malfaith · 1 year
lucius: quidditch is NOT as important as your studies draco >:(
also lucius: *shows up to every game, buys a whole team racing brooms so his son can be on it*
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indigo-scarf · 1 year
Draco DID want to be a Death Eater (and here’s why)
If I had a Sickle for every time I’ve read that Draco became a Death Eater against his will, forced by either his father or Voldemort, I’d be as rich as the Malfoys. However, that is not true in canon, and Draco is much more compelling and tragic for it.
It’s explicitly shown in HBP that Draco was enthusiastic about serving Voldemort in the beginning. Bellatrix, who’s ever eager to call out any unfaithfulness to Voldemort, defends Draco:
“And I will say this for Draco: he isn’t shrinking away from his duty, he seems glad of a chance to prove himself, excited at the prospect —” (HBP2)
Draco himself gloats about it:
“Well, you never know,” said Malfoy with the ghost of a smirk. “I might have … er … moved on to bigger and better things.” [...] “When the Dark Lord takes over, is he going to care how many O.W.L.s or N.E.W.T.s anyone's got? Of course he isn't. It'll be all about the kind of service he received, the level of devotion he was shown.” [...] Crabbe and Goyle were both sitting with their mouths open like gargoyles. Pansy was gazing down at Malfoy as though she had never seen anything so awe-inspiring. “I can see Hogwarts,” said Malfoy, clearly relishing the effect he had created as he pointed out of the blackened window. (HBP7)
And he’s preoccupied with the “glory” he thinks he’ll get by completing his mission:
“I know what you're up to! You want to steal my glory!” (Draco to Snape, HBP15)
“[Snape]'s been offering me plenty of help — wanting all the glory for himself — wanting a bit of the action — [...] But I haven't told him what I've been doing in the Room of Requirement, he's going to wake up tomorrow and it'll all be over and he won't be the Dark Lord's favourite any more, he'll be nothing compared to me, nothing!” (HBP29)
Of course there are threats and fear involved, as well, since this is Voldemort we’re talking about, but it’s both the carrot and the stick. When Draco starts to think he might fail, he focusses on the threats, hence:
“No one can help me,” said Malfoy. His whole body was shaking. “I can't do it... I can't... It won't work… and unless I do it soon... he says he'll kill me…” (HBP24)
Nonetheless, as per the previous quotes, he oscillates between being terrified of failure and chasing the rewards of success up until the very end, in the Astronomy Tower.
As I've argued extensively in my Hand of Glory meta, I see Draco’s becoming a Death Eather as an attempt to both prove himself to his father and to prove himself better than his father.
It’s not that Draco has lost love or respect for Lucius, but he still wants to take the opportunity to make his father finally see his value by out-doing him. If Lucius’s DoM blunder triggered the Malfoys’ fall from grace, Draco’s success will earn them even more honour than they had before.
At the same time, though, Draco’s actions are not truly emancipatory because his father remains the point of reference that determines his worth.
Ultimately, Draco’s motive for taking the Mark is less about belief in the cause, and more about his daddy issues paradox: wanting to prove himself a grown up man, but doing so in a desperate, rash bid for the paternal validation he so sorely lacks.
Draco starts HBP insisting that he’s “...not a child, in case you haven't noticed, Mother”, and “perfectly capable of doing [his] shopping alone” (HBP6), but by the end of the book he’s feeling quite incapable of doing things alone, and still struggling with his need for approval from a father figure.
To me, this is much more interesting than simple external coercion. Draco’s own lack of independent self-worth is what leads him to destroy his life, and what renders him unable to be dissuaded from it. He dismisses anyone who tries to warn or help him, because he assumes they must share his own repressed lack of belief in himself, and marches solitary and obstinate towards his own ruin.
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months
You might not be interested in this ship, but I was wondering what are your thoughts on lucissa? It seems many people think that it was a marriage of convenience and that they didn’t really like each other.
It probably was a marriage of convenience to some extent - I mean, there are only so many eligible pureblood bachelors, especially if you're a Black and thus have very high standards in terms of who has an acceptable level of wealth and social standing and blood purity. Interestingly Lucius is the first Malfoy on the official Black family tree. I've always liked to headcanon that the Malfoys were a bit newer on the scene compared to the Blacks and thus slightly looked down on and that it was a big victory for Lucius to finally land a Black as a bride. I also like to imagine that maybe Abraxas had designs on Walburga but couldn't get it to work. It's a good match for Narcissa and for Lucius. Perhaps given Lucius's accepting attitudes towards Snape in the book 7 flashback as opposed to Bellatrix calling Harry a filthy half-blood, the Malfoys might be considered a bit too liberal for the tastes of some more conservative family members, but are able to make up for it with their tremendous wealth. That said, it's certainly a respectable, acceptable marriage by her family's standards, and probably a mark of how the Malfoys have come up in the world.
That doesn't mean that there wasn't also affection there too. They certainly don't seem to dislike each other - and are definitely seen together a lot more than Bellatrix and her husband for example. Narcissa certainly gets angry on several occasions when Lucius is insulted in her presence. I do think she is markedly more protective of Draco, much quicker to speak up in his defense no matter the circumstances, and more concerned with his safety and his interests. You could say that's just due to the different relationship that a parent and child have versus a wife and husband, and while that is undoubtedly part of it, I also tend to think that her love for Draco is perhaps a bit stronger and more uncomplicated than her feelings for Lucius. She likes Lucius, and she cares about him. But I'm not sure it's a great love for the ages.
Especially in the later books when she has to step out of her traditional pureblood wife role I think perhaps she starts to find him a bit lacking and her respect for him diminishes a bit. I think they are both changed by the war. She draws on skills and fortitude she never knew she had. And in contrast he becomes diminished, unable to navigate the complex and dire situation he has unintentionally condemned his family to, and too overwhelmed and afraid to truly try. For example in the beginning of book 7 it is she who is able to discern how they should react and who has to take charge of the situation. It is she who is looking out for her family, with little support from Lucius who seems mostly concerned with looking inwards. (Admittedly Lucius has the most to worry about since Voldemort's anger is especially focused on him.) This may leave Narcissa feeling isolated and frustrated and make her respect Lucius less than she once did.
I think Draco takes after his mother a lot more than his father - especially in terms of his magical skill, his aptitude for occlumency, his resourcefulness and creativity. And I think he's more appreciated by his mother. Lucius always struck me as a bit colder towards Draco - willing to send him far away to Durmstrang till Narcissa intervened and publicly humiliating him in book 2 etc. I think perhaps part of Lucius's affection for Draco is more for the idea of him as the Malfoy heir than as an actual person. And I'm sure Lucius is disgusted by Draco's lack of stomach for true violence or cruelty. After all, Lucius's idea of a good time is getting drunk and engaging in a bit of muggle torture with his mates. This too probably proves a source of tension, especially in the later books.
However, I really can't imagine them with anyone else. I think they are both generally aligned in their world views and attitudes. While the marriage may well have been semi-arranged I think both believed in the process and probably went into the marriage with enthusiasm. And I think they're happy to continue the relationship after the war though I'm not sure either would contemplate dying for the other or anything like that. I also don't think interpretations where Lucius is going around terrorizing his family or beating/torturing/abusing Draco fit with canon. I don't think he would do that. Nor do I think that Narcissa would allow it if he tried.
I think their relationship is flawed - but so are they. A nice little, 'awful people being awful together' ship. And I think iterations of them where they are a bit more lovey dovey with each other than I see them are also a valid reading that has a good basis in canon too.
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saintsenara · 3 months
❤, 💛, and 💜 please!
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
having seen the state of my inbox, this isn't the only time this one will come up...
so let's start strong by going for... albus dumbledore.
i find dumbledore bashing incredibly boring - not because dumbledore is a character i think of as morally spotless, but because the way he's criticised in certain areas of this fandom becomes dull by virtue of never actually engaging with interesting critiques of his character and decisions.
dumbledore is not some machiavellian evil genius - the entire point of deathly hallows is that the omniscient vibe that he projects in the first six books isn't actually omniscience at all, and it always irks me to see authors miss this, and ascribe to malice what is clearly human fallibility. nor is dumbledore intentionally or egregiously manipulative or cruel. and nor is there something "wrong" with him.
[the closest i've come recently to throwing my laptop at the wall was seeing a nonsensical post proposing that one of the reasons why it's fine to think of him as a villain is that he has anti-social personality disorder. not because i think it's inappropriate to assign diagnoses to fictional characters, but because i think if you do wish to do that you should attempt to know what you're talking about... and (evidently quite poorly) reading the wikipedia summary of an extremely complex disorder is not that.]
dumbledore is a wartime paramilitary leader - and wartime leaders have to make extraordinarily complex decisions, often ones which result in harm befalling their soldiers. the series is generally fairly weak on the realities of war - since its genre conventions require it to end with all being well - but what it shows of dumbledore's tactics is one area in which it shines.
and it also gives us plenty of meat if we want to emphasise the ways in which he's inadmirable.
dumbledore is a creature of stasis - he holds radical views, but he does nothing to actually advance them in society [this is a man who is at the heart of the establishment for half a century, who does nothing with that power to dismantle the oppressive social structures which drive wizarding politics and prop up blood-supremacy], and he also has a tendency to adopt a "wait and see" approach in situations where intervention would be obviously more appropriate. dumbledore is a hypocrite - he’s happy to be depended on by fudge, he is appalled that fudge might depend on lucius malfoy. dumbledore lives in an ivory tower, and clearly has little interest in the ways poverty, violence, and isolation affect people. dumbledore projects his shame and self-loathing onto others in a way which is detrimental to their own happiness. and so on.
all of these flaws have a tangible impact on the arc of the series - and dumbledore's failure to take meaningful action to prevent either voldemort or snape's radicalisation is something i think he can be genuinely criticised for - but they can't be taken in isolation. dumbledore fucks up because he's just one man - and the character flaws which cause him to fuck up also contribute to many of his most admirable traits: his mercy; his courage; his steadfastness; and his faith.
and it's so much more interesting than reducing him to a one-note caricature of evil!
what is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
dramione, because i have a very low tolerance for both fanon!hermione and fanon!draco.
i think it could be done interestingly... i've just never seen it.
which character is way hotter than everyone else seems to think?
which got two more shoutouts:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
arthur and molly weasley.
they both clearly fuck - and the lack of respect they receive for this in the fandom is because of the tiresome association of sex with youth and [one, very narrow, view of] beauty [hence why characters like snape often become mysteriously hot when they're being written in romantic pairings...], meaning that both of them being middle-aged, arthur balding, and molly being fat means that the fact that they're clearly obsessed with each other never gets the attention it deserves.
