saltedsolenoid · 1 year
i will never forgive my english teacher for making two timed writings essential to pass the class
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mariamakeslemons · 6 months
Canon CoD Characters as 70s Slasher Characters
Just like with the TF141, I'm going to be putting these characters into the stereotypes that I think they'd be in a 70s slasher. Once again, none of them can be the killer.
I've also done this post with Non-Canon CoD characters as well!
Alex would be a background character. Perhaps he has a few interactions with the final girl, perhaps he's just a background character. Either way, he's not super fleshed out in the slasher, which makes him either fodder or someone who gets away. He'd definitely be one of the characters that fans of the movie would beg to know more about, probably has a great fight before dying, or he helps others escape from the killer. If he's used to pad the body count, he's going down kicking ass.
Farah is either the smart girl stereotype or the legend person. She'd realize pretty damn quickly that she's in a horror movie and then it would depend on her role. As the smart girl, she'd be working with the final girl to make traps for defense against the killer. However, if she's just there to tell the legend of the killer, she's dipping so fast. Listen, if it was a human, she'd be in your corner. But the killer you're facing with her as Ms. Exposition is supernatural. She would, rightfully, not fuck with that. Probably helps Alex evacuate people still and tells the final girl how to kill the killer if such information is available. If she does face the killer, she's going down swinging dammit!
Kate is Ms. Exposition. If the killer has any information on them, she'll get it to the final girl. One of the characters that immediately realizes that she's in a horror movie. Is probably not with the rest of the cast physically, so she's the most likely to survive (outside of one person, but we'll get to them). Not quite team mom, but gets protective of the final girl should she help out. If she does end up facing the killer, you can bet that she's going down fighting.
Alejandro is the lovable jock. He forms the classic pair of nerdy-and-jock-friends with Rudy (who we will get to next). He's smarter than the usual archetype, but he's self deprecating, insisting he's only good for his muscles. However, due to being this archetype, he also suffers from the Worf effect, usually being one of the first killed to show how strong the killer is. He does go down swinging, though, sometimes leaving a wound that the final girl can use to defeat the killer.
Rudy is the cute nerd, as the other half of the nerd-and-jock-friends with Alejandro. He helps the survivors realize they're in a horror movie, usually upon finding Alejandro's corpse. He'll come up with traps and ways to corner the killer, but he's more likely to go straight after the killer for revenge. He's definitely going down with a fight, if he doesn't stay with the final girl. Usually dedicates the kill in honor of their fallen friends.
Valeria is the drug dealer. Because it 's a 70s slasher, with the Hays Code still being a heavy guideline for movies, she's going to die because of moral reasons. There might be implications that she crosses the border as well, because we all know those old slasher movies are just a look at cis, white, conservative men's fear. Because of both of these reasons, despite how badass she is in CoD, she'd be killed without a fight, in a painfully drawn out way. (If it was a newer slasher, she'd probably escape, honestly.)
Graves is the Asshole© of the group. He drinks and smokes, similar to Soap, but he also refuses to take no for an answer unless someone else forces him to accept it. When the kills start piling up, he tries to leave, not in the terror way but like 'fuck y'all, I ain't dying for dick'. This does not save him as he's guaranteed to die now, once again because 70s slashers tend to be morality tales. Abandoning people is a no-go, and Graves dies for his crime of betrayal, usually by surprise, meaning no fighting back.
Makarov is the "human" antagonist. He's not the killer, but he may have helped make the killer into, well, the killer. Or he's the asshole who wants to get something from the group. Because of this, however, he'll usually disappear in the 2nd half of the movie. Is he dead, did he escape scot-free? Who knows, not the audience. He can be interchangeable with Graves' character, as to not make too many unlikable characters on screen. Once again, the morality of 70s slashers makes him die, if he dies, anticlimactically.
Nikolai is the driver of the vehicle that drops off the final girl. You remember me mentioning someone surviving with Kate? Yeah, this is him. He drops off his passenger and fucks right off. He might not even know that a killer is loose, but he's not staying. He's got other shit to do. If he does get caught by the killer, he's fighting, with a high chance at taking the killer down with him.
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Beast Wars X TFO scenario
Optimus Primal, Cheetos, Black Arachnia, Tarantulas, Ravage, Silverbolt, Ratrap and Dinobot meeting a TFP Predacon reader that just crashlanded into earth as a protoform and the pod scanned the bones of the first creature it could find (that being the dead predacon)
I'm assuming you mean Rampage instead of Ravage given Ravage was kinda barely there. If you did actually mean Ravage, my bad just let me know and I'll do him separately!
-For Optimus, well... Isn't this just prime? They already have enough of a headache fighting Megatron and his merry band of idiots and assholes. And now they have to deal with an ancient Predacon proper? It's not looking good. But, he hasn't completely given up hope. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Or, rather, he's hoping you'll join HIM. Predacon altmode or not, you're still an intelligent creature. Perhaps you can be reasoned with.
-Cheetor is nowhere near as scared as he should be. The Preds just have one extra aft to kick, just so happens that this one is a whole lot bigger. He's not exactly happy about it, but hey, what's complaining about it gonna do?
-for blackarachnia, homegirl is in full scheming mode. She wants an alliance with you yesterday. She's gonna try every tactic in the book to get you on her side so she can stage a coupe. Really, what are the chances ol' Buckethead can take on a wholeass mechanical dragon? You're practically a trump card. A trump card she wants in her hand.
