bruisedconscience · 11 months
aiden & zsasz from victor’s starter call!
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Zsasz shuddered as a thrill ran through him, realizing this lead they were pressing for answers had nothing and that there was genuinely nothing left to do but make sure he couldn’t tell anyone what they had wanted to know about.
“Pretty shit intel,” he bit out through dying and capped teeth. “Sort of a waste…” Not that he wasn’t looking forward to taking his time, here.
Zsasz had twenty-eight kills so far, each one a short or long knife scar detailed somewhere on his skin, most likely somewhere proudly visible.
The two most recent scars were still scabbing over and healing.
“But I’m sure that’s not your fault. Right, Lavoie?” Zsasz flicked open his switchblade…and angled it toward their useless fucker from another group.
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chaosduckies · 3 months
YOOO !! Congrats again duckie 🫶🌟
For the 50 followers special - I think drawing/writing all of your oc's hanging out together would be cool, if you'd like to do that :]
While I would absolutely LOVE to do all of my OC’s hanging out, that would just be too much for a drawing (I do not have that much artistic ability as you can tell haha-) and I didn’t exactly know what to write, butttt I did decide to do a cross over from my two stories I’ve written!
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They’re talking about their favorite movies :D
I think they would all be great friends! Ryker and Callum would love to talk about their favorite movies and games and all that, while Nico would want to get away from Callum for a while and hang out with Nathan (Nico likes being held by Ryker because he doesn’t move around so much)
Thank you for requesting this though! I had so much fun drawing it! (Even though it didn’t come out that great of course, but I still had fun!) I’m sorry that it’s not colored, I just don’t have the drive to at the moment TwT
Thank you for the support! 🫶
I’ll gradually post the other two parts throughout today!
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7soulstars · 4 years
Emerging of Kalon
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Request: I need some new johnny depp fics in my life where I want a reader with insecurities and johnny reassuring her that he loves her the way she is.Maybe she is a bit more chubby than his past gfs and she has to wears glasses.Abd thanx so much for accepting it.
Yooo this imagine is soo important to me. As a person who had a lot of insecurities and has suffered through depression.It is really important for me to spread a certain message to others like me. I have this belief that you aren’t born with insecurities,you are made to have them.Don’t point out things to people that would make them uncomfortable in the long term guys it becomes quite scarring for them and it also makes you a damn bully. Also it is normal to have stretch marks, tummy rolls ,acne, scars ,body hair and all that stuff, Man or Woman or any other gender you identify as.That’s what makes you human.If people can’t accept you for who you are please cut them out of your life.Ya’ll beautiful and I love ya’ll. Hope you like this !!
Pairing : Johnny Depp x Reader
Warnings : TW,Nosy people who like putting others down for fun, Signs of depression,Suicide attempt,Angst,Swearing, Fluff, Johnny being the absolute sweetheart he is.
Kalon ;Latin for ideal beauty in all, physical ,spiritual and moral forms
“I still can’t believe THE Johnny Depp went for you after his past ones”,said someone snapping her out of her trance.”Pardon ?”,she asked as if to confirm whether she heard him right . “I mean look at you....His exes were all supermodels weren’t they? Not a single flaw..”,the man guffawed.”Well you have have a micropenis why did your wife choose you?”,her bestfriend snapped crudely making her cringe.”Let’s go Y/N “, Y/BF/N said dragging she out of the restaurant .Well this wasn’t how I wanted college reunion to end up like,thanks Nathan she thought. “Are you alright Y/N ?”, Y/BF/N asked. “Of course”. No I’m not. “It doesn’t bother me at all.” It bothers me too much. “Nathan’s a dick .Don’t let it get to your head EVER”. But he’s right, his words are already in my head. “Yeah...”
2.The disquieting
“Hey glasses ! Looking ugly as always.”
“Look at her hogging like a pig, hey fatty you want more?”
“Darling why don’t you try going on a diet.”
“Don’t watch telly, you’re blind enough already”
“Jason what do you think of Y/N ?” “Damn man she was not even my type”
“Please Stop !”, Y/N woke up with a jerk, breathing in short gasps .”Johnny-”,she stops cutting herself off as she looked at the empty looked at the empty side on her bed. He isn’t in the country she remembered . Silence. She stared at the framed picture of them together on the wall. Plip. A tear fell. Plip Plip. Two more,before she couldn’t control it any more. The past wouldn’t change.She knew it would haunt her forever. But they had stopped for a while. But since Nathan ,it came back harder than ever. She didn’t tell Johnny, she’d never tell him , the last thing she wanted to do is to become a larger burden. So she cried herself to sleep every single day.
Y/BF/N frowned as she looked at Y/N’s lunch. “Since when do you eat salads ?Hell,that isn’t even salad it’s just *ugh* lettuce....”,she says looking at the leafy stuff with absolute disgust. Y/N looked at her as if she did not understand what she was saying “I love salads,you know what? I’m not that hungry.....better get back to work! See you later!”,she said leaving as she didn’t even let the other speak. Starving, Hurting, Looking into the mirror and hating herself. The cycle continued.This was going to be dangerous in the days to come and she knew that too. 
6 missed calls from Mom
19 missed calls and 87 messages from Y/BF/N
40 missed calls and 150 messages from Johnny 
3 notifications from Twitter. 
No one had seen her in 4 days .The telly changed channels at Johnny’s apartment .Things scattered around as a trembling hand set down the remote . Fat tears dampened the pillow as her eyes read the news headline. ‘Johnny Depp at a dinner date with ex wife Vanessa ? Is he finally done with his simple girlfriend ?’
5. Falling
This was it.She ended up the way she predicted she’d end up 10 years ago. Weak,Tired,Empty and Lonely. She stared at the bathtub as it filled itself until it was overfilled,water spilling out of its sides as it splashed onto her feet. She didn’t flinch at the coldness.She stayed robotically still, looking down at her palm. A blade. Without hesitating she got into the tub,the tap still running. She didn’t think anymore,tears wouldn’t fall even if they wanted to. She closed her eyes as she let her self go ,ignoring the frantic ringing of her phone and the banging on the apartment door.
6. Alerting
To say Johnny was concerned was an underestimation.Y/N wasn’t picking up his phone since several days .He was distracted, couldn’t concentrate and worry filled his entire existence.He didn’t know what to do,even going as far as asking his ex wife for advice.He decided to go back ,back to his girlfriend’s loving arms.
The moment he stepped back into the city he took his time.Picking out her favourie flowers ,the chocolate she always loved and a little something of importance. He ignored the notifications is phone was chiming with, his mind only full of thoughts of her....The thoughts were short lived , disturbed much to Johnny’s dismay by Y/BF/N’s call. He ignored once,ignored twice but after that he knew something was wrong.”Johnny !”, panicked voice spoke through the phone. A frown replacing the man’s smile “Did Y/N text you that absurd note too?” “No,wait Y/BF/N let me check”,he put the call on hold as his eyes skimmed over the words displayed on his screen. His phone now dropped on the car floor he wished all of it was a dream.They stopped as he stormed out, back to his apartment. He knocked wildly on the door but not a voice came nor a cackle. He threw his body on the door several times ,”Goddamitt Y/N OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR DON’T PLAY WITH ME RIGHT NOW !”.In his panicked feat he had forgotten he had the keys until they dropped out of his jacket pocket.He didn’t wait a moment as he fumbled it into the key hole ,kicking the door open as soon as it opened.
Splosh . The sound of water hitting the ground from the bathroom echoed in the whole house.
“Y/N ?”, Johnny softly whispered as he pushed open the bathroom door. A horrific scene unfolded before him.
It had been two days and Johnny wouldn’t budge.He saw red that day and the site still wouldn’t leave his thoughts alone.He would neither eat,nor sleep as he sat beside his beloved girlfriend who lay on a hospital bed. Dark Enough by Amanda played on the radio. The text message, and the talk with Y/BF/N replayed in his head as if war replayed in a retired soldiers dreams. “I didn’t know you were hurting that bad”,he whispered, tears threatening to fall again. He place his head on her stomach as he let the silent tears fall,until her hand fell on top of his head.