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orchideous-nox · 16 days
Thoughts on the Black sisters??? < 3
I know you sent me this after a conversation (which was now like 2 weeks ago) where I said I would talk about them when I've got more opinions but goddammit Alex 😂
I think Bella was very insecure during her Hogwarts years. She is the eldest of 3 daughters and gets a lot of pressure from their parents to be a certain way. Whilst they were all close, I think their parents put a lot of the weight of the Black family legacy on Bellatrix more than Narcissa and Andromeda and she kept a lot of that from her sisters to protect them. She sought validation a lot from her parents, which she rarely got, and relies heavily on Narcissa for emotional support as she gets older.
Her marriage to Rodulphus isn't a love match and I think she resents that a lot but doesn't resent him necessarily. They did what they had to do for their families, a lot of what Bella does is for the sake of her sisters. When she joined the death eaters to gain power and respect, she realised that fear was much more effective and this was her downward spiral. She'd spent years trying to do things right and properly, she'd gone through with a respectable marriage, she was the eldest daughter who did what was best for the family, but it wasn't enough for her. A lot of what she does is still routed in her loyalty to Narcissa, only made stronger after Andromeda leaves, and when she gets out of Azkaban she sees Draco and doesn't want him to be like Andromeda and to end up with no family.
I love seeing content about Quillkiller and, while it's not something I'd write myself, I think it's something that makes sense. With Bella having this strong sense of duty to the family that eventually shifts over to Voldemort, I feel like both her and Narcissa gave up one love for another, Bellatrix giving Rita up to marry Rodolphus and become a Death Eater, the final straw for Rita. There's potential that Bellatrix would resent her sister for still being able to marry for love, but this disappears over time, especially in Azkaban.
She's probably the sister I have the most thoughts on already. I've not really delved into this generation much because they're a bit older than the Marauders characters, but I kinda vibe with the idea of Nobleflower and Narcissa having to give that up to marry Lucius who she did come to genuinely love. I think Narcissa and Lucius are really lovely, they have genuine adoration for each other and it doesn't feel like the kind of marriage where Narcissa sticks with him because the family believe in duty over happiness. While yes, Narcissa appreciates the security of being married to Lucius, she cares deeply for him and their child and stands by him. She calms him and is with him during Death Eater meetings, she supports Lucius after he returns from Azkaban. Yes, she does ultimately put her own values above his sometimes, but she loves her family so much because they're hers.
I think she struggles with parenting Draco because of her own family and her upbringing. This gets worse after Bellatrix is sent to Azkaban and all eyes are on her and Lucius and their child, expected to be the future of both the Black family and the Malfoy family as everyone else is either dead, in Azkaban or disowned. Narcissa is so loyal, she protects her husband, her son and her sister for as long as she can. She's brave and isn't scared of lying to Voldemort by saying Harry's dead if it means protecting Draco and knowing he is okay.
Being the youngest, I think she looked up to Bellatrix massively and after Andromeda leaves and is disowned, they grow closer. She doesn't always agree with Bellatrix's ways but she can't lose her like she lost Andie and wants to help her in whatever way possible. However, I do think out of Bellatrix and Narcissa, the latter would be more likely to attempt amicable contact with Andromeda, I think motherhood would give her a new understanding. That being said, I don't think it would be an easy "you're forgiven", it would be a long road to even tolerating each other's presence.
I think the films do Andromeda so dirty, Sirius clearly saw a lot to love in his favourite cousin and seeing her marry Ted Tonks gave him the courage to leave home knowing it would be okay, and yet she's left out. We know that she looks a lot like Bella and I think there is so much that could be explored within that, no matter the distance she tries to put between them her older sister still follows her everywhere.
She's always been the most gentle of the sisters and I think Narcissa would go to her for comfort over Bella, but she certainly has a temper that makes Bellatrix roll her eyes whilst secretly being proud. I think she was quietly strong until her last year before being disowned when she became much more vocal, saying no to things she didn't want to do. Obviously, her parents didn't like this and neither did Bella because she took the brunt of their frustration when she'd hide away from them all. I can imagine Cissy knew where all her hiding spots were though even as a kid, and would hide with her or would bring her food or treats to coax her out.
In the same way that people think Narcissa and Regulus were close, Andromeda and Sirius were close. We know that they have a lot in common in terms of leaving the Black family and Sirius considers the Tonks' to be his family over his other two cousins, and I think Andromeda feels the same about him. She didn't believe he killed James and was probably heartbroken when she found out what had happened. People get angsty about Tonks being killed by someone who looks just like her mother, but Sirius was killed by someone who looked just like the only family he had left, and this would have broke her heart knowing her own sister did that.
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I have seen you reblog and like some of my HP posts so I wanted to say Hi!
And I have a question for you. I know you love Drastoria so I wanted to ask what you love about it? I never read CC so I don't know Astoria well but the little I do know, I am not very impressed. I just have a lot of small hangups about Drastoria.
What initially drew you to it? Why do you think she is a good match for Draco? How do you feel about Astoria dying off? Are there things you dislike about the ship?
Hi, I really like your Tumblr!
First of all, I have to say that I don't like CC and I don't consider it canon, because it wasn't written by J.K.R., and also mainly because most of the characters are completely different from the personalities in the original books, including the Epilogue, so blatantly that not even age can be an excuse (I always wonder how much money they offered her to sign on for that atrocious story).
That said, I do like some of the characters there, particularly *Delphini*, Draco, Scorpius, and Astoria.When J.K.R. described who Draco married (a pureblood witch who rejects her upbringing and raises her son in a much more tolerant way, I fell in love with Astoria). And Scorpius is a captivating character who demonstrates a loving upbringing.
Astoria permeates CC like Lily should have permeated the books (but unfortunately she only appears at the end). The two seem like a functioning, adult couple who love each other and have overcome many obstacles (like Draco's questionable upbringing) to be together.
If you like Dramione or have read any of his fanfics, you will notice that they always follow this pattern (the girl who makes the former villain realize that his upbringing was not ideal).
Astoria was clearly not fragile if she stood up to her in-laws and didn't let her pureblood ideas contaminate her son.I think Dramione is more popular than Drastoria simply because we don't know about her in the books, Hermione is an important character in the story and the muggleborn/pureblood thing has more appeal than two purebloods together (I'm not knocking this couple, because there are great stories about both of them and Draco's development is often wonderful to read, I just want to point out that according to J.K.R., this development existed and we can prove it in CC).
I hate the blood curse thing and that she died, to me it was a form of punishment for Draco where a supposed villain can't really have a happy ending, and it's something I personally tend to ignore.Another point is that to me their relationship feels mature and healthy, in a way that the other couples in the books never did. I've said a few times that I hate Ginny/Harry (Ginny in book 6 is a walking Mary Sue) and Ron/Hermione seem like a hot couple that would break up after two months of dating.
But I'm going to give them a break here because when it comes to romance J.K.R. is not a good writer and her most believable couples are the ones we don't follow as much (Fleur/Bill and Tonks/Lupin, I'm thinking of you).
We don't have 7 books to learn about her, just a script for a play that reads like a really bad fanfic, but over the years I've created my own idea of ​​who she is and how this couple works, so much so that I've become very attached to both of them. @blvnk-art makes incredible drawings of the two of them (which I love to follow) which only made me like them even more.
They, along with Fleur/Bill and Lucius/Narcissa, are the only couples I have no criticism of in the books, as they seem very consistent together.
**I actually need to make an addendum here, I like the idea of ​​Delphini, but not the execution of the story or her personality, there was a huge potential to make her a parallel to her own father (orphan, unaware of his origins), but with a choice for the good, proving that blood is not always more important, but this was clearly wasted, or of course it could not be done, as it could affect the epilogue of the original books (but now I digress, as this has no point with the original question).**
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into-the-midst · 1 year
You write Draco and Harry so well. I feel like your writing could fit right into the actual novels. I love 'Within the Hollow Crown' so much, it's so good. Thank you for sharing it with us. Do you plan out your stories in detail (because some plot points link really well together) or do you just write with the flow (because your writing is so smooth)? I'd love to know more about your writing process. What gives you blocks, how you overcome them. What's your average word count like?
Thanks again for the amazing fic. It's in my top tier list. I'm going to go binge all your other writings. Have a lovely day. 😉😉😉
Losing my mind over your lovely comments. :)
I always plan out my stories in full before I begin writing. I can't start without knowing for certain where I'm ending. My outlines are typically mini-scenes, including dialogue.
That said, the outline does become more of a guideline rather than a strict play-by-play. The Hollow Crown outline is pretty different from the finished product. The original outline included such wild things as: "He threatens Draco by making a small cut on his skin and licking away the blood. If Draco doesn’t start acting like a pureblood, Voldemort might change his mind about Draco’s usefulness. Only care about his blood. Licking his blood somehow gets a better response than the crucio" and "Snape is in his office, so Harry can’t get [the marauder's map] now, and on his way back to his dorm, he finds Thomas waiting on him. Thomas finally introduces himself, and Harry gets an odd feeling from him. Thomas says he knows Harry followed Draco around all first term, and that Draco just isn’t forcing him to back off. But Harry needs to. He makes a veiled threat and leaves." Neither of those ended up lining up with Voldemort's characterization. And also introduced a pretty major plot hole.
There are also additions, like Draco's instruction to obtain the prophecy. That was an absolutely last minute hail mary. It's only in there because I couldn't justify Draco not storming out of the library when Harry cornered him right after the winter break. I'm just glad that it blended so well with the rest of the story!
The only thing that never changes is the dialogue planned in the outline. I've known over a year that Voldemort would tell Lucius "he's no longer yours," and that Draco would ask Harry, "Destination or deliberation?" Dialogue is always my favorite piece of the writing process, and is the simplest part to plan.
For word count, I aim for an average of 5k words per chapter. The longest story I ever wrote was for a different fandom, and was 60+ chapters, 230k words. These days, I tend to aim for 100k for a multi-fic story. It's difficult to hold attention for any longer than that (I say, mostly directing the comment to myself).
