#YEAH i'm maintagging this. deal with me
docheros · 2 years
the chapter of some well thought slow burn fic
listen i love them. if i had the capacity for long fics, this would be a slow burn. but i'm not good, so it's just one chapter. enjoy!
comments/rbs are appreciated :] taglist: @glass-trash-bab @the-pastel-kitsune @uhhbeans @dapperstein @inky-scientist
At times like that, Stacy wished she'd spent a little more on that bigger sofa.
Squeezed in the corner of it, Isabelle in the middle and Chase on the other side, her gaze flickered between her daughter, the cartoon on TV, and the man's restless leg.
Has it been a bad idea? Did he want nothing more to do with his daughter?
No. That didn't seem like Chase — and neither did seem like Stacy, since when was she so anxious? —. Maybe he was nervous, more than she was at that moment. Like it or not, the divorce had been his fault, and now there he was, three years later, on the tiny sofa in her new apartment, watching SpongeBob SquarePants with his family.
“Family,” Stacy repeated internally. That word scared her, but also... excited her.
How confused she was.
She thought about getting up, offer Chase a juice, maybe make some snacks. As if they really were a normal family. As if that was a normal afternoon for them, watching TV with their daughter, eating something, putting her to sleep later…
But before she snapped out of her dream state and actually get up, Isabelle decided to break the silence.
— Do you have a girlfriend? A boyfriend? A goldfish?
Chase's eyes widened at the speed of the questions — or rather, statements — the girl did about his life. He scratched the back of his neck, unsure how to respond.
— Well, I... I have Jackie.
— Is she your friend? Girlfriend? Friend with benefits?
— He is a dude.
— Well — Isabelle huffed, impatient with her father's slow answers — boyfriend, then? Boy friends with benefits?
— I... give him a ride, sometimes? — She scowled, crossing her little arms.
— I'm not liking this story.
Stacy watched her out of the corner of her eye, apart of this father-daughter interrogation, but mortified with embarrassment. Isa hadn't seen her father since she was four, and the first thing she'd ask him was his relationship status?
This was very much Kiyoko's doing. Stacy wasn't that shameless when asking stuff.
(But she was curious to know if Chase was still single. Points to Isabelle, I guess.)
The man just smiled, impressed with his daughter's intelligence, and ruffled her dark hair.
— Little miss, where did you learn these things?
— Mom's diary — her mother finally stared at her, her mouth open — it said you had a new partner every week — she announced, turning her attention to the TV again.
Chase blushed slightly, smiling nervously.
— Huh?
— Did you read my old diary? — the woman asked, genuinely disturbed. Was it possible that she couldn't keep a secret, even if old, to herself in that house?
— She was down for you, like, baaad.
Brody's brows arched at that statement. Something inside him lit; hope to get back with Stacy? A twinge of ego from knowing she was crushing really hard on him? Maybe both. He looked up at his ex-wife, who was frowning at a giggly Isa.
— It was a great day — he smiled, putting his hands in the pockets of his thick coat, standing outside the house — thanks for the invitation!
— It's nothing, and I'm sorry if she embarrassed you or something, she just... —she laughed low, playing with her hair — like that, sometimes.
— Stacy, you don't need to apologize. I'm her… — he lowered his voice and head — …dad.
She stared at him, and he stared back at her. His blue-gray eyes maintained the same brightness, despite the very apparent dark circles. The green part of his hair was starting to fade, but...
It didn't make him look bad.
— Oh, yeah, it's… — she found herself staring at his lips, and forced a cough — …habit, it's habit, you know? Sorry, nothing personal.
A heavy silence appeared between them. Snow was starting to fall, and just thinking about a storm and having to shelter her ex-husband in her new home sent a chill running up her spine.
— So, um...can you… go, now? I have to, uh... get ready for bed, you know.
— Oh, oh right, sorry. Em… Happy holidays!
— Thanks, you too!
