#Wire cheese slicer
sullustangin · 7 months
Fluffy February Day 23: Dance
A/N: I am officially now caught up, with Reward being posted earlier today and Sacrifice and Partners being posted yesterday.
Time: 25 ATC, 6 months post Eva and Theron getting married.
This is part of that yet-to be-fully-written fic about the galactic celebration for the end of the Eternal Empire/Fleet that Lana planned, because she didn't get the coronation for Eva that she wanted. The first part was prompted by @commanderlurker back in 2021. Then I commissioned @caffeinatedrogue to illustrate the outfits for the gala...
And now I'm about another 2000 words into this venture, but y'all are getting the most relevant 924 for Fluffy February 2024.
“Oh, no.”
At some course in between the main and dessert (Eva forgot how much cheese and more wine had pass through her hands and/or paid an extended visit), Theron said something that sounded more sad than snarky, for once.
“What?” she purred over the rim of her wine glass.
“Are you still –”
“No.  Not that.” 
Eva finally looked over at Theron and then followed his gaze to –
And Satele.  She’d shown up.  She’d actually shown up, and in her old Jedi robes – not the recent ones.  The ones with the gold trim, her hair neatly braided.  She actually looked like she was here to politely celebrate and mingle, as if she hadn’t disappeared.
Eva realized she hadn’t said anything to Theron, again. 
But based on his expression, Theron wasn’t think of that right now.  “…I worked security at one of these things, years ago.  Before I knew who he was.”  Theron shifted in his seat and took a big swallow of his glass of wine before continuing.  “It was really, really sad then.  When I found out everything… it hit me like a sack of rocks later.”
Eva shifted closer in her seat toward him, so he could keep his voice low.
“He asked her to dance.  One more time, for old time’s sake.”
Almost in pantomime, Eva saw the same thing playing out again.
“She refused him.  He told her he understood, that he wasn’t going to try to start something or win an argument.  He just wanted to celebrate with someone ….”
Theron’s hesitance won Eva’s attention again.  There was some dull and dead outrage there, some sort of frustration.  But mostly, Theron just looked sad.  “Someone who survived the war like he did.  Someone, who saw it all, like he did.  He wanted to dance with his friend.”
Theron carefully, deliberately met her gaze, as if concerned his emotions would spill all over the table and interrupt dinner.  His hand found hers. 
And there was Jace, reaching one more time, and having nothing in his hands.  Not even his old friend.
Satele had already turned and found a convenient floor-to-ceiling window, disappearing behind the curtain.  Eva knew she was a good enough slicer to escape out the window.   So did Theron.  They didn’t move to stop her.
Time to dance, Eva decided, with one last glug of wine.
“Colonel Malcom.”
His heart in some strange place between his boots and his throat, he turned, already correcting the speaker, “That’s Supreme Commander –”
Jace stopped himself.  Eva.  Theron’s wife.  The Commander of the Alliance.
He felt himself come off the high wire that Satele always put him on.  If she wasn’t a Jedi, he’d wonder if it was on purpose.  He knew it wasn’t, but that didn’t stop him from feeling that way, all the ways, he did about her.    “I haven’t been Colonel since Alderaan.”
“And you’d have to be what, twenty-seven years younger now in order to take me out to dinner?” came the quick-as-a-whip answer.
And suddenly, he was back in that room with Brom and that absolutely audacious smuggler –
Jace’s brain stalled as he realized --
“I knew I’d met you before,” Jace managed say, staring at her.  “It…it just wasn’t at Keylander.”
Eva smiled, mischievous and high-spirited, looking more like she did at 23(ish?) than she did now at 30 (Jace had sent a Jawagram, like he did for Theron). 
And then, a moment of absolute, abject panic.  “Does Theron know that you --?”
“We’ve been joking about that dinner offer for ten years.  On and off,” she replied, waggling her hand in reference to the years lost in carbonite.  As if it was joke, and it didn’t mean so much to them –
Eva rolled on, as ever, ebullient and the absolute life of the party.  “So, obviously, I’m going home with Theron tonight, and I’ve already had dinner.  What say we have a dance?” 
Jace felt his mouth drop open, slightly, but only for a second.  “I – it’s not necessary.”
…as smart as he knew he could be, it was only now that Jace realized she had seen Satele and felt bad for him and –
Probably, so had Theron.  Jace cast a look over at the table where Eva and Theron had been sitting. 
…there wasn’t an empty seat beside Eva’s.  Theron was still there, talking to the woman who had sat at Eva’s left, Lana Beniko.
…he hadn’t chased after her.  He hadn’t left Eva behind.
….good for him.  Good for them.
“Oh, come on, Colonel.  One dance between old friends.”  Then Eva let a pause come between them, just long enough to make him look at her and that really pretty dress.  “Your feet will thank you for my friendship with Lenn of House Teraan.”
That name clicked, in a bad way, for Jace.  “He… you know he didn’t survive the Eternal Fleet barrage on Alderaan.”
