#the world of mr plant hc
jouta-salad · 3 years
SDC Sugar Daddy HCs (Afab!Fem reader)
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(CW: a touch of manipulation/toxic relationships, a hint of yandere, implied smut, age gap, mentions of intoxication/alcohol, daddy kink)
Typical. Not surprised he went after a beautiful young woman like you, especially considering he had an affair with Tomako when he was in his 50-60’s
He would definitely be rough with you, but it’s to be expected
He’ll grope your breasts and smack your ass in semi-public places and laugh when you get flustered and shy
Will definitely show you off to his friends at parties
“This is my baby y/n.. isn’t she a beauty?” *old man chuckle*
Speaking of parties, he would pressure you into drinking and you always end up getting drunk bc of him
Buys you lots of small dresses and lacy lingerie.. he especially likes buying you cute little sundresses
All you have to say is “daddy I want ____.” and give him doe eyes and he’ll buy double of what you originally wanted
Makes you massage his scalp sometimes
Will literally spoil you rotten and get you whatever you ask for, even if it’s the weirdest shit(He’ll even buy you horse semen if you really wanted it)
Loves to tease and poke at you in general
My boy would definitely be kind of yandere
He literally had no one for most of his life so he wants to make sure you won’t ever leave him especially bc he loves you sm
Will gaslight you if you get angry at him
Loves spoiling you and would def buy you super expensive perfumes and shampoos bc he loves it when you smell good
He also loves buying you expensive handbags and silk clothing too
ESPECIALLY LOVES IT WHEN YOU WEAR SILK so expect a lot of cute silk lingerie, dresses, and nightgowns from him
Loves taking you to fancy ass parties and make you hold onto the crook of his arm and follow him around place to place like an accessory or smt
Would buy you cocktails to sip on while he took you around so you don’t get too bored
Shows you off sometimes at the parties
“This is my darling, y/n.. isn’t she just the prettiest girl?”
Would do shit like that and embarrass you for fun sometimes bc he thinks you’re cute all flustered and shy
He would totally do the ‘grab your chin with his fingers and force eye contact’ thing and then kiss you OMFGG
Btw, hes definitely a sucker for seeing you in his coats and shirts and seeing how oversized it is compared to you
This man is one of the nicest sugar daddies ever
He would totally buy lots and lots of accessories like necklaces and bracelets and earrings
And probably lots of loose or flowy clothes
Would buy you any pets you want
Like literally you can ask for 3 horses and a cat and he’s back with people working on building stables and shit
He would take you on once-in-a-lifetime trips around the world at the nicest hotels
Would braid your hair or just play with it a lot
Definitely hires artists to paint beautiful portraits of you
He also hires professional gardeners to plant your favorite flowers in the garden
Genuinely has a lot of wholesome love towards you, and would do anything to keep him by his side forever
He loves when you kiss the scar on his forehead. He finds it so endearing.
He always dreamed of having kids with a beautiful woman like you… would definitely pressure you really hard if you didnt want any
He’s super fucking mean. Or acts like it atleast.
Would buy you professionally tailored dresses and lingerie and demand you wear them whenever he felt like it
He’ll pretty much buy you anything you want (especially if you give him puppy eyes) as long as it isn’t anything too weird
“..Good grief, don’t look at me like that.” *purchases $1500 handbag*
He also won’t let you buy lots of pets like Avdol. His limit is a dog and a cat.
I have a feeling he would pretend to be annoyed when you asked, but would willingly buy you so many plushies???
Takes you along to his business parties and gives you his card to buy cocktails and shit while he goes off and socializes.
And if you ever get drunk at one he’s gonna be pissed af and might “punish” you later or literally punish you. It depends.
Will definitely make you light his cigars for him
When you do something well he’ll give you head pats and stroke your hair
Call him sir or mr kujo and he goes bizzerk
He secretly loves it when you sit on his lap, and he’ll hold your hips when you do
Loves it when you massage his back and shoulders,, especially while he’s doing his work
This man is the ultimate sugar daddy
He will literally buy you anything you want.
Oh you stared at a pair of shoes at the mall a second longer than usual? He’s off to purchase it
did I mention that he’s also the biggest flirt ever?
“Did I ever mention you just look absolutely beautiful today mademoiselle? Not that you don’t normally hehehe”
He says shit like that daily to the point it barely fazes you anymore lol
He buys you the most extravagant presents out of the blue
One time he randomly bought you a fancy horse-drawn carriage ride “just for fun” and bc “he knew you would love it”
Will buy you flowers almost everyday and so there’s just vases all over the house
A huge fan of pda and will have you hold onto him whether it means holding his arm or hand
Also gives the best hugs
One day he adopted a white and light ginger cat that you both named “brûlée”
He fucking loves sharing food with you for no reason
Maybe it reminds him of that one spaghetti kiss in ‘Lady and the Tramp’
Also be wary because he might get drunk with his friends on accident and you’ll have to take care of him until he knocks out
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BNHA X DP Crossover HCs
After the long wait and finals, here are my ideas for all the quirks/occupations and other concepts I devised for the DP characters in the BNHA universe. This was just for fun and for inspiration towards others interested in this crossover au in general. 
Tagging the people that were looking forward to this post based on the replies: @qoinq-qhost, @floralflowerpower, @tgfangirl4eva @goodfish-bowl, @whitehairglowinggreeneyedcrush and more. 
Anyways, happy reading, folks!
Mr. Lancer
Hero name: Mr. Scholastic
Quirk: Bookworm
Involves his iconic usage of literature titles & quotes for swears to become abilities corresponding to the novel’s contents/themes. Course, he is limited to only books he has read and can quote accurately. Additionally, his voice gets very raspy past two or three quotes as well.
Occupation: Homeroom Teacher for Class 1- A; He’s very dedicated to his new students and teaching the fundamentals of being a pro hero and more! Course, I don’t think his chamomile tea with a wedge of lemon is enough to help him relax from his students (*cough* Danny, Tucker and Poindexter) from their antics at times. 
Hero name: Phantom 
Quirk: Ghost core (Ok, @coffeecakecafe had the best name for this one gotta give credit here)
Able to do anything a ghost is perceived to do. Go through walls, disappear and fly. This is a one of a kind quirk as it was obtained from Danny’s old quirk being altered by a machine his parents made that would repurpose/alter an individual’s quirk based on their past family members' own metahuman genetics.
Danny is doing his best and trying to understand his new quirk without causing too much attention to himself while doing so but it seems like its been doing the opposite as of late. Thankfully, he won’t be doing it alone with all his classmates around to help him!
Hero Name: Black Dahlia 
Quirk: Overgrown 
Able to create any plant that she knows the biological makeup and content of in almost any environment. However, it is important for her to drink lots of nutrient rich water and take in enough sun if she plans to create larger versions of these plants.
Hero name: Tech Master
Quirk: Tech Core
Located on his chest/heart area is a special energy core capable of powering electronics at a rate faster than anything made-man could ever hope to achieve. As a kid, Tucker would tinker away in his family’s garage on a suit that would harness his power to the fullest extent and lead a new era of support tech in the hero world.
Hero name: Red Huntress
Quirk: Electromagnetism (Someone I’ve been trying to find their post on my blog had posted this idea and I fell in love with it ever since)
She’s like Static Shock but with a dash of magenta/ruby lasers she can create through focusing her electromagnetism through her finger tips. She is an expert with her quirk and has the best handle of her quirk than most of her peers. She is the most frequent visitor in the support equipment workshop next to Tucker, Poindexter and Danny. It’s how she built the hoverboard she has in the show that utilizes her electromagnetic abilities for both offensive and defensive maneuvers. (Also, I enjoy the idea that Bullet is Val’s uncle on her mom’s side and is her biggest supporter alongside her dad, Damien Gray).
Quirk: Serenity 
Helps calm individuals and give them a sense of safety/security when they’re around her in a 10 feet radius. Though, anyone out of range cannot be affected by her quirk and she needs to be conscious in order to use it.
She planned on becoming a pro hero but felt her powers were best suited for her dream profession as a psychologist. She has used her quirk a lot when Danny was overwhelmed with his studies prior to UA. Course, a phone call and sibling chat over the phone certainly does the job for Danny now when it comes to preparing material for exams. (Course, its up to you guys to decide)
Hero name: Rager
Quirk: Strength Magnification
Improves his physique and stamina by a large percentage for a set amount of time. Needs to be careful of how much/long he magnifies his body or else his body will become immensely sore. 
Hero name: Rallier 
Quirk: Team Rally (50/50)
Able to duplicate himself 3-4 times while being able to power-up allies’ quirks or stamina with a rally chant to help the team. The more duplicates there are the rally effect multiplies/stacks on the individual but it can lead to dangerous outcomes for their quirk output. 
Kwan is the class representative for 1-A, he’s the best at the job and was more than thrilled to be the one leading his class in more ways than one.  
Hero name: Enchantress
Quirk: Charm
If the opponent is flustered by her taunts or flirting, their vision will become altered and start seeing things that are not there. It works better on men than women and the opponent can snap out of it with enough willpower or if they’re not interested in her.
Hero name: Ms. Meteorite
Quirk: Comet
Similar to Gran Torino’s Jet quirk except faster and she can create an explosive impact on where she lands. Similar to a meteorite landing on earth, she also learns to use this as a long distance move by punching fast enough as she descends to create wind pressure punches.
Hero name: Tex (like in Tex Avery; Danny gave him the idea!) 
Quirk: Slapstick
His appearance is black and white just like an old timey cartoon character as well as having the durability and cartoon powers of one. However, his quirk can only work as long as what he does with it is funny in the circumstance it’s used for. Sort of like “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” rules in a sense. 
