seasinkarnadine · 8 years
Gonna try to keep this blog as clexa oriented as possible. Hopefully more original content and less other nonsense. This blog will have the following content: 1. Clexa 2. Feminist rage 3. Poetry 4. Aesthetic 5. Gay 6. ???maybe some writing advice For the following nonsense: 1. Video gaemus 2. Historical jokes 3. Political jokes 4. Mental illness complaints 5. Homework art maybe? 6. Complaints about digital art 7. Rants 8. Politics 9. An amalgamation of garbage Follow: @xylophonebone Tldr; this post only matters if you want to keep up with Morgan's personal shenanigans. Otherwise carry on. o7 Cheers
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literallytouko · 9 years
Get a tattoo of a log w/a good twin peaks quote in a ribbon around it, (or a cup of coffee or slice of pie) OR a really Victorian pen-and-ink style pair of scissors, OR a cute tiny UFO
Ooooh, I think I like the log idea!! I think if I did a quote, I might do the one Laura says in the Red Room “I feel like I know her” (but sometimes my arms bend back) because that line has literally always chilled me; legit goosebumps. I have like 3 different Fukawa tattoo ideas, but actually getting a scissors tattoo never crossed my mind, so that’s a good one too! And a cute tiny UFO.... That DEFINITELY will have to happen at some point! Thank you!!!
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faedarko · 10 years
I read Gyo the other day because a friend loaned it to me and now I'm like "pls to have all ur junji itos"
Read Tomie
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kith-kanan · 11 years
Tumblr media
happy halloween, everyone!! this is my gift for alyssa, who asked for some cute-and-silly-halloweeny viaotri; i also combined that with the crossdressing you suggested ☆~(ゝ。∂)
(P.S. THIS is really dumb but i didn't realise trip was missing until after...well, pretty much everything was finished bc i am a nerd loSER. so technically it's only viruao for now ;;;;; i'll post up a continuation for this either tomorrow or saturday! your viaotri is on the way!!)
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dmmd-secret-ghostie · 11 years
Will we give our finished work directly to the person we were assigned on the final day in addition to having it on this blog, or will we all find out only from what is on the blog on that day?
on halloween day everyone will post their gifts on their own blog (whichever one it may be) with the tag #dmmd secret ghostie (and, of course, it's hoped you'll also tag your recipient as well) and we'll be reblogging all the gifts to this blog, so if you dont get a present in your tag, come check out the blog!
(i'll be reminding everyone of this when it comes closer to the reveal date)
also, a quick reminder to everyone--tumblr's tagging system only works for the first five tags, so if you have the secret ghostie or your recipient's url as your 6th or 7th or nth tag, then it wont show up!! please remember to at the very least make one of your first five tags #dmmd secret ghostie!!
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literallytouko · 9 years
xylophoneboned replied to your post “tentative future cosplays: Sailor Harley with Tuxedo Hood (but this is...”
What the hell these are all fantastic, I love you. I hope you mean Junji Ito Tomie???
Yessssss I definitely mean Junji Ito Tomie!! I’m trying to figure out the best way to cosplay her, I looked at other people’s, and it looks like a lot of people make her head tumor, which would be a fun challenge, but I’m keeping my mind open for other ideas!
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daddyboyhalo · 11 years
Alli is a real life cat. She uses Tumblr with her tiny paws.
the secret’s out you guys i am cat
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khymeira · 11 years
Your aesthetic tastes are such a wonderful overlap with mine, I'm enjoying everything you post... As for fictional tastes-- have you ever heard of the author Nineteen/19? I think his work would have some of that lovely overlap too.
I'm sorry for the super delayed response! And thank you, it's very nice to share a similar frequency with someone else. But no... I haven't heard of Nineteen/19. Could you lend some recommendations? I'm piqued! 
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whimsilica · 11 years
//kisses and hugs// hi hon. I don't know you or anything, but browsing through your posts I understand what's happening. I think what you need to do is just take some time for yourself, just a while. Being alone can be scary, but it is good sometimes
im a naturally introverted person as far as i know myself and i spent most of my time alone, to the point where i go without irl interaction or even touches for days and weeks, and its taking its toll ::/ (you know that thing about 8 positive touches a day? im lucky if i get 16 a week)
i kinda need some interaction with people atm because if i leave my brain alone atm it will just continue running in circles. talking to people stimulates me positively and keeps my brain focused on something. trust me id really love to play a game now or watch a movie or a few episodes from some series or others but i fear my brain will just go nope and into this strange standby mode in which i can neither sleep or concentrate, or take another nosedive into self pitying territory....