Johnny jerked up ,his eyes as wide as saucers, as he froze with eyes full of pain and hurt.Y/N did not dare meet his gaze.She felt ashamed and disgusted. But those feelings were immediately replaced with shock as Johnny almost lunged at her,hugging her tight. “I was so scared I was so fucking scared when I saw that text and then you drowning in the red water filled in the bathtub ! I thought you’d left me ! I thought you died you weren’t breathing...How dare you think of yourself that way how dare you think you were not good enough !? You were the best fucking thing that happened to me since my kids goddammit !”. Y/N had never seen Johnny this mad.Hell, she had never even seen him cry. She didn’t know how to answer him, she was too ashamed.He wouldn’t break the hug, as if he would loose her if he did. He loved her too much. “Why ?”,he asked again,as if he was begging for an answer. Even a word. He just wanted to hear her voice. “I was scared...”,her voice cracked coming out much broken than she predicted. “ I didn’t think I deserved you, I thought I’d never reach the levels of those beautiful actresses and models.I was scared to tell you about my past..I was scared to bother you...”. Johnny’s heart broke. He never thought his Y/N would think that way. She was always smiling .Not even a little frown on her face. Always there for everyone. Yet no one comforted her. How could he never see it? Of course he couldn’t see it she was perfect to him.His Y/N was the most perfect person in the world. “I love you”, he blurted. He never said that.He was too shy. But he hugged her tighter ,” I love you so much. Even with scars,insecurities or that ugly face you make when you see things you do not like. You were, have and always will be the most perfect to me. Please....don’t do that again...”
Y/N was discharged from the hospital in a few days. Johnny wouln’t leave her side. All his attention would be on her to see if ate well, and loved herself. Y/N felt safe. And she wasn’t wrong . Johnny was everything she deserved.
They sat on the rooftop of a cafe in Paris. A calm silence passing over them. “Y/N ?” ,Johnny asked. “Hmm?”,she hummed along, silence entailing after. ”Marry me ?”,he asked. That was the day Y/N was the most happiest, and did the beautifully emerged Kalon say yes? you’d ask. She said it without a second to spare. After all our Kalon had found her wings.
“No one is born ugly, we’re just born in a judgemental society”~ Kim Namjoon(BTS)
----The End----
Whew ! After all the procrastination and time I took brainstorming this baby is done! This was requested by the wonderful @anycsirp​ I really really hope you liked this ! Also I meant what I said before the start of this oneshot . YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. PERIODT. Please do like and comment your opinions! I really hope to read em ! I’m not that great of a writer but I did my best ! 
~Love, Hri
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deth-of-a-king · 3 years
Yooo how about your top 5 fic ideas/aus?? Hope your day improved/improves!
tysm 😭 it's been better
i've got so many aus in my brain. all the time.
my number one favorite right now is my magnus/nathan roleswap au, that i wish i could talk more about here but i am! embarrassed/scared to cuz nathan's design is so different in it
number two would be my 'magnus lives and is saved after doomstar' au lol. cuz i uh. love him. it's pretty much the same as everyone else's au of the same nature except there was magnate in the past so there's a lot of bitter interactions between mags and nathan. mordhaus has the technology to put that man back together, i refuse to believe magnus is dead.
number three would probably be my nathan water god au? i talked about it a Long time ago on this blog but here's the post for it :]
number four would be my old fantasy au, all the boys are different fantastical/mythological creatures and still a band. i need to draw it more, i used to draw it a lot at the begining of this blog and you can find it on my blog under the tag #fantasy au
number five is an au i just deem canon in my mind and that's that nathan and magnus founded dethklok together. it makes the bloody breakup all the more angsty. ig part of this au would be the fact that magnus Was a good guy, sure sarcastic and not the most positive, but he wasn't "evil".
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Last Christmas
Word Count: 3100
Warnings: Language some smut and loads of angst
A/N: This took me two days to write. 🤣 Once again @robertsheehanownsmyass helped in so many ways and I continue to love her for it! This time @elliethesuperfruitlover was my sounding board too ☺️
Tag list: @joz-stankovich @bisexualnathanyoung @frogs--are--bitches @magic-multicolored-miracle @nightmonsters
Chapter 4: Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
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“Of all the places to eat in Sin City, you chose fucking Taco Bell,” disdain. “Don't you have those in The UK?”
“Not with a bloody margarita bar inside,” Nathan held up a giant plastic cup full of strawberry watermelon tequila and syrup. Violet lived for every time he spoke a word with the “AR” sound.
“IT'S A T’GO MARGARITA! I can just go anywhere I want and leave with booze. Fucking beauty if you treat her right,” Nathan’s eyes sparkled. “And there's no problem that can't be solved with a bit o’ t’go booze.” He shoved an entire soft taco in his mouth that smiled from ear to ear.
“Are you gonna have better manners tomorrow at my sister’s place?” Violet looked at Nathan unexpectedly hearing her own mother’s voice escape from inside and she frowned.
She had avoided bringing up anything of her own that was personal. These feelings for Nathan that were suffocating her could be held at bay for 36 more hours. He prodded her for information a few times since they woke up. She dodged every one, even going so far as to offer him head in exchange.
(Still only Christmas eve. The snow had stopped inside as Nathan drifted deep in slumber. Violet grateful because how could they explain a woman freezing to death while he was alive?)
Nathan nodded with a bit too much enthusiasm. “I'll be mature and polite!” His smile resembled Bruce in Finding Nemo. “If you tell me what I'm walking into?” There it was.
“None of your business,” Violet plopped a piece of sushi in her mouth.
Nathan sneered, “Bet that tastes like bad snatch. If we're playing happy families, I'm gonna need to know some details!!”
“You're just a guy who got stuck with me until the 26th. I'm not telling them you're my boyfriend or anything.”
“Oh TWICE you're gonna just jab a knife in my heart, huh?”
Violet couldn't tell if that was sarcasm or a tease. She inhaled deeply and brushed her fingertip down Nathan’s cheek. “Fine. It's a bit more complicated than that, but it doesn't change anything about what happens after tomorrow.”
“I like complicated situations. It's my middle name!”
“Oh really?”
“No. it's Michael but, wouldn't you love to meet a guy named Nathan Complicated Young?”
“I didn't even plan on meeting Nathan MICHAEL Young,” it came out a whisper.
They stared at one another in silence for a few minutes over tacos and sushi and margaritas and wine. An alarm jolted Violet to reality indicating it was time for her show to come on.
“Hold those thoughts”
“In my wank bank, darling”
Violet ignored Nathan and turned on her tv “You're gonna want to see this guy. I swear you could be twins.”
A few hours later the pair laid up on the pillows. Tears glittered Violet's eyes that she tried to wipe away surreptitiously with her knuckle.
“My mom watches this garbage show because,” Nathan mimicked a high whine, “NAY-TAN HE LOOKS LIKE YOOO. Alright Ma, and you look like Catelyn Stark.”
“But he kinda does.”
“C’mon what's with that twat’s hair?!
Violet sat up and tugged Nathan on the top of the head, “What's with YOUR hair.”
“IT’S NOT EVEN MY HAIR!” he dramatically waved his hand around. In a blink of an eye his hair became longer, darker and curlier. The description would be a mess. “TA DA!”
Violet hid her shock as her heart raced in her ears. “That's a fucking bird’s nest,” she recovered but not before combing her fingers through the curls.
“Why must your compliments always be so damn backhanded, woman?!” he swatted her hand away.
Violet laid down alongside Nathan with one arm tucked against her body. She stretched her free one across his bare chest, face concealed in the crook of his arm. There was a small contented sigh as he engulfed her in his arms. A kiss planted on her forehead before he inhaled deeply.
Blissful silence for a few minutes.
“I don't even BELIEVE Darren’s dead.”
“She shot him FOUR TIMES!” Nathan was incredulous as he stretched a hand palm up towards the tv. “IN THE FUCKING HEAD!!”
Violet lifted herself so she could look Nathan right in the eye. “Well he ALSO came back from the dead!” She struggled to maintain sincerity. “He got shot a bunch of times then too. So for like, two years he only had one lung.”
