#Winter Shepard
mxanigel · 2 years
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"And stop smiling, dammit!"
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laelior · 5 months
The Weight of the World
To: Master Operations Chief (ret.) Margaret Shepard
This letter is to inform you that your granddaughter, Lieutenant Commander Bethany Shepard, was presumed killed in action following the destruction of the SSV Normandy by unknown enemy forces on December 5, 2183. 
Lieutenant Commander Shepard’s service with the Alliance was an example to us all and her heroic actions in service both to Earth and the Citadel Council will never be forgotten. 
At this time, we are unable to publicly announce details related to the destruction of the SSV Normandy. At such a time when we are able, rest assured that the Alliance will lay Lieutenant Commander Shepard to rest with full military honors.
Please accept my sincerest condolences for your loss.
Adm. Steven HackettAlliance 5th Fleet Command
Anderson sat in the back of his skycar, numbly rehearsing the words of the letter in his hands over the neatly-folded Alliance flag and Alliance-stamped urn in his lap. God, for such a small jar it must have weighed a ton. Nevermind that it was empty.
His eyes continually wandered to the shallow, formulaic words on the flimsy paper in his hands, hoping that somehow they’d magically rearrange themselves into something less weighty than the gravitational pull of a whole damn planet before the skycar touched down.
Hackett had already sent nineteen letters just like the one in his hands to nineteen different addresses. Letters addressed to Preslies, Dravens, Tanakas and so forth. Letters only confirming what the rumor mill had already been circulating for months. Letters delivered by NCOs and junior officers with black bands around their arms as a thin show of solidarity for their losses. It had been tempting to pass this particular letter off to someone else, too, but some things just had to be done.
“We’re almost there, sir,” the driver said.
The skycar gently touched down on the street next to a neat little house with an immaculately maintained garden. Even in the dead of winter the hedges were neatly trimmed and the flower beds were freshly mulched.
The driver went out to ring the doorbell while Anderson slowly gathered himself for the news he had to deliver.
The woman who came out to the front porch to greet him after a moment was smaller than he expected. He’d never met her before, but Peggy Shepard was a legend in her own right. One of the founding mothers of the Alliance non-commissioned officer’s corp and one of the best damn sniper instructors the service ever had. Hell, her 500-meter longshot record had stood for nearly forty years and had only been broken a few years ago by Lieutenant Coats.
And she didn’t need a letter to tell her why he was here. That was obvious from the hard, steely look in her eyes that flicked to his uniform, the flag tucked under one arm, and the black band around the other. Her eyes lingered on the captain’s stars on his lapel and her hand twitched at her side, fighting the reflexive urge to salute. Old habits died hard, and habits drilled in by a lifetime of military discipline were harder to kill than most. When she looked him right in the eye, though, Anderson had to fight the urge to flinch.
Throughout his military career, Anderson had faced more threats than he cared to count, from the petty political rivalries that riddled the service right up to Saren himself. And just then he would have rather faced down Sovereign itself if it meant getting away from the look in her eyes.
She was no stranger to this ritual. A casual glimpse at the Shepard family tree told him how many of its branches had been pruned like this. But that never meant it was easy to be the bearer of this particular news.
“Ma’am,” he intoned formally. Formalities were good. They were safe. He held up the folded flag and offered it to her with both hands. But before he could so much as open his mouth to say the words that were the next part of the ritual, she held up a hand and drew in a shaky breath.
“It’s true, isn’t it? What they’ve been saying?” She asked quietly. No need to ask what they were saying.
Anderson could only nod stiffly. “I’m afraid so, ma’am.”
She quietly accepted the flag, taking the weight from him and hugging it closely to her chest. 
“The Alliance offers its sincerest condolences for your loss,” he intoned, getting back to the words of the ritual. “If there’s anything we can do for you….” He trailed off. There was nothing the Alliance could do for her that would remotely make up for the magnitude of her loss, and there was no point pretending otherwise. 
She nodded in acknowledgement of the harsh, unspoken truth that passed between them.