Undeterred, Eva straightened up, and suddenly, she was every bit … not the Voidhound, not a queen or empress, but someone who certainly demanded that sort of reverence: the Captain.   “We’ll toast to absent friends later.  The living can dance.”
As if by magic (or on cue, knowing her), the band struck up some ubiquitous waltz that everyone had danced to before, and Jace picked up the first step, and off they spun.
Jace supposed, twelve years after he’d turned her down for dinner and six months after she’d married his son, he and Eva were old friends.
And after a few wars, that was hard to find. 
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tastesoftamriel · 2 years
I’m not much of a cook, but I am an aficionado of food *gadgets.* What are some unique or semi-unique devices to each culture for their own cultural cuisines?
Optional: those Dwemer had so many devices, has anyone found anything confirmed to be for food prep?
What's a kitchen without a few doodads with very specific uses? While nobody is quite as advanced as the Dwemer (some scholars dispute the discovery of a soul gem-powered contraption that could be a head massager or an egg beater), here are a few kitchen gadgets that might make your cooking experience a little easier. Warning: magicka not included.
From fish knives to snail forks, there is no end to the High Elf cutlery drawer. Of course, the one utensil nobody asked for yet we somehow got anyway is the kelp spiraler. Semi-dried sheets of kelp are inserted, and noodly kelp bits come out the other end. These noodle alternatives are nice enough, but kind of chewy and very specific to a small number of Altmeri dishes. Very niche.
Coconut graters are essentially large boards with nails on them. It's that simple, but therefore a little dangerous, so watch out for your fingers! Grated coconut meat is used in all sorts of Argonian cooking, and is also pressed to make coconut milk.
Milk frothers are a very specific tool that the Bosmer love using to froth their milk and cream for drinks and soups. They are generally in the form of enchanted rods that simultaneously heat and bubble the milk, which is much easier than the old fashioned technique of blowing a straw into a heated cup of milk while whisking.
There's something delightful in the simplicity of a cheese wire cutter, a tool popular among High Rock's delis, cheesemongers, and particularly cheese-enamoured homes. It's the perfect slicer for any type of cheese, both soft and hard.
Tea filter pots are definitely a Dunmer thing, and are used for distilling tea and tisanes while cooling them down to the perfect temperature for drinking or icing. Simply pop your tea into the upper chamber, add hot water, and wait for it to trickle down into the bottom pot.
Speaking of cheese slicers, the Imperials have one of the most important kitchen tools in my opinion. The humble cheese planer is a handheld tool that slices firm cheeses into precise, thin slices. Made of metal, these slicers are mandatory when slicing off any block of cheese respectfully.
There's a rolling pin for every occasion in Elsweyr. Whether it's for imprinting dough with beautiful patterns or rolling it thin and perforated for crispbread, you can bet there's a specialised rolling pin out there for every baking need.
Everyone has heard of Chef Donolon's legendary enchanted mixing bowl, created in 2E. The famous Nord pastry chef attributed his legendary bakes to his magical bowl, and while it is possible to follow his recipes, they just don't have the oomph reported by patrons of the time. I refuse to discuss the success of a heist concerning said enchanted mixing bowl, and attribute my particularly excellent baking to time and skill.
There's nothing quite like a mortar and pestle to smoosh, crush, and blend! Generally made from solid granite, the favoured Orcish kitchen tool is useful, versatile, and a must in every kitchen. From herbs and leaves to meat for patties, the humble mortar and pestle is the quintessential Orcish kitchen tool.
Coffee kettles are a necessary part of Hammerfell life, and are said to have Dwemer origins. These ingenious little kettles prepare the perfect amount of coffee, of a high quality, every time. Simply fill one chamber with coffee grounds and the other with water, leave on the fire for a couple of minutes, and when it starts to whistle you have coffee! The resulting brew is always rich and flavourful, and never burnt or watery.
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petermorwood · 2 years
Question: Do you think the cookie press you use for parmesan biscuits be good for making pfeffernusse? My sister likes the little crunchies but making them into rolls and cutting into tiny slices takes FOREVER and she's been looking for a better way
In a word, No.
We looked up a few Pfeffernüsse recipes in cookbooks and on-line, and from the look of things (a) their dough would be too stiff for a cookie press AND (b) since Pfeffernüsse start as solid little balls, a cookie press (ours, anyway) can’t make that shape.
Funny thing, we had these tucked away in the biscuit-tin.
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They’re a Polish version, and whether the original recipe varies from the German original or commercial versions are just more lightly spiced anyway, they’re a little bland. Also, I discovered, a little stale, so with the assistance of a cup of tea they’re now history.
Your sister could always look for one of these:
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It’s a little cheese-slicer (standard Tabasco bottle for scale) whose wire might make cutting the dough rolls a bit easier. Besides cheese we’ve used it for well-chilled herb butters and it works just fine for that as well. (It’s also a bit unusual, which might Encourage Others To Help...) ;->
For people interested in Pfeffernüsse:
Here’s a recipe that uses the “make dough and chill then make rolls and slice” method.
