#Wronguay In Ronguay
popculturebuffet · 3 years
Ducktales Treasure of the Golden Suns Reviews: Wronguay in Ronguay (Paid for by Patreons)
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Hello all you happy people and welcome back to the genesis of magillicutty   Ducktales with the second part of my months long look at Treasure of the Golden Suns, the mini series that kicked off the series. These reviews are a result of me hitting my first patreon stretch goal. I just did a LONGGG post outlining those here on tumblr so hit that up and help join my patreon so I can reach them and make some more moolah to help keep this my primary job. 
So speaking of that job we’re back to The Treasure of the Golden Suns and the first chapter, while not bad, was a tad disappointing, especially since I really liked it on first viewing. So will the second chapter fair just as bad or be a massive improvement? The only way to find out is under the cut. 
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Previously on Ducktales: Donald shoved off with the navy leaving the boys with Scrooge, with both growing to care about one another... both out of nowhere
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The boys ended up embroiled int he Beagle Boys theft of a wooden ship for a mysterious gentleman named El Capitan whose preferedd method of dealing with enterlopers.. was to use a chair like a lion tamer. After being falsely blamed for the theft, the boys ended up chasing the beagles to Scrooge’s candy factory, were vindicated and fought them off with Scrooge’s help , ending with the boys getting covered in choclate.  while El Capitan escaped vowing to find the gold. Now knowing the wooden ship was a map, the family prepared to set off
And that’s where we pick up. The reporter from last episode comments on the beagle bust and while the Beagles are hauled off, with Burger asking if they have any milk after eating his chocolate prison. Because his only  character trait is that...
The camera does linger on an impression the ship made in the chocolate... hmmmmmm.
Meanwhile we meet FLINTHEART GLOMGOLD. As I said with Catch as Cash Can, he’s not BAD, just not NEARLY as memorable as the triumphantly insane 2017 version. He’s sitll a good villian and we’ll see why soon, he just has the unenviable task of competiting with a far more iconic versoin made decades later whose far more my type of bad guy. El Captian calls him and offers to make him the richest duck in the world, which he naturally is happy to hear him out on. El Captian as a character i’ll get into more.. but for now let’s talk about his weird fucking voice. For some reason, Jim is doing a Dr. Claw impression, to the point I thought this was Frank Welker. I will grant it’s better than a horrible latinx sterotype, and given the grand kishke and a minor character in this very episode, they were NOT above those, but its’ still just.. weird. He just sounds like he’s possesed with about 80 or 90 demons for no explained reason. 
Back at the mansion, Scrooge and the Boys are both preparing to go after the treasure on the boat map: Scrooge is practicing vacuming it up using the pool and a sea safe vacum likely invented by Gyro, while the boys find the right coordinates to the treasure. Scrooge naturally.. is a bit of a dick about it, refusing to take them along despite them having found it, and saying they can stay with Duckworth. Duckworth’s response is about what you’d expect:
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However before they can argue about this, there’s a bang at the door: It’s Flinty and here’s where the parts of this Glomgold I DO like, that do make him standout, if not as much sa his succesor shine: He plays scrooge, offering him 2 million for the Candy Factory. Naturally not realizing what Flinty’s getting out of the deal, Scrooge jumps at a quick and easy 2 million, since he knows it’ll cost MORE than that just to fix up the place. Flinty then proposes a contest: the two of them try to make as much money as possible from scratch in two days. No rules, no barriers, just whoever dosen’t have more money than the other by the end has to eat Flinty’s hat. Scrooge accepts.. but then realizes he has to eat crow and allow the boys along. With Scrooge sufficently blackmailed, the boys reveal where the treasure is: Ronguay, a made up south american county. Why they did so.. well just wait a second. And no it’s not just for the tile... but your close. 
No we find out why as they take the cheapest flight avaliable to Ronguay, only for the boys their going the Wrong way to Ronguay. 
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Yeah I love a good pun but I draw the line at desinging an ENTIRE COUNTRY for a really obvious one. I have standards on this blog! Standards that include thirsting after Keith David , DBZA refrences up the whazoo and posting this gif of David Byrne at every given opportunity. 