-tarantulas has a thousand different plans for you. Convincing you to join his side, convincing you to stay far far away from that witch blackarachnia, taking you apart to study your mechanics, taking you apart and putting you back together, digging you with a shock collar to make sure you stay loyal to him... So many evil little plans to make.
-rampage is almost comforted by your presence. He sees a kindred spirit in you: a spirit of incredible violence and destruction, not to seek power, but simply for desolation's sake. He wants to commit unspeakable crimes with you.
-silverbolt is considering this his ultimate test as a heroic character. He's always strived to be the perfect knight in shining armor. Now here's his dragon to slay. Of course, if you prove to be reasonable he probably won't lean into the whole slaying thing as much, but he will be at least a little disappointed that he doesn't get the chance to.
-all rattrap can think is just... Nope. Nah. No thanks. Nada. Negative. Negatory. Nein. Not happening. He's gonna pack up his shit and he's gonna scram. Off to live as a vagabond rat. Of course, he'll come back about an hour later, but he REALLY doesn't want to fight a fucking dragon. He likes being alive and not crispy fried, thanks.
-dinobot is in absolute awe. He is having a religious experience seeing you glide through the air. A Predacon... One of the ORIGINAL Predacons. Those his kind were named for... Alive. He wants you on his side so badly. He'll seek you out, try to tell you that the Darksyde's crew has no honor, and that you're better off with the Maximals, backwards as it seems. Then he'll try to fight you because he really really wants a match with what he considers a worthy opponent.
-Rhinox is so fucking tired, please let this be a nightmare. He's already carrying the Maximals half the time with his chainguns, but they can only do so much against a fucking dragon. He's honestly considering taking off with Rattrap, but unlike Rattrap, if he's at that point it's gonna take a lot longer than an hour for him to change his mind and come back.
-Waspinator would really appreciate it if you would not take part in the tradition of using him as the communal chew toy. Please. Please consider it.
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Headcanon of ‘Miembro de Honor’.
with the Mayans MC.
Request: Hello! I really liked the imagine about the teenager who broke into the clubhouse! Could you do an imagine or a short drabble about what happened right after she got gaught or something else related to that imagine? thank you!
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Warnings: none.
Word count: about 1.4k.
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to the author, I found it on google.
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The next morning when you woke up wearing clothes that weren't yours, you had to take some minutes to remember what happened. And when you found it out, the fear began to run through your veins, starting to shake when you heard some voices coming closer.
After ten minutes encouraging yourself, you went out of the room barefoot and walking with dubious steps until you found the men that caught you last night.
“I prepared you a coffee”. The one who called himself ‘el presidente’ got up from his chair, offering you a mug. “It will suit you, kid. We have to talk”.
Holding it, you followed him to another room passing away the other men. Entering into it, you left your gaze travel around. Some couches, a metallic locker, a big table and a lot of chairs. The man sat on the front, pointing to the closer one where you were supposed to have a seat.
“Please, don't kill me”. You said with a trembling voice, obeying without complaints.
“I'm not going to kill you. Neither my men”.
After he explained that they wanted to take care of you, you tried to breathe calmed. But you didn't trust them. Even less when they prohibited you to get out of the clubhouse.
They bought you everything you asked for. Clothes, books, a phone.
It only took you one week to start to talk with them. Some words. Some phrases. You began to see that they were good people in the wrong place, exactly as you were. Renegades.
Angel and Coco were always around you, having some fun, teasing you to make you laugh. They were the one who makes you easy to trust in the rest. They were like children, jumping from one side to another. They used to steal a piece of your food, dishevel you, push your stick while playing pool… But they also comforted you whenever you felt alone, questioning your existence in the middle of the night.
“What's up, mami?” Coco asked sitting by your side over the picnic table.
“Hold it, and don't tell Bish we gave you a beer”. The Reyes cleaned your tears as soon as his hands were empty.
“I just… was thinking about my family and all that shit… you know”.
“Foc them, mami!” Coco replied surrounding your shoulders with an arm.
“We're your older brothers now. And that's cool. I always wanted a sister to fuck up those bitches that don't let me live in peace, when we're having a party here”.
“Of course, 'cause they all want to fuck you”.
“Exactly. Your main task as my younger sister is to scare them away”. Angel sang pinching your cheeks.
“Stop!” Finally, he made you laugh again.
“And with me, you' main task is keep me happy befo' I start with another of my paranoias. So, I need ya happy too”.
Creeper and Gilly were the opposite. While Angel and Coco were trying to make you laugh, they were the one who were teasing you the whole time. To make you ‘stronger mentally’.
“Are you crying again?”
“You don't do anything else?”
“You're not gonna solve anything crying, mami”.
“Yeah, and you look fuckin' horrible”.
“You two are fucking assholes!”
You tried to punch Gilly on the chest, but he was faster, holding your arms and locking the kicks by a leg raised.
“That's it, mami! Fight!” Creeper cheered, while you kept trying.
“Fight against your problems, little sister, and don't give up”. The bigger one said, loosening the grip to hug you. “We're not gonna stop until you keep it in mind, babe”.
Tranq was a little reticent to the idea of having you there, not knowing if you were telling them the truth or if you were lying. But he started to change his point of view when he found you trying to fix up a bloody cut in your hand.
“The hell happened, kid?” He asked worriedly, grabbing the cotton to clean the blood before wrapping it with a gaze before bandaging your hand.
“I heard you were… hungry”. You complained because of the pain, putting the hand on your chest held by the other. Ashamed, you were unable to look at him. “I was cutting some bread to make you a sandwich…”
“Thanks, but I'm not into cannibalism”.