Thank you again for the wonderful ask and reblog. I'm always so giddy when people enjoy my writing!
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 3 years
Can you do HP boys reacting to being called daddy for the first time?
pairing(s): reader x every male i've ever written for
warning(s): 18+, daddy kink (obviously), dom/sub roles, mentions of sex/sexual activities
a/n: i love a good daddy kink so this was definitely a treat for me
harry potter
literally the pikachu meme
but then he gets all 'fuck yeah i'm the chosen one'
aka 'fuck yeah i am daddy'
his already high confidence is at an all time high
ron weasley
immediately into it
absolutely rails the fuck out of you after
like you literally have no idea where the confidence came from
dirty talk at an all time high
you will be cumming multiple times that night
fred weasley
the smuggest fucking grin you have ever seen
makes you repeat it a million times
has you screaming it by the end of the night
mean dom activated
the man is an absolute menace
ofc he would edge you until you were fucked stupid
george weasley
'are you sure you want to start this, darling?'
he says, right before destroying you from the inside out
was already into it before you but didn't wanna bring it up
the dirtiest things come out of this man's mouth
absolutely a pleasure dom
overstimulation station *alllllll aboard*
neville longbottom
didn't know he was into it before you said it
immediately gets the hardest he has ever been in his life
overwhelmed at first
but he kinda just rolls with
and gives exactly what you wanted
the experience of a lifetime
you guys definitely talk about it after/in the morning
cedric diggory
*he looks up grinning like the devil* (cedric's version)
very smug about it
gets way kinkier than you thought he was
choking, hair pulling, biting, marking, spanking
basically he goes feral
draco malfoy
let's be real....... he brought it up first
he's already so dominant with you that it doesn't really change anything
but he is pleased by it
makes you say it over and over again
in any and all situations from that moment on, you will be calling him daddy
definitely becomes a 24/7 dynamic
absolutely demolishes your pussy
blaise zabini
his hand is immediately around your throat
and starts fucking you so much harder
that's when his dominant side really starts to come out
can flip between mean dom and soft dom at a moment's notice
absolutely brings up a breeding kink for him
sirius black
*he looks up grinning like the devil* (sirius' version)
he can go from 0 to 100 the second you call him daddy
wants to put you on your knees immediately
brat tamer!daddy sirius
loves how dominant it makes him feel having you underneath him screaming for daddy
remus lupin
i feel like he wouldn't be into it at first
but then it would keep happening because he is, in fact, daddy
so he kinda just rolls with it
and finds out he actually really likes it
it's a good way to let go of all his pent up energy
by destroying your pussy
james potter
definitely didn't know he was into it until you said it
but absolutely loses his goddamn mind
pounds the fuck out of your pussy
all your holes really, if we're being honest
absolutely loves the way you calling him daddy sounds
regulus black
absolutely adores it
loves hearing you whimper 'daddy' as he rails you
hard dom but not a mean dom
things get very kinky, very fast after that
like my man just lets lose an entire arsenal of kinks you didn't know he had but you love every second of it
tom riddle
we know this man loves a good title
fucking loves it
makes you call him daddy anytime you two are alone together
he really does consider it a very special thing
and that he has to work to earn that title
absolutely babies you anytime you get too needy
lucius malfoy
soz but i feel like he wouldn't really like daddy
he's more of a sir....or master
but regardless he takes it and runs with it
24/7 dynamic
he's already your sugar daddy anyways
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semicolonsspace · 2 years
SUMMARY: Growing up, your family was close to the Malfoys. Draco, having a crush on you, is constantly teasing you... Until one time, in library, something happens.
WARNINGS: Teasing, language, imagining(?), Acting innocent, ring kink, hand kink, nipple sucking, degradation kink, oral (f to m) , Dom fail, Dom!Draco, sub!Y/n , mirror kink, slapping, p in v(minors DNI! please be at least 16+ to continue. You have been warned.)
Y/n's family was always close to The Malfoys. So you you had put up with Draco Malfoy growing up. He was the same age as Y/n.
Y/n and Draco had a relationship where they would constantly tease the other on stupid things.
Draco always loved when you would call him names. He would often find himself thinking about what you said in class. So much I'm fact that he would become hard.
Y/n was reading a book at the library, with her legs crossed, dangling her foot up and down at times.
Draco; being who he was, searches for her. He figures she would be in the library, so he goes there.
He finds her, staring at her. He loved when she sat like that. The perfect view of her legs. Staring at her more, he feels blood rush to his cock. Situating himself, he walks over to her and grabs her book.
"Give it back!" She whispers loudly, standing up trying to reach for it.
Draco being taller than her, he smirks down at her. "You should try harder." He chuckles, watching her struggle.
"Draco Lucius Malfoy, give me my damn book back, you stupid cunt." Y/n squealed becoming enraged. Y/n grabs his tie, bringing him down.
He lets this happen, getting close to her face. Seeing as she still can't reach her book, he chuckles.
"Why do you always have to come and bother me? Give me it to me please," she pouts, Y/n becoming desperate.
"What is so good about this book anyway?" He opens it up above his head and begins to read it.
Y/n becomes red, panicing more, jumping up and down trying to reach it.
Draco smirks, while he gives it to her. "I didn't know you liked dirty books L/n. Momma wouldn't be too proud about this" he whispers lowly, like a growl.
"Wouldn't be proud. As if. She was the one who got it for me." Y/n laughs out, looking at his features. His blond hair was a bit of a mess, strands of hair poking out a bit. Oh how she loves that. Maybe just a bit too much.
"Don't look at me like that." He growls again.
"Like what?" Y/n whispers soft, acting innocent.
Draco steps back a bit, turning around, and whispers under his breath.
"Merlin, you drive me insane."
"What was that?" Y/n asks, teasing, as she heard exactly what he said.
"I didn't say anything." Draco whispers out quick.
"Then why are you panicking?" Y/n grabs his arm and turns him around and looks him in his lusted-out eyes. She laughs, softly and speaks her mind. "How do I drive you insane? You're the one who always comes bothering me."
Draco, mistakened that she didn't hear, speaks. "This is what I mean. You act so innocently but you aren't. It drives me insane."
"Well, what are you going to do about it?" Y/n laughs.
Draco takes a step, grabs the back of her neck with his hand, and kisses her. She drops the book and kisses back. The kiss becomes heated, teeth-gnashing, and tongue wrestling. Draco closes the distance, y/n's back against the wall. Y/n's hands moved up to his back, holding him closer.
Draco pulls back looking at her, smiling. "I'm sorry. I've been wanting to do that for a while."
"You want to know something else that someone has been waiting for a while to do?" Y/n whispers, teasing the man towering over her. Draco nods in response, confused.
Y/n grabs his hand, grabs the book she dropped, and heads towards her dorm room. Getting looks on the way, but both do not care.
She gets to her room and pushes him in, locking the door. She turns around grabs her wand and casts a muffling spell. He watches her, lust headed. She pushes him onto her bed. He gets the hint and grabs her, spreading her legs so she is on him directly.
They start kissing again, his hands going under her skirt and onto her bare ass. She feels his cold rings on her skin, shivering. She reaches up, tugging his hair as they continue to kiss.
They pull apart, catching their breath. She moves back a bit to look at him, she feels his cock press against her cunt.
She looks at him, reaches down, and starts toying with his belt buckle. He stops her, and picks her up, setting her back down again. He growls at her stance.
Y/n was leaning back on her elbows, her legs spread. She watches while he takes his robes off, and starts unbuttoning his shirt in a hurry.
"Once we do this, you are mine. You understand that?"
She nods, her lips trembling. He looks at her, staring at her body.
He takes his rings off, her whimpering in response. He looks at her, smiling. "You're gonna have to talk to me dollface."
"Leave them on," she whimpers out.
He smiles putting them back on. He goes to kiss her, kissing her neck. She pouts her lip moaning, "Draco"
He continues littering kisses everywhere, stopping at her clothes breast, sucking them. He reaches down, rubbing her clothed clit.
"gosh you're so perfect" he looks up at her, continuing to suck on her clothes nipple. Watching her face ripple with pleasure, he feels his cock brush the edge of the bed.
"God damn, I can't take this. On your knees. "
She does what he says looking up at her, opening her mouth.
"Look at you, don't even have t' say anythin'. Too much of a whore to know what t' do." He laughs at her, teasing.
He moves his dick in front of her face. She takes it, licking the tip and sucking it. He throws his head back in response. "My beautiful girl. My beautiful fuckin' girl. S' perfect." He moans, mouth agape. He takes his hand and shoves it through his hair.
Going deeper she starts to Bob her head. She uses her tongue and glides up and down to increase the pleasure, occasionally swallowing on him. Groaning deeply he grabs her head, using it like a handle.
Feeling his dick rub the back of her throat, she knows she won't be able to talk much after. His rhythm starts to get sloppy; he stops.
"Don't wanna finish until I'm inside you. " He groans out of pain from stopping. He stands her up, guiding her in front of the mirror.
"what are we doing here?"
Draco laughs, "You will find out."
Holding her head to look at the mirror, he takes his other hand taking her robes off.
"Oh," she says realizing what was happening.
He takes both his hands, slowly unbuttoning her shirt. Watching his ringed fingers, she closes her legs together tight; trying to avoid the sensation.
He laughs, watching her body in the mirror. He looks at her in the mirror, while his hands continue their work, unclothing her body. He watches her face, pulling her skirt off.
"Look at your body, baby. Look at how perfect it is. "
She looks at her body, seeing how close he is to her. She watches his hands glide on her body. Rubbing small circles on her body, she feels the cold of his rings once again.
She does what she's told; watching his hands. Gliding down her torso, he spread her legs with his leg. Gliding his hand down, he spreads her pink pussy, watching her slick drip down. His other playing with her breast.
"look at that, filthy." He chuckles right in her ear, feeling the vibration from his chest to hers.
He starts rubbing circles of eights on her clit, while kissing her neck. He steps closer, making sure his cock is touching her lower back, watching her struggle with all the sensations.
"look at this," he tells her removing his fingers from clit.
She looks; seeing her slick on his fingers, she moans. "Draco please."
"try again, love."
"Please, sir." He laughs at her response.
He plunges his fingers in her cunt, instantly gliding them back in and out. He watches her face contort with pleasure, her torso arching from it.
He moves his other hand to her clit rubbing slow.
