#Xie Qingcheng
its-ezraaa · 7 months
middle-aged, aloof and cold man in a high position of power who barely shows any emotions
my brain: babygirl 🥺
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xiaoguiii · 3 months
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t-taxiansgf · 7 months
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New cover reveal! Case File Compendium: Bing An Ben (Novel) Vol. 1 coming to English print/digital this February.
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kenmascat · 7 months
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naixaie · 6 months
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bab — xie qingcheng & he yu
commission for @/foxrainie (twt) 🌸✨
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xiaoguiheyu · 1 year
Their dicks knew better 😹
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angieloveshua · 9 months
Hello, everyone. I've been trying to process the beauty of these pieces of art (I'm still crying).
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"But you see, they live so freely and elegantly, and they are a very beautiful scenery in themselves. Many people just look at them and feel unprecedented peace."
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sunnyoy · 1 year
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overshelter · 3 months
REVIEW: Case File Compendium/BingAnBen/BAB
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WARNING: Contains SPOILERS, so beware!
BAB was a trip.
It has a very good pace of world development until about halfway through. After that it gets a bit, hm, stagnant. But it's not totally disappointing, it just doesn't give you that extreme anxiety to know more about the investigation and the whole criminal organization of the Mandela Plan. Besides, I thought the whole science fiction thing was a bit of a misnomer. I think Meatbun faltered a little there and could have been more careful. Perhaps it lacked a certain stimulus, I don't know.
Well, apart from what I've said, what I liked most was undoubtedly the emotional and mental work. Especially Xie Qingcheng.
His whole vision of himself as a person, of the world and how he had a vision, a future in which he saw himself as disposable, only to end up as someone who thinks: "I'm wanted, I'm remembered, I'm loved" really enchanted me.
The analogy of him being a patched-up teddy bear that nobody would want got to me so much! Especially in the narration of his past, how he felt like an imposter when he came back and got that reaction from Xie Xue.
For this reason, until now, after reading the entire novel, chapter 132 remains my favorite and the one that got me the most. That "thank you for coming back alive" from He Yu was something Qingcheng always wanted, but could never have. Knowing that he was right to fight, right to persist in living and how happy he made someone in his life by not giving up and undergoing treatment with RN-13, was... beautiful. Really.
He Yu made him think that his life still had value, that despite being a patched-up teddy bear, someone still wanted and cherished that teddy bear, even with all the cuts, patches and replaced parts. That teddy bear still brought comfort and could still be loved.
Okay, okay. Moving on.
I also really liked the work with He Yu, even if I thought that the author faltered in some areas, but in general he's my baby dragon who makes me tap my feet with how adorable he can be, especially in the extras! And, sir! I love, LOVE how disgusting He Yu can be! He's totally a young master, never stopped being one!
Concubine He and Dr. Xie really do have complementary personalities, and I firmly believe that, even if they tried, they wouldn't feel complete with other people. They were meant to be together! And, like, in every way!
What He Yu lacks, Xie Qingcheng fills and vice versa. I strongly believe that these two argue a lot and have fights over ridiculous things. And that delights me, as I'm sure they'll be in a loving mood by the end.
Case File Compendium/BingAnBen/BAB is a good choice of reading for those who like the "mental, investigation and fiction" theme. I recommend it if you've checked the triggers/tags and like a "love/hate/HORNY" couple KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE
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inthefaceofadaffodil · 3 months
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riiight, murder, whatever you say, bud
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xieqingcheng · 3 months
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thank you meatbun for xie qingcheng (with my apologies to twitter user @lovingtaeonmain)
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xiaoguiii · 3 months
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“The Devil and His Doctor”
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“The game of death begins now”
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t-taxiansgf · 1 year
Meatbun nation, WAKE UP! Meatbun is releasing a new novel and she posted some parts she already wrote
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Case File Compendium Thoughts
Alrighty, just begun reading
And this first thing that really strikes me is the biopsychology and psychology used in it.
He Yu’s initial dislike of Xie Qingcheng stems from smell. Now, smell is a surprisingly strong trigger for trauma (I believe, but it's been a while since I looked it up so could be misremembering) so his association of bad memories with Xqc is rather strong and something Xqc’s cold demeanour only really reinforces.
Learning theory suggest fear is learnt via association and maintained via reinforcement.
So, I think it is pretty cool that, upon seeing Xqc in person again, one of the first things He Yu considers is how he is no longer afraid of Xqc.
I don’t know whether to count anything else as spoilers, so I'm just going to stick anything else under the line
And then when we get Xqc’s perspective of his divorce. I find it so interesting that he calls love a response related to dopamine.
I believe dopamine is responsible for initially falling in love, and the high feeling of elation because it makes up part of the reward pathway in the mesolimbic (emotional) part of the brain. So it has kind of a euphoric feel.
However, oxytocin is also more associated with long lasting love. It is a hormone (and neurotransmitter, I believe) released during sex and also during childbirth and mother-infant bonding and involved in trust and romantic attraction. It is also an inhibitor of cortisol which is responsible for stresssss.
Anyway, I find it really interesting that Xqc’s idea of love, even in his very biologically reductionist model, is based on dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with addiction
Like reducing anything down to biology is already very dehumanizing, but then to eject the consideration of an existing hormone (oxytocin) involved in long term romantic attraction in favour of dopamine takes what little romance there was even out of that. And he must know because he is a doctor, he must.
and then he proceeds to become addicted to smoking to cope with his divorce. It has a kind of almost poetic justice to it, that a relationship he has no care for outside of responsibility and duty drives him to addiction—the one thing he seems to conflate love with and avoid
I'm not really sure what I want to say about this, but I’m going to assume He Yu’s interpretation of humanity is much more holistic and romantic, like he quotes Tang Dynasty poetry 40 pages in, so I assume that counts for something.
And I'm also going to assume that Xqc’s interpretation of love comes back to bite him because he is just not going to realise how much he cares until he loses what he cares about.
The same with his stringently cold composure, at some point it is going to break. And it is going to happen when no one expects it to. Maybe something innocuous and seemingly simple that is just one step, one inch, one millimetre too far… I dont know I’m just speculating after 70 pages of book. Sooo…
Side note: He Yu’s behaviour towards Xie Xue is so going to cause him more problems with Xqc. It must!!! I wonder if Xqc will find out about how He Yu schemes and how he will react. Because it is very much not normal and also slightly horrifying if I’m honest.
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biipbop · 1 month
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Tell me why I feel the need to draw them so much lately
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