Sidney is part of Class 1-A just saying, I don’t care, this is Poindexter’s time to shine here to be the coolest/funniest person in the class. Also, Tucker’s most loyal friend/tester for new support items. 
Wes Weston
Hero name: Vigilance
Quirk: Deduction
He is able to deduct people’s identities to flaws/weak points for him to use against them and  exploit against problems. 
Class 1-B Representative and the most annoying/terrifying person that Danny has dealt with in his life. He was able to figure out that Danny’s quirk is not his own or more so that it's not natural and takes every opportunity to state this regardless if anyone is listening or not. 
Amber Mclain
Hero Name: Ember
Quirk: Fiery voice (50/50)
Her quirk uses the vibrations in her sining voice to conduct intense heat waves onto opponents or utilize to rumble the structures around here and even put out the flames from her quirk. Its like a combination of Present Mic and Endevours quirk but it leaves her with a strained or inflamed vocal cords with overuse. 
Third year student or an upcoming rock star that has certainly gain huge popularity after her song “Remember” was a nationwide hit amongst the younger generation. She’s striving to be the top hero while making her next hit to become the 1# song on the listings. 
Hero name: Phantwo (lol jk; unsure what her name would be)
Quirk: Poltergeist 
Similar to Danny’s quirk “Ghost”, except she has the additional ability to melt herself to a slimy puddle and use her ectoplasmic slime to trap or surprise opponents.
Hero Name: Clockwork
Quirk: Time Keeper
Clockwork’s quirk allows him to stop time for 5 to 15 minutes and be able to rewind it in the same amount of time. It can be one to multiple objects as long as he touches them in order to interact with them.
Principle of UA in this au. He’s quite a reserved man but still manages to visit and congregate with students throughout the school during lunch period. 
Flynn Fenton/Flynn Walker
Hero Name: The Green Knight
Quirk: Mineralization 
His quirk allows him to manipulate the minerals and inorganic materials in the atmosphere to create into crystalized constructs that are almost stronger than diamond. Luckily, the crystals have no value so he doesn’t have to worry about that aspect of his quirk. He does have to worry about his skin becoming dried out as a result of his quirk usage. 
Flynn is a third year student that loves to check up on his cousin, Danny, any chance he gets bc of the amount of work he does with his internships.
James Walker (or James W. Hausermann)
Hero name: Warden Wraith
Quirk: Plasma Apparatus
His quirk ionizes the electrolytes in the blood system into plasma. His entire body is composed of plasma giving him his skeletal appearance. He can create plasma chains, teleport from point A to B and more as long as he focuses and has enough energy at use. Course, he can have minor to severe dehydration and imbalance in his electrolyte levels from overuse. 
Occupation: CEO of an infrastructure security company/Provisional License Examiner just like Gang Orca.The ghost prison guards become his backup/helpers for the exam phases. (They’re just trained stuntmen with combat or military experience for the occasion).
Also, I like to think Walker has kids in this au who are in the Class 1-A group; they’re not hard to spot they take after their father with their skeletal complexion. 
Villain name: Quirk Hunter
Quirk: Tracker
The moment Skulker makes eye contact with his target he will be able to hunt them down and find them anywhere no matter how good they are at covering their tracks. He can lock on to only one target, but he will be able to know their heart beat, quirk, be able to place a tracking/scent line that only he can see and will lead him to his target’s location. It lasts for over a day or a half.
Occupation: Skulker is known for capturing, info-detailing or “retiring” newcomer pros or specific quirk users for his clients that pay him handsomely for their targets, dead or alive. Thanks to Vlad, Danny was strictly intended to be captured alive by Skulker but sometimes he gets too thrilled by the hunt to not have a memento. Trust me, it's more of a dangerous 
Nicolai Technus 
Villain Name: Technus 
Quirk: Technopathy
A genius in his own right, even if he’s a little crazy, with the best ability possible for a man of science and innovation. As long as he knows the makeup and attributes of the machine, Technus is able to completely repurpose or change a machine’s qualities for offensive and defensive qualities. Whenever that be for a mech suit or hacking a high tech system for entry, he’s able to do it as long as he knows what it is and how it functions. An example is repurposing a slot machine into a submachine gun that shoots coins at the target. 
Vlad Masters
Name: Vlad Plasmius
Quirk: Vampire
Can do anything a vampire can supposedly do. However, he was able to manifest an additional aspect of this quirk which is the ability to copy any quirk users ability. Based on the type of blood he ingests decides the amount of time he can use the copied quirk for.
Occupation: CEO of his own hero firm, he is extremely selective with the interns he has that there is a major waitlist to be even consider for Masters Inc. Course, imagine the surprise Danny must of felt when he received an offer from Vlad right off the bat after the Sports festival. 
Bruce Guiles (Bullet)
Hero Name: Bullet 
Quirk: Sphyraena or Chimera Fish
Able to do anything a barracuda can do or the quirk is a 50/50 mutant quirk in which he has both the traits of a barracuda, Chimaeras and a touch of piranha from his parents being of one of these fish species hence Chimera. Bullet can do anything those fish can do overall but he can’t go too long without hydration from water. Water quality and its oxygen content also affect his abilities by a noticeable percentage but he still remains quite formidable as a quirk user.
Occupation: Captain of a coast guard team, he’s a strict military man with an amazing record of saving people from any disasters both on land and sea. Him and Walker are best buddies ever since they went to school together. 
Hero Name: Vortex
Quirk: Storm Warning
Vortex can utilize any variation of a natural disaster depending on the environment he’s in. Hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, you name it he can create it for his use. However, despite his amazing control over his quirk it is still possible for him to create these disasters if he lost control or magnify another pre-existing one if he loses focus. 
Occupation: Storm-chaser/Forecaster; His control and knowledge in combating/predicting these natural disasters has led to him to be part of a storm chasing crew and they’re the best in helping disaster prevention teams evacuate citizens as a result.
Petra Eris
Hero name: Pandora
Quirk: Butterfly Effect
Can manipulate or prevent a chaotic event to happen if she was in proximity and present to prevent it to happen. Or even give a little chaos to the opponent to deal with during battle. 
One of the top ten heroes and most beloved heroes in the country. She is the best strategist in any team and has a way to predict any event before they happen given the necessity of it for her quirk to work in her favor. 
Vigilante name: Johnny 13
Quirk: Unlucky
Johnny manifests his bad luck into a shadow that will latch onto opponents and cause unfortunate events to occur more for that individual as a result. However, the shadow cannot exist in complete sunlight; it can only remain if there are already shadows in his general area or it’s nighttime and its effects are strongest at that time obviously.
Occupation: Johnny is the leader of a biker gang or de-facto leader of said biker gang who loves to raise hell and helping folks that need saving whenever he’s around or is up to the task. Kitty tags along with him to help him out of jams and bc she loves him. :3
Vigilante name: Kitty
Quirk: Lovesick
Kitty sends a smooch towards her opponent which if it makes contact causes the individual to have nausea or become disoriented for around 10 minutes. It can also have a chance of lasting longer if the individual was sort of infatuated with her regardless of gender. 
Pariah Dark
Villain name: King Pariah
Quirk: Ultimate Adaptation 
Similar to all for one except with the unpredictability for both the user and opponents. Pariah can manifest any type of quirk needed to defeat anyone that stands in his way both one-on-one and in groups. Course, drawbacks are the learning curve to some of the quirks and that multiple adaptions he utilizes at once will destroy his cells in the process. 
Pariah is a former follower of all for one who had unique quirk that All for one augmented to help him succeed if both Shigaraki and Tomura failed in their own conquest for the world. But now Pariah has his own plans to succeed where they failed and become the leader who shapes a new world order with an iron fist. 
Frederick Kingsmen
Villain/vigilante name: Fright Knight
Quirk: Burning Energy Infusion
Able to form/infuse objects with his own burning energy life force that is capable of burning or slicing through any in his sight. The sweat he gives off is what provides the material needed to ignite his unnatural flames despite it causing his body to overheat still. 
Fright Knight is Pariah’s second-in-command with a loyalty to him as strong as his control over his power. Fright Knight has faced many pro-heros as he carried out the smaller phases of Pariah’s plans and most of them barely came close towards defeating or leaving as much as  scratch on the knight. 
Rodolfo Gonzalo  
Hero name: Wulf
Quirk: Werewolf + Portal creation (50/50?)
Can do anything a werewolf can supposedly do; somehow it allows him to create portals with his claws to locations he has marked with them or visited in the past. 
Wulf was abducted on by Pariah’s forces and sent into the Nomu labs for experimentation to force on another quirk and instill complete allegiance to their cause. Course, Wulf broke free as a result of that new additional quirk allowing him to escape their clutches and his previous one helping him survive the endeavor. However, he lost his memories in the process and could only remember his native language, Spanish, and his hero name Wulf. 
Villain/vigilante Name: Overgrown
Quirk: Plant Manipulation
Can manipulate any pre-existing plant matter or create new vegetation if water and soil is present for the process or he understand the biological makeup of the plant in question. 
Occupation: Pro-hero or eco-terrorist who is tired of humanity from abusing the environment from quirk battles to industries using the land for their own benefits and none others.
That’s all I have for now! I hope this was worth the wait, guys. As well as, inspire ideas for your takes with a DP x BNHA Crossover! 
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anachronisticcrab · 3 years
Demigods Defying Stereotypes
This is a repost of something I made a long time ago and can’t find now sadly. But this is a whole bunch of HC’s about different abilities of demigods (I’ve added a few since the last time I posted this)
* An Apollo kid who can cause people to get colds and the flu or worse when they’re pissed off. Apollo isn’t just the god of healing: he’s the god of diseases
* An Aphrodite camper who fights tooth and nail for their loved ones, who doesn’t care what they look like. After all, love consumes all and takes everything out of you, why wouldn’t they fight for who they love?
