If you're thinking about writing a post about sexual assault as it relates to the characters in your favorite piece of media and you don't have that expertise, can I suggest:
✨ shutting the fuck up✨
Now with the added benefit of NOT harming ACTUAL people to prop up your favorite character!
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huearmy · 5 years
Not My Friend.
Summary: Yoongi is a ordinary house cat hybrid with an ok life and a huge crush in his ower’s friend. Even if Y/N always treated him lovelly and as an equal he is all insecurities and thoughts of  rejection about being a hybrid, without imagining that the feeling can be reciprocal.
Pairing: cat!Yoongi x human!Reader
Genre: FLUFF, angst,  slight smut.
Words:  3737.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: not grafic description/mention of sex.
gif is not mine.
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Yoongi was kind of pissed, slightly upset... Absolutely stressed. The lights and loud music of the club did'nt help,  the drunk people ingnoring him, dancing around him as if he don't exist, neither. Is unusual for him feel so bad about being who he is, but today is a day that everything screams that he is less than everyone and it won't change. He brought the last swig of his drink to his lips, sad that he could'nt get another one alone, and for the sake of his pride he would'nd ask to Namjoon.
Is also unusual for Yoongi to argue with his friend and brother Namjoon, but today is a day that things got ugly. "You know that I love you hyung. For me we are equals, but is not like this for others. Even if my friends like you, they still seeing you as my pet.". It hurted. Hurts. Because is true, and Yoongi knows it.
And it hurts so... so bad... Because for a second he belived otherwise.
The discussion started when Yoongi thought he could share with his friend the feelings he have for you. You, the pretty human friend of Namjoon, the girl who is usualy at their house with no reason, the one that give the greatest pets ever and whose conversation is so good that he wouldn’t mind that you definitely lived with him. It took too long, but when Yoongi figured out his interest in you being a really romantic thing he was so happy he couldn’t keep to himself. 
“What do you think, Namjoon? How should I tell her?”
It's obvious to Yoongi that the negative reaction of Namjoon was caring, he knows his friend well enough. It wasn’t his intention to freak out and smash Yoongi heart.  He is trying to protect me. He told himself for the hundredth time, fighting against resentment. He discarted his plastic cup in defeat.
And there was you. The reason of his frustration. Oblivious at his issues, dancing with your friends. Namjoon's friends. Not his friends. His stomach droped.
Yoongi sighed. He can't just not stare at you. You are so beautiful to him, feeling yourself while dancing with your eyes closed, your pretty hair swinging around your delicate shouders, hips moving with the music naturaly - because you love dancing even if you are not goot at all. Another music started making you jump and sing. He almost can smell you now.
If he wasn't a scared cat... A hybrid cat... He would be dancing with you, talking in your ears, placing his hands on your waist and pulling you close, maybe kissing you... not only picturing it in his mind. But he is a pet, not a normal guy who you would like to flirt with.
He sighed again. He  remembering clearly when he first meet you two years ago.
Namjoon was a freshman in college, excited with everything new, the new apartament, new city, new knowledge, new friends... Every day he would enter trough the door, drop himself on the couch and speak his day out. Yoongi would listen, commenting on a thing or other once in a while. Your name was present in most stories, or the stories were about you. "I was trying to makes myself clear to the philosophy teacher when this girl spoke. She conclued my trought and argued for herself shuting up the teacher.", or "Remember that girl? Her name is Y/N and we get coffee together today. She is amazing, dude.", and "Y/N made an asshole cry today, seriuosly, she is beautful. She have that 'I don't give a fuck' atitude, you would love her, hyung". And Namjoon was right, as always.
It was on a day that Yoongi was feeling clingy and dependent of Namjoon's full attention but he was supposed to do a project with you in your place though. So insted of cancel with you to spend the day watching Netflix with Yoongi, the younger boy opted for bringing the hybrid to your apartament too.
“Dont worry, hyung. Y/N told me to bring you. Actually she was anxious to know you, she likes cute things you know...”
“Shut up.”
The poor cat was hating every second of it till you opened the door. You treated him as a old friend, greeting him with a genuine smile e tight hug.
"Enter you both and make the home yours. I bought snacks... And! I used that drive you gave me, Joonie, and already started the dissertation... You can revise if want to. It won't take so long as we through, then we can get fat cuddling on my couch."
Yoongi get unsure with you straightforward behavior at the time. But your focus was to finish your and Namjoon's work so he could get Netflix and cuddles as much as he wanted. You made coffee with cream when he said he like it and listened his complains about Namjoon breaking everything.
“Seriously is his third classes this year and we are in May.” Yoongi grunted making you laugh.
