mounamelanoyi · 1 year
Malar (a VanMozhi ficlet)
A/N: Inspired by my love for Jayam Ravi and those eyes of his OOF (feel free to imagine a younger JR in this fic as well haha). Would love to hear your thoughts in the replies!! 
There was no way around it. 
Ever since they had all come back from Nagapattinam…her Ilavarasan had been different. 
The days where he’d barely acknowledged her presence - where she’d melted into the walls when he walked by and he didn’t even notice that she was there in the first place - were long gone. Now, she could hardly remember the last time they were in the same room together and she didn’t feel him…watching her. 
In the mandhiram, for example - as she stood next to him, desperately trying to ignore the heat of his body so close to hers. Vanathi could feel his eyes on her, watching her as she fervently tried to keep her attention on the prayers. 
And even today - in the garden, as she and Kundavai and the other maidens lay amongst the flowers, plucking and weaving garlands of jasmine and chrysanthemums, she could feel the warmth of his gaze on her as he and Vanthiyar meandered by. When she made the mistake of looking up at him, catching his eyes with her own…she could barely hold his glance for more than a second before dropping her eyes - but not before she saw his lips curve into a sly little smile. 
It was a struggle, but Vanathi kept her mouth shut until the other maidens had left to their duties.
“Ponniyin Selvan…” At the mention of her brother, Kundavai swung her head around sharply, eyes searching Vanathi’s face with interest.
“Yes? What about him?”
“W-why does he look at me so…why does he look at me like that?”
By the time Vanathi had finished stammering out her question, Kundavai had leaned back onto her arms, watching Vanathi with a knowing smirk curling her lips. 
“That’s my brother’s way of showing us that we need to get the two of you married off immediately - before…” Kundavai trailed off. 
“Before what, Akka?”
For the first time - ever, Vanathi secretly thought to herself - she looked on as her Akka flushed, hints of red and heat suffusing her cheeks, and murmured, almost under her breath, “certain things happen, kanne...I don’t know all of it either, but…” Kundavai stopped short, shaking her head. “That’s neither here nor there,” she declared, prim and firm yet again. And this time, she looked Vanathi straight on in the face, eyes warm with affection and amusement. “You and my brother shall find out - together.”
Vanathi would never admit it aloud, but deep within her…she knew what Kundavai meant. Her Arasan loved her. She was finally sure of that, had been sure of it since he became her Yaanai Paagan once again in Nagapattinam. But now that he was sure in her affection and she in his…he wanted more. He wanted to possess her, have her in the most primal way a man could a woman. He wanted her. 
And Vanathi was slowly starting to awaken to the fact that…she might just want him back in that way too. Maybe that would explain the little thrill that ran through her whenever she saw those golden muscles of his, rippling as he hefted those heavy swords and axes like they weighed nothing. Why she wanted to tangle her fingers in that thick, curling hair of his; why that self-assured smirk of his sometimes sent arrows of fire hissing through her veins.
Now, it was Vanathi’s turn to shake herself back to reality, sheepishly realizing that she’d faded off into a daydream in front of her Akka herself. But Kundavai just laughed at her, reaching out to fondly pinch her cheek. 
“He’ll be yours, kanne - soon.”
It was a gorgeous twilight, and a gorgeous evening ceremony on the water, but Arulmozhi was slowly - and very surely - reaching the end of his rope. 
He liked to think that many of the things said about him were true - he worked hard, day in, day out to be the level-headed, calm, righteous man he needed to be for his people.
But everyone seemed to forget one crucial little fact.
The same fiery blood that ran through impetuous Sundara Chozhar’s veins, that ran through hot-headed Aditha Karikalan - ran through Arulmozhi Varman too. 
Arulmozhi only let that side of him out on rare occasions - on the battlefield, or when there was an injustice that couldn’t be corrected in any way other than force. But now, as he watched Vanathi - his Vanathi - twirling in front of him - her slender curves, the burnished bronze of her skin, set off by the milky white of the jasmine in her hair, all gleaming in the golden light…Arulmozhi burned.
As she made her way closer and closer to him, the cloying scents of jasmine, sandalwood, musk all clouded his mind to the point where he could think of one thing and one thing only - what it would be like to clasp her in his arms… to set his mouth to that velvet skin and make those plush lips of hers fall open - just for him.
So this time, when she trembled, swaying in front of him, Arulmozhi caught her up in his arms, holding his uyirin uyire against him - and he did.
For as long as she lived, Vanathi knew that she would never forget the feeling of the first press of her lord’s lips to her skin. 
Nor the wet heat of his mouth, soothing the scratchy sting of his beard as he traced tendrils of fire down the slope of her neck.
Nor the cold metal of his rings dragging over the sensitive curve of her waist as he pressed her body to arch against the warm weight of his bulky frame…
Vanathi felt herself descending into madness at his hands. 
“Natha,” she called out softly, the word slipping off her tongue so naturally - and Vanathi couldn’t even regret it seeing how her Arasan’s eyes flicked up, darkening in response. “This- this is dangerous.”
“Why is it dangerous,” he rasped out, pressing her only more firmly into him, “for me to lay siege to what’s mine?”
And to that, Vanathi had no answer - for she was his. Her eyes slid shut as she relaxed into him, and she felt her lord’s lips curve into an answering smile against her skin.
Her akka was right - they really did need to get married.
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nspwriteups · 1 year
An Oath of Feelings - Final part
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pic credit: @reeeereeeereeereee
Arulmozhi made his way through the long corridor. He swore he saw Vanathi just a minute ago , her jasmine-decorated long hair fluttering in the soft breeze, her voice echoing as she laughed at a joke of one of her Sakhis. Goodness! when did he became attuned to her so much? Now he understood what his Anna was saying about love- it was sweeter than honey, addicting than any intoxicant in the world and it strengthens one's resolve, not weaken it. He thought of all this while he stood in the empty corridor, wondering how his Anna was able to survive all those years not able to see Nandini when he himself was feeling morose after not seeing the stealer of his heart for a day. Maybe he should talk with Vanthiyathevan? No, he dismissed that line of thought immediately. There was no limit to how much Kundavai teased him after the incident the other night about his brave-but-utterly reckless attempt at window jumping. And how dare Vanthiyathevan join in when he was the one who suggested the idea in the first place? No, he isn't going anywhere near those two. He will prove his love on his own. Thus deciding, he retraced his steps back to his chambers.
