#YEAH :3
acaesic · 7 months
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i might as well share this
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moonpie016 · 2 months
Moon goes on a whole talking session.
*Walks in and realizes that this is becoming a frequent thing to post on here. And I'm happy about that, because I get to show what I make all the time. :]*
But now onto the drawings, and will eventually make a list on things I want to do next because that'll help me stay on track.
Positive stuff below the drawing.
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It's the dudes inside my head, yay. Though they're all asleep, well two of em are. I drew this for whatever purpose it would serve, that being that my insides, while still a confused state and overall over reactive response to anything that needs rephrasing. Or just anything that happens, good, bad, whatever, that it has a way of comforting itself. It tries.
It tries to do the bare minimum of existing, even if it is tricky with having to always remember and think of more to do.
How to react appropriately, how to understand things to its full capability. How to understand others and everything more.
It's difficult, not in the way that doing things is difficult, but however that goes. These conceptualized beings of emotion have existed for some time, don't remember when but they have. But they always hadn't looked like this, obviously/lh.
But they all serve the same purpose combined or separate.
And, to go completely off topic, to go ramble.
Songs have whatever emotional attachment they can hold, whether important or not, it's just something that sticks. Helps.
And as you can see how much art I make, how many times I've probably listened to most of all the songs on repeat by now, what random pieces of dialogue I'll spew to write.
Chonny's music is comfort. Now it isn't just his, other artists as well. But those aren't important rn. His music in general, not just CCCC. Through whatever emotional moment months ago that made me feel lost and confused on what to do, what do I do now. I needed to find something to latch onto, if not, I'd feel..off. like I wasn't doing anything, because I wasn't doing anything. I tried to get into stuff but it wasn't working, like it needed to naturally happen instead of force myself.
The music has related to my state of mind (no pun) at certain points. And I find that comforting. Concerning? Maybe, but comforting.
Like, getting into what's popular, what new game, but that didn't work. And I'm kinda happy my brain decided to be now fixated on this man's music. Sure every time I'd like to explain or show someone, I need to specify and always show specific songs. Cus. Yeah. But now, I see people's work and stuff, and it's all so cool. And though the inconsistency of this blog is very apparent. I've enjoyed my time on here, very much. Even if I don't always actually speak to someone, because I don't really know what to say or start a conversation. (Seeds/social anxiety). I'm still happy for whatever interaction I get. I'm happy to feel included in this bizarre/pos and silly household. Idk why I'm calling it a household. Just go with it.
Even if I linger around or just post a drawing, I'm enjoying it. Some artwork may be more serious than silly. But yeah.
And to also just say whatever without rethinking is great, now I'm not going to say anything out of word. But just being silly in general with my wording. Y'know? Make odd jokes or talk excessively. (Wow).
Sum it up, I appreciate you all. Though you don't know me or I know you, it means a lot. I didn't think a joke about Heart beating up Mind would be turned into anything else, or that people would actually say anything.
This is just a happy little appreciation thing. I don't know how to end it! I just felt to write this.
So, uh yeah. :3
*Runs back into the hills*
Thanks for reading my ramble/pos.
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snakes-on-skates · 4 months
little bill doodles i did
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also i thought it would be funny to crop this one with a ton of open space
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pup-pee · 4 months
he wouldve saved every1 on titanic
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adudelolwriting · 9 months
Alan finished hooking up the last cord, plugging it into his PC. A small smile went on his face. He never thought it would be possible, but here it is. He grabbed the VR headset off of his desk, doing one more final check that everything was plugged in, and put it on.
Alan’s vision was black. His heart jumped in his chest, possibilities racing through his mind. Had something gone wrong? Did he not hook it up correctly? But after a second, his vision slowly faded back and he saw the classic, default background of his computer screen. 
Yes! Alan pumped his hands in the air, it worked!
He took a closer look at himself. He was actually a stick figure! On his own computer! His skin was a deep purple color, and was flawlessly smooth. Alan also hands, which was a tad strange. He then felt a pair of glasses hanging from his head -- good to know his imperfect vision followed him into this world.
He stood in front of a tall, minecraft house. It’s different from the last time Alan saw it -- it was for one, much taller than the one story building it was before, and two, well. Alan didn’t really have a two.
His stick figures weren’t visible on the desktop, so they must be the source of the noise from inside. It was honestly really, really strange seeing the house from the side angle (or was it the front angle? It did have the door, after all…)
Right as Alan was about to step closer, the door swung open and there stood Orange. Wait. How is Alan meant to communicate to them?
