artbysarf · 3 months
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A sliver of golden energy pulled from the trident towards her chest. No, not her chest. Her necklace. It curved into the shell like it belonged there, like it was settling home.
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burrowingdweller · 7 months
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bugsnart · 4 months
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i heard it was OC kiss week and i blacked out and drew my boys
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
"i'm going to use thaumaturgy and i'm going to make all the windows crash open!!!"
"jester, don't you remember us talking about keeping a low profile?"
"you're right, i'm sorry. (whispers) i use thaumaturgy and i close all the windows..."
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azazazazel · 7 months
do you shit?
no i'm a girl stupid
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Oh wow
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olexxx · 2 years
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you’ve done it now!!! (i am watching episode 1)
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ASLKDHJKDFGL BARRY!!!!! !!!!!! welcome to the club, we like to bully the silly robot here
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haha people who have normal relationships with their fathers where they didn’t grow up being constantly made to feel dumb/unimportant/annoying…. what’s that like babes hahaha
#autism doesn’t make you a bad parent. unmanaged/unaddressed autism combined with a general lack of consideration for everyone around you…#now THAT will fuck your kid up.#autistic people often struggle with eye contact. that’s cool no problem i can still engage in conversation like that.#buuut when you’re four and super exited to tell your dad what you did that day and he literally doesn’t acknowledge your presence??#and it’s that across your entire LIFETIME? your entire childhood and teen years and fuck it even your adult life????? THAT SHIT SUCKS#and THEN the only times you CAN get a conversation out of him it’s an argument where he WILL not stop talking over you#and scoffing at every single word you say#and raising his voice as he tells you how stupid you’re being#ummmmmmmmmm yeeaaahhhh okie dokie. a lifetime of that might ummm… lead to a few issues.#oh wait i forgot the third category of interaction: listening to him complain about something absolutely meaningless. for 20mins.#just killing the mood of any conversation.#you’re watching tv it’s fun everyone’s having fun!! yayyy yippee isn’t this nice#and then someone on tv will say ‘up and down the country’ (goofy but harmless phrase) and suddenly all you can hear is a rant#about the banality of overused idioms and phrases.#LIKE!! can you fucking lighten up for five fucking seconds. please.#idk man. my mum and i spent our whole morning travelling out to some random shop wayyyy out of our way. requires multiple buses to get there#JUST to get him a birthday present. because we thought it was fun and cute and because it’s very personal to him.#like we built our DAY around this. we spent £120 on this. FOR HIM!! because we thought he’d enjoy it!!!!#and we’re spending all day tomorrow wrapping his presents and hand making cards and planning the cake i will be baking for him#and he gets home from work and. IMMEDIATELY starts picking a fight.#like we had a lovely day. we had SUCH a good day. and a lot of it was about doing stuff FOR HIM for HIS BIRTHDAY!!!#which we were HAPPY AND EXITED TO DO!!!!!#and he fucking ruins the whole thing.#now my mum is sleeping on the sofa because she’s so angry at the way he was talking to me and i’m typing this bullshit.#and. he just. he doesn’t care. he doesn’t get it. he literally cannot comprehend why we’re upset at him.#he can’t see anything from anyone else’s perspective. he can’t comprehend the idea that maybe just maybe HE was the one being unkind.
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thecathulhu · 1 year
Every time I see Gideon's chapter header my brain auto-completes the wild scream and heavy metal. Thus far it has not been incorrect.
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honks-n-stonks · 9 months
aw yeah! time to get spooky with it
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kashilascorner · 2 years
I really love George and Yukari's dynamic because, though he doesn't do it in the best way and she is very unexperienced, they do help each other to become better (for Yukari that is being assertive and self-driven, for George it's being kinder, tender and more caring). Yukari is head over heels for him but she clearly recognizes the toxicity in their relationship (episode 9 has a whole monologue about it). I also love how despite Yukari's main complaint during said monologue seems ro be that George is manipulative (which he kinda is, but to be fair he usually does things the way he does because he wants her to take both the initiative and accountability of her actions; he's trying to teach her something (which is good) though tbh he's just in no position to teach her anything, let alone in the way he does) when actually I'd say the main trait that makes their relationship toxic, and him not a good match for her in the long run, is that he is not just self-centered but very emotionally unavailable.
See, George does this thing when he tries to push Yukari to do better and be independent, but on the other hand provides no comfort, real advice or emotional support needed to actually carry it all out. Thus, Yukari starts keeping things from him because she doesn't want him to think she is weak. So for example (episodes 7-9): yeah, he drove her to a point when she decided she wanted to be a model, but when she could have actually joined an agency and actually has to chose between possibilities, her desires and her parents approval, she kept it from him because she knows he's not going to advice her or help her sort out her feelings (or possibly even listen to her carefully enough). She wants to be with him (here it's quite explicit: she chooses to have sex with him instead of telling him) and doesn't want to be the kind of women he doesn't like (clingy, immature). And George already know this; he knows about her possible contract and the thing that she wants to discuss with him, but instead of being upfront about it, he chooses to let her tell him first, and suggests they have sex (which she agrees to, as I said before) just to later blame her for chosing not to tell him (and later lie about it), when he was actually part of the problem.
So here's the thing: George is constantly pushing her to fly... But provides absolutely no safety net for her to do so. At the same time, he is not completely heartless. He does genuinely care for her (just not in the way she needs to be cared) and even grows a little softer with time. In the end, he's the one who seeks her out (episode 9: they have a whole "it's been a week and you didn't call / well, you didn't call either" kind of situation, but they talk it out because he went to pick her up when there was really no need to; later in the episode he takes care of her while sick, admits he's been worried by her silence, and it ends up with him requesting a kiss, which she turns down).
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arborix · 1 year
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venln · 1 year
Today especially I am so abnormal abt rvb. Probably because I’m done my rewatch. Hm but I did skip rewatching season 14 so I guess I should do that. And also any miniseries other than recovery one and out of mind.
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cosmicdreamt · 2 years
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That is the face of a proud bestie.
This little lady is gonna be out in the town for the rest of the night if anyone needs her~
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terrcrized-a · 2 years
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wow my son !!! wow anyways i will be using these until i decided i dont want to anymore 
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