"look how fucked out you look. And we haven't even begun." He laughed evil.
And that's how Y/n was before she was pushed closer to the mirror, being fucked into it. She watched her face contort with pleasure, moaning his name. He wrapped his arm around under her breast. Driving him crazy, feeling her breast jump up and down on his arm. His cock grazed by her Gspot, driving her into infinite.
"look at you, taking my cock like a needy little whore." He laughs out, feeling her cunt clench tight on his cock. "But you're my whore. Aren't you?" He asks, slapping your face slightly.
"Y- yes. I'm always yours. Always was." Y/n slurs out, feeling his hand go to her sensitive clit, making her scream.
Your legs shaking from all the pressure he laughs again moaning himself. "Fuck baby"
"I-I'm c-close" y/n stutters; clenching her cunt on his cock.
"I know, love. I can feel you. Cum for me, baby." He says softly, tapping her thigh.
As he finishes, you finish with him. Cumming inside you, he waits a bit before pulling out. "Merlin, I love you." Once he pulls out, his cum gushes out.
Y/n looks up in the mirror, shocked at what he had said.
"You love me?" She asks, mouth agape.
"of course I love you," Draco smirks, and kisses her forehead.
"well, I love you too." Y/n stutters out the confession.
"I know you do, I read your diary a while ago. " He laughs, picking her up, carrying her to her conjoined bathroom.
"you what?!"
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one-strugling-bean · 2 years
Random Thoughts on HTTYD RttE S2 (Ep1-7)
(This one is a lot bigger so gonna divide it by episodes)
Ep1 - why do the twins get so many pets
Snotlout's sadness over not being able to train his dad, that was funny
"What did he do?" "He's Snotlout's dad" "Enough said" - there is more than one way to interpret this and i think im gonna take the protective! Astrid one
Ep2&3- Okay, im gonna make a wild guess and start assuming this show is gonna be hurting Astrid a lot
How strong is Toothless?? He's just able to carry a Mostrous Nightmare like that
Hm, gotta say I'm disappointed Heather betrayed them already - like, with Dagur being her brother and all, one immediately expects a betrayal to happen eventually, but this was really fast and too sudden I'd say
Im gonna make another guess before i move on with the episode, and that is Heather is either double-crossing Dagur or she'll regret going on to his side and goes back to helping the Riders
Also, not sure how to feel about Ryker yet - he seems too competent and too much of a real threat for this show. Then again the show does seem to building itself up to a more serious plot
Ruffnut pickpocketed the guard omg yessssssssss
Ep4 - aww, it's nice to see the twins caring about eachother
Aaaand Ruffnut got really pissed at Snotlout for his stunt, wow
Fishlegs is such a cute nerd ahhh
Omg Snotlout's been bitten so much, Ruff has 0 chill
I swear this scene on the cliff with the twins is just, so weird. Its supposed to be kinda emotional but its so so silly and bizarre i can't pay total attention to the actual emotional part - guess that's just the twins for you
Snolout should've died like, 3 hours ago pretty sure
He caught a wolf in that state???
This episode was so so weird but so so enjoyable
Ep5 - Heyy it's Spitelout time - cant wait
First few lines of the two 'louts interacting and they're already giving me Draco&Lucius vibes
"Hope you're at least smart enough to figure that one out" - eh excuse me, le what. He just called his son stupid in front of all his friends and threatened him at the same time. Okay yeah, im starting to understand why no one likes this guy
God that axe is so getting destroyed
Fishlegs and Ruffnut got married, poor Fishlegs
Meatlug!! Ruff, don't throw the lady out!
Astrid is once again so so done with Snotlout - can't blame her honestly, the guy has butter fingers
Okay, that beach scene went a whole lot better than what many made me expect, but then again, it seems Hiccup, Astrid and Snotlout were expecting worse too
The scene was scary until Spitelout talked - the music, the dark of the night, the clear fear of Snotlout confronting his dad and the apprehension in both Hiccup and Astrid's faces
Not as afraid of the man anymore, but still not a fan - also he's voiced by David Tennant so he's gotta get a pass
"We're the model of a modern viking family" this made me laugh a lot, my humor might be broken i know
Ep6 - Hookster? That's a new one. Another extremely original nickname to add to the list of Hookfang's nicknames given by Snotlout, right next to Hooky and Fangster
"He's really become a tyrant, huh?" "Power'll do that to ya" Twins, don't ever change
Aw Barf&Belch are gratefuuuul, that's cute, i rarely see anything about them anywhere, this is nice to watch
"Ah, no Toothless, don't laugh! You're better than that!" Ha poor Hiccup
Nooo don't ditch the double-headed baby, he's gonna get caught by hunters!!
Hiccup is just giving me tired dad vibes this ep and I'm loving it
Ahhh Barf&Belch are sho cute, how come I've never noticed this??
"I guess we're gonna have to put you in some real danger" yeahhhhh don't ever ask that of the Thorston twins
The look of pure happiness and giddy excitement on Tuff's face as they saw the tree trunks roll down towards Hiccup is everything
What is "Bjorn Boars"
"I can only think of one man that souless" Of course it's fucking Snotlout, how did i knowww
Okay, what did the twins do to make Snotlout go along with this, i gotta know
"Unfortunately, we weren't expecting Thor's mighty hammer to meet Snotlout's paper jaw" I swear this kid delivers the best one liners
I love how the ending is just mass destruction of the ship
"Will someone tell this lunatic it's over?!" Hiccup deserves so many breaks
Ep7 - "Heather won't be a problem, okay?" Hmmmm i had wondered how Astrid had been able to escape so easily from Heather on ep3 without us seeing their fight - im guessing Heather revealed to Astrid that she's playing double spy
Aw cute Thorston sandwich, but damn does Snotlout look annoyed. Good for him
Yeahhhh i saw that alliance coming
"You can't just run off on your own. I rely on you, Astrid" Oof, that hurt
"Dagur was right, you don't look like much" Astrid was right, you look like a psycho" "Not exactly the compliment I would've led with" These lines are fun
Ha, sassy, taunting Hiccup is fun Hiccup
"I saw it! You did that on purpose!" Uhm, excuse me sir, how did you see that? Your back was turned!
So, Ryker is indeed smart. Like, he's intelligent and an actual threat. Me likey the high-ing of stakes
"Maybe if you didn't move and kept your mouth shut!" Fishlegs sassying the others brings me endless joy
"Feels like they're going left. No, right. Left. Which one's which??" Mood. That's me everytime someone asks where's left and right
"Heather's not evil? There goes that dream" What does that mean? Im confused
Aw, Fishlegs, you're nice
Yeah, i hope she knows what she's doing too Hiccup
This is getting too long, so gonna stop this here
Im really excited to see where this is going now, and apparently people like to read my dumb commentary so the 2nd part of season 2 should be coming soon
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malfaith · 1 year
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prettyvampiress96 · 3 years
The Malfoy Secret - Chapter 3
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Since the traumatic death of her last living relative, Anna had since been a guest in the Malfoy manor . Although she was by now a little more than a guest. Her aunt was peacefully laid to rest and throughout the whole ordeal the Malfoys were her absolute anchor to reality. Anna however still couldn't put her thoughts in order at the situation. On one hand Anna had wanted to go home but on the other hand she rather enjoyed the company of the Malfoys. Anna had previously attempted to return home twice. The first time Anna had gone to return home , Draco begged her not to leave claiming he wanted to make the most of her company before his return to his last term of third year next week.. The second time Cissa began fretting about her wellbeing. Her being worried about Anna all alone in that big house. So Anna agreed to stay to ease Cissa's conscience but did say that she would return before her first day of work at the Ministry. What Anastasia didn't know was that she would be the right hand assistant to Lucius himself. The letter enclosing said information remained unopened in the Rosier mansion.
The following week Narcissa and Lucius bid Draco farewell at kings cross station whilst Anna was already in the Ministry of Magic for her first day along with another student from her year . Anastasia now knew that she would be working with Lucius , she was relieved at least it was someone who wouldn't judge her by her name. Though the thought of being in such a confined space with the white haired man had butterflies filling the pit of her stomach. Lucius strutted into his office in the department of Magical Law Enforcement, halting in his footsteps at the sight of his darling Anna stretching on the tips of her feet to reach a book higher up on the shelf, Lucius held back a laugh as he took in just how miniature she was even in a pair of heels. Even though he adored that about her , he couldn't help picture in absolutely nothing but those heels all stretched out for him and for cissa of course. Anna hadn't yet realised he had entered the room she was too caught up in finding the book Mr. Crouch had requested. Lucius took this as his moment . He walked as quietly as he could towards her . When Anna was in his reach, his large hands held her hips , his long fingers digging in slightly. Anna's back pressed flush against his broad chest. Leaning down to her ear. "You want my help with that darling ?" He whispered pressing himself further into the girl. Anna blushed at the feeling of his hardened member making itself known. Easily reaching for the book , his hand could reach without him even trying. "By all means you can say no and I shall just sit back and watch as that little skirt rides up more and more. Its taking I have not to throw you over my desk and worship you right here babygirl" Lucius smirked as Anastasia let out a squeak at the pet name he called her. Lucius brought the book down to Anna's eyesight, offering it out to her , Anna still pressed against the overly large shelf. Before Anna could respond in walked Narcissa. Narcissa drank in the scene in front of her , the sight of her husband and hopefully her soon to be princess. Anastasia's face flushed a deep red as she resisted the urge to run into Cissa's arms. " My darling how lovely of you to join us isn't that right princess?" Lucius turned to face cissa while slipping a wink to Anna. "I .. Uh..you...I should get this book to Mr. Crouch " she said shyly unsure of how to respond , after all neither of them had spoken since her and cissa kissed. Anna couldn't help wondering is Narcissa regretted it. Bowing her head Anna moved to rush from the room. "WAIT, STOP" Narcissa called after her smiling as annas feet immediately come to a halt." Hurry back darling there's something we should all talk about". Anna nodded in response quickly exiting the room. Anastasia walked with the book in her arms just down the hall, knocking respectively , Anna awaited permission before entering. " Mr Crouch I'm terribly sorry if I am interrupting I'm just bringing the book you requested from Mr Malfoy" Anastasia informed showing the book as if she needed the proof. "Ah right yes, good good I do believe you may have just missed crossing paths with our young Mr Weasley. He took it upon himself to retrieve that book . A good boy he is . If that is all Miss Rosier I am rather busy I'm afraid" Mr Crouch, the minister of Magic himself said without raising so much as his head. Anna walked back to Lucius's office , the sound of her heels clacking with every step, when suddenly body blocks her way. "You know you'd think the slimy Slytherin's would crawl back into their holes rather than working for the Ministry . Your father was a blind fool to follow the dark lord . Tell me what would daddy think of his daughter now. Oh no thats right he got himself killed before you could wipe the drool from your chin? " Percy Weasley sneered at her . Anastasia's blood fuelled an inferno of rage and Percy was about to get a taste of the fire. Passer's by began to stop and watch while office doors seemed to open for the fellow workers to do the same. Annas eyes glazed over and she smiled a
sweet smile. " Don't you ever speak of my family in that way do you hear me ? You want to know what my 'daddy' thinks , insult me again and you'll be finding out" Anna threatened in a low voice her wand drawn and pressed into the younger Weasleys throat. Lucius Malfoy was the first to intervene , his hand pushing anna's armed one down. He ushered the furious girl into the office and she slowly began following. " Enjoy freedom while you can I'm sure they've got a cell in Azkaban with your family's name on call it an heirloom. As cold, dark narcissistic murderers run in your family dont they. When you slip up Rosier and you will . I will be the one to put you there myself" Percy shouted at her back. Taken off guard Percy hadn't expected Anna to throw 'stupefy at him knocking him down the hall by a few good feet . " Funny that if I'm to go to Azkaban it'll be for killing you. You're a no good blood traitor and yet you think you actually have the audacity to think you stand a chance against me. I know spells your mother couldnt even dream of mastering . You think you can talk about my family when you know absolutely nothing . I'll escort myself to Azkaban right now once I've sent your cold body to your mother. That dark enough for you saint Percy? Anna fumed her wand raised . Arthur Weasley emerged from the crowd , his wand drawn protecting his son. Lucius drew his wand and stood directly in front of Anastasia.
