#Without Recourse to Public Funds
inkskinned · 1 year
it is totally okay to be hurt and tired and fed up with the american schooling system but i need you to understand that we need to be better about loudly and routinely defending public education.
yes, many teachers suck, many schools utterly suck. i also got bullied and was absolutely not given the right support for my needs. i am not defending public education because it was kind to me. i am defending it because it needs to exist.
right-wing republicans do not want an educated population. they want kids to be homeschooled or in private school. there is a huge religious undertone to this.
the most common argument is that despite high costs, the "result" is not "good" enough. they point to failing schools as proof that public education is just never going to work out. there will be arguments made here that you actually agree with: that teachers can be bullies, that we taught online for 2 years and still charged the same amount of tuition, that we have no recourse for students to actually have agency or a voice, and that schools are now unsafe for kids due to risk of illness and gun violence.
these are all placing the blame in a fraudulent way, one intended to get your parents to homeschool you. the less kids in a school, the less federally-awarded funding for that school, the less any school succeeds. they will not mention the fact it is their legislation that takes away important funding opportunities, that teachers are living at or below the poverty line, that buildings are not kept up to code, that administration is overpaid and forces specific curriculums, that corporations like (my personal enemy) Pearson Education control certain classroom goals because teachers can't afford other options. they pretend to be ignorant of the gun violence and say "oh just get a gun" - but these are the same people who will be sending their child to a private school with a bulletproof backpack. they don't care if your kid dies, though. they "don't believe" in covid, but they did get their kid vaccinated, because of course they did.
it is a closed loop. conservative parents hear the fearmongering and remove children from the system. frequently these parents are also deeply religious. the kids are raised without access to other media & learn to parrot their parents. you have now created a new generation of conservatives. additionally, one of the parents/caregivers must stay home and homeschool the children, usually for free. i will give you 1 guess which parent tends to stay home to homeschool the children. these parents are encouraged to have many, many children. those children are most likely not getting access to safe sex ed.
we might laugh at fox news suggesting teachers are forcing children to use kitty litter but: first of all, there is kitty litter in the classroom. it's part of an emergency kit in case children are locked in due to a shooter. so that's fucking dystopian, and the fact they've completely reimagined the scenario to somehow make the teachers look bad when it's instead a fucking huge symbol of our failure as a country to protect our children.... it feels a little intentional.
secondly: don't just dismiss the situation. because, yeah, obviously, no teacher is encouraging kids to be a catboy. but the actual undertone that fox news is trying to sew is an outright distrust of teachers and of public education. they rely on the dehumanization of trans people as a common touchstone to hide the fact they're pushing two agendas at once. (which is ironic. because the thing they accuse teachers of. is pushing. an agenda.)
whenever someone tells you they want you to read less, you should be suspicious of that. when someone tries to separate you and your education, you should be suspicious of that. i don't even like incel rhetoric nor would i want my kids exposed to it - but i would not take away my child's (age-appropriate) access to the internet. i would just provide more educational materials, not less. the difference here is that i believe we can resolve ignorance with knowledge; whereas conservatives believe that ignorance is bliss.
they misappropriate funding and demonize teachers. they pull the same trick each time - the same thing we are seeing with anti-trans rhetoric. they do not want you to have access to safe sex ed, so they act horrified, claim sex ed teaches you how to thrust deep, claim that we have no idea what "age-appropriate" means. since the mid-nineties, the united states has spent at least 2 billion dollars on abstinence-only education, even though to quote the above link: "a preponderance of studies has found no effect of abstinence education at reducing adolescent pregnancy". conservatives want you to think less of any person struggling with addiction so they can continue their racist "war on drugs", so they spend up to $750 million dollars a year on the DARE program which has absolutely no effect. acting like teachers "must" be "grooming" children is just the same thing - so they can demand that funding either goes to their causes or the funding doesn't "exist" ("i'm not paying for our kids to learn that thing!")
and they want you to feel uncaring about this. they are aware that you will hate some parts of your school experience. pretty much everyone does. they want to lean into the parts that you hate so that you don't put up a fight about it when they take it away for not being "good enough."
i know i maybe sound like a conspiracy theorist. but truly. truly. it is beneficial for conservatives to reduce your faith in the american public schooling system.
one of the explicitly stated campaign promises of the conservative party: to axe the Department of Education in 2024.
i know we are all tired and burnt out and there is so much else wrong with their entire platform. but maybe just - pay attention to this one.
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Molly Sprayregen at LGBTQ Nation:
Four Southern states have joined together with four conservative organizations to sue the Biden administration over a recently issued rule banning anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination in education.
The idea is that it’s impossible to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity without taking sex into account, a legal argument that the Supreme Court has already used in its 2020 Bostock v. Clayton Co. ruling with respect to job discrimination.
With the new rule, any school that receives federal funding will no longer be able to discriminate against LGBTQ+ students. This could affect states and school districts with policies to out LGBTQ+ students to their parents or ban trans students from using bathrooms that correspond with their gender. The new rules could also give students who face discrimination recourse in federal courts. Alabama, South Carolina, Florida, and Georgia allege in the lawsuit that the Biden administration does not have the authority to make this rule and also that it goes beyond the original intentions of Title IX, according to CBS News. The states are joined in the lawsuit by the Independent Women’s Network, Parents Defending Education, Speech First, and the Independent Women’s Law Center.
“The role of Cabinet agencies is to interpret laws as written by Congress – not to redefine the meaning of words to suit a fringe group of activists,” said Parents Defending Education president Nicole Neily in a statement, which went on to claim the rule proves “the Biden administration’s contempt for families, trumping state laws which reiterate parents’ right to access information and make decisions about issues related to their children’s gender identity in schools.” “By lowering the standard of ‘harassment’ to little more than a one-off expression of humor, satire, or parody,” Neily continued, “the free speech rights of every young learner in America has become subordinate to how the most sensitive student might interpret a phrase. This Title IX rule is both unconstitutional and immoral, and we look forward to vindicating our members’ rights in court.”
“We will fight very strongly against this rule,” added Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody (R), “just to ensure this does what Congress intended it to do, and that is provide opportunities to everyone and especially protect the security and fairness for our biological females.” Moody also claimed the new rule “is really a radical departure from what Title IX was originally meant to do.” The lawsuit alleges that the rule “conflicts with many of the state plaintiffs’ laws that govern public institutions of higher education and primary and secondary education, including laws involving harassment, bathrooms, sports, parental rights, and more.” It continues, “The rule thus impedes the state plaintiffs’ sovereign authority to enforce and administer their laws and creates pressure on the state plaintiffs to change their laws and practices.” The new rules, however, do not discuss transgender student-athletes and which teams they can play on. The DOE is reportedly planning to issue a separate rule regarding what Title IX means for sports participation.
