#the world of mr plant headcannons
cottoncandykev · 1 year
Twomp headconnons
Argos can close his eyes, all of them
Argos has audhd and can have drastic shifts between understimulation
Argos has chronic migranes and light sensitivity bc of the eyes (me too man)
He is slowly developing more eyes, kinda like a parasite. I also belive they may kill him someday
He has those like, children's stars around his room
Argos tried to follow/stock/became obsessed with Mr Plant to purposefully get hurt by Mr. Plant in one way or another, as Argos seems to have depression to me and little to no self preservation. Possibly intentionally.
He struggles to read because of the overwhelming viaual stimuli from his eyes. He writes a lot but struggles to read what he has written afterwards. He needs big letters to be able to read.
Argos likes pampering Mr. Plant, by giving him things like spaw days or grooming his petals.
Argos is part spider or biblically accurate angel.
Argos is from the void. And that not everyone else there is actually from the void.
Argos secretly wishes that he could find other people who look like him.
The "humans" in the void are are humans that have been disfigured, eaither forceably or voluntarily to make themselves look like void residents. (Don't fully belive this, but I have some reasons why I belive this that I will probably get more indebth in a future post.)
--Mr. Plant--
Liked Argos from the start/secretly wanted Argos to keep coming around. He had chances to kill him and never did. And the episode when he went to Argos seemed more like a realization that he did care about him.
Mr. Plant does not think he's a bad boy and is confused why people think he is.
Mr Plant wanted to be a cryptid when he was younger, looking up to figures like Mothman.
He pitties Argos greatly.
Mr. Plant needs Argos more than Argos needs him.
Mr. Plant uses it/he pronouns and prefers being seen as an entity more than a man
He uses photosynthesis to get energy naturally,, but because it tends to be dark in the void and even then he barely leaves his own, he struggles to keep energy, and he doesn't retain it from food as easily.
He's MUCH more clingy than Argos. When he can he holds that man. All the time to the point where Argos finds it borderline annoying/exhausting
Mr. Plant secretly wants to be closer to people but between scaring people off and his anger issues he convinced himself he didn't.
Mr. Plant doesn't know his other half and doesn't want to know.
He won't show his arms to anyone. Because of sh such as scratching stats.
His hands are very rough and he's self conscious about it. (Alternatively Argos has UNATURALLY soft hands)
He has scars on his hands for one reason or another.
When he was younger he'd accidentally pluck his own petals.
His petals regrow, and he eaither looses one eveytime they regrow, or they have a randomized number every time they're plucked.
He is homoromantic asexual
He likes cats.
He can be watered. Argos likes to water him.
His petals are extremely sensitive and he tends to attack things thay touch his petals (Argos is an exception after he starts trusting him but he's not super fond of it unless its a spa day or smthin.)
He finds some of the things Argos does as creepy, yet endearing.
Let me know if you want more!! I probably have plenty I'm just not thinking of rn
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vala-dreams · 1 year
This is very different from what I usually post about buut it's time for an Argos hcs list
• Ashur has already mentioned in a vid that Argos has astigmatism in all his extra eyes and can't really use them to see but when you google astigmatism, you see that it doesn't cause blindness. So I like to think that all the distorted images he sees through all those extra eyes really interferes with the images he sees through his regular eyes and he gets killer headaches and eyestrain as a result.
•Argos's ears are a little bit pointed. It's really subtle and not something you would immediately notice but it's one of the details that make him somewhat creepy and weird to look at.
•Most of Argos's extra eyes have no lids, except maybe the ones closest to his primary eyes. This makes stuff like sand and dust really painful and Mr Plant carries around eye drops for him because he always forgets
•Argos was questioned by the void's equivalent of the police but they let him go because "he had way too much rizz to be a murderer".
•Argos likes Greek mythology and especially delights in the fact that he almost somewhat kind of shares a name with Argus(that one guy with a hundred eyes)
•Argos loves peacocks.
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r0tt1ngr4bb1t · 2 months
I don't regret Using Character Headcannon Generator 😭
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kittzuxp · 1 year
I… i have this headcannon where Argos got mr plant a prosthetic leaf/petal because the kid cut it off…
my logic is, flowers’ petals and leaves don’t just regenerate when they get cut, most of them dry out and fall off.