"Princess go, back to the office head held high cissy is there and I'll be right behind you "Lucius whispers so low only Anastasia could hear it. Anna nods confirming she had indeed heard his words but she was reluctant to walk away. When Lucius firmly commands her once again to go as she reaches the offices, she can already feel the tears fill her eyes and the burning sensation in her chest. Anna just wanted to scream . Instead she shuts the door and walks to her desk with her head down. Realisation hitting her like a tonne of bricks Anna slides down the nearest wall. Narcissa immediately running to the sobbing girl sitting next to her , Cissa cradled anna against her chest, rocking slightly whilst rubbing a hand soothingly on the black haired girls back.
"I'm not a bad person I've followed every rule. I've never put a foot wrong yet I'm still painted with the same brush as my father am I destined to be alone. Perhaps Azkaban is the best place for someone with a name like mine". Lucius having now dealt with the pathetic Weasleys returns just as Anna sobs those words. Seeing her so broken and seeing his wife so affected at those words only tempted Lucius to go back and seriously damage the disrespectful boy. Weighing his options, nothing was more important than his family and as of that his girls needed him. Narcissa who was still holding Anna raised her head to look at her husband , she tilted her head to the side silently asking what had happened out there.
He ushered Narcissa over to him which she does hesitantly. Torn between leaving Anna and finding out what had occurred . Narcissa's curiosity got the best of her. "Anna I'll be right back darling" Narcissa whispered assuringly. Lucius explains in a hushed whisper briefly what happened. Narcissa can't believe what she's heard. How could someone say something so cruel about her baby girl. Lucius made his way over to Anna and bent down, lifting her chin up to face him. " Don't you ever let me hear say that about yourself . We would never allow you to be put in that wretched place. A name does not define you. That boy knows nothing. He is nothing. You are my everything. Our everything " he would say pulling cissa to him as she steps nearer not wanting to scare Anna . "I'm yours. Like both of you?" Anna questioned back , her green eyes wide and her pink lips pouted in slight confusion. " Why don't we all go back home a discuss this over a drink hmm?" Cissa hinted holding her hand out for her husband and Anna to take .
They arrive back at Malfoy Manor and Anna takes a seat on the sofa in the front room with Cissa sitting on one side of her and Lucius on the other side. Lucius gently takes one of Anna’s hands in his and with the other hand gently turns her head to face him “Anna I meant what I said earlier you are our everything and I want to discuss you becoming apart of our relationship” He nods at Cissa before continuing “There is no pressure Anna, you can say no and we’ll respect your decision. It won’t affect our working relationship either.” Anna doesn’t respond straight away, feeling a little shocked at his offer. “Should you agree to be with us boundaries would be set in place, which leads me to my next question. What are your boundaries Anna?” Lucius’ voice soft as he looks into her eyes.
“I don’t have any boundaries as I’ve never done this before” Anna answers honestly as she holds his gaze for a moment before looking down at her lap, a look of confusion washes over his face “Anna had never been kissed before I kissed her two weeks ago” Cissa explained. Lucius places his fingers under Anna’s chin lifting her head up “Just to confirm Anna, you are a virgin?” She nods at him and feels her cheeks heat in a light blush. “We’ll take things nice and slow; we’ll go at a pace that suits you…if you agree to be ours that is.” Lucius tells her with a smile on his lips and Anna couldn’t help herself, she looked down at his mouth and licked her lips. Cissa nods agreeing with her husband “We will look after you. You will be safe with us…always” Cissa took hold of Anna’s other hand in hers and begun rubbing small soothing circles on the back of her hand with her thumbs.
Anna looks between Cissa and Lucius before speaking “I’d like to be yours, both of yours but I’m worried I cannot offer you much in return” Cissa turns Anna’s head so she is looking at her “Just by agreeing to be with us is giving us more than you can imagine. All we want to do is to make you feel loved, safe and of course pleasure you beyond your wildest dreams” Cissa smiles and leans forward pressing her lips to Anna’s in a quick but sweet kiss.
“If we overstep a boundary or you start to feel uneasy or anything just tell us. In fact, to be sure we are all comfortable with this arrangement I recommend we use safe words” Lucius said softly, his breath warm against her ear “Safe words?” Anna asked shyly and he chuckled lightly “Ahh so innocent my sweet girl” His fingers brushing her hair aside as he placed a soft kiss to her neck before continuing “Each of us picks a word that once spoken the others know enough is enough. The moment the word is spoken everything stops…straight away, no questions or explanations needed” Anna turned her head slightly so she was looking at him over her shoulder “I’d like to be yours, both of yours” He smiled at her before capturing her lips with his.
Lucius and Narcissa both hand in hand with Anastasia began escorting her up the winding black marble case not stopping until they reached the door to the master bedroom. Both Malfoys stood watching Anna's reaction as Lucius twisted the handle of the door pushing it open , allowing Anna the first step inside. Anastasia was in awe at the decoration. With a flick of his wrist Lucius had set candles alight causing a rather romantic atmosphere. Anna's hand was still laced with Cissa's, she was reminded off that when Narcissa squeezed her hand. " What do you think babygirl?" Cissa asked brushing a loose strand of Anna's hair from her face, leaning in she placed a soft kiss on Anna's lips . "It's beautiful Cissy . It really is" Anna breathed looking behind her for Lucius. When Anastasia noticed him still stood by the door only now minus his dress shirt , she reached her hand towards him wanting to touch . Lucius noticed Anna's hesitation and stepped into her reach, taking her hands he placed them on the centre of his broad chest. Anna's hands ran up over his bare shoulders and linked around his neck attempting to pull him down to her level due to the height difference. Anna could feel his intoxicating scent overwhelm her and she took the plunge pressing her lips to his . His kiss was different to that of Cissa's it was rougher and more dominant . Lucius's hands reached over the curves of Anna's ass and lifted her up, her legs wrapping around his waist as he walked them to the bed . A naked Narcissa joined the pair , running her fingers up anna's bare legs causing anna gasp allowing Lucius access to her tongue . Anastasia pulled back from her make out session , glancing at Narcissa, her eyes tracing over the perky nipples of her breasts. Anna's mouth ran dry . She had no idea what she wanted but god that woman was it. " Remember Darling we can stop whenever you like , tonight is all about you my pretty babygirl , mommy and daddy will make you feel so good I promise princess you just have to trust us" Narcissa spoke softly tapping her finger on the top button of anna's shirt. " Can mummy take this off baby " Cissa cooed , anna nodded and proceeded to remove the shirt herself only for cissa to stop her. "Let mommy do it angel please" Cissa asked again this time Anna nodded and allowed cissa to removed her top. Narcissa dropped the shirt to the floor her eyes never looking away from Annas full breasts, leaning forward cissa placed a wet kiss to the tops of her breasts. Ana in response arched her back unaware that her hips had rocked against the very non discreet package in Lucius's trousers. Narcissa's hands travelled lower and lower until they reached the waistband of the very tight skirt Anna had on. Cissa's fingers hooked into the band but waited for permission from Anna . "Princess Mommy's waiting for you "Lucius whispered in Anna's ear. Anastasia nodded fervently glancing down and the sight of a naked Narcissa between her thighs . Anna couldnt peel her eyes away. In a split second her skirt and panties were removed , Anna's core now slick and bare to Cissa who licked her lips in delight at the prize in front of her . "We can stop if you want to little princess, you just have to say and we promise we wont be disappointed in the slightest or should mommy continue" Lucius reminded . " No please Don't stop please dont stop "Anna pleaded . Her pleas were music to their ears. Lucius interlocked his fingers with Anna's , watching over anna's shoulder as his wife's head leant even closer to Annas blazing sex. Narcissa hummed as she dragged a finger through Anna's wet folds, shivering at the breathless gasp she made in response. Narcissa placed a soft kiss to either side of Anastasias inner thigh before connecting her warm tongue to her wet pussy. Anna's hips rose from the emerald sheets , her head thrown back into the crook of Lucius's neck and her grip on his hands getting tighter. " Is mummy making you feel good baby girl ? Let us hear those beautiful noises of yours petal" Lucius teased in advance. Anna mewled , feeling
an unfamiliar weight in the pit of her stomach. Narcissa continued flicking the sensitive bud while she introduced a single finger into Anna's tight hole preparing to stretch her out for Lucius. Slowly and gently Cissa began thrusting that finger in and out in time with the flicking of the bud . With her fingers getting so slick from Anna's running juices , cissa added a second finger and with every thrust in began spreading them apart . Anna's walls began to clench around Cissa's fingers locking them in place and her thighs tightening pulling cissa closer than she was. " Oh Oh Oh " Anna screamed as she rode her first ever climax down on Narcissa .Anna felt shifting from behind her as Lucius moved himself from the bed taking Cissa's place between Anna's thighs. Climbing above her Cissa placed a kiss to Anna's lips. "You did so well darling mummy's so proud of you. Does Daddy want a taste do you think? " Narcissa beamed down at her baby all glistening in sweat , glancing to her husband smirking. Lucius's hand reached across grabbing cissa at the chin, passionately kissing his wife all the while tasting the sweet nectar of his princess on her tongue. At some point during the exchange Lucius had removed his remaining clothing. Lucius tapped on Anna's thighs grabbing her attention. Narcissa sat near Annas head now it was her turn to watch the faces her baby pulled whilst screaming from the pleasure she was receiving. " Princess you need to listen just for a minute okay? Are you sure this is what you want? I won't lie to you my girl it might be a little uncomfortable at first but that passes. Are you absolutely sure?" Lucius needed to make her aware he'd never forgive himself if he hurt her . " Please I trust you Daddy I'd like to try. Help me try" Anna begged her voice sounding like a whine. Lucius wrapped his hand around his painfully hard cock swiping the pre-cum from the swollen head to lubricate it slightly. The combination of that and Anna's cum should be just enough.
