murksou · 9 months
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We do a lil: scale stuff
I kinda wanna do more of them lol, oh well tho, have some Poleria stuff
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rumielle1 · 2 years
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My boys
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rausule · 9 months
ongeveer 1752. Van daardie tyd af was daar gereeld oorloë tussen die twee rasse, en die Groot Visrivier sorg om as die suidelike grens aanvaar te word. Goewerneur Sir Benjamin D'Urban het in 1835 die 'Provinsie van Koningin Adelaide' (q.v.) as 'n buffergebied opgerig, maar het bevele van Londen ontvang om dit aan die Xosas terug te gee. Die hoofoorsaak van moeilikheid was die diefstal van vee in strooptogte oor die grens. Na die Slag van Grahamstad in 1819 is hul aanvalskrag aansienlik verminder, maar ten spyte van die feit dat sekere afdelings soos die Galekas normaalweg vriendelik was, het hulle voortgegaan om 'n bedreiging te wees tot 1856 toe, deur die rampspoed van die Beesmoordwaan (q.v.), hulle het hul eie militêre mag verbreek. Die Xosas het voortaan in vrede met die Europese setlaars geleef, grootliks deur die pogings van goewerneur sir George Grey, wat sy uiterste bes gedoen het om die verspreiding van onderwys en beskawing aan te moedig. In 1877 was hulle egter weer betrokke by wat blykbaar die laaste ernstige naturelleoorlog aan die oosgrens was. In hul kultuur en taal is die Xosas nou verwant aan die Zoeloes (q.v.). Hulle beoefen die besnydenis, wat tydens puberteit op jong mans uitgevoer word. Poligamie word deur hul eie wet erken, en die meeste van die landbouwerk word aan die vroue oorgelaat. Sedert die ontdekking van die Witwatersrand het die Xosas 'n aansienlike persentasie van die arbeidsmag van die Witwatersrand en ander goudmyne bygedra, asook van die nie-Europese bevolking van Suid-Afrikaanse stede. Daar word beraam dat daar ongeveer 2 500 000 Xosas in Suid-Afrika is.
circa annum 1752. Exinde crebra bella inter duas gentes erant, et Piscium Magnum Flumen meridionale accipiendum curabat. Praefectus Sir Benjamin D'Urban anno 1835 "Provinciam Adelaidis Reginae" (q.v.) quasi quiddam territorium statuit, sed iussus Londinii ad Xosas redire. Praecipua causa mali erat furtum pecoris in excursionibus limitis. Post Pugnam Grahamstown anno 1819 gravis potentia eorum aliquantum imminuta est, sed tamen, quod nonnullae sectiones, sicut Galekas regulariter amicae, minabantur usque ad 1856, cum per calamitatem Boum Occidendi Delusionis (q.v.). sua virtute perrumpunt. Posthac Xosas in pace cum colonis Europaeis vixit, maxime per industriam gubernatoris domini Georgii Grey, qui propagationem educationis et civilisationis strenue fovebat. Anno MDCCCLXXVII tamen denuo in- plicabantur quo ultimum bellum patriae in orientis finibus comprobatum est. Xosas in eorum cultu et lan- guage proxime cum Zulo affinis est (q.v.). Circumcisionem exercent, quae in iuvenibus puberibus exercetur. Polygamia propria lege cognoscitur, et maxime opus agriculturae mulieribus relinquitur. Cum Witwatersrand Xosas inventio nonnihil recipis laboris Witwatersrand aliorumque fodinarum auri, tum incolarum Africae Australium civitatum non-europaearum excogitavit. Aestimatur circiter 2,500,000 Xosas in Africa Australi esse.
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ffriluftslivv · 6 months
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ligekin · 1 year
Me unieron a algo donde debía dibujar ponis ebrios junto a otras personas y salió está xosa-
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Perdon- pero me puedo sentir orgullosa de que pude hacerlo en una sola capa??
Primero quería hacer a Apple Jack, luego quise hacer alas chuecas, luego me acordé de lo lindo que es el color del pelaje y los colores del personaje de guido-onnie y termino una cosa rara skdbdkn
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belial-ford · 1 year
Estoy que escribo el resumen de madman.
Lo voy hacer
En un futuro capaz que cambie algunas xosas
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pergiovanni · 2 years
Caro Gio,
Colgo questo spazio notturno, calmo e silenzioso per scriverti un po' di questi giorni frenetici. Ammetto di farlo sia per aggiornarti su come sto, e sia per obbligo morale auto-imposto di scrivere per tenere un minimo traccia di me. Questi post li vedo come fossero simili ad un diario segreto personale, accessibili non solo a me ma anche a te. Al posto di Caro diario, Caro Gio.