Nathan’s eyebrows knit together in utter confusion. “ONE LUNG?!”
“Plenty of people supposedly live without lungs. It's the back of his head missing that might cause problems.”
There was an exaggerated groan as his eyes nearly rolled back in his head, “Worst Dublin accent too.”
“Why ye from there?” Violet mocked.
“Jaysus, no! We didn't even really have a steady home even when I wasn't homeless. Not until I was too much of a selfish prick t’appreciate it.”
“Wow, death really makes you self actualize.”
“Only until my dick wakes up.”
Before Violet could blink, Nathan flipped her so he could pin her to the bed. She swerved with ease each time Nathan bent to kiss her lips. Her cheeks. She slept with him once already; wouldn't give in again. Well, maybe a little as he landed finally on her neck. A bolt of pleasure shot through her entire body. That familiar ache between her legs as a small moan escaped her.
“Did ye shag me because ye fancy him then?” Nathan’s voice low in Violet's ear.
“That's for me to know, and you to figure out ten years from now in the shower.” Her hands entangled in the waves of dark curls to guide his lips up to her own.
Their tongues danced for what felt like ages. Violet gobsmacked by how subdued Nathan was being. A hand between her ass and the bed to lift her pelvis up towards his burgeoning erection. Another moan, this one into his mouth.
Nathan wriggled to free himself from his boxers as Violet took his tongue entirely in her mouth. The head of his cock labored against her panties, desperate to get inside. He almost settled for the wetness it created and a few times in response.
“Fuck,” he growled pumping his hips. “I t’ink sexy Irishmen who commit felonies get you off.”
Violet raked her nails along Nathan's shoulder blades. Dug them in when her body started to twitch and her sex throbbed from the intensity of being fucked with her underwear on. Nathan's cock hit her clit just right through the lingerie.
Violet's legs started to writhe as the heat in her core began to build. Nathan’s breathing heavy while hers came out in short bursts through mewls of pleasure. The rhythmic way he undulated his hips took on a swift pace. Instinct must have finally kicked in. Like he knew Violet was about to cum.
Except everything came to a sudden halt. Nathan rolled off Violet and replaced his body with two fingers in the same spot. He started to rapidly press them to the wet spot in the fabric like someone desperate to close an elevator door.
Violet gripped his forearm, but again an abrupt end as she felt herself cum.
“Tell me anything about you,” Nathan chose to interrogate her now.
“My-My parents died when I was a teenager. three of us were raised by our grandfather.”
Nathan rewarded Violet by slipping his fingers inside of her. They remained still. “You've got sisters? I had a brother, but some Ice Queen bitch blew him up. What are their names?”
“Rose.. Fern.. Iris and Lily.”
Another reward. Nathan’s fingers began to work her clit in slow circles counterclockwise. “Oh a garden of sexy sisters. They inta Irishman too?” He stopped.
“It's because we're from the Garden District in New Orleans,” Violet's words came out in short bursts. “They're.. two are married. Not Lily, she's younger than you are. Seventeen. Fern is a lesbian.”
“One in every family,” he said it so casually. As casually as the fingers that pumped in and out a bit too easily with how slick she was. Deep inside where they hooked just a bit and pulled back.
“Na- Nathan are you-” Violet started to squirm under his motions. Between the horribly slow circles just his fingertip made on her clit before delving inside and back. “Are you trying to find my G-spot?”
Nathan ignored her as he bit his lower lip in concentration. “Maybe. Sometimes I play stupid with a bird if I t’ink she may do the work for me. Show me around a bit.”
Violet ignored that she may have been hustled a bit in the sack. Maybe his eagerness and pride was what really caused him to be all messy about it.
Still his hand worked faster. She coiled right at the beginning of the explosion, again. Then nothing. This was too much power for someone so fucking arrogant.
“I'm asking the questions, love,” he muttered. “Tell us about your granddad.”
Violet closed her eyes, “He was a Civil Rights lawyer. My grandmother was a society woman. Charity balls all that shit.”
“Oh yer a posh bitch. Slumming it wit us street trash,” Nathan picked up again. His fingers a bit too aggressive. “Is that how you work for free but still can live in a flat like this?” his mouth rough in her neck. He bit with the ends of his teeth and sucked somewhat. “While us arseholes are figuring out how t’work the system so we can survive.”
“Nathan! It's not like that. I left a very well-paying job at a firm to help people like you that deserve a fair shake. That DA? Tony? He was one of my partners. Yeah, I saved up and worked HARD for this “posh flat”. Not everyone takes the easy way by doing a little fucking magic and stealing from other people.
Violet had shoved his hand away and sat up on her knees. “I did my research, Nathan. You didn't exactly grow up rough. Your mom’s a teacher and your dad is a successful novelist? You're just one of those dick middle class white guys who gets bored and fucks off because he can.”
“YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT WAS LIKE. My dad leaving us. Mom and I never had a place to live until he started paying her. All the guys she dated. I just wanted it to be us.”
“MY PARENTS ARE DEAD, NATHAN. THEY'RE DUST. Have you even checked your phone? Your dad has called you probably 300 times not including the 20 since the trial ended yesterday. You get to fix things with them.”
Nathan growled and crossed his arms, “Fuck off. I'm not a charity case for you t’fix. I do alright on my own.”
“In jail because you're reckless. You know what happened to me when I was twenty-two?”
“I had t’finger fuck you just to find out ye had sisters. How am I supposed t’know what happened to ye years ago?”
“I was a widow. I got married like a moron when I turned 19. He already had a kid. My grandfather cut me off because education is worth more than a man! It is. I busted my ass to do the rest. AND raise a kid and a drug addict. You know what he did in return?”
Violet was on a roll. Hot tears threatened to spill over her cheeks and stung her eyes. The dark anger in Nathan’s took her by surprise. They were always so congenial if not a bit sad.,
“He drove in to a fucking semi on the highway with our son in the car. So forgive me for not being sympathetic to you being so fucking STUPID you got caught robbing a casino with a seven sided dice. And TWICE you've been too conceited to let your dad bail you out. You are better than this, Nathan. I know it.”
“HAPPY FUCKING CHRISTMAS!” Nathan shouted before throwing himself out of the bed. “I need a proper shower. Is that ok?!”
Violet looked at the clock. 2am. She waved him off, “I don't give a shit.”
She wished she could look back on that moment and say she didn't follow Nathan into the bathroom. That she never joined him in the shower. Or let him fuck her in silence and frustration and fury. That he never used his power to morph himself in a handful of ways, mocking Violet at every chance as their bodies pounded together until she came harder than ever. And most definitely did not fuck a third time after having slept angrily with their backs to each other.
Nathan collapsed beside Violet still on all fours. Her arms waivered as adrenaline and serotonin drained from her body, and collected herself. How guilty she felt that his petulance made her wanton. The ring of the doorbell jarred them both back to reality.
“Oh don't get up. I'll answer it.” Violet threw the nearest shirt on and made her way to the foyer.
Nathan, in his boxers hurried behind her. “I'm a fucking guest. Ye expect me t’answer it?”
“You know a posh bitch like me doesnt answer doors on her own. My fucking maid’s off for the holidays.”
Violet opened the door to a short and cute dark haired girl with barely a toddler on her hip. He reached out for Nathan babbling “Dada Dada Dada” on repeat.
“Marnie?!” He was gobsmacked as the baby wiggled from his mother’s grasp into Nathan’s waiting arms.
A stunned Violet made a poor attempt at stretching the tee shirt she wore into a dress. It was fruitless as it was one of Nathan’s from his duffle. Her hands began to shake as a warmth crawled across her cheeks and nausea set in.
What the fuck is she doing here still? was what Violet said in her mind. “Well um come in,” is what she said with her mouth.
Nathan absently bounced the little boy in his arms as they walked into the living room, “How are ye here? Wit’him?”
Marnie was gawking at the apartment. “Hey this is a right posh gaff you've got. Why couldn't me n’ Nathan junior bunk up here again?”
Violet blanched.
“Oh our passports disappeared. Figured you might ‘ave been done in momentarily,” the young mother turned on the other two and stared from to the other. “Ah you shaggin’ the barrister?!”