His words made you laugh, helping you to stand up from the toilet with an arm on your waist.
“Let's see what you were doing, kid…”
Taza and Riz used to ignore you. Sounds rude, but they didn't trust you. A kid from the street? Who knows if someone hired you to talk about what was happening inside the clubhouse. And this feeling increased because you used to spend a lot of time looking at them. But what they didn't notice was the fact that you used to do it in a concrete moment of the day.
“You don't have anything more interesting to do?” Riz asked you, getting up from the floor and shaking his clothes walking towards you. Taza followed him cross-armed with an eyebrow raised over the sunglasses.
“I don't think so”.
“Why don't you go to fuck off with the prospect, ah?” The apache spoke then, stopping some meters from you.
“I want to learn how to change a tire”.
The men looked at each other a little confused.
“I already learned to change the oil”. You said having a sip by the straw on your milkshake, Tranq's courtesy. But they seemed lost yet. “Yesterday. Yesterday morning. When you were in the scrap yard”.
“That is… what you do?”
“Learn about motorbikes? Yes. You're very good at it, and I like it”.
“Okay…” Riz turned at his friend, shrugging his shoulders, before offering you a hand. “Come here”.
“Yes, kid, come with us. We will teach you”.
With Bishop was easy too. He accepted you from the first moment. It was his idea at the end. You used to spend a lot of time with him, hearing about his travels and his life. He taught you to fight and to shoot, as a father was supposed to do. He also slept the first week in the clubhouse, in case that you needed anything. Like this night he had to take you to the hospital.
“Hey, what's wrong?”
He was inside the Templo, drinking a beer and smoking when you came in crying slightly. For some reason your head hurt so bad and you vomited twice. The man walked towards you, having a look of your face before placing his hands on your shoulders.
“You don't feel good, ah?”
“I have a horrible headache”. You just said between some sobs.
“Okay, let's see a doctor”.
“I don't have health insurance”.
“Don't worry about it. Take a jacket, I will find a helmet for you”.
After some long hours in the Emergencies, and a strong painkiller, he brought you back to the clubhouse carrying you on his arms. You were falling asleep since you left the hospital and he didn't care about taking you to bed. Bishop also took off your sneakers and tucked you under the sheets, sitting on the edge of the mattress.
“Do you feel better?”
“Mm…” You mumbled nodding with closed eyes.
“I'll be close if you need anything, okay?” The man hesitated for a second, leaning forward over you, to leave a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Rest, querida”.
“Thank you”. You muttered before falling asleep.
For the first time in months, Bishop smiled, caressing your cheek slowly to make sure you were out of the real world.
They gave you the opportunity to come back to school, and study the necessary to go to the university. You didn't have any trouble. You put all your efforts on passing every test, and every night studying. EZ helped you to plan every single minute, to take advantage of the maximum possible time.
And they used to visit you every two weeks in San Diego, when you were accepted to study Medicine, in general terms.
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jubileesstuff · 4 years
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(I don't own any pictures)
BTS -Hyung Line reaction to pregnancy
Warnings:  None? Maybe very bad English (English is not my native language)
You'd been feeling bad for days.  The food kept coming up, some smells made you sick immediately and your period was much too late.  You knew how to put two and two together. So you went to the doctor. But without telling your boyfriend, Jin.  In the waiting room, you had the feeling everyone was staring at you. Everyone would judge you. Even though they had no reason to.  When the doctor called your name, your heart stopped for a moment.
The doctor confirmed what you suspected.  You were pregnant. How were you gonna tell Jin?  You could just call him and tell him right now. Or you could wait until he comes home and start planning something.  You preferred the second one away. It gave you time to work through it on your own. And to run through all the scenarios.  The worst thing that could happen was Jin would kick you out or kill you. 
"Sweetie, I'm home!" Jin shouted.  "Come into the living room," you called back.  There was a box on the sofa. And Jin was supposed to open it, he would probably (hopefully) know what was going on right away.  If not, I guess you had to explain it to him. Your boyfriend now stood in the door frame. "What's in the box?" he asked. He had seen the box immediately.  "Come here and open it," you said nervously. "Come here and open it," you said nervously. You'd probably explode with fear and excitement. Your heart was racing like a racehorse.  Jin came to the sofa and opened the box. Inside he saw two baby blankets, one blue, the other dark purple, and a baby romper suit, in white. Jin understood immediately. He pushed you into the sofa and snuggled you in.  "I promise nothing will happen to you or the little one. We'll be a real family." Jin had tears of joy in his eyes.
You had a problem.  A very, very big one.  You had just escaped from that asshole Min Yoongi.  And now you were pregnant. With his child. You want to scream, but you can't.  You saw on the train on the way to your parents' house, now screaming would only draw attention to yourself.  And you didn't need that too. After just one week of freedom, your doctor told you that you were pregnant. And if you knew, it didn't take long for Yoongi to get the message.  You felt like you were being watched. As if his men were following you. Which was quite possible. It's been a week since you found out. The doctor must have told Yoongi. He recognized you immediately.  Most people knew who you were. Agust D's girlfriend, or Suga, whatever the media was trying to call him.
"Miss? Are you alright?", a woman asked.  She sat across from you. She had just gotten in.  You just nodded and tried to talk as little as possible.
When your station came and got off, you took the first bus that leaves for your parents' house.  In panic, you looked around. What if one of Yoongi's men follows you? You tried to think positively.  The bus stopped. The stop was almost at your parents' house. You wouldn't have far to walk. So you got to the front door pretty fast.  And the door opened pretty fast, too. But instead of your parents, Yoongi was standing there. He pulled you into the house and hugged you.  Don't worry, we and our newest member will be fine."