Once his footsteps started to fade away, Vanathi came out of her hiding place behind the pillar and gazed at the retreating figure. Maybe she was taking this a bit far? Should she talk to him? But what result would that give? He may say something sweet and she will fall for it and then he would go back to ignoring her again. What she wished, what she craved was for him to show his feelings for her, feelings that her Akka claim exists. Many a time she has seen Vanthiyathevan kissing the back of Kundavai's hand or whispering in her ear or simply gazing at her when she was preoccupied by some other task. He was indifferent to the fact that they were other people watching or making remarks about them. How many times has she imagined her Yaanai pagan gazing at her so, of him whispering sweet nothings in her ear or him standing close to her in public so that everyone will know they belong to and with each other. She wondered if all these fantasies will come true or remain the same. Her train of thoughts was broken by one of her Sakhis.
"Vanathi, why didn't you tell us you were playing hide-and-seek with Ponniyin Selvan?" her sakhi taunted her.
"Oh be quiet!" Vanathi whispered in annoyance before walking off.
Vanathi has never really been jealous of her Kundavai Akka, in fact she greatly admired her Uyir Thozi's intelligence and courage. But at this moment, when she was sitting with her in her chamber, preparing for the evening aarti, she realised she was envious of Kundavai - not of her reasoning and understanding but of her success at a fruitful relationship. Ever since they had been acquainted with a certain Vana clan prince, she had seen a budding affection forming between the two. She didn't exactly knew when it became solidified but once she heard him call her Akka an 'Apsaras' and saw Kundavai's face turn as red as kumkum and she knew - this was not a mere flirting. She heard a genuineness in his voice, the same genuineness she heard when he earlier declared " Uyir ungalodayathu Devi". She thought of all this when she kept glancing at Kundavai, who was humming while arranging the Pooja thali. Just then a servant came in " Ilaiya Piratti, Vallavaraiyan Vanthiyathevan is seeking permission to enter" .
"Let him in " Kundavai said excitedly
"Speak of the devil and the devil is here" mused Vanathi. She was quite fond of the Vana Kula Prince and already considered him as a brother but she was still disappointed that he didn't attempt to give some good advice to Ponniyin Selvan despite their close friendship.
Vanthiyathevan came in " How are you this evening, ladies?" He asked . His sense of formality was often times confusing. In public, he resorted to formal titles such as 'Ilaiya Piratti' and 'Kodumbalur Ilavarasi ' but in private he called her as 'Devi' or even 'Maya Kannan' while he reserved the sweetest of nicknames for his lady love.
"Vanthiyar, do you have any news for us?" Kundavai asked
"Devi, things are as you know. Sendhan Amudhan will reach Thanjai in 2 days time" Vanthiyathevan replied
Vanathi was confused. What? Sendhan Amudhan is coming? But why? Suddenly she remembered Arulmozhi's oath of bestowing the crown. Surely he didn't say it seriously? Surely he only said it to spite her?
"And Samudrakumari will also be joining him. They decided to have the wedding ceremony the day after they arrive. So much preparations yet to be made" Vanathi heard Vanthiyathevan continuing his narration and Kundavai nodding along. Marriage? What marriage? She realised she said this thought aloud as both faces turned towards her.
" Yes, Maya Kanna. Perhaps you missed out on the news. Ilavarase wasn't joking when he said he wished to hand over the crown to Sendhan Amudhan. He presented the matter with the emperor and he too agreed that this was a rightful decision"
"And what about Samudrakumari?"
"Ah that. Amudhan has always loved Poonguzhali and although she was reluctant at first, as she doubted the genuineness of his feelings she later returned his feelings and has now accepted his hand in marriage. I am not bragging but I may have had a hand in uniting the couple." Vanthiyathevan said with a smirk and earned a pinch in the arm from Kundavai for 'going off topic'.
Vanathi was already in her world of overthinking. So, Ponniyin Selvan wasn't in love with Poonguzhali? Then why did he admit having that conversation with Kundavai Akka? Was there any existent feelings for her in his mind as Kundavai Akka claimed? Now she decided she have to talk to him. At least before she leaves for Kodumbalur. With these thoughts in mind, she stood up.
"Kanne, where are you going?" Kundavai asked
"Akka, I'm just going to meet someone. I'll be right back" Vanathi hoped she was being discreet enough but Kundavai managed to see through it.
"No, you can meet anyone you want after the pooja. Now go, time is ticking "
"Yes Akka" Vanthiyathevan and Kundavai watched a disheartened Vanathi leaving the chamber.
"Ennavale, as much as I like your idea I'm afraid it is lacking action" Vanthiyathevan turned to his lover with a mischievous smile.
"I know my plan doesn't involve tree-climbing or window-jumping like you'd wish but it is effective. It's exactly like you said - they want to come closer. We are just giving them the necessary push" Kundavai said calmly.
Vanathi was hyper-focused on her aarti plate as she, along with Kundavai's other companions, made their way back from the temple. All through the Pooja, she prayed for happiness for all and a ray of clarity on her otherwise chaotic life. She was wondering when she would get the answers to all her questions (even Kundavai Akka was not with her, making some excuse after the Pooja that she didn't even pay attention to) .
"Vanathi, are you done playing hide and seek with Ponniyin Selvan?" One of Kundavai's companion started her teasing.
"Aren't you leaving for Kodumbalur anyway? Don't worry , I don't think Ponniyin Selvan would come to find you since all of us would be here to take care of him" another companion chimed in
They had reached the gardens when Vanathi decided to retaliate.
" What is all this talk? Keep your Ponniyin Selvan with you. He wasn't mine in the first place" She said, with her back to them, determined not to show them the sadness in her face.
"I beg to differ Devi"
All of them turned towards the source of the voice and found the object of their conversation standing in front of them.
"You are exceptionally good at hiding Ilavarasi" Arulmozhi said with a triumphant smile, " But now, since I have found you may I have a word with you"
He led her a safe distance away, so that her companions can only watch them and not eavesdrop on them.
" Akka told me I can find you here"
"I wanted to talk to you, Ponniyin Selvare about Poonguzhali..."