And if the imitation flower theory is correct/become cannon then that the petals would be somewhat like a body part being chopped off.
I know some people think that the petals could be like his hair and that should regrow, but mr plant’s.. not human at least. I feel like it would need to replaced or have a prosthetic put in it’s place that would act basically the same as the previous body part would.
I like to think that it was pretty expensive given to how expensive medication is in the void and that Argos just got mr plant something that would act like a leaf. But he doesn’t know the other 50% of what mr plant is so he wouldn’t know he needed to get him a specific kind of prosthetic (i am a imitation flower theory believer, yes) so the prosthetic is kind of useless to mr plant (it only absorbs sunlight and oxygen), but he appreciates the gift anyways (he never takes it off).
Thank you for coming to my TED talk 😊☺️
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With and without stitches because i can’t choose if they’re visible or not.
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yamirexic · 5 months
how argos helps you with heartbreak
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he actually wanted to visit a beautiful Void with you and have fun but when he opened the door, he saw you sitting in your own despair
if you cried at this point, he started to panic a bit but wiped your tears away and gave you a hug (only if you're comfortable with that)
he'll make you some tea or coffee and ask you what happened
he then put on some music and hugged you a bit more
he might start dancing though
it really cracks you up, making you laugh so hard that you could've died
the next time he sees you, he brought you a special flower: the mend flower (only if the breakup wasn't your fault. if it was, he brings you a friendship flower instead)
he knows how to deal with heartbreak....somehow
he actually doesn't know what to do, he's just extra kind and caring
if argos needs to leave, he will put you in front of the telly and make you watch fun stuff with mr plant
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pumpkin-panik · 1 year
Headcannons P2
Mr plant is frequently caught induldging in some strawberry animal crackers
Argos really really REAAAAAAAALLY likes strawberry cows
Mr plant likes pumpkin spice coffee, for some reason
Argos despises coffee, unless its 99% creamer
Argos got stuck on top of a piano once and mr plant had to carry him home like a baby because he was spooked
When mr plant sneezes his petals fold in
Argos sometimes gets the sniffles after kissing mr plant because too much pollen
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indemoe · 11 months
Silly little TWOMP hc
Uhh so I do have a lot of these but I'm not gonna put them all! These are probably gonna be bulletpoints so yeah!
Mr. Plant uses SL, probably ASL istead of BSL but idk since the fandom is making jokes abt Argos being French then maybe Argos taught Mr. Plant BSL instead?
Argos LOVES the stars and the beach, already like pretty known, but I think that sometimes Argos would take Mr. Plant camping and surprise him with a dinner under the stars or at the beach.
Mr. Plant normally has no guilt for the people he kills but if when he tells Argos he is particularly sad or disappointed, Mr. Plant feels really guilty.
Argos has been extremely tempted to k!ll Mr. Flower but y'know just doesn't maybe because Mr. PLant and Mr. Flower were friends and doesn't want to hurt Mr. Plants feelings
Tehe thats it. silly
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bobbydagen24 · 5 months
about the Headcannon/Fan Theory that Branch is Autistic.
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I first started thinking it a few years ago after I watched TBGO for the first time I didn't used to interact much with the fandom online back then.
but after I started doing so I was kinda pleasantly surprised to find out there were other people who thought the same I mainly have the HC about Tv show Branch.
due to certain behaviours and Traits specific to the shows but there are still signs for the movie version as well someone even did multiple youtube videos pointing the signs out.
anyway I figured the easiest way to talk about this is to go over the most common signs of Autism as is stated by NHS on their websites that could apply to him.
tho obviously everyone's different someone not having a few of these signs doesn't mean they aren't autistic. Getting Anxious in social situations and finding it hard to make friends or preferring to be on your own plenty of examples sure its also in large part due to the amount of time he spent avoiding people in his youth but it easily can be taken as an A sign as well. in the episode "" Mr Glittercakes "" he invents a fake person just so he can have an excuse to blow off multiple social events and we see he tires of being social pretty quickly and easily. in "" Fun Branch "" hanging out with the snack pack in his Home proves to be too tiring and stressful not to mention him stressfully micro managing everyone at his party at the start of "" Bye Bye Bunker "" also in "" Two's a Cloud "" he was shown being pretty overwhelmed by spending too much time with people and also due to "" too much affection ""
I swear I will never get tired of that clip 😂😂😂😂 anyway it also ties in to the next common sign. Aversion to Physical Contact. again not every person on the spectrum has it but it is fairly common Branch improves after the first film.