Il tuo viaggio ad Amsterdam spero sia stato interessante tanto quanto mi è sembrato dalle stories. Hai girato tanti musei, tutto quello che hai condiviso era di mio gusto aaahh! Se avrai voglia di scrivermi un recap delle tue impressioni, lo leggero volentieri
Oggi è stato il primo giorno post festival(s). Il Magna Graecia Film è andato bene, anche se mi sembra non coinvolga tanto i cittadini. Io che ero con la radio mi sono divertita a stare dietro alle conferenze, alle interviste, ai documentari. Eppure poca gente ha preso parte, se non alcune eccezioni (vedi Richard Gere). Ho conosciuto tante persone nuove e mi sono trovata bene a ridere e scherzarci. A fine serata dopo il pre-carpet si era anche creata una piccola bella abitudine di andare a prendere lo yogurt tutti assieme, che bello.
Al MGFF dono stata solo tre giorni, perché poi son dovuta andare a Gizzeria per via del FRAC. Li l'atmosfera è stata completamente diversa, ho avuto molto più ruolo. Eravamo immersi nei giardini della torre dei cavalieri, ed eravamo accanto ad un agriturismo. Il bungalow lo condividevo con Nicoletta, cioè la direttrice creativa, Shahryar (=il suo compagno) e Lidia (sua cugina). Ho dato una mano a fare qualsiasi cosa. Le persone venivano da me per chiedermi permessi e indicazioni. Ho aiutato più possibile. Alcune delle mansioni svolte: fatto e dato i pass, spostato le cose nel backstage, portato cena ad un artista, tolto dei bouquet di fiori dai giardini che erano rimasti da un matrimonio, pulito backstage, spostato oggetti, mediato con le guardie di sicurezza. Mi son data da fare. Ieri doveva essere la giornata conclusiva ma abbiamo dovuto annullare causa maltempo. Essendo tornata prima del previsto, poi sono filata a Catanzaro Lido per la serata conclusiva del Magna Graecia
È stato divertentissimo passare da un festival all'altro, anche se ero parecchio stanca (oggi riposo forzato). Un ragazzo del MGFF mi ha detto una serie di cose su cui sto tornando tanto.
Gli spiegavo che io vado bene a conoscere le persone, ma non riesco a coltivare perbene i rapporti. Sia perché sono a distanza, sia perché sono lasciva e tendo a rinchiudermi dopo un po' e a lasciarmi trascinare da una corrente. Questo stile di vita andrebbe bene se non mi facesse star male. Ma purtroppo il rammarico un po me lo sento cucito addosso. Andrea dice che si tiene una lista di persone che lui reputa importanti e con cui non vuole perdere j rapporti. Dice che si prende l'impegno una volta ogni mese di chiamarli e ricevere aggiornamenti. Ha riconosciuto che è poco spontanea come xosa, ma almeno la porta a termine e lo fa star bene con sé stesso...perché poi ha la percezione di esser riuscito a stare dietro i suoi amici. Non è facile, è un impegno. Si investono energie nella speranza che poi vengano ripagate.
Io non mi sento molto persa al momento, credo sempre nella gentilezza degli estranei. Però a volte mi manca la sensazione di avere un migliore amico. Qualcuno con cui potersi sempre confidare e sopratutto qualcuno di cui voglio sapere tutto sempre, tenermi aggiornata
Con te sento che non riesco a dare il massimo. Però sembra che stiamo portando avanti qualcosa di bello. Una specie di uncinetto alla hellomimmi che continua a crescere piano piano.
Ti lascio qualche testimonianza di questi giorni. Quello che ho scritto è veramente una minima parte di quello che ho vissuto, però è meglio di niente. Spero.
Un saluto, spero tu stia bene gio. Tanto lo spero.