Here’s a recipe that leaves out the chilling, rolling and slicing yet creates almost the same end result.
Finally: use a “make dough and chill” recipe, roll it out quite thick, take out rounds with a cookie cutter then proceed as usual - though this doesn’t seem much less work than slicing rounds off cylinders.
It seems that Pfeffernüsse are another of those things which, if you want them, involve a certain unavoidable amount of labour.
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skyriderwednesday · 2 years
His Lordship was talking about the mechanisms of wire cheese slicers. His Lordship had in fact been Talking about the mechanisms of wire cheese slicers for most of twenty minutes. Drumknott had not taken in almost any of it. -- Lord Vetinari is highly practiced in the art of the tangent. Mr Drumknott is equally proficient in disguising that his mind is wandering.
(G Rated, 656 words. TW: Food Mention)
His Lordship was talking about the mechanisms of wire cheese slicers. His Lordship had in fact been Talking about the mechanisms of wire cheese slicers for most of twenty minutes. Drumknott had not taken in almost any of it. As much as he was concerned, unless one were to suddenly become of use in the practice of filing and archiving, the mechanisms of wire cheese slicers were not something he needed to know much about. He rather liked cheese in moderation, but he did not slice it often enough to require a mechanical device to do so with much precision. His crackers for instance did not particularly protest if a slice was thin at the edges and thick in the middle, and his taste buds rather preferred it. He owned an old cheese plane with a horn handle that he had inherited from his mother. He had told his Lordship this over twenty minutes ago, when he had asked if he knew the correct implement for cutting a particular kind of cheese. This had led on to the current Talking. Drumknott could scarcely recall what it was they had originally been talking about. He remembered that his Lordship had been dictating a letter to the head of the Guild of Kitchenworkers, with regard to a ruling in the case of a dispute with the Guild of Bladesmiths, stating that -- as he read it over to remind himself -- from the unbiased analysis of guild documentation, it would be inappropriate for the former guild to begin manufacturing steak knives without consulting the latter. Drumknott knew that his Lordship had asked him how he would personally define a particular piece of cutlery, but he was not sure exactly how the discussion had moved on from that to cheese slicing.  “I do hope that answers your question, Mr Drumknott?” Vetinari finished, Drumknott tuning his hearing back in at just the right moment to catch him say this. He was not aware that he had actually asked a question. However, if he were to be asked, he would say that his mother’s old horn-handled cheese plane, which had belonged before her to her mother and before her to her grandfather, worked perfectly well to cut any type of cheese that was not too hard. “It does, sir, thank you,” he answered. “Although, I might question your apparent objection to the pairing of spiced cheeses with oat biscuits?”
His Lordship began Talking again, on the respective flavours of cheeses, and oat biscuits, and spices. He meandered for a moment on the imprecise nature of the word ‘spice’ and asked if Drumknott, like some others, considered salt to be a spice. Drumknott replied that he did not, sir. His Lordship swiftly returned to his initial direction. Drumknott noted to himself that the windows were due a clean, and that if the curtains were changed now then there would be ample time for them to be aired out before the air grew too damp. He made a note to discuss these notions with the house staff. Considering cheese and savoury oat biscuits, Drumknott realised that he had not done something he quite liked in some time, which was to have a nutty flavoured cheese on oat biscuits with slices of tart apple. He rather liked the thought of doing this for his supper that evening. He would have to go out and buy some. The city rang the hour, which seemed to alert his Lordship that he had been Talking for some time. He rounded off shortly, saying that was quite enough of that discussion, and asked Drumknott what they had been doing before they had gotten into it. Drumknott reminded him, and he resumed dictating with such continuity that it was as if the task had not been interrupted for nearly half an hour at all.  Drumknott would not have had it any differently, monologues about the mechanisms of wire cheese slicers aside.
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I read this book about teens getting super powers and all the adults disappearing in this dome but then one of them turned evil and - violent description under the cut
He started killing them and in particular one really fucked up thing that made me go ‘oh I’m not enjoying reading this anymore’ was when there was this girl with a speed running superpower like the flash. And he set up taught wire in a doorway essentially so that she’d cheese slicer herself when she ran fast through it and fucking die of laceration into slices because she ran so fast.
The only other thing I remember is maybe the evil guy’s name was drake, maybe it was at a beach town. Some of the kids started running the fast food joint. And uhhh a general air of horrified deflation. I’ll have to look that up later on Wikipedia or something because I both don’t remember what the book was called or the author, nor the significant plot. Maybe have been a series I never finished?? If you know what I’m talking about, let me know.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Good Cook Essentials Cheese Slicer & Trueliving Wing Corkscrew.
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kendolphin · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: RSVP International Marble Cheese Slicer Replacement Wires Set Of 4.