4 Southern states are suing the Biden Administration for the right to discriminate against LGBTQ+ children over the LGBTQ+-friendly Title IX changes.
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azspot · 7 months
In 2017 the Arizona Legislature pass a law that expanded and lossened school vouchers, moving them from a postition of helping parents and special needs students to permiting a free for all of funding for any school and homeschooling. In 2018 a grass roots referendum was placed on the ballot as Proposition 305, this referendum placed before the public for popular vote rolled back school vouchers to their previous scope and increased accountability for how the public funds were used, also insuring accountability for good stewardship of public tax dollars. This measur passed by a margin of 65% to 35%. Inspite of such overwhleming opposition, the Arizona Legislature with strong pressure from special inerests groups went against the proclaimed will of Arizona voters and negated Proposition 305 and expanded school vouchers as well as removing accountabiity for how the funds are used or applied. Think for a moment; Arizonans are taxed by schoold district but the funds are arbitrarily taken from the districts and local schools to fund for profit schools or buy a computer or pay for a 'educational' trip for a home schooler. There is no recourse, no accounting, no elected voice to oversee the use of your tax dollars. This is taxation without representation. This removes $10,000 - 15,000 from the local school for each student. Yet the local school still has the same costs and standards to uphold. In roughly 2 years, this action by the Arizona Legislature has moved the state budget from a surplus to a debt of $ 1,000,000,000. In its first 6 months it added over $400,000,000 in debt.
David Hopper
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R.Pitt ::
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December 21, 2023
DEC 22, 2023
The Washington Post editorial board today wrote that “the battle for democracy will be fought—and won” by “explaining to the world why freedom matters to everyone, every day.” So, on an evening when our power has finally been restored, but too late for me to do a deep dive on anything, let’s see what that might look like from today’s news: 
For years now, the U.S. right wing has admired Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orbán, who has overturned his nation’s democracy. Orbán claims that democracy weakens a nation because it allows immigration—which he calls “a poison” to a nation and says “poses a public security and terror risk”—and requires equal rights for women and LGBTQ+ individuals. The U.S. right wing claims to admire Orbán for what they see as a defense of traditional society.
But the logical evolution of Orbán’s “illiberal” society became clear last week, when the Hungarian parliament approved a new law designed to punish Hungarians who oppose the government. A new “sovereignty protection office” will intimidate and punish those who do not share the views of the ruling party, claiming that they are working for western governments and entities. The U.S. ambassador in Budapest, David Pressman, explained: “This new state body has unfettered powers to interrogate Hungarians, demand their private documents, and utilize the services of Hungary’s intelligence apparatus—all without any judicial oversight or judicial recourse for its targets.”
The U.S. State Department said yesterday: “This new law is inconsistent with our shared values of democracy, individual liberty, and the rule of law.”
Also today, House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), who has said that immigration is such a national crisis that House Republicans will not pass a bill providing supplemental funding for Ukraine to help it fight off Russia’s invasion without significant changes to the nation’s border policy, wrote a letter to President Joe Biden asking him to make those changes himself through executive action.
Biden has asked Congress for new legislation to address migration at the border since his first week in office, but Trump and his loyalists have demanded extreme measures that Democrats have, in the past, refused. With Republican refusal to fund Ukraine, Biden has said he is eager enough to get funding to Ukraine that he is willing to negotiate, but Johnson sent the House home until January 9 without a deal. 
Now it seems Republicans don’t want their own names on any such deal, likely recognizing that such an outcome would take away an issue they hope to exploit  in 2024. They want Biden’s name alone on any new policies or, failing that, to be able to blame him for not taking unilateral action.
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre today reminded reporters that the White House has been negotiating with senators to come up with a bipartisan deal despite the absence of House members, and that Biden has been negotiating with the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to address the border situation. 
In the next few days, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, and White House Homeland Security Advisor Liz Sherwood-Randall will all travel to Mexico to meet with President López Obrador to discuss border challenges, all in the spirit of the 2022 Los Angeles Declaration for Migration and Protection, an agreement between 21 Caribbean and Latin American nations, including the United States, to strengthen international frameworks to make migration safe, orderly, and humane. 
Also today, Craig Mauger of The Detroit News reported that on November 17, 2020, on a phone call with Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel, Trump personally pressured two Republican members of the Wayne County, Michigan, Board of Canvassers not to sign the papers certifying the 2020 presidential election in order to overturn the election’s lawful results.
Trump told Monica Palmer and William Hartmann that they would look “terrible” if they signed the documents. “We've got to fight for our country,” Trump said. “We can't let these people take our country away from us.” McDaniel, too, urged the pair not to sign and promised, “We will get you attorneys.” 
Palmer and Hartmann did not sign the papers, and the next day they tried to take back their votes in favor of certifying, filing legal affidavits saying “intense bullying and coercion” had led them to vote as they did. 
Lawyer Chris Thomas, Michigan’s elections director for more than 30 years, told Mauger it was unfortunate that Republican leaders offered to give the two legal protection for not doing their jobs. "Offering something of value to a public official to not perform a required duty may raise legal issues for a person doing so," Thomas noted. Legal analyst Joyce White Vance pointed out that “[o]ffering an official something of value (services of a lawyer) in exchange for withholding official action (certifying the Wayne County vote) sounds like a classic case of bribery under Michigan State law.”
Trump is currently facing four criminal counts for his attempt to overturn the lawful results of the 2020 presidential election. His attempts to stop Michigan from certifying Biden’s victory are part of those charges. 
After the story dropped, Jocelyn Benson, Michigan’s secretary of state, wrote that for her, “the absolute lowest moment in the post election battle we endured to protect Michigan’s accurate and legitimate election results in 2020 was not when armed protestors stormed my home. It was the night of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers meeting.” 
Benson said the board knew about the pressure not to certify and were prepared to fight in the courts, but also knew that such a delay would “create enough doubt and uncertainty to enable the Trump campaign to push Pennsylvania, which was certifying the next week, to delay as well. And we knew other dominos would fall after that. How could we overcome the pressure of the then–President of the United States on local and state officials? Were the facts and law not enough?”