* A child of Persephone who has powers over shadows and zombies like Nico, who calls themselves the princette of the Underworld. After all, Persephone is the Queen of the Afterlife
* A child of Zeus who doesn’t want to rule, and instead tells everyone that they are all equal and should be valued as such. A child of Zeus who is ready to avenge anyone who’s been wronged by any means necessary. After all, they’re dad is the patron of hospitality
* Also, a Zeus kid who has a love of farming and rules over crops and that. After all, in Athens, Zeus was seen as the god of crops and harvest
* A psychopomp child of Hermes, who feels so different from their siblings, who doesn’t know where they fit in, who feels more comfortable with the underworld children
* A child of Dionysus who can cause people to go insane with a point of their finger, or who is generally insane. Mr D is associated with insanity, after all
*A child of Dionysus with powers of rebirth, who can reform themself and others with a wave of their hand. Dionysus was originally a terrifying god of madness and rebirth
* A Hades child who can turn invisible, instead of just hiding in the shadows. After all, Hades is also known as Aïdes (the Unseen)
* A Poseidon kid with no influence over the sea, who could easily drown, who can barely tread water, but who causes earthquakes and is better with horses than Butch. Who shakes the earth with every step they take as they ride horses, causing chaos and destruction everywhere they go
* A child of Hephaestus who’s a pyrotechnic like Leo, but who has no mechanical skills whatsoever, who is unable to forge anything, but can ravage the lands with forest fires and tends to Hestia’s hearth, the first one to voluntarily speak to her since Nico
* A child of Ares who hates fighting, who is a pacifist, but is amazing at battle strategy and embodies the spirit of battle better than Ares himself most days. Who wins battles without violence, but with words and with wit
* A child of Athena who isn’t book smart, but is cunning. Who uses their intelligence to make fun of people and commit crimes, not to study great subjects like science or architecture. Who hates reading and schoolwork, but is genuinely witty and creative in coming up with ways to break rules and commit serious crimes
* A child of Athena whose only connection to her mother is weaving, her only godly skill. They could rival Arachne in their skill
* A child of Hypnos with insomnia, who can never manage to sleep, and can curse others to have the same issue. A child of the god of sleep who can’t sleep
* A child of Demeter who kills every plant they touch, who can’t grow anything, who can’t control plants. However, they can tell where the best dirt for growing plants is, can tell the best spots for a plant to grow, but can’t keep plants alive
* A child of Demeter who can’t keep anything alive, but finds out they are an amazing housewife and know all the tricks to keeping people fertile, who can bless a couple to have a child, to become compatible for a child, regardless of sex other or biological factors
*A child of Nyx who’s scared of the dark and can’t control it, but can create light in every room to emulate stars and galaxies, who can create nebula in thin air with a snap of their fingers. Night is more than just an endless blanket of dark, after all
*A child of Thetis who has no connection to the sea, who can’t stand the water, who hates marine life, but has her power of prophecy stronger than any Apollo child ever had
* A Hades kid who has no powers over the dead or gems or shadows or dreams, but is a talented gardener, and always knows where the best soil is. After all, Hades has been associated with fertile soil and nourishing seeds
* A Hecate child who is truly garbage with magic, and can’t conjure or transfigure to save their life. They hate the mist and can’t work with it. But they’re good with the moon. They thrive at night. They thrive in the dark in the moonlight, and are able to grow all kinds of beautiful plants and speak with all kinds of animals, and can even control the tides. But by day they are absolute rubbish
* A child of Iris who can’t create rainbows and has no sense of colour coordination. But they’re amazing at getting messages to and fro, and are the head of their own postal office. No, they’re not good with rainbows, but they are an amazing mailman
* A child of Nike who doesn’t win everything and doesn’t like competition. They don’t care to compete and would rather everyone just get along. They’re one of the fastest people in the world, but they never join races because they don’t like it. They can run as fast as their mom, but that doesn’t mean that they want to
* An aro/ace Eros kid. They hate romance and sex with a burning passion as everyone expects them to like it, but they don’t. They refuse to make people fall in love and despises it when they’re siblings do. But they have powers over chaos and darkness, like they’re aunts and uncles and grandparents
If you liked these, check out my other demigod power headcanons! Thanks for reading!!
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arhvste · 4 years
❝ kuroo tetsurō - domestic hcs ❞
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tetsu week masterlist
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-> responsible man 😼
-> he won’t slack on his part in chores don’t worry about that
-> your house will always be presentable and clean
-> kuroo is a man with a sense of pride and it will show through the way your house looks
-> that being said, he’s not a clean freak
-> he naturally knows how to keep things presentable and tidy
-> his grandmother didn’t raise no slacker 😾
-> even as a teen kuroo was relatively tidy
-> the only chaos in his room being his desk which would remain littered with new papers and books every week
-> other than that, his room was kept clean and stayed clean
-> back to your house though
-> you guys will have houseplants
-> “if they eventually cut all the trees down at least we’ll have our own supply of air 😼”
-> “that’s not how oxygen works tetsu we’d still die along with the houseplants”
-> “i don’t like your lack of optimism, i reckon we could sell our air like that rich guy from the lorax”
-> “you really take every opportunity to show the world you’re a capitalist and run with it 🤩👍”
-> kuroo is actually knowledgeable on plants because his grandparents had a small greenhouse at the back of their garden
-> you thought grandma kuroo cooked from store bought ingredients?
-> you thought wrong 😼
-> herself and kuroos grandfather taught kuroo how to grow his own veggies and look after them properly and when they were right to pick
-> kuroo took that knowledge and know he keeps his own small vegetable patch in your garden 😼
-> your man said ‘go green 🤩’
-> house plants are your responsibility though
-> he handles the plants outside and you handle the houseplants
-> he insisted upon this because he wanted to be attentive towards his vegetables and he really liked the hose you guys bought for the garden
-> the one with multiple options, you know the one i’m talking about right?
-> ‘jet’ is his personal fav 😈
-> he will spray you when you turn to go inside so feel free to throw a gardening glove at him or something
-> “do that again and i’ll put snails on your tomato patch 🥰”
-> “you wouldn’t 😠”
-> so whike kuroo takes care of the outdoor plants and you take care of the indoor plants you split general chores
-> he takes out the trash,, as he should
-> you put the washing machine on and hang the wet washing out
-> he folds the dry washing and brings it back in and you take turns ironing and cooking on various nights
-> mmm kuroo in an apron 🥺
-> he’ll roll his sleeves up and then insist you tie the ribbon on his apron because “you do it best”
-> he’s bought you matching aprons btw 😐
-> yes the ‘mr and mrs’ type of ones
-> when you first opened them, you were like 😀
-> and he was like 🤩 because he was very proud of himself for finding them
-> you take turns cooking but if you’ve had a particularly long day he’ll insist on doing it and have you lie down on the couch while he chats to you about your day
-> nice versa too, if he’s come home from work stressed or tired you’ll offer to cook and he’d never say no to that
-> one thing you always do together is shower and bath
-> kuroo says it’s good for the environment but he really just wants to see you nakey
-> not even in a sexual way though
-> although, if you’ve been missing each other a lil he might initiate something 😼
-> but generally he is so ridiculously in love with you and just wants to worship everything for what you are
-> he thinks you’re beautiful and finds moments of tranquility in washing each other
-> “god just look at you”
-> “tetsu 😖”
-> “no, i mean it, how’d i end up with someone as perfect as you?”
-> little wet butterfly kisses under the shower 🥺
-> he also to shower with you because he loves when you wash his hair especially
-> he loves the way your fingers get lost in the inky black locks
-> you brush his hair out of his face and get to see his cute lil forehead 😖🥺
-> he will lean down for you to kiss it btw
-> he’s expecting it so you have to deliver
-> after showers he’ll help you get dressed
-> you’ll have one of his old shirts on
-> literally does everytime he sees you in them which is every night so
-> “i fall for you more each time you wear that”
-> ew he’s such a sappy loser
-> but that’s okay you love him
-> overall domestic life with kuroo is easy
-> it’s very even and teamwork is a key factor
-> and he’ll always be your team player when it comes to housework
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dt - @aislastetsu
general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudez @tsumue @peteunderoos @tsukkisbean @saturnfarie @toffees-main @zumisace @boosyboo9206 @totorosleaff @27kei @dai-tsukki-desu @angrylittleriri @tsukkaria @kuxredere @warakou @mattsuny @lovinnoya @sophiashortcake
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serede986 · 3 years
Hi! Absolutely loved your Juju and ties post! Can you write Jumin x MC where she works for him and she finds him "lost in the wild" (commoner's neighborhood, I don't know why he can't just call Driver Kim) and she feels in the obligation of looking out for him because he is so clueless and easy to trick? (and she reluctantly falls in love because he is so adorable?) Thanks!
Lost and Confused (Jumin)
Hi nonny san! So glad you liked the HC 🥰This honestly is a very cute request cause clueless and confused Jumin is the cutest thing in the world fjfjjdsofks I mean imagine him being just a little nervous and looking around and playing with the cufflinks and hhhhhhhhhh
Okay enough fangirling fjfdkanfn. Hope you enjoy. Please feel free to ask for a rewrite.
Closing the door behind you, you walked down the street towards the bakery with the intention of buying some macarons to treat yourself for the week. While on the way, you spot a very familiar man, eyeing the area with much suspicion in his eyes.
His fingers fidgeted with his sleeves, feet tapping the ground in a pattern of impatience. Is he lost?
"Greetings Mr. Han, never thought I'd see you here.."
"Ahh Ms. MC, glad to see you," his eyes appeared brighter, a subtle frown replaced with small red on his cheeks, a smile that could ever be ignored. The red on his cheeks instantly mirrored on yours, you instantly diverged your vision at anything but his eyes.
"Do you need some assistance, Mr. Han?"