Pregnant.  You were pregnant.  Your boyfriend, Hoseok, and you had been talking about kids for a while.  None of you objected. You both wanted little sunshine running around the house that you could take care of.  You had imagined how you and your children would sit at the breakfast table every day and eat together. How you would take them to school or kindergarten. 
Even though your boyfriend was one of the most dangerous men and probably had one of the most dangerous jobs, he was a sunshine.  When he was with you, you were both happy. He was your hope and you were his. So you couldn't wait to tell him about it. You got in your car and drove straight to the base where Hobi was supposed to be. 
When you parked your car in front of the base, there was Namjoon and Jimin.  They were also in the mafia and best friends of Hoseok. The inner circle was made up of 7 people.  Hoseok, Namjoon, Jin, Jimin, Yoongi, Jungkook and Taehyung. You knew all of them. "Good to see you," Jimin started.  "Hoseok's going crazy right now," Namjoon continued. The two boys led you to your boyfriend. The boyfriend was yelling at two rookies.  Or almost killing them. "Hobi, what are you doing?" you asked. When he heard your voice, he immediately stopped talking to the rookies. With a wave of his hand from Hobi, the rookies ran out.  "I have something to tell you," you started. Your boyfriend took you in his arms. "What?" he asked. "I'm pregnant."
"What can I do for you?" the doctor asked, in front of you and your best friend. "I-I took a pregnancy test and it was positive.  "I just want to have everything checked again," you said. The doctor nodded understandingly. 
After the doctor took your blood and ran some other tests,he announced the results,which came as no surprise to you.  "As you already knew, you are pregnant," your best friend took your hand and stroked it gently. "It's definitely too early to tell what gender it is, but everything looks fine," he explained.  You nodded. 
Your girlfriend and you left the practice together.  "Who do you think will kill me honorably? My brother?  Or Namjoon?" You asked your girlfriend. She was about to speak but was interrupted.  "Why would I kill you?"
Jiyong, G-Dragon, your brother was behind you.  The richest man in Korea. And the most feared, followed by your boyfriend, Namjoon.  "Um..." short and sweet? Probably for the best. "You're gonna be an uncle," you laughed nervously. "Y/BF/N leave me and my sister alone," Ji said.
And she just left.  In your mind, you cursed her  Ji put an arm around your shoulder.  "So I am going to be an uncle? It's from Namjoon?," he asked.  "Yes, it is," you replied. He'll be happy," Jiyong said. You were surprised that Jiyong was so calm.  He hated the idea that his little sister was giving data to someone. He hates the idea that she had sex even more.  But he looked forward to seeing his nephew/niece.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 89Xs1) "Dangerous But Sweet"
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Don can't find any of them anywhere for Check Out. No one is answering their doors or phones. Not even the responsible ones, like Ashleigh, Bullet or Benny.
Annoyed, he heads to Colson and Luna's suite. He HATES dealing with them, ever since they first met. Especially her.
The door is slightly ajar, concerning Don for a moment. Entering the room cautiously, he finds The Ten of Them sleeping on the floor. Curled up and splayed all over each other like little kids on the mattresses.
Rolling his eyes, he mutters "Fucking idiots." Before speaking loudly. "What the HELL is this shit? You better put these fucking beds back. I'm not explaining your fucking slumber party when the hotel charges the lable for damages."
The rude tone and words coming out of his mouth stirs them. Groggy, with monkeys beating drums inside their heads, they all wish he would just GOOO AWAAY.
Luna opens her eyes. Giving him a death stare.
"Will you EVER be cool, Don?" She asks him with a sigh.
"Will you ever NOT be a fucking bitch?" He fires back at her.
"YEOO." The bass in Colson's voice vibrates Luna's body as his head flies up from behind her. "Watch your FUCKING mouth, Motherfucker when talking to my girl." His tone is fierce in defense of Luna. "Matter of fact, get the FUCK out before you make me get the FUCK up." He warns before laying back into their warmth.
"Bye, Don." Luna states in a monotone voice.
"I don't know how either of you have a fucking career." He spits out.
The Ten of Them are irritable from their Trip last night. With NONE of them liking this DickHead at the moment. Brains still linked, his comment hits them all.
"BYE DON!!" The Ten shout in unison, none moving.
"Indigent Fucks." Is thrown over his shoulder as he storms out, slamming the door behind him.
Getting comfortable again, those that awoke go back to sleep. Fuck Don.
Colson is performing tonight at MidLand. Finally up and dressed, they're all there. Moving slowly, but they're there. Even before 2P at that. Hanging out back. Burning as they recount the night before. No one skates. They sit, stand or lean. The struggle is REAL.
Luna's starving. She needs cheeseburgers, pineapples and coffee in her life.
"Hook it up?" She asks The Boys.
Offering to Take Care of Them All to their Oh My God, Yes Please's.
Dressed simply in dark shades, her Yankees hat, ripped jeans and a black crop top, Luna pulls off Colson's jean jacket. She was cold earlier but is starting to warm up in the sun.
Slipping in between Colson's legs, she wraps her arms around his shoulders. They lean cheek to cheek for a minute. Breathing each other in. Last night being so intense, they can still feel the raw emotions.
"I'll be back. Text me what you guys want from McDonald's. Love you." She kisses his cheek lightly.
"Love you.... Don't forget we gotta pick Emma and Case up at 430P..." He reminds her to her nod of agreement.