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Look my standards are weird, but their still standards. I draw the line at making a stupid pun when there’s a rich number of countries in South America. I’m not saying Carl Barks was ever against making up a country, he probably did, could be wrong, but more often than not he did his homework instead, as did his succesor Don Rosa. It feels lazy to just make up a country when you really don’t have to and could’ve just found one with a massive rainy season for your children’s cartoon. It’s not hard. I mean it’s harder than now: now I could just google “what south american countries have torrental rains”.. but it’s not like you guys could’n’t just go to a bookstore and buy a refrence book or a library and rent one. I mean if they ran out of time to do anyresearch fine, but even for the 1980′s it wasn’t that difficult to at least TRY. 
Regardless it turns out the pilot is a robot pilot.. who looks amazing but  as it’s a flintheart glomgold company joint is purposfuly tring to keep them off path. Look they didn’t have to unplug the poor guy. I know what he wants. 
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So now on the right way to Ronguay our heroes lan only to find the locals all fleeing in terror of something. Scrooge heads in for suplies anyway and finds... a VERY racist sounding clerk. Seriously just to picture this.. picture say .. Michael Scott trying to do an mexican accent. You good and cringing? If not, adapt that to your doofus sitcom character or republican senator of choice There you go. You see my point. It’s not the WORST i’ve seen.. but only because I sat through the Rediculous 6 with my best friend, one of three, Cory, for a podcast we tried doing a year or two ago. I’ve seen Rob Schinder do  this for an entire movie. In 2015 no less. So my threshold for HORRIFCALLY offensive is vast and deep. But this is still garden variety racist and should not have been okay then or now. 
And it really SHOULD have the warning label on it. I’m fully in favor of the content warnings Disney started using, and it’s why I got so fucking annoyed during all the talk about it when it happend to the Muppet Show, ESPECIALLY when the republicans got a hold of it and accused them of “Canceling the muppets”. This is NOT fucking cancelation, this is a way to have the past there for posterity, while acknolding it sucked and was NEVER okay. It’s the best way to do this in my opinon, and it bothers me a LOT that a bunch of jagoffs coopted it and threw a hissy fit about Disney trying to do the right goddamn thing. And i’m also okay with leaving some media out. Disney + is a family platform. While keeping classic movies and shows on there with a proper warning is one thing, it’s another to not put song of the south or that episode of the muppets where the host later turned out ot be a pedophile on there. Some things just don’t have nearly enough worth to outpace the harm they can do. And it’s up to companies and consumers to figure out what fits where. 
Anyways our heroes find a llama for transport and that the map is seemingly a dead end to the desert. But Scrooge is determined to press on... and while he does El Capitan and Glomgold are following him, though the two clearly don’t agree on whose in charge, or if El Captian sounds like dr claw or not. They followed with their own copy of the map taken from the chocolate. 
As things progress the rain starts.. and our heroes find out via the JWG that this is what the citzens were all running from. They loose the llama, though are able to salvage some of their suplies it was carrying, and Scrooge nearly gives up to dispair. It’s a good, if sudden, character moment: Scrooge genuinely laments that he was worried one day he’d loose his step.. and stop being one step ahead of everyone. It shows some much needed vunerablity.. that beneath his boisterious and cantankerious usual personality he’s deathly afraid his age will eventualy mean he’ll have to stop..and having to stop adventuring and stop working and stop doing eveyrthing that makes him Scrooge McDuck is a fate worse than death. 
Thankfully he dosen’t as via a figure on the ship, Huey, Dewey or Louie figures out, in a REALLY amazing twist, that the desert itself was the ocean: the ship that has the treasure simply sailed here and hid it. So while our heroes reflect, Glomgold decides to take them out NOW while he has the chance over El Captian’s protests, as the good captain only cares about the gold. But Glomgold is right.. from a villianous point of view at least. leaving them alive is a waste.. granted he does so.. in a way that makes my brain cry out in pain and want to run. He lights a stick of dynamite. In a torrential rainstorm. 