"Oh! Yes, actually I'm searching for the meow cafe, I heard it's quite a famous cafe in the town, although I couldn't locate it's whereabouts anywhere in the area.." looking around he couldn't spot anything else other than apartment complexes and houses.
Oh this poor soul.
The confused innocence reflects beautifully on his face, daylight shimmering through the trees, dancing as the breeze goes by.
There had been a few instances where he had called you into a meeting even when you didn't have any work related to the meeting. You tried not to think much of it, considering it was just a part of your training but, now that I think of it...
"I want you to be beside me.."
"Huh?!" That almost scared you, embarrassed to zone out on him.
He raised his eyebrows before speaking "Aren't you leading the way?"
"S-sure am Mr. Han.." you nodded, smiling sheepishly.
You walked with him to a small cat cafe, tucked behind the plants, beside an alleyway, currently being resided by a black cat, staring at both of you while you entered the cafe. A small 'ding' echoed, signalling your presence. Small meows and chatter surrounded the room.
A ginger cat walked towards the both of you, rubbing herself through your legs.
Jumin proceeded to pick her up, rubbing her head slowly, making her purr almost instantly.
This.. somehow feels like something out of your imagination, something you never imagined him to look like. So soft, and so utterly precious. Something you could never imagine while working together with him. Something you'd be running your mind for, wishing to see that precious every day.
After playing with the cats for a while, you both took a table, tucked in the corner, ordering your beverages on the way.
"There's another cat cafe that I'd like to visit in some other area, would you be interested in visiting it with me, MC?" He looked into your eyes, his demeanor even more confident than before, but somehow holding a soft smile.
You gasped lowly, looking away as your cheeks heated up. There was a certain excitement in your chest, jumping to get out.
"Yes" you muttered low, your fingers fidgeting under the table.
"I hope Saturday afternoon doesn't interfere with your schedule," he said, quickly making your blush return to your cheeks.
Goddamit Jumin, what's with that fucking smile?!
"Ahh ugh! N-no, no it does not. Or rather, I'd be glad to!"
His eyes widened, before settling back into a smile.
Do.. you think of me just as often as I think about you, Mr. Han?
I really hope you enjoyed, have a good day!
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huskeddevotee · 4 years
Snack preference hcs because I'm bored and love the characters in this stupid game
Amara: Fresh, bright, healthy snacks. Fruit, jello cups, Popsicles - anything cold and refreshing, especially if it's fruity. Loves froyo on her cheat days. Gets strawberry yogurt with cake, more strawberries, and chocolate sauce as her regular.
Ava: Tortilla chips. Could live off of Tortilla chips and some dips. Favorite is Onion dip with hot sauce. Makes a dessert dip of chocolate and caramel that is...controversial to say the least.
Axton: If it's at night, likes a salmon dip with whole wheat crackers. Daytime? Jerky with gravy. Makes his own gravy, family recipe. It's absolutely addicting, everyone tells him he needs to cut the Vault Hunting and bottle that sh*t for market.
Brick: BEEF. BURGER. PATTY. COLD. (It's actually a protein wrap chock full of vitamins but that doesn't work for his reputation)
Maya: Makes killer soup. She makes a huge batch, puts it in the fridge, and pours a cup and puts that into the microwave for a quick bite. Really likes veggie based soups, or soups with seafood.
Moze: Something easy to throw together. It's usually great hang over food. Quesadillas, grilled cheese melts, microwave mac-n-cheese - something filling, savory, and comforting. And yeah, fond of cheese. Also likes peanut butter cookies with black coffee.
Moxxi: Candy. Grandma candy, specifically. Those strawberry things? Is the biggest buyer for them. Licorice is also a favorite. Anything spicy with cinnamon, as well.
Lilith: Gummy candies, cucumbers with tuna or chicken, or some unholy sandwich creation that makes you think she's high. Her tastebuds are f*cked from Phasewalk, now likes peanut butter and jelly with ham and provolone cheese. Her arguement is that peanut butter is savory like ham, and grape jelly is 'pretty much wine' and wine is good with cheese. It's horrible.
Mordecai: Dried meat. What the meat is, no idea. Could be skag, could be human. It's meat, it's impossible to chew, it has no flavor. The popular theory is that it's for Talon and he's softening it in his mouth. As for what he actually eats, likely part plant and feeds off of sunlight. God only knows.
Tina: Rock candy. Loves sour watermelon rock candy. Oh, and also spicy sweet potato chips. And cookies with tea, of course. Likes Chamomile tea and chai.
Zer0: Legends say you can find candy wrappers in their room. They just like cool wrappers. Collect limited edition foodstuffs just for the wrapper or can. Has a wall lined with soda cans with unique patterns.
Zane: Heathen man. Pours spices onto his hand and licks it. Likes stale gummy candy. Licks the salt off of crackers and gives the defiled things to Mr. Chew. Puts cheese and pineapple in shrimp ramen with oregano. Vile, vile, vile.
Krieg: His roasts are to die for, and he eats it cold from the fridge when he's peckish. Uses Pandoran ingredients like cactus honey, salty hail found in glaciers in the tundra, skag bone broth for marinating, and a blend of local herbs and spices. They put Axton's gravy on it one time and had a collective transcendent awakening. The combo is now banned, for anyone who tries it will never enjoy other food again.
Gaige: Girl stalks the clearance section of the bakery in supermarkets for cheap baked goods. Lives off of expired cupcakes.
Tannis: Doesn't snack, but enjoys a cup of tea in between meals. After breakfast, has a green tea. After lunch, chai, and after dinner, chamomile and lavender for bed. Sometimes has a shortbread cookie with it.
Troy: Depends on the week, position of the stars, his horoscope for his moon sign, and the tide. His taste in food cannot be tracked. Goes from eating something bizarrely plain to so complex you think you're having a stroke when you look at it. His inner circle have a game called "What The F*ck Is The God King Eating Now". His personal chefs say they black out when cooking for him. Whatever it is, he doesn't eat anything pre-prepared or from a wrapper. The one time he ate something identifiable, there was a conspiracy he had been replaced by a clone.
Tyreen: One time while she was eating, Troy asked her what she was eating, and she responded, "Your mom" without thinking about it. They didn't speak for a week after the incident and never mentioned it again. Still gets embarrassed about it.
Lorelai: Has not consumed anything but burgers and coffee for months. Please stop her. Her colon is about to pop out of her stomach and strangle her itself.
Hammerlock: Dark rye with tomatoes, basil, fresh mozzarella, and a tall glass of lemonade. It's a snack he's had since he was a boy and it hasn't lost its simple comfort.
Wainright: Fried tomatoes with a coleslaw and peach iced tea. Fried vegetables in general are underrated in his book, despite his father's attempts of trying to get him to accept meat superiority.
Clay: Moonpies and scotch. Time of day doesn't matter. This is bad because its a shot for every pie. And he can put away an absurd amount of them. However, there are only so many shots he can drink before he's pretty much dead to the world.
Fl4k: 101 recipes for birdseed, skag treats, and 'humanfeed' as they call it. Once tried making pancakes for Zane and Moze while they were both sick, gave them food poisoning with nutrient supplements meant for spiderants. The supplements was to boost immune system - hence why it was added - and, unfortunately, venom production. Ergo, making it toxic for humans who do not produce venom. Zane was paler than snow and Moze was beyond delirious. Fl4k felt horrible for months.
Salvador: Makes croquetas in bulk and has a handful when he needs a pick-me-up. Filling varies, but likes them with fish and potato. As for drinks, cannot survive without his grandmother's horchata recipe. Makes it for the whole team whenever it gets cold. Also likes lime soda with pickled vegetables.
Marcus: probably other passengers on the ship
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deadontheinsidebut · 4 years
hi there!! could i request hc's for kuroo & suga noticing their s/o making offhand comments about how they need to eat less, exercise more, watch their weight etc. and they give them some reassurance abt their body??🥺 doesn't have to be any specific body type, just been feeling some typa way about gaining quar weight yknow :\\\ thank you💞💞
Hi sweetie!! Thank you sm for your request and UGH THE QUARANTINE WEIGHT I HATE IT HERE but yes I hope you like it 🥺💞💓💕 you deserve to love yourself always
Kuroo and Suga with an s/o who’s insecure about the quarantine weight gain
Warnings: body talk!!
Genre: fluff, hcs
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-> Sugawara Koshi
The comments started two months into quarantine and Suga was starting to worry how often you checked the scale in the bathroom
He caught you squeezing the rolls on your sides, eyes downcast and lips jutted out in a pout as you cursed to yourself about how fat you were getting
Suga enters the bathroom with a side smile and rubs your back reassuringly
“What are you looking at, beautiful?”
You huff, the frustration beginning to form a knot in your stomach preparing to explode into tears at any point and you avoid his eyes, ashamed for hating yourself when you have someone that loves you so much
When you don’t answer, he just pulls you into a hug, listing off things that make you wonderful and the plans he has for his future that, without a doubt, includes you forever
After hearing all the adventures he plans to take you on and the memories the both of you will create, you can’t help but feel more at home, more safe with who you are
He turns you to face the mirror
“What do you see?” He asks, squeezing your shoulders and smiling at you through the reflection
“Us being us. Plain old happiness. A forever with you?”
He thumbs your cheekbones before planting a kiss on your forehead, “exactly. Us being us which means you being your beautiful, perfect self forever. As long as you’re healthy and happy with yourself, things will be okay.”
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-> Kuroo Tetsurou
He knew something was really wrong when you said no to your favourite chips when he tried to hand them to you during movie night
There was an audible gasp as he retracted the hand that offered the chips and his eyes staring at you like you were an enigma
“Who ARE you???” He questions but you nonchalantly nod it off, claiming that you needed to go on a diet anyway... and that genuinely broke his heart
“You need to go on a WHAT???” He shrieks as he glomps you with the faux fur blanket on the couch
There was no way his little burrito was claiming that she was too overweight to eat her favourite foods, could she?