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E se ti scrivessi sarebbe un problema?
dipende da xosa scrivi
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444namesplus · 3 months
Abdo Accak Achdocelpsez Achfa Achok Acksbradatso Adbejackmem Admexobbso Adsexenfe Adshoqarncox Affmat Afle Agglo Aghbafolfrot Aghem Aghlo Agna Ahnstot Ake Akho Aldbo Aldswe Aldwen Aldwo Alfra Alknatostro Almsleb Alnon Alsek Alstre Amccle Amcfa Amcgep Amcknad Amclebalsdaq Amcmo Amfa Amphras Amsehocclod Amsgre Andwobofnow Angbe Angfo Angle Ankra Ankse Anpe Anslo Answag Antgohaple Antgolortsex Anthaf Antse Antwaj Apkezawba Appe Aptokandwe Arko Armstresaghbrog Arnhe Arnle Arnsemachra Arnslenappep Arrawadgno Arsha Arsla Arsop Arstomalno Arthla Artlo Aschoj Asdarargho Asha Askojosla Asmer Asnat Aspe Asta Astla Astvo Aswazerpa Atbeg Atex Athfe Athrelerstoz Atse Awca Awke Awtraberwo Axho Barnboceghwak Bashdo Battlefendlo Batzgoz Benkasorstex Benzo Bermskeqamle Bethsavoltral Bogge Bokrak Bomcfa Bongwelorjoj Bopswe Bostha Cardbro Caschwo Castla Catchwop Cedmehethge Cemcce Cenzeweckfe Cerdso Cewdlot Cohnstax Cormstra Dardwe Dewste Doflo Dorkhe Dorsde Ebdod Ecchenernde Ecclenankso Eccra Echme Ecqe Ecra Ectez Edbrec Edsoc Edsta Effma Efmajasgrav Ega Eggso Ehne Ekne Ekoleccaw Ekrafewker Elbat Elcha Elha Elhacelsce Elmle Elmo Elphehaschra Elpsa Elso Eltro Eltwho Embloc Empbe Empta Emptho Empthotatteb Emsaq Emsgralomco Emswatexbos Encha Enfla Engfeqorpo Engtrez Entho Enve Eppe Erbo Erbra Ercatansco Erde Erkbafortrok Erkbol Erkbot Erkel Erlsa Ermstra Ermstre Ermstrov Erne Ernhezorsked Ernslaw Erpha Erpol Erthflopemcmev Ertho Esnoq Esse Eta Ethpak Ethwapeckpo Ewdlopegap Ewlo Ewno Ewqe Ewsa Ewstavoncha Ewte Exwe Faldsozentsem Falsha Fanlok Fargas Farho Farskel Fartsop Femcfet Fenglepelsce Gahne Ganstel Gantfaxasto Genla Gentna Gera Gockpe Gonchle Gongwoj Gortogaxleq Hablo Haco Hajeberlta Haldhac Halkshe Hanne Hegbefocknok Horthedangbro Jachras Jalùazekse Jangsbra Jarmeg Jartmo Jawhebampster Jengstocabde Jette Jodpo Joghweqantso Jompbekorsot Jonzeparbraw Jowbra Jownho Joxmo Kabstep Kaka Kepshe Kolnwe Koltazartsa Korkmo Lachde Ladgwo Lalbro Langpez Lartmo Leghwa Lembsa Letka Lewsteg Loffre Lofta Lohno Longte Lonsle Losclan Mackta Mada Madce Madco Maddle Madwok Maldsep Mensbemamma Merksefamswa Mesgre Metwo Mewtar Momckna Momsaq Mongbo Mopshew Mosmekommec Nadga Namccre Nasmaq Naswesonko Nebde Nenckle Nochlex Noschmo Obbsa Obbse Occhob Ocdoz Ockekolnaj Ockpepappa Ockre Ocksegolmlo Ocktok Odcer Oddlagamno Odgwajebdo Odpaqolkshev Odse Ofme Ofne Oghwa Ogla Ogta Ogwamalbo Ohnner Ola Oldwoh Olfro Olphelowne Olstateswog Oltbedemsgoc Ombenalta Omcdep Omcga Omckna Omcnet Omcpha Onchce Ondajangtap Ongo Ongsbroj Ongtret Onhom Onsca Onswa Ontgegelstaf Onto Ophrapolho Oppledonche Orah Orbre Ordna Orke Orkswoxarklog Ornhom Orstoqongbra Ortha Orthflazertfe Orthflesemccra Oscagege Oschmawodco Oshlog Ostba Ostva Otbarochla Otchlexesdo Othpop Otle Otne Ovo Owho Owta Oxbesalhos Packo Pagfo Parnfe Pawnogonsbo Pefrec Pendla Pendle Penha Pewpak Podbogonkse Poghte Porndotopswe Qalbre Qamccle Qansce Qarsfoq Qata Qathre Qoscla Qostcho Rabstow Rampbe Rampthe Razzoxensbo Relphab Renslafalla Rentro Renxa Rockram Roghte Rornslo Rortred Rotzpen Salsbop Sambsob Sashbawogfoh Sathrex Seffmoqalmsleg Seghwa Selfekernfe Sellmanaclen Sendomahnso Sogtoc Solksha Sontretecklak Sorntwo Sowdepocle Talste Tenwe Tertzahengwa Teshte Tonwaw Toppe Topron Torge Torqoc Torsho Tortnew Tostwa Totzpa Varthekempsta Vedbro Vethpod Vethre Voble Volke Vorgho Vothgogewto Wachol Wacksoq Wadde Waltwhex Wapra Waxhas Weclo Weppom Wershex Woge Wolstron Wowfa Xaccha Xafnes Xaggo Xardo Xecolarko Xedsgro Xedsho Xenda Xerkmo Xerwe Xesdezasgraj Xodos Xodto Xolkshe Xolpe Xomcdadempsta Xosa Xoscho Zahnsto Zanglanadla Zarste Zelnes Zongbra Zophraz Zotne