“Well,” she wrote, “then something I’ll never forget happened.
“Hundreds—hundreds (!)—of citizens showed up to the meeting of the Wayne County Canvassing Board to remind them of their duty under the law to ensure their votes counted. Their voices mattered. Their votes mattered.
“In my view that turned the tide. Citizens and election officials in Wayne County and statewide didn’t flinch, stood firm, and demanded their votes be certified as required under the law.
“And in the end, the Wayne County Canvassing board fulfilled their legal duty, followed the law and certified the election.
“What started as the lowest moment of the post election melee became the most inspiring. 
“The voters won. Facts and the rule of law carried the day. 
“Democracy prevailed.” 
Finally, tonight, former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani has filed for bankruptcy less than a week after a jury awarded election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss more than $145 million for defaming them by accusing them of election fraud as part of his attempt to overthrow the country’s democratic system.
The Washington Post’s editorial board wrote that “the world’s democracies should create a system to fight back that can speak plainly and consistently about the inherent advantages of democratic systems, while admitting the imperfections, and use creative ways to illuminate the flaws and depredations of authoritarian regimes.”
To be honest, it doesn’t seem that hard. 
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ukrfeminism · 2 years
3 minute read
The cost of living crisis is putting women in the UK “at risk of harm, destitution or death”, campaigners have warned.
A damning statement, signed by 80 organisations, said spiralling living costs are having “devastating” repercussions on women due to placing them at “greater risk of violence and abuse”.
Campaigners, who are demanding the government take urgent measures, warned frontline workers at refuges for domestic abuse victims are being forced to use their own money to help women - including those who have gone without food for days.
Frontline organisations like refuges, which house many women at risk of murder if they remain at home with their partner, are said to be grappling with soaring bills while “demand for support to escape abuse” is rising.
Leading organisations in the women’s sector warned the cost of living crisis is having a disproportionate effect on all women but is hitting abuse victims hardest - noting women are forced to make the "unthinkable choice” of remaining trapped with an abuser or being left destitute if they manage to flee.
Baljit Banga, executive director of Imkaan, an umbrella organisation dedicated to addressing violence against black and minority ethnic women, said: “Economic justice is part of social justice and the constant struggle towards equality in our society. 
“In the current economic crisis the lives of all women must be acknowledged and a comprehensive response must ensure equal participation, contribution and the fulfilment of life. 
“The response must centre on the lives and material realities of those women who permanently occupy the margins due to intersectional oppression.”
Campaigners argued the most impoverished women will bear the brunt of the cost of living crisis as they are hardest hit by “cuts to social security and public services”.
“Despite being the ‘shock absorbers of poverty’, managing household budgets and families who rely on them, women have lower levels of savings and wealth than men and are more likely to be in debt,” the organisations warned. “Women take on the majority of unpaid labour and are more likely to be in insecure employment”.
They noted this is especially true for Black and minoritised women due to them being more likely to live in poverty - with migrant women hardest hit.
Andrea Simon, director of the End Violence Against Women Coalition (EVAW), said the “cost of living crisis is exacerbated by the rising cost of energy” but noted “it did not emerge overnight”.
She added: “As with the Covid-19 pandemic, many of the risks to women experiencing abuse could have been foreseen and prevented. 
“The situation we find ourselves in is the result of 12 years of austerity policies that have hit the poorest hardest, widened inequality and hammered public services and specialist women’s organisations supporting victims and survivors of male violence.”
Ms Simon said the “funding crisis” the women’s sector is grappling with is by no means a new issue but warned the coronavirus crisis coupled with the “latest round of economic shocks is especially dangerous for women”.
She added: “Frontline services cannot keep plugging every gap created by government cuts to statutory services and social security, whilst facing funding cuts themselves.”
The organisations in England and Wales are demanding the government to establish an Emergency Fund for charities to provide help for women and children enduring male violence and stop “the risk of death or destitution” - with migrant women and those with no recourse to public funds included in this support.
Among other demands, the frontline services are also calling for benefits to be urgently raised so they tally with soaring inflation and energy bills.
Farah Nazeer, chief executive of Women’s Aid Federation of England, the UK’s largest domestic abuse charity, said: “The rising cost of living is having an unprecedented impact on women and children experiencing domestic abuse and the life-saving services they need. 
“Without action now, we fear frontline services will risk going under, and many women will be forced to stay with an abuser, even when their lives are at risk. We urge the prime minister and chancellor to protect women, fund the organisations they need and tackle the inequalities that mean they are at the sharpest edge of this crisis.”
Between two and three women are murdered each week by their partners or ex-partners in England and Wales.
Jo Todd, chief executive of Respect, a leading domestic abuse charity which helps deliver perpetrator programmes, said: “We know that financial concerns can lead to increased tension and arguments in the home, creating a context where abuse can become more severe or frequent.”
While Jayne Butler, chief executive of Rape Crisis England & Wales, said rape and sexual violence victims can go on to endure a “wide range of severe, long-term, even lifelong, impacts” as she warned “access to specialist support” can play a key role in the “healing” process.
Sara Kirkpatrick, chief executive of Welsh Women’s Aid, added: “It is unacceptable to normalise a culture where the most vulnerable have nowhere to turn.”