She waited for him to get in the car and start it to finally lock the door. After a minute of silence, taking a deep breath and calming her heart, she turned and saw Isabelle standing behind her, staring at her with those slightly too big eyes — she'd gotten that from Chase.
— Isa? shouldn't you be in bed?
— Do you love him?
The question woke Stacy's heart again, against her will and logical mind.
— What?
— Do you love dad?
— No, I... Why the question?
— I saw your face — she smiled — Those were some loving gazes.
— Isa, you… — she raised her hand, waving it in the air and closing her eyes — you have school tomorrow, you were supposed to be in bed half an hour ago.
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craftlands · 8 months
Idk I feel like the people who Shamane, Kaalaa, and Kanjira are supposed to represent should get a say in if they think they are offensive in some way
This also will sound kinda off but I think there are way worse depictions in other media.
That isn't to say there shouldn't be a discussion this is just my opinion
Also just cause I am bad at paying attention but is Kanjira Indian or something else
I was looking at the description that gives her age and it just says unknown but I may have missed it in dialogue
(Oh and if you are one of the people that the characters "represent" then sorry if this came off as rude)
Kanjira's Indian, but the "fortune teller/thief" design is very much rooted in Rromani stereotypes and she plays a lot into those -- i'm honestly just thankful that the g-slur never got dropped as i was legitimately waiting for that to happen every single time she was onscreen, it's That Obvious. there's a long history of discussion of these tropes and how they're harmful -- while i am not able to find specific sources at the current moment, they are absolutely out there.
i'd also like to point out that she speaks in broken English nearly constantly. you could argue that this is "because she's a kid and English isn't her first language" but i would like to then point out that Matilda, who is two years younger than her, almost never does the same thing despite English also not being her first language (and her showing active disdain for learning it). that's... really not great!
Kaalaa Baunaa i think is... the least bad, having played the story? her design is still, to be blunt, rather sexualized, but there's at least been some amount of effort as far as i can tell (i do like her connections to astronomy, which is a very long tradition in India that dates back very far). i'd love to see her in actual traditional garb still, but she's definitely the one i'm least equipped to speak on.
Shamane though. oh boy, Shamane is a mess. i love him as a character, he's a delight, but there are a lot of reasons his design is a problem. when i talked about the "ear feather" thing i was more or less explicitly referencing this post, and his name is... questionable? more pertinently, though, he's using a hell of a lot of Native American aesthetics and stereotypes (he's a "shaman" with deep connections to nature, he has "native patterns" baked into pretty much all of his animations, i could go on it gets so much worse) for someone who is ostensibly the child of a regular Indian family.
so... yes, SWANA, Rromani, and First Nations people should get a say in if they think these designs are offensive. and they have been saying designs like these are offensive for years.
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spark-circuit · 6 days
first time actually playing rain world instead of watching highlights. who the fuck designed shaded citadel.
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sparky-is-spiders · 17 days
Heeeey. So. You remember my little Jonstalking accounting office comedy fic? Yes? No? Well I was thinking about how bad I am at writing emails and then I wrote this instead of either of the two really really important emails that I need to write as soon as possible.
Word of warning: this is barely edited. Probably it makes sense if you haven't read the first fic? But maybe it doesn't. Idk. They're in an office. Jon is obsessed w/ Elias to a bizarre and unhealthy degree.
Anyway. Uh. Enjoy?
The thing about emails, Jon thought with great bitterness, was that they required so much unnecessary nonsense. In an ideal world, Jon would be sent a file with a short, no-nonsense explanation of what it was and what he was meant to do with it, which he could then send back without any pointless toff that only served to waste everyone's time. It was degrading. (It also, sort of, made Jon feel as if he was taking a test he had never studied for in a degree everybody else had a PHD in.) Tragically, just about every job on the planet required them on occasion, and also if he didn't complete and submit this particular file by the end of the day, he would probably be penalized. Unable to put it off any longer, he opened Microsoft Outlook with the expression, posture, and exact emotions of a man facing the gallows. The social script for an email, as best as Jon could tell, was as followed:
Standard Greeting. Jon preferred to default to an inoffensive hello. (Elias preferred 'dear,' followed by the name of the employees or departments being contacted. Jon thought it was far more emotional vulnerability than he would be comfortable showing to others.)