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I mean i’d expect 2017 Glomgold to try it and have it fail.. not to have the actually clever 87 version not only try something this stupid BUT HAVE IT WORK. THE FUSE LIGHTS. IT’S READY TO GO OFF. HE ONLY STOPS IT BECAUSE HIS MAP GETS EATEN AND THEY NEED SCROOGE’S IN TACT. JUST HOW DO YOU WHY DO YOU AUGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-
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Okay i’m.. i’m good now. So after that bit of nonsense and some taking my medication, our heroes take shelter in a cave. The grusome twosome try to sneak in while their asleep.. only to trigger the alarms the boys set up using their pots and pans, a “junior woodchuck alarm”. Clever little bastards. 
The tables quickly turn though as Thing one and Thing Two trap our heroes in the cave.. as i’ts flooding. Scrooge has them press on in hopes of finding a way out, and it rises further and furthe ran excenelty tense scene. But eventually our heroes manage to find somewhere safe in time: the shipwrecked boat with all the gold. Scrooge even puts on a nifty golden conquestador’s helmet. 
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Naturally since we have minutes left in the episode the bad guys show up and have a gun... they never had before. 
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Regardless our heroes are lowered into the lifeboat at gunpoint as the ship goes out to sea and i’ts revealed el captain worked on teh ship as he knows the full manifest.
However both villians personal flaws end up doing them in: Glomgold’s need to gloat means he gives Scrooge a golden coin as he mocks him about winning the bet... only for El Captain to fly into an insane rage demanding he swim out and get it despite just how LITTLE he really needs the coin. He and Glomgold struggle over the ships canon, both no longer needing the other and eventually fire off a ball that capsizes the ship. El Captian seemingly drowns while Glomgold is forced onto the life boat with the McDucks.. and finds out he lost as while he and Scrooge both lost the treasure the coin he tossed scrooge means Scrooge still has made more money. So Glomgold prepares to eat his hat and El Captian prepares for vengance and to get his gold back. 
Final Thoughts on Wronguay in Ronguay: The iffy bit with the store clerk aside.. this episdoe is easily the best 87 Episode i’ve seen.  It captures the spirit of barks perfectly with plenty of intresting twists that kept me engaged the whole time, some great jokes, and two great villians who are done in soley by their own greed and neurosusi> it’s really great stuff and what I expected more and remember more from the 87 Series: top notch adventure in the barks style but wiht it’s own unique touches. While the pilot was a bit rough due to all the ground it tried to cover, this episode, now having the basic formula of the series pretty much set, is allowed to just be a fun, daring adventure story that brilliantly builds off the last episode but can be wholly enjoyed on it’s own. Hopefully this momentum keeps because I don’t remember being the fondest of the next two episodes.. and given that content warning I think we’re in for a rough time next month. 
If you liked htis join my patreon, etc etc, I went into that mor eup top. Till All Are One, See you at the next Rainbow. 
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beagleboys · 7 years
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desk-ducks · 7 years
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Maybe don’t be so careless with the the thing that leads to the treasure, Scrooge.
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lettheladylead · 3 years
i finally got myself a physical copy of Solving Mysteries and Rewriting History! and its a lot smaller than i expected. i dont know why i thought itd be big but i just did
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anyway i also finally read the whole thing instead of just the parts about Goldie, so here’s some stuff i wanted to make note of
- Scrooge sees a doctor named Dr. Quackenbush
- According to Webby, Scrooge regularly breaks into museums
- Scrooge about Webby: “Not sure where she came from”
- Scrooge invested in both the Titanic and the Hidenberg
- Scrooge says “I’ve spent long enough trying to make things right!” about his relationship with Donald lol
- Scrooge spent a summer “among the mermen of Bermuda” (not to be like sounds gay but. well)
- Duckburg origins: Fort Drake Borough in the 16th century when owned by the British. Renamed Fort Duckburg during the Revolutionary War.
- Scrooge used to store his money behind Mona Lisa paintings to the point where his office has 30 different Mona Lisa paintings
- Originally the Money Bin was gonna be surrounded by a moat filled with crocodiles but animal rights people protested him lolol
- Mallard Lake is a lake in Duckburg that Scrooge privately owns
- Scrooge specifically says he conned Granpappy Beagle out of the stolen deed to Duckburg
- Scrooge thinks he’s good-looking
- Scrooge about Webby “Not a member of the family, but sometimes I wish she were!”