"I noticed it! Joonie always talk about you repair skills, though." 
"What else he talks about me?"
You laughed throwing your head back. You both were alone in the living room, sharing a blanket.
" A lot of things!” You said “That you are savage but actually a baby... That you are a good roommate to live with... And if I ever need a a good pianist, sincere advises, or help to hide a dead body, you are the man..."
He didn’t expected the two of you to talk much about him.
"And what Joonie told you about me?" You rested your chin in your palm. He take some instants to answer, and as if his brain are of jelly, it went terrible.
"He said I would love you."
Yoongi expected for a rispid response or for you to change the subject, or at least you’d laugh, somethig like it, but no. He would learn later how unpredictable you can be sometimes.
"And do you?" You asked in real interest, looking into his eyes. His cheeks turned pink, and you by instinct brought a hand to his hair and ears. You cooed "Sorry, Yoongs."
Thats right. You are nice to him... Gentle and kind... Always respectfull... You would enter his space and make him comfortable, or respect his distance when his not in the mood. Make silly things just to see his gummy smile and then pet his ears for hours. If any of your friends make fun of him you defend him and then make fun of them lighting the air. The fact of him being a hybrid never seems to bother you or changed the way you treated him.
He had hopes.
But he was just a pet... And you would never look at him the way he looks at you. Mesmerized by the club lights passing over your dancing body, changing color and pattern, he let himself sink a little more in self pity.
As if you could feel his dark troughts you opened your eyes and looked right trough his. His ears rose, tail moving unconscious behind him. You walked straight to him, concerned, ignoring every intoxicated person dancing in your way.
"What's wrong Yoongs?" You raised your voice because of the loud music. "Don't tell me that's nothing."
Yoongi licked his lips nervously. "I not feeling like partying. But Namjoon is having fun so I can't ask to go home now."
You seemed tipsy, he could smell the alcohol on you, along with that sweet perfume that you love and he hates, and your own scent that he loves.
You looked around, maybe looking for Namjoon, face thoughtful, wrinkling your nose cutely. Your tiny hand found it's way to his larger one, and instinctively he hold it tight. Yoongi love holding hands, especially with you.
Suddenly you smiled excited to him, getting closer to his face. So close he could kiss you...
"Do you want another drink?" You asked right in his ear, without get away an inch from him.
"What?" Yoongi asked, not understanding the purpose of the question.
Your smile spread devilishly.
"Dance with me, Yoongs. If you continue wanting to leave I'll get you home."
And then you were pulling him towards the dancing floor.
"Are you sure you want to do it?" His lover's voice got serious, eyes searching for his reassurance.
"I am." He answered not thinking twice.
His lover's smile were so pure and beautiful and genuine and happy that filled him of happyness too.
Yoongi woke up happy. He woke up in a bed that wasn't his. He didn't have to look around to recognize the room he was, the bedsheets were impregnated with your fragrance. The room was dark, the only light coming from a fissure between the curtains. He closed his eyes again, holding tight in a pillow and breathing deep. He still felt sleepy but couldn't stop his mind to revive last night.
You both danced and laughed and drinked and kissed. You made out in the club, in the Uber's backseat, in your couch...
He was naked on your bed. Things didn't stop in just make out.
Yoongi can remember clearly the view of your naked body in front of him for the first time, the lines of your silhouette, how it felt under his hands, so smooth. The way you took of his collar, never breaking eye contact, and then kissed him sweetly before riding him. How your fingers intertwined with his while he thrusted into you till you shake. Beautiful beneath him, repeating his name in moans in his soft black ears, nails finding it's way in his scalp. Your soft skin against his when everything you both could do was heavy breathing, too tired to even pull out of you. Praising him you kissed his lips again and held him close to your bare chest, playing with his hair the way he likes so much.
He never slept so well. Never felt so well with someone.
And then he realized... Where was you? Fully awake now, he searched for you under the fluffy blankets, finding nothing but your empty side of the bed. He slightly panicked.
His jeans were on the ground, beside your discarded dress, but his shirt wasn't anywhere to be seen. Would be a problem he wandering through your apartment shirtless? A ding caught his attention for a forgot cellphone under your desk chair. It was just a notification of low battery, but there were also  five calls and some massages from Namjoon:
[03:18 am]: hyung I'm sorry. rly.
[03:18 am]: where are you?
[03:21 am]:  I'm worried. call me back.
And then the phone died.
"Shit." He needed a charger urgent. Knowing his friend maybe he was already searching for Yoongi in hospitals, morgues and shelters.
He went to the door and suddenly stopped, hand on knob, the thought of calling Namjoon back totally erased of his mind.