Irritating Small Talk. Jon usually skipped this step. (He had tried it exactly three times and each time he had wanted to cut off his fingers. He could just never make it sound natural. Or care about the topic. Elias was overly fond of it, and yet never managed to let anything slip either time Jon tried it with him. (Slick bastard.) (What is he hiding?))
The Subject of the Email (with lengthy explanation and seamless transition attached, of course). Jon had found this part especially challenging, mostly because he couldn't simply attach a file and call it a day. (Elias was (naturally) quite talented in this arena. Jon had dedicated a section of his notebook to copying and analyzing several of his emails, but has gleaned little knowledge of the craft and even less of Elias himself.)
The Conclusion. Jon usually gave up by that point. A simple "regards" was all he had the patience for. (Elias also used "regards" often, but usually also had some segway or conclusion to make it clear that you had reached the end of the message. He also included a long, fancy signature, which was near identical to the signatures Jon had seen in emails from other managers.) It took him just over ten minutes, several aborted attempts at sounding like a human person who was not being held at gunpoint and forced to follow appropriate social rules, and ultimately giving up on writing something acceptable to send it in. Jon allowed himself a few brief moments to bask in the knowledge that the message was sent, and another would not be demanded of him for at least the rest of the day. It was a cold comfort.
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byooregard · 19 days
iwtv universe dashboard simulator
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girlmand reblogged
😶‍🌫️gaysexinthecity Follow
not saying vampires are real but i think Daniel Molloy gets way too much shit . like if i was a pulitzer prize winning journalist in my seventies and some guy called me and was like im a vampire want an interview i wouldn't hesitate either. fuck man sure tell me about being a vampire. i'll believe you
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🎆 magical-swiftie
reading Interview with the Vampire rn and Claudia and Madeline are sooo Long Face core
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#now that i think of it a lot of tvl's songs fit this book really well #like #'she gave me life I gave her death'??? # that's so them!!!
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🏞️ girlblogg1ng
btw if you're still listening to the vampire lestat, unfollow me now. and like, seriously consider why you're giving plays to a guy who appropriates ancient egyptian history for his vampire schtick, it's honestly sickening
#the vampire lestat #tvl #maintagging because people need to see this honestly #.txt
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keep seeing ppl try to cancel tvl for things hes said to his fans or how he talks about ancient egyptian mythology and not that song where he talks about fucking his mother. like im not crazy right he wrote a whole song about how he fucked his mother
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💟 stingorarr
"we are your children/but what do you give us/is your silence/a better gift than the truth?" sounds like it should be some ancient Greek poetry but it's literally in a song by the vampire lestat!!!
it just hits so hard... like your parents gave you nothing but maybe the truth would be more unbearable than silence...
#tvl #the vampire lestat #twmbk #those who must be kept
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sampire reblogged danielmxllxy
🌫️ beatlesrpf Follow
please tell me you guys arent serious about the vampire lestat. please tell me youre not stanning a man who wrote "im an actor in my makeup, i get fatter when we break up"
#guys please #this is worse than the tortured poets department
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🤖 carrieblogging Follow
Based on your likes!
Hey, Tumblr, I need a little help here?
So, my best friend has been acting a little weird lately. Like, his sleep schedule has gotten really strange (stranger than normal 😅), and I haven't seen him without sunglasses on in a week?
His diet has changed, too, like he used to always be snacking whenever I'd call him, but now he doesn't eat anything that I can see.
He even cancelled our tickets to ComicCon!! I've been waiting to meet up with him for years, and now he's just bailed on me?!? I'm mad, but honestly more worried than anything....