“The most beautiful, charming, perfect woman in the world deserves her favourite chips... say ahh,” he mouths as he tries to feed you a chip like an airplane
You let it slide because of how cute he was being and reluctantly munched on the chip, but when Kuroo continued to ramble on about how only cool people could eat these chips and since you ate one, you were now cool AND hot, you couldn’t help but snuggle him back
You were eternally grateful for your boyfriend’s constant reassurance and never failing to add his own little twist to it as well
Taglist: (send an ask/msg to be added)
@janellion @personality-still-downloading @darkdinosaurpeanut @sugacookiies @anianimol @sstardusty @karaseijoh @flavoredmilktea @millie-mint @spicyness @kuroos-babie @yourfavoritedarling @stcrryskies @katsushimaa @bbakougo @mrs-kuroojinguji @animatedarchives @1-800-wholesome @hajibee @softieshoto @newfriendjen @shoyosun @cowbeboppy @avis-writeshq @kenmakodzu @kingkagss
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aknosde · 3 years
sorry for asking for your writing for the third time in like two days straight but plz plz PLZ give me more nico and percy (and thalia too if you want) platonic fluff i just really need it
Okay yes, greek kids of the big three coming right up (I'm programmed for angst but i tried to limit it)(other thing that’s funny is that im working on hcs for Percy, Reyna, Hazel, and Frank right now too)
They all pretty much call each other their cousins, but Thalia really likes to call Percy and Nico “cuz” independently because she thinks it’s the most annoying thing in the world and she likes to say it ironically. (The irony has been lost. It’s been lost for a really really long time)
Thalia: Hey cuz!
Percy: Hi Thals.
Thalia: See, “cuz.” It’s so stupid it’s funny.
Percy: *weak laugh* yeah... funny
They were all sent reeling after Bianca’s death. Nico of course ran off and became emo. But Thalia shoved herself into the hunters, barely giving a thought to Nico and Percy because it was too painful. She essentially cut communication between her and Percy for 3-6 months, and only started talking to him again after Mt. St. Helens. Percy shut himself up with guilt and spent all of his time looking for Nico so he could ‘repay his debt’ It wasn’t really a good time for anyone.
What Thalia is not saying: sorry for making you take the prophecy
What Percy is not saying: I feel like I killed Bianca
Nico likes to call Mrs. O’Leary his dog even though she is very clearly Percy’s. They argue about it all the time, but it’s all in good fun.
Nico: See, I’m her favorite. She can sense the darkness
Percy: You have all the darkness of a rainbow. Watch this. Mrs. O’Leary!
*Mrs. O’Leary comes bounding over to Percy where she immediately flops onto her stomach and waits for Percy to pet her belly*
In fact, Thalia is the only one of them who doesn’t like Mrs. O’Leary. Something Percy and Nico take great advantage of. They like to shadow travel Mrs. O’Leary directly into the center of the Hunters’ camps when Thalia is close by and scare her. She accidentally stabbed herself once because of it.
Thalia: So I went over to pick up my shield, because I love my shield you see, and then they appeared like ‘blarghhh’
Thalia would never admit it, but she’s scared shitless of Percy when he gets really mad. She often thinks about that time he lifted the whole creek of water and ice above her head, and thinks it’s really cool, but she’s also terrified of ever having to fight him in any real capacity. 
Percy: Hey look, I learned how to make daggers out of ice
Thalia: ah, cool
Thalia internally: what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
None of them like fast-food from the same place. And Percy’s the only one who can drive. He’s too nice to make them all go to his pick though, even if they argue a lot. 
Thalia and Nico: McDonalds! McDonalds! McDonalds!
Percy *pulling up to the drive through*: one black coffee
Jokes on them because coffee makes Percy super tired so he basically traps them. No but seriously, Nico likes McDonalds, Percy likes Wendy’s, and Thalia likes Burger King. Percy drives around to all of their respective locations while Thalia blasts music and Nico hangs in the middle seat poking at them. They sit on the roof of some building and eat together.
Together they form some version of a holy trinity. Thalia = lesbian, Nico = gay, Percy = bi. You are never safe.
Percy and Nico, from the capture the flag jail: Let’s go lesbians! Let’s go lesbians!
Thalia: *sprinting across the boundary*
Actually they have a lot of overlap, kind of like a Venn diagram. Powers, music they like, it’s kinda funny. 
Random camper: So which one of you can control the earth?
Percy and Nico: *both raise their hands slowly*
Random camper: And which one of you can change the temperature?
Nico and Thalia: *slowly raise their hands*
Random camper: Great, and which one of you can sense and control the weather?
Percy and Thalia: *both raise their hands*
They are not allowed to spar together. Percy and Thalia especially. Emotions run high. Both Percy and Thalia can spar with Nico, but they can’t go all three of them either. The last time all three of them trained together a hill split down the middle, flowers from a certain patch now only grow black, and a big streak of plants were burned. 
Percy, drawing water from an underground spring and turning the very soil under Thalia’s feet to quicksand and forming a giant puddle: Sorry, I can’t hear you from up here!
Nico, shadow traveling Percy into the same trap: What was that you said about being ‘up here’?
Thalia, conjuring a bolt of electricity, shocking them all: hmm?
Percy is the tallest out of the three of them, and rather than fight it like Thalia did at the beginning, they accept it and make him being the tallest as inconvenient as possible for him. They make sure things are on the highest shelf so he has to get them down. They climb on him like a jungle gym.
Nico, sitting on Percy’s shoulders: Could you pass me a juice box?
Thalia, latched onto Percy’s back: Sure.
The counselor Percy is having a very important conversation with: uhh
Percy, ignoring them: So what I’m saying is that I can’t bend on having the glass replaced with an extra durable substitute. 
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kaeyas-beloved · 4 years
Hi!! May I request some fluff headcanons for Fyodor from bsd with a female s/o and they both have two cute daughters? owo
Hello Anon! You may absolutely request this (and thank you so much for doing so)! Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy :D
*Quietly chants “soft Fyodor, soft Fyodor, soft Fyodor!”*
Also I hope it’s okay that I made the two daughters twins!
And I’m really sorry if these aren’t the best because I’m still getting the hang of doing HCs and Fyodor is one of these characters that I’ll write for while still being a bit unsure of his character... So I’m sorry for any OOCness, if it’s not fluffy enough or just not good altogether T_T There’s some fluffy bits but still if they you can always come back and request again!
~~~ Fyodor & a F!S/O w/ Twin Daughters
First and foremost - Fyodor had little to no plans to start a family with you. Not because he didn’t love you, but more so because he’s a busy man with his ‘purging of ability users’ plan
Though the day that you told him you were pregnant a new feeling blossomed in his chest
It wasn’t anything grand but he felt a twinge of happiness mixed with some form of pride as the smallest of smiles graced his face
Not a sadistic smirk or a teasing smile but a real one
Dare we say, he may have been excited for what was to come.
Planting a soft kiss on your lips he uttered a “what a pleasant surprise” before going on with his day, you doing the same
And for the next little while nothing changed in your daily routine, almost like he was never told that he’s got a baby on the way
You knew better, this was just how Fyodor was 
Really though he’s working from the shadows and making sure you stay safe, ranging from sending out one of his men to watch over you anytime you go out to just out right eliminating potential threats that are spotted
Fyodor also (subtly) spends just a little less time on his computer as well
A little more than half way through the pregnancy, when a bump has appeared, you two were in bed, back to back and your hand was on your stomach 
Then you felt it
“Fyo!” you called his name, voice a whisper in the dead of night as you sat up. He hummed, turning over to face you, “give me your hand” watching silently as you guided his palm to where yours was just a few seconds ago, Fyodor waited for something to happen.  
And then he too felt it - a strong kick
“It means he’s healthy” he told you simply, looking up into your shining eyes. Oh he’ll never forgot the way you looked that night with a smile that lit up the dark room spread across your face
When the due date drew near, it’s in his best interest when he tells you that he wants you to stay in the house less anything happen to you or the babies
Right - oh you should’ve seen the momentary (and I mean momentary) wide-eyed, shocked look on his face when he was told that he wasn’t going to have one kid but two - both of them being girls too!
When the two little bundles are born surprisingly Fyodor is the one that takes care of them quite a few times when one or both start to cry at ungodly hours of the night
Usually he’ll tell you that you can go back to bed and that he’ll calm them down since he’s up and awake anyway, allowing you the much needed sleep.  
Another surprise? Fyodor can calm his daughters easily. You’ve chalked it up to it being the slightly serene and calming aura he gives off. It’s a trait you’re very thankful for in these situations
During the times that he might be just lounging on the couch (assuming he does such a thing from time to time) Fyodor will let one or both of his daughters sleep on his chest (if he can manage)
When they’re a little bit older Fyo’s a fan of having them sat on his lap while he works at his computer, humming and gazing down at them if they want his attention
You once told him off for having them near a screen so much and so close too, claiming that it’ll damage their eyes
As a form of affection/praise Fyo tends to pat their heads a lot
Is the absolute king at not giving into their puppy dog eyes or pleading smiles 
They want sweets before dinner or want to stay up past their bedtime? Hahaha nope~
He might even tease them with this too. Like he’ll act like he’s thinking about saying yes then go and plainly say no with a teasing smile or something along those lines 
Something he does let them get away with though is wearing his ushanka
Just the mere sight of one of his little girls enjoying wearing it has his a tiny smile emerging and lavender coloured eyes softening the slightest, appearing almost relaxed
That was until both his daughters began to fight over who go to wear it and you and Fyo had to go and buy them their own
You’ve tried to sneak a picture but Fyodor never gives you an opening T_T
100% plays the cello for them as a form of entertainment or as a lullaby on nights when neither of them can fall asleep
Also might teach them how to play the instrument if they show any interest in it
Can also teach them skills that he thinks will help them in the world they live in, like how to catch someone in a lie or how to outsmart them
Concerning his... occupation in the underworld, Fyodor doesn’t outright expose them to it, but also doesn’t make a huge effort to shield his daughters from it either
However, that in no way means that if anyone, anyone thinks it’s a good idea to lay a single finger on his family that he’ll let them get away with it.