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gadgetentime · 1 year
butter cutter
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Cheese slicer with storage box: This is a tool for cutting cheese into uniform pieces. It usually consists of a handle to which is attached a thin, flat wire or blade that is pulled over the surface of the cheese. The storage box is a container in which the cut cheese can be stored.
Cheese slicer: Similar to a cheese slicer, a cheese slicer is used to cut cheese. However, instead of a thin wire or blade, it usually has a thicker, curved blade that is pushed down through the cheese.
Gadgetentime ❤️ ❤️
Click to get yours today!🥰🥰
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reviewdevotee · 4 years
Best Cheese Slicers Review. We share top 5 best Cheese Slicers on the market. Are you looking for the Best Cheese Slicers? We analyzed consumer reviews to find top Cheese Slicers. Subscribe our channel & get more info & real time deal on your favorite product. Related Terms: Best Cheese Slicers Best Cheese Slicer The Best Cheese Slicers Top rated Cheese Slicers Top 5 Best Cheese Slicers Best Cheese Slicers Review Best Cheese Slicer Reviews Professional cheese slicer Bellemain adjustable thickness cheese slicer Best cheese slicer nz Wire cheese slicer Multi wire cheese slicer Adjustable cheese slicer Cheese slicer board Westmark cheese slicer
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mangoamango · 5 years
whenst wearing a thong
30% of the time: ugh this is vaguely uncomfortable having a human form is a CURSE society is a CURSE
70% of the time: if I fart will my thong cut my fart in half
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cheesywitcher · 2 years
That cheese life.
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sucksit-archive1 · 3 years
painful prompts
@plasticslasher​​: “ [ strangle ] he’s the lakeshore strangler, he can’t resist! ”
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‘Oh Vampi, the apartment I bought without visiting had two bodies in it!’
That’s terrible, but not my problem. Did you file a report?
‘But Vampi, I think it’s haunted!’
“Ugh, fine,” she mumbles to herself, fumbling with the keys as she unlocks the not-so-dusty door. The things she does for precious friendships, right?
The bodies at least have been wheeled out, but the deep brown-green stain in neglected carpet still reeks to high heaven. And the garbage littered around this place, heaps of plastic and cans -- she has to actively step around the cockroaches.
There’s nothing here that’s alive, other than them and the other insects; she resists the urge to check what’s in the bathroom.
Stopping in the middle of the living room and pulling her phone out, Vampirella starts to type out a text to her buddy alerting her that this place is just a pigsty which happened to be a good one-off dump for corpses when --
-- “Uff! Hkk!”
Something small, plastic on the back of her head. A wire stretched out across her neck, cutting, -- a garotte? A cheese slicer.
She’s gurgling and circling, cutting her fingers trying to shove them between the wire, and whatever’s on her back has started screaming, too, as if it suddenly enhances the effect.