As he slowly began to ease into her, Anna's walls clenched around him as a pained groan leaves her throat. Digging her nails into his shoulders as she squeezes her eyes shut tight, Anna's body tenses against his when he comes to a stop. His body trembling as he fights the lust inside him to thrust into his pretty little princess .When the pain starts to subside Anastasia slowly moves her hips .
"Please " was all Anna could muster out. Lucius takes her thigh and places it on his hip as he starts to slowly move against her . Quickly finding a steady rhythm, as his hips roll against hers both moving in perfect harmony , Anna could feel every thrust against her walls. Her nails leave red half-moon crescents on biceps. Narcissa sat back observing couldnt help but reach down and began circling her own clit. His name falls from Anastasia's mouth like a prayer when he finds that specific spot inside of her . "Fuck, Princess , you feel so good around Daddy" he moans as he thrust faster into her , pleasure invaded her senses as her vision begins to cloud , with her head thrown back Anna can no longer keep the moans inside of her . An inferno rages inside of her , Her hands fall from his arms to grasp at the sheets with such a force her knuckles began turning white. "Papi, I'm..." she moans out. " Let it go baby I'm here Daddy's here" Lucius coaxed. Anastasias walls enclosed around Lucius's cock , her nectar coating his manhood. With a last thrust into her Lucius emptied his load filling his princess up to the brim. Gently removing himself from inside her , Lucius laid to the right of Anna enclosing her in his arms, Narcissa laid to the left of Anna . "Our princess did absolutely perfect wouldn't you say so dear?" Narcissa asked Lucius. "Oh i couldn't agree more darling. How are you feeling Princess?" Lucius asked Anna. The three of them an entanglement of limbs. Until Narcissa rose from the bed and into the large bathroom followed by the sound of running water. " Come on Darling let us clean you up and put you in something comfy before you fall asleep" Narcissa commented. Anna however was quite tired and comfy as she mumbled incoherent words from where she was. Lucius scooped her up into his arms and took her into the bathroom himself. Narcissa already in the bath, held her arms out as he lowered his princess down into her lap. A scent of lavender and camomile filled their senses. Lucius lathered up a sponge and glided it over every inch of Anastasias body. Anastasia snapped from her dazed state smiling at both Lucius and Narcissa. Before putting her head down and playing with her fingers , a sign they had already noticed when she was nervous or embarrassed. " Princess Is everything alright darling? Are you hurt or in pain?" Cissa asked concerned she may be hurt . " No no nothing like that I was urm well I just wondered could I stay with you two tonight?" Anna asked so quietly that if they had been any further away they wouldn't have caught it. "Of Course you sweet girl you were always going to sleep in with us . We wouldn't have it any other way. Now why dont you let mommy wash your hair whilst daddy gets out and fetches you something comfy eh?" Narcissa said softly to Anna pulling her in for a cuddle in the warm water. With the girls dressed in Narcissa's nightgowns , Lucius had made a mental note to have cissa and anna go shopping soon. Lucius had already pulled back the covers and slid in, waiting for his girls to come out. "Which side should I sleep?" Anna asked Narcissa. They hadn't discussed that yet. " Why dont you sleep in the middle darling so that way we can both hold you" Lucius offered. Anna scrambled into bed followed by Cissa. Cissa took hold of Annas hand and kissed the knuckles.
"I'm so happy you agreed to be ours our darling girl "Narcissa expressed. Lucius turned on his side facing Anna and Cissa draping his arm across the both of them in a protective manner. " I love you both my precious girls" Lucius said lovingly. The three slept in each others embrace for the rest of the night.
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Forbidden Feelings and Hidden Corners: Draco Malfoy X Reader
Finally! I've posted this for your request! Thanks for requesting. I don't know if this was what you expected, but I hope you'd like it. Happy reading!
"I am asking you for the final time boy! If you don't accept the mark from the dark lord, I'll have to find ways to make you accept it." The Lestrange woman sneered at her nephew.
Narcissa Malfoy stood hidden in the darkest corner of the room, blending with the darkness, making Draco doubt if she was really there. He knew she wanted to help him, but the wizarding laws, the wedding laws, and the way she was brought up made her unable to speak against her sister who was obsessed with the dark lord, nor her husband who had his arms crossed, staring at his son, who had become the biggest disgrace to the Malfoy bloodline, with disgust.
"Are you taking it or not?" Bellatrix snapped once again.
Draco let out a shaky breath, closing his eyes. The moment he did, all he could remember was her – his sunshine.
He could remember all the beautiful memories with her. Her stunning smile, her radiant face, her ethereal beauty, her angelic laugh, her soft kisses, everything about her, only her!
He remembered how she would interlock her fingers with his. He remembered how she would cuddle with him. He remembered how she would run her fingers through his hair. He remembered how she would hug him from behind, announcing her presence. He remembered how she would make him lay his head on her stomach, hugging him and falling asleep on the couch. He remembered how she would hold him, when everything became too much for him to handle. He remembered how she would hint soft kisses on his head, forehead, nose and finally his lips. He remembered how they both would spend their nights in the astronomy tower, star-gazing.
Finally, he remembered the way she would mumble "I love you"s in between the kisses. Now, he wished he could have told it back to her. He had always been a very private person, building walls. She was the first one to break many of those walls. Yet, he was afraid to tell her that he loved her.
But she waited. She knew how he was when it came to feelings. She knew expressing emotions weren't his strong suit. So, she was patient enough to give him the time he needed, and he appreciated it.
But now, he regretted taking too much time to just state a fact - the fact that he loved her to the moon and back , she was his everything and he wanted a forever with her.
"No!" he heard himself whisper.
"What?" Lucius snapped.
"No! I'd never take the mark nor become a death eater." He stated firmly and felt proud of that bravery.
Lucius glared at him but Bellatrix just laughed an evil, cold laugh that could rival her master's.
"We'll see my dear!" she told him in a sickeningly sweet tone and left Draco's room, motioning his parents to join her.
(Y/N) (Y/L/N) missed Draco Malfoy. If someone had told her that she would miss him so badly that her heart will ache for him, four years before, she would have laughed at them. But now, after years of getting to know the true him and loving him, he had become everything to her. She had caring friends and was really grateful for them, but she missed him.
True, their relationship was a secret one, and no one knew about them. But it didn't mean she loved him any less. She loved him all the same and she knew he loved him too, even if he wasn't so vocal about it. She loved spending time with him, and wasted all her days anticipating their midnight meetings.
Her being a Gryffindor, a muggle-born and worse, a part of the golden quadruplet, and best friend to the golden trio and Draco being a pureblooded, a Slytherin and worse, a Malfoy, had them not go public in mutual understanding. But she did love the memories of the midnight, and they took care of their forbidden feelings in their in hidden corners!
But, it had been a week - a week since holidays were over, a week since school had started, a week since she had seen him, a week he didn't attend school. She decided to write him an anonymous letter to find if he was okay. If he got the letter, he would recognize her handwriting immediately. If it somehow, fall in the wrong hands, then they can't know it was from her. Boy, how wrong she was.
She sent a letter to him. It contained a simple question : "Are you okay? Missing you!"
It was the first Hogsmeade weekend of the Sixth year for the Golden quadruplet. They were enjoying themselves. Even (Y/N) had pushed aside her worries for a few hours and enjoyed the time with her friends. They decided to head to the 'Three Broomsticks' for a butter beer. While they started walking, suddenly everything became dark and they could feel themselves being grabbed harshly and being aparrated to somewhere.
When (Y/N) opened her eyes, she found herself in a dungeon. She could see her friends in some sort of jail.
She heard someone calling her. The voice was so familiar. Her breath hitched in her throat and her eyes widened. It couldn't be!
"Draco!" She whispered, turning around.
She saw him. It was really him. But his hands were held behind his back by his father while his aunt stood near him.
"How is our little surprise, Draco dear?"
"Let them go!"Draco snapped, pulling his hand away from his father's grasp and reaching for his wand. But before he could even point it against her, Bellatrix disarmed him and bound him with a rope. His wand fall down near his legs and he was forced to look at Bellatrix, now circling (Y/N).
"Ahh....I take it you are the pretty little mudblood that bade my nephew turn against us?" (Y/N) remained silent. "Did you seriously think we can't find you if you didn't sign the letter. Our pure blood magic is way better than that!" She spat.
"Shove your pure blood pride up in your - "
But before she could finish her statement, she fell to the floor, screaming.
"Draco, you take the mark or enjoy watching her die a slow and painful death."
Tears flowed freely from Draco's eyes as he watched the love of his life on the floor, screaming an writhing in pain.
"Please, stop it!" He screamed.
"Will you take the mark, then?"
Before he could answer (Y/N) spoke "Draco, don't. They are gonna kill me even if you take the mark. They'd never let us get together. At least, I'll die knowing I saved you from a terrible fate!"
"Shut up, mudblood! No one asked you to speak" Bellatrix sneered, throwing another "crucio" at her.