#carrie speaks
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🌌 marbellina124
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guys I think I've found the vampire Armand at the MET 😏😂
#it doesn't match the dates from the book so like #yeah #but imagine.... #parisian mutuals you have a power that can be used
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interview-with-the-glampire reblogged wormyworms
🪱 wormyworms Follow
mmm tbh the only reason i *don't* believe vampires are real is because if *i* was interviewing two vampires to write a book about their life? i would not be leaving that house without their fangs in my neck and eternal life. just saying
🌇 interview-with-the-glampire
understandable but have you considered. if I went to interview two vampires and got immortality and vampire sex out of that deal I wouldn't go around letting everyone know :/
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danielmxllxy reblogged sampire
🌌 marbellina124
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so were all in agreement he fucked that vampire right
#oh I think he fucked AT LEAST two of those vampires #iwtv #rb
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beepbeepbeepjeep · 1 year
Story details !!
Take 2 . smh. this one is super long so we’ll keep the additional things under the cut !!
The Magic School Jeep takes place a little over a decade after the original events of Ride the Cyclone. It follows the story of Savannah and five other strangers who just so happened to be in the same tragic road accident. Post-revival, Savannah still has ghosts of the past (and the present) haunting her. How will she deal with going from feeling as if she knows nothing, to suddenly feeling like she knows too much?
We’re also given the chance to explore the eventful lives and interpersonal issues of a whole new cast of characters, each carrying their own form of emotional baggage. 
Join them on a jeepney journey through space as they recount their lives through detailed flashbacks, touching heart-to-hearts, and a healthy-ish amount of trauma dumping. <3
By the end, they’re faced with the same dilemma. Who do they bring back? 
What will they do once presented with this decision? Why does it feel like there’s something (or someone) watching and waiting in the wings? How does this game of life and death really work? Is it worth it, in the end?
All these questions we hope to answer in a story about acceptance and healing, with a dash of humor and a sprinkling of queerness (as all narratives should have) (it's. way more than a sprinkling tbh. it's like a whole truckload of queerness). Thank you for indulging us in this already extremely self-indulgent story! We are cringe, but we are free.
additional notes!
there are different ways / iterations of the life games across time. this is important !!
even though this story is built off the events of ride the cyclone, we of course will NOT be maintagging any of these posts as rtc or ride the cyclone for obvious reasons
we view jane doe, savannah, and penny lamb as separate (but interconnected) individuals. this is for the sake of avoiding confusion.
yes, they are in a filipino jeepney. yes, this story is still set in Uranium City, Saskatchewan which is canonically located in Canada. How does this make any modicum of sense? Good question. Anyways.
Silly Interview-style Character Intros
+ ref pics! made with hellosunnycore's toon me! picrews :3 more accurate drawn ref pics coming soon ,, hopefully,, @ pastaboy. (he's the one typing this)
🌔 savannah dean (19)
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July 17
Favorite keepsake from when you were alive?
Ah. Yes, I had my dollies. They sit above my bed and they all have names. Sometimes the names feel... familiar, but I lose my string of thought before I can figure out how.
Favorite musical?
It's been a while since I've listened to a musical, or music in general, but Phantom of the Opera is lovely.
What helps you sleep at night?
Uh, I don't get as much sleep as I used to, unfortunately. I know that doesn't answer the question, sorry.
🐛 beau balquenn (18)
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(his hair is supposed to be bleached at the ends sob)
January 11
Favorite keepsake from when you were alive?
Uh. Well... there's these, I guess. Butterfly earrings. They're really old. I painted them years ago. The very few who talked to me asked where I got them... I never came up with an answer.
Favorite musical?
... I am not proud of this answer but it's Be More Chill.
Can ghosts be gay?
Like the song? I'm gay and kind of a ghost, so... yeah, I guess?
🍂 tauny hep (18)
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November 1
Favorite keepsake from when you were alive?
