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge presented shamrocks to the Irish Guards on St Patrick's Day
March 19th - On behalf of HM Queen Elizabeth II in her Platinum Jubilee year, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge departed from Royal Air Force Brize Norton for Belize, arriving at Philip S W Goldson International Airport. Later, the couple met with Juan Antonio Briceño (the Prime Minister of Belize) and Rossana Briceño (his wife)
March 20th - William and Catherine visited Che’il Mayan Chocolate Factory, before attending a festival of Garifuna culture at Hopkins Football Square. Later, the couple met marine conservation experts at Hopkins Dock
March 21st - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited Caracol Natural Monument Reservation. Later, they attended a training session of the British Army Training Support Unit Belize in the Chiquibul Forest. That evening, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended a Reception to mark The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee at Cahal Pech ruins
March 22nd - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge departed from Philip S W Goldson International Airport, and arrived at Kingston Norman Manley International Airport, where they were met by - amongst others - Kamina Johnson Smith (Representative of the Prime Minister of Jamaica). After that, Wiliam and Catherine met with the Governor-General of Jamaica and Lady Allen at King’s House. Finally, they attended a Sports and Cultural Event at Trench Town Culture Yard
March 23rd - William and Catherine met with Andrew Holness (Prime Minister of Jamaica). The couple - in their role as joint Patrons of the Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge - visited Shortwood Teachers’ College, where Catherine gave a speech. Later, they visited Spanish Town Hospital, before visiting the Caribbean Military Technical Training Institute. Finally, the Cambridges attended a dinner to mark The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee given by the Governor-General of Jamaica
March 24th - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended the Commissioning Parade for the inaugural Initial Officer Training Programme at the Caribbean Military Academy. They then departed Norman Manley International Airport before arriving at Lynden Pindling International Airport, where they were greeted by Sir Cornelius Smith (Governor-General of the Bahamas). William and Catherine later visited Philip Davis (Prime Minister of the Bahamas) and his wife
March 25th - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited Sybil Strachan School, where Catherine gave a speech. They then attended a celebration for key workers at the Garden of Remembrance, before visiting Parliament Square. William and Catherine then participated in a Platinum Jubilee Sailing Regatta, before attending a reception at the Baha Mar Hotel to mark The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
March 26th - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited Daystar Church, before unveiling a memorial at Memorial Garden, to commemorate those who lost their lives in Hurricane Dorian. William and Catherine later visited a beach area in Abaco to meet local stall holders. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited Grand Bahama Children’s Home. Before finally, in their roles as joint Patrons of the Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, visiting Coral Vita, winners of the 2021 Earthshot Prize. The couple departed Lynden Pindling International Airport for the UK that evening
March 27th - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge arrived at Royal Air Force Brize Norton
March 29th - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, along with Prince George and Princess Charlotte, attended the Service of Thanksgiving for The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, at Westminster Abbey
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theoczone · 7 months
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The Hellraiser family collection, featuring whose who and how people are individually related under the cut
Mackenzie 'Kenzie' Praetorius - she/they - time denizen
Vis Reign - he/him (trans) - snake
Piper Goldmann - she/her - human
Kara Everett - they/she - mothman
Poppy Norton - she/her (trans) - human
Dove Hyde - she/her - apocalypse denizen
Artemy Zheleno - he/him - celestial
Aleksandr 'Sasha' Arthur Reign - he/him - celestial
Carina 'Cari' Natalie Reign - she/her - snake/mothman
Amora 'Amy' Penelope Reign - she/her - snake
Calon Hayley Reign - he/him - snake
Millie Sophie Reign-Brigham - she/her (trans) - snake/celestial chosen
David 'Dawie' Wiliam Reign - he/him - mothman
Lev Emyr Reign - he/they (trans) - snake/mothman
Ziva 'Zi' Ayda Reign - she/they - snake
Kaleb Enki Reign - he/him - snake/time denizen
Bee Hyde-Reign - they/them - snake/apocalypse denizen
aaaaaaaand extra diagrams about how people are actually related
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Alexis Anthanasiou - she/her - celestial - mother of Sasha Reign
Kevin Markus Brigham - he/him - human - father of Millie Reign-Brigham
Sophie Burke - she/her - human - step-mother of Millie Reign-Brigham
Catherine 'Katie' Jane Brigham - she/her - human - half sister of Millie Reign-Brigham
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world-of-wales · 1 year
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The Prince and Princess of Wales travelled on the Elizabeth Line on their way to Soho | 4 MAY 2023
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cooljamaicauniverse · 2 years
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Buff Bay Railway Station, Buff Bay, Portland, Jamaica
Built c. 1896
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Old Harbour Railway Station, Old Harbour, St. Catherine, Jamaica
Built c. 1879 
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Orange Bay Railway Station, Orange Bay, Portland, Jamaica
Built 1896
[Fun Fact]
Brief History: Railway System in Jamaica
The Jamaica Railway, constructed in 1845, was the first line opened to traffic outside Europe and North America. The rail service was established in the United Kingdom in 1825, the United States in 1830, and Canada in 1836. Not only did the Jamaican railway have the distinction of being constructed so soon after the first public railway in Britain, but also, it was the first constructed in the British colonies.