Lets just say that they won’t escape without proper punishment 
I believe that Fyodor is the kind of dad to allow his kids to roam free, they can do nearly anything they please of their own free will (if that makes sense). 
Like they can go anywhere they’d want to when they’re older, they can have whatever hobbies they please and Fyodor wouldn’t mind what it is
But! That excludes his daughters finding a s/o - perish the thought entirely 
Even if they do get one expect them to have a very thorough background check done on them. Fyodor will know everything about them to ensure his little girls are safe
And if he finds even one thing wrong or believes that this s/o is just using his kid? Someone’s getting a visit from Mr. Rat Man (and no likes when that happens)
Bottom line Fyodor is a relatively mellow dad that will tease his daughters but still be there to comfort them (like the lullaby bit) and try to keep them safe in his own Fyodor Dostoevsky way 
I hope these were okay and sorry again if they weren’t!
Right now requests are open [check my bio though to be sure]! Don’t forget to check the rules too for the fandoms/topics I write for (which are linked in my masterlist)!  
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mysticmlynn3 · 3 years
Instrument HCs || Gotham Rogues
Idk, just one day I thought "hm, you know what? *gives the rogues some music talent*"
Jonathan Crane | Scarecrow
No doubt he would've listened to some Johnny Cash and other country singers over the radio, so as a teenager he collected enough money to get his own guitar, and he still has that guitar.
He doesn't play it often, as he's more concentrated on his work with fear toxins than anything else, but when he decides to take it out and play a song, he's in his own world, in rare peace.
Edward Nygma | The Riddler
Violin & Electric Guitar
His mother forced him to play all sorts of fancy instruments as a kid, including a violin. He doesn't take much amusement in playing it, thanks to his mother, but sometimes he whips it out to play a little tune.
But with the electric guitar? He only plays that when he's in his basement aka mechanic mode, so ya better plug in your ears because he's gonna go ham on that thing and he's not holding back! Poor Echo and Query.
Jervis Tetch | Mad Hatter
Violin & Flute
Unlike Edward, Jervis loves playing violins, it's practically his favorite instrument! He plays it regularly too, knows a couple songs to play when he's in the mood.
He's a big fairy-tale geek, so he's heard of the tale of Pied Piper and how the music of his flute lures children away from their homes. Jervis hopes he can combine his mind-controlling devices and his flute to do something like that, only not involving children and more of the citizens of Gotham.
Harleen Quinzel | Harley Quinn
It's not a violin or a guitar, but it's easy for Harley. Plus ya gotta admit xylophones have nice tunes too.
Pamela Isley | Poison Ivy
It's such a relaxing instrument, it fits Ivy's aesthetic, plus her plant children love it too, they 'sing' along with the harp.
Selina Kyle | Catwoman
I can't imagine her playing an instrument, but maybe a tambourine suits her.
Jack Napier | The Joker
Harmonica & Calliope
You know, he isn't too bad on the harmonica, he actually plays very well on it. When you're in Arkham Asylum yet again, you gotta have some tunes while you're in isolation.
A calliope is like a piano but it uses steam to play, it's what circuses use for their music, and y'know, Joker? Circus? Oh well, I tried!
Harvey Dent | Two Face
Cello & Piano
He doesn't play them often, but like Jonathan: When he does he's in his own little world, ignoring the current reality of the world he's living in, memories of his wife and daughter are thrown in as well.
Oswald Cobblepot | Penguin
It's something he learned to play as a child, used to play it to his mother, the only one that cared for him. Sometimes he stands up from his seat to play a song for everyone in the Iceberg Lounge, with Harvey's singing thrown in the mix.
Eduardo Dorrance | Bane
At least with drums, strong drums, Bane can go absolute ham on them. Bane and his drums with Edward and his electric guitar? Ohhh boy.
Waylon Jones | Killer Croc
Banjo & Trumpet
He's from New Orleans, you can't tell me he hasn't learned how to play a banjo and trumpet in his spare time. Probably found some while scavenging in the sewers and self-taught himself.
Victor Fries | Mr. Freeze
I can imagine Victor played some love songs on the piano for Nora before she fell ill, and he still does. Even if Nora can't hear her favorite songs on the piano, Victor continues to still play for his frozen bride.
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sinkix · 4 years
Haikyuu!!│Boys going grocery shopping w/ you! HC’s│Ft. Bokuto, Nishinoya, Terushima, Kuroo & Kunimi
I had this late night idea and just HAD to follow through, the chaos would be O F F T H E C H A R T S. Thank you to @deathcab4daddy​ for helping me brainstorm some good characters for this post lmao I love you bby and can’t wait to do a collab. <3
E N J O Y ~ 
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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“(Y/N) we need this” 
“Bokuto we do not need a 7th jar of peanut butter.”
 “But (Y/N) it has a squirrel on the front-”
Tries to drift on the edge of the cart like something straight outta CSGO and the cart nearly obliterates under his weight.
V e r y l o u d u n e c c e s s a r i l y.
Everyone always stares at y’all when you’re going through the isles bc ur literally escorting a man-child sprawled in a shopping cart who’s going “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” at everything he sees like he’s a toddler at the zoo who’s never encountered a chimpanzee before.
Unless you have a bottomless bank account do NOT take him shopping of any kind he is LETHAL.
When you’re at the check-out he turns it into a basketball competition and tries to launch everything perfectly on to the conveyor belt.
Volleyball player? Nah this sis with the NBA now.
Do not ask him to go get something, he will return with at least 9 items you didn’t need and everything BUT the item you requested
He turned up with a whole ass pineapple, a jar of jam, a stick of butter and a bottle of olive oil.
Like,,,where is the correlation in those items???
Once made the mistake of asking him to grab some pads from the hygiene section and specified it HAD to be with wings
Boy showed up ten minutes later and looking very confuzzled.
You questioned why he has a pack of wingless pads in one hand and a can of red bull in the other.
He said it’s because they didn’t have any with wings so he figured the Redbull would suffice and do the job for you.
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Can literally fit him in the little cart seat made for kids and he LOVES it lmaoooo IT’S SO CUTE MY HEART.
Ppl give you such weird looks though bc you have a guy who’s at least 14 years older than the intended demographic sitting there and raising his hands in elation over you copping a cookie dough pie and chucking it in.
Again, another who is VERY LOUD FOR NO REASON AT ALL.
Get’s out of the cart after a while bc his legs be growing numb and begins roaming around.
Someone came back with a feral Noya in hand stating “Is this your child” WNDKJWEFNWJEF.
Was salty about it for the rest of the day.
Just ruffle his hair and call him Senpai 
Problem solved.
Picks up tons of exotic fruit that look more like plastic or fuzzy poisonous plants and begs you to get them.
“Noya what the fuck is that.”
“...a Pitaya.”
“Can we get it-”
Last time you bought some strange fruit he took it to practise and got Tanaka to spike it LMAOOO
He begged you to no longer allow Noya to purchase weird fruits from then on since he is like a child with a nerf gun.
He once picked up a phat wrinkly purple fruit and turned to you asking if it was an overgrown raisin.
“Noya sweetie that’s a Date.”
My boy out here defending Asahi even in the Grocery Isles.
We stan a loyal king.
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Another one who tries to stand on the ledge and the cart wheels almost collapse because it wasn’t designed to hold the weight of a young adult.
Oh young adult??? Sorry I mean’t MAN CHILD.
He treats a shopping experience as a time to practise his aim apparently because he ALWAYS THROWS SHIT AT YOU TO THE POINT YOU’RE THREATENED TO BE KICKED OUT.
Definitely picks up phallic looking objects and places them against his crotch, snorting and saying “Like what you see (Y/N)?”
Homeboy is stood there in front of a wife and child presenting his cucumber appendage for the world to see.
He once grabbed a pair of fat ass melons and pressed them against his chest, shaking them and belting the lyrics to ‘My Milkshake’ while begging you to SQUEEZE HIS MELONS.
“Look (Y/N) they’re bigger than yours!”
I just- 
I give up.
Constantly tries to sneak mutli-packs of energy drinks into the cart to the point you’re convinced he is going to keel over from heart failure and kidney stones by the age of 20.
Has his airpods in 90% of the time and treats the isles as his personal dance floor.
He busting them MOVES and performing the MJ moonwalk while in the dairy section.
He was DEAD silent the rest of the trip.
Probably the most serene shopping experience you’ve had to date.
The checkout clerks occasionally hit on Mr. Sore-Ass over here.
Until he opens his mouth and they realise he’s a total dolt and question how you have the patience for him.
You don’t know either honestly.
The whole bagging experience is spent with them shooting you sympathetic glances as if to say ‘sis you shoulda’ left him at home’.
Yes, yes you should have.
Never a dull moment with Teru as your shopping partner.
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Frequently cracks lame-ass food puns or dad jokes that make you want to crawl into a hole and die.
You have competitions on who can come up with the most and the loser always faces a penalty.
Kuroo and creating penalties do NOT mix safely so you better hope you win.
“I love you a waffle lot.” 
Proceeds to hold up a wrapped waffle.
Ok that one was kinda cute you’ll let it slide.
“I ap-peach-iate you Kuroo.”
Cue HyenaLaugh.mp3
“Want a pizza me baby? Bitch peas, doughnut take me lightly.”