“I said when we met t’is would happen, sweetheart. C’mon you know t’ere’s an understanding before we signed the license.”
Now Violet’s head swam, “Are you married? Married. Nathan are you and Marnie..”
“Just a little,” Marnie crossed her arms. “Nathan says if we got hitched your court couldn't make us rat on each other.”
The lawyer had to admit that was pretty genius, something she wished she knew a few weeks ago when she took this case instead of..
“What do you mean a little?”
“No one got a chance to agree. So it's just our signatures. We thought ‘is lawyer might sign ‘em after ‘e got arrested. That's not what you did is it?” She didn't look angry to Violet, merely a little sad.
“Vi you said she left Las Vegas,” Nathan’s tone was one of disbelief. He let the toddler down only because Violet knew he couldn't function without wildly gesticulating as he spoke.
“You left Vegas..” Violet was just too stunned.
“You told me to leave! Said I’d interfere with ‘is trial! Did you tell ‘im about the ASBOs?”
“The shit-heads?” Nathan asked. “What about them? Why would Violet know anything about my friends or talk to you?”
“Because Simon found her to be your lawyer.”
“Barry? He didn't even answer the phone when I called.”
“Well ‘e called me. But so much shit why down it all went barkin’. Some bloke can bring dead people back. That Virtue bitch you told me about killed Alisha because she couldn't kill you.”
Nathan’s mouth hung open, “But she didn't have anything t’do with that. I'm the one who pushed her off the roof. I just.. WILL SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON?!”
Violet went to speak but Marnie cut her off at the pass, “Simon told me to go see Miss Duval because I know how your magic works. But she told me I’d interfere with the trial.”
“How the hell would ye do that?”
Nathan’s nostrils flared like a horse. His green eyes darkened as he waited expectantly in Violet's direction.
“If she showed up with the chip that's evidence! The cops and Tony would know you stole from the casino. And the rest of them are criminals. Theyre fucking criminals and if they knew you ready had a record that could be used against you. ”
Nathan’s eyebrows creased, there was a quiet fury in his voice, “Then why the FUCK did ye tell Marnie to leave? Ye made me think everyone left me t’rot in jail. I didn't even get to say goodbye t’Alisha or Simon.
“If the District Attorney’s office found Marnie, she wouldn't know enough to plead the fifth. And you, you got arrested for STEALING FUCKING CANDY AND YOUR RESPONSE TO BEING ARRESTED TO TO CAUSE A FUCKING DISASTER FOR YOURSELF INSTEAD OF JUST SHUTTING UP. BECAUSE YOU'RE A PETULANT MAN-CHILD. THERE'S NO WAY WE COULD'VE WON WITH THE LOT OF YOU TOGETHER. You’re too fucking stupid to lie.”
Violet regretted them the moment the words fell out of her mouth. The baby started to cry and Marnie picked him up. She didn't look upset or angry with Violet. Disappointed.
“I didn't mean that, Nathan,” she reached for him but he yanked himself away out of her reach.
Nathan just looked at Violet. Those eyes, ever-changing in color were no longer furious or frustrated. Just full of sadness that tore her apart.
"You’re a treacherous bitch.”
Violet’s chest tightened as Nathan turned his back on her to throw clothes on. Her eyes stung while a blackness clouded her vision. As if she would faint. Yet when he returned, she had recovered before the tears could threaten her further.
“Good luck with this one, then. I've come to realize he'll never love anyone as much as he loves himself.”
Nathan maintained a deafening silence as he and Marnie made to leave, the baby back in his arms. That knife twisting in Violet's chest, an imaginary one to rival the way she had stabbed Nathan. How ignorant Violet had been to think this would ever work out.
“I'm not the one whose partner killed themself to get away from.” And then they were gone.
His heart yesterday for hers today.
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toffeemochabear · 3 years
Ooooh interesting! Ok so uhmm… •I have vampire looking teeth. so like my canine teeth are sharp and upper than normal lol •I am afraid of dolls. I like horror movies a lot. I luw creepy stuff but when I was like 5 they made me watch chucky and I still couldnt watch that damn thing. It also made me give away all of my dolls. •I first hated nathan and mimsy when I FIRST watched south park. I was watching then they came out and I was like “who tf are these”. Thnx for tagging toffee!~Nathie✨
Yooo that’s cool! Wish my teeth were pointy. ✨😲✨ I’m super afraid of dolls too, but I also love them? Depends on the doll, I guess? 😆 Also, it’s super cool how people’s tastes in characters changes over time. I was indifferent to Nathan and Mimsy at first, but then the 2018 Valentines Day event in Phone Destroyer got me thinking about them and I’ve been hooked ever since. 💖 Thanks for answering! I love getting to know my mutuals~ ✨🤩✨
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enchanted--realm · 4 years
When Calls the Heart Live Rambles
Yo. So much scandal and second hand embarrassment in this episode.
I really don't like how far they are taking this love triangle. And ew she called their dinner a date. No one was gonna use that word and then she brought it up. Why. And then when she was saying yes to Lucas she was watching Nathan ride by the entire time. Oof. How awkward for Lucas. Sorry dude, you dont stand a chance. Elizabeth really be playing these guys left and right.
I like that Nathan is taking a vacation. At first I was kind of surprised, but I guess it's normal for a guy like him to take some time off since he doesnt have live stock to tend to everyday. So...ok. Good. Take some time off Nathan. You do that.
Then the ride in the morning. Bleeeh. First, I was like, 'oh what's Laura doing here in the morning?' And then Lucas showed up, so I was like 'ohhh...Laura's only here for plot convinience.' That was lame. And umm...Lucas, no one gave you permission to touch that horse. Leave Sergeant be, you can't just take her horse from the stables. He could be easily spooked and not take well to strangers and just, dont touch what isnt yours bro. I also don't believe that Lucas would have enough riding experience to go at the speed they went. He's still a city goer in my eyes. Also, why would Lucas come to the ceremony if he doesn't have a kid in the school. Trying to write this character as being considerate, but really Lucas shouldn't be there regardless.
Yooo. When Nathan showed up at Elizabeth's house at night. !! Um Scandalous. She asked him inside and they were all alone in the the candlelight. That is not appropriate behavior and if this were real life in 1917 Hope Valley, they would be the talk of the town and Elizabeth's reputation would be in question for sure.
When Robert had his classmates join him up there at the ceremony, I jokingly said to myself 'now we're all gonna sing a song'...and then they actually sang a song. That was the cringiest thing ever omg whyyyy.
Then more awkwardness with Elizabeth and Nathan at the ceremony. When Allie looked a little upset I was thinking 'yeah she doesn't want to see Mrs Thornton right now. She thought Elizabeth was gonna be her new mom but then her hopes got let down.' But then it was actually just Allie not wanting to do higher level math so...yeah. and then there were more looks of yearning when Nathan walked away. That's what we like to see. And who is that dude who wants the school to be in the federal system I guess it is? I guess this will end up being a problem that Nathan helps Elizabeth with emotionally since so far she's helped him a lot and we haven't really seen him comforting her yet.
And, gosh. The most scandalous thing of the whole episode. Elizabeth's dress. When she tried that on for the first time at the dress shop I--. Those black lace sleeves with that neckline. Reminded me of a scandalous saloon girl from those old western movies. Also, it wasn't a very flattering cut, so it didnt even have that going for it. And then the dinner. Waaaay too intimate. They moved it to her backyard! So it's just the two of them, all alone, having dinner late at night, a bunch of candles all around them, and such easy access to her house. 👏SCANDALOUS👏. and she was wearing that dress. I can't get over that dress. Embarrassing for Elizabeth. Inappropriate for the circumstances. Also since they were in her backyard the neighbors can totally see everything and they are definitely next days gossip. Oh, and then she said she wanted to take things slow. Yep, that's right. Reaaaaal slow Lucas, bc she doesnt love you. Sorry, man. You're in for some heartbreak.
Ugh and the promo. A rain scene??? Where it looked like they are almost gonna kiss??? Just more embarrassing and scandalous behavior for Elizabeth and lots of leading Lucas on to be let down later. Her reputation would totally be questioned by the way she's playing this fool.