He sighed and said " I don't blame you for misunderstanding Vanathi. It is true that once I had a conversation with Akka about my then feelings for Poonguzhali but then I also asked you whether you would believe me if I said my feelings have changed over the months... Because that is what happened"
"What do you mean?"
"I was always under the impression that what you sought after was the throne and Poonguzhali always thought Amudhan's feelings will fade away someday. Then, Vanthiyathevan once asked if we have ever got to know you both as a person and to that we were answerless. So we decided to get to know you both better before making a final decision, just so we wouldn't feel guilty afterwards. Little did we knew fate had other plans"
Vanathi stared at him wondering about the direction of his narration. " In the few months that I got to know you I learned to appreciate your presence and adore your personality which made me confused because I was unfamiliar to this sensation"
"what sensation, Aiyya?"
"I understood you were insecure of the prospective marriage to me, and I wanted to erase that insecurity. I couldn't understand that feeling so I stayed in denial for weeks"
He looked at her then "I met with Poonguzhali again and she admitted she also started to develop an affection for Amudhan's sincerity. We still cared and respected each other but the feelings we began to develop for you two felt..stronger. Finally it was Vanthiyathevan who advised us to follow our heart and that's what we did"
"So you like me?" Vanathi asked. She was hoping this wouldn't be any of her usual dream. Her Yaanai Pagan was actually declaring what she wanted to hear all this time. "Better than that" Arulmozhi said, gazing lovingly at her " Nan unnai katalikkiren"
Saying this, he reached out and touched her hand. The sudden movement caused Vanathi to lose balance and the aarti plate to tumble down.
"Oh Lord, she has dropped the aarti plate. How inauspicious!" One of the onlookers commented.
"No, look closely I think the wick is still burning, so it's not inauspicious " another replied.
Vanathi felt Arulmozhi's hand circle her waist and pull her close to his chest. She gasped and put both her arms round his neck.
"Don't faint on me again Vanathi" He said almost breathlessly, "You made me so worried the last time"
"Ponniyin Selvare, what are you doing? Everyone is watching" Vanathi said, blushing but making no attempt in getting out his hold.
" Let them watch" Arulmozhi said with a grin, quickly glancing at the group of girls standing at a distance away, looking awe-struck.
"If you still wish to go to Kodumbalur, then let me come with you. Not as Ilavarase Arulmozhi Varman but as your varunkala kanavan. I respect your oath and proud of your determination" he continued and smiled wholeheartedly when Vanathi nodded. " I finally understood what Vanthiyathevan said . Sometimes love can be shown better through actions"
"What do you mean?" Vanathi cocked her head to the side and looked at him with confusion.
Arulmozhi simply gave her a smirk and tightened his arms around her, lifting her up and twirling her. Her squealing mixed with his laughter and the loud gasps from the onlookers. Well,not all onlookers. Kundavai and Vanthiyathevan watched the happy couple from the balcony.
"Who knew my Thambi was such a romantic?" Kundavai remarked with a short laugh
" Why Devi? Do you me to twirl you like that? " Vanthiyathevan asked with a wide grin and Kundavai smacked him in the arm.
"Noo" She said playfully "maybe another time?" She smiled sheepishly when Vanthiyathevan raised his eyebrows.
The End
A/N: Me dropping a long af fic once in a while. You can clearly see how much I was influenced by the Veera Raja Veera full video song...come, let's rant in the comment section
@ramcharanobsessed @dumdaradumdaradum @vibishalakshman @thatacademic @hollogramhallucination @kovaipaavai @rang-lo . @willkatfanfromasia @thelekhikawrites @thegleamingmoon @deafeningflowercat @yehsahihai @whippersnappersbookworm @itsfookingloosah @gemsmusings @chiyaanvikram @elvenladysakura . @matka-kulfi . @madatdisney @bumblebeeskywalker @vahnithedreamer @nkarti @dosai-maavu @utterlynotperfect @winter-birds @happy-bookworm @tumbledout @anabanana4115 @freeunknownwasteland @bhataktiatmacore @rapunzels-stuff @celestesinsight @mairablue @rationalelderberry @existenceiswhateven @arachneofthoughts
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ahamasmiyodhah · 1 year
Vanathi's Misery (Part 3)
"Vanathi, what was that?"
Vanathi stayed quite. Arulmozhi took another deep breath and said, "Is that because I am being partial towards you?" He took a hold of her hand, and her eyes widened in shock as she shivered.
"If it is because of that, I am sorry." Vanathi immediately shook her head upon hearing an apology from him.
"No Ilavarasae! It's not because of you! You can never be the cause of my miseries." Vanathi said hastily.
"Then why?" He asked her and she looked down avoiding his eyes. "Tell me Vanathi, why did you do that?" He asked her again.
"When I first came to Pazhayarai to be with Akka, I met this boy at the banks of river Ponni, who came on elephant to save some chicks. And to just tease him, I called him 'Yaanai Paaga'." A nostalgic smile washed over their face. "But, he frowned when he came to know that I am Kodumbalur's Princess." She frowned sadly and Arulmozhi felt as if someone stepped on his chest and pressed it horribly.
"When I was waiting for the young Prince to send him off for his Eezham Expedition, I was stunned to see Yaanai Paaga. I realised that I called you Yaanai Paaga, but Ilavarasae? Can this heart ever forget the one who beholds it ever so gently? No, I didn't either. My heart was taken by Yaanai Paaga, to wherever he went." Vanathi was now openly crying, choking while saying everything to him, relieving all the emotions she held in her heart.
"Ilavarasae, if I ask you something, will you tell me truthfully?" She asks and he nods. "Did you too believed that I wanted to marry you because I want throne?" Arulmozhi's silence made Vanathi's throat burn as tears formed in her eyes.
Every word was like sharpest of spears he ever encountered in battlefield. Although, he handled the pain of enemy spears but what about these? This innocent girl, who never thought ill of anyone, who never desired the riches even when gave in a gold platter, a woman who never eyed the Throne like some Princesses did, why does her words feel like spears?
Is that the power of love? A love which is done so unconditionally, that even if its never returned it never ends? Something which never tires? Although Arulmozhi knew that Poonguzhali liked him, he never had such affections towards her. He knew that Vanathi was affecting him, even if it irritated him, he couldn't stop but think about her.