He waved, hoping it wouldn’t show how nervous he felt. Orange continued to stare at Alan, before glancing back into the house. 
“Uhm.” Orange could talk? “Hi. Who are you?”
Oh, duh, he doesn’t recognize me. Alan opened his mouth to talk (wait, mouth?) but nothing came out. How does he talk?
Orange was clearly starting to worry now, the stick glancing back and forth between Alan and the house. Alan perked up, pointing to his own chest, then pointing towards where his cursor sat dormant. Orange, you’re smart. It’s me!
“Oh, Alan?” Orange’s eyes lit up as he looked up and towards the left. Alan followed his gaze, and oh. The stick figures could see Alan through the monitor. It was like looking through bathroom glass -- you couldn’t see the details, but you could see the major shapes and colors. And Alan was looking at himself, his real body, with the big black VR set over his head. 
Orange took Alan’s hands, his eyes bright and full of life. Orange was shorter than Alan, having to look up to meet his eyes. “This is so cool! You’re here! You’re actually here! How did you get on the desktop? Did you really do this for us?” Orange spoke quickly, tapping his feet quickly as he spoke. “Oh, right, you don’t know how to talk. Gosh, how did Green try and explain this to me?”
Orange let go of Alan’s hands, rubbing his chin while thinking. “Okay! Green said that it has to come from your diaphragm,” Orange said, poking Alan in his chest. “Uhm. So just, focus a lot on it? And really think about what you want to say.”
That… doesn’t really help. But it’s the only thing Alan has going for him right now, so he takes a deep breath. He closes his eyes, and, “hello?”
Orange gasps, his arms quickly shaking up and down. Talking was different than Alan was used to, but it still felt natural. Like he was supposed to talk like this. “Oh my Cursor, it worked! Green’s gonna be so happy that you did all of this for his birthday!”
Oh, God, it was Green’s birthday? 
Orange’s face dropped slightly, “you didn’t know? Blue said she put it in your calendar a week ago.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Alan said, slowly, still getting used to how it works to talk here. “Just… Give me a moment. Uh, how long has Blue used she/her pronouns?”
“Oh, Blue doesn’t care what you call him!” Orange’s smile was back. “We all alternate for their pronouns.”
Okay, okay. So one of Alan’s stick figures doesn’t use explicitly he/him pronouns. One, at least. God, has Alan ever actually asked about it? He’ll need to ask about it sometime, write it down maybe. 
As Alan was about to speak, the door to the house opened, revealing a black stick figure with a hollow head. Alan’s heart spiked, and he instinctively put Orange behind his own body. Orange let out a confused noise as Alan’s heart dropped, watching flames ignite in the stick figure’s hands.
“I don’t know what you’re doing here,” Alan started, keeping an arm out infront of Orange. “But you need to leave. Now.”
He didn’t know what The Chosen One was doing on his computer again. He didn’t know what it was going to do to Orange, or any of the other stick figures. Orange could die. Alan’s stick body could, but Alan would be fine. He probably wouldn’t feel it. Even if he could feel pain, he would not let Orange get hurt.
“Wait, Alan, what--” Orange started asking, before he got moved away as The Chosen One flew at Alan with his hands alight. The Chosen One tackled Alan, easily pinning him down on the ground. 
“I don’t know what you’re doing,” The Chosen One hissed in a low voice, “but I will not have you ruining this for anyone. I don’t know how you were able to get here, or why you decided to, but I can kill you right here.” The Chosen One’s grip on Alan tightened, and he gasped for air. The Chosen One looked to Orange, before looking back to Alan. “Lucky for you, Second here says that ae trusts you, and aer’s siblings trust you too. I do not. Lord does not. We know what you’ve done to our kind, I know what you’ve done to me. But we’re going to be nice, and civil for Green, and everyone else showing up to their birthday party tonight.”
The Chosen One let go of Alan, letting his back and head fall back onto the ground from where it was lifted. The Chosen One looked at Orange, and cringed slightly. “Sorry, Second… It won’t happen again. I’ll go talk to Lord, that way she knows He’s here. It won’t happen again,” The Chosen One muttered under The Chosen One’s breath, “not tonight, at least.”
The Chosen One walked inside, leaving Alan and Orange together. “What was that?!” Orange asked, “The Chosen One is like, one of the nicest people I know! The Chosen One could be a bit standoffish when we first met The Chosen One, but not aggressive!” 
“I… Me, The Chosen One, and The Dark Lord don’t have a good history,” Alan sighs. “I wasn’t a good person, when I made them. I was young and stupid, and I treated The Chosen One like shit. I created The Dark Lord to try and kill The Chosen One, but that obviously didn’t work and they destroyed my computer. I haven’t seen them since. How did you meet them?”