You wasn't in bed with him unlike as Yoongi imagined his first morning with you. He should had woke with you in his arms, you would say "good morning" to each other in a meaningful way, then he would give little kisses in your whole face, treading to your lips to a real kiss, you would get embarrassed and hide your red cheeks in his chest... He woke up alone instead.
What if you regretted everything? You could awakened with hangover and regretted the one night stand. Or feeling awkward for sleeping with him... Or disgusted. And if you woke up and realized that you had sex with a hybrid and regretted?  It wouldn't be the first experience Yoongi of this kind. A disposable kink or drunken mistake... It would hurt...
You are different. After the night you had together he could trust you.
Even if you don't feel the same as him... You wouldn't kick him out of your apartment... Or cut him off of your life...
"Stop being idiot, Yoongi." He told himself. "At least you have Namjoon to buy you beer in the worst case."
Music was playing in your kitchen, a amazing smell of eggs, bacon and something sweet come meet him in the corridor.  Yoongi found you humming happily, holding the door of the fridge open while searching for something.
"I'm running out of milk..." You whispered to yourself. Wearing a purple silk robe and your fluffy slippers you closed the fridge door without taking anything from inside. You did not heard Yoongi enter the kitchen neither expected him to hug you from behind, pulling your back against his chest, arms crossed in your waist. So didn't he. But you were so cute, with messy hair and being just your always self, his own scent still on you. His concerns gone, Yoongi couldn't help it unless be straightforward and reach for your touch.
You let out a yelp of surprise, grabbing his forearms, slightly sticking your nails on it. He chuckled softly at your heart rate speed up.
"Jesus, Yoongs... How are you so quiet?". You said with a hand on heart, already relaxing in his embrace.
"Sorry." His deep morning voice took you by surprise once more, spreading a shiver all over your body, making your silly mind remember the last night events, just to you get flustered. You were so chill until right now, damn. When you woke up facing a sound asleep cat, thigtly holding you close to him, you needed to hold yourself on to not squirm in excitement. Your fear was to make the atmosphere awkward between you two after being friends for so long. So you chilled up and planned to do everything right.
"You was supposed to be sleeping..." You scolded him, turning in his arms to face him, with red cheeks and pouting. "I'd take breakfast in bed for you."
Shock stamped up Yoongi's features. "Really?"
Your face reddened, suddenly the white wall was more interesting. "Really... I must treat you well."
You always treat me well, Y/N. Yoongi through to himself, but by your tone and the slight smirk in your adorable lips, he could tell the difference. "Ok.". He gulped.
"Since you are here... Sit." You said, getting apart from him. "I'll feed my Yoongs.".
Instantly he felt the loss of your warmth and contact, but at the same time he melted with the sound of your voice calling him "my Yoongs". Once you turned your attention back to breakfast again, he choose the chair next to the window, where there was sunlight and he could see the busy avenue  below - many cars going to somewhere, and people like tiny ants doing their own thing in their own lives, and the river running and shining below the bridge, on the other side was the park Yoongi like to go with you...  You were singing along with the music now, serving the table before him, your cleavage exposed by the robe - apparently you were wearing nothing else... Maybe panties too... He scolded himself, biting his thumb's nail to focus on something else, but then he noticed hickeys in the curve of your breasts and in your neck.
"Fuck." He whispered.
But in your not too large kitchen, you listened it clearly.
"What was it?" You let ou a nervous giggle.
"Nothing." Yoongi rested his elbows in the table, hiding face in hands. He couldn't handle look at you with the thought of biting and marking you and make you his and his only in mind. Last night he did so much effort to not do it without your consent, and even more effort to not ask, afraid of rejection.
You brought him back from his dreaminess, pulling him against you, petting his ears and hair. His tense body relaxed instantly.
"Did you sleep well? Need aspirin for headache or something?" You quietly asked, resting your chin on top of his head.
"No. I'm ok." He snuggled his face in the tender skin, scenting you.
"Are you sure?"
He nodded. You hummed.
"Oh!" You frozed. "Namjoon is super worried about you...! Like... He called me twenty-four times and left thousands of voice mails and massages..."
He licked his lips.
"I need a charger to tell him I'm ok."
You pout.
"I already did it, silly. I told him you are here with me, safe and sound, and that I won't give you back till you get grumpy.". He smiled and you mirrored it. Then you got serious, tracing his jawline with your index finger. "He think you are upset with him... and you really was not ok yesterday. What happened?"
Yoongi gulped. He can be sincere with you.
"Namjoon can be an asshole sometimes. We argued, and I disappeared from the club, my phone is dead so..."