Elizabeth better have a really good apology scene later on for Nathan and Lucas. They both deserve it. Allie too. Allie deserves an apology bc I'm sure that girl has been getting her hopes up just to be let down. And she must be upset in seeing her Uncle heartbroken as well.
Honestly, I don't mind that Elizabeth is denying her feelings for Nathan and trying to push him away bc of what she went through with Jack. It makes a lot of sense for her character and makes for good storytelling. I just don't like how now that she rejected Nathan, they make her immediately go to Lucas. The story is good enough on its own and we don't need a competing love interest to make the plot interesting. Nathan's job as a mountie is enough of an obstacle in this love story and this added love triangle is just causing unnecessary heartbreak for Nathan and lots of secondhand embarrassment and player-like behavior in Elizabeth's character. If Abigail were still in the show, she totally would have talked with Elizabeth and helped her get over her fears in having a relationship with Nathan. I really miss her character and still feel that the show is lacking bc of it. We need someone who glues the town characters together and holds lots of wisdom. No one has been able to take over that role yet. Also. Henry Gowen needed someone like Abigail to help in his character growth so now that she's gone his character has taken a backseat when I really wanted to see more of him.
Oh and let's not forget the cringiest people in the show, Faith and Carson...but mostly Faith. I had a hunch one of them would be leaving and of course it had to be Carson instead of Faith. I would have liked it the other way around, that's just a personal opinion of mine. And omg when Faith told Carson 'it's not like we're married' ohhhh burrrn. That was like a slap in the face. She practically said she wasn't serious about your relationship and doesn't care if you leave. Ohhhh. Elizabeth ain't the only player in town it seems. These guys being played right and left.
And whoa. Jesse spent all their money??? And did so without talking to Clara?? Wasn't expecting this, so I'm pleasantly surprised by this drama. Yikes. Don't know what he would have invested this in...or possibly gambled it? I dont think Jesse would be a gambler. I still suspect that Clara is pregnant too, but nothing in this episode made me suspect further on that.
Ok that's the end of my rambles. Sorry if you're team Lucas and my rant came across harsh. I wasnt a fan of Lucas's character when he first came to the show so now that he's part of the love triangle it's made me dislike him more. I don't mean to offend anyone, this post is just me being completely unfiltered with my very bias opinions so please don't take anything personally. I still love the team Lucas shippers, all Hearties are welcome here.
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joelmaddison · 5 years
yooo angels, so I decided to swap out one of my muses because he just had no direction so honestly he’s gone bye bye, but i bring you my baby joel and he’s so hot please feel free to love him. 
Tumblr media
( nathan parsons, 35, cismale, he/him ) Have you seen JOEL MADDISON around ? I hear they’re HEAD OF THE MAYORS SECURITY who can sometimes be STUBBORN & HEART-DRIVEN. But I also heard they can be TACTILE & PERSONABLE if you catch them on a good day. They’re usually hanging around TONY’S GUNS & SPORTING GOODS in their spare time. I sure hope they’re alright !
okay so he grew up in chicago, he was close to all the washington’s but in particular he was closest with sloan. though they never run in the same circles in school given that he was a year younger, the two of them were inseparable, given that the two of them grew up on the same street. 
he was pretty moral kid growing up, never letting himself get into the trouble that surrounded the city they grew up in. 
he played baseball in school, but not enough to go pro. he was just good enough to pass by without needing any real attention to be paid to him. 
when sloan left chicago at 17 he felt a little lost, so once he was done with high school himself, joel decided to explore the world for a little. 
he traveled as far as his savings would take him, and two years later at 20 he landed in new york where a bunch of his friends were in college, and whilst he was there, he joined the police academy. 
it was the first time in his life he really excelled at something, flying through the police academy and taking his role in uniform seriously. 
he dated over the years, made friends, got into fights, but his life was pretty much average the same way it always had been as joel climbed his way up the ladder, moving from officer to detective. 
then he started to fall for maeve, he had known her for a while but when she had come back from chicago, pregnant and alone he felt the need to step up for her. he was with her every step of her pregnancy, and by the time kiera was a new born, he was head over heels in love with her. 
the two of them were a perfect. he was everything kiera needed in a father figure and he tried his best to cater for all of maeves needs, but he couldn’t give up his life as a detective either. 
still the two of them got engaged and everything was great for a while till he took another undercover job around 8 months ago. 
it was all fine till he met Maisie, she was a lost angel in the middle of a world of trouble and something in her broke Joel, he couldn’t leave her in the heap of mess he was investigating, and having see her hurt one too many times he broke his cover, promising to get her out. 
though nothing physical happened between the two of them, joel knew he was in love with Maisie, and as a result he ended up loosing everything for her. 
A mutual decision was made with his captain to hand his badge over rather than face the investigation, and keep his name as a good cop, but with Maeve things weren’t so easy. 
He couldn’t keep the guilt from his face as he looked at her, he’d never fallen out of love with his fiance, he just hadn’t been able to keep his head on her either. 
The two of them ended their engagement 4 months ago, but when she moved to Chicago, his old home, he knew he couldn’t let her move alone. 
He followed her as a friend and Kiera’s godfather, in hopes of at least salvaging a friendship for the two of them. 
Luckily for him, Sloan a friend he had kept over the years had just made Mayor, and needed a new head of security - the perfect job for Joel. 
He’s now working with Sloan to keep her safe, and watching over Maeve and Kiera’s from as close a distance as she let’s him 
has a terrible habit of doing bad things for those he loves. 
if you want to plot with him hit me up! 
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patrick-ch · 6 years
Ch.1 Valor Academy
In order to fully grasp the current situation, I have to take to you back to the beginning. Before we became Spartans..
The Year is 2568, a little over a decade after Fire Team Osiris retrieved Master Chief and his team. The 6 of us just graduated from Neo Los Angeles Prerequisite Academy and got accepted into Valor Academy of UNSC. Where are my manners;
my name is Will “Zero” Martinez Age: 21 Height:5′5 Weight: 160lbs Favorite Weapons: Battle Rifle, DMR, and Sniper Rifle, Specialty: Thinking Outside The Box, I’ve never been a fan of conventional thinking, always looking for new ways to come up with a solution. 
The tall islander looking one next to me is Pj “Sachi” Hidalgo Age: 20 Height:6′0 Weight: 156lbs Favorite Weapons: Battle Rifle and Sniper Rifle and the occasional Rocket Launcher, Specialty: God Hand, He can tell how much bullets have been shot based on the vibration of each shot, which also allows him the perfect time to reload.
To his right we have Bernard “Relentless” Cabrera Age: 20  Height:5′5 Weight: 150lbs Favorite Weapons: Battle Rifle and any Sniper Rifle, Specialty: God Eye, give him a scope and target and he will automatically know how high to aim and how much to lead his shot within seconds.
And then we have Nathan “Lucky” Nobleza Age: 19 Height: 5′7 Weight: 170lbs  , Favorite Weapons: Battle Rifle, DMR, and his all time favorite Dual SMG, Specialty: Perfect Angles, he’s always finding new ways to use grenades or even off angles to shoot from. 
Next we have Deneb “Mizu” Arillaga and Ray “X-Ray” Esperanza, these two are the... “HEY MAKE SURE YOU DON’T GET KICKED OUT AND WATCH OUT FOR THOSE TWO!!” a woman screamed from a nearby van. “ YEAH WE GOT IT! NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO THEM! I hope...” Pj says with heavy sigh. “PHILLIP! I mean it, if anything were to happen to them I swear on my grave I will enlist myself and beat all of you in front of everyone! LOVE YOU LITTLE BROTHER!” Sher yells out loud. That’s Auntie Sher, after we lost all of our parents in the Invasion of New Los Angeles, we all moved in with her and her husband Nelson. 
We all head to the gate to check in, we are then greeted with an A.I. “Please Scan Your Identification Card.” *Scans ID* “William Martinez, Code Name: Zero, Welcome to Valor Academy” After the rest of us sign in we head to the field for Orientation, as we get to the field we see more and more Fire Teams. Some newbies, and some teams that have been there from the semester before. Pj notices the all female Fire Team. “YOOO! Who is that beautiful piece of everything?!” Pj says with a big smile on his face. 