Grabbing Sam and Ashleigh, they take a walk. Burning and sipping on water along the way.
The Boys take The Girls being gone as an opportunity to run a light rehearsal. Focusing on practicing the Sublime song Colson wants to cover tonight.
Luna's a bitch. Luna's a bitch who doesn't like to be ogled. Luna is a bitch who can't STAND creeps. Luna's an even BIGGER bitch when she's recovering from a drug binge and CATCHES someone acting creepy.
And thaaats's exactly what leads to what happens in the grocery store.
In the produce section, Luna's wandering around with Ashleigh looking for fresh cut pineapples. Sam's towards her left, in a cross aisle on her phone facing the wall.
Rounding the corner into another aisle, Sam now comes directly into Luna's eyesight. So is a man moving around weirdly in the same aisle as Luna and Ashleigh. He's facing towards Sam. Watching him as her and Ashleigh begin to walk passed, something makes Luna look down.
This pig, is standing in the aisle, behind his cart. He has his hand down his pants and is jerking off to an unknowing Sam.
It feels like slow motion as Luna sees what he's doing, life hitting fast forward once she fully realizes it.
Grabbing the back of the cart and shoving it into the man with all her might. Knocking him down backwards on to the ground, she then moves the cart. Stomping his hand in place on his dick with her right foot.
"What the fuck, Loons!?!" Sam comes rushing over.
"Bro. You see this shit." Luna points to his hand trapped in his pants. "He was fucking jerking off to YOU. RIGHT FUCKING HERE."
Sam's reaction is the EXACT same as Luna's. Word. For. Word.
She screams also. Bringing her knee up high, Sam starts to stomp down on the dude.
"You like jerking off to girls who don't know it? You fucking freak!" She continues to shout.
Luna joins in. Ashleigh standing back like the night in Chicago. Watching Sam and Luna stomp and kick the fuck out of A Jack Off Johnny of Kansas City.
"Let's see how much you like yanking it in the grocery store after that, Motherfucker." Sam spits on him before they leave him bloody and whimpering on the ground.
The two employees watching don't bother to aid the man or stop The Girls. His actions being unacceptable, they decide to leave him there.
Walking towards the door, Luna spies the fresh fruit she wants. Making their purchase, they leave the grocery store and head to McDonald's.
"Was he really whacken' off to her?" Ashleigh asks in uncomfortable disbelief.
"Yeah, dude." Luna says, disgusted.
She hates the world on a regular day. Today it's extra.
"I seen his fucking hand stuck down his pants, Ash." Sam says with a shudder.
"Why are men so gross..." Ashleigh complains.
Her low serotonin makes her sensitive to sadness. While Luna and Sam are both prone to anger and violence.
"Because there ain't enough women who ain't afraid to beat the fuck out of them when they act gross." Sam states angrily.
She's not wrong. 
"How do you guys know how to do that?" Ashleigh asks quietly.
"What?" Luna cocks her head towards her.
"Not be afraid of men and beat them up the way you do? I would never know how to do that." She says honestly.
"It's a NY thing." Luna blows her off.
Looking at Sam. Some words shouldn't be said. Just as some reasons never need to be relived.
Sitting on the back loading dock of the venue, The Ten of Them are reunited eating their fast food and fresh fruit. Having so many bags of burgers, fries, nuggets and pineapples. Ten different sodas and iced coffees, The Girls had to snag a shopping cart to get it all back in one piece.
The Ten of Them are all still pretty miserable. Luna offering up a Xanax to whomever needs. That would be 8 out of 10.
Sitting next to Colson as she munches on a double cheeseburger, Luna's legs are swinging wildly. She loves beef and cheese. Almost as much as she loves Colson.
"Is that blood on your shoe?" Colson asks her, confused and slightly concerned.
"Damn it. That Motherfucker." Luna growls as she lifts her leg to see the tiny splatters.
"WHAT Motherfucker?" Colson now demands.
His possessiveness amuses to Luna. Sucking her teeth and preparing for his reaction, Luna tells the Tale of A Jack Off Johnny of Kansas City.
"Why the fuck didn't you call me?" He insists once she's finished.
"Imagine that...." She says dryly.
Putting her pinky and thumb to her ear, like a phone. She bobbles her head and wiggles her straightened shoulders. Voice and body mimicking a 1950s housewife.
"Hiii Honey, would you mind coming down to the local grocer. I've got a sexual predator trapped here under my foot but still need you to come defend my honor for me. Please?"
She changes her tone as she shoots him a Look with a "Yeah. No."
"I fucking hate when she acts like this... Like she's fucking invincible... She better never...." He doesn't even want to finish the thought. Knowing that his brain is mush and his girlfriend is a psychotic bitch with no fear.
"You're fucking insane." Is all he says, shaking his head as he bites into his burger.
"And you're beautiful and I love you." Luna tells him, nipping any argument in the bud.
Once they've finished eating, Luna and Sam borrow Baze, their instruments and stage to rehearse. Luna doesn't have a name for the Ellen song, she just keeps calling it, IT.
Watching Luna from SideStage, Colson's phone rings. It's a number he doesn't know.
"Hello?" He answers.
"Hi. Colson? It's Francis, Luna's friend. We met at your house in LA for her Tea Party..." Frannie introduces herself.
"Oh! Hey! Yeah, what's up?" He asks, moving away from the stage.
"I hope you don't mind but I got your number off Sam to that maybe we could touch base about Luna's birthday?" Frannie asks, striking fear into Colson's heart.