"Vanathi," Arulmozhi started. "When I saw the Kodumbalur Ilavarasi crying for help, I first was amused. I was glad that someone finally didn't looked at me with stars in their eyes, someone finally didn't saw me as a Royal but a simple Yaanai Paagan." Arulmozhi smiled.
"But, when I heard that Periya Velar wishes to see you Chozha throne, a doubt erupted in my mind. It was fuelled by constant pestering. I got more and more irritated, and I started resenting you." He finished.
"What I did cannot be repented. I can't get my forgiveness from you, but I will ask for it. Vanathi, please forgive me, I beg you." Arulmozhi begged softly as he brought her palm to his forehead and shook with soft cries.
Vanathi started crying heavily and softly caressed his hairs, soon adjoining their foreheads. "Ilavarasae, I love you so much, that I can't even stay angry at you. Even if I want to." She said wiping his tears.
"Let me do my redemption Vanathi. You gave me so much, you sacrificed so much for me, just give me one thing, and I will never ask for another." He pleaded.
"My everything is yours Ilavarasae, tell me, how should I serve you?" Vanathi said.
"I want a promise." He said.
"And that is?"
"Be my Queen. Do parade with me to Thanjai. Be the only Queen who shall sit beside me and behind me at my Elephant, be my consort, be my Idhaya Arasi, my heart's queen." Vanathi's heart swelled with so much love that she launched herself forward and engulfed him in hug, while the moon outside heard their promises and sealed them together forever.
He was her Yaanai Paagan,
She was his Idhaya Arasi. -----------------------------------------------
@thatacademic @dumdaradumdaradum @vibishalakshman @kovaipaavai @dr-scribbler @hollogramhallucination @willkatfanfromasia
do tell me your thoughts
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nature-writes29 · 7 months
An Oath fulfilled |Vanathi × Ponniyin Selvan
      It was a quiet, silent Night. The city of Thanjai was getting ready to sleep. It has been 6 weeks since Sendhan Ammudhan's death. The throne was widowed within a night. With no Chakravarti to rule the place, the whole chola kingdom faced quite a threat from other kingdoms. Everyone knew that Ponniyin Selvan would ascend the throne sooner or later. It was inevitable and everyone knew it. The whole palace had started preparations for the coronation. Everyone seemed to be in the festive mood, exept the person who was about to get coronated.
      Arulmozhi knew that one day he will ascend the throne. At first he didn't even had many problems with it, but now, it seemed impossible for him to do so. 13 years back, when he was to be coronated, he had faced a problem similar to his current one. Vanathi and her her oath.
      He wanted to deny the fact that she had taken the oath, but he just couldn't. He wanted her to stay with him till his last breath. He wanted to hold hands with her even at an old age. He wanted to close his eyes with her face infront of him, giving him the last goodbye, and not the way around. He wanted her.
      Yet, he found himself catching her fall after she fainted between a pooja 1-2 weeks ago. Yet he found himself tending to her high fever. Yet he found himself holding her hair as she vomited like there was no tomorrow. Yet he found himself comforting and cuddling her as she shivered from a non existent cold. Yet he found himself listening to the Vaidya say that she was getting nearer to see Vaikuntha (heaven). Yet he found himself being comforted by his Akka and Vanthyathevan as he cried like a baby after hearing the news.
      Yet he found himself alone in their chambers with her . The night was quite and chill. Arulmozhi was laying beside Vanathi as she slept. His strong hands running through her now weakened and frailed hair. He hated how she looked right now. Her skin was almost sticked to her bones. Her usual bright doe eyes were sulking. Her hair were withered. And what he hated the most was, how sick she looked. He hated seeing her in pain, but he wasn't ready to let her go yet. A bit selfish? Yes. But she was just too precious for him. She was his brain, she was his heart. She was his soul. She was in every breath he took. She was a part of him. Inseparable.
      He was shaken out of his thoughts when he felt her stire beneath him. He quickly but cautiously pulled out his hand from her hair, as if she were a really fragile piece of glass.
      Vanathi slowly opened her eyes. She felt someone was there beside her and looked over. There she saw her husband, her Ponniyin Selvan, her yaanai paagan beside her. He had a serious and... What was it? Sad expression of his face. She knew that he knew, and he knew that she knew. And since today morning she had been feeling that weird feeling far more strongly that it had in many days. She knew that her time was almost finished.
      She looked at him, studying his face. His beautiful face, the same one she had fallen so hard for. But right now, there was something glistening around his eyes and cheeks. Then she understood, he had been crying. For her. Because of her actually.  She felt bad for this.
   "Swami-" Vanathi croaked out. Even slight talking was starting to feel like a big task to her. Arulmozhi quickly grabbed the glass which had her drinking water in it and he slowly made her sit a bit with his other hand, and started to feed her water little by little.
      After she was done drinking, she quitly asked him.
   "Swami.. Why are there tears on your cheeks? She asked in a low voice
   " Tears? -" Arulmozhi hadn't even realized that he had started to cry. He quickly wiped them away but Vanathi stoped him and tried to do it herself.
   "It's actually nothing chellam, I wasn't crying" He started.
   "Swami, I know that I am not actually able to think properly right now, but, I do know when you are sad" She said. He looked at her more intensely after this. What had he done to deserve her?
      "Aay.. Forget it, look what I got you few hours back." He pointed at the table beside her. It was a flock of Kodupul flowers. These flowers had always been the symbol of their love. He had gotten then for her in all of their milestones as a couple, or when he had gotten a bit too romantic.
   "Kodupul? " She smiled a bit saying this. Remembering all those beautiful times. A single tear rolled down her cheek. Arulmozhi was quick to notice it.
      "Kanne, why are you crying? " He asked slowly tilting her head towards his.
   "It's nothing" She said. But she didn't wipe it. She didn't think that she had enough strength remaining for that. Amv took her hands into his own.
   "Tell me, please. Don't hide what you are thinking, please. " He said with plea written all over his face.
   "It's just... I was thinking of all our memories which are tied with this flower." She said. Her tone was getting lower and lower. He smiled at the thought. She continued. But it was evident that talking was getting harder for her. Yet she wasn't stopping. It seemed like she sense that this was going to be it.