Deneb stops Pj from approaching and tells him “DUDE! That’s Fire Team Demon Rose, Lead by Alexis Shon, call sign “Mercy”, next to her is Kayleen “Shadow” Kamimura, Alice “Rose” Chan, and Logan “Logistx” Edra. They’re called Demon Rose, because they are not only beautiful but they’re also very lethal. Also they are Ranked #2 in the Elite Class, but rumor has it they could have been #1 but Mercy threw the match because she felt sorry for Team Oblivion.
 As they’re talking two figures start making their way towards Zero and Company. “DO YOU PUSSIES HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY THEN COME AND SAY IT! And for the record, we won fair in square. Mercy just couldn’t finish that’s her problem, SHE’S TOO SOFT AND DOESN’T BELONG IN THE SPARTAN PROGRAM!”
At that time the Head Master walks to the podium. *Clears Throat* “Welcome to those of you joining us for the first time and those of you that have returned. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Kenneth “Sanctifyed” Obrique and I am the Head Master here at Valor Academy, We at Valor Academy expect the very best of you, as you do the same for the staff and instructors. Today I welcome all of you to a new year, and  with something new that myself and a couple of the Instructors here have come up with ourselves, to make sure you do your best. At any time you are allowed to challenge any of the Elite Teams for their spot in the Elite Class . The current rankings are as followed,
Oblivion: Jasen “HB/Steezee” Lau, Ralph “Samurai” Rumbaoa 
Demon Rose: Alexis “Mercy” Shon, Alice “Rose” Chan, Kayleen “Shadow” Kamimura, Logan “Logistx” Edra 
 Atlantic: Ken “Ziggy” Dela Cruz, Bryan “Ah Hell Yeah(AHY)” Gutierrez, Andrew (T-Eyez) pronounce as Ties, Moses “Dandy” Galvan
Gamma : Jordan “BreezY” Barnachea, Gerald “Trigun” Barnachea, Jimmy “Uncreated” Baton, Bernard “Influent’ Credo
Elements: Kathleen “Ice” Tran, Jackie “Fire” Tran, Eric “EXT” Cordova
Fire Teams can have a minimum of 3 Members and a maximum of 4. Seeing how Fire Team Oblivion has two members, they will be demoted to the regular class and will have find one or two more members to make a squad. After this you will locate your quarters and fit yourself with an AI.  With this being said, I wish you all the best of luck and Welcome again to Valor Academy.”
“Excuse me sir, but does this mean we are allowed to challenge an Elite Team right now?” Someone says from the crowd. “Yes that is correct, who may I ask is asking?” the Head Master questions while squinting into the crowd of students. “Sorry for my rude behavior Sir, that would be I, Pj “Sachi” HIidalgo, First Year, of Fire Team Hayabusa.” Pj says as he stands and saultes. “Well cadet, what did you have in mind?” the Head Master asks in wonder. “I would like to challenge Fire Team Oblivion, Sir!” Pj says confidently. “Alright, well do you accept the challenge Fire Team Oblivion?” the Head Master asks. “ Yee we accept, easy claps! Am I right Samurai? We not gonna lose to a team that barely made it through the qualifying test” says HB as he high fives his only team mate. “Okay well that settles it we have our first challenge of the year, Fire Team Oblivion vs. Fire Team Haybusa. But before we can finalize the match we will need Oblivion to find two more team mates to fill in their squad.” “No need for that sir, we’ll take those the one with the big mouth and the one next to him.” HB says confidently. “And what are your names cadets?” Head Master questions. “My name is Deneb “Mizu” Arillaga, First Year of Fire Team Hayabusa B, and I am Ray “X-Ray” Esperanza also a First Year of Fire Team Hayabusa B.” the both of them said. 
“Okay, well as of now both of you are now a part of Fire Team Oblivion. The match well be a single match. To win the match you must immobilize the whole enemy squadron. You will be fitted with Mk4 Training armor once you are fitted with an AI, These Mk4 Armor can only handle one armor ability. Active Camo will not be available but Armor Lock, Evade, Bubble Shield, and Dash will be available. Also these Armors can only handle one ability, so choose wisely. Each of you will be given 2 Grenades, a weapon of choice, and pistol. All weapons are loaded with a Armor Locking Agent, that once it comes into contact with a surface and or air, it instantly hardens. As long as you can still move you can fight, so a headshot will only impair the vision. This will test your teams trust in one another. After receiving your AI, you will head to the armory, suit up, and choose your weapons. The best of luck to both teams.”
“YES SIR!” Both Teams yell.
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Old glee spoof liveblogs
Yuè [glee spoof 4] so yeah i decided to watch all of simgm's glee stuff (glee spoof, glee minisodes, gleedo) and i am at spoof 4
Yuè Oh this one has no captions Yuè MICHAEL IS HERE!!!! Yuè "THE FUCKING AUDITORIUM FINN" Yuè I've been singing the Obsession with Finn song at the top of.mylungs today cause what a jam Yuè IT IS MY BOY BLAAAAAAAAINE Yuè there were a lot of guest stars Yuè GO EMMA Yuè TATER TOTS Yuè "Nice mugshot Mercedes"
Yuè [glee spoof 5] time for rachel's nose job
Yuè ah.. no captions Yuè "but we'll pretend that never happened cause we're good at doing that with storylines" Yuè YOOO WILLIAM IS HERE FOR SAM Yuè AND ALSO SCOTT (I think that was the name of the actor before Kyle) AS PUCK Yuè glee did Wannabe in an episode but it wasn't the same because Brother's riffs weren't in there Yuè "is that all you ever do?" TRUTH Yuè I love it when Hemo smiles in the background Yuè thanks Emma for slamming Will and his "teaching" Yuè "what in the fuckity fuck fuck was that shit??" Yuè nickname one: lemon drop Yuè I love this part Yuè "where did that piano come from?" Yuè SORRY SIMGM BUT CHECK PLEASE JUST GOT UPDATED I NEED T READ IT Yuè okay okay I am going to continue cause it hasn't blown up yet so I can't blog about omgcp yet Yuè I don't like Santana faking the sexual harassment claim tho Yuè ZOOMBA Yuè thanks simgm for pointing out the double standards between male and female characters Yuè "a sad attempt of giving me a storyline" Yuè damm Sister did great job on the performances Yuè "Nice choir Mercedes"
Yuè [glee spoof 6] WHERE'S MA CROWN? Yuè "isn't that what you did" "yeah but.. I'm Finn" Yuè "THAT'S WHY YOU BETTER ROLL" Yuè "I can't believe we're stupid enough to believe that" Yuè "wow... misjudged that one" Yuè thanks simgm for pointing out so many plot holes Yuè "you can't fight the power of Brittana" Yuè I FORGOT ABOUT JESSE FALLING DOWN THE STAIRS Yuè I can't believe Michael did Jesse and Kurt's voice Yuè *voices Yuè YES YES YES THE BLAINE SONG IS STILL MY JAM WHY ISN'T IT ON THEIR SPOTIFY? ?? Yuè "yeah if you're gonna fight at least hit each other" Yuè THIS S.MY FAVORITE PART OF ALL OF GLEE SPOOFS GO FOR IT KURT Yuè nickname two: sugary plumb pie Yuè THIS ENTIRE EPISODE IS WONDERFUL Yuè "ONE MORE TIME" Yuè "Nice poem Mercedes"
Yuè [glee spoof 7] This is over 30 minutes long that's what I call dedication
Yuè " half of the stuff that happens to us makes no damn sense" Yuè I still can't believe Boss built the entire New York set herself Yuè "I HAVE BIG PLANS" fuuuuck I should wear my I have big plans t-shirt Yuè well Quinn.. Cats is back on Broadway now aka Rachel was just 6 years early Yuè "it's no time for logic Kurt" Yuè SAVE THE HORSES Yuè "I regret nothing" I love the glee spoof Artie Yuè I just love the entire glee spoof Yuè "I HAVE BIG PLANS" Yuè I am just in constant amazement of the New York set Yuè I'm now wearing the Big Plans t-shirt just around the time Quinn goes crazy about her big plans Yuè Oh god after six years I finally get the "Bootay" thing Yuè "well this could've been a lo-" Yuè "shut the fuck up Finn" Yuè I remember Boss saying Michael worked really hard on the song Yuè Boss sounds so much like Lea it's unreal maybe Boss should be on Elsie Fest this year Yuè why doesn't the Sims 4 have spiral staircases yet? Yuè "you know you're probably gonna change your mind by the end of the episode, right?" Yuè "PLANS! Big ones!" Yuè "Okay first of all: breath mints. You needs on" Yuè Brittany is the only sane one here Yuè quite frankly. . Sunshine beating Rachel up is more believable than Rachel's sudden change of heart Yuè "I'm Finn" Yuè "that might change by the end of the episode though" true true true Yuè SMACK THAT Yuè I like this song more than Pretending but honestly I just really don't like Pretending Yuè there's so many great music in this episode Yuè I actually used to have Simgm music on my phone including this song Yuè the part with Santana and Rachel is my favourite Yuè nickname 3: pancakes Yuè nickname 4: gingerbread dough sprinkled lightly toasted graham cracker bunny" Yuè "who got tad more songs than me" "WHAT?" Yuè aaaah my Brittana shipping heart Yuè "NOW MARCH MOTHERFUCKER" Yuè "oh and. ... Tater tots" Yuè woah Brianna voiced both Terri and Sunshine?