A bit of a neck-cut is unpleasant, but it doesn’t stop her from reaching blindly backwards and flinging the entity over her head.
It’s not necessarily what she expected, slapping a hand over her streaming throat.
“You -- possessed some dumpy doll?!”
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jemch · 3 years
How It’s Made Index(S11~S20)
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How It’s Made是由 Discovery Channel 制作一款王牌节目,又被翻译为制造的原理或造物小百科, 本片从2001年推出至今,涵盖了几乎所有的制造技术 ,非常适合机械专业和对此感兴趣的同学。希望大家享受这趟制造的艺术之旅!
S11E01 Binoculars; Sparklers; Rubber Boots; Circular Saw Blades 望远镜,焰火,长统水靴,圆锯锯片
S11E02 Anatomical Models; Jukeboxes; Tortilla Chips; Spark Plugs 解剖学模型,自动点唱机,墨西哥玉米片,火花塞
S11E03 Pencils; Metal Recycling; Coffee 铅笔,金属回收,咖啡
S11E04 Javelins; Cuckoo Clocks; Hearts of Palm; Windshield Wipers 标枪,布谷鸟钟,棕榈芯,雨刷
S11E05 Technical Glass; Washing Machines; Playing Cards; Crossbows 工业玻璃,洗衣机,扑克牌,弩
S11E06 Cine Cameras; Glass Christmas Ornaments; Giant Tires 电影摄影机,圣诞节玻璃装饰品,巨型轮胎
S11E07 Microphones; Hot Tubs; Artificial Turf; Beer Steins 麦克风,按摩缸,人工草坪,啤酒杯
S11E08 Hot Rods; Decorative Eggs; Fire Hose Nozzles; Baseballs 改装车,装饰蛋,灭火水龙带喷嘴,棒球
S11E09 Accordions; Pineapples; Artificial Joints 手风琴,菠萝,人工关节
S11E10 Giant Valves; Sardines; Barographs; Disposable Diapers 巨型阀门,沙丁鱼罐头,气压计,一次性尿片
S11E11 Heated Skate Blades; Gliders; Hand Bells; Fire Hoses 加热式冰靴,滑翔机,手摇铃铛,灭火水龙带
S11E12 Induction Cooktops; Truck Scales; Tetra Pak Containers; Harmonicas 电磁炉,车重地衡,利乐包装盒,口琴
S11E13 Baseball Gloves; Medical Electrodes; Stetson Hats 棒球手套,医疗电极,牛仔帽
S12E01 Pneumatic Impact Wrenches; Cultured Marble Sinks; Plantain Chips; NASCAR Stock Cars 气动扳手,人造大理石水池,炸香蕉片,纳斯卡赛车
S12E02 Jaws of Life; Artificial Christmas Trees; Soda Crackers; Ratchets 救生钳,人造圣诞树,苏打饼干,棘轮扳手
S12E03 Thermometers; Produce Scales; Aircraft Painting; Luxury Chocolates 温度计,挂秤,飞机机身彩绘,高档巧克力
S12E04 Carburetors; Air Conditioners; Sugar 气化器,空调机,糖
S12E05 Combination Wrenches; Deli Meats; Golf Carts; Airships 组合扳手,香肠,高尔夫球车,飞艇
S12E06 Carbon Fibre Car Parts; Hand Dryers; Recycled Polyester Yarn; Fleece 碳纤维汽车零件,手烘干机,回收聚酯制丝线,羊毛布料
S12E07 Police Badges; Muffins; Car Washes; Pressure Gauges 警徽,松饼,洗车房,压力表
S12E08 Metal Detectors; Rum; Tiffany Reproductions; Aircraft Engines 金属探测器,兰姆酒, 蒂凡尼灯具,飞机引擎
S12E09 Riding Mowers; Popcorn; Adjustable Beds; Cultured Diamonds 乘骑式割草机,爆米花,可调床垫,人造钻石
S12E10 Airstream Trailers; Horseradish; Industrial Steam Boilers; Deodorant 流线型拖车,辣根,工业蒸汽锅炉,防臭剂
S12E11 Screwdrivers; Compact Track Loaders; Physician Scales; Carbon Fibre Bats 螺丝刀,链带式装卸机,体重秤,碳纤维棒球棒
S12E12 Escalators; Kevlar Canoes; Goat Cheese; Disc Music Boxes 自动扶梯,凯夫拉尔独木舟,羊奶酪,碟式音乐盒
S12E13 Motorcycle Engines; Glass Enamel Sculptures; Hand-Made Paper; Vaulting Poles 摩托车引擎,玻璃搪瓷雕刻,手工纸,撑竿
S13E01 Hammers; Swiss Cheese; Roller Skates; Coloured Pencils 锤子,瑞士奶酪,旱冰鞋,彩色铅笔
S13E02 Carbon Fiber Bicycles; Blood Products; Forged Chandeliers; Ballpoint Pens 碳纤维自行车,血液制品,锻造吊灯,圆珠笔
S13E03 Swiss Army Knives; Player Piano Rolls; Oil Tankers; Racing Wheels 瑞士军刀,钢琴演奏器,油轮,赛车轮毂
S13E04 Bowling Balls; Barber Poles; Felt; Radar Guns 保龄球,旋转彩柱,毛毡,雷达测速枪
S13E05 Pipe Fittings; Music Boxes; Pepper Mills; Hot Rod Steering Columns 铜管件,圆柱音乐盒,胡椒磨,汽车方向柱
S13E06 Gears; Leather Watchbands; Vitrelle Dishes; Kitchen Shears 齿轮,真皮表带,抗摔玻璃碗碟,厨用剪刀
S13E07 Pressure Cookers; Mechanical Singing Birds; Oceanographic Buoys; Tank Trailers 高压锅,唱歌机械鸟,浮标,不锈钢罐拖车
S13E08 Aluminum Boats; Alpine Horns; Luxury Watches 铝壳船,高山牛角,豪华手表
S13E09 ATVs; Alpine Skis; Laser Cutters; Marble Sculptures 全地形车,高山滑雪板,激光切割机,大理石雕塑
S13E10 Socket Sets; Leather Shoes; Aluminum Water Bottles; Bike Chains 套筒扳手,皮鞋,铝制水瓶,自行车链条
S13E11 Carved Wood Sculptures; Flatware; Cow Bells; Fountain Pens 木雕,餐具,牛铃,钢笔
S13E12 Olive Oil; Lift Trucks; Seamless Rolled Rings; Ski Boots 橄榄油,叉车,无缝环件,滑雪靴
S13E13 Cookware; Inlaid Boxes; High-Efficiency Water Heaters; Vespa Scooters 专业炊具,豪华镶嵌盒,高效率热水器,电动车
S14E01 Mini GP Motorcycles; Fig Cookies; Tool Boxes; Pipe Bends 迷你锦标赛摩托车,无花果曲奇饼,工具箱,弯头
S14E02 Revolver Replicas; Arc Trainers; Oil Furnaces; Vegetable Peelers; Pizza Cutters 西部左轮手枪复制品,健身椭圆机,废油燃烧器,削皮器和薄饼切削刀
S14E03 Metal Golf Clubs; Waffles; Custom Wires and Cables Train Wheels; 金属高尔夫球杆,华夫烘饼,订制线缆,火车轮子
S14E04 Sails; Walnuts; Wheel Immobilizers; Honeycomb Structural Panels 风帆,核桃,轮胎防盗器,蜂窝结构板
S14E05 Surfboards; Stickers; Sandwich Cookies; Concrete Roofing Tiles 冲浪板,贴纸,夹芯饼干,混凝土瓦
S14E06 Ski Goggles; Tower Cranes; Porcelain Figurines; Diesel Engines 滑雪风镜,塔吊,瓷小雕像,柴油引擎
S14E07 Stuffed Olives; Astrolabes; Western Saddles 酿水榄,星盘,西部马鞍
S14E08 Custom Running Shoes; Axes; Racing Karts; Animatronics 订制跑鞋,斧头,卡丁车,电子动画
S14E09 Headphones; Diving Regulators; Reflector Light Bulbs 耳机,潜水呼吸调节器,聚光灯泡
S14E10 Fly Fishing Reels; House Paint; Weaving Looms; Ice Makers 飞钓卷筒,房屋涂料,编织机,制冰机
S14E11 Graphite Pencil Leads; Clarinets; Special Effects; 石墨铅笔芯,单簧管,特技效果
S14E12 Air Boats; Onions; 3D Metal Printing; Curved Cabinet Doors 空气船,洋葱,三维金属打印,弧形木柜门
S14E13 Retractable Ballpoint Pens; Solar Salt; Tubas; 圆珠笔,日晒盐,大号
S15E01 Kelp Caviar; Luxury Sailboats; Dental Crowns; High-Performance Engines 海带鱼子酱,豪华帆船,人造牙冠,发动机
S15E02 Leather Briefcases; Crop Dusters; Corn Whiskey; Drag Racing Clutches 真皮公文包,喷洒农药飞机,玉米威士忌,直线竞速赛车离合器
S15E03 Train Rails; Desalinated Water; Racing Wheelchairs; Parquetry 火车钢轨,淡化水,竞速轮椅,拼花木地板
S15E04 Flight Simulators; Bookbinding; Greenhouse Tomatoes; Hurricane-Proof Shutters 飞行模拟器,传统装订,温室西红柿,防风百叶窗
S15E05 Worcestershire Sauce; Lawn Bowls; Radio-Controlled Model Jets; 辣酱油,草地滚球,遥控模型喷气机
S15E06 Pipes; Rock Climbing Gear; Leather Bike Saddles; Luxury Sports Cars 烟斗,攀岩丝扣锁,自行车座,豪华跑车
S15E07 Replica Foods; Traffic Cone Dispensers; Rocking Horses; London Taxis 食品模型,交通安全锥,摇马,伦敦出租车
S15E08 Miniature Furniture; Garden Steam Locomotives; Hovercraft; Folding Bicycles 迷你家具,庭院蒸汽机车,气垫船,折迭自行车
S15E09 Crosscut Saws; Haggis; Collectible Firearms; 横割锯,肉馅羊肚,收藏枪支
S15E10 Alligator Bags; Lockers; Bench Planes; Deployable Flight Recorders 鳄鱼手袋,储物柜,木工台刨,飞行纪录仪
S15E11 Grapples; Flavorings; Dog Sleds; Athletic Shoes 抓斗,调味品,狗雪撬,运动鞋
S15E12 Retractile Cords; Wood Frame Sports Cars; Sushi 伸缩绳,木结构跑车,寿司
S15E13 Leather Wallets; French Horns; Soy Sauce; Children's Ride-On Cars 真皮钱包,圆号,酱油,儿童骑乘汽车
第十六季推出时间为2010-10-01至 2010-12-24
S16E01 Millefiori Glass Paperweights; Road Salt; Nutcrackers; Car Doors 千花玻璃纸镇,道路除冰盐,胡桃夹子,汽车门
S16E02 Straight Razors; Black Pudding; Steering Wheels; Inorganic Pigments 直剃须刀,黑香肠,方向盘,无机颜料
S16E03 Cast Iron Cookware; Biodiesel; Clothing Hangers; Stone Wool Insulation 铸铁炊具,生物柴油,衣架,石棉
S16E04 Needles & Pins; Architectural Mouldings; Locomotives; Clothespins 针,建筑木线条,机车,衣夹
S16E05 Filigree Glass; Fish Food; Motor Homes 掐丝玻璃,鱼饲料,房车
S16E06 Surgical Instruments; Ketchup; Double-Decker Buses; Walking Sticks 手术器械,番茄酱,手杖
S16E07 Audio Tubes; Light Bars; Model Aircraft; Snare Drums 音频真空管,灯条,木制模型飞机,金属小鼓
S16E08 Kitchen Accessories; Central Vacuums; Paper-Maché Animals; Hydraulic Cylinders 厨房配件,中央吸尘器,纸型动物,液压缸
S16E09 Liquor Jugs; Deli Meats; NASCAR Engines 粘土酒壶,家禽熟肉制品,NASCAR发动机
S16E10 Digital Dentistry; Nail Clippers; Poster Restoration; Canola Oil 数字牙科,海报恢复,菜籽油
S16E11 Dial Thermometers; Hummus; Spent Fuel Containers; Straw Sombreros 温度计,豆泥,燃料容器,秸秆宽边帽
S16E12 Tequila; Water Beds; Flip Flops; Silver 龙舌兰酒,水床,人字拖,银子
S16E13 Composite Propane Cylinders; Salsa; Water-pumping Windmills; Dragsters 复合丙烷缸,辣调味汁,抽水风车,高速赛车
第十七季推出时间为2011-04-08至 2011-06-24
S17E01 Decorative Sombreros; Salad Dressings; Cap Guns; Regenerative Medicine 装饰戴草帽,沙拉酱和腌泡汁,帽枪,再生医学
S17E02 Cheese Graters; Hot Sauce; Silver Jewelery; Traditional Mexican Chairs 芝士刨,辣酱,银首饰,传统墨西哥椅
S17E03 Game calls; Mayonnaise; Traditional Razor Blades; Butterfly Safety Razors 哨,蛋黄酱,传统剃须刀片,蝴蝶安全剃刀
S17E04 Corn Tortillas; Crankshafts & Camshafts; Bush Planes; Aluminum Bike Wheels 玉米饼,曲轴和凸轮轴,布什飞机,铝自行车轮
S17E05 Folding Kayaks; Pi?atas; Garbage Trucks; Ceramic Composite Brake Discs 折叠皮艇,彩罐,垃圾车,陶瓷复合刹车盘
S17E06 Rolled Wafers; Wood Pellets; Class & Championship Rings; 威化饼,木颗粒,总冠军戒指
S17E07 Speed skates; synthetic rubber; cocoa beans; and bulk chocolate 速度溜冰鞋,可可豆,散装巧克力
S17E08 Custom Steering Wheels; Aerospace Fuel Lines; Apple Pies; Household Radiators 定做方向盘,苹果馅饼,家用散热器
S17E09 Whips; automated pizza makers; incense cones; and scale turbine engines 鞭子,自动比萨饼机,香锥,喷气发动机模型
S17E10 Heather gems; instant film; beet sugar; electric roadsters 希瑟宝石,即时胶片,甜菜糖,电动跑车
S17E11 Underwater robots; lasagne; band saws; and ski trekking poles 水下机器人,烤宽面条,带锯床,登山杖
S17E12 Laminated Wood Beams; Sport Utility Vehicles; Veggie Burgers; Wood-boring Augers 木质横梁,运动型多功能车,素食汉堡,钻木螺旋钻
S17E13 Turbochargers; enchiladas; and watches; 涡轮增压器,辣酱玉米饼馅,手表
第十八季推出时间为2011-09-14至 2011-12-06
S18E01 Patterned Glass Panels; Road Cases; Stop-Frame Animation 压花玻璃面板,公路应急箱,定格动画
S18E02 Industrial Wire Ropes; Living Walls; Large Format Cameras; Gemstones 工业钢丝绳,生活墙,大画幅相机,宝石
S18E03 Chocolate Coins; Floor Heating System; Pedal Cars; Latex Swords 巧克力金币, 地板采暖系统,踏板汽车,乳胶剑
S18E04 Farmed Caviar; Intake Manifolds; Motorcycle Jackets; Forged Spades 养殖鱼子酱,进气管,机车夹克,铲子和铁锹
S18E05 Wax Figures; Awnings; Sandwich Crackers; Pewter Tankards 蜡像,遮阳篷,三明治饼干,锡制酒杯
S18E06 Cufflinks; Blueberry Turnovers; Dashboards; Pottery 袖扣, 蓝莓饼,仪表板,陶器
S18E07 Fish Replicas; Siren Systems; Pre-Packaged Sandwiches; Candlesticks 鱼模型,警报器系统,预包装三明治,烛台
S18E08 Pipe Cleaners; Blue Stilton Cheese; Smart Electric Meters; Telescopes 管道清洁剂,蓝斯蒂尔顿奶酪,智能电表,望远镜
S18E09 Rally Cars; Pork Pies; Floating Fountains; Artificial Stone Ornaments 拉力赛车,猪肉馅饼,浮动喷泉,人造石饰品
S18E10 Tapioca Pudding; Snow Plows; Paddle Boats; Fibre Cement Siding 木薯布丁,除雪车,桨船,纤维水泥墙板
S18E11 Pharmaceutical Blister Packs; Deli Slicers; Oysters; Weathervanes 药品泡罩包装,德利切片机,牡蛎,风向标
S18E12 Top & Bowler Hats; Solar Water Heaters; Sticky Buns; Electrostatic Speakers 圆顶礼帽,太阳能热水器,粘小奶油甜面包,静电式扬声器
S18E13 Turntables; Steam Engines; Playground Equipment; Teflon Pans 唱盘,蒸汽机,运动场设备,不粘锅
第十九季推出时间为2012-04-19至 2012-06-24
S19E01 Garden Forks; English Toffee; Paint Chip Cards; Bundt Pans 花园艺叉,英式太妃糖,油漆色卡,蛋糕模具
S19E02 Pewter Flasks; Potato Salad; Hydrogen Fuel Cells; Engineered Wood Siding 锡制酒瓶,马铃薯沙拉,氢燃料电池组,工程木板墙
S19E03 Canvas Wall Tents; Peace Pipes; Shredded Wheat Cereal; Cannons 帆布帐篷,印第安式烟斗,块状麦片,加农炮
S19E04 Robotic Hunting Decoys; Canned Tomatoes; Scoreboards; Lassos 捕猎诱饵,罐装番茄酱,电子计分板,捕牛套索
S19E05 Turf Grass; Beef Jerky; Wood Chippers; Bowling Pins 草坪,长条牛肉干,木片切削机,保龄球球瓶
S19E06 Multi-Tools; Jojoba Oil; Marionettes 多用途工具刀,荷荷芭油,提线木偶
S19E07 Fish Decoys; Film Digitization; Cylinder Stoves; Concrete Light Poles 鱼饵,影片数字化存储,筒形火炉,混凝土灯杆
S19E08 Bamboo Bicycles; Chainsaw Art; Breath Mints; Manual Motorcycle Transmissions 竹制自行车,木雕,薄荷糖,变速箱总成
S19E09 Dinnerware; Air Brake Tanks; Frosted Cereal; Fossils 陶瓷餐具,气刹储气罐,麦片,化石
S19E10 Clay; Pitted Prunes; Spurs; Polyurethane Tires 黏土,话梅,马靴,轮胎
S19E11 Tasers; Canned Soup; Jaw Harps; Diving Boards 泰瑟枪,汤品罐头,口弓,跳水板
S19E12 Space Pens; Reef Aquariums; Metal Caskets; Composite Bike Wheels 太空笔,水族馆,金属棺材,复合自行车轮子
S19E13 Navajo Rugs; Crude Oil; Kaleidoscopes; Titanium Dental Implants 纳瓦霍地毯,原油,万花筒,钛牙科植入物
第二十季推出时间为2012-10-25至 2013-01-10
S20E01 Native Healing Drums;Raisins;Stereoscopic Viewers;Ribbon Microphones ��地安疗愈鼓,葡萄干,立体图片观赏器,铝带式麦克风
S20E02 Horse Bits; Oat Cereal; Turquoise Jewelry; Electric Scooters 马衔,燕麦片,土耳其玉首饰,电动滑板车
S20E03 Stagecoaches;Road Reflectors;Fire Baked Pottery;Custom Motorcycle Tanks 驿马车,反光道钉,火烤陶器,订制摩托车油箱
S20E04 Replica Clay Pipes;Drinking Fountains;Orange Liqueur;Compound Bows 复刻陶瓷烟斗,饮水机,柳橙甜酒,复合弓
S20E05 Tissues;Travel Trailers;Slippers;Motorcycle Helmets 面纸,旅行拖车,拖鞋,摩托车安全帽
S20E06 U-Locks; Tepees; Croissants; Rolling Luggage U型锁,圆锥帐篷,可颂面包,滚轮行李箱
S20E07 Prams;Factory-Built Homes;Wood Flutes;Bicycle Tires 婴儿车,组合式房屋,木笛,单车轮胎
S20E08 Thinning Shears;Wagon Wheels;Toaster Pastries;Violin Bows 打薄剪,马车轮,果酱夹心饼,小提琴弓
S20E09 1000th Item: Cycling Shoes;Yurts;Marine Plywood;Oil & Encaustic Paint 自行车卡鞋地,蒙古包,船用合板,油彩和蜡彩
S20E10 Nail Nippers; Jade Putters; Ice Cider; Water Skis 指甲钳,玉石推杆,苹果冰酒,滑水板
S20E11 Paper Fans; Walnut Oil; Copper 纸扇,胡桃油,铜
S20E12 Cast Iron Tubs; Hopi Kachina Dolls; Mine Truck Engine; Memory Cards 铸铁浴缸,霍皮族娃娃,矿场卡车引擎重建,记忆卡
S20E13 Gut Strings;Absinthe;Belt Buckles;Lever Locks 肠弦,苦艾酒,皮带头,杆锁
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everydaydeeds · 4 years
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Day 2502 - The wire on our beloved secondhand cheese slicer broke, but fortunately we were able to get a replacement to repair it! And because swore of Amazon, we get to discover small business gems like this one: https://www.cheeseslicing.com
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kendolphin · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: RSVP International Marble Cheese Slicer Replacement Wires Set Of 4.
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catspins-online · 3 years
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