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midnightcrow0 · 3 months
xhia4a ma xosa leggu
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mundo-sem-pirralhos · 5 months
THAIS GOULART:"As pessoas só estão satisfeitas quando vêem mães destruídas que não reclamam". Essa frase da Tatá Werneck resume perfeitamente o que o patriarcado quer para todas as mulheres: que elas estejam destruídas mas só abram a boca para romantizar a maternidade. Se essas mulheres não reclamassem, teríamos um número muito maior de jovens caindo nessa cilada.
porque é cômodo ser vítima de algo ou alguém.
Assumir o controle, direção e escolhas da própria vida e se arcar com as devidas consequências, é só para os fortes, corajosos e de boa índole, coisas que as parideirans e as desesperadas por macho não são.
Hoje acho ótimo que elas reclamem, para que as jovens de hoje saibam que filho não é boneco, e casamento não é brincar de casinha. É bom que as jovens abram os olhos e vejam a realidade, e decidam que não querem estar sobrecarregadas, abrindo mão de diversas coisas e se tornando "a reclamona véia Bucetildes".
Todo mundo passa por dificuldades em várias situações da vida, mas não se vê ninguém reclamando e se vitimizando delas como as paris fazem.
A não romantização da maternidade é bom pra elas que vão refletir se querem mais filhos, pra gente porque muitas podem virar childfree ou apenas decidirem não ter filhos por inúmeros motivos, e apenas vai fazer com que a mulher reflita se ela está seguindo a manada ou refletindo sobre se realmente é feliz sem filhos.
Bom é que reclamem mesmo e assim teremos mais casos de mulheres conscientes da real maternidade.
E cada vez mais que elas judiarem de crianças e bebes como no caso do Henry aumentem mais leis em favor da violência infantil também.
Parideirans pobres reproduzem cegamente o que as ricas fazem.
É bom que falem mesmo.
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rausule · 9 months
Xosa (meer korrek Amaxosa, ook Xhosa gespel). Afrika-stam met sy tuiste in die Oos-Kaapprovinsie. Oorspronklik bekend as die Aba-nguni, na 'n vroeë heerser genaamd Mnguni, van wie feitlik niks bekend is nie. 'n Opvolger van hom, op 'n laat datum, was bekend as Xosa, van wie die stam sy meer algemene benaming geneem het. Volgens J. H. Soga het die stam waarskynlik in Oos-Afrika ontstaan, en is in 'n aantal stamme verdeel. Hulle het in die 17de eeu na Suider-Afrika ingetrek, en na onderlinge oorloë het twee partye, die Gaikas en Galekas, omstreeks 1750 geskei. Hulle is anderkant die Visrivier gevestig toe die eerste wit setlaars met hulle kontak gemaak het.
Xosa (rectius Amaxosa, item Xhosa zea). Africae tribus cum domo in Promontorio Orientali. Primitus cognominatus est Aba-nguni, ab antiquo principe nomine Mnguni, de quo fere nihil notum est. Successor ejus, nuper tempore, Xosa cognomento fuit, a quo tribus communiorem designa- tionem ademit. Secundum J. H. Soga, tribus in Africa Orientali verisimiliter orta est, in plures familias divisa. Hi in Africam australem saeculo XVII aliquo tempore transierunt, et post bella interneciva duae factiones, Gaikas et Galekas circa annum 1750 divisae sunt. Trans fluvium Piscium conditae sunt, cum primi coloni albi cum eis communicaverunt.