Yuè [glee spoof 8] (Jim Cantiello voice) SEASON 3. The season where we appreciate Tina.
Yuè JUDGING YOU WRITERS Yuè "I don't have any (smile)" Yuè "We appreciate you!" Yuè "cinnamon toast" "Finn!" Yuè nickname 5: Pop Tart Yuè honestly Blaine should've just fucked stayed at Dalton Yuè what happened to Dianna's dog? Yuè "... than Kurt dropped Mercedes" oH SHIT Yuè THIS IS THE START OF UNICORN Yuè nickname 6: Candy Cane Yuè GOD BLESS THE BLAINE SONG AND BOSS'S BROTHER'S VOICE Yuè "I didn't do it" Yuè ah the angry student is back Yuè Oh wait is this where Jordan started voicing Sue? Yuè "Because they don't know what else to do with my character" Yuè good thing that glee spoof continues the hair jokes Yuè "We appreciate you!" Yuè this song was also on my phone Yuè I think I had Breakout, Tonight, Blaine song, Faith, Gotta Be Love With You and another one on my phone Yuè OH THE CELL BLOCK TANGO Yuè watching this really makes me want to play the Sims 2 again but... I have a storyline on the Sims 4 aka a fifth generation family Yuè QUINN FALLING GETS ME EVERY TIME Yuè name of Beth 1: Carol Yuè "holy crap I can't believe I'm actually saying meaningful lines" Yuè nadiacreek actually made a ranking of parents in glee and she put Shelby on it twice Yuè good for Beth and bad for Rachel Yuè "IHBBP. I have big baby plans!" Yuè "Damn, you Brittana"
Yuè [glee spoof 9] and we appreciate Tina Yuè Oh I love this song Yuè "Asian" "Asian F" "stereotype" "stop doing glee club" "no" "I'm glad we talked this out" Yuè BRITT IN A MONKEY SUIT Yuè name of Beth 2 and 3: Susan, Mary Yuè name of Beth 4: Jessica Yuè THEY SAY THAT LIFE IS TATER TOT AR R Y OU FOR REAL?? Yuè RORY UM IRISH Yuè I love the cast list Yuè and I also love Mercedes's riffs Yuè was Nathan actually Irish? I don't think do cause he was in one of those chats Yuè "I was told you are too" True Yuè "We apprecia-" "Shut the fuck up" Yuè "COURAGE" Yuè I actually wanted the courage t-shirt before I got the I have big plans one Yuè Oh man I miss the old crack days of jokes of Finn telling Blainers to sit down Yuè AND THERE IS BRIANNA AS SUGAR MOTTA Yuè "what the f-" Yuè "H-" "stop you're embarrassing yourself" Yuè I LOVE THAT FINN SMILE Yuè "Told you"
Yuè [glee spoof 10] that time a parody handled Santana's coming out story better than the actual show
Yuè I love the warning Yuè "I've been working in keeping my eyebrows still" Yuè "I think I'll go wax my lasagna" is one of my favourite lines ever Yuè OH B OY SEBASTIAN Yuè nickname 7???: snuggle toes Yuè a background sim is wearing a fez I love it Yuè FUCKING HELL THE VEGAN THING Yuè "Tina what the fuck" "Bitch" Yuè Y'ALL IT IS TIME FOR THE CELL BLOCK TANGO THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST MOMENTS OF MY LIFE Yuè also who the hell did these sometimes inaccurate captions? Yuè kudos to Boss for all these dialogues Yuè "Found out he couldn't handle BIG PLANS" Yuè damm I'm still in awe bc f the Cell Block Tango Yuè "we're here to save Rachel's virginity" Yuè nickname 8: Watermelon Lips Yuè KLAINE DID WATERMELON BEFORE IT WAS COOL Yuè I've drawn so many Stop the violence things Yuè Lauren is creepin Yuè GO SIMGM GO SIMGM GO SIMGM YES YES YES THANKS FOR THIS SCENE Yuè I love the big camera and also them saying the storyline is stupid Yuè also we needed more of Brittany supporting Santana during this come on fuck off glee Yuè I HAD TOTALLY FORGOTTEN ABUT TIS SONG Yuè Quinn is just smiling while Santana is beating the living shit out of Finn Yuè "Can't say I didn't warn you" Yuè FINN SINGING WHILE DRUNK AND NAKED IS MY FAVE Hannah sebbbbb Yuè Hannah: did you watch simgm ????????
Yuè [glee spoof 11] time for simgm to do it right
Yuè it is true tho bc Santana suddenly got suspended for violence and I'm like... FIGGINS HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT THESE KIDS DO ON A DAILY BASIS? Yuè Man the actual episode was such bullshit Yuè "then we're all in the wrong club" Yuè Brittany saying the truth Yuè the entire Quick storyline is so weird Yuè "CHEESEBURGER" Yuè tbh this song is as boring as the song they actually sung on glee so congrats simgm Yuè I'll never get why Santana was so offended by Klaine singing Perfect to her in support bc they know how hard it is in a straight world Yuè whereas the straight dude who outed her sang a boring ass unnecessary song and Santana was crying because she was so ///moved/// Yuè "unions and ass????" Yuè nickname 9: Dolphin Nose? Yuè "I'M KURT BITCH" Yuè Brittana should've sung in the actual glee sigh glee this was such a disappointment Yuè BRITTANA DANCING THE SMUSSLE Yuè honestly suspending Rachel was the best that could have happened because it gave us a killer Rachel free setlist Yuè "Do you people know math???" Yuè "Not completely. I have big plans" "there she goes again" Yuè ZISES Yuè "and clap like a seal" Yuè "It's random and out of character" Yuè glee and its writers suck at romance Yuè "QUINN HEEL" Yuè THIS IS THE SONG THAT WAS ALSO ON MY PHONE Yuè "I can still remember when I was 18. and here I am at 17, a woman"
Yuè [glee spoof 12] there weren't any songs in it
Yuè NVM I WAS WATCHING EPISODE 13 THERE ARE SONGS IN EP 12 Yuè "oh you know me and my big plans" Yuè "we hold hands, ran into Kurt and Blaine, and I moved two weeks later" Yuè unfortunately the old channel doesn't have captions Yuè "allow me to show you my excitement. ..... " I actually use that quote in real life Yuè why can't Shue do anything by himself Yuè "it always freaks me out when he decides to actually teach" Yuè I love these moments Yuè "my cat will eat you alive" Yuè I just remember how uncomfortable it was to watch Finchel suck face on glee like they didn't even look like loving kisses it was full open mouth on open mouth and making out Yuè "you would know all about announcing things wouldn't you" Yuè I also liked this song Yuè "no I only do that in cars" Yuè nickname 10: chocolate turle Yuè *turtle Yuè to quote Darren Criss: "it's cool I'm back" Yuè after taking a break to help dad wth dinner I'm gonna end this episode Yuè Oh the slushie Yuè "do my eyebrows look okay?" Yuè "that building was already on fire when I got there" Yuè "what happens in the bathroom stays in the bathroom" Yuè "aren't we supposed to be rehearsing" "DO WE EVEN KNOW HOW TO DO THAT?" Yuè GAY PIRATE Yuè "oh wow we actually accomplished something" I love Quinn s snark in these spoofs Yuè so much snark Yuè "oh sh-" Yuè WAIT JORDAN ALSO VOICED GRANT?