Do I really have to answer this? Fine. I still carry an old pick around in the back of my phone. It's kinda funny cuz it's not even mine. I borrowed it from. Someone. A long time ago. Shit hit the fan before I thought to return it. It's a little scuffed now but, I don't know, I never bothered getting rid of it.
Favorite musical?
I don't LIKE musicals >:( ... Jesus Christ Superstar
First song you learned on the guitar?
There's this song, uh, Good Kid? It's pretty easy to play. I think that was the first. I don't know where it's from though. (Voice offscreen: Hey, you know that's from a musical, right?) ... FUCK OFF.
🍄 ascot mosbirm (18)
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August 15
Favourite keepsake from when you were alive?
I remember this one time I went downtown to buy a bottle of booze. I didn't really mean to, it was a-... spur of the moment thing, you know? Not like it mattered anyway since drinking laws in this shithole are stupid. I was going to save it for the day of my 19th but. I suppose that's out of the question now, hm?
(yes i know that's wine next to them in the pic shhhh - pastaboy)
Favourite musical?
Coldplay. (That's just... not a musical.) Is it not? They make music, don't they? (... well. yes. but-)
Do you get a lot of comments on your accent?
[Sigh] Unfortunately yeah. It gets a wee bit annoying at times, especially if people are being weird. Though once in a while it earns a laugh, so if it's funny I'll put up with it.
🌷 lizabel mayam (18)
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June 4
Favorite keepsake from when you were alive?
Oh! Well, I don't know if this is a keepsake? But ever since I was around seven, I've carried around this little tote bag. It has all the essentials— water, first aid, stuff like that. It was pretty much a necessity back then since my younger siblings were always getting into some kind of trouble. My parents weren't always present either, with their work and other things so, I've just hanged onto it and haven't really stopped.
Favorite musical?
Do Disney movies count? (On a technicality, I suppose they have to. Any specific favorite?) Oh, I don't know, there are a lot of good ones. Um, Tangled? If I had to pick. (... Alright. At least it's not Coldplay-) Wait, who said Coldplay? (Ascot.) Awwh, of course they would. :)
Are you... you know?
... um no? I do not know? I really don’t understand what you mean.
📘 cato linn (19)
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August 28
Favorite keepsake from when you were alive?
... I don't like this question. But since I'm being forced to answer; I have this pen I received as a birthday present when I was 10. I still keep it in my pocket as a good luck charm and for— memories, I guess. It doesn’t even write anymore, it ran out of ink years ago. Nevermind, it’s stupid. I should throw it away.
Favorite musical?
I saw a local production of Lés Miserables when I was a kid. I can’t recall much but I know I enjoyed it. I don’t have time to see many musicals nowadays.
Favorite bone in the human body?
??? This one is just strange. Of all the medical questions you could’ve asked, why this one? Nevermind. If I absolutely had to pick, I’d say the... pelvis? It’s a rather important bone. I don’t know if that qualifies as a favourite but I’m not sure how else to answer.
☂️ “The Mannequin” (?)
Favorite keepsake from when you were alive?
I was never alive. Though if you're asking for a keepsake, I'll have to say my hat. I can't exactly take it off, but if I could, I would feel bald. So.
Favorite musical?
The Muppets.
Favorite Muppet?
I would just like to say first that I AM NOT A MUPPET... however. I am particularly fond towards the purple one. With the schnozz.
🌒 “The Child” (10)
Favorite keepsake from when you were alive?
Sticker sheets!! I love stickers. Especially colorful ones. I think they’re Neat.
Favorite musical?
Starship! (By starkid?) Uh, yeah? What about it? (Is that appropriate for your age?) Ummmm, no. (How’d you even find that? That’s so out of your age range.) Ummmmmm-
Favorite ice cream flavor?
The purple one! :D
Yippee! That's all, I think. If you couldn't already tell, this is all very self-indulgent. We are cringe, but we are free. :3 Speaking of We!!! Admin Introductions coming soon! probably! maybe. It's pride month and we're officially heading into summer break, so they have no excuse. 😇
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