#Winery Khareba
doorsblacksea · 8 months
Fancy a Georgian Deep Red?
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The DOORS Steering Committee took place in Stirling in January 2024 and the Scottish Highlands were treated to a unique taste of the Black Sea via our man in Georgia, Mamuka Gvilava (Geographic) who brought with him a very unusual bottle of wine…
At evening dinner, He pulled out what appeared to be a very old worn bottle, covered in hardened sediment and debris; it looked like something one would have pillaged from an ancient shipwreck of long ago. But it wasn’t. This is the ‘new’ product of Georgian entrepreneur, Ecologist and Diver, David Nikoleishvili who, with the support of Khareba Winery, began creating the first underwater wine cellar and museum on the Black Sea coast at Kvariati near Batumi.
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Image: DOORS Coordinator Adrian Stanica with Georgian country Leader, Mamuka Gvilava. © Kadir Seyhan
But this is not just a marketing gimmick. The logic is the underwater conditions mimic the crucial ageing factors that are thought to contribute to the flavour of wine, such as constant temperature and the absence of light. David’s Khareba bottles are, for a period of 4 months, plunged to depths of 15, 20  and 27m and left to the whims of the tides, interacting with sediment from the Chorokhi river. This approach is especially relevant as we search for new ways to save energy in the fight against climate change. In fact, it could almost be considered a ‘nature-based solution’ to wine maturation since traditional approaches require a lot of engineering and power to recreate the correct environment.
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Image: The dive team which retrieve the wine after 4 months underwater in the Black Sea. © David Nikoleishvili
“Underwater wine ages 3 times faster than those in a regular cellar”, David says, “ …and although I’m not an expert myself,  other foreign sommeliers have told me the wine stored in the sea is softer to drink, and the bouquet is more well expressed.”
It certainly proved a hit at our Steering Committee dinner with Jos Brils of Deltares, our resident DOORS expert in all things sediment (and fine wine), who could not stop raving about it.
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Image: Kadir Seyhan and Jos Brils are big fans! © Mamuka Gvilava
But David also sees this as unique way to arouse interest in Black Sea underwater heritage as well as representing an excellent example of a ‘Blue Economy’ innovation: “This initiative, initiated this year, stands as a novel approach to marine ecology, science, and underwater economic activity. Importantly, these projects align with the environmental protection and sustainable development policies of the European Union, as well as various global and regional financial institutions and environmental funds.”
Across the Black Sea there is a feeling the underwater heritage of the region could be celebrated more and has untapped potential for tourism and local economies. Our third and final DOORS cruise is about to set sail later this year and is tasked with exploring ancient shipwreck sites very close to Kvariati in Georgia. David will be joining us as part of the dive team for the Georgian leg of the journey. And although he is the only one who knows the exact co-ordinates of where the wine is buried, we’d be lying if we said we had not considered potential alternative applications for the scanning equipment on board the Mare Nigrum! 😀
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Image: Kvariati lies very close to the Georgian / Turkiye border.
David Nikoleishvili is Director of “Poseidon’s World” Diving centre – you can read more about the underwater wine cellar on his facebook page.
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Produtor: Winery Khareba Região: Kakheti / Georgia Álcool: 12,50 % Casta: Saperavi Notas de Prova: Vinho tinto georgiano seco com uma cor púrpura escura profunda, prensado a partir das uvas da variedade de uva georgiana Saperavi, cultivada na Kakheti. Aromas picantes com frutas secas. O nome do vinho “Gvirabi” significa túnel em georgiano. Isso se refere ao túnel em Kvareli, que é cortado ao…
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telegid · 6 years
Сахара не надо! В чем секрет правильного полусладкого вина
Сахара не надо! В чем секрет правильного полусладкого вина
Когда речь заходит об изысканных напитках, полусладкие вина часто сбрасывают со счетов. Считается, что они слишком просты, и понравиться могут только неприхотливым и неискушенным. Однако истинные ценители вина – равно как и опытные виноделы – знают, что такая характеристика абсолютно несправедлива по отношению к грузинским природно полусладким винам. Туда не добавляют ни грамма сахара при…
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lutnistas · 5 years
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Wine Tour in Kakheti region ( Georgia ) 
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letsclemini · 2 years
Tag 3 - Georgien
Heute machten wir.....eine Wein-Tour mit Gamarjoba Georgia Tours in die Kakheti Weinregion.
