#World Plant Id
worldplantid · 10 months
DAYLILY Part 18 | DAY LILY VARIETIES | Hemerocallis | Lilies | Plant id | Bunga Harum | Mekar Sehari by Nama Tanam Tanaman
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andr0nap · 10 months
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is it a bird? is it a plane? its interdimensional eldritch flying flora!
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devilish-parrot · 2 months
mr plamt seems like the type o' guy whod manspread aLOT. if you asked him to close those legs, one of two things would happen
if he likes you, he'll politley nod and slowly close his legs. this only happens if youre argos, in which case he's probably already got his legs closed to be polite
he opens them wider and learns the splits just to spite you
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roomy-ghosted · 1 year
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hey, don't cry, blood in the bayou video game okay?
[read tags for actual info]
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thethingything · 3 months
I find it funny that half our iNat IDs are stuff like us going "you can tell from the lack of checkering on the wing fringe that this is actually P. icarus, not P. bellargus" while the other half are us going through unknown observations and going "well that sure is a plant. hopefully someone who knows plants will see it after I add this ID"
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happystarzarchive · 11 months
i am going to drain my parents wallets with that new merch and i will show no mercy
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cottoncandykev · 9 months
Twomp headconnons
Argos can close his eyes, all of them
Argos has audhd and can have drastic shifts between understimulation
Argos has chronic migranes and light sensitivity bc of the eyes (me too man)
He is slowly developing more eyes, kinda like a parasite. I also belive they may kill him someday
He has those like, children's stars around his room
Argos tried to follow/stock/became obsessed with Mr Plant to purposefully get hurt by Mr. Plant in one way or another, as Argos seems to have depression to me and little to no self preservation. Possibly intentionally.
He struggles to read because of the overwhelming viaual stimuli from his eyes. He writes a lot but struggles to read what he has written afterwards. He needs big letters to be able to read.
Argos likes pampering Mr. Plant, by giving him things like spaw days or grooming his petals.
Argos is part spider or biblically accurate angel.
Argos is from the void. And that not everyone else there is actually from the void.
Argos secretly wishes that he could find other people who look like him.
The "humans" in the void are are humans that have been disfigured, eaither forceably or voluntarily to make themselves look like void residents. (Don't fully belive this, but I have some reasons why I belive this that I will probably get more indebth in a future post.)
--Mr. Plant--
Liked Argos from the start/secretly wanted Argos to keep coming around. He had chances to kill him and never did. And the episode when he went to Argos seemed more like a realization that he did care about him.
Mr. Plant does not think he's a bad boy and is confused why people think he is.
Mr Plant wanted to be a cryptid when he was younger, looking up to figures like Mothman.
He pitties Argos greatly.
Mr. Plant needs Argos more than Argos needs him.
Mr. Plant uses it/he pronouns and prefers being seen as an entity more than a man
He uses photosynthesis to get energy naturally,, but because it tends to be dark in the void and even then he barely leaves his own, he struggles to keep energy, and he doesn't retain it from food as easily.
He's MUCH more clingy than Argos. When he can he holds that man. All the time to the point where Argos finds it borderline annoying/exhausting
Mr. Plant secretly wants to be closer to people but between scaring people off and his anger issues he convinced himself he didn't.
Mr. Plant doesn't know his other half and doesn't want to know.
He won't show his arms to anyone. Because of sh such as scratching stats.
His hands are very rough and he's self conscious about it. (Alternatively Argos has UNATURALLY soft hands)
He has scars on his hands for one reason or another.
When he was younger he'd accidentally pluck his own petals.
His petals regrow, and he eaither looses one eveytime they regrow, or they have a randomized number every time they're plucked.
He is homoromantic asexual
He likes cats.
He can be watered. Argos likes to water him.
His petals are extremely sensitive and he tends to attack things thay touch his petals (Argos is an exception after he starts trusting him but he's not super fond of it unless its a spa day or smthin.)
He finds some of the things Argos does as creepy, yet endearing.
Let me know if you want more!! I probably have plenty I'm just not thinking of rn
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drumlincountry · 2 months
I fucking mistook Butterbur for Winter Heliotrope hot single botanists in my area will surely spurn me now
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labratboygirl · 9 months
me listening 2 any mildly romantic song ever:: wow this is so plargos coded ((it is absolutely Not plargos coded)) ((i am insane))
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gay-artificer · 1 year
When they bumped up the price of RW they said it was because they wanted it to better reflect a game they were going to put more work into and like, people on steam keep being rude about that and like, implying its ‘unfinished’ now or that they should be expecting another DLC announcement as if one didn’t come out so newly that they haven’t even gotten it ported to console yet. Like im fairly certain what that meant is that with the DLC release they wanted to do some extra work on the game to address any flaws and other things people might want... Basically “we want to get this exactly how the community would like” kinda thing. Hell there was an accessibility survey posted to the discord and I assume the idea there is to add in a set of tools for specifically accessibility issues vs. the remix options more general controls
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worldplantid · 10 months
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tinky63 · 9 months
yall better not think this is my design 😭😭 credits go to ashur wtv the last name that made twomp my beloved
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Not the best at art but it calms me when I'm in a tough time 💪
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ittybittybeastiebuddy · 10 months
The overwhelming desire to buy the sad betta fish at the chain store because they deserve to live out their lives and not just exist as one of the million casualties of corporate greed
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plasticsandwich · 11 months
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@threshergirltail​ FLOWERING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! uwahh i think if you were planted in a garden you’d find a home together with Goldenrod flowers:
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Goldenrod (Solidago) is a pretty interesting flower. Other than just looking vibrant and pretty, it symbolizes a variety of things like wealth, prosperity, resilience and encouragement. Goldenrods can withstand some pretty harsh environments, and can thrive despite tough seasons and weather. With its capacity to survive in such conditions, they come to symbolise growth and adaptability as well. In some cultures goldenrods represent protection and are believed to bring good fortune.
Goldenrods tend to bloom near late summer/early fall, and most species (though not all) are native to North America, but some are only found in Europe or Asia. they smell nice!! and if dried can be used in tea and medicine.
i think goldenrods are a fit for you since ur really kind and uplifting to be around & its fun seeing you in my notes from time to time. just pleasant company like all these rods
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kummatty · 1 year
in this stage of life, im becoming a doer which I never could've seen coming tbh
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starswallowingsea · 10 months
big kitty, sunrise, and a tentative nature is healing :)
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LMAO the sunrise is incredibly ironic considering i think I've been dehydrated the past few days
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