Magic is a wonderful thing. It can understand emotions more than any human being ever could. And it did. When Draco felt love for her, anger at his father and aunt for doing this to her and frustrated because he couldn't do anything to save her, his magic swooped in to save the day. His magic came out of his hand without a wand, blasting the iron bars open, freeing the Golden Trio and bursting the lights of the dungeon.
Bellatrix's wand flew away from her hand and so did Lucius's. He caught it and threw them to the trio, before picking up his own, grabbing (Y/N) and apparating to the first place he could think of – The Shrieking Shack. He saw that she was unconscious. She carried her bridal style all the way through Hogsmeade, towards Hogwarts. People stared at him throughout the way, but he didn't care. He walked as quickly as he could, because the only thing he cared about was saving her.
Draco was in a daze all the while – explaining the situation to the matron, the headmaster, Professor Mcgonagall and Professor Snape ; the golden trio rushing in, out of breath, apologizing to them for all his faults and his bullying, his hateful attitude; them forgiving him after seeing the way his own family treated him but saying that it would take them sometime to accept him for who he really was.
Finally, (Y/N) decided to open her eyes. Seeing her best friends and boyfriend having a civil conversation, she thought she was having a dream. But the memories of the past hours came back to her and she sat up suddenly, her body feeling like it was set on fire.
"But why did they take us to make you get the mark?" Harry inquired, stupidly.
"Er.." Draco uncertainly glanced at (Y/N), thinking if it would be appropriate for him to tell them without her, only to see her awake.
He immediately rushed to her, and hugged her gently, like she was a glass flower who'd break at the smallest level of pressure.
"I'm sorry" he mumbled, burying his face in the crook of her neck.
"It's okay!" She told him, cupping his face and gently peppering kisses all over his face, finally landing on his lips, locking it with her own. As they pulled away from the kiss, they could see the totally gobsmacked faces of Harry and Ron, and a slightly shocked yet satisfied look on Hermione's.
"Uh....guys.....I have something to tell you."
"I've been doubting this since the Christmas break of the last year!" Hermione whispered.
"Guys....We really love each other! You've seen him only as a pureblooded Slytherin bully but I've seen the other side of him. The one that has emotions and insecurities, fears and desires, just like a normal person. And I fell in love with that side of him. But you are important to me as well. I would be happy if you accept us!"
"How long has this been going on?"
"Um...We started being civil to each other from the time he was scratched by Buckbeak. You know I love helping around in the infirmary and I helped him. Then we met in the Astronomy tower, quite coincidentially but then started meeting each other. We got into a relationship by the beginning of the last year."
"Are we that bad friends, that you've been lying to us for years?"
"No! The problem was you guys were amazing friends and I felt guilty about loving someone who you considered your enemy! But I couldn't help it. We can't control who we fall for, can we? You guys are very important to me and I didn't want to lose you. I love you too much to lose you!" She said, and she could feel tears leaving her eyes. Draco interwined his fingers with hers and squeezed it. The trio didn't miss his movement. They sighed.
"We understand that he does care for you, or the deatheaters would have never used you to threaten him."
"But one thing Malfoy! You hurt her and we kill you!"
(Y/N) beamed and Draco smiled.
"I would never even dream of it! I love her too much to hurt her!" He said, looking into her eyes. Their gaze locked and they smiled.
There was a war approaching, those were dark times, but they were there for each other. He had her and she had him. And to them, that was enough!
(A/N: Hope everyone liked it! Requests ae still open and you can request me in the comment section or PM me!
Until the next update
- Mischief Managed!)
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saintsenara · 6 months
I’m obsessed with your Percy/Rodolphus fic, so I just wanted to get some more of your thoughts on who you think the Lestrange brothers are/what they’re like. They’re often overlooked in this fandom but I personally love them. (PS your answer to my Frank/Rabastan question was amazing. Thank you!)
thank you so much, anon! this is a lovely ask and i'm so thrilled you've enjoyed subluxation.
i've been joking quite a lot while writing it that it’s tricked me into finding rodolphus and rabastan lestrange fascinating, having never cared about them before. but this is - it’s time to come clean - not strictly true... obviously, as a bellamort shipper, poor cuckolded roddy has had to take up some space in my brain, but also the family appears in quite a lot of my other writing and i have quite a lot of headcanon lore i appear to have ascribed to them…
most of this - unsurprisingly - surrounds the family’s relationship with voldemort. while the evidence of canon is that the malfoys are voldemort’s favourite accomplices - at least until lucius falls from grace after failing to retrieve the prophecy - i am much fonder of the idea that the lestranges are the dark lord’s most important death eaters and that the family has been in voldemort’s orbit since the second he arrived at hogwarts.
i do not - however - think that the lestrange originally ensnared is either rodolphus or rabastan. i know many people choose to interpret the mention in half-blood prince of a lestrange in the slug club alongside tom riddle as referring to rodolphus - and i do see the interesting things which can be done both with the idea of him as voldemort’s oldest friend [and, therefore, fully aware of his real name, appearance, and background, while his wife is not] and the idea of him as much older than bellatrix. but i much prefer the idea of voldemort having an impact which is distinct across three separate generations: you have the knights of walpurgis, who become the first death eaters, who know the proto-voldemort of the 1940s and 1950s, with all his messy human characteristics; then you have these men’s sons, who know the unassailable paramilitary kingpin of the 1970s, who seems to be a force of pure magic; then you have these men’s sons, who know the paranoid, monstrous voldemort of the 1990s and his single-minded obsession with harry potter. or, in other words, you have abraxas malfoy - then lucius malfoy - then draco malfoy, each trying to square the voldemort that’s in front of them with the voldemort they once knew.
hence my favourite original character: rodolphus and rabastan’s father, romulus augustulus lestrange. named for the last - and worst - roman emperor.
i am - as any good tomarry shipper - obsessed with the parallels between harry and voldemort, and i originally came up with romulus in order to provide voldemort with his very own ron weasley. the two meet on the hogwarts express when romulus sits in tom’s compartment, it’s romulus who acts as the insider to the magical world who helps tom adjust to his new life in the castle, and it’s romulus who convinces tom while they’re heading north that the only house worth being in is slytherin. i like him then remaining tom’s ride-or-die even through his teen edgelord days, his depressed retail-worker days, and his long sojourn on the continent.
[although readers of my tomarry wip one year in every ten will be aware that his relationship with the young voldemort is not entirely a happy one…]
i write rodolphus and rabastan as being born in 1949 and 1953 respectively and as having some sort of acquaintance with voldemort as children - indeed, one headcanon i use, if the story fits it, is that voldemort is both brothers’ godfather. this means that, when voldemort returns from albania in 1966, both are in their teens and - rodolphus especially - are all too susceptible to the revolutionary miracle voldemort is promising. i imagine that rodolphus - in conjunction with lucius malfoy - is the dark lord’s best recruiter of young pureblood men in the later 1960s and early 1970s, and that these men are much more interested in open violence than their fathers, who support voldemort as a political leader within the wizarding world’s established framework, rather than as a terrorist.
which means, of course, that i think that rodolphus is the person who recruits bellatrix.
while i like the potential of bellatrix and rodolphus’ canon vibe being caused by the gulf of a large age gap, i really like them as a clear illustration of the way in which pureblood society’s rigid gender roles stifle potential - and, therefore, think that they marry the second bellatrix finishes school, in an arranged marriage they both go through with because it’s what they think they ought to do [and i think that voldemort’s affair with her starts almost simultaneously - i think it’s important, when thinking about bellatrix’s radicalisation, that all the evidence of canon is that she’s groomed to be a terrorist when she’s barely out of her teens by a man old enough to be her father, and voldemort - who, when she’s 19, is 44 - being her only proper experience of a romantic or sexual relationship is quite a key part of that]. i am wedded to the idea that the marriage is profoundly unhappy - but not abusive or toxic - because neither bellatrix nor rodolphus really like each other - they get along cordially enough, but there’s no real passion or affection between them.
the only exception to this is their passion for voldemort and his terrorist organisation. the implication of canon is that bellatrix is the more zealous of the two - and that she is the ringleader of their attack on the longbottoms, while rodolphus and rabastan are just doing as they’re told - but i don’t buy it. i think rodolphus is a hardcore death eater, that he is entrusted with high-level missions throughout the 1970s, and that voldemort values him incredibly highly prior to 1996, when our evidence is that he’s also sent to azkaban having been caught in the department of mysteries alongside lucius malfoy.
[and one high-level thing i think he’s entrusted with is the knowledge of what - exactly - is in his vault…]
which means, i think, that he is probably slightly more disillusioned than bellatrix once he’s broken out of prison for a second time in july 1997. i am now convinced that the role he plays in subluxation - essentially pius thicknesse’s childminder - is one he agrees to because he thinks it’ll keep him safer than being at voldemort’s side as he grows more and more volatile - and i am also convinced [because, i hate to say, i’m a delphini truther] that he flees the battle of hogwarts the second harry springs out of hagrid’s arms and goes on the run with his dead wife and dead master’s lovechild.
rabastan - on the other hand - gets given up by lucius malfoy as part of his plea deal and shuffled off for life in azkaban.
indeed, i really like rabastan as… a bit of a flop. whereas i think rodolphus has a genuine capacity for sadism, i prefer rabastan in what we might call the draco malfoy vein - someone who is profoundly unpleasant and who believes wholeheartedly in blood-supremacy, but who doesn’t have the stomach to actually follow this through with violence. i like the idea of him as someone voldemort finds quite unimpressive, and i also like the idea that rodolphus - since awful people are never wholly awful, nor good ones wholly good - puts himself in considerable danger to protect his younger brother from the dark lord’s anger by fixing his mistakes and covering for his fuck-ups.
and i am now really, really into the concept of rabastan and frank longbottom!
the only other headcanons that i am absolutely set on when it comes to the lestranges are that their ancestral home is in brancaster, in norfolk [a very beautiful, but not not desolate place], and that romulus has a great love of flying horses which is passed down to both of his sons.
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sweetcherrypie1967 · 4 years
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In the Name of Love
To everyone around them, what was about to happen had been a complete surprise and not to mention unexpected. But, everyone else didn't know about the secret the two shared. The months of sneaking around Hogwarts just to avoid being seen together, the stolen kisses, the insults they didn't mean, and the fear of what they felt. For if it became public, they'd surely be killed..or worse.