“I need to make arrangements,” she said, her voice barely a whisper, before turning back into her house and letting the door slam shut behind her. The large wooden door closed with a resounding thud that made him flinch with its finality. He set the urn and the letter down on the porch table next to the door and went back to the car, his duty thus discharged.
If it was a tragedy for a parent to bury their child, then it was an utter goddamn travesty for a grandparent to lower their grandchild’s casket into the ground.
The driver cleared his throat, cutting across the uncomfortable silence that filled the car. “Where to next, sir?”
“Norfolk,” he said, picking the closest Alliance base he could think of off-hand. The car began its ascent, leaving the view of the Shepard household behind.  “Drop me off at the officer’s club, and tell them to have a glass of Ardbeg 16 ready, no ice.”
Something to wash away the ashy taste of having been the one to send Peggy Shepard’s granddaughter to her empty grave.
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elytrianicarus · 9 months
Ok first of all omg ur art my beloved, it looks so incredible and pretty
Second of all: do u wanna hear abt my lord and savior, Moss Etho and arctic bdubs? Bc they are so special to me (for the ask box thingy )
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spookyvalentine · 9 months
Look at my wallpaper I’m losing it im losin it
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THANK YOU @bonksoundeffect !!
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dk-thrive · 9 months
Suddenly, completely alone.
"Suddenly: the word most used by Dostoevsky. Somebody told me that. Some Dostoevsky expert. Suddenly. As though any kind of action could be drawn into words: Suddenly music. Suddenly turning. Suddenly silent. Suddenly. As though I never saw the process. Everyone in the old house is sick but me. Silence, except for the snoring, coughing, and occasional trips to the bathroom. Snow everywhere through the windows. You can't look out without seeing it. Suddenly winter. Frozen rivers. Bitter cold. Barren trees. Small silver plane etched out against a chalk, still sky. Suddenly, completely alone."
— Sam Shepard, Day Out of Days: Stories (Vintage, February 8, 2011) (via Alive on All Channels)
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dutyworn · 8 months
                                           @parameddic    /    cont. from ↷
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She’s exhausted, and doesn’t have it in her to navigate conflict, right now. Doesn’t have it in her to follow after TK, if he walks out on her (if he did, under normal circumstances, she would, but she’s oh so tired and doesn’t think she can offer him anything that would resolve his frustration). It’s not that he’s saying anything unkind. It’s that his frustrations are visible in the way he carries his body, and that she knows him well enough that his insecurities don’t seem out of place to her. She doesn’t share much. They’re supposed to be friends, close friends, family, even. He probably feels shut out.
But she doesn’t have the energy to do anything about it, not this moment, after too little sleep, riddled with nightmares. So, she sits there. And mostly stares at the table blankly, occassionally making herself glance at him, and just lets him continue, lets him work through it on his own. Lets him go through his own emotions, without beginning to analyse how to respond and how to make him feel better.
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At, And then you act like I’m not even meant to be worried, she lifts her gaze to properly face him. Surprised, because... Surprised, at herself, because that’s just a given, isn’t it? No one is meant to be worried about her, ever. She’s never really questioned that belief, or even put it into words for herself. Sure, she’s had many friends and loved ones in her life who have challenged her tendency to keep pushing, keep going without knowing how to accept care. She’s even let some people (Garrus, Joker, Liara, Tali...) truly show that care, forced herself to become more comfortable being vulnerable around them. But they’re still...  not meant to worry about her.
This isn’t just about that, though; this is... different.
And to be told she’s loved. That she’s part of a team. TK, telling her that, so sincerely, it feels like something melts in her, some tightly held tension. Her shoulders slump. She hadn’t even realised how tightly she’d been holding herself. This whole team... She knows how  lucky she is,  that she ever was welcomed here, the way she was. They all know she’s... not really from here. She knows they can sense it.
❝ I do know that, ❞    she says, softly, her expression relaxed for a brief second.    ❝ I do know. ❞    She does. And she loves them back, and they know that, too.
❝ It’s not that I don’t... trust you, ❞    she starts, searching for the right words, averting her eyes, the relaxation beginning to give room to returning tension.    ❝ You, and all of you. ❞    She’d make herself talk about it, she thinks. To TK, Marjan, maybe. But...