Als ersten Stopp hielten wir am Straßenrand für selbstgebackenes Brot, Käse sowie süßen Wein. Leider gab es durch Covid keine Lavash (= Fladenbrot) Backkurse mehr und wir konnten somit nur zu sehen wie die Leute den Fladen backen.
Motivierter und leicht beschwippst besuchten wir das Bodbe Kloster der heiligen Nina die angeblich wegen eines Traumes das Christentum nach Georgien brachte. Dort konnten wir die beiden Kloster/Kirchen betreten und ein wenig durch die Gartenanlage schlendern bevor es in die "Stadt der Liebe" ging
Die Stadt Sighnaghi hat deswegen den Beinamen "Stadt der Liebe" weil man sich 24/7 heiraten und sich auch wieder scheiden lassen kann. Die Tour ging durch die relativ kleine Stadt, entlang der "großen" georgischen Mauer und anschließend zum Mittagsessen wo schon eine Supra auf uns wartete
Von den 10 belgischen Youngsters (18-22 jährige Pfadfinder), die ebenfalls dabei waren, wurde eine zur Tamadar (der Host eines großen Essens) ernannt und sie musste die Trinksprüche aufsagen. Es gab dry Weißwein und Rotwein, Hühn in Knoblauchsauce, BBQ Huhn/Schwein, gegrillter Melanzanisalat, rote Rübensalat, Karottensalat, saure wild plums, Käse (den keiner anrührte), Khachapuri, georgische süße Limonaden u.a Anis und viel Chacha! Da kann man nur sagen: Gama Tschos Gama Tschos Gama Tschoss Tschoss Tschoss!
Dann ging es weiter zu den beiden Wineries. In der Corporation Kindzmarauli lernten wir über die spezielle georgische Herstellungsart von dry wine. Die Trauben werden mit den Füßen zerstampft. Dann kommt Saft und zerstampfte Trauben in große Tonkrüge, die im Boden eingegraben sind. Deckel für 8 - 13 Monate drauf. Nachdem der Wein aus dem Krug abgepumpt wurde steigt ein sehr dünner Georgier hinab in den Krug und schaufelt die Reste rauf und putzt den Krug singend. Ja singend. Denn die Dämpfe sind so intensiv, dass man davon schnell benebelt ist. Der singende Putzer hat daher oben auch einen singenden Aufpasser. Der weiß, dass sobald das Duett zu einem Solo geworden ist, er dem Putzer helfen muss. Wir sahen auch die 'normale' europäische Produktion für semi-dry/sweet und sweet Weine. Gänge voller Fässer. An den Wänden sind Backsteinregale, die man sich auch mieten kann. U.a. hat die US embassy ein Regal bei ihnen. Zu verkosten gab es 4 Weine. Je rot und weiss dry und semi sweet - richtig geschmeckt hat uns aber leider nur der dry White. Schnell zusammengepackt, ein paar Flaschen Wein gekauft und ab in den Bus zur nächsten Winery.
In der Khareba Winery wurden wir von einer georgischen acapella Band in festlichem Gewand begrüßt. Ein Guide unseres Reiseveranstalters aber von einem anderen Bus trug fast rappend vor während wir durch die langen Gänge schlenderten. Zum Kosten gab es je einen roten und einen weißen dry wine. Mit leckerem Käse und Brot mit Öl.
3h mit dem Disco Bus zurück - die belgische Jungend spielte spannenderweise nur Hits aus unserer Jugend. Sie feierten durch. Wir sowie die anderen zwei Pärchen Ü30 - ein indisches in Dubai lebend sowie eine Dänin und ein Phillipino - schlummerte während Marjam, unser junger Guide mit den Belgierin Party machten.