Yuè [glee spoof 13] Finn doesn't know how to wash his balls
Yuè really.. Will and Emma suck at their jobs Yuè BLACK SUE Yuè "by the way I'm having a baby" Yuè Mercedes was actually the only one in canon that handled differently when she cheated Yuè "where do I sign to get you fired?" Yuè there were no songs in this ep... Yuè Oh yeah Boss voiced Sugar cause Brianna was ill Yuè poor Puck Yuè ZISES Yuè "sure let's go with that" Yuè "okay who the fuck is this guy?" Quinn once again spilling the truth Yuè "FINN YOU SON OF A-" Yuè "my girlfriend my girlfriend politics and Latino Brittany is my girlfriend equal rights if I wanna kiss my girlfriend I can rainbow flag" Yuè nickname 11: crayola monkey Yuè wait isn't this Scott's last episode?
Yuè [glee spoof 14] what a nice episode title
Yuè "I'm sorry we don't speak bitch" Yuè "and you make a two dollar hoe look classy" Yuè Sam is wearing simgm merch Yuè "I don't here Finchel when Finchel speaks" same Yuè respect for simgm to not make fun of the suicide storyline Yuè I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE TEY PUT A STARKID REFERENCE IN HETR Yuè "MY CAT IS PART OF THE CIA" Yuè in which the girls are fucking sensible Yuè I love the glee version of No Scrub but man what a jam is this Yuè "you suck at motivational speeches" Yuè "do you feel the 'I don't give a fuck' I'm throwing in your direction" Yuè I ASKED FOR DEVELOPMENT AND THEY GAVE ME A WHEELCHAIR Yuè "I have-" "give it a rest Quinn" Yuè "he didn't call me a nickname today" "OH SHIT SON" Yuè "since five seconds ago" Yuè THESE PARTS BETWEEN SIBLING OH GOD Yuè damn Quinn is being inspirational Yuè duck bless this song Yuè AH BRITT Yuè "If there was a chair to kick right now I would" Yuè well well well simgm Yuè nice song
Yuè [glee spoof 15] at this point Boss and Co were so done they put 4 episodes in one spoof
Yuè True about Damian and the glee project thing Yuè waot there are no captions Yuè Mr Schue is such a dick Yuè ah... Quinn's face Yuè for real tho in 4 eps Santana changed her opinion on college too many times Yuè "this got disturbing really fast" Yuè UNIQUE Yuè "knock knock" "who's there?" "go away" Yuè THE WAY RACHEL'S FACE JUST FELL Yuè ZISES IS IN THE CHOIR ROOM Yuè the Quoe boner thing was so gross Yuè I also use "and I wanna go to college" in real life to basically say WTF Yuè fuck Chandler Yuè Oh jesus Yuè btw welcome Kyle to the cast Yuè "I can do that now. I see you're dressed as Lea Michele today" Yuè SANTANA VISION Yuè "dinosaurs" "shut the fuck up Mike"
Yuè [glee spoof 16] this is the end
Yuè throwback to the first ep Yuè Rachel is a selfish as Yuè *ass Yuè and Tina is right Yuè THE BODY SWAP Yuè nickname 12 kinda: winky fairy Yuè ahhh I'm getting all emotional Yuè TATER TOOOOOOOOOOOOTS Yuè another throwback because they're all wearing the outfits they wore in the first spoof Yuè "good luck with that" Yuè EVEN ZISES WAS HERE Yuè the unicorn magic!! Yuè "my big plans are-" (title song) Yuè ... and it's over AGAIN
Yuè [glee spoof minisodes and others]
Yuè mini 1Glee Spoof Minisode 1 | Kurt's Problem with Blaine Yuè this is the video that led me to Simgm because of Michael's awesome voice work Yuè nickname 1: cutiepiedumplingsugartwinkledove Yuè I love that nickname Yuè nickname 2: kurtsie wurtsie Yuè mini 2Glee Spoof Minisode 2 | Santana Exposes All Yuè TATER TOTS YEAAAAAH Yuè "Penises and Winecoolers: a dangerous combination" Yuè "you've been a bad girl Santana" oh lord Yuè mini 3Glee Spoof Minisode 3 | Fondue for Two Yuè wait Yuè this isn't minisode 3 Yuè this is the other Fondue for Two mini Yuè okay in other words minisode 3 has disappeared so let's just move to Yuè mini 4Glee Spoof Minisode 4 |The Glee Cast Discover the Gl... Yuè this s where it gets real Yuè "SAVE THE HORSES" Yuè this is the first time the actual sim "actors" were in a video Yuè "am I really that tall?" "YES!" Yuè mini 5Glee Spoof Minisode 5 | Quinn's Summer Before Senior... Yuè I actually ripped the audio off of this one and put it on my phone so that I could listen t it Yuè "you have too many messages fr me to count" Yuè "BLAINE HOW MANY TMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU NOT TO SING DURING-" Yuè quinn's face when Finn tries to order a pizza Yuè "..." "that must've been Tina leaving a message" Yuè mini 6Glee Spoof Minisode 6 | The Glee Club Gets Tested Yuè "you know I'm gonna flunk" Yuè Oh Santana Yuè "cow ass no. 5?" Yuè "you're all fucking crazy" "we didn't need a test to tell us that" Yuè mini 7 for realGlee Spoof Minisode 7 | Fondue for Two Part 2 Yuè "do you enjoy being a lesbian?" Yuè nickname 3: puffy-bear Yuè again.. oh Santana Yuè "you do like tossing things" "yeah like..." "my girlfriend out of the closet" Yuè mini 8Glee Spoof Minisode 8 | Brainstorming with the Creat... Yuè RIB is at it again Yuè "is Obama available?" if only Yuè Ian does no shit Yuè hey it's a Zises Yuè I love the Sim cast Yuè "what the fuck did I just read" after the IKAG script is gold Yuè mini 9Glee Spoof Minisode 9 | The Glee Cast Auditions Yuè Sim cast is back wohoo Yuè "my name is-" "you've got the part" Yuè "no way that's HELLA cool!" Yuè mini 10Glee Spoof Minisode 10 | To Catch a Pedo Will Yuè you know that's also HELLA cool? Yuè more of Brianna as sugar Yuè "Because my boyfriend is super awesome" Yuè Sue knocking Schue down always gets me Yuè mini 11Glee Spoof Minisode 11 | Favorite Moments Yuè TIME FOR SENTIMENT Yuè I agree with Michael. "Where's ma crown?" is my favourite part as well Yuè the Christmas crap festGlee Spoof Christmas Special | Holly Jolly Crap Fest Yuè honestly I haven't seen this one in ages Yuè "this Irish dude" Yuè "????????????????" Yuè this was very weird tbh Yuè they never released that song Yuè comic conGlee Cast Comic Con Spoof Yuè I thought it was very cool that actual viewers could send in audio questions Yuè fucking mcgustin Yuè never forget mcgustin Yuè save horses and coffee 2k17 Yuè Oh shit Lea's laugh Yuè LEA Yuè go for it Darren Yuè sneak peek Behind the Scenes of Glee Spoofs Yuè this is like one minute long but it points out so many glee flaws it's hilarious Yuè "I asked for development and they gave me a wheelchair" Yuè btw I am watching all the little glee spoofs and other bts stuff but I'm not gonna live blog them
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asintoticamente · 6 years
I just caught up w yesterday nights mens skate america and yooo how cool is nathan chen's new sp im awestruck in love love love love it
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