You see, to everyone else, that two despised one another just as they seemingly had for years before now. Even their closest friends didn't have a clue about what they were hiding.
But soon, everyone would know.
The students and staff of Hogwarts gathered around in the courtyard while the Death Eaters were on the other side. Something odd caught most of their eyes though, it was Hagrid. Hagrid, in the midst of the Death Eaters and Voldemort himself, not only that but he was carrying someone.
"Who is it that Hagrid is carrying?" Hermione Granger's panicked voice was heard.
"Who is Hagrid carrying?!" Hermione said louder and in more panic than before.
She got no answer, until..
"Harry Potter is dead," the voice of Voldemort rang out. His voice alone was enough to cause someone's skin to crawl, but for him to say that their Chosen One, their friend, was dead?
No!" Ginny Weasley exclaimed as she tried to rush to the body of the boy she loved.
But her father, Arthur Weasley, held her back as she sobbed uncontrollably as he knew that now wasn't the time to grieve.
They were all still in danger.
Hermione knew this, that's why the only reaction she had was hot, burning tears were running down her face. Harry Potter is practically her brother but he wouldn't want her to put herself or others in danger due to her emotions.
"Harry Potter is dead!" he repeated to the students and staff with grief filled expressions. There were earsplitting screams from those who were close to The Chosen One. Even Draco Malfoy was greatly affected by the loss. Not that he had liked the boy much, but he knew what it meant for him and the rest of the Wizarding World.
"Harry Potter is dead!" He repeated once more but to those on his side of the courtyard, and they laughed.
Draco Malfoy had at this point, not paid much attention to anything else. Lost in the realization that the Light had lost and all was doomed, even he who was on the side who won had still lost. For he had a secret that, once revealed, would make him no different to the ones who had been on the other side the entire time.
He was in love with a muggleborn.
It wasn't until he had heard his father beckoning him across the courtyard that he was snapped back into reality.
"Draco!" His father said gesturing for him to come by his side.
The blond boy hesitated, he could stay. He could be among all the other he would eventually die with, he could stay here and get it over with sooner and not have to live without his love. Then again, what about his family? What would happen to them? Weren't they the ones he had done all of this for, weren't they the ones who got him into all of this in the first place?
"Draco!" His father persisted.
Draco was torn, his family or his beliefs. He I surely took a step forward when a small hand caught his and his grey eyes locked with brown ones.
"Don't do it Draco," Hermione Granger begged him, "stay with us, stay with me."
He paused holding his love's fragile hands tight in his own. Seeing the fear in her eyes, he had made his final decision. He stood tall and more confident in himself then he had been in a long time.
Draco would stay. He would stay for her.
He gave her hand a squeeze and small smile to reassure her of his decision, she smiled tearfully and engulfed him in a hug to which he returned. "Anything for you," he whispered in her ear.
"Thank you," she whispered back before breaking the hug but still held his hand firmly.
"The Malfoy boy has become a filthy blood traitor!" Some Death Eater Draco didn't know called out angrily.
"What is this?" Voldemort called after seeing the exchange, "surely you have raised him better than this, Lucius?"
"Yes, my Lord, we did," Lucius said without emotion.
"It appears you hadn't done a well enough job at it. So few remaining pure families and with even less heirs to carry on their legacy," Voldemort mused, "the mudbloods have ruined so many good family names, Potter's pet has snuck in and now soiled the Malfoy's name."
"Hermione didn't 'soil' the Malfoy name, I did," Draco spoke up, "it was me who fell in love with her and it is me who will gladly choose her over your worthless cause."
"Love," he said in disgust, "what a foolish choice, I thought you were smarter than that. You should be ashamed."
"Just because you've never had it doesn't mean it's foolish," Draco argued, "and I'm not ashamed, I'm doing all this in the name of love. I'm done hiding from it."
"What a disappointment, I had such hopes for this one," Voldemort said sounding hardly disappointed or even surprised, "I'll give you one more chance, young Malfoy. Join me and you family and live a life like you deserve or you can die here and now right after Potter's whore."
"Don't call her that," Draco growled now seething with anger, "my mind is made up, I'd rather be under the cruciatus than live whatever life you would have planned."
"The cruciatus? I do think that can be arranged," Voldemort said casually right before pointing his wand at the boy.
Draco closed his eyes in anticipation for the pain he was about to experience, it wouldn't be his first experience with the curse, but it never came. He looked up just in time to see Neville Longbottom cut the head off of Voldemort's snake, Nagini. Voldemort roared at the sight knowing what it meant even when Draco didn't quite understand.
Moments later the fighting resumed, though now Draco Malfoy was known to be fighting on the other side. They had ran back into Hogwarts, if only for their last time. He and Hermione were fighting the death eaters side by side when they heard Hagrid.
"Harry! Where's Harry?" He cried.
While Hermione instantly looked to where his body had been mere seconds before only to find it gone, Draco cast a spell to prevent her from being injured due to her badly timed distraction.
Everything was happening so fast that, before they knew it, everything suddenly stopped when one voice was heard throughout the Great Hall.
"Protego!" Harry Potter shouted.
Everyone watched as Harry and Voldemort dueled for the final time.
And just like that, Voldemort was dead.
Draco had been helping to heal the wounded, he couldn't help but be angry at himself for previously causing a few of them before changing his side but at least he was making it right. He had actually found that he sort of liked helping people like this. Perhaps it was from the exhilaration of it all finally being over, he could finally have the life he wanted. It was after finishing with a sixth year Ravenclaw he didn't recognize that his Mother approached him.
She had gathered him into a hug, which was quite unusual for her especially in a public place, and he recuperated it. "My baby boy," Narcissa kept repeating. When the embrace ended she looked at him with glassy eyes, "I'm so proud to call you my son. You stood for what you believed in and even found love," she told him.
"Mother-" Draco began, truly moved by her words, when she interrupted.
"Speaking of which, I want you to have this," Narcissa told him taking out a small black box, "I'm sure you know what this is and if you care for her as much as you've displayed today, then I'm sure you won't waste any time in using it."
Now Draco was walking with Hermione down the halls of Hogwarts nervously fiddling with the box in his pocket.
"What is it you wanted to talk about? There's no one around anymore I'm sure," Hermione said.
"So impatient," he joked.
"Well while I do love it being just the two of us, there is a lot going on right now," she said in a similar tone.
"I know, I know you'd rather be with your friends than me," he said not unkindly.
She lightly pushed him, "you know that's not true."
"You're right," Draco said trying to stall.
"Plus the anticipation is killing me," Hermione told him.
"In that case maybe I'll wait until later to tell you," Draco teased.
"No! Please just tell me now," she begged and he chuckled.
He got down on one knee.
"I love you more than life itself as I've shown you today and I want to spend the rest of my existence with you. Hermione Jean Granger, will you marry me?" Draco said pulling out the black box to reveal a beautiful golden ring with both red and green gems in it.
The next words will change both of their lives forever.
"Of course I will!"
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danpuff-ao3 · 3 years
Hi 😊 for snape asks, 1, 34, 35
Hello! Thanks for the asks!
1.) Do you have a snOTP? What is it?
SNARRY. 100%. They are soulmates, you cannot convince me any differently. I've been shipping them together for like 18 years. Which is most of my life, so....🤷‍♀️
Those 2 challenge each other. They balance each other. They are so different in so many ways, and so alike in others. There is no in between with them, no way they could be nothing to one another. There is so much passion there!!!! Just!!!! They are actually, literally perfect. And they could understand each other in ways no one else ever could. No one else will ever fit them the way they fit each other. And no one else could drive either of them battier than they drive each other. IT'S TRUE LOVE, OKAY.
(One day I will write a 100 page essay on this ship but today is not the day.)
34.) Do you have any Snape NOTPs?
Eh....if it's pre-snarry, anything goes I guess. 🤷‍♀️ Idk that there's anything I'd straight nope out of (as long as it ends where Snarry begins, ya feel? Once Snarry happens, Snape/anyone else is a NOTP 😂)
35.) Snapey BROTPs?
Snape & Lily's friendship is excellent. 2 magical kids from Cokeworth bonding! Severus was able to teach Lily about magic. But it wasn't just what knowledge he provided. They were 2 magical people entrenched in the Muggle world, where they just didn't quite belong. And they were both such intelligent, passionate people! (I like to imagine had Lily lived, maybe they'd have made up one day. Like, I like to hope so! Even if it's just when Severus becomes her son-in-law 👀) They were so, so important to each other.
Also: Minerva and Narcissa.
(I just headcanon him being really good friends with ladies, okay?)
IMAGINE. Severus and Minerva making friendly (but also not so friendly) bets about Quidditch?? Bets about Dumbledore's shenanigans in staff meetings?? Complaining about lazy students?? Drinking together because they're fed up with everyone's crud?? They are both gifted, intelligent, strict people and, while they don't always have the same methods, they probably have a lot of common ground to meet on. Especially bonding over their Head of House duties!
Also I'm one of those people that likes to headcanon Severus as Draco's godfather, BUT because of NARCISSA. Sure, Severus is friendly enough with Lucius, but it's Narcissa he bonds with. Day drinking together, smoking cigarettes, gossiping, rolling their eyes at Lucius, trying to keep Draco out of trouble. Narcissa bemoaning Severus' fashion sense. Narcissa trying to play matchmaker. Imagine they're both a bit catty and a bit petty, and Narcissa trying to pull some Slytherin schemes, but Severus outmaneuvers her, and she's lowkey impressed. So they hang out more and more at events until one day she realizes "oh shit this is my best friend now."
I love it, okay.
Severus and Hermione friendship. I LOVE IT. They're both so friggin' smart. Hermione just being appallingly brilliant, but too much of an inside-the-box thinker. So Severus tries to teach her to bend "the rules" a bit to learn how to really think about things and explore possibilities. They debate all the time. And they spend so much time arguing and complaining about one another but learn to respect and admire each other.
And they're spending tons of time together because Harry and Snape are dating (Snarry in every universe, okay?) And I'm not much of a Ronmione shipper, but even if it's the trio + Severus hanging out, or Hermione hooks up with Ginny, so Harry and Ron and/or Ginny are talking about or playing Quidditch while Severus and Hermione talk magical theory in the corner???? This is the future we all deserve, okay?
Just Severus Snape and all the women he loves platonically.
Snape Asks
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