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Symphonic: A Cautionary Tale for Music
Artists be aware
After a seamless year of utilizing Symphonic for my music endeavors, my musical voyage abruptly hit a roadblock. 1st of March, an enigmatic email alerted me to "account irregularities," leading to an immediate termination of my account and the withholding of suspected royalties. Despite my persistent efforts to contact them, I was met with complete silence and no opportunity for recourse. this company is a scam and the 30% usually worked out to close to 50% of your royalty the will kept monthly, and at the end the took 100% of our Royalties. Symphonic's actions are alarming; they removed my account but left my music online for days, forcing me to involve legal counsel to have it taken down. Their behavior suggests a willingness to appropriate your music and funds, continuing to exploit your work as their own. Artists should be cautious of these individuals as they seem intent on seizing both your music and money for their own agenda. To all music artists considering the use of Symphonic, be cautious and fully aware of the potential repercussions. My experience with Symphonic abruptly terminated, with my account taken down but my music left online for days, necessitating legal intervention to remove it. This situation highlights a concerning pattern where they may exploit your music and finances without regard for your rights. Exercise vigilance and caution when engaging with Symphonic to safeguard your music and earnings. Monday 4th Our account was blocked And we had no access to our music or personal information since Friday the 1st our Music is group is called Urban beats Network and thats exactly what I told you in my response you requested! ( so you mean to tell me you can't find our information after you deleted our account but we have over a 100 songs still online between 6 albums and our entire catalog you claim to have taken down is still online Right now! on Spotify and all other platforms! come on be serious in your responces in their response, they say "This individual hasn't provided us information to properly identify them" wow!!! unbelievable!!! you cant find us now? lol! but everyone else can? lol! - lets try this again in public this time - to help freshen your memory! our label is called Estudio Uno Records our other groups are named as followed Urban beats network - online - 6 albums over 120 songs The Nerd boy - still online - single El trap n e g r o - still online - ep Mr. Dynasty - still online - single Mahlano Da’don - still online - 38 singles Don'nan - still online - Ep You have robbed us of our royalties for some of our most streamed months and have effected our credibility WITH YOUR FALSE CLAMES! We are now in pursuit of a lawsuit for damages and copyright infringement!!! This is the type of service you give! we have called that fake office number like 100 times today alone! and no one ever answers! AUTOMATED ANSWERS ONLY! NO REAL PEOPLE WORK THERE! THIS IS SOME MAKE SHIFT REMOTE COMPANY!!! AND THEY ARE ROBBING ARTIST!!! Wrote customer’s servers like 6 time today and got one automated answer that SAYS it takes 48 to 72 hrs. for a response! THE SAME ONE i got on Friday! but certainly THEY KNOW HOW TO ANSWER to Trust Pilot though!!! AMEN there a god! because this is something the public can see! everything else is done in the dark! Guys to the artist out there I swear to god I am speaking the truth! Check the platforms RIGHT NOW!! whoever is reading this ON THE 4TH! or the 5th! 🤥 ALL OF OUR ARE SONG ARE SITLL THERE!!! This company is unbelievable! it a scam and I think a lot of the super positive feedback about customers service are written by the customer service staff themselves, cause we have written like 20 time in the past few days and got 2 automated responses Back! and I swear to god to that. this is the only place we have gotten a real response form These people and its not to help us but to try to discredit our climes with their fake narratives, can you believe that. wow!!! No shame at all 🙄😳🤥🤐
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mariacallous · 2 years
Sanctions-Proof Yuan to Putin’s Rescue After Oil Cap Hits Budget
The price cap on Russian crude oil exports is starving President Vladimir Putin’s budget of income, though it likely won’t force him to ratchet down spending for years thanks to a $45 billion buffer of yuan reserves.
Revenue plunged when the Group of Seven’s $60 per barrel limit came into effect last month. It combined with Putin’s spending increases since the invasion of Ukraine to contribute to a record deficit in December, with Russia’s flagship blend Urals trading just around $50, or nearly a third less than a year earlier.
Still, should it average the same price, Russia has enough to cover its shortfall for the next three years, according to Bloomberg Economics. Citigroup Inc. sees the stash depleted in 2 1/2 years with Urals at that level.
If Urals trades in the range of $40 to $50, revenue will fall as much as 2.5 trillion rubles ($36 billion) short of what the government budgeted, meaning monthly yuan sales would have to be more than triple the amount expected in January, according to Natalia Lavrova of BCS Financial Group.
The jolt to the budget turned the spotlight on a fiscal mechanism revived this month and involving sales of yuan from Russia’s wealth fund when revenues are below the target set by the government. 
The yuan is the only currency remaining in Russian reserves that can be used for interventions in the foreign-exchange market following the seizure of about $300 billion in holdings that included dollars and euros after the war began almost a year ago.
The calculus of how long the 310 billion yuan ($45 billion) in reserves might last provides a measure of Russia’s fiscal distress and allows its economic stamina to be gauged as the war drags on. And although the squeeze has become acute, Russia won’t burn through its stock of yuan assets this year unless Urals halves and averages $25, according to Bloomberg Economics.
Citigroup estimates it would only take an average price of $35 to deplete the available yuan resources already in 2023.
Other scenarios for Urals suggest Russia should tolerate pressure on the budget for much longer without reducing expenditure. An oil price above $60 would even allow the government to start adding to its yuan reserves.
Putin has said Russia is putting “no limitations” on military spending for the war in Ukraine, with budget expenditure surging by about a third in 2022 from what it planned before the invasion of Ukraine. Outlays are on track to remain around the same level in the coming year even as revenues come under pressure. 
Russia’s budget hasn’t been so reliant on high oil prices for about a decade. It needed Urals to average $104 to balance the books last year and the break-even will decline to $90 in 2023 only if the government avoids spending increases, Bloomberg Economics estimates.
Though Russia faces narrowing options in shoring up public finances, oil prices and the drawdown of the wealth fund won’t alone determine Putin’s choices. 
Recent proposals include higher dividends from state companies and a “one-time payment” by fertilizer and coal producers, alongside a plan to trim some non-defense spending. A windfall tax paid by Gazprom PJSC already helped sustain a budget surplus late last year.
For the full year 2022, the fiscal gap reached about 3.3 trillion rubles, or 2.3% of gross domestic product. This year’s deficit is forecast at 2%, based on an oil price of $70 per barrel.
Russia is also considering changes to the way it calculates taxes on oil to limit the plunge in budget revenue. The local bond market is another recourse available to the Finance Ministry, which staged record debt sales late last year to use up less of its wealth fund.
Other factors at play include a push by some European Union member states for a price cap even lower than the current $60. The US has so far argued in favor of keeping the threshold unchanged ahead of additional curbs on the trade in refined Russian fuel.
And while the price cap triggered record discounts on Russia’s oil-export blend — pushing it to trade at roughly half the price of international benchmark Brent — the effect may prove temporary, according to Dmitry Polevoy, a strategist at Locko-Invest in Moscow.
“The discount will remain, but will probably gradually decrease,” he said. “Logistical chains were already being redirected last year and they will change further this year amid the restrictions imposed.”
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guiderichess · 16 days
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UK Family Visa: Reuniting Loved Ones in the UK
The UK is a country where family bonds are cherished and valued. If you are a UK citizen or settled resident, you may want to bring your loved ones to join you in the UK. The UK Family Visa allows non-UK residents to join their family members, ensuring that distance does not separate families. Whether it’s your spouse, partner, children, or parents, the UK Family Visa provides a pathway to reunite with your family and build a life together in the UK.