- Scrooge listed a bunch of ways to enjoy dining out and one of them is two-for-one deals heheh
- Scrooge talks about Mount Neverest and once again says 75 years ago but it still doesn’t make sense chronologically. I mean he also lies CONSTANTLY in this book so. Yknow how it be.
- Scrooge had a very...interesting relationship with the Abominable Snowman. Named Archibald. They met in 1952 in the Arctic Circle and I think they’re fwbs
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- Scrooge once ran a Northern Lights Tour business
- When Scrooge made his first million he bought himself a new tie.
- When Scrooge made his first billion he bought himself another hat.
- When Scrooge made his first trillion he took a 2 hour lunch break (and then took no lunch break the next day)
- When Scrooge made his first quadrillion he tried to get the government to make a quadrillion-dollar bill. They did not
- When Scrooge made his first “incredibillion” he rebuilt the Money Bin.
- To be clear I think all of these are blatant lies based on how he writes them
- Scrooge “Things I’m better at than Zeus” one of the options is “killing unkillable creatures”
- Scrooge claimed to be involved in the creation of this race: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monte_Carlo_Rally
- Scrooge was apparently rejected by this race: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_Yacht_Club so he started his own race called Scrooge’s Cup and no one else entered
- Scrooge lost this race: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daily_Mail_Trans-Atlantic_Air_Race
- Scrooge accidentally entered the first Tour de France on July 1, 1903. He wasn’t in the race, he was on a bicycle-built-for-two date and then racers sped past him and he joined in. His date did NOT like this and they had no second date
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- Scrooge says Ronguay’s (which he misspells as Wronguay lol) Fountain of Youth is easy and cheap to get to. Which means he’s used it before!
- Scrooge talks about actively stealing from Demogorgana and Pandemonium but it’s fine, Goldie’s the thief
- Scrooge has won a bet against Old Man Time??
- Scrooge and Beakley met in 1968 (I thought it was earlier in the 60s lol)
- Scrooge helped finance the Wright Brothers
- List of some things in Scrooge’s garage: Triceratops skeleton Caveduck skeleton Chupacabra skeleton Stone Scrooge statue Gong of Pixiu Medua Gauntlet Cursed Chest of Captain Peghook, the Scourge of the River Styx The Deux Excalibur Saddle of the Headless Man-horse Jewel of Atlantis Druid Cup Khopesh of Toth-Ra
- Scrooge ancestors: 946: Eider McDuck 1057: Quackly McDuck 1066: Murdoch McDuck 1189: Stuft McDuck 1205: Roast McDuck 1220: Swamphole McDuck 1440: Black Donald McDuck (invented golf) 1500: Simon McDuck (stole Knight's Templar treasure 1675: McDucks lost their castle 1727: Seaform McDuck 1800s: Silas McDuck 1800s: Dirty Dungus McDuck 1800s: Fergus and Downey McDuck
- "If you aren't Clan McDuck, you can't wear Clan McDuck tartan. Period." i can’t believe scrooge adopted drake immediately before letting him wear his tartan
OK that’s everything I’m done now. Here’s some pics
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timelesstimesgoneby · 2 years
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heres original ducktales it’s such a great series that anyone can enjoy
"Vol 1
Disc 1"