“Oh, The Chosen One kidnapped me.”
“But it’s okay though! The Chosen One found me, cause we’re spirituality connected, apparently? And The Chosen One knew I was uhm, ‘The Chosen One’s Return’ or ‘The Second Coming’ or whatever, and The Chosen One was getting hunted, and needed help… but it’s okay! So The Chosen One’s been hiding here with Lord!” Orange explained quickly, his -- aers voice and words getting jumbled together. “But it’s okay! You’ve changed, and so have The Chosen One and Lord! C’mon, we’re wasting time, Green’s gonna be so excited! And you can meet King and Purple, too!”
“Wait, Orange,” Alan said, causing Orange to turn and stop in aer’s tracks. “How… old are you guys?”
“Oh. Well, I’m the oldest! Well, out of us who live here normally. I’m thirteen, Blue’s twelve, Green’s turning twelve, Purple’s gonna be twelve soon too, Yellow’s eleven and Red’s ten! I don’t know how old The Chosen One or Lord is, though they say they’re young. King’s, like, ancient!”
“You guys are just kids?” Alan’s face dropped in horror. They are kids. They’re kids. Alan had killed Green, and Red, and Blue and Yellow, and tried to kill Orange. Alan tried to kill children.
Oh, God, how old was The Chosen One and The Dark Lord when Alan created them?
“Yep! We’re all kinda a family. Purple and Green are even twins!” Orange smiled, taking Alan’s hand. “C’mon! Everyone’s gonna start wondering where I went.” 
Alan gets dragged inside, and if Alan thought it was small before, it’s even smaller when full of people. The chatter was loud, laughter breaking the sound. “Guys! We have a special guest!”
Alan saw that The Chosen One and The Dark Lord were off to the side, The Chosen One squeezing the other's hand. 
Honestly, Lord was fuming. She never wanted to see Alan again, and was only on this computer again for Second’s siblings. Most of the time when Chosen invites the others over, it's at his and Chosen’s house. 
Lord never wanted to see Alan again. Lord wants Alan dead. 
But unfortunately, Lord was told to be nice tonight. Her teeth clenched, and Chosen squeezed her hand. “Just for tonight, Lord,” Chosen whispered, leaning Chosen’s head on Lord’s shoulder. “We just have to tolerate Him for Green.”
“I hate Him,” Lord said in a hushed voice, “I hate Him. I hate what He did to you, Chosen. He doesn’t deserve any of this. They don’t deserve it. They -- we know Second got manipulated to literally work for Alan to stay alive. He hasn’t changed, I know it.”
“I know, I know. But we just need to ignore Him. Second and aers friends want to stay here, and they all love Alan. That much is obvious.” 
Lord sighs, his shoulders relaxing. “You’re right, I suppose. I’m just worried for them… Second’s practically your sibling, and everyone else is like Second’s siblings. I want them to have a good life. I don’t want Him holding everystick’s lives over everystick.” Lord closes her eyes, and decides to just focus on Chosen’s comfort. Chosen wraps an arm around Lord’s waist, pulling her close.
Lord and Chosen can ignore Him for one night. One night, and then they can go back home, safe, in their bed.
This is just one more horror the pair have to get through together. For Green. --------------------
Green was ecstatic. Not only was it his birthday, but Alan was actually here! Green wonders if He designed His character to be a deep purple hollowhead, or if the way He got here randomized it. Green likes to think that it matches Him.
“Happy birthday Green!” Everystick said at once before he blew out the candles. Blue baked the three layer cake, just for Green. As the flames go out, everyone cheers for him.
“Now I’m really older than you now!” Green laughed, nudging Purple’s shoulder. It rolled its eyes, hitting his shoulder. 
“Oh, shut up. I’ll be the same age as you again next week!” Purple huffed, dramatically crossing its arms. King ruffled Purple’s head, who giggled. 
“You weirdo. You said you wanted to invite everyone to our house for your birthday, right?” King asked, to which Purple hummed and nodded its head.
“You guys have a house?” Alan asked, and King jumped, forgetting the dark purple stick figure was there. 
King cleared his throat. “Yes, me and Purple live together in Stick City. It’s… not the best, but this one-” King patted Purple’s shoulder, “-has been helping me. The little stick isn’t letting me slack a day to get my shit together.”
Purple laughed. “I mean, you just can’t continue living in that dumpster! I know you were struggling with your depression and revenge plot, but I can’t live with this mess, and I lived on the street!” Purple giggled, teasing King. Alan’s face dropped as King let out a hissed “Purple!”