"Oh FUCK... I forgot her birthdays coming up." He knows her birthday, he just sometimes doesn't know the actual date of the day he's living in. Many occasions sneak up on him. Ashleigh usually catching them first. Plus, his brain is more wonked out than usual.
"Uhhh... Yeah... What were you thinking?" He opens his apps to check the day of the week it falls on.
"Well, Paris and I always throw her a party out here... Or we used too. We didn't the last two years... So we wanna do that.... Is there a date? Because we were thinking the 19th, not knowing what you guys have planned with this and the wedding and all...." Frannie trails off.
"Fuuuuckkk... The wedding. We don't even know when we're doing that...." Frannie hitting Colson with layers of reality he can't deal with.
"Uhmmm... Shit man. We're on tour right now and haven't really talked about any dates or even her birthday. Fuck, I feel like an Asshole." Colson winces when he instinctively rubs the back of his head, forgetting his new ink.
"Okayyyy... How about we throw her the party on the 19th. You have my number now... If you think of anything just hit me up. Sound good?" She asks.
"Yeah. Thank you. I'm sorry I'm such an Asshole with all of this.... I've never had a serious girlfriend like this before...." He says sheepishly.
"Soooo... You think you should just jump right to wife in three months?" Frannie's trying not to sound sarcastic but she can't help it.
"YEAH. I do. And so does Luna, since she did say Yes." Colson begins to feel slightly defensive.
"I'm sorry." Frannie backs down. "Luna and I are really old friends and I just think it's quick. When do you guys get back to LA? We'll hang out. Before the party." She suggests an olive branch.
"Yeah, deff. And me too. We're done at the end up this month. Call Luna and set something up and I'll keep us and whoever free on the 19th." Colson agrees with an irritated sigh.
"You have people?" She asks.
"Yeah, is that a problem." He doesn't like having to deal with Luna's friend right now.
"No... Not at all. I just need a head count for the space size." She replies to his Oh.
Asking him to text her a list, he agrees. Apologizing again for being rude before they get off the phone. It's false. Not caring who's daughter she is, Colson decides he doesn't like Frances.
"If they don't have a date... Maybe it just won't happen." Frannie thinks after she hangs up. It's not that she doesn't like Colson, she doesn't know him. Just like she didn't know the guy she married six months after meeting him. Now she can't get her dad's guitar back or rid of him.
Once off the phone Colson immediately calls Ashley.
"Yellow!!!" She answers, cheerfully like her words.
"Hey Ash..." Colson sighs, relieved to hear a friendly voice.
"Sup Kells?" She asks, concerned.
"Francis just called me about Luna's birthday party?" He tells her in a confused tone.
"Her and P are doing that this year? Oooh!! That's gonna be so fun!! We haven't done it for the last couple... I wonder why she hasn't called me yet..." Ashley babbles as Colson listens emotionlessly. "What day is it? Kells! What day is it on?" Ashley snaps him back.
"Uhh... Friday the 19th....?" He answers, still lost in his conversation with Francis
"Ewww... I'm pretty sure I'm already.."
"ASH!" Colson cuts her off. "I'm freakin' out Dawg. I don't think Francis likes me. I know I don't like her. Luna's birthday is in less then a month. I have nothing planned. We're supposed to get married next month and we don't even have a date. FUCK, I don't even think Luna has one dress, let alone two!!" He spouts off.
"Whoa man, chillax.... It's gonna be alright." Ashley laughs at him. "First. Fran'll be fine, she's projecting her own shit right now. Second. Have you talked to Loons about any of this or are you just freaking out because of Frannie?" Ashley digs for the root.
"I'm just kinda freakin' out." He admits.
"Talk to Loons, Kells. She may already have something in mind. You don't know. Just make sure you keep the 19th open if you really don't wanna get on Frannie's bad side." Ashley teases him.
Colson sighs and thanks her. Really glad to have her as a friend.
"DAADDDYYY!!!!" Casie comes running up to Colson.
Emma trailing behind her, the two women greet each other warmly. Hugs and How Are Yous before Casie squeezes Luna's guts out.
"I can't breath, Dilla!!" Luna pretends like she's choking to Casie's laughter.
Colson giving her a piggyback ride out of the airport. Luna helping Emma with Casie's luggage as they chat with each other.
Sat together for a late lunch at Border's Cafe, Casie colors as the adults order food and drinks.
"How's the wedding planning going?" Is the first thing Emma asks Luna and Colson.
"What the fuuuuuuckkkk...." His brain groans.
"Ahhh... You might be able to help if you wouldn't mind. I need a planner for Cleveland. Nothing big. Just a little get together at the house after." Luna says to Emma.
"Yeah, I have a friend who owns a catering business." She suggests.
"That'd be perfect." Luna says graciously.
"When are you guys gonna do it?" Is the dreaded question.
"Monday, the 29th." Luna says nonchalantly.
Colson whips his head over to look at Luna.
"We have a date?" He asks with a mixture of shock, relief and a little bit of jealousy.
Luna's face lights up with excitement. Grinning, she leans over to kiss his cheek. "We doooo!!! And it's really freaking awesome!" She shines as she pulls out her phone. "Look... TownHall only marries on Mondays and Fridays. So.... Ash cleared your schedule from the 29th till here." Luna points to the Sunday of EstFest. Looking up into Colson's oceanic eyes, she gives him THAT One Look that made him fall so deeply in love with her. "Meaning.... We are having a seven day wedding celebration with the possibility of two of them being somewhere...." Lost in her enthusiasm, Luna suddenly remembers where they are. Changing her last word. "Awwwwwesome...." Followed by another Look.