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jonathanvik · 7 months
Starlight Dream - Chapter 57
A heavy frown creased Kiyojiro’s lips as he watched the mysterious magical girl leave them. For whatever reason, the girl bothered him. A dark miasma seemed to cloak her, suffocating everything around her. 
Botan seemed just as disturbed, suppressing a shudder. “Do we think we can trust her?”
“Trust her to at least fight against Kaguya, at least.” But he trusted her little further than that. What timing. His charge didn’t need another enemy at this point. 
And here I am, doing nothing, as usual. It’d been ridiculous when the Prime Minister had charged him as Seina’s bodyguard, a girl who could flick him to death. But he’d taken the assignment seriously like no other. Seina didn’t know it, but that girl had saved his life. He owed her a debt he could never repay. Kiyojiro would do everything to help Seina along in her life’s journey. 
Kiyojiro slumped down to the stone floor, releasing a deep sigh. It was moments like this when he really hated his job. The waiting to see if Seina would return alive was excruciating. 
“Hey, I’m sure they’ll be back. Your Seina’s pretty tough. Not surprising, considering she’s my brother’s partner.” Botan said, trying her best to reassure him. Colten’s death had changed her. Despite their venomous arguments, she really loved her silly little brother. 
“Yeah.” Kiyojiro gave a slight smile. Still, he stewed in his uselessness. I’d do anything to help her, pay any cost!
“Huh?” Botan stared in confusion as Kiyojiro suddenly stood up and walked away. “Where are you going?”
But Kiyojiro ignored her, walking through a chamber into another cave. Despite Starlight Dream’s devastation, a significant portion of the planet had survived. These tunnels seemed to continue on forever. Botan flitted around him nervously as he continued to go towards some destination only he seemed to know. 
“This core of Starlight Dream, what is it?” Kiyojiro suddenly asked. “Like, where did it come from?”
“What?” Botan blinked, flummoxed by the sudden question. “Beats me. It’s always been here.”
“But there must be legends,” Kiyojiro said, taking a sudden right turn. They arrived at a dead end, an empty stone chamber.
“Well, some say that Starlight Dream’s core is the remnant of the first fairy queen’s heart. She died in an ancient battle with her great enemy, the Xosa.”
“The great enemy scampered away, mortally wounded, and was never seen again. The fairy queen died, but, in her dying words, she commanded her children to use her dying body to construct the cosmos with her very heart being the center of this new creation.”
“It’s all rubbish if you ask me,” Botan replied with a snort. “Like, if the fairies existed before creation, where did they come from? And command her subjects to create the planets and stars from her flesh? If she’s dying, why should she care what happens afterward?”
“So, does this mean Starlight Dream’s heart has its own consciousness?” Kiyojiro said, searching along the wall with his fingers.
“Who knows? Probably not. If it does, it’s never spoken to me.” Botan gasped as her human companion found some hidden latch on the wall, opening a secret door. 
“Even since I’ve come to these caves, I’ve sensed some force. It’s guided me, leading me to this very spot.”
“Really?” Botan said, eyeing the bright chamber ahead of them nervously. “Is that really such a good idea?”
“I don’t know.” Kiyojiro entered the door without hesitation. Whatever was happening, he’d see it to the end. 
“Darn it!” Seina said, howling as another Kaguya clone landed a clean blow on her, their sword biting into her shoulder. The copy paid back the insult in full, exploding in dust as Seina’s sword slashed it apart. But fifteen more clones appeared, charging at her from various directions. 
Prime Kaguya, of course, just watched the scene in amusement as her army wore her opponent’s down, delighting as she sucked them dry with her draining aura alone without having to do much. When a copy fell, she only cut her hand and summoned four more with her blood. 
While weaker than the original, the copies proved an irritating obstacle, as they used a myriad of tricks to attack their prey. One cloaked herself in illusion, making herself impossible to track until it was too late. Another just threw herself on Seina’s blade, obstructing it to make it easier for her sisters to attack. Several tried psychic attacks, confusing their opponent with glamors and illusions. 
But Seina persisted, each encounter increasing her knowledge of her new abilities. It honed them to a deadly point as her foes hounded her into a corner. Her new abilities allowed her to summon bubbles with a thought now. They circled around her, acting as a barrier. While the emptiness of the void diminished their sunlight, each clone still died with a touch. Still, Seina remained unsatisfied, knowing she possessed other abilities she hadn’t unlocked yet. 