What is a UK Family Visa?
A UK Family Visa is a visa category that allows family members of UK citizens, settled persons, or those with refugee or humanitarian protection status to join them in the UK. This visa is designed to facilitate the reunion of close family members, enabling them to live together in the UK. The visa covers various family relationships, including spouses, civil partners, unmarried partners, children, parents, and adult dependent relatives.
Who Can Apply for a UK Family Visa?
Several family members can apply for a UK Family Visa, depending on their relationship with the UK-based sponsor:
Spouse or Civil Partner: If you are married or in a civil partnership with a UK citizen or settled person, you can apply for a visa to join them.
Unmarried Partner: If you have been living with your partner in a relationship akin to marriage for at least two years, you may be eligible for a visa.
Children: Children under the age of 18 can apply for a visa to join their parent(s) in the UK. In some cases, children over 18 may also be eligible if they are dependent.
Parents: Parents of a child who is a UK citizen or settled person can apply for a visa to join their child, provided certain conditions are met.
Adult Dependent Relatives: Elderly parents or relatives who need long-term care can apply for a visa to join their UK-based family member.
Key Eligibility Requirements
To successfully apply for a UK Family Visa, applicants must meet several eligibility criteria:
Genuine Relationship: You must prove that your relationship with the UK-based family member is genuine and subsisting. This may require providing evidence such as marriage certificates, photos, and communication records.
Financial Requirements: The UK sponsor must demonstrate that they can financially support the applicant without recourse to public funds. This typically involves meeting a minimum income threshold or showing sufficient savings.
English Language Requirement: Applicants may need to prove their proficiency in the English language unless exempt.
Accommodation: There must be adequate accommodation available for the applicant to live with their UK-based family member.
How Long Can You Stay on a UK Family Visa?
The duration of a UK Family Visa varies depending on the relationship and circumstances. For example:
Spouse/Partner Visa: Initially granted for 30 months, with the option to extend for another 30 months. After five years, you may be eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR).
Parent Visa: Usually granted for 30 months and extendable.
Child Visa: Typically aligns with the visa duration of the parent or guardian they are joining.
In most cases, after five years of continuous residence on a Family Visa, you can apply for ILR, which allows you to live permanently in the UK.
Pathway to British Citizenship
For many Family Visa holders, the ultimate goal is to obtain British citizenship. After obtaining ILR, you may be eligible to apply for British citizenship, provided you meet the residency and other requirements.
Challenges and How Immigration Lawyers UK Can Help
The UK Family Visa application process can be complex, with strict requirements and detailed documentation needed. Common challenges include meeting the financial requirements, proving the genuineness of relationships, and navigating the application process without errors.
At Immigration Lawyers UK, we understand the importance of reuniting families and the emotional and financial stress that comes with the process. Our expert team is here to guide you through every step of the Family Visa application, ensuring that your application is accurate, complete, and has the best chance of success.
We provide services such as:
Initial Consultation: Assessing your eligibility and advising on the best visa route.
Application Preparation: Helping you gather and present the necessary documentation.
Ongoing Support: Assisting with visa extensions, ILR applications, and eventually, British citizenship.
Get Started Today
Reuniting with your loved ones in the UK is a significant step. Let Immigration Lawyers UK help make the process smoother and more straightforward. Contact us today for expert advice and support in securing your UK Family Visa
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crytolenz · 2 months
Crypto ICO vs IPO: Understanding the Differences and Why ICOs Are Thriving
In the rapidly evolving landscape of finance and technology, fundraising methods have undergone significant transformations. Two popular methods for raising capital are Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). While both serve the purpose of raising funds for projects, they operate under different frameworks and appeal to different types of investors. This blog explores the key differences between ICOs and IPOs and discusses why ICOs are thriving in today’s market.
Understanding ICOs and IPOs
What is an ICO?
An Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is a fundraising mechanism used by cryptocurrency projects to raise capital by selling tokens to investors in exchange for established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. ICOs enable projects to secure funding for development while giving early investors the opportunity to acquire tokens that may appreciate in value.
What is an IPO?
An Initial Public Offering (IPO) is the process by which a private company offers its shares to the public for the first time. This allows the company to raise capital by selling ownership stakes to investors. IPOs are regulated by government agencies, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States, and require extensive disclosures and compliance with legal requirements.
Key Differences Between ICOs and IPOs
Regulatory Framework
One of the most significant differences between ICOs and IPOs is the regulatory environment in which they operate.
ICOs: ICOs often operate in a less regulated environment, allowing projects to raise funds without the stringent requirements associated with IPOs. However, this lack of regulation can expose investors to higher risks, including fraud and lack of recourse.
IPOs: IPOs are heavily regulated and require companies to provide detailed financial information, disclosures, and compliance with securities laws. This regulatory oversight aims to protect investors and ensure transparency.
Ownership and Token Utility
The nature of ownership and the utility of tokens differ significantly between ICOs and IPOs.
ICOs: In an ICO, investors buy tokens that may represent utility within the project’s ecosystem. These tokens often grant access to services, discounts, or governance rights but do not necessarily confer ownership in the company.
IPOs: Investors in an IPO purchase shares of the company, which represent ownership stakes. Shareholders have rights to dividends, voting power, and a claim on the company’s assets.
Target Audience
The target audience for ICOs and IPOs varies based on investor profiles.
ICOs: ICOs tend to attract a broader range of investors, including retail investors and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. The lower barriers to entry and potential for high returns appeal to those looking to invest in innovative projects.
IPOs: IPOs generally attract institutional investors, high-net-worth individuals, and accredited investors who are looking for more stable and regulated investment opportunities.
Why ICOs Are Thriving
Accessibility and Lower Barriers to Entry
ICOs offer a more accessible investment opportunity compared to IPOs. With fewer regulatory hurdles, anyone with an internet connection and a cryptocurrency wallet can participate in an ICO. This democratization of investment has led to a surge in participation from retail investors.
Potential for High Returns
Investors are often drawn to ICOs due to the potential for significant returns. Early investors in successful ICOs can see their investments multiply as the project gains traction and the token appreciates in value. This potential for high rewards continues to attract interest in the ICO market.
Innovation and Disruption
ICOs are often associated with innovative and disruptive projects in the blockchain space. Many ICOs aim to solve real-world problems or introduce new technologies, which can capture the imagination of investors. The excitement surrounding these projects contributes to the thriving ICO ecosystem.