but during the first film he'd literally Rather go to Bergen town with Poppy and Risk being eaten than stay in his safe Bunker and have to put up with Hug times from the other Villagers 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
and in TBGO he's still fairly averse to them when they travel the multiple dimensions the others are all Horrified when they come across the universe where no one knows what a Hug is.
but Branch smugly suggests he's fine with the thought of them staying in that universe before the others drag him away lol.
also in the clip above he seems to have a mini freak out over too much Hugging and even stims a little from the looks of things.
Liking to plan things carefully before doing them.
bit fat yes in "" Peril Patch "" when playing Golf he planned out every minor detail obsessively before taking a single shot. in "" Branch Bum "" he carefully planned out every detail of their Trip and was only actually concerned with the journey there and the journey back lol.
Not understanding Various social Cues.
this one kinda depends since Pop Troll society is so different from our own but given how in that world its Technically the Norm it does make Branch's lack of understanding a social failing on his part.
such as suggesting cutting the Twins Hair when they were having a Disagreement and Poppy stating that was a Social Cue most people would know.
plus in "" Eye'll Be Watching You "" when Poppy said she needed to think about it first before he could put his safety plants around the village.
Branch mistook that to mean she would just think about it for a few seconds then and there and proceeded to stare at her with an adorable smile lol.
also just him doing generally odd stuff in public like screaming about how they will all die when the water dries up in "" Laugh Out Cloud "" and ya know Harvesting Baby Tears 😂😂😂😂😂😂
in "" The Makeunder "" where Branch Teaches Lownote how to act more like him so he can be less social and cool at Guy Diamond's party.
the things Branch tells him to do includes 1. avoiding eye contact during conversation and then overcompensating with an uncomfortable amount of intense eye contact. 2. talking on and on about your own interests not paying any mind to how Bored the other people who your talking to may be. 3. and doing things things such as laughing at inappropriate times when people are talking aka showing the wrong emotional responses to specific situations and interactions. all of which are things which could be signs in certain individuals.
having a very fixated keen interest in a certain subject and area of expertise.
I'd consider his whole love of safety and traps aka engineering as well given he also builds other stuff such as helping build the Train the "" Cakes on a Train "" episode of Trollstopia.
and various devices such as the machine to pick what their new Holiday will be all of his various complex traps and of course Gary.
Poppy literally Refers to him as a safety nerd in the Birthday episode where she throws him a party where he gets to be the lifeguard its so friggin cute 💖💖💖💖
sure in large part its also due to his past Trauma but it kinda works as both imo he deffo takes a keen interest in this stuff beyond just feeling the need to do it for safety given he actively enjoys it. also Trouble getting your tone of voice to match what your trying to say can be a sign. which we see in one of my favourite moments ever from the first episode of Trollstopia where he tries to be genuine and supportive only to sound like he's being Rude and Sarcastic. anyway those are some reasons and also moments that made me HC him as Autistic I'm not saying it was the writers intent or anything.
I think its more likely just a happy accident that he was written in such a way that some of the fandom interpreted him as having Autism.
anyway thanks for reading if your a fellow fan who has this HC I'd be curious to hear what it was about Branch or what specific moments made you start Head cannoning him as such?
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nowritingonthewall · 2 years
Pspsps... Your adorable kissing headcannon with Steven ive not stopped thinking about all day and I'd really love to see one about Marc. I know he's probably not as open with his affection but I still think he'd have his own little ways to show love.