You changed your mind.
You didn’t talk to him the duration of that shopping experience, no penalty could be as horrifying as what just came out of his mouth.
“(Y/N)... sometimes I feel like you don’t carrot all.”
You slapped him with said carrot and obviously had to pay for it after.
You forced him to eat it raw.
He is the definition of Neutral disaster when you go shopping.
Shitty food puns aside, he is actually very responsible when making sure you both get what you need.
Not without tons of poking, prodding, and blowing into your ear while you’re trying to decide what ingredients to buy for dinner.
You contemplated serving him a plate of bubbling snot and moulded broccoli seasoned with rosemary.
Bone apple teeth, bitch.
Ofc you didn’t because he always pulls out the puppy eyes and cuddles card after since he knows he’s well and truly rattled your patience lmao.
Actually picks really healthy food options?? Being the captain of a team he has the responsibility of keeping his health in top condition and leading by example so at least he knows the right ingredients to make a bomb-ass and nutritious meal ig.
Y’all always bicker and tease each other at the checkout which is usually great amusement for the clerk serving you as they often smirk and perceive you as an old married couple.
Which tbh you kinda are, it feels like it at least.
Still such a big asshole though lmao you never leave the store without your sanity being scathed.
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Honestly just wanted an excuse to make jokes at the expense of the Aoba Johsai teammates.
and what better candidate for cracking these than Kunimi.
He’s a very chill partner to have tag along with you on your endeavours.
Not without some grumbling and groaning on his part though, lazy bitch.
You always finish shopping trips with a busted lung at how much you have been laughing though with some of the SHADY ASS REMARKS HE MAKES ABOUT THE OTHER TEAM MATES.
You were outside the store when you both spotted an angry looking Doberman tied to a nearby post.
“Smh who let Kyotani outside again.”
You hadn’t even set foot in the store yet and he was already spitting flaming insults.
[Walking up to the automatic double doors]
“Damn Oikawa move out of my way.”
Oikawa just tryna live and he keeps getting roasted for his flat cheeks 
Ten minutes of scouring the store later he picks up a spikey Kiwano and compares it to Iwaizumi’s hair.
Proceeds to beg you not to tell my boy Iwa because he KNOWS he will get decked to the gym floor.
Passers by often wonder why you’re wheezing and producing noises like a boiling kettle.
When I tell you no one is safe, I mean N O O N E.
“These Yule logs really out here looking like Matsukawa’s brows.”
The finisher was when Kunimi picked up a turnip and said 
“Huh, kinda looks like Kindaichi.”
I just-
He could roast a whole chicken in minutes from the burn of these comments I stg.
You can now never look at the Seijou team without various foods or inanimate objects plaguing your thoughts.
Thanks, Kunimi.
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Do you have any hcs about Magnus+animals👀. I just love that he likes them. Sorry if this is dumb
ITS SO NOT DUMB!!!!! like first of all i love every ask i get and never not once felt that they were dumb and second of all this is actually one of my fave ever asks which is why it took me months on end to answer it. rip. i'm so sorry
anyway like not to have a shallow stereotypical fan take but he is so soft and precious. like the way he talks to/about animals is everything to me. magnus gushing over his snake? beautiful. incredible. outstanding. tears in my eyes, thundering applause. i love him
i almost wrote tears in my ass god help me
as a whole here's what i think
magnus is the kind of guy who loves any kind of animal (except maybe like mosquitoes) and considers them all baby in his head. however he is respectful of wildlife and stuff because he was also raised in javanese society in a time where humans interacted with wild animals way more than they do today, so he's not stupid
but just like there's no animal he doesn't like? he's not really a dog person but it's less that he doesn't like dogs and more that he knows a dog isn't the most suitable kind of pet for him. doesn't mean he can't be happy and pet one when he sees it tho
he totally has a soft spot for reptiles. like again THE WAY HE TALKED TO THAT SNAKE. i think magnus totally does the thing many marginalized ppl do where he just loves pets that are usually considered weird and that are sort of "outcasts" in that sense. so like he loves snakes, iguanas, chameleons and other animals like that, even tho his favorites will of course always be cats
at first magnus felt kind of weird/guilty (?) about his connection to cats because, you know, cat eyes, it felt like he liked cats because of his demonic side and it made him anxious to think that it might be just asmodeus' heritage because he doesn't want that. but over time it just became clear to him that cats are amazing animals and there is nothing bad, evil, abusive, or demonic about them or the way magnus feels about them
magnus is totally the kind of guy who doesn't have, like.... Official Pets but has a lot of unofficial ones. i know this is basically canon since we've seen how he basically has a bunch of street cats that come and go through the loft but it's still a detail i like a lot. like he doesn't want to Own Them and force them to be with him, he wants them to come and go as they please but he also wants them to have a home and shelter, you know? i love that cuz thatd be my ideal way of having pets (but cats are an invasive species where i live so i cant rlly do that, rip). he just sees them as like creatures with agency and wants them to be able to make their own choices
related to that, i think magnus' magic means the way he perceives animals is different. like he can't Speak To Animals or anything of the sort but animals have like... energy and auras just like humans and i think the fact that he can perceive that physically means he sees them as people a lot more than other humans do. that is probably enhanced by the cultural differences, since the strict division between animals and humans is a VERY modern western thing, but idk the details about javanese culture's views on that (and it would depend a lot on his religion and stuff like that anyway since javanese society, especially in jakarta, was so diverse)
anyway my point is that he perceives animals as beings with agency, feelings, wants, dreams, anguishes and etc more than most because he can kind of feel that energy and knows it's just the same as a human's. so it's weird for him to have a kind of domestication relationship where he keeps an animal in his home and dictates where they go (and when) and stuff like that. they are people to him
however he does have names for them all and he most definitely knows which are which and how are they doing. he doesn't really keep tabs exactly but he pays attention, you know? also if he happens to come by a rescued animal who cant live in the streets/wild for whatever reason, he most definitely will adopt them. it helped him a lot through the times when he felt loneliest (like after he broke up with camille and in twi)
this is gratuitous and not rlly a headcanon but you know that scene in tgp where eleanor has a whole ass lizard on her head? that is my absolute dream and therefore i just want to take a moment to imagine magnus with a lizard a real one, not lorenzo on top of his head or shoulder. bonus points if hes acting like it's the most normal thing in the world and whenever someone is like "magnus... there is a lizard... on your head" hes just like "i know right! his name is Coldskin Warmheart and he likes to be tall" and thinks it's the coolest thing even if it messes up his hair
lmao magnus and coldskin warmheart dressed up in like matching outfits or in such a way that the lizard is a part of his outfit. walk walk fashion baby
oh he absolutely loves to give animals the most outrageous names and the most outrageous names ONLY. again that's essentially canon but like all of his animals are either named puns or something completely corny and absurd like Mr Snugglyface. he never repeats a name and his friends are kind of impressed with how many awful names he keeps coming up with
not animals but magnus also loves plants! so much! and he definitely loves to prune and water them and talks to them ya know
magnus isn't much of a biology nerd the way he is with physics but he loves animal facts
ok i think thats all ive got rifnfid thanks for the question aaaa ❤️❤️
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the-faultofdaedalus · 3 years
okay i KNOW ur thing is torturing tony, but have u considered. steve w/ the hanahaki varient of ur choice, who heals fast enough that it cannot kill him or anything, but who is still very much not immune to the effects, and so he's in constant pain from it as the hanahaki grows and grows and his body fights back, caught in an agonizing stalemate :)
bonus, because i got very carried away with the stevetony: steve's in love with tony stark, and after being found out to have hanahaki by his bestie iron man, confesses this all to his crush's bodyguard with a little wry "it is what it is" smile, because sure, he's tired and hurting all the time, and he can feel this thing growing and dying and growing again inside him, but he wouldn't want mr stark to feel obligated to date him, not at all! and so there's really nothing he can do, since it can't kill him anyways! there's no need to worry, since mr stark probably wouldn't like someone like steve anyways, not when he could have anyone in the world by his side adoringly in a second, what with how kind and sweet and charming he is-- pause to sigh dreamily-- he's out of steve's league, anyways, so what's a man to do but pine away? and, again, he's saying this all to iron man, who is sitting there horrified behind the mask, both because steve's been dealing with this silently for god knows how long, and because steve likes him?? why?????
YEAH OK FUCK THAT’S GOOD. THAT’S REALLY GOOD. i have a deep hc that at it’s latter stages hanahaki begins to grow out of the host like. out of the mouth, out of any cuts bc it’s in the bloodstream, ect, so steve has to very carefully like. pluck this shit. make sure no one sees. pull the longer stems out of his throat so no one sees them when he talks. pull them out of his nose too, maybe. he has to eat more, has to drink more, as the plant exhausts him of nutrients and water. it is, very litterally, eating him from the inside out, but he heals enough that, well, he’s probobaly not going to die.
(note: if this was the hanahaki variant that lives rent-free in my head that im trying to develop for Reasons, steve could not keep this a secret, considering how dangerous and contagious it is. it’s super heavily regulated to the level of like, smallpox samples, because it is just that bad, and even if it won’t kill him he needs to be in isolation to prevent it from spreading)
we’re gonnna assume that it’s not infectious just so steve can hide this shit and s u f f e r.
but like. its in his respiratory system. it feels like he has asthma again, with how hard breathing is, these days. he’s not getting enough oxygen, because the plant steals it all. it’s in his circulatory system, roots winding through his blood, trying to send runners to any unoccupied space it can find.
maybe iron man doesn’t find out because steve tells him. maybe he finds out bc steve gets injured in a fight, and while steve is still unconcious and iron man goes to change his bandages, finds tiny pale tendrils creeping out of the wound.
