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[Image: a photo of actress Kerry Bishé standing outside on street near a picket line on the corner of West 31st Street and Tenth Avenue, holding a cardboard sign that says ‘i am Actor/Please no make me rite/ Words for my own Mouf’.]
via Kerry Bishé’s instagram:
#WGAstrong   #WGAstrike  punch-up on the sign by my comedy writer friend @nickkocher 
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theaguanzon · 10 months
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From Glasgow to Liverpool to London to Cardiff, last week was a whirlwind! Full house at all the events and sore wrist from all the signing, but I’m so so happy 🥰 Blessed by the tireless dedication of the Waterstones booksellers and YALC organizers who made these events possible, the brilliance and encouragement of my fellow authors who continue to inspire me, the passion and enthusiasm of the readers who made me feel so welcome and so loved, and the support of Harper Voyager who gave me these opportunities. Thank you all for making the UK tour of THE HURRICANE WARS a smashing success! 💖🌩️
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theliterarymess · 15 days
So I’ve been saving money away every time I finish a book for next years book fund, however I seriously DON’T need more books and so I’ve decided that the money is going to be my budget for YALC! Now I can buy all the bookmarks, special editions, prints, stickers, merch etc that I want.
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sezcpl · 10 months
Another www.GeorgesGazetteer.blog adventure yesterday when some of our members visited YALC and met Jonathan Stroud! He’s been a loyal supporter of our site, and it was lovely to say thank you in person for both the books and tolerating our enthusiasm for his worlds.
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finnlongman · 2 years
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Each month of 2022, in one picture (using only pictures I tweeted, for simplicity's sake)
January: TBA proof copies
February: The Great Yeeting (at last!!)
March: A fruit in recovery
April: Master of Láeg
May: Still probably the most copies of TBA I've signed in one go; shoutout to Eason's O'Connell St
June: Having a breakdown in the woods because my life was falling apart but hey, it's pretty
July: Author goals and reader goals simultaneously (meeting Jonathan Stroud at YALC)
August: Sa Gaeltacht
September: My second academic publication! (The first didn't make the photo shortlist)
October: Unsubtle metaphors for putting down roots and hoping for a more stable life (after moving house five times in 10 months)
November: Pandemic but make it colourful, ballet edition
December: The Butterfly Assassin, now in French
Frankly, I am amazed that none of these pics ended up being moving boxes, considering I moved house four times in 2022; this is deeply unrepresentative in that regard. It also doesn't show you me being absolutely miserable with COVID. But it still feels like a reasonably good summary of some of the highlights of the year. Minus the breakdown. That wasn't a highlight, although the woods definitely were.
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georgesgazetteer · 10 months
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The fourth Lockwood & Co fan casebook is now available at https://georgesgazetteer.blog/the-georges-gazetteer-yalc-casebook/
Last Thursday, Lockwood & Co fans (LockNation) were allocated cases by @officialDEPRAC on Twitter/X. They then used www.georgesgazetteer.blog to find the locations and write up the case reports.
Some serious fun was had!
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caspersgraveyard · 2 years
look. look. i get that it gets preachy sometimes but spreading awareness and information about queerness in general is IMPORTANT.
even someone like me, who comes from a definite place of privilege (i wouldn't say I'm privileged enough to just coast by in life or sit on piles of generational wealth but i am aware I'm amongst the mid to upper echelons of general society), and is queer themselves doesn't know about so many things.
the most prominent example i can give you is my experience with gender dysmorphia. for the longest time, i didn't even know that term existed - i just called it "gender stuff" (this was after realising I'm bisexual btw). and then I learnt the term and a little more about trans people and enbies, but still thought it was just restricted to people transitioning to the opposite sex or using they/them or neopronouns.
throughout this i had fleeting moments of deliberation about my own gender but they always ended with "I'm definitely a man so eh whatever". and then I learnt that people using multiple pronouns is A Thing, that it's a type of non-binary. i saw public figures i love (shoutout to @chronicintrovert and Beth McCarthy, thank you) using multiple sets and my brain went "oh. that's a thing, huh?".