Zurück in Tiflis fuhren wir mit der Seilbahn rauf zur Lady Georgia. Dort gab es verschiedene Standln - wie ein sehr kleiner Vergnügungspark. Bei einem gab es auch kaltes Bier. Mit dem teuerste Bier von Tibilisi genossen wir die Aussicht. Mit der Seilbahn wieder runter - leider nicht alleine wie beim rauffahren - anschließend machten wir uns auf die Suche nach einer Craftbeer Bar die Barmenso wieder mal ermappt hat. Beim Tsota Tsota gab es sehr bitteres IPA und wässriges Weizen, aber die Bar war cool! Danach schlenderten wir zum Cafe Dante, das wir am Weg zuvor entdeckt hatten. Leider ein großer Reinfall. Bar und Balkon toll, aber die Preise viel zu hoch, Angestellten unmotiviert sowie unfreundlich und die Getränke schlecht. Bei der letzten Bar (Room 14) des Abends sind wir auch am Hinweg zum Tsotsa vorbei gekommen und die hat mir besonders gefallen. Die Kellnerin sehr nett, Musik unterhaltend, Getränke gut und billig...leider hat der letzte Chacha und ihre Shot-eigenkreation, auf die sie uns eingeladen hat, uns die Schuhe ausgezogen....ein Bolt musste her und uns zum Bett bringen.
Das Bolt war ein neues Elektroauto - sehr leise und bequem. Der Fahrer hielt nicht viel von Bolt-Navi-Instruktionen und wir haben uns mega verfahren. Die steilsten Straßen rauf. Die engsten Kurven umsonst....wir waren ca 1.5h auf Irrwegen und sind fast einen Abgrund runter gefahren...das holte uns komplett aus dem Chachanebel wieder raus! Irgendwann haben wir es dann zum Glück doch mit vereinten Kräften und den telefonischen Angaben der schläfrigen Hotel-Dame unserer doch nicht so 24/7 Rezeption geschafft. Im Auto bin ich draufgekommen dass ich meine Tasche vergessen habe. Ich dachte nur.... neiiiin nicht schon wieder ein Reiseverlust! Anruf beim Lokal und die nette Kellnerin hat die Tasche gefunden und hebt sie bis morgen auf. juhuuu!
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georgiatravel · 2 years
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Khareba winery in Kvareli, Kakheti, Georgia. Kakheti day trip from tbilisi.
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christy41092 · 2 years
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#khareba #wine #winetasting 🍷🍷🍷 (at Khareba Winery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeqiUfpIfV7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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terrinakamura · 7 years
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Ornate wood carving at the #kharebawinery in the #kakheti region of #georgia October 2017 with @queenhorsfall and @horsfall.andrew (at Khareba Winery)
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etravelway · 5 years
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🍀วางแผนเที่ยวยาวๆ จอร์เจีย 6 วัน 4 คืน🍀 เดินทางมี.ค. - ก.ย.63 ราคาเริ่มต้น 29,888 บาท 💥บินตรงโดยสายการบินแอร์เอเชียเอ็กซ์✈️ 🌟นั่งรถ 4WD สู่ใจกลางหุบเขาคอเคซัส 🌟ชมโบสถ์เกอร์เกตี้ (Gergeti Trinity Church) 🌟ขึ้นกระเช้าชมไฟฟ้าชมป้อมนาริคาล่า ชมบรรยากาศ 🌟ลิ้มรสชาติของ ไวน์ท้องถิ่น ณ Khareba Winery 🌟เดินช้อปปิ้ง ชิวๆ ณ ถนนคนเดินชาเดอนี่ 🌟พิเศษ‼️ ดื่มด่ำดินเนอร์มื้อค่ำ พร้อมชมโชว์พื้นเมือง ดูทัวร์จอร์เจีย 6 วัน 4 คืนได้ที่ https://www.etravelway.com/program_th.asp?package-id=Z4483 ดูทัวร์จอร์เจียทั้งหมด https://www.etravelway.com/package36_th.asp แต่ถ้าชอบทัวร์โปรไฟไหม้ ทัวร์ถูกๆ ให้แอดไลน์นี้เพิ่ม Add เลยที่ @etravelway.fire คลิก bit.ly/2TT9ykt LINE ID: @etravelway bit.ly/2JpOiyG Facebook: etravelway bit.ly/2Huv9de Twitter: @eTravelWay bit.ly/2ULmzK0 📷: etravelway bit.ly/2Y3b8zz ☎️: 021166395 (AUTO) #ทัวร์จอร์เจีย #เขาคอเคซัส #โบสถ์เกอร์เกตี้ #ป้อมนาริคาล่า #Georgia #Caucasus #GergetiTrinityChurch #NarikalaFortress #ทัวร์ต่างประเทศ #eTravelWay https://www.instagram.com/p/B8_AuXGniER/?igshid=17hv3vf8e3aua
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eliadamar · 5 years
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מערת יין מטורפת. גיאורגיה. (at Khareba Winery) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz0ma4Fn1-U/?igshid=1pjevu56dsbmz
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kazlifeadventures · 5 years
Sweet sweet Georgia.