To Seina’s astonishment, Arisu was faring much better in her fight. Despite the odds against her, a broad grin extended across her face. Instead of taking to the defensive, the Wicked Queen fought the seemingly endless clones head-on, and they trembled at her ferocity. Seina watched in amazement as clones burst to pieces from Arisu’s fighting aura alone, many shattering to avoid her relentless charge. 
I can’t stay here, either. I needed to take the fight to Kaguya. Otherwise, she’ll only needle us to death!
Seina charged forward, steel slashing forward to devastate the dozens of Kaguya charging at her. Many died, but most slipped away unharmed. She used this opening to swipe at the stationary Kaguya, ignoring the painful bites of her clones as they tried to obstruct her. 
“Not a bad plan. Pity it won’t work.” Prime Kaguya said, unconcerned, as Seina slashed her blade to decapitate the vampire with a single stroke. Much to Seina’s confusion, the Vampire Queen seemed perpetually out of reach. Even the bubbles she shot at her couldn’t seem to catch her. Meanwhile, Kaguya’s clones continued to use their crystal blades to hack Seina into pieces. 
“What’s going on?” Seina sped up even faster, her movements a blur even to her. Even so, her blade missed by a mile. Kaguya only smiled, amused by her opponent’s futile efforts. 
“You’re chasing after a shadow,” Arisu said, appearing from nowhere to pulverize the clones harassing Seina. “Kaguya’s only pretending to hang out in the open. She’s using her reality-warping powers to increase the distance between us and her.” Arisu said, amused. 
“That little!” Kaguya was playing games with them again, making them waste their energy chasing after a shadow. Seina scowled, annoyed with her ally’s nonchalance about this dire situation. Didn’t the girl realize the stakes of the situation? But then she paused, considering something she found odd. 
“I thought we weren’t in reality? There shouldn’t be anything to manipulate!” The answer dawned on Seina. “Is she creating pockets of reality around her?”
“Yes, I can sense the time she creates. After all, space can’t exist without time.” Arisu replied, keeping her voice quiet. “Follow my lead.”
The observation gave Seina some ideas, a wedge she’d use to deliver the killing stake into Kaguya’s undead heart. At least, she hoped that would work. Otherwise, she wasn’t sure how she’d destroy something capable of regenerating from an atomic level. 
Acting as one, both magical girls struck from opposite angles. Seina kept her sword ready, slashing from an angle difficult to dodge. Of course, the vampire queen did, but Seina sensed the space-time her ally had mentioned. She threw her blade, summoning a tiny bubble in the space Kaguya had created to speed her sword’s advance. Arisu joined the effort, her staff attacking low. Forced to dodge, it put their opponent in perfect position for Seina’s thrown blade. But Kaguya proved nimbler, just slipping away by a hair. 
“Not bad. You fight as a well-oiled team.” Kaguya said, impressed despite herself. “I’ll need to.” She grunted in pain, black blood oozing from a sudden knife in her shoulder. She dodged away from several more incoming blades, but each seemed keenly aimed, most always hitting their mark. The vampire’s blood floated in nothing, sitting solidly still like it had gotten frozen in ice. 
“Bathiko?” Seina said, looking around as she recognized the distinctive knives. Whatever the twisted magical girl was, she always made Seina’s teeth ache in her presence.
“That’s right. I’m here to finish the final Devil Princess.” Bathiko said, appearing from nowhere. “Don’t bother dodging, monster. I’ve marked you for death.”
“Thanks for coming,” Seina said, relieved. 
“Not bad, you’ve even aimed around Kaguya’s reality bubbles,” Arisu said, impressed. 
“I can find any weakness,” Bathiko replied. “And don’t thank me yet. I’ll destroy you once I’m finished with her.”
“Friendly sort. Is she aiming to get her ass kicked?” Arisu said, annoyed. 
“She hates magical girls. Not sure why, really.” Seina said. Why must Bathiko always be so prickly? 
“She smells bad,” Arisu said with a sniff, despite it being impossible to smell her in the void. “I don’t like her.”
“It’s mutual,” Bathiko replied, summoning more knives.
“Just tricks.” Kaguya only smirked. “Your knives only scratched me. You’re not a magical girl, are you? No light exists within you. That’s why you can’t hurt me.”