1. Send In The Clones "
" 2. Sphinx For The Memories
3. Where No Duck Has Gone Before
4. Armstrong "
5. Robot Robbers
" 6. Magica's Shadow War
7. Master Of The Djinni
8. Hotel Strangeduck
9. Lost Crown Of Genghis Khan
Disc 2
10. Duckman Of Aquatraz "
11. The Money Vanishes "
12. Sir Gyro De Gearloose"
13. Dinosaur Ducks
14. Hero For Hire "
15. Superdoo!
16. Maid Of The Myth
17. Down & Out In Duckburg
18. Much Ado About Scrooge.
Disc 3
19. Top Duck
20. Pearl Of Wisdom
21. The Curse Of Castle Mcduck
22. Launchpad's Civil War
23. Sweet Duck Of Youth
24. Earth Quack
25. Home Sweet Homer
26. Bermuda Triangle Tangle
27. Micro Ducks From Outer Space"
"Vol 2
Disc 1"
1. Treasure Of The Golden Suns - Part One A.k.a. Don't Give Up The Ship
2. Treasure Of The Golden Suns - Part Two A.k.a. Wronguay In Ronguay"
" 3. Treasure Of The Golden Suns - Part Three A.k.a. Three Ducks Of The Condor
Treasure Of The Golden Suns - Part Four A.k.a. Cold Duck "
5. Treasure Of The Golden Suns - Part Five A.k.a. Too Much Of A Gold Thing
Back To The Klondike "
9. Catch As Cash Can - Part 1 A.k.a. A Drain On The Economy"
10. Catch As Cash Can - Part 2 A.k.a. A Whale Of A Bad Time
11. Catch As Cash Can - Part 3 A.k.a. Aqua Ducks
12. Catch As Cash Can - Part 4 A.k.a. Working For Scales"
13. Merit-time Adventure "
14. The Golden Fleecing "
15. Ducks Of The West
16. Time Teasers "
Disc 3
17. Back Out In The Outback "
18. Raiders Of The Lost Harp "
19. The Right Duck
20. Scroogerello "
21. Double-o-duck "
22. Luck O' The Ducks
23. Duckworth's Revolt
24. Magica's Magic Mirror/take Me Out Of The Ballgame
"Volume 3
Disc 1"
1. Duck To The Future
2. Jungle Duck
3. Launchpad’s First Crash "
4. Dime Enough For Luck
5. The Duck In The Iron Mask
6. The Uncrashable Hindentanic"
7. The Status Seeker
8. Nothing To Fear
Disc 2
9. Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Mcduck "
10. Once Upon A Dime "
11. Spies In Their Eyes "
12. All Ducks On Deck "
13. Ducky Horror Picture Show "
14. ‘till Nephews Do Us Part
15. Time Is Money, Part 1: Marking Time
16. Time Is Money, Part 2: The Duck Who Would Be King "
17. Time Is Money, Part 3: Bubba Trubba
18. Time Is Money, Part 4: Ducks On The Lam
19. Time Is Money, Part 5: Ali Bubba’s Cave
20. Super Ducktales, Part 1: Liquid Assets
21. Super Ducktales, Part 2: Frozen Assets
22. Super Ducktales, Part 3: Full Metal Duck
23. Super Ducktales, Part 4: The Billionaire Beagle Boys Club"
24. Super Ducktales, Part 5: Money To Burn
Disc 3
17. Time Is Money, Part 3: Bubba Trubba
18. Time Is Money, Part 4: Ducks On The Lam "
19. Time Is Money, Part 5: Ali Bubba’s Cave
20. Super Ducktales, Part 1: Liquid Assets
21. Super Ducktales, Part 2: Frozen Assets "
22. Super Ducktales, Part 3: Full Metal Duck "
23. Super Ducktales, Part 4: The Billionaire Beagle Boys Club
24. Super Ducktales, Part 5: Money To Burn
volume 4
Disc 1
The Land 0? Travala
Allomanco Day
Bubbeo & Juliet
The Good Muddans
My Mother The psychic
Metal attraction
Dough ray Mo
Bubbas Big Brainstorm
Disc 2
The Big Flun
A Castle Of Mistaken secret identity
Blue Collar Scrooge
Yuppy DUcks
Tho Bride Wore Stripes
The Unbreakable Bin
attack Of The Fifty Foot Webby
Disc 3
The Masked Mallard
A Duck Tales Valentine
Ducky Mountain High
Attack of The Metal Mitos
The Duck who knew Too Much
New Gizmo-Kids On The Block
Scrooge's Last Adventure
The Golden Goose
Part 1
Tho Golden Goose Part 2
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andrewvanderbye · 5 years
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I just watched DuckTales 1x02 "Treasure of the Golden Suns (2) - Wronguay In Ronguay"
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elizgeli · 7 years
DuckTales S1E2 - Wronguay in Ronguay (Pilot p.2)
After the candy factory shake-up we meet Flintheart Glomgold, the second richest duck in the world, who looks exactly like Uncle Scrooge except he wears a traditional Scottish garb and has a beard. (Fun Fact: In the original Don Rosa comics, Glomgold is South African, but the TV show didn’t want to have anything to do with apartheid, so they changed it). So this guy hates Scrooge and wants nothing more to be the richest duck in the world...however since this is a multi-species universe I think they should both think bigger. Anyway El Capitan approaches Glomgold to get in cahoots. 