   "How many times you bought these for me... One time you even climbed a tree right? Just to give me these before our wedding. Our every single moment was tied with this flower in one way or another. Till now. It was great wasn't it? " She said while looking at him. More tears were forming under her eyes.
   "Haan- wait- was great? Dear, we are going to have those moments again. We just have to wait till your sickness goes away! Look! you are improving! There is no need to say anything like this Chellam! " He said. Vanathi smiled sadly at this statement.
   "Natha, I think we both know that I don't have much time left-"
   "Don't say anything like that! You are going to recover. I know it!" Amv interrupted her.
   "Natha, there is a thin line between what we want and the facts-"
   "No! Let me finish. I have been wanting to tell you this Swami from a few days. I heard what the Vaidhya said. And I am also feeling myself slipping away. Initially I was scared of the very thought of leaving you. I want to stay with you for an eternity. I really do. B-"
   "You can Vanathi, You can! Please listen to me,-" He took her hand in both of his palms "-I can't live without you! I want to listen to your laughter, I want to see your eyes in mine, I want to hold hands with you like this, I just... Just want you Chellam! " His voice croaked at the last word. Why was this happening to them, why was this happening to her! Why does parmeshawara opt to take the bestest of people first along with them! Why?
      "Swami, pleased don't make this difficult for me, I also don't want to die, but it is fate swami, fate! And I have also taken the oath-"
   "To hell with your oath! I don't care about your oath Vanathi! I. Just. Care. About. You!! And the very thought of you- yo- not-" He fully broke down. His head bended down in defeat and rested on their hands. He wasn't able to comprehend this fact. He knew that she was telling the truth, but it. was. just. too. much!
    Vanathi's heart broke down seeing this. She didn't wanted to die, but she knew that her life was going to be short the day she took the oath. So she had excepted this fact long ago, and used to cherish every single moment she had with him. Today morning when her Akka had visited her ( she used to be there in the morning and he used to be there for her at night time. ) she was also holding back her tears. Vanthyatevan had also been there and he was already in the crying state.
   "Swami.. " She gently kept her free palm on his cheeks, forcing him to look at her.
   "We can't do anything about the oath, and I knew that this day was going to come. But now, I will have to take my leave-" She said breaking down a bit herself. Arulmozhi quickly stoped her by placing one of his hand on her mouth.
   "Please don't say anything like this Vanathi. Please. We are supposed to get old together! And what about Madhu! He needs a mother. We were supposed to see his marriage together! When he first goes to battle, when he will be crowned the next prince, when he will become the chakravarti, whe were supposed to see all this together Priye! " After listening to this Vanathi grabbed his hand pulled it down. And said quietly.
   "Do you really think that I will leave you that easily Swami? I will always stand with you, whether I am there or not. I will always look for your back, be there with you. And in the end we will meet again right? I will always wait for you Natha" She said with a weak smile. Arulmozhi just looked at her. Impressed by how greatly she was handling it.
      He then took her completely in his arms so that one of her hand rested on his heart and his on her shoulders. One of both their arms were interlocked together. They were looking at each other. Comfortable in their positions.
      He was comforted by the fact that she will at last be free of all of her pains. All he wanted now was for her to be happy. He quickly pecked her and looked at her with an expression which can only depict love, sadness, excepted fact, and adoration.
   "I love and will always love you my Vanu" He said just after giving her a deep kiss.
      This was all she wanted to hear. This is what made her heart free of every burden, worry and questions she was carrying. Her family will be okay. She will meet him again in few decades and she was sure about it.
   "I love you, My Yaanai Paagan.. " She said in a soft voice. She knew she only had a few moments left. All of her energy was drained.
      He looked at her peaceful expression as she closed her eyes. Her last thought being of him. The last thing she saw, was him. Her last breath was of his name. Her heart beated for the last time with only him in it. She was his, and she will always be his. For an eternity.
      He stared at her lifeless body. Tears building up in his throat. His Vanu, his Kadhal, his Chellam, his Kadambur illavarasi was gone. He held her more closely. He bought her shoulders close to him and kissed her forehead.
   "Vanu, you not only did just leave me, but you also took my peace, my love, my brain, my heart, the half of me, my soul with you Kanne. You took a big part of me with you chellam, you did. " He said hugging her close. She had left him to deal with this world alone, without her love, without her enchanting doe eyes, without her laughter, without.... Her. He had no one now to come home back too. She had taken his life away along with her.
Kundavai came rushing into the room after hearing the noises. Only to find the scene which shattered her heart beyond anything. Vanthyatevan came rushing behind her, just in time to catch her as she fell down crying. Her sweet best friend, her thozhi, his maya kanan had left them.
The night was filled with cries as Amv's other 2 wives were crying too. They also loved their Akka. Madhu's cries were the loudest, as he had lost his mother at the tender age of 12.
Arulmozhi didn't make any sound, but his grief made the loudest sound. He and his Akka, after some time, we're only starting into the abyss. Vanthyatevan was trying to console Kundavai but Arulmozhi had no one.
He was the one who had given fire to her. The whole country was in awe and shock... For the queen had completed her oath, but at the cost of her life. After persistent requests from his Akka, he did proceed with the coronation. He did it 'cause he knew that this is what his Vanathi wanted. His other queen sat on the throne with him, but in his heart, Vanathi was the only queen he ever lived for.
( A/N )
Ha ha ha, I made you all cry, didn't I? This is the longest OS I have written standing at 2300+ words. And of course, the saddest on also. I started writing this yesterday instead of studying for my Marathi exam. (It went well), and here I am completing this. Please tell me your thought on this. I hope that you guys liked this one shot. Instances mentioned are from the book. If any confusion let me know! :)
Any suggestions and feedback appreciated.
If you want to read more from my works, visit my wattpad page. Same Id name.