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peens · 11 years
Are you cosplaying Star Trek to hoshi or just making Tribbles? Either way good things.
making them to sell in the AA
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faedarko · 10 years
Birthday thing for xylophoneboned:
The tough, hard-driving individuals born on January 9 are highly ambitious people, not only for themselves but for their family members as well. They want to reach the top and be the best, and are capable of devoting all or most of their energies year after year to that end. January 9 willpower is not to be underestimated and this born on this day are capable of applying great pressure to bend themselves (or others) to that will. Furthermore, they have a knack for recognizing opportunities and rarely if ever miss a chance to better their situation.
Yet, those born on this say are capable of making weighty mistakes and miscalculations as well. Loss, defeat, and setbacks of all kinds dot the landscapes of their lives. Fortunately, their resiliency and sense of purpose is such that they can almost always snap back. It is extremely difficult to defeat them or force them to surrender.
January 9 people highly value personal initiative, personal responsibility, and personal freedom. Because of this they may at times lose sight of more social or universal goals, and perhaps fail to understand or appreciate how the group-oriented mind thinks as well. Moreover, for many born on this day, learning to treat people as ends in themselves rather than means to an end will take them farther in the long run. Cultivating perhaps less dynamic, but more human, values such as kindness, understanding, and acceptance is crucial to their growth and indeed their ultimate success.
So oriented are January 9 people toward struggles and challenge that they rarely wish to rest on their achievements or retire to a life of happiness and contentment. They tend to be workaholics who commit themselves to their tasks one hundred percent and therefore can find it difficult to relax at the end of the day. Having a partner, friend, or family member who can help them in this direction is of the utmost importance, as those born on this day are in great need of laughter and good times too.
January 9 people do not react well to being opposed in their endeavors. A quite ruthless side of their personality can emerge in such situations. Battlers, they use whatever weapons are at their disposal to overcome their adversaries, and fully expect the same in return. However, learning to view events in less black and white terms, and to recognize that present rivals can be future helpmates and friends ultimately widens their understanding and strengthens their position in the world.
Numbers and Planets:
Those born on the 9th of the month are ruled by the number 9 and by the planet Mars. The number 9 is powerful in its influence on other numbers (e.g., 5+9=14, 4+1=5, and any number multiplied by a 9 yields a 9: e.g., 9x5=45, 4+5=9), and January 9 people are similarly influential. The planet Mars is forceful and aggressive, embodying male energy, but for January 9 people its influence can be colored by Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, which here grants seriousness of purpose but also potentially manipulative tendencies. 
The 9th card of the Major Arcana is The Hermit, who is usually depicted walking with a lantern and a stick; he represents meditation, isolation, and quietude. The card also signifies crystallized wisdom and ultimate discipline. The hermit is a taskmaster who motivates by conscience and guides others on their path. The positive side of this card is stick-to-it-iveness, purpose, profundity, and concentration; negative qualities include dogmatism, intolerance, mistrust, and discouragement. Such saturnian characteristics are particularly relevant in the case of January 9 people.
Those born on January 9 can suffer common side-effects of stress: headaches, anxiety, muscle tension, lowered resistance to infections, and problems with sleep. Learning to relax and allow themselves fun is crucial to their maintaining good health. Family and social activities, as well as regularly scheduled vacations, are an important part of the picture. An exciting, vibrant diet with lots of appetizing recipes is recommended to keep them looking forward to the zestful enjoyment of good meals. Only mild exercise is recommended for those born on this day along with periods of rest, including occasional afternoon naps, which can work wonders. January 9 people must pay particular attention to the effects of stress on their bones and teeth, as well as making sure that they get proper dosages of supplementary vitamins and minerals.
Watch children at play. Learn from them. Don't allow your ambition to lead you away from the best in you. Remain open to advice; take what others say about you seriously.
Maturity does not exclude playfulness.
Resilient, purposeful, resourceful
Controlling, inflexible, stressed
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nffsbisher-blog · 11 years
princessagainstpatriarchy replied to your post: dark purple stripey swimsuit or navy polka dot...
n avy polka dot
xylophoneboned replied to your post: dark purple stripey swimsuit or navy polka dot...
cascantdrivethetardis replied to your post: dark purple stripey swimsuit or navy polka dot...
u guys are tearing me apart
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