so then I started doing some more research about that and read a little about it. i tried to find fiction w this flavour of enbie MCs too because that's always helped me, but unfortunately couldn't find anything (which is why I've taken it upon myself to write those stories; DM me for my writing if you're interested).
and through all that, my explorations of gender began to change and grow. i understood myself more because i was now aware of the options i had. i no longer had to be restricted to one gender. i could be as many as felt right. i still think of myself as a man, but I also think of myself as a they/them and also even as a kind of constant mix of the two (full disclosure: I'm not 100% settled on the they/them bit but i am like 80% sure).
the first time i told someone about using he/they pronouns out loud was at YALC. someone in a line i was in was giving out pronoun bookmarks to anyone who wanted them and asked me which ones i used (sidenote: i LOVE her she is one of the sweetest, kindest people I've had the pleasure to get to know this year). i was terrified but i said he/they anyway, thinking she wouldn't have one of those because "who even uses such weird pronouns, god 🙄".
but then she pulled one out. she pulled one of the LOADS she had out. she had printed entire stacks of he/theys and she/theys and then my brain went "oh. it's not weird at all. it's actually entirely ordinary and perfectly alright" (i love identifying as weird but i meant it in a negative sense there). and that helped so much. it gave me so much more confidence about my pronouns.
look, long story short, it was because of awareness, prominent and proud usage, and normalisation of all types of gender expression, that I came to know more about my own. we need more of it all.
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iloveheartlandx · 9 months
YALC 2023 Recap
Hi all! This is slightly later than I intended, I really did think that I’d have it up the week after YALC but I guess over a month later is better than never, I’ve just been busy with work and various other things and haven’t got around to sitting down and writing this until now! Anyway for anyone new here who doesn’t know what YALC is, YALC is the Young Adult Literature Convention, created by…
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mcguinessdaily · 10 months
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Jay at YALC 2023 (12/11/23)
From oscarjansonsmith on Instagram
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bts-hyperfixation · 10 months
I'm getting such fomo from YALC i really wish I were in the UK right now
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theladyofbloodshed · 11 months
Are any of my followers going to YALC 2023 next weekend?
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theaguanzon · 11 months
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Roughly one more week to go until THE HURRICANE WARS is on tour in the United Kingdom! Please bear in mind that my country’s average temperature is like 31 C, so I will be an awkward popsicle, but I am truly so excited to meet you all. At the signings I’ll have stickers and Alaric/Talasyn art prints for you guys, as well as Darth Pancakes’ paw print stamp 😼
Get your tickets here:
Edit: Tumblr external links aren’t working rn but you can head on over to the Events section of the Waterstones website and search Thea Guanzon under the Authors tab, while YALC tickets are available from londoncomicconwinter.com 🙈
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theliterarymess · 10 months
Gonna do a full post of all the freebies and stuff I got at YALC but here’s some peaks
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alma-berry · 2 years
Now, TWP info from Cassie’s panel on YALC!
Dru will go to faerie (duh)
Kit and Ty will meet again when something bad will happen to someone and Ty will go to Kit because he’s the only one that could help him
Shit will go down with Livvy
She’s probably gonna flip like in gotsm and since only Kit knows what happened with Livvy and can see ghosts, there’s literally no one that could help but him
Sorta-phase-1-villain Livvy is on
Cassie said she’s definitely planning on writing Ty’s pov!!!!!!
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sockmonstergotstyle · 2 years
Christopher was confirmed autistic at yalc, not ADHD - I literally asked the question
popping on to say if anyone read TMI source’s blog post about the yalc panel the Christopher information is wrong, I asked the question and the conversation was about autism, not ADHD. Christopher is confirmed autistic. I’m actually so frustrated at seeing the two confused especially as it’s lead to Christopher’s autism now being erased bc everyone will see the blog post.
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heronchildlove · 2 years
Recap of Cassie's panel at YALC done by @tmisource !
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