Community Engagement
ICOs often foster strong community engagement, with projects actively involving their supporters in decision-making processes through governance tokens. This sense of community and shared purpose can create a loyal investor base, further driving interest in ICOs.
While both ICOs and IPOs serve as fundraising mechanisms, they operate under different frameworks and appeal to different types of investors. ICOs have gained popularity due to their accessibility, potential for high returns, and association with innovative projects. As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, understanding the differences between ICOs and IPOs will be essential for investors looking to navigate this dynamic market. Whether you’re considering participating in an ICO or exploring traditional investment opportunities, being informed about the nuances of each method will empower you to make better investment decisions. For more Crypto ICO information visit Cryptolenz.
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nonfer · 4 months
"how would the President explain it?"
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screenshots above taken circa 7-27-24
"- continues its strong showing at the box office."
"i don't think we need to see that."
[ tumblr's autofill meets all expectations today though. ]
"sounds like you enjoyed it, mr. President."
"i love this movie."
selfish bastard ||| 2:17.1 - 2:41.9
easily bet even this won't last:
audience hating cbs gets this from what used to be viacom? wouldn't give the video above long enough to promote the show anymore than they would quit taking down the following:
who are the role models for an unsuccessful practice of aggressively attacking fans of their content? maybe that's just dumb enough to be good enough for government work.
elected officials are a minority of all government personnel, appointed and elected, who really don't seem reliable either. we can't all work for the government. that doesn't make the majority of people within america's jurisdiction responsible for crimes committed by a failed and flailing government. think they'll ever try to change?
looking and seeing any of the complicit officials appear with no remorse visible, yet quite proud to talk... hey, is that a role model? seriously, how is anyone supposed to explain why a can of soda costs what it does without referencing how the white collar crime that our government persists in occupies so much of its time. it explains educationally bankrupt colleges and universities. why educate when it's just easier to pay the bills without doing so. meanwhile, why respect the rights of students to their intellectual property when that's easily violated without any real, legal concern. it explains uninformative, political groups allowed as non profits. it explains no legal recourse available to protect investors, private and public, from thousands of embezzling (upper management) 'executives'. not last, it explains fraud or worse by those government employed or just government funded groups with only pretentions to law enforcement.
bunch of nixon apologists, with no concern for consequences, won't think twice violating anyone's rights. what it looks like without a law abiding President for over fifty years. 'extra judicial' killings aren't anymore legal than either torturing the incarcerated or conspiring to obstruct accountability for crimes.
worst part? they are all embarrassingly bad at being criminal. somehow that feels more offensive than having a devalued currency as a persistent consequence. trying to "cover it up" is a twofer: one for confessing and two for further criminal liability.
[ 'they' told you it was okay? well, 'they' were wrong. you're guilty. you didn't have to tell everyone. shut. the. fuck. up. 'they' won't ever be as accountable as you've made yourself by accepting responsibilities you have never bothered to attempt to comprehend. i am not responsible for either 'their' words and actions or for yours. ]
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if you're in a slasher flick? lowest common denominator movie franchise the purge becomes a tv show. notice that hollywood thinking it might just sell doesn't get a puzzled look but gets a green light.
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vinaykumarsadanand · 6 months
The Risks of Chinese Loan Apps: Why You Should Exercise Caution
Chinese loan apps have gained popularity in recent years, offering quick and convenient access to funds. However, it’s crucial to understand the potential risks associated with these apps. In this article, we will explore the reasons why you should exercise caution and avoid Chinese loan apps.
Lack of Regulation and Oversight: Chinese loan apps often operate in a regulatory environment that may be less stringent compared to other countries. This lack of oversight increases the risk of predatory lending practices, exorbitant interest rates, and unfair loan terms. Without proper regulations, borrowers are left vulnerable and may face financial difficulties.
Data Privacy and Security Concerns: Chinese loan apps have faced significant scrutiny regarding data privacy and security. Some of these apps have been accused of collecting excessive personal information, potentially sharing it with third parties without consent. This raises concerns about the misuse of sensitive data and the potential for identity theft or fraud.
Invasive Collection Practices: Chinese loan apps have been known to employ aggressive and invasive debt collection practices. Borrowers who are unable to repay their loans on time may experience harassment through constant calls, messages, and even public shaming. Such practices can cause immense stress and negatively impact the borrower’s mental well-being.
Hidden Fees and Unfair Practices: Chinese loan apps have been associated with hidden fees, misleading terms, and unfair practices. Borrowers may encounter unexpected charges, unclear repayment terms, or sudden changes in interest rates. These practices can lead to financial strain and make it challenging for borrowers to repay their loans as originally agreed.
Difficulties in Dispute Resolution: Resolving disputes with Chinese loan apps can be challenging. The apps often have complex customer service processes, language barriers, and limited responsiveness to customer complaints. This lack of effective dispute resolution mechanisms can leave borrowers in a vulnerable position, with limited options for recourse.
Potential for Fraud and Scams: Due to the lack of stringent regulations, Chinese loan apps may attract fraudulent actors who exploit unsuspecting borrowers. Scammers can create fake loan apps or use deceptive tactics to trick individuals into providing personal information or making upfront payments. It’s essential to remain vigilant and cautious when dealing with unfamiliar loan apps.
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digitalmarketing112 · 7 months
The Family Visa Route to the UK A Comprehensive Guide
The United Kingdom stands as a beacon of cultural diversity and opportunity, attracting individuals from around the world seeking to reunite with their loved ones or join family members already residing in the country. For those considering the family visa route, understanding the intricacies of UK immigration laws is essential to ensure a smooth and successful application process. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the various types of family visas available, eligibility criteria, application procedures, and essential tips for securing approval.
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Types of Family Visas:
Spouse Visa: The Spouse Visa is designed for individuals who wish to join their partner in the UK. Applicants must provide evidence of a genuine and subsisting relationship, meet financial requirements, and demonstrate adequate FAMILY VISA UK accommodation. Successful applicants are granted permission to live and work in the UK for an initial period, with opportunities for extension and settlement.
Unmarried Partner Visa: The Unmarried Partner Visa is tailored for individuals in a durable relationship with a British citizen or settled person. Applicants must provide proof of cohabitation and demonstrate a commitment akin to marriage. Like the Spouse Visa, successful applicants are granted leave to remain in the UK and can eventually apply for settlement.