∆ Requests Accepted ∆
_ All work is original. Do not copy _
( I usually do not mention anyone unless it's an request, but, I want to hear your feedback :) and I got some of your id's from a fellow writter. And I won't tell who, but they told me to tag people, so it reaches to more ps lovers. )
@nspwriteups @thelekhikawrites @dr-scribbler @kovaipaavai @dosai-maavu @matka-kulfi @curiousgalacticsoul @harinishivaa @chiyaanvikram @celestesinsight @thegleamingmoon @ragkee @inlovewithfictionalbeings @voidsteffy @whippersnappersbookworm @hollogramhallucination @thereader-radhika @sowlspace  @favcolourrvibgior @ponniyin-selvan @ponniyinselvann-blog
please tell me I made you cry :)
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willkatfanfromasia · 11 months
Yeah I just randomly decided to drop this
A Night to Remember - 4
Nandini woke up the next morning. She’d always had the tendency to watch over her back since her experience with creeps as a girl. Her eyesight was hazy, she scanned the thick tartan blanked on the pillow next to her and tied it around like a robe.
Her hands pressed against the mattress, giving away that she’d been shifted mid-nap from the sofa. Eyes still blurry, she gingerly placed her feet on the floor and stood up. Her nose sensed coffee and she unsteadily walked towards the kitchenette like a baby deer.
The sight of the man busily stirring milk and decoction brought back a tsunami of memories from last night. ‘Holy shit’ flashed in hot pink letters in her mind- she just jeopardized everything she’s worked for.
Dressed in the same clothes from yesterday, he looked proper in his olive shirt if not for the few wrinkles on the fabric. Even his casual clothes belied a certain status- a prestige that always seemed to evade her.
She licked her lips and inhaled deeply as she saw his forearm muscles flex, before they placed the mug down…
He was humming what seemed like “kaadhal yaanai varugiran remo” but…..
Nandini knew he was aware of her presence. It had always been that way with them.
The different possibilities took turns assaulting her brain. She’d have laughed at this pseudo- doctor strange moment if not for her own folly.
Procrastination was her guilty pleasure – one she rarely had time for. She worked her ass off in college and at work to establish herself. Letting her imagination run wild on what life with Aditya would look like was a rare treat she allowed herself. In the darkness of her room, her siblings just a few metres away, she’d imagine him running to her breathlessly. His relief at finding her would cause a smile to bloom in his face and she’d happily accept being carried away into the sunset.
Then came the real deal. She’d imagine how his hands would feel on her skin, his yearning after years apart translated into pleasurable caresses. Nandini couldn’t help but let her imagination take over. Her lack of experience and strong moral compass were put on hold to give herself this ‘reward’. She’d try caressing herself the way she imagined he’d do, but her soft hands lacked the same passion.
My 19 year old self would have fainted if she found out about last night, she thought, gently tiptoeing to the sofa. Truly, she feared her lofty dreams would make reality boring. This was Aditya though, last night made her most intricate fantasies pale in comparison.
A flash of olive brought her back to earth. How embarrassing she thought realising Aditya now stood in front of her and had been smiling at her for a few minutes. His eyes, having regained the cockiness of youth, twinkled as he handed her a mug of coffee.
“I ain’t no Gordon Ramsay, but I take my chai-coffee seriously “ he winked. She accepted the mug and quickly began sipping, hoping to hide her agog expression.
His behaviour really threw her off. She’d expected him to either coldly dismiss her as a one night stand – a taste of his past. Or drag her back into his family home – the den of oppression – like he’d tactlessly done all those years ago.
He was sweet, attentive but didn’t force her to talk. The clinking of spoons and ceramic, the swishing of the liquid within were the only sounds in the room.
One thing she remained assured was his honor. Even if others judge her he’d never allow her name to be tarnished.
Yes he much prefers tarnishing her himself she thought with a flush. She excused herself under the guise of ‘freshening up’ and fled back to the bedroom.
She showered and draped her saree- that miraculously wasn’t torn- as she searched her phone.
A timely buzz alerted her. She didn’t remember doing this last night,so clearly Aditya must’ve charged her phone when he woke up. She unplugged it, opened her email and scrolled through. An email from her boss titled “PRIORITY” stared back. “that’s weird” Nandini huffed but opened it anyway, the news in it making her go….
“AAAHHHHH! Y’all don’t pay me enough for this crap”
@nashibirne @nspwriteups @favcolourrvibgior @vibishalakshman @thelekhikawrites @dr-scribbler @kovaipaavai @budugu @dosai-maavu @matka-kulfi @curiousgalacticsoul @harinishivaa @chiyaanvikram-blog @celestesinsight @inveter @deepti1011 @itszhunotz @babayagahunt @thegleamingmoon @ragkee @inlovewithfictionalbeings @happysharkdragon @gowrimenonop-1 @ramcharanobsessed @nature-writes29 @voidsteffy @whippersnappersbookworm @hollogramhallucination @thereader-radhika @sowlspace @rang-lo @nirmohi-premika @love-ps1ff @canonless5 @sampigehoovu @ambidextrousarcher @balladedutempsjadis
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thegleamingmoon · 1 year
Another collab by me and @thatacademic Sakhiii! <3 <3
Fallen by chance
1 ~ Until Next Time
To say that the youngest Chozha prince has been restless from the time he entered Pazhaiyaarai would be an understatement. There was a feeling of an unknown yearning that filled his heart for something or maybe someone..someone special.
‘It seems like I have left a piece of my heart here’
Strangely enough his mind traveled to think about that Kodumbalur princess who amused him enough at the gardens of Thirunallam.
There was something about her… something about her quirkiness,her chirpiness that made a part of his being come alive in a whole new way. Her love for nature,the compassion in her heart for the smallest of creatures spoke to him like none other.
And her eyes that held a magnetic charm, outpouring childlike innocence with a little mischief peeking through them.
“Hey Yaanai Paagan !” was what she called him.
Poetic to his ears enough. It amused him as much as it made him feel liberated.
It was as if he was okay with him if she had never known about his royalty for he somewhere knew that she had seen his real self and he didn't know why but it mattered to him the most.
Until he knew about her royalty. Something put him off. And he left that place as quickly as he could, both flustered and disturbed. For which, he would like to apologize to the princess, whenever he gets the chance to.
Oh,he could go on and on about her.
He knew she would be here, in Pazhaiyaarai for he knew about the newfound friendship of her and his Akka…
Shaking off his thoughts aside and regaining his composure, what he knew to infer of the Kodumbalur princess was that she was a close confidante of his elder sister. Nothing more. Nothing less.
But did his heart agree?