Maybe if you have time and you want to? Pleaseee
It makes me so giddy that you enjoyed Steven’s sweet lil’ kisses 🥰 (and I would like to apologize for the sprinkles of angst that I never seem to be able to go without when it comes to Marc 🥺)
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A kissing/affection headcanon for Marc Spector x gn!reader
- Marc would need so much reassurance when it comes to showing any kind of affection for you. After all, the idea of the touch of a hand being caring and loving and beautiful has been more of an abstract concept to him than something he has been allowed to learn from experience. And there will always, always be a part of him that can’t help wonder whether his advances are actually welcome.
- The first shy little kiss to your hand happens almost by accident. You’ve been playing with his hands after finding out how much it soothes his anxious mind and he gets so lost in your calming touch that he can’t help but plant the softest of kisses to your fingers. The startled look he gives you afterwards, like a puppy waiting to be scolded, breaks your heart.
Even though his self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy may lessen a little further with every kiss that is met with your comforting tenderness instead of rejection, he never quite loses those puppy dog eyes whenever he goes in for a kiss. His usually tense and guarded expression will soften and give way to the warmest and gentlest eyes that melt your heart before he’s even started to lean in.
Marc’s kisses are neither casual nor meaningless nor half-hearted. He puts his whole heart and soul into every single one of them. While they are always tender and soft (as if he was afraid to hurt you), they never leave any doubt about how he feels about you.
- Marc gives the best hugs imaginable (and sometimes even better than that). It takes some time to weaken the shields he built around his soft and gentle heart over the years, but once they start to crumble, he’ll make you feel like he was born to hug you. It’s a wonderful way to act upon his deeply protective instincts without using his crescent darts and it conveys everything that he can’t find the words for (yet). He has so much love and warmth to give and somehow he manages to distil those feelings and pour them into every single one of his hugs. They don’t just make you feel loved and safe and cared for, they make you feel like nothing in the world can hurt you, as long as you are lying in his arms.
Detecting even the subtlest of shifts in the mood of people around him used to be something of a survival strategy for him, which means that he sometimes notices when you start feeling sad before you even register it yourself. Whether something goes wrong at work, a co-worker keeps driving you around the bend, you’re exhausted, or you’re just feeling a little lost. He’s simply there, carefully wrapping his arms around you, briefly hesitating until you either lay a reassuring hand on his or he can feel you relaxing into his embrace. Whatever has been troubling you begins to dissolve, as he holds you close, letting you bury your face in his shoulder, resting his cheek against yours, gently stroking your back in a soothing rhythm. Just when you think that you’re as close as humanly possible, he somehow manages to draw you even closer towards his heart. It doesn’t take long until your problems don’t appear so overwhelming any more. And he is never the first one to let go.
- You can usually tell who is fronting in the morning before even opening your eyes. Because where Steven is an adorable little Mr. Grumpypants who needs to be dragged out of bed by his feet in the morning, Marc is usually wide awake and up before your alarm clock even gets so much as a chance of thinking to disturb your dreams. On those mornings, you wake to the smell of your favourite tea (or any other morning brew) that’s been placed on your night stand. It takes a few mornings for him to work up the courage to accompany your cuppa with a soft and gentle good morning kiss. He probably would have bailed a few more times if he hadn’t suddenly found his legs being redirected to your bed by Jake with Steven giving him a pep talk on how you won’t be mad at him for waking you up because he is actually the one making the bloody business of having to get up in the morning so much better for you.
While his tender good morning kisses tend to get a little steamier as he gains more confidence, he always takes care not to hit anything too sensitive in order to prevent things from escalating and making you a few hours late for work. Which works most of the time. Sometimes. Once or twice. Okay, actually it just worked once so far, but it was a very good “once”. It’s just too tempting too pull him towards you, letting your hand glide over his back ever so tenderly, playing with his hair, gently massaging his scalp until he whimpers helplessly into your neck, slowly melting into a human pancake. He used to be way too anxious and stressed to stay in bed for even a minute after waking up. Now he wouldn’t mind lying in bed with you like that all day.