Parent of a British Child Visa: This visa category allows parents of British citizens or settled persons to join their child in the UK. Applicants must demonstrate a genuine relationship with the child, have sole or joint custody, and meet specific financial requirements. Successful applicants are granted leave to remain in the UK initially, with opportunities for extension and settlement.
Family Reunion Visa: The Family Reunion Visa is available to individuals seeking to reunite with family members who have been granted refugee status or humanitarian protection in the UK. Eligible family members include spouses, children, parents, and siblings. Applicants must demonstrate their relationship with the sponsor and meet specified criteria outlined by immigration authorities.
Eligibility Criteria:
While the eligibility requirements vary depending on the type of family visa sought, there are several common criteria that applicants must meet:
Relationship: Applicants must provide evidence of a genuine and subsisting relationship with the sponsor, whether through marriage, civil partnership, cohabitation, or parent-child relationship.
Financial Stability: Applicants must meet minimum income thresholds or demonstrate access to adequate funds to support themselves and any dependents without recourse to public funds.
English Language Proficiency: Proficiency in the English language is typically required for applicants seeking settlement in the UK, with exceptions for certain visa categories.
Accommodation: Applicants must demonstrate access to suitable accommodation that meets the UK's housing standards and is appropriate for the size of the family unit.
Application Process:
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The application process for a family visa to the UK generally involves the following steps:
Online Application: Applicants are required to complete an online application form, providing detailed information about their personal background, relationship with the sponsor, and supporting documentation.
Biometric Appointment: Upon submission of the online application, applicants must schedule a biometric appointment at a designated visa application center to provide fingerprints and a photograph.
Submission of Documents: Applicants must submit a comprehensive set of supporting documents, including proof of identity, relationship with the sponsor, financial statements, accommodation details, and any other relevant documentation specified by the immigration authorities.
Visa Interview (if applicable): Depending on the type of visa applied for and individual circumstances, applicants may be required to attend an interview with a visa officer to further assess their eligibility and relationship with the sponsor.
Decision and Visa Issuance: Once the application has been processed and assessed, applicants will receive a decision on their visa application. If approved, applicants will be issued a visa vignette or residence permit, allowing entry to the UK.
Essential Tips for Success:
Provide Comprehensive Documentation: Ensure all required documentation is complete, accurate, and up-to-date, as incomplete or inaccurate applications may lead to delays or refusal.
Demonstrate Genuine Relationship: Articulate clear and compelling evidence of the genuine and subsisting relationship with the sponsor, providing documentation such as marriage certificates, joint financial accounts, and photographs.
Meet Financial Requirements: Provide evidence of meeting the financial thresholds set by immigration authorities, including income, savings, or financial support from the sponsor.
Seek Professional Advice: Consider seeking guidance from qualified immigration FAMILY VISA UK consultants or legal experts to navigate the complexities of UK immigration laws and maximize the chances of a successful visa application.
In conclusion, navigating the family visa route to the UK requires careful preparation, adherence to immigration requirements, and thorough documentation. By understanding the various visa options available, meeting eligibility criteria, and following the prescribed application process, individuals can reunite with their loved ones or join family members in the vibrant and diverse community of the United Kingdom.
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visaandmigration · 7 months
Uniting Families: Understanding the Ins and Outs of Family Visas in the UK
Navigating the intricate web of Family visas UK requires a comprehensive understanding of the nuances within immigration law. "Uniting Families" serves as a guiding beacon through the complexities of family visas, shedding light on the ins and outs of the process to facilitate the reunification of loved ones in the UK.
The guide begins by exploring the various family visa categories available, each catering to specific family relationships. Whether it's a spouse, partner, child, or dependent relative, understanding the eligibility criteria for each category is essential. The guide serves as a roadmap, helping individuals identify the most appropriate visa route for their unique family circumstances.
A cornerstone of the guide is the emphasis on documentation and proof of relationship. It delves into the types of evidence necessary to establish the genuineness of family ties, including marriage certificates, birth certificates, and evidence of shared financial responsibilities. Crafting a compelling case through well-documented proof is crucial for a successful family visa application.
Financial requirements are another focal point in "Uniting Families." The guide outlines the necessary financial thresholds and explores the significance of demonstrating the ability to support the family unit without recourse to public funds. Understanding and meeting these financial criteria are essential for a smooth family visa application process.
The guide also provides insights into the English language proficiency requirements for certain family visa categories. Whether through language tests or exemptions, it highlights the importance of meeting these standards to ensure effective communication and integration into the UK for family members.
Beyond the technicalities, "Uniting Families" addresses the emotional and practical aspects of the family visa journey. It offers advice on maintaining a healthy and supportive family environment during the often stressful application process. The guide underscores the significance of patience, communication, and resilience as families navigate the complexities of immigration law together.
Additionally, the guide explores potential challenges and common pitfalls in the family visa application process. By anticipating and addressing these issues proactively, individuals can enhance their chances of a successful outcome and minimize delays or complications.
In conclusion, "Uniting Families" is a comprehensive resource for individuals seeking to bring their families together in the UK. By providing a detailed examination of the ins and outs of family visas, the guide empowers individuals to approach the application process with confidence, facilitating the reunification of loved ones and the creation of a shared life in the United Kingdom.
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Patent Registration Services in North Carolina, USA | Immunis IP
Navigating Innovation: The Crucial Role of Patent Protection in California and North Carolina
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, innovation is a driving force behind economic growth and competitiveness. However, without adequate protection, the fruits of innovation can be easily exploited by others. This is where patent protection, including patent registration services in California and the significance of patent protection in North Carolina, plays a pivotal role. Patent protection provides inventors and businesses with the legal framework necessary to safeguard their intellectual property.
Understanding Patent Protection
A patent is a legal document granted by a government that gives the inventor exclusive rights to their invention for a limited period, typically 20 years from the filing date.These exclusive rights empower inventors to control the use, manufacture, and distribution of their inventions, preventing others from making, using, or selling the patented invention without permission.
Importance of Patent Protection
1. Encouraging Innovation: Patent protection, coupled with patent registration services in California, serves as a powerful incentive for individuals and companies to invest time, resources, and effort into research and development. Knowing that their inventions will be protected, innovators are more likely to share their ground breaking ideas with the world, fostering a culture of continuous innovation.