In 1843, a proposal to construct the railway line was made by Wiliam Smith and his brother David Smith to the House of Assembly in Jamaica. The plan to construct the double track line between Kingston and Spanish Town was favourably received by the Assembly, and in the same year, the Jamaica Railway Company was incorporated under the 7th Victoria cap. 25.
Railway stations constructed between 1845 and 1896 demonstrate the application of the Jamaica/Georgian style of architecture, with each having their own distinct features.
Mark Phinn Photography
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pastedpast · 7 months
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Charles I, son of James VI and I and Anne of Denmark, married Henrietta Maria of France in 1625 and together they had nine children. The first was stillborn, while the second was to become Charles II in 1660, following the rule, primarily, of the Lord Protector, Oliver Cromwell. The third child was a daughter, Mary, Princess Royal, who married William II, Prince of Orange, and the fourth was to become James II of England, the last Catholic King of England. He was deposed in the Glorious Revolution of 1688, which I think I'm right in saying was led by his niece and nephew, Mary and William. Of the remaining children, Elizabeth, Anne, Catherine, Henry Stuart, the Duke of Gloucester, and Henriette Anne, none survived beyond the age of 26.
Notes garnered from the publisher's synopsis and advertising blurbs:
The English Civil War led to the execution of King Charles I in January 1649. He was, even his wife and key advisers conceded, lacking in the essential strength that a ruler required, in turbulent times. But even Charles's enemies were moved by his loving devotion as a father. Sadly, his failure as a king inevitably impacted their lives.
The Restoration of the crown to his eldest son as Charles II occurred eleven years later.
Henrietta Maria was an unpopular but indefatigable Catholic queen.
Their family life was calm and loving until it was shattered by civil war.
Elizabeth and Henry were used as pawns in the parliamentary campaign against their father. [How/in what way?]
Mary, the Princess Royal, was whisked away to the Netherlands as the child bride of the Prince of Orange. ADD LINK TO PREVIOUS POST. [Their son was to become William of Orange, who married his cousin, Mary, daughter of James II. Together they led the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and ruled as Mary II and Wiliam III].
[Presumably during the era of the Protectorate,] Henriette Anne's formidable governess escaped with her, the king's youngest child, to France where she grew up under her mother's thumb and eventually married the cruel and flamboyant Philippe d'Orleans.
When the "dark and ugly" brother Charles eventually succeeded his father to the English throne after fourteen years of wandering [the crown was restored eleven years after his father's execution, so why had he been in exile for fourteen years???], he promptly enacted a vengeful punishment on those who had spurned his family, with his brother James firmly in his shadow.
The book charts the fascinating story of the children of loving parents who could not protect them from the consequences of their own failings as monarchs and the forces of upheaval sweeping England.
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staciegirl78 · 7 months
Im going to add to and edit this post later. This is something I'm working on on my family tree. This is from my family tree and a section I'm researching right now. Some of the Bennett siblings and some of the Lord siblings ended up as couples. I also grew up in the the church of Christ and I was looking to see if I had a family history of this way back in my family. There isn't much and I'm grasping at straws with this. Sarah Bagby and Joseph Noah Cantrell were my great grandparents. Here is Sarah Bagby's parents and grandparents. I've been to the graves of Joe and Sarah and Bill and Nancy and Nancy parents Bill and Sarah. Sou great grandmother was named after both of her grandmas I was told.
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New Grove church Of Christ
1891 Church Membership List from the Journals of Rev. Thomas Todd
Compiled by Yvonne Todd Riley & Joanne Todd
The number in [Brackets] shows the order that the person's name was listed on the original document.
Names are spelled as they appeared in the original document. Mist = Mister ?
BAGBY, Nancy C.
BAGBY, Rebecca J.