- Marc is not the type of man to run towards you in the middle of Trafalgar Square to give a public display of a kiss so passionate that it leaves the lions at Nelson’s column covered in steam. His ways of showing his affection for you in front of other people are far more subtle. Holding your hand as you walk down the streets together, squeezing it now and then as if to make sure that you are still there. Pulling you a little closer when there is a crowd or whenever he senses potential unpleasantness by strangers. When he was on his own, he didn’t think twice about wandering around the most dangerous districts of the city. Now, with you by his side, he suddenly avoids the less safe routes and tenses at the slightest signs of trouble. They never feel possessive, his hand on the small of your back or his arm around you waist. They are just a heart-warming reminder that you have someone looking out for you who would always have your back, no matter what.
If he can’t stop himself from pulling you in for a proper kiss, he’ll find a little alleyway, a hidden corner or something else to find shelter behind. Just something that makes him feel a little safer to let his guard down in public like that. The hidden alleyways always make you feel like giggly little school kids. And to be fair, he didn’t get to experience a lot of that during his actual school days, so you are more than happy to help him make up for that.
- During the colder months, he offers you his gloves and scarf as soon as you show the slightest sign of a shiver. He would give you his coat if you didn’t object vehemently to his attempts to do so. Unless you’re waiting together at a bus stop and he simply can’t take your discomfort any longer. He’ll immediately open his coat for you, inviting you to share it with him. The cold, the grey sky and the seemingly never-ending chilling London drizzle are quickly forgotten as you snuggle up to him, resting against his broad and comfy chest, burying your face in the crook of his neck, feeling the comforting safety of his embrace, bathing in his endless warmth. You can’t help but being a little disappointed whenever the bus decides to choose that exact moment to arrive on time for a change.
- Marc is the most ticklish one out of the three boys. He has never had a chance to find out before because nobody has actually ever really tried to tickle him until now. You find out by pure coincidence, when Marc fronts during a pillow and tickle fight between Steve and you. After a few timid attempts by him to tickle you, you ask him whether you may show him how it is done, which results in him making the cutest little squeaky noises you’ve ever heard. Not being able to resist drawing even more of those adorable sounds from him, you immediately launch an attack that makes him squeal even louder before his squeals turn into laughter and his laughter turns into hiccups. You barely know how to contain the fuzzy warmth blooming in your chest upon seeing him so completely relaxed and at ease. He actually considers begging for mercy when he sees the look of pure happiness on your face and he decides that he would do anything to keep you looking at him like that.
- While Steven sees his little kisses as a way to emphasize his declarations of love for you, it’s the other way around for Marc. It’s the closeness and warmth and safety of countless intimate moments that finally give him the courage to put it into words without having to fear your reaction.
“I love you, too, Marc!”
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Even MORE world of mr plant headcannons:
Argos has at least one plushy
Mr plant won’t admit it, but he likes doing arts and crafts with his boyfriend
Argos once burned an entire building because he saw a bug in the kitchen
Mr plant once shoved Argos into a cabinet because he was being annoying
Argos has TONS of ribbons and stuff all over his room
Mr plant (if he could talk) is good at doing accents
Argos talks to himself when he’s bored
Argos once killed someone because they said the stars looked stupid
Mr plant can dance even though he doesn’t like to
And they both keep score of their kill count of bad people and make it into a sort of game
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goddess-of-bubblegum · 3 months
hii! My name is ravengal49 and I'm new here!
You may know me from my pjo oneshot book on quotev :P
I'll write headcannons and short oneshots for the following fandoms on tumblr:
●Pjo, HoO, ToA, MCa (pjo-verse)
●Blood of zeus
●Daughter of the deep
●Artemis fowl
●the world of Mr. Plant/ gardening with argos
●epic the musical
●the umbrella academy
No nsfw
Request anything you want:)
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cottoncandykev · 1 year
Some doodles from The World of Mr. Plant (series made by Ashur)! These are all based off of the headcannon that the flower head is a mask he wears.
Although I don't really have this headcannon it's still fun to play around with and would be very interesting to see.
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vala-dreams · 1 year
Mr plant hc list-
•He hates loud music. It grates on his ears and feels like knives.
•He can move his petals (I don't know if they're actually petals) , but he only does it on rare occasions
•When he goes to sleep his petals (seriously what are they) close around his face like some flowers do
• He doesn't have nostrils so he can't smell. Argos makes up for it by describing every smell ever in excruciating detail. (He ends up saying shit like "cookies smell like fun!!!!and sugar!!!! :DD" while Mr Plant files that bit of info away for later)
•He likes red Bull but mixes it with coffee. It doesn't do anything for him.