“Shut up. My darkness will swallow you whole! Evil Change.” Bathiko cried, eyes blazing. She hugged herself, an aura of darkness gathering around her. Dozens of elegant yet misshapen wings spouted from the girl’s back. Each feather seemed darker than the void, shimmering with an odd light. 
“What is she?” Bathiko’s existence repelled even the void, the embodiment of nothingness. Even Mei and her madness didn’t tear apart Seina’s insides this much. The twisted magical girl seemed even more antithetical to life than the vampire queen. 
“I’m darkness incarnate. The bane of magical girls.” Bathiko said, smirking. “Once you’re dead, Kaguya, all fairies will gain their freedom.”
But Kaguya didn’t seem that concerned, more amused than anything. “Shame I’m not a magical girl. You sure you’re not picking a fight you can’t win?”
“It doesn’t matter! You’re dead!” Bathiko charged forward, blades lashing out at her opponent. The Vampire Queen danced around the battlefield, but none of her reality-warping tricks worked. Each of the dark magical girl's attacks landed, the rain of blades breaking past her defenses. 
Amazing. She’s really doing it. But the dark magical girl’s attacks continued to be ineffectual, the wounds inflicted healing before the blade even exited her skin. Much to Seina’s horror, she realized the battle was futile. Bathiko’s powers were useless against such overwhelming darkness.
“You can’t manage this alone,” Seina shouted. “We need to work together to stop her!”
A blade slit across the vampire’s queen’s throat, but Kaguya only smirked in response. “What? No!” Bathiko set her jaw in a hard line. “You’ll just stab me in the back! You magical girls are all the same!”
“Huh?” Seina said, surprised. “When have I shown I’d ever do that?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Bathiko said, stubborn as ever. “I’m doing this alone. I’m the hero this cosmos needs, not you!”
“Hero, eh?” Kaguya said, amused. “I think you’re more like me.”
“Shut up!” Bathiko drove another knife into the vampire’s heart, but Kaguya only shrugged it off. “Shut up!”
“Get over yourself,” Arisu said. Crossing her arms. “Let us help you already.”
“No! This is my battle!” Sweat gathered across her forehead as her attacks continued to be useless. A nasty smile grew across Bathiko’s features. “Fine. I’ll show you all true power! And why I was chosen to save fairykind!”
“What the.” Seina stepped back as non reality continued to distort, each flutter of Bathiko’s eldritch wings increasing the distortion. 
“I can find anything.” Cracks continued to form in the nothingness around the dark magical girl. “I’ll find a way to kill you all!”
“You fool,” Arisu said, darting away from a crack that’d appeared just behind her. 
“What’s happening?” Seina said, rushing to her friend’s side. 
“She’s disrupted the natural balance of the void. It’s returning everything to the primal chaos.” Arisu replied. 
“I don’t understand. Aren’t we standing in nothing?”
“It’s going further than that.” Genuine worry crossed Arisu’s features. “Bathiko’s collapsing all the cosmos into itself. Nothing has become everything, and everything has become nothing!”
“I didn’t think she’d be this desperate,” Kaguya said, genuine worry entering her voice. “Seems I’m not the threat anymore.”
“Fine. I realize what I must do.” Bathiko said, her voice booming across the chaotic space. “I won’t allow you Devil Princesses to stand. Magical Girls, either. If I can’t win. I’ll find a better alternative. I’ll use the very cosmos as a bludgeoning weapon.”
“Are you insane?!” Seina said, hair whipping into her face from the force of the cosmic winds.
“Tsk,” Arisu said, scowling. “Is this really her best plan?”
“I didn’t think she’d go this far to defeat me,” Kaguya said, joining them. “Time and space are blending together. I can’t tell what’s even possible anymore.”
“Thanks for emptying the cosmos of life, Devil Princess,” Bathiko said. “It gives me plenty of ammunition.”
“If you do this, nothing will be left!” Figments flickered in Seina’s vision, the past, present, and future blending into countless worlds and possibilities together.
“I can protect what life remains. I know what I’m doing,” Bathiko said, stubbornly tightening her jaw. “Stay out of this, magical girl.”
“I don’t know what this girl’s deal is, but I’m kicking her ass regardless,” Arisu said, charging forward. 
“Wait,” Seina said, eying Kaguya nervously, unsure if the monster would stab them in the back while battling Bathiko’s insanity. 
But this only earned a curious eyebrow from the Vampire Queen. “You really think I want this? Get going already.”
“Fine!” Seina joined Arisu in her forward change, ready to do whatever it took to stop this madness. 