BAGBY, Sarie K.
COLE, Sarah E.
GORGE, Jacob
HURST, Calvin
JOHNSON, Rebecca J.
KENDER, Emeretta
KENDER, Treace
KNOST, Oliver
KOLER, Frank
KOLER, Martha
LITLE, Enorinthy
LITLE, Gorge
LORD, Sarah J.
MARRS, Frank
MARS, Wiliam H.
MATLOCK, Thos. J. (Deac.)
NEWTON, Barney
PROCK, Anna H.
PROCK, Elizabeth
PROCK, Ellen
PROCK, James
PROCK, John A.
PROCK, John F. (Deacon)
PROCK, John H.
PROCK, John P.
PROCK, Leander P.
PROCK, Leary
PROCK, Martha A.
PROCK, Preston
PROCK, Sarah J.
REESE, Perniecy
REESE, Sally (deceased)
RICHMAN, Malinda
SCOTT, Sarah
SHUMATE, A. (Elder)
SMITH, Ancy (gone)
TODD, Amanda
TODD, Andrew
TODD, Betty
TODD, Clemin C.
TODD, Elen J.
TODD, Elizabeth
TODD, James H.
TODD, James N.
TODD, John
TODD, John M.
TODD, Mahaly
TODD, Margret
TODD, Mary
TODD, Mary E.
TODD, Mary L.
TODD, Nancy
TODD, Rebecca
TODD, Rebecca
TODD, Rosy
TODD, Thomas (Elder)
TODD, Thomas D.
WARD, Emer
WARD, Sarah
WARD, Sarah
WILLBANKS, Thomas (Eld)
WILLSON, William
WOOD, Frank
WOOD, Ostan
WOODS, Charley (withdr)
WOODS, James
WOODS, Laura
WOODS, Margret (withdr)
WOODS, Sarah
WYET, John S.
WYET, Sarah
YANDLES, Isabell
Note from Stacie: some of these names are wrong. For instance the name is Yandle and not Yandles for the names directly above. Perhaps the transcribers could read the notes or maybe they were not right in the notes. I copied and pasted them from the website where the transcription was.
"Webster county state of Missouri. I, William W. Shaver a legal minister of the gospel, did solemnize the rites of matrimony between William S. Bagby and Nancy C. Lord on the 8th day of August 1872.
William W. Shaver
A Minister of the Gospel"
In red is from the real written copy that I saw in online archives but it was blurry when I did a screen shot or the other option made it to small to read so I wrote it out.
You may notice Ws Bagby and Nancy C. Bagby in the church list. They were my 2x great grandparents. I looked at some info for William Wilson Shaver. He was also a minister in the Christian church and a part of the Stone-Campbell/Restoration Movement. My most immediate family subscribes to the church of Christ which is part of the same movement. I never knew where it started. I think this might be a coincidence. This is on my dad's side and actually on his father's side. I never met my grandfather because he passed away before I was born. It was my understanding that he didn't go to church. I know my granny did with us. I know my grandfather's father was a bad person and very mean. It was his wife who was the daughter of Ws Bagby and Nancy Lord.
Also Nancy Lord Bagby's Parents were William (bill) Lord and Sarah J. Bennett. Nancy was the only child ever listed on census records with her parents. I don't have any indication that there were ever more. This feels really unusual for the time but perhaps they couldn't have more.
I noticed that Sarah Lord is in the church list. Bill Lord was also still alive and I don't see him in the church member list. Ws Bagby's Parents were John Bagby and Sarah. I believe that Sarah's Maiden name was Todd and that she was the sister of Thomas Todd...he was the minister of the church members listed above. John and Sarah (Todd) Bagby moved to Texas and we're not here to be in this church. In fact I'm unsure of when they passed away and they may not have been alive at this time... I do not know what church they went to if any. I also can't prove that Sarah was one of the Todds but a lot of the family researchers believe this.
Here is another side note. This appears to be a very tight knit group. I wouldn't expect any less. Below is something on the find a grave site. This is the grave for the daughter of William Shaver who married my 2x great grandparents. You might notice her married name is Isabell Yandle. You might notice this name on the church list of Thomas Todd's church members. Her husband was John W. Yandle according to this site and the photo of the tombstone. I haven't looked for documents to prove this. I don't have any reason to think they are related to me but honestly anyone In this church list could be as tight knit as they were. I'm still looking at the members. I will say a lot of my ancestors and related people are in the New Grove Cemetery.
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I will give updates as I have them.
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