"SEVEN DAYS?!" He exclaims. Looking at her like she just cured cancer. Forgetting the jealousy of not being included in picking the date. "Seriously?? Seven days? That's fucking SICK, Kitten. Where you wanna go?" He asks, pulling her in for a kiss on the cheek.
"We'll figure that out later..." She shrugs.
The server coming to set their food down. Refilling their drinks.
"Do you have a dress?" Emma asks.
She likes to watch the interaction between Colson and Luna. It gives her some insight to what kind of environment her daughter is exposed to when with them.
"I do..." Luna begins to speak.
Colson cuts her off.
"Yo. I legit was just freaking out on the phone with Ash over all of this. The date, your dresses, your birthday...." Colson rambles on in relief.
"My Ash...? About my birthday?" Luna questions him as they eat.
"Yeah... We haven't talked about that one either. Got any secret plans there too?" Colson has a little sass to his tone, last night still lingering.
"I haven't really thought about it... Come on, C... This month has been insane. I only figured out the dates with Ash yesterday when we were getting The Bus cleaned. I'm gotta head out Monday night for NY. I need to rehearse with this new bassist before Ellen. Which ironically worked out because, I can stop at a friend of mine's so she can fit me. I also gotta look at a brownstone in Brooklyn Heights while I'm there too. I tried to work our schedules together because I wanted you to check it out with me but you'll be in Idaho. So, I'm gonna meet back up with you in Anaheim probably. Shit is non-stop. You know this, Sugar." Luna explaining one day of her life next week. Emma tired just thinking about it.
"You need to see the Dr too." He reminds her.
"Motherfucker!!" Luna's mind bursts just as Emma opens her mouth.
"You okay, Luna? You sick?" She asks.
Casie's head pops up. Proving kids are always listening.
"Did the blueberries get you!??" She asks with wide eyes.
Luna can't help but laugh with Colson at Casie. Explaining to Emma her allergy and side stepping her with the explanation of an Annual Exam for work. It's not a full lie.
They enjoy the rest of their lunch. Emma choosing to catch a flight right black to Clevland. With hugs and kisses, she promises she'll see Casie in a week. Pecking Colson and Luna GoodBye with tight hugs. Reminding Luna that she'll send her the contact information for her friend as she gets into her uber.
"Wait!! Look what I got!!" Casie pulls off her school bag with excitement.
They're still standing on the sidewalk outside of Border's. Waiting for their own uber as Casie digs through her bag. Popping up once she's found what she was looking for. Proudly displaying two homemade, beaded bracelets.
"I made these for you. They're Love Bracelets. Because you're in loooove and I love YOU." She grins as she snakes her head at the two of them.
Casie makes both of their irritated souls lift with happiness. Cold hearts melt with adoration. Slipping hers on, Luna squats down to hug Casie.
"I love it, Dilla. I'll wear it everyday." She promises.
"Me too, Peanut!!" Colson scoops her up, attacking her with kisses.
"Daaaaad!!!! Stooop!!!" She laughs uncontrollably.
"Okay, okay..." He laughs, setting her down. "Here.."
He reaches for Luna's hand. Taking a picture of their gifts. He posts it to his Insta.
Tumblr media
"Peanut made us Love Bracelets. My kid is deff the coolest 😭🙏🏽💖 #estfest can't come fast enough. 😈🔐🐈"
Back at MidLand, everyone's BackStage. Alcohol still flows but they've moved smoking outback. Away from Casie.
Coming down the stairs, Luna catches Casie drumming on the wall. Snagging a quick picture of her favorite little human with her favorite tall human in the background.
"That's gonna be my family..." Luna's eyes well up as she thinks of them lovingly.
"Looney!!!" Casie calls for her once she sees her. "I'm goin on stage with Dad tonight!" She grins excitedly.
"Yeah?" Luna beams at her. "What are you gonna play?"
"What I Got." Casie responds proudly.
"THE GOODNIGHT SONG!!" Luna shakes a giggling Casie. "Make sure you don't fall asleep on stage!!" She teases the little girl.
"Looney... It's too loud to fall asleep on stage." She states as a matter of fact.
"You're right, Dilla. Silly me." Luna laughs as she shakes her head at herself.
The show is wild as always. The Boys making about a 90% recovery by time they hit the stage. Running through the same setlist as most of this leg of the tour. Casie sings all of her dad's songs SideStage with Luna, Ashleigh and Sam. The Girls still passing a bottle but skipping the joints.
Luna dips off to change before heading OnStage. Dressing in black leather pants and a sheer open back black long sleeved top. Her ass looks phenomenal. Colson can't keep his hands off her while they're OnStage together.
Holding her from behind by the waist as he sings the last line with her, he nuzzles into her neck. Sending electricity through her body as she brings her hand down his face delicately.
"Y'all know we're getten' married, right?" He grins at the crowd's explosion. "We're doin' it at EstFest... Three day fucking RAGER!!" He shouts to the room's wild screams.
"That's right..." Luna chimes in. "This year we're extending it until Sunday with two special surprise performances for you guys. It's gonna be FUCKING WILD!!!" Luna laughs.
"WHO'S COMEN' TO CELEBRATE WITH US!??" He shouts as his fans roar.
He turns to Luna. "You think they'll come?" He asks
"I think they'll come." She answers him before turning back to the audience. "You gonna miss a helluva party if you don't...." She teases before kissing Colson.
"See ya there!!" Luna shouts as she glides OffStage. Right into a tiny Casie.