As almost all the girls finished doing the arati for him,his eyes could not leave that one girl who stood at the last with the Arati thattu in her shaking hands and that was the Kodumbalur princess. She seemed a little too nervous to even look at him.
But why?
As he neared her,he could see her trembling had increased and when she forwarded to do the Arati. She managed to look him in the eye for a second and…
The arati plate had fallen making a deafening sound when it met the floor.
“Apa Sagunam! Apa Sagunam!”
( A bad omen! A bad omen! )
Everybody cried,angered and worried, much to the dismay of the princess as he saw tears streaming down her face as she fainted due to all that fear as Kundavai was quick to hold her and make sure that she received necessary rest.
And that was the moment he felt that nothing,no pain could even come close to the pain that he felt when he saw the tears in her eyes.
“Yen thambi inge?” (Why here, brother ?) His sister asked him but all that could meet his eye was a soundly sleeping Vaanathi next to his sister,with a peaceful smile on her face that warmed his heart.
The feeling of relief that washed over him after that had never been anticipated by him this much till now.
“Ilangai selrathukku mun ungalai paaka vandhirukiren,Akka,” Arulmozhi said as he bowed to take Kundavai's blessings.
(I came here to seek your blessings before I start for Ilangai,Akka)
“Yen aasirvadangal eppodhume un kooda irukattum,thambi,” Kundavai could feel her heart swell with pride as she blessed him.
(May my blessings always be with you,thambi!)
“Kodumbalur Ilavarasi ippodhu eppadi irukiraal?”
(How is the Kodumbalur princess now?)
He couldn't help but ask.
“Nalamaaga irrukiraal, thambi. Aval chinna pen, Ellorum kaththum ‘Apa Sagunam’ endru vaarthai kettu bayathil mayakkam potutaal.”
(She is fine now, brother. She is a little girl after all,she couldn't handle the fear that occupied her heart and so fainted when she heard the cries of 'bad omen' from the people)
Arulmozhi scoffed at the thought. Little did those people know that her very presence was so auspicious that merely looking at her was enough to make him feel that his Eezham expedition would turn out to be successful.
“Paavam,aval anaathai pen,thambi. Chinna vayadhinile thaayum thandhaiyum yelandhaval,” Kundavai continued, empathizing with the sleeping princess who was beside her.
(Poor thing,she is an orphan, brother. She lost her parents at a very young age)
Though he could understand how much his Akka loved Vaanathi as a friend and a close confidante, he didn't seem to agree with this remark of hers
“Aval anaathai pen alla,Akka,” He voiced, firm in his tone as Kundavai looked at him confused.
(She is not an orphan,Akka)
“Kodumbalur periya velaalarin valartha magal. Ilaiya Pirattiyin uyir thozhi,eppadi anaathai aaga irundhida mudiyum?” He justified,carefully as he saw a teasing smile gracing the face of his elder sister.
(I mean,how can the one who is brought up by the Periya Velaar of Kodumbalur and is your close confidante be an orphan?)
Taking her blessings once again and with one last look at the sleeping princess he exited the room.
He knew very well that at this moment he had indeed left a precious piece of his heart. Filled with positive hopes to be reunited with it,until next time.
The next part will be coming soon!
@yehsahihai @thelekhikawrites @nirmohi-premika @vibishalakshman @kovaipaavai @rang-lo @nspwriteups @whippersnappersbookworm @chiyaanvikram @dumdaradumdaradum Sorry,if I'm still forgetting to mention someone..
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vishnavishivaa · 1 year
His Ilavarasi (Ponniyin Selvan OS)
Italics is for flashbacks and most Tamil words. 
------------------------------------- Where had the Ilavarasi gone?
Arulmozhi was flabbergasted, for he had been spending time with her since she had set foot in the choodamani viharam, and she had suddenly vanished. He could still remember her tear filled eyes as she peered into the small window to see him, and their eyes had met for a split second before she had turned to hide.
Once again. 
This had become some mischievous habit of hers, he thought fondly, remembering their second meeting, the first one with him as Arulmozhi Varman, the Prince of the Chozha empire, rather than the yaanai paagan she knew him as. 
Even then, once she had known he was Arulmozhi Varman, she had taken to hiding every time their eyes met. Whenever she could afford it, rather, given that his Akka Kundavai rarely allowed the Princess of Kodumbalur away from her, being as attached to the latter as the Princess was to Kundavai. 
In all fairness, the Ilavarasi had not been anything but Vaanathi in his mind for a long time, even before he had been sent to Eezham with his forces. 
After being celebrated with him, walking along his left side, she had now chosen to completely vanish, which was unacceptable to him. He had gotten so used to Vanathi’s presence during his days, that a sudden absence was like losing a limb. 
And this was why he did not want anything to do with falling in love. 
Arulmozhi groaned softly, knowing that if his elder sister were there, she would ask pointedly obvious questions. He could not deny that he had indeed fallen in love with Vanathi, and was also not in the mindset of denying it. He knew of Poonguzhali’s affection for him, and while she was incredibly important to him, and he respected her highly, her eyes were not the glow of the stars that filled his night’s vision. 
Vanathi had become an integral part of him, a part he knew Kundavai had been hoping for, ever since she had gotten to know the Ilavarasi. 
His Ilavarasi. 
“Akka, why did you put these thoughts into my head?” he mumbled to himself, sitting down on the large, ornate couch, looking to his right, and seeing the vision of Vanathi in bright red and orange, simple but effective jewelry adorning Her ears, neck and arms. 
They had made a statement with their appearance together, and he knew of the turmoil and the envy that would have caused. His elder sister’s companions, all Princesses of the small Chola Kingdoms, all had their eye on him as their husband, and disliked Vanathi for her purity and sweetness that had won over Kundavai so easily, without the former trying to do so. 
And now, she had taken to going missing, definitely due to some plan she had, though he could not think of her as devious. She was the opposite of that, simple, pure and gentle, a devadhai in human form, one he had been blessed with. 
He also knew well that many of the elders of the Chola empire had hopes on their marriage, including her Periappa, Poodi Vikrama Kesari. 
And that brought him to his current problem. 
“If I do marry Ponniyin Selvar, by his own will, I will only stay in his Antahpura, but not rule the Chola empire.”
Why had she said that?