Today (27th June), we head out of Azerbaijan to the next country on the tour, Georgia and its Eastern Kakheti region. Georgia is a relatively small country situated between the two Caucasus mountain ranges. Not the best start with bus issues leading up to the border.. but we got through! The border between the two countries is not set up for tourist buses so we had to walk our luggage the very hot 600m or so uphill to get from Azerbaijan to Georgia. We then met our new guide for our time in Georgia, the lovely Leila, and jumped on a new bus ready to head off to our first stop - Khareba winery. Knowing that was our first stop makes the hot border crossing worthwhile... Georgian wine history dates back over 8000 years, and involves a different wine making process to that used by European wine makers. It involves using all of the grape that is fermented together, stirred regularly, in large (200litre and larger) underground egg-shaped clay pots. According to our guide the word “Vino” actually came from the Georgian “Ravino”. It was shortened by the Greeks as they did not have a rolling “r” in their language. Our tour of the winery gave us an overview of the production process, as well as the all important tasting. Don’t tell anyone, I’m not a massive fan of Georgian wine... it has a very distinctive flavour that isn’t really to my taste...
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After surviving our tasting, we headed to see the 16th Century citadel and church of Gremi, the capital of the Khaketi region. These are the only remaining remnants of the old town of Gremi, once a lively trading town on the Silk Road. The original Gremi was razed to the ground in 1615, by the armies of the Shah Abbas I of Persia, and it never regained its stature. The area is one of the most tourist visited sights of Georgia, and the history blows my mind. You can still see the ruins of the old town. Amazing space, beautiful views, incredible structures.
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With glorious views of the Alazan valley we then headed to Signagi, Georgia’s very own ‘city of love’. It’s known as this because it has a government office in the main square where you could get married within 10 minutes. On another note, there is an 11% divorce rate in Georgia, so maybe quickie weddings work! Leila then took us on a walking tour of the cobbled streets lined with their cute little pastel houses and along part of the fortress wall of the 17th century city. It was a charming little town set amongst some hilly terrain. We then set of for our hotel in Batumi to rest (maybe drink wine...) ready to go to the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, the next day.
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Tbilisi. Friday 28th June. Wow, what a city. With it’s Sulphur baths, leaning clock tower, 13th century Metekhi church, 4th Century Narikala fortress, Sioni cathedral and a variety of museums. You can clearly see the ‘old town’ area sprawling beneath the giant statue of Mother Georgia. A stark contrast to some of the astoundingly modern structures spread around the city centre.
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We arrived in time to grab some lunch from one of the local restaurants dotted near the space age looking ‘bridge of peace’, a pedestrian bridge over the Kura river that was opened in 2010. Our tour representative gave us some great tips on local cuisine for lunch and we tried some fantastic food. Khinkali was the big one we wanted to try. They are traditional Georgian dumplings traditionally stuffed with meat and spices. (Also known as nipples) Somehow we ordered a plate of each flavour, including cheese, mushroom and non spiced meat. Oops! we thought they were only small - the waiter gave us a size that seemed a lot smaller than what came out! We added to the menu with some fabulous veal, chicken livers and some beans in a pot - omg yum. So much food... Lucky we were doing a walking tour later that day! Once we’d stuffed our faces we had time for a little walk through the pedestrian area, then we were off to check in to our hotel for the next 3 nights...
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The walking tour saw us take the cable car to the top of the old town and fort area, taking in the fabulous views of the city, as well as the huge stature of Mother Georgia. The statue was erected on the top of Sololaki hill in 1958 as part of celebrations of Tbilisi’s 1500th anniversary. In her left hand she holds a bowl of wine to greet those who come as friends, and in her right hand is a sword for those who come as enemies. We then headed down towards the fortress, eventually winding our way down the stairs to the central mosque then onwards towards the Leghvtakhevi waterfall. While waiting for some of the group to catch up myself and our tour rep discovered the wonder that is wine ice cream....Yes, ice cream with a distinctive taste and colour of red wine...amazingly delicious! After reaching the love lock bridge and the water fall area, and finally working out that it was the frogs making the very loud noise in the creek bed below, we then walked past the original sulphuric baths and then back to the hotel.