"It seems you are giving him the cold shoulder." You pointed.
"I'm not." He finally closed his arms around you. " I just forget about him when with you."
Your heart speeded up again, making him smile.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Due to his hesitancy, you added. "You don't need to."
"He told me to not expect too much from our... His friends. 'Cuz most of them only see me as a pet of him."
You remained silent for a moment, and then sighed.
"We really have some friends that are... Ignorants. And we can't do anything about it. But there's Hoseok and Jin who understand that hybrids aren't different of humans, and is obvious for me how much they like you."
"I know... I know." Yoongi pressed his eyes tightly. "We argued because... being an hybrid there's limits that I can't cross... At some point I'll be repelled, even by Hoseok, Jin..." He gulped again. "Even by you."
You pulled away, eyebrows joinig in irritation. Your words sounded offended.
"Seriously, Yoongi? After years knowing each other, didn't I make my positioning and support to hybrid clear? Or my affection for you? For heaven's sake...! We had sex. How can you doubt..."
"It wouldn't be the first time of being the fetish of someone that thinks I'm not a man at all." He interrupted.
You shuted up.
The angry expression faded away from your features, replaced by shock and then sadness. In your absence of words, Yoongi continued.
"I was afraid you would regret last night... I even through you would cut me off of your life, or at least kick me out of the apartment..." He let out a mockery laugh, not handling to look you in the eyes anymore. "You will be judged for sleeping with a hybrid. And I don't want it. Don't want you being treated differently by anyone...".
You approached again, taking his face in your tiny hands, lovely caressing his cheeks with your soft thumbs - just like last night, and he almost expected for you to kiss him. You were being soft and caring, but at same time, firmly make him look you straight in the eyes.
"I'm already judged, Yoongs. A lot of people think I'm fool and talk about me behind my back." The voice that reached his ears was so soft now. You opened a smile of pure pride. "And I don't give a damn.".
He couldn’t break eye contact, he couldn't dare to blink and lost a second of the sight of you.
"It don't matter for me race, gender, age, sexual orientation... If you have fluffy ears and tail or not. I'll love and respect everybody equally. At least I try, reading about and listening, and learning what I don’t know. You can always tell me what you are felling or where I’m failing..." 
You have beautiful eyes and now they were sad again.
"I don't care about what those...bastards talk about hybrids... And I'm sorry for your past experiences..." You took a deep breath. Thinking in someone having the opportunity of be with Yoongi and choosing to break his heart make you sick. "For me you are an amazing man.".
"These words mean the world to me, Y/N." Yoongi said in his breath, feeling belonging as never before. 
"You welcome, Yoongs."
A lazy saturday came along after this. You both spend all day cuddling in the couch, netflix on, or sharing earphones, and chit chating here and there. When the hunger came you ordered take out and decided who would get up and pay the delivery guy with rock paper and scissors. Yoongi lost it, but you got up anyways to pick plates and forks. And then you were tangled under the covers once more.
Hanging out like this is not unusual for you two. But it felt odd for Yoongi, different from before, like it was the first time. Sleeply observing you scrolling through your social media, Yoongi conclued that If having sex with you didn't ruined the friendship you have, expressing his feelings probably would.
But Yoongi wanted be in the same page as you.
You were watching a video on Instagram, not really focused on it, with your free hand playing with his hair, making him even more sleepy. You could feel his gaze on you, but besides the butterflys in your belly, it doesn't make you uncomfortable at all. 
"Y/N..." He said in his low voice.
"Humm?" Blocking the cellphone's screen, you stared back at him. Your nose at centimeters from his.
He took your hand, circulating his thumb in the torso of it in a caring way. The gesture not passing unnoticed by you.
"I need you to know... Even if it isn't reciprocal... Last night had a whole meaning for me. I like like you, Y/N."
You stated at him in silence for a moment,  making the whole world freeze. Before the conversation you both had in the kitchen that morning, Yoongi would be panicking, already regretting telling you such a thing. Now he just waited.
Like he wanted to, you smiled. With your beautiful lips, warm eyes, and all your body too.
"I know, sleepyhead."
You leaned to him, he came to you too, no hesitation. And that's it. He was kissing you again. 
"We must talk about this reciprocity thing later." You whispered against his mouth.
Yoongi was kind of horny, slightly euphoric... Absolutely happy. 
So, I really hope you liked it, pls interact, tell what you think... I’ll be posting more if I have a good feedback, probably a witch!au with Jin :) kiss kiss pls I dont want to be insecure about it kiss kiss.
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im-tops-bottom · 6 years
Bucky: *hears a familiar voice* Tony?