• He owns the chainsaw Argos had in that photo shoot. He was the one taking the pictures and keeps them in one of those old timey picture albums and has all of them labelled.
• Hes literally 6'8 or 6'9 ft tall according to Ashur so everything in his house is built with that in mind. He has to hold Argos up like that one meme of long cat to help him get stuff from the shelves when he comes over
• He has a fake petal (WHAT ARE THOOSEEE) to replace the petal (AAAA) that plant kid ripped off.
• Argos made that petal for him. With cardboard, paper mache and love. And q little bit of blood. Just a lil bit.
• Mr Plant always remembers small things Argos says like his favorite day of the week, his favourite colour, his least favorite season, what flowers he likes the best, etc etc.
• Sometimes when they cuddle Mr Plant will fall asleep and end up attempting to close his petals(A̴͎̘̙͊̒́̿ͅA̸̧̠͙͐̍̇̓͠À̶͖̹̻̺̙) around Argos's face as well.
•His petals (W̷̨̧͎̞͖͙̺̹̮̼̜̦̻̙̲͖̑̊́̀̔̽̀͊̿̒̇̅̃̈́͊̾̐͊̄̎̎͂̈͘͠H̵̘̯͋̔̈́͠A̶̡̳̗̤̋̓͐̈̏̿̓̈̈́͊̄͐́͋͌̌͒͠ͅT̶̨̖̘͙͎̖̲͍͈̤͔͚̙̤̹͈͔̹̫̄͊̍̆̉̓͊̄̌̂̅̕̕͠ͅ ̴̨̨͕̳̱̗̣̤͉̙̤̦̥͇̰̣͍̳̤͔̦̦͑̆͝͝Ȧ̵̪͇͓͖̮͗̌̈́̈́͌͑͐̓R̷̡̢̧̢̟̰͕̝̤̞̹̞̞͓̬̓̃̋̌̋͛̈́͗͋̋̔̔̾͌͛̈́̇̄͗̈́̿̕͘̚͝E̷̲̬͉͐̆͗̐͊͑͆͛̈́͊͑̍̓͘ ̷͍̫̻̮̼͗̂̎͜T̸̡̧̨̧͖͓̘̭̖̬̻̰̭̙̪͍̩̥̫̻͖̳͔̉̈́̿̓̏̒̓̽͌͛̂͘͠ͅH̴̢̧̧̢̥͕̰̳̞͕̺͇̙̫̺͖̺͙̺̺̲̤͚͆̄̑͋̄͊͐͂͐̃̃͜͠͝E̷̛͖̭͕̟̭̫͓̲̬̠͍̺̯̲̝̖͔̱͖̠̱̤̩̘̭͆̀̎͐̍̏̋͛̿̿̔͜͝Y̶̛̯̳͔̓̊̓͛̎̿̉̏͠) have a fuzzy texture.
•Argos calls it a cotton candy type of texture
• It feels more like velvet but rougher.
(Special thanks to @an-theduckin for giving me the motivation to post this)
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r0tt1ngr4bb1t · 1 year
I think Argos is the "Yipeee" kind of Autism creature while Mr. Plant is the "WAAA-" kind of Autism creature (If u get what I mean.)💀
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kittzuxp · 1 year
I headcannon they are a found family and they exchange shirts…
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yamirexic · 1 year
pov: you're mr plant's friend (hc)
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him wanting to kill you early on in the friendship but slowly losing up on the thought
you guys (when meeting) watching telly all day with some snacks and drinks
your go to shit is dark comedy, true crime, horror, thriller and mystery
argos being overjoyed for mr plant to finally have a friend
you guys sometimes mess up completely but luckily you can improvise
he does kind of care but he will definetly not show it (maybe if you glimpse you catch him being worried about you)
you guys being partners in crime (literally)
you humbling him and support him to not kill too many people
he is fucking introverted so you usually need to make the first step
you guys still haven't figured out how you became friends and why you're not laying in a coffin or a closet
guess that just means you're important enough for him so congratulations!
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