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A few of us (3), then headed out to have one of the most amazing meals ever - fresh Georgian crayfish. They are crayfish particular to this region, cooked to order, and just delish! A fantastic night with an introduction to the local drink called ‘Chacha’ - lets just say it’s similar to Grappa or Raki, something to burn your insides.... had a ball though.
More photos to come!
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razmadze · 6 years
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Text typeface with Georgian letters created for winery Khareba ________________________________________________ #characters #typeface #typedesign #font #work #process #CommunicationDesign #project #result #glyphs #lovercase #type #brandidentity #design #graphicdesign #khareba #wine #branding #brandingdesign #Georgia #characters #Georgianwine #wineyard #illustrator #grid #alcohol #label #labelDesign (at Leavingstone) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuosSL4BUee/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1asp71onn6bj7
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ragdollcountess · 7 years
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We had the chance to witness a group of Georgian men playing local music at the winery. 🎶 #Earlventures #WhereEarlYou (at Khareba Winery In Kvareli)
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locomote04 · 7 years
Winery Khareba
Located near the town of Kvareli, the Winery Khareba is a Wine Tunnel in the region of Kakheti Georgia.
What's special here is the 7.7km of wine tunnels, dug out of a hillside in the early 1960s for storing and ageing wine at constant temperatures. Today the tunnels store over 25,000 bottles of the Khareba company's European and qvevri wines.
Visitors can have a unique experience tasting Khareba wines in a tunnel. Winery Khareba produces three million bottles of wine.
While parking at Khareba visitors are likely to note a shady park area where qvevri are used as decorations and to create a waterfall. The winery itself is built into a hill on the other side of the parking area:
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                   These were the local musicians who were playing and singing an amazing composition which I had recorded for you guys, take a look:
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Those Amazing bottles:
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   Winery Khareba has its own vineyards in Kakheti. They have 13 different wines of wine and 16 grape sorts.
 Winery Khareba is constructed of 15 tunnels. At any time of the year, the temperature is 10C-11C. Wine is being aged there in the oak barrels. Two tunnels reaching 800 meters are parallel to each other and connect the other tunnels that are 500 meters. The tunnels keep the temperature relatively constant and cool facilitating the storage of wine.
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 Underground world of wine:
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Tours go into part of the tunnels (where tastings also take place) then up to the viewing tower and restaurant.
Winery Khareba offers four different packages available for visitors to purchase. To view the tunnels is the lowest cost option.  The second package is a tunnel visit and two wines to taste. The third package offers visitors four wines to taste and activities such as making churchkhela, Chacha degustation or baking Georgian bread. The final option is the premium level and includes three additional wine varieties to taste, plus a barbeque. More information is available on the winery website.
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       All set :
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 After our tasting at a counter in the subdued lighted tunnels, we were able to take a small elevator from the tunnel to the top floor with views of the countryside including a waterfall. Khareba has a winery restaurant with a wide range of items on the menu. Special private events can take place at the winery including weddings.
 So friends if in future you get this chance to visit this Winery Khareba ask to taste Khareba’ qvevri and European-style wines.
If visiting the area, consider a tour of the tunnels, a degustation or plan to visit the restaurant.
Any sort of queries for this experience, do contact me through any of my social media.
Do not forget to like comment and share .Keep reading.
Richa Gujaria
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zairelenelle · 8 years
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#Khareba #Winery 🇬🇪 (at Khareba Winery In Kvareli)
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rubyroymontreal · 6 years
Mon guide de Tours by Locals Giorgi Somkhishivili mon guide local et expert m a fait vivre une experience exceptionnelle des vies en Georgie. #toursbylocalsguide #guidestouristiques #guideslocaux #georgie #vinsgeorgiens #RubyRoy #kharebawinery (at Winery Khareba • მეღვინეობა ხარება) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsyFwwWAEAq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1f2ewiuu5yc8m
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