#Wuagh . I Love Him ………
riotshipping · 7 months
not my gay ass about to cry bec i love my fictional boyfriend soooo so much ..
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modmad · 24 days
this might be a bit silly to post, but, remembering and going down your Jervis tetch blog not only revived my love for the batman fandom but also inspired me to do so much with that character, as well as got me to do way more works with storyboards n all. Tho this is abt some old work of yours a lot of your stuff does inspire me and continues too! I hope you have a nice day~
(Also you helped me get confidence with keeping my little gun head object head long enough to where he's a fully fleshed out guy/human and I love him dearly. How time flies fr...)
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fairycosmos · 11 months
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my dad's friend had 3 kittens and 2 dogs and a cat but the cat is the only one I wanted to take pictures of, he's pretty
hes soooooo pretty wuagh <3 love this colour pattern and his little pointy ears ugh i would wrap him up and hug him forever........ur dads friend is sooo lucky to have him and so many other pets too!!
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kabukibun · 2 months
MIKA SHEESH why are you so up to date with everything scara? I literally ran to register on dlsite because I'm a huge asmr junkie and it's TETSUYA KAKIHARA WUAGH (Thank you btw for the recommendation, hihihi ♡)
i lub him…. since hoyo is depriving us of new scara content i run to anything i can find. i’ve perfectly articulated to be notified of anything scara related. hahaha it actually took me a while to realize it was his va!! it was a lovely surprise (yes of course!! i love sharing anything i think y’all would enjoy <3 beware truck-kun taking you to isekai www))
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t-tomuras · 5 months
HI BABY seeing ur tag on that choso reblog calling him cariño made me wonder if u have nicknames like that for all your favs!!! 🫶
WUAGH HI MY LOVE mwah kiss smeck smooch
I don’t have like very many actually! I usually call them ‘taro / ten / chosito’ I only use the Spanish pet names to be cute or get what I want hehe. just casually calling them like “mi amor, mi corazon, mi vida and mi alma” interchangeably but Choso gets Cariño specifically because he was always a little jealous of me always calling Megumi Tesoro (treasure).
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aroace-poly-show · 1 year
38 for any of your characters you want to do!!
dorian: the first time he left home! his family is so so supportive of him and they were so excited for him and he is so thankful for it and thinks about it all the time. it keeps him going :]
ebony and lesley: the day they met each other! lesley references it a lot cause he still thinks it was really funny the heart attack he gave ebony
weiss: the first time she saw how bad jex's health condition could really get, she's really paranoid about it ever happening
jex: any childhood memories they have with weiss, they look back on them so fondly and remind weiss of it all the time
rumi: i haven't explained them yet like i mentioned the "i am so cringe" internal war is beating my ass but for her its tied between Trauma Day (summary: home attacked witnessed shit a 12 year old should NOT be seeing) or that time she cut off her own tree branch thingys (she had her reasons. those reasons were trauma trauma trauma)
vesper: Trauma Day or memories of when his childhood love was yknow not dead. he's coping soooo well (<- i am lying)
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valgregory · 4 days
Chapter 13
Caim: Marc?!
Marc: Ah-
Caim: Dammit!!
Marc: Caim, wait!!
Caim: Wuaaaagh!!
Caim: What is Marc doing here?!
Marc: Hey, stop running!!
Caim: Eh?!
Marc: Where's your master?!
Caim: Dumbass, like hell I'd tell you!
Caim: Bye, loser!
Marc: ???
Marc: Where are you going?! That's a well!
Marc: Caim, wait-
Marc: !!
Marc: Milady... I ran into Caim earlier...
Marc: But he managed to escape...
Marc: He jumped into a well, and disappeared just like that...
Marc: I tried to follow him, but fell into the well instead.
Aym: I can't believe you actually jumped in there!!
Vine: You're so stupid!!
Aria: That well must be one of Gio's magical portals... teleports for easy transportation.
Aria: I'll take care of that portal. Just take me there tomorrow...
Marc: Yes, My Lady.
*flies buzzing around Marc*
Aria: By the way, Marc... go take a shower. You reek-
Marc: Y-yes...