"Looney, I'm hungry." She pouts.
"We better fix that before you have to perform, hunh? I think we've got Pizza Bites on The Bus, wanna check it out with me?" Luna asks to Casie's nod.
Checking their time with Ashleigh, they have 45mins. Luna takes the little girl's hand in hers as they head off on their mission.
"You're the best, Looney." Casie states as she munches on pizza rolls.
"Thanks Dill. You're pretty rad yourself, kiddo." Luna smiles at her.
"So, you and dad getting married means you'll be my Looney forever?" She asks.
"Yup. Forever and ever." Luna answers as her heart swells.
"I want a sister NOT a brother." Casie stresses her request.
"WHAT?" Luna asks her with a scrunched face.
"When people get married, they have a baby. I want a girl baby." She explains.
Casie is freaking Luna the fuck out. "Where the HELL is Colson when I fucking need him..." She thinks. Not knowing how to answer.
"Well...." Luna sighs. "I'm preeeetty sure you don't get to pick whether it's a boy or girl. And, how about we get married first and have fun with you. Then maybe a baby might come.... But they don't always."
"FUCK... You should've shut up 10secs ago, you fucking idiot." Luna mentally scolds herself.
"Why?" Casie asking the question Luna knew was coming.
Luna has no idea what to fucking say. How do you tell your 10yr old, soon-to-be step daughter, that she's the only kid you like. That idea of birth and pregnancy makes you want to jump off of a bridge.
"Uhhhhmmm...." Luna chooses science. "You know how my body gets mad at me with blueberries?"
Casie nods.
"Sometimes babies are like blueberries and they just don't agree with some people's bodies..." Luna is struggling hard.
"So you'll die?" Casie asks with terror.
"Oh FUCK my life...." Is all Luna can think.
"No... No... Case, no.... It's just, sometimes blueberries aren't for everyone and sometimes babies aren't for everyone too... Does that make sense?" Luna asks her, confusing her own self.
"I guess." Casie pops up.
Dropping her dish in the sink. She washes her hands.
"Ready?" She asks.
"Yes." Luna has never been more ready in her life.
With the venue dark, Colson's voice quiets the crowd.
"I brought my Queen out here tonight... Now, I'm gonna bring out my Princess. Come on, Case." He calls her out.
He starts on his acoustic.
🎼Early on the morning, Rising to the street,
Light me up that cigarette, As I strap shoes on my feet🎶
Grinning at Casie, nods at her. She comes in with him. Changing certain lyrics.
🎶I got a Dalmatian, I can still get by, I can play the guitar, Like a motherchucken riot🎶
They sing before Colson hits the guitar solo. Having sang this song together all her life, they hit the notes and lyrics flawlessly. Not missing one beat.
🎶Never start no static, I just get it off my chest, Never had to battle With no bulletproof vest, Take a small example, Take a tip from me, Take all of your money, Give it all to charity, Love is what I got, It's within my reach, And the Sublime style's still straight from Long Beach, It all comes back to you, You'll finally get what you deserve, Try and test that you're bound to get served, Love's what I got, Don't start a riot, You'll feel it, When the dance gets hot🎶
Luna goes wild from SideStage. Cheering them on. Colson looking over Casie's head to grin at her. Loving her more each moment that she doesn't drive him crazy.
"THANK YOU KANSAS CITY!!! YOU WERE FUCKING SICK!!!! GOODNIGHT!!! Colson shouts, ending the show.
Holding hands with Casie, he kisses her on the cheek before passing her to Ashleigh. Colson hasn't fucked Luna all day and is dying to climb inside of her.
"We'll be back." He calls over his shoulder as he takes Luna's hand.
"I'm gonna rip these fucking pants off you." Colson says in frustration with Luna's zipper in between kisses. Out comes the blade again.
"No! I love these pants!!" She stops him, peeling them off herself. "Can you handle the fucking shirt?" She asks turning around for him to unzip it.
Zippers down, they're both naked in less then 30secs. Colson gripping Luna up by the ass and setting her on the edge of a table. He pushes his large dick inside of her warm pussy as she wraps herself around him.
"How come ever time I fuck you it feels like the first time?" He moans out.
"Cuz this pussy was made for you, Lover." Luna purrs into his ear.
Thrusting her hips into him as he bounces her body off his dick. They fuck each fast with a fierce hunger.
"My dirty girl likes it rough, hunh." Colson pants as he pulls Luna's hair back.
Sinking his teeth into her neck, making her buck harder. Clawing his back as she begs Yes Please.
"Mhmm... Take this fucking dick." He demands.
Making her body quiver, Luna losses all control. Gripping him harder, Luna fucks another two orgasms out of herself before Colson drops his load inside of her.
"FUCK." They both breathe out, sweaty and sex stained. Like usual, they hold each other as Colson rests in his favorite place. Both beyond content in each other's arms.
"We gotta get Case..." Luna reminds him.
As they clean up and change, they burn a joint together. Colson jumping on her so fast in the dressing room they didn't even light an After Show Sex Joint.
Just as they're about to walk out, Colson puts his large hand against the door. Stopping her.
"Wait. We get married on Monday and don't have anything to do till EST on Friday?" He asks.
"Yeah..." Luna smiles out the answer.
"You figure out where you wanna go. We gonna have ourselves a proper mini honeymoon, baaaaaby." He says in a weird country accent.
"I fucking love you." Luna cheeses as she reaches up for another kiss. ---------------------------------------------------
Word Limit (1 of 2) To be continued.......
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