Tony: ouch ouch ouch fuck these Hydra soldiers are strong. Why didn't I listen to Pepper and jump on the extremis wagon
Bucky: *gasps as he turns a corner and sees a bloody and broken boned Tony laying on thr ground surrounded by Hydra agents* what the fu-? Tony what are you doing here?
Tony: *looks up in surprise* what are you doing here?
Bucky: looking for information
Tony: was kidnapped after the Siberia incident. I tried to tell these guys 'no' but they won't listen
Bucky: did you try saying it nicely?
Tony: always winter wonderland
Bucky: what's the damage?
Tony: oh uhhhh they melted caps shield, I don't know how and used it to make a new arc reactor so i got that back. Yay me. broken arms, well one arm *waves a metal arm in the air* surprise! We are like twins. This is made out of vibranium and as you can so is the shoulder and chest right up to the reactor. This hurts more because I have no super soldier serum or extremis. Why is everyone so surprised that I'm still alive? Anyway
Bucky: and you didn't make a tracker beacon in your suit or made contact while you were here?
Tony: nah I heard a vacation was exactly what I needed. Made new friends, saw new sights. I'm living the OW! no kicking me
Hydra agent: shut the fuck up and get back to work. Everyone spread out, let's take the traitor down, I'm sure madame Hydra will be thrilled
Bucky: *looks at Tony* we are gonna talk about your stupidity once we get home. In the meantime *stares at tge agent that talked and glares* Winter I'm gonna let you take the reigns *after a couple of seconds growls leave his mouth*
Hydra agents: HAIL HYDRA!
-after 5 minutes-
Bucky: *still as Winter rips clothes off the dead agents and sets to work with making a sling for Tony's flesh arm and cleaning up alot of the blood on the genius* you are taking too long to heal
Tony: I'm just a regular human sugarplum. Also I'm in real pain and don't think I can walk
Bucky: *picks Tony up and carries him outside and to the quinjet where a surprised Steve, Nat and Clint awaits*
Steve: Tony?
Tony: Tony can't come to the phone right now, he's too busy being in pain. Please leave a message after the beep....beeeeeeeeeeep
Nat: can Tony strip and lay on the bed so we can see what we are dealing with. End call
Tony: message failed to send. Maybe wait until we get to my to-
Bucky: hospital
Tony: -wer or the compound.
Bucky: *growls* the hospital
Tony: okay I have had enough of you. Give Buckaroo back. He seems nicer
Steve: wait what? Do we-
Bucky: *returns back* calm down Stevie. I needed to do it to save Tony. There were several agents. *Looks at Tony* Winter is right you know
Tony: okay i take it back. Neither side sounds nice
Bucky: Tony
Tony: Bucky
Bucky: hospital
Tony: no. If we go to the compounds medical bay then se can get the scans and stuff done to see the damage. Maybe I can also talk to Dr Cho and Brucie Bear about giving me extremis
Clint: the thing that caused people to glow up and blowup?
Bucky: *growls at Tony* what?
Tony: easy their tiger. Yes Bird brain. But hey I can name a few people who survived it. So i hope it will work on me. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Bucky: or *grabs out a syringe and injects a liquid into a yelping Tony*
Bucky: *shrugs* Winter said he stuck the syringe into his pocket when he took everyone down. It had the stuff they injected me with
Tony: oh great. You are an idiot. It's a mix between the super soldier serum and extremis. Tell Winter he's a bloody idiot
Bucky: he says that it worked and that's all that matters
Steve: ahhh Tony?
Tony: *looks down at himself and goes wide eyed as all his cuts and bruises and broken bones heals itself.* Well then. But next time *glares at Bucky* don't you ever do that again. What is with you assassin's shoving needles into my neck to save my life. First Widowmaker and now all 4 seasons. Jesus people. Guess we better get home
Bucky: but first *pulls out a rocket launcher and blows up the base* done. Let's go before Madame Hydra finds out what happened
Tony: *staring at everyone* where the hell did fury find these people?
Bucky: at a toy store. We're not really human. We are dolls that got supersized and had voice boxes with a.i.'s shoved up our asses
Tony: *snorts as he relaxes* alright alright
Steve: *Huff's and raises a brow as he heads to the cockpit and sits down*
Clint: wow who would have thought we get to see the day Stars and stripes gets jealous
Steve: they're not paying attention to me. How come Tones is all happy days with Buck while he barely says a few sentences to me. Even my best friend seems happier ever since we brought him back
Clint: life sucks Cap. Now suck it up and wait til we get home. Nat can shove all 3 of yoy into a room so you guys can hash it out
Steve: thanks
Nat: no problem
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