[At another district...]
Caim: Umm... Gio... I ran into Marc on my way home...
Gio: Huh? Are you serious?! What if Aria finds us because of this?!
Gio: I've told you to be careful so many times, you fool!! I don't want to see her again, you know that?!
Caim: Ughh...
Gio: What terrible timing... you still have to go back there tomorrow. One of our debtors hasn't paid us back...
Caim: What?!
Caim: Why don't you collect it yourself?
Caim: Why would you summon a demon to make them collect loans, anyway?! You're wasting my powers!
Halphas: Master... I'll go if Caim doesn't want to...
Gio: Huh? No need... you'll just be spoiling this idiot. He's already so bad at doing his job.
Caim: ??!
Caim: Fine, fine! I get it!! I just have to go back there tomorrow, right?!
Caim: That jerk... maybe running off with his money would teach him a lesson...
Caim: I'll use it to buy Tw*ce's new album when it's released...
Gio: Remember, be careful!!
Halphas: Is this really alright?
Gio: It's fine, don't worry. Your job is to stay here as my bodyguard.
*bang bang*
Caim: Hey, open the door! I'm here to collect your debt-
*bang bang*
Caim: Oi, open up-!
*bang bang bang*
Debtor: Ugh...
Debtor: Why is he here already? I told him that I'll pay him later... so much for a vacation trip.
Caim: Fine, I'll come back tomorrow morning! You better have it by then!
*tap tap*
Debtor: Huh?
Debtor: Is he really gone...?
Debtor: Wow, he actually left... (phew)
Debtor: I better leave this house before he comes back...
*look around*
Caim: Marc's not gonna appear out of nowhere, right? This is making me nervous...
Caim: What the-?!
Vine: So I wasn't wrong, huh...
Vine: You serve that wizard Aria's been looking for, right?
*dun dun*
Caim: You're Aria's lackeys?!
Aym: Who are you calling her lackeys?! No way in hell!
Aym: Cut the crap and tell us where your master is!!
Caim: Hah?! As if I'd tell you that easily! Over my dead body, pipsqueak!!
Aym: You-
Vine: Calm down, Aym... Aria said we're free to use violence...
Vine: There... the "linking" is done...
Vine: Go, Aym! I choose you!
Aym: Shut up! You don't have to tell me twice!!
Caim: Electricity?! What a pain-
Caim: But you'll never beat me- with just that!!
Caim: ?!
Caim: Why aren't you hurt?!
Vine: Heh, hehe, that was pretty good...
Vine: Too bad that he's a guy... I would have loved it if he was a girl...
[Ability: Soul Link]
The ability to transfer pain from someone else to the host of the link, and makes the other person immune to physical attacks.
Caim: Shit, I'm not here to fight! I gotta get out of here!
Aym: Hey, wait!! Where are you going?!
Caim: None of your business!! *middle finger*
[Don't do this at home]
Caim: Wuagh!!
Caim: Huh?! What the- what happened to the portal-?!
Marc: Got you.
Caim: Marc?! Why are you-
Aria: Hello.
Caim: And Aria?! Is this a trap?!
Aria: Long time no see... I have a lot of questions for you...
[To be continued...]
Previous chapter | Chapter 13 | Next chapter
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mylifeincinema · 2 years
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My Best of 2021: Non-2021 Films
My Best of 2021 is a series of annual lists in which I pick the best of the best from 2021, all leading up to my official picks for My Top 10 Films of 2021.
I saw a lot fewer new non-2021 films as I would have liked. Less than 15, I think. So it was tough making this list, but only because several on here don’t really belong on any ‘best of’ lists. Oh, well... here they are.
1. A Mighty Wind (Chistopher Guest, 2003)
A hilarious mockumentary about folk music that dismantles and pokes fun at the genre and the artists therein without ever becoming callous. And the original songs are fantastic.
2. The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (Powell & Pressburger, 1943)
Powell & Pressburger really could direct a movie, couldn’t they? Some of the narrative stuff doesn’t quite work for me, but the character work is phenomenal, and the performances behind them are so full of heart and dedication and loyalty that they fill in the parts that didn’t work and help create a whole that packs a punch.