How to say it.
As it is, she supposes.
❝ I’m scared, ❞    she admits. Rubs the back of her neck and leaves her hand there, squeezing slightly.    ❝ I don’t like to feel vulnerable, sure, I know I’m not the picture of a functional human being with that, but I’m also scared of, just... If I told you. And you didn’t believe me. That’d be a million times worse, than holding it all in and being alone with it. And I know you think you would believe me, ❞    she laughs, bitter,    ❝ maybe you’d believe that I believe it. You wouldn’t be mean about it. But you wouldn’t believe it, and I can’t  bear the thought of you not believing it.  Not this. ❞    She can share vague stuff, of her childhood mostly, but she’s spent her entire adult life (until here, anyway...) so heavily involved with the Alliance, practically living on space ships and station posts and training camps and... It’s hard to offer half-hearted truths while having to obscure most.
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rebewatson · 2 years
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Al Pacino (Mario Ambrosini) and Robert DeNiro (Goncharov) on set of Martin Scorsese 1973 masterpiece, Goncharov in 1972.
photo by screenwriter Matteo JWHJ0715
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frecklef0x · 2 years
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This is my son’s Shepard, Jack. He gave him red eyes and a heart of gold: peak character design 🌟
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toasterbunnicula · 1 year
all video game protagonists are bisexual unless explicitly mentioned otherwise
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mxanigel · 10 months
ANI. Pls. For your OCs, from my top songs:
Quite frankly I think it’s a crime this wasn’t in my top 5 bc I listened to it a LOT writing if not winter —ANYWAY.
[send me a song from your Spotify Wrapped and I'll match it to an OC]
Le Siren - Take Care of Yourself
thank you~~
ffff. this is a TRACK. (especially for if not winter squee~)
I need to give this one to Winter Shepard. They're absolutely the type to bottle things up, to release those bottled feelings as anger, to survive and thrive as a middle finger to anyone who's ever doubted them or worked against them.
(Also ridiculously applicable to my non-OC blorbo Levi. Like damn.)
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asimplelittlememory · 2 years
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Pooh Corner
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spookyvalentine · 2 years
these pics from kasumis loyalty mission have FLATTENED me I’m sorry I can’t shut up
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and the cherry on top!
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Winter Whumperland #5
Mass Effect - #5 - Warm Kisses
I went for the comfort prompt today because the boys get whumped enough in canon :’)
Shepard was not quite sure what to do with himself. He had considered going out to eat just to kill time and be around people, then decided he didn’t actually want to be around people.
He debated with himself before sighing and turning on the TV. He was not very good at watching TV, because he was simply not very good at just sitting and shutting his brain down long enough to enjoy it. But he grabbed a beer and sat himself on the couch, trying to relax as he flipped around for something to watch. He liked documentaries; maybe one would be enough to distract him for a bit tonight.
He had never really celebrated the holidays much. He could put on a festive attitude for his crewmates when they wanted to celebrate, but being an orphan who’d had to join a gang just to survive the streets of Earth, he hadn’t exactly celebrated growing up. 
Besides, he wasn’t used to having shore leave during the holidays. He preferred to work through them, especially so this boredom didn’t happen.
He was just starting to doze off when there was a knock on the door. He startled awake and scrubbed a hand down his face, pushing himself off the couch.
He went to the door and pulled it open. Surprise hit him at the smiling face looking back at him.
“Surprise,” Kaidan said.
“Kaidan? I thought you’d go to be with your family,” Shepard said.
“Not enough time off for that,” he said, stepping into the apartment and closing the door. “Jeez, Shepard, it’s freezing in here. Good thing I brought something warm.”
“What-” Shepard started, and then a sweater was pushed into his arms. “You can’t be serious.”
“Go put it on or you’ll make me sad,” Kaidan said, giving him a light shove towards the bathroom to change. “I’ll meet you back on the couch.”
Shepard sighed but left, if only because he was relieved to see Kaidan. He went into the bathroom and pulled on the ugly Christmas sweater, tossing his other shirt into the hamper. It was horrific to look at, but Shepard had to admit that it was nice and warm.