He sighed again and again, knowing he was broadcasting his confusion as well as astonishment. Despite understanding why she had chosen to make that vow, he did not really want to rule without her by his side…
But should he even rule? 
What if….
He felt the idea settle into his veins, and he wondered if he could make it work that way. 
“Om Namaha Shivaaya ||”
He whispered a prayer to his Shiva, his Aaradhya, and got up, now energized and enthused by his idea. 
Arulmozhi could not contain his happiness, and he had no problems showing his happiness as well. 
He had gotten Madurantakan crowned, and was now going to be part of naval expeditions, after ensuring the stability of his Kingdom. His sister had started insisting on him getting married now, and Madurantakan had also expressed his wish to see Arulmozhi’s marriage. 
“Akka,” he had smiled at his radiant sister, whose eyes held a hope that he would listen to her. 
“I think it is time for your Kalyanam, Thambi. Our lineage has to continue,” Kundavai said. However, Arulmozhi knew his sister very well. While she did believe in her own words, she also nurtured a deep hope that he would marry her best friend, who she could have as her sister-in-law then. 
“Who should I marry Akka? Your companions have all fawned over me whenever they could. Who among them should I marry?”
“Do all my companions fawn over you, Thambi?” frowned Kundavai, narrowing her eyes at him, as if knowing that he was up to something. He controlled the smile that was suddenly threatening to burst from within, and he shook his head, knowing it was the truth. 
“Only the Kodumbalur Princess does not fawn over me, Akka.”
He could not prevent the smile that formed on his face, so he allowed his emotions to overtake his expression instead, smiling wider at the surprised but delighted expression that had alighted Kundavai’s features. 
“Has my thozhi managed to find a place in your heart, Thambi?” Kundavai asked, the tiny inflection in her voice betraying her joy. 
“She is my entire heart, Akka.”
The happy conversation that had followed would be etched in his mind, and would be one he would revisit as often as he could. He had also managed to convince Kundavai to allow him to speak to his Ilavarasi, for he wanted to formally discuss the situation with her. 
And that was where he was headed. 
Kundavai had told him that Vanathi was in the garden near the Kaveri, and he had taken a secret shortcut, and now stood in the corner, watching Vanathi silently. She was seated in the same place they had met, and was smiling softly at the birds that chirped around her. 
“Is there no bird for me to rescue today, Ilavarasi?”
He called out and stepped into the grove, the sudden reaction from Vanathi telling him that he had succeeded in hiding from her. 
“Ponniyin Selvare!” she exclaimed, a rosy hue flooding her cheeks, making him smile more. He should have caught her like this before, in retrospect. 
“I am unable to find you much these days, Devi. What wrong have I done that you have deprived me of your presence?”
“Ilavarase,” Vanathi exclaimed, in a tone that sounded completely astonished. “You were busy, and I was staying out of the way.”
“Out of whose way, Devi?” Arulmozhi did not know what came over him, but he just wanted answers in that moment. He still stood at a respectful distance from her, despite wanting to be much closer. 
“Ayya, I was trying not to disturb anyone, especially after everything Periappa did. Even now, I am here for one of the last times. Periappa wants to take me back to Kodumbalur, but Akka has been insisting that I not leave.”
She was leaving?
She had not left Kundavai’s side in years, and now, when things had settled down, and he could finally be in Tanjai, she is leaving? 
She was leaving him?
“You are leaving, Ilavarasi?” he blurted out, though chided himself internally at his blathering of sorts. 
“It is Periappa’s wish, Ayya,” she lowered her gaze, not meeting his eyes. He stepped forward, a little closer this time, waiting for her gaze to lift up once more. Without her permission, he would not go closer. 
“What about yours, Vanathi?”
He used her given name, choosing to forgo all formalities, wanting her to know he was serious with his question. She looked at him, her doe eyes wide, shining like the sun’s glow on amethyst. 
“Ayya…” she hesitated, faltering in her words, though her eyes expressed everything he needed to know. Joy dancing through him like Shiva’s blissful dance did through the Universe, he stepped straight into her personal space, peering down at her deeply, reading through her star-like eyes. 
“What about your wish, Vanathi?” 
“Ponniyin Selvare,” she said, looking back deeply into his eyes. “If I had it my way, I would not set even a foot away from you.”
“That is my wish too, Vanathi. Will you be my Queen?”
“Swami,” she responded, lowering her head out of bashfulness, her body language indicating the same. “I will not go back on my words. I will not rule the Chola empire, but if you want me as your wife, I will be so. I will be your sahadharmini in everything but ruling the Chola empire. I will be yours as I always have been, Ayya, but do not ask me to rule the Kingdom.”
“Ennavale,” he whispered, softly, gently touching her chin with the tip of his fingers, raising her lowered gaze back to meet his. He took a moment to admire the red blush on her moon face, before continuing. “I will not make you rule as the Queen of the Cholas, but I will go to you for advice, much like I do to Kundavai Akka.”
“And as your wife, I will fulfill it, Swami.”
He nodded, content with gazing at her at that moment. Everything else could be and would be discussed in the future, but he wanted those few moments with his beloved, to have this poignant silence which spoke all their love into existence as if new. 
Everything else could wait. 
Ilavarasi- Princess
Yaanai Paagan- elephant mahout
Akka- elder sister
Eezham- Lanka
Devadhai- angel
Periappa- elder father or father’s elder brother
Aaradhya- the One who is worshiped 
Thambi- younger brother
Kalyanam- marriage
Ilavarase- Prince
Ayya- Sir
Swami- Lord
This OS is completely inspired by the movie- though I have a couple of book references here. I hope you all like it, and I hope to write much more of VanMozhi, including multi chaptered fics. Hopefully, by the grace of HariHara, all will work out. 
Dedicated to @vibishalakshman and @dumdaradumdaradum <3 
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deshamukalamu · 2 years
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Gurupushyam day - 2 evening yaanai vaganam purapaadu. (at Sriperumbudur Adhikesavaperumal Temple) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoPsZVAv5sz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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freepressjournals · 4 months
GV Prakash Kumar and Saindhavi Announce Separation After 11 Years of Marriage
In a heartfelt announcement, composer-actor GV Prakash Kumar and playback singer Saindhavi have revealed their decision to part ways after 11 years