Somewhat miraculously the boys discover that the name of a boat is actually a numeric code for the coordinates of the treasure. Damn, they should watch Twin Peaks. Scrooge refuses to take them to find the treasure so they withhold the info. Glomgold shows up and buys the candy factory for a bag of $2mil cash which looks even more unimpressive than it probably looks in real life. But his real goal is to get a rise out of Scrooge so that they make bet about who can make the most money in the next 2 weeks. The loser has to eat his hat, which I love, because no one ever says “or I’ll eat my hat!” anymore and looks at me weird when I use it. IT’S A THING. 
To get the treasure quickly, Scrooge agrees to take HDL along to the country of Ronguay...which I only now realize sounds like “Wrong Way.” Hah. So they get tricked by Flintheart into going on a cheap airline where the pilot is actually a robot purposely taking them to the wrong continent. Just like that time I flew on Spirit Airlines. Somehow they take control of the plane and get to Ronguay, but only after saying “Wrong Way” and Ronguay as many times as possible.
The South American locals in Ronguay are even more racists than El Capitan, but eventually our crew gets a llama and goes out into the desert, which is apparently not where the treasure is. Since there’s sand around and this is a cartoon, it’s obviously quicksand. Uncle Scrooge sinks and then everyone starts screaming “ARTAX! ARTAX!” and crying. No? Just me? ok. Scrooge somehow swims out of the pit with snorkel. I find out it’s a camel, not a llama, and Scrooge reveals he once owned a camel ranch in Wyoming...Glomgold and El Capitan follow along through with various harebrained plans to thwart the Ducks that they continue to unknowingly bypass. 
Scrooge loses all hope and gets all mopey and they all sleep in a cave. The bad guys wake everyone up by falling to HDL’s pots and pans trap. Glomgold traps Scrooge and 3 CHILDREN into the flooding cave to DIE. But eventually they find the treasure ship anyway. HDL repair the boat with gold and it floats away a la the end of Peter Pan. It just took some faith, trust, and pixie duck. 
But OH NO! El Capitan and Glomgold were hiding on the boat the whole time! Oh and apparently it was El Capitan’s ship all along...in retrospect his name was a clue...They throw the Duck family into a tub to float away and Glomgold throws Scrooge a pity coin which enrages El Capitan and in the struggle the boat sinks. El Capitan seemingly goes down with the ship (but is revealed to survive and swear revenge). Scrooge is nice enough to pick up Glomgold and take him home...after he literally eats his hat. At least Scrooge did offer him a bit of Grey Poupon. 
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gaaaaaaahhh · 11 years
You REALLY didn't notice the ship shaped rock before??? ><
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andrewvanderbye · 7 years
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I just watched DuckTales 1x02 "Treasure of the Golden Suns (2) - Wronguay In Ronguay"
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gaaaaaaahhh · 11 years
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gaaaaaaahhh · 11 years
....Wrong way?
thinking dead end here... :)
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gaaaaaaahhh · 11 years
"Note that the brightest hue of the three is red (Huey), the color of water, dew, is blue (Dewey), and that leaves Louie, and leaves are green."
I can remember this.
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gaaaaaaahhh · 11 years
Ok, i know i asked this before, but which one's are huey, duey, and lewy again?
i know duey is blue...? i think?
*back to wikipedia....*
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gaaaaaaahhh · 11 years
i forgot how shitty my school internet is... wanna go home where there's fast wifi!!!
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gaaaaaaahhh · 11 years
Going back to DuckTales :)
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