Alan tentatively spoke, “you were homeless?”
It shrugged. “After my mom died I was, but I found a mac for a while, and then King found me! It’s my trauma, I can make jokes about it,” Purple said as if it was talking about the weather.
“A lot of sticks are homeless at one point or another,” Lord spoke up, and Chosen shot Lord a look. “Especially children, or sticks created by Cursors.”
“Lord,” Chosen warned quietly. Alan glanced at the two.
“Hell, me and Chosen were homeless for a long time. And when we finally tried to get a house, we couldn’t. We built our house, together, in a place in the middle of the woods.” Lord stepped towards Alan.
“The Dark Lord,” Chosen hissed, placing a hand on her shoulder. Chosen used Chosen’s other hand and held Lord’s in them -- Lord hadn’t even realized that her hands had burst into flame. She took a deep breath, and his hands unlit. “Sorry. I’m gonna step outside for some fresh air.”
Lord walked out of the house without a word. Chosen silently followed.
The whole house was silent as the pair walked out. 
“Maybe I should go,” Alan sighed. “I can… do this-” He gestured to His body, “-another day. I don’t want to ruin the mood anymore. Have a happy birthday, Green,” Alan leaned down and gave Green a hug, and Orange, Yellow, Red, and Blue joined in. 
“We don’t want you to leave!” Green frowned, holding onto Alan.
“The Chosen One and The Dark Lord trust you guys. They trust you all enough to come back here after everything my stupid, younger self did to them. I can come back here later. You only turn twelve once, yeah?” Alan smiles sadly, patting Green’s head. He let go of Alan, and Alan waved goodbye. “It was nice to meet you, King, and Purple.” 
Alan walked outside, avoiding eye contact of the two other people and walked to the corner of his computer. Alan brought up the VR icon, jumping slightly as the panel opened up. His hand hovered over the exit button, glancing back. His voice stuck in his throat as he watched the two stick figures whispering to each other. 
“For what it’s worth,” Alan started, catching the attention of the two, “I’m sorry. Orange has -- ae’s helped. They all have. If I knew what I know now, I wouldn’t have done any of that.” 
And Alan hit the quit button.
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piiiiinkheart · 9 months
I opened a shop ^_^!!! Currently doing pre-orders with two babymetal designs and one gloomy bear design, which will be shipped by the end of the month. also selling misprinted keychains there’s only six of each design.
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jestiric · 10 months
i will never forget the fact that hannibal full on SMELLED will. like he SNIFFS that man. he took a big old WHIFF.
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cinnamon-bat-art · 8 months
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Da goat! 💜
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choco-dawn · 1 year
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did that thing kinda going around on twitter mostly i think?? i with these blorbos i havent drawn in forever sdfjksdf drawing in the actual styles is so hard but i tried my best
Edit: i found who made the template!! @/TAGASAING on twt !
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pinklemonslices · 1 year
do you understand how much i love Be More Chill. i don’t think you do
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reinafish · 2 months
Hey Reina, i was wondering, do you have like, those words you just like to repeat because you think they sound funny or cool, i mean, i started this habit with the name "Mackenzie" and i just cant stop????
Idon’t think so💔
Also I can’t blame u cus Mackenzie is such a pretty name-
But (i feel like this is…. partially related) i have such a big obsession w Sonic that I keep almost calling people “Sonic” (most of the time in my head-)
Once I called 2012!Mikey… Charmy
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Same person idk what ur talking abt
point is i keep naming sonic characters AND I CANT STOP (that’s related to this right?? I hope i didn’t completely change the subject-)
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ribcagebonemeal · 1 month
this post is for my lovely ponytown friend that found me, i hope u sleep well btw 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
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uhm real art coming soon guys Trust
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pup-pee · 5 months
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yeah the mullet cassie hdfsjkasfhkd
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lsiten idk what im doing ok akshfkjahgfkjashfsad
she does not go 2 a professional!!!!!!!!!!
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hanashii · 4 months
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some lazy card redraws :3
(for context i put my enstars playlist on shuffle and these were the first two songs that played so i drew them :])
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gmanwhore · 6 months
It's Henry and the Ink Machine! Today's episode is the exciting story of Henry starring his next loop through Joey Drew Studios! Will he survive? Will anything actually new happen? Why is Bendy so quiet? All these questions and hopefully more are answered within!
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seaghosst · 1 year
bentho and vania arr so besties to me. i headcanon that shintaro knew abt merlopia cause secret kingdoms allie’s real. so bentho and vania became pen pals and are dear friends!!!
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