Much to her surprise, the vampire’s draining aura had vanished. Was the vampire helping them out, or was her aura unable to pierce the chaotic space? Direction, even time, seemed useless here. A thousand Seina joined her to face a thousand more Bathikos. Or was it one Seina against half of Bathiko? Her head hurt, struggling to understand what was happening. In a place where anything was possible, it also meant nothing was possible. But Arisu ignored all this, smashing into the mad magical girl’s ribs. 
“You dare!” A beat of Bathiko’s ever-increasing amount of wings summoned a torrent of energy, using unreality as a weapon. It tore poor Arisu to pieces, her entire existence unraveling. 
“Arisu!” Seina leaped to action, summoning a bubble around her friend. But it popped before it formed, unable to withstand the power of the reality-shifting tides. 
“No!” Seina stared wide-eyed in horror as her only ally burst into fragments of mist, disappearing into nothing. 
“See, magical girl. This is the power you face,” Bathiko said, arms extended as she raised herself high above everyone. Her body shimmered as she gathered everything into herself, her existence expanding as everything became her. “This is the best path forward I could find. The best path for everyone. Fear not. I will spare your world. They will live a better reality, free of suffering and magical girls.”
“Enough of that!” Seina gritted her teeth. “Magical girls are supposed to protect everything, not destroy!”
“She’s really doing it,” Kaguya said with a shocking amount of calm. “Shame, it still won’t be enough to kill me.”
“What?” Bathiko said, eye twitching. 
“Of course, you malformed magical girl. As long as a thought of me exists, I can’t die.” Kaguya replied. “Do your worst. You’ll never be rid of me!” 
Reality circled around Bathiko’s head, every possibility visible within her twisted halo. She had assented to a position beyond a magical girl, beyond even godhood. Bathiko had made herself the totality of reality and the only thing that was real was her. How could anyone stop that?
“We’ve really walked into it this time.” A familiar voice said. 
“Colten?” And there her partner stood, wearing his knight form. Seina wasn’t sure if it was a hallucination or an actual manifestation of her friend. At this point, it was hard to care either way. 
“Partner, we can’t win this. Arisu’s gone.” Seina said, head low. She watched as Bathiko extended a hand and blew the Vampire Queen to pieces, her atoms scattered to the winds. It’d been so easy.
Her partner gave the dark angel an inquisitive look. “I bet we could do something similar if we put our minds to it.”
“What?” Seina stared at Paliah in shock. 
“We won’t, of course. Our power has always been to protect.” He continued. “That’s been our purpose from the beginning. That’s why we were granted this power to begin with.”
“I suppose so. But how? Our enemies just destroy, destroy, destroy. Everything's wrecked beyond repair!” Seina said, tormented by her uselessness. 
A hand grabbed her and squeezed tight. Paliah smiled at her, and the doubt evaporated into mist. It didn’t matter how powerful Bathiko had become. They would protect everyone!
“Bathiko!” Seina said, shouting at the mighty magical girl creature. She wondered if her opponent was even a magical girl, to begin with. Even the Devil Princesses weren’t this vile.
“You’re still here?” Bathiko said, voice booming. “I assumed the cosmic winds would have erased you by now.”
“Never,” Seina said, brandishing her blade at her impossible foe. Fear and doubt were behind her. “We won’t allow this to go any further.” 
“You’re a fool. You face the inevitable.” 
“Maybe so. But we’re not giving up. Not until it’s done!” Without hesitation, she leaped against her foe, ready to face whatever doom awaited her. 
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avrifer · 1 year
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radiodemencia · 1 year
hoy me dijo d hacer llamada y todo y dijo q hasta la madrugada masomenos está y yo queria igualmente decirle mas temprano d hacer pero me puse a hacer xosas y aaa ahora es tarde y creo q ya se fue a dormir o ya no quiere y estoy tristisima pq no sé, se lo veia emocionado de querer hacer llamada CONMIGO estas cosas no m suelen pasar a mi :(
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truck-fump · 1 year
House committee votes to make public Donald <b>Trump's</b> personal and business tax records
New Post has been published on https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-committee-votes-donald-trumps-personal-business-tax-records-rcna62212&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjUzM2UwMTY5ZmFhZTIwMGQ6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw0dHk57VAWbzWnMUJ-xoSae
House committee votes to make public Donald Trump's personal and business tax records
The House Ways and Means Committee voted Tuesday to make public a report about President Donald Trump’s tax returns — potentially ending years of …
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