He left the bathroom and went back out to the couch. Kaidan had taken his jacket off, revealing his own ugly sweater. He was urging a fire to life in the fireplace.
“So, what’s the plan?” Shepard asked, lounging back against the couch.
“Dinner and a movie. But in the comfort of your apartment,” Kaidan said. “I won’t make the mighty Commander Shepard go out in public wearing that.”
“My enemies would never take me seriously again,” Shepard agreed, cracking the smallest of smiles.
“I brought food. I’ll heat it up,” Kaidan said. Before Shepard could argue, Kaidan added, “I will take a picture of you and send it to everyone. Even Wrex. Don’t argue with me tonight.”
Thoroughly defeated, Shepard waved him away. When Kaidan returned a few minutes later, he had two mugs of hot chocolate and two plates of various steaming food balanced in his hands. Shepard hurried to help him and the two settled onto the couch together with their meals.
Shepard passed the remote over to Kaidan, who found a Christmas movie to run in the background. Shepard put an arm around Kaidan, pulling him close.
“You like the holidays?” he said.
“I like being with people on the holidays,” he corrected. “And I never thought I’d miss the snow, but walking over here made me realize how much I do. Did you celebrate? I’m sorry; for all I know you celebrate Hanukkah and I’ve got you in a Christmas sweater.”
Shepard laughed. “No, no, I don’t celebrate any holiday, really. Whatever the crew wanted to celebrate. I didn’t have a family on Earth, so no one to celebrate with.”
“That…had to be lonely. I’m sorry,” Kaidan said.
Shepard shrugged. “Others had it worse. I survived.”
“And I’m glad you did,” Kaidan said, resting his head on Shepard’s shoulders as the crackling fire cast flickering shadows over them. 
“Thanks for coming tonight, Kaidan,” Shepard said, not wanting to admit just how relieved he was to have Kaidan here. He may not celebrate holidays, but he knew they were a time for family; he was grateful to have a loved one here with him.
Kaidan lifted his head and put his arms around Shepard’s neck, drawing him close. “Merry Christmas, Shepard.”
The kiss was the best kind of gift Shepard could get. It was slow and soft and loving. It was as comfortable and warm as the sweater, the fire, the familiar arms around him.
He found, in that moment, he rather enjoyed the holidays.
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fredlagonbleu · 2 years
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winter is coming...
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dutyworn · 2 months
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@detectiveconnor said: [ fight ] sender gets into a physical fight with receiver this but pretend i sent it from connor and pretend it’s the first time they spar, and connor ends up on top of her (he insists I phrase it: they spar, and he wins)
an old meme    /    PROBABLY ACCEPTING ↷
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They’ve been at it for a good while  ⸺  Wren thought she could win, up until the detective had her flat on her stomach on the floor, her arm pinned to her back, and she  ⸺  yep, she’s lost her range of movement to where she has no easy momentum to flip them over. While she’s figured she could win, it had been clear all along he could, as well. She’s been pleasantly surprised by how fast he seems to be able to assess her fighting style and adapt in the moment; they’re equally skilled, it seems, but he’s been an uncannilly quick learner in comparison to her. She’s unable to keep up, to expect his next move the way he seems to expect hers; that’s a big reason why she’s ended up with very little chance of turning the match around.
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She tries to use her full body to sway his balance, to topple him over, but the way he’s holding her wrist  ⸺  she can’t gain enough momentum without hurting herself.
❝ You’re a tough one, ❞    she comments, out of breath, reluctant to accept defeat, craning her neck to try to make eye-contact from her position, still struggling, going through every straw, now trying to grab him with her free arm  ⸺  knowing she can’t isn’t stopping her from trying.    ❝ You’re  good. ❞    This is said with sincere respect and professional admiration. It’s so much fun, to spar with someone so good; she’s missed being able to do that. He’s going to find out she’s about to become a pest in trying to lure him into doing this again, already craving for a second round, even as she’s not quite ready to stop trying to somehow sway him off of her.
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cfthesoul · 3 months
tag drop pt 13
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