3. Another Round (Thomas Vinterberg, 2020)
A film about alcohol… both its positives and its negatives. How it brings out the best in us and how it brings out the worst in us. This is a fascinating film about four friends stuck in a painfully boring rut who bust out of it in gloriously drunken fashion; a study of walking a line and finding that said line is quickly beginning to blur. Mads is a powerhouse, here. And that ending is every bit as wonderful as you’ve heard.
4. The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (Joseph Sargent, 1974)
Matthau and Shaw are incredible, here. Just so pitch-perfect.
I love how bare-bones it all is. Just a simple heist/hostage film that doesn’t feel the need to overwrite its characters.
This is so, so much more effective than the remake, overall. And I actually really like the remake, too.
5. Best in Show (Christopher Guest, 2000)
It’s really funny. Guest and gang know what they’re doing, they know how to do it, and they milk it for every single available laugh.
6. Let Him Go (Thomas Bezucha, 2020)
This is NOT the film I thought it was going to be. Wow. This is such an effective slow burn of a film, with great performances from both Lane and Costner, a thematically rich, emotionally resonant screenplay and an explosive third act.
7. The War of the Worlds (Byron Haskin, 1953)
I loved the design of the Martians, and the VFX in general is just a ton of fun. There’s some really creative shit going on, here. Yeah, the ending is painfully anti-climactic. And sure, it’s Wells’ fault. But I’m still surprised no adaptation has managed to make it even a little more exciting/thrilling/interesting... and that’s a shame.
8. Greenland (Rick Roman Wuagh, 2020)
Significantly better than expected.
Butler puts a lot of his goofy machismo aside to accentuate his character’s desperation, here, and it pays off. They opt to tell this story with a greater focus on the human angle than the always crowd-pleasing ‘disaster porn’ angle, and that also pays off.
Also, most of this plays out very similar to Spielberg’s War of the Worlds without the aliens. That’s a compliment.
9. The Hunger (Tony Scott, 1983)
Not Scott’s best, but it does manage to captivate occasionally. Bowie is phenomenal in an all-too-small role. And Catherine Deneuve and Susan Sarandon’s chemistry is equally natural and completely intoxicating.
10. Honest Thief (Mark Williams, 2020)
It’s at the lower end of the Liam Neeson action vehicles, but even that still makes for an entertaining ride. Neeson’s fantastic in this type of role, and it’s very hard not to cheer for him. The writing and directing here could have been better, but they do their job well enough for the type of film it is.
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
Next Up: Assorted (Animated Feature, Foreign Film, Editing, Screenplay, Etc.)
More of My Best of 2021...  
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aroace-poly-show · 1 year
rui pjsekai for ask game !!
sexuality hc: i can never shut up about it aroace rui is everything to me
gender hc: nothing specific ngl. this guy has SO MUCH genderfuckery going on though and he could go any way to me. transmasc? fuck yeah. transfem? fuck yeah. transneutral? fuck yeah. stealing this from a fic i read once and loved, he seems like the kinda person that when you ask him what his gender is he says “up to your interpretation”
a ship i have with said character: technically i like them as a qpr but polyshow is everything to me. he loves his troupe mates so much i sob and cry and and wuagh. akirui is a romantic one i like too though :)
a brotp i have with said character: mizurui they are besties in a qpr way though. i love them so much wuagh
a notp: none? that i can think of? tbh i rarely have ships that are hard nos for me, aside from obvious stuff like incest/pedo ships etc. rui can be an everyone kisser for all i care go wild 👍
random hc: he would listen to lemon demon. me thinks.
general opinion: take a guess. my everything. my silly little ourple guy. stupid fucking autistic cat. rui abandonment issues kamishiro. god i hate him he’s wormed his stupid little way into my heart and soul and he is eveyrthing to me and i am so unwell about him. my fucking skrunkly…rotates in my brain…
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riotshipping · 2 years
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i need to kiss this man right now or im going to fucking die
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