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comeandreadawhile · 4 years
Cullen Family HCs
I’m jumping on the twilight renaissance train
Smeyer is wrong and vampires can sleep, they just need to sleep like once a month.  
Esme is the favorite pillow of the Cullen house.  She has an adjustable standing desk so she can work on the couch while one of the boys naps with their head on her lap.
The kids have seen some messed up things already in their immortality.  Carlisle and Esme leave their door open and any given night, sleeping or not, 1 to 5 of the kids stand a good chance of moseying in and settling down for the night.  They’ve had to upgrade to a California king so Emmett doesn’t squish the girls and Edward doesn’t kick Jasper off the bed again.  
If Esme is in her and Carlisle’s room, Alice and Rosalie tend to join if they’ve had a long day or just need some comfort.  Emmett is a snuggler and will absolutely worm in between them like a newborn litter of puppies.  Seriously they needed the bigger bed, Carlisle has come home from the hospital to find Esme happily covered in teenagers just reading a book or patting their hair while they vent.    
The kids have all called them mom and dad in some form at some point.  
Alice calls them mom and dad around the house pretty frequently, Rosalie calls Esme mom, and though very rare, calls Carlisle dad or father.  
Emmett calls Esme ma, mom, or mama.  Absolute mama’s boy, he hugs her when they get home from school and gives her a kiss on the cheek when they leave in the mornings.  He is the most frequent couch napper,   followed by Edward.  He loves going to the garden center with Esme to pick out plants for her flowerbed and to carry bags of dirt.  He calls Carlisle dad and pops and has supplied half the sweaters in the man’s closet.
Jasper tends to call them ma/mom and dad/pop like Emmett.  They know he’s had a day when they’re in their respective home workspaces and he comes to sit on the floor by their chair.  Esme will pat his hair and ask if he wants to talk about it, and if not she’ll show him what painting or blueprints she’s working on; Carlisle knows he’ll talk when he’s ready and gives a firm few pats on the shoulder, asking instead some philosophical question to take Jasper’s mind off of whatever it is. Of all the kids, he’s the one most likely to end up at the foot of their bed instead of the middle.  Though not always touchy, he likes being nearby.    
Esme can tell Edward has had a day when he hugs her and just buries his face in her shoulder.  Though less frequent than Emmett or Alice, he calls her mom when addressing her and mother when speaking of her to others.  Likewise, he calls Carlisle dad and pop, but father to others. He loves his parents so much.  He lives off of ruffled hair and departing hugs.
If  they remember their birthdays, they celebrate on that day.  If they don’t, they use the day they were turned, or joined the family, or just a day they like and that’s their new birthday.  Whatever the birthday boy/girl wants to do, it’s done. They’ve been to Orlando and Hollywood theme parks, and international counterparts, so many times for birthdays.
Emmett and Alice love Disney and Pixar, Rose and Jazz love Marvel, Edward loves Harry Potter.  They rotate choice for movie nights.  
Since Esme uses the Ashton Martin when she needs it, it’s Jasper’s turn for a car.  He gets a big truck.  Bella’s truck has jealousy-filled nightmares about Jasper’s truck.  Emmett likes riding standing up in the bed pretending to be king of the world. It’s black with tinted windows, and Emmett made the mistake of putting his feet on the dash once.    
Jasper and Emmett get to go out when the winter weather’s sunny because they have cowboy hats.  Jasper got Emmett his first pair of cowboy boots.  Rosalie hates them.  
Seriously they throw on some flannels, jeans, their hats and boots and Esme lets the yeehaw boys whenever they want if they behave (jackets are only if humans will question not having one).  
Jazz and Em blast country music to mess with Edward.  If they’re really annoyed with him they’ll sing along.  New Moon saw lots of country music.
Mother’s and Father’s day are sacred in this house.  The local garden center employees know to expect shortages the rest of the month because the boys come clear out most of their flowers for Esme’s garden.  The hospital knows to expect Carlisle taking off because the kids are not above stealing him from his office.  
Carlisle and Edward didn’t really do Christmas until Esme joined the family.  It was always such an effort to try surprising Ed, and then surprising Alice when she and Jasper had their first Christmas with the family.  Now that Bella is around it is profoundly easier to have surprise presents again.  Alice and Edward help their parents decorate the house while Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper pick out a tree and bicker over who gets to carry it inside.    
There’s an egg hunt every year and these kids are so competitive about it.  Alice and Edward are forbidden from using their powers to cheat, and Esme and Carlisle switch off hiding the eggs while the other goes over rules; they have to run around the area a few extra times to make sure the kids don’t find the eggs by scent alone.  These things are hidden in the car wheels, the garage, on the roof; anywhere on the outside property is fair game.  
If you thought Jacob, Seth and Leah were any less adopted after breaking dawn you would be wrong.  Leah and Jake help Rose on the cars, the boys all wrestle with Seth in the yard and Esme always has plenty of food in the house for them.
There are always plenty of extra clothes in the house in case the wolves need them.  
Carlisle can never find the sweater he wants to wear because Esme, Edward and Jasper steal them.  Rose and Alice frequently steal Emmett’s sweatshirts. Someone goes to pick up one of Emmett’s sweatshirts off the couch and Alice pops her head out of the head hole when they grab it.
Despite being immune to the cold Esme still likes bundling the exasperated teenagers up, tying their scarves before they leave home.
One time a Karen was bad mouthing Esme when she and the kids were in a store (something about being a gold digger doctor’s wife and using five foster kids for the government money) and that is the first time they saw Jasper go at someone for something other than blood.  That lady got a hateful and quite corrective earful because that is his mama, thank you very much!  The glares of the Cullen brood make the Karen feel like she’s being hunted after that.
A more civil but no less threatening correction is given to anyone who implies to Dr. and Mrs. Cullen that they aren’t the father and mother of their brood simply because the kids are adopted.  
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voiddemon · 3 years
Just a handful of King golem hcs because >:(( hmmmdhdgrrhrrgrr stone tower cool.
Ok so King Golem has existed for a long, long time- at least that’s what he remembers and believes.
Moonlight mansion was literally built over him by Mr. Flosty, and after a lot of arguments they agreed that the mansion belonged to the both of them.
King Golem isn’t the creator of all golems, but most were made with his hands.
He’s a King in name only, since he named all of them after himself (“golem” ) and they started to refer to him as their King.
He and SDDD have fought many, many times. Particularly because of the above point, as the golems (and some of the other residents of moonlight mansion) refuse to recognize him as their king. They started to avoid and ignore each other when Skirby came around and try not to rock the boat.
Skirby is very, very important to him. He generally acts like a wise old uncle or grandpa. Skirby doesn’t visit as frequently as he used to, but he tends to stay longer to make up for it, which King Golem enjoys.
He knows about DMK, but has never met him.
King Golem spends most of his time reading, with the golems bringing him books, poems, and whatever else they can find. Some even write things for him, and he adores these things.
He keeps every letter ever sent to him. Most of them are from Skirby, and the rest are from golems who’ve wandered far from home to explore.
He chips and cracks easily, so he ended up making a few small golems to keep him in tip-top shape. They also help with repairing the other golems, but still have to bring the worst cases to King Golem himself.
King Golem can tell exactly where a stone or gem is from, as long as it’s from the mirror world or dreamland.
He’s tried to keep a few plants, but without sunlight they always die. They aren’t quite his thing anyway.
Mans got Perfect memory.
King Golem is generally very calm and reasonable, but extremely defensive of both the mansion and those he’s close with. It absolutely infuriates him when he can’t do anything because.., tower under a mansion.
A few specific rocks are kept around him at all times, and he speaks to them. Asking for advice, sharing stories, telling them little things he’s learned. The other golems also bring them flowers and sit next to them. King Golem is extremely defensive of them but never explains why.
That’s it go home
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@goldmacaron asked: I'm a sucker for Seijuuro omg you have no idea and I could request so many things about him but i don't wanna go overboard 😅 soooo how about some general relationship hcs with Mr Captain? ❤️ (he's so bf material I can't, don't you think so? 😍)
No not bf material...literal HUSBAND material!!😫❤️
Seijuro Mikoshiba Relationship Headcanons
Like I’ve said countless times, the Mikoshiba’s see you as like a deity and put you on a pedestal
He will make you feel loved in every way and everything you do every day of your life ❤️
Even if he’s just dating you, he already sees you as his life partner <3
He’s a bold man
Planting a kiss right there in front of his teammates and giving off a hearty laugh after
Also if you’re there for his practices, boy is he going all out for you that day, out swimming everyone on the team
Flexing his speedo
You don’t get ordinary gifts nooo
You get the BEST gifts
He’s the type to give you pet names or call you “babe” or “baby” at the least
Constantly telling you how cute/pretty/adorable/gorgeous you are 🥺
Praises you
Sometimes he sneaks up behind you, throws you onto his shoulder, and spins you around
He wants to have fun with you and see you smile! 😁
Adventurous too!
Sometimes he’s taking you on traditional, classy dates....
But sometimes he’s like, “Hey (y/n) go pack your bags, we’re climbing a mountain HAHAHA”
Or takes you on thrill rides at the amusement park
Obviously he makes sure your okay with it and everything
Did I say how he compliments you on EVERYTHING not just looks
Protective. He ain’t about to stand there letting anyone look at you the wrong way let alone mess with you
#1 supporter.
Yk your dad who wears that big finger at the games, waving around , yelling out to you
Yea that’s him. But he’s not your dad he’s your boyfriend 🥴☺️
Not PDA shy. Why not show the world how much you mean to him and how great you are? Everyone deserves to know
He knows just how to make you laugh when you’re down or not feeling it
And if not that then this man’s cuddles!
He’s a cuddle monster!
Sticks with you through thick and thin and loves you endlesslyyyy. Expect for that 💍 realll soon ;)
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