2. Attracting Investment: Investors often look for a strong intellectual property portfolio before funding a project. Patents, especially those registered with patent protection in North Carolina, provide a tangible asset that enhances the perceived value of a business or technology. This, in turn, attracts investment and facilitates the growth of emerging companies.
3. Competitive Advantage: Patents, including those secured through patent registration services in California and North Carolina, confer a competitive advantage by granting exclusivity to the inventor. This exclusivity allows businesses to differentiate their products or services from competitors, creating a unique selling proposition in the market. It also acts as a barrier to entry for potential competitors.
4. Technological Progress: Patent protection promotes the dissemination of knowledge by requiring inventors to disclose the details of their inventions in the patent application. This disclosure, along with patent registration services in California and North Carolina, contributes to the pool of public knowledge, enabling others to build upon existing technologies and further drive progress.
Global Perspectives on Patent Protection
Patent protection is not limited to a single country it is a global phenomenon. International treaties and agreements, such as the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), facilitate the recognition and enforcement of patents across borders, including those obtained through patent registration services in California and North Carolina. This global framework encourages cross-border collaboration, fostering innovation on a broader scale.
In the dynamic world of innovation, patent protection in North Carolina and California, serves as a cornerstone for progress, incentivizing inventors and businesses to push the boundaries of what is possible. By providing exclusivity and legal recourse, patents empower creators to reap the rewards of their ingenuity. While challenges persist, ongoing efforts to refine and improve the patent system, along with specialized registration services, aim to strike a balance between encouraging innovation and addressing criticisms. As we navigate the future, the role of patent protection, particularly in diverse regions like California and North Carolina, will remain crucial in shaping the landscape of technological advancement and economic growth.
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authornewsjeremy · 3 years
With EU support, Iraq is slowly advancing on anti-corruption
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Since the US-led invasion to oust long-time dictator Saddam Hussein in 2003, corruption has become Iraq’s unshakable scourge, with successive governments trying and failing to tackle the problem. Now, however, the publication of the country’s Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2021-24, which was prepared by the Iraq Integrity Authority (IIA) and approved by President Barham Salih, is hoped to provide a renewed push for concerted anti-corruption action in Iraq.
The document comes mere weeks after the EU, UN and Iraq launched a partnership to suppress corruption in the country. The €15 million project seeks to “revise Iraq’s anti-corruption laws, training investigators and judges, and working to boost the role of civil society”, improving the justice system being the final objective.  In light of the new project – along with a new anti-graft draft law currently being discussed that aims to recover stolen funds and hold the perpetrators accountable – Iraq’s own Anti-Corruption Strategy comes at a time when international cooperation to curb illegal activities is at a new high.
Going after businessmen and judges
These initiatives are part of a wider EU-supported push by Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi’s, whose aggressive anti-corruption drive is targeting crooked government and judiciary officials in a bid to stop the massive budgetary losses that result from criminal activities. After all, al-Kadhimi came to power after public protests against the incompetence and immorality of the prior government in October 2019. The demonstrations prompted a shake-up in the Iraqi parliament, with al-Kadhimi promising to take a hard line on corruption upon his ascension to the hotseat.
Al-Kadhimi can already claim a clutch of high-profile arrests, including several prominent politicians, a well-connected businessman and a retired judge. In August 2020, he set up a special committee tasked with targeting high-profile individuals guilty of graft, with the first arrests of two officials and one businessman following the month after. The head of the national Retirement Fund and the chief of the Investment commission were the two civil servants apprehended, but it’s the businessman – Bahaa Abdulhussein, the CEO of electronic payment firm Qi Card – who perhaps represents the biggest fish, since his ample friends in high places demonstrate that even well-connected fraudsters no longer are safe from the law.
The biggest case so far this year is that of retired judge Jafar al Khazraji, who recently was handed a sentence of “severe imprisonment” for the illegal inflation of his spouse’s wealth by some $17 million in undeclared assets. According to the IIA, Khazraji was not only ordered to repay the sum in full, but was additionally slapped with an $8 million fine. The case is a landmark one given that it represents the first time that the judiciary has prosecuted an individual under a law against illicit gain of material wealth at the expense of the Iraqi people.
The reclamation of $17 million is certainly a positive development, but represents a mere drop in the ocean when compared to the $1 trillion which al-Kadhimi estimates Iraq has lost to corruption in the last 18 years. However, the precedent-setting nature of the sentence could be more valuable in stamping out malfeasance and encouraging the FDI that Iraq so desperately needs to rebuild its crumbling infrastructure.
Iraq’s economy on the line
Indeed, the prosecution of al Khazraji is significant for another reason. The judge had ruled against international companies Orange and Agility in their case against the Iraqi telecommunications firm Korek. The two foreign interests alleged that Korek had expropriated their investments without due recourse to the law, a stance which was refuted first by al Khazraji and then confirmed by the World Bank’s International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).
The ICSID verdict has been severely criticized as “fundamentally flawed” by Agility, because the ICSID essentially handed corrupt officials in the country carte blanche to do what they like with investors’ money, thus sending out sizable red flags to the overseas investment community. This is a development of which the EU has certainly taken note, even if the arrest of a judge implicated in the case may go some way towards restoring that fading faith in Iraqi justice.
European support on Iraq’s long road ahead
Such restoration is sorely needed, not least to rekindle the economy, which shrank by 10.4% in 2020, the largest contraction since the days of Saddam Hussein. Iraq’s GDP-to-debt ratio is expected to remain high, while inflation could reach 8.5% this year. Al-Kadhimi is certainly up against quite the challenge, with even his own party members stating that 17 years of entrenched corruption will need to be swept away in order to give the country a fresh start.
These are just the first steps on a long road to bring Iraq back from the brink, and the fact that every successive government since Hussein’s deposition has launched its own anti-corruption initiatives – and then failed to follow through on them – may make Iraqis wary of getting their hopes up. However, the initial arrests of prominent individuals, alongside the publication of an official Strategy aimed at unpicking the knotty tangle of corruption in the country’s higher echelons, are, at least on a technical level, encouraging indicators that the government’s efforts are standing on solid ground.
The EU’s role is now in helping the government maintain the positive momentum. Brussels has done well to remain in intimate contact with key figures in order to ensure the implementation of the IIA’s Anti-Corruption Strategy. Although it’s evident that a steep hill remains to be climbed, if even a few suggested reforms are realised – including a transition to e-governance, or an increase in the participation and collaboration of civil society groups – the government may edge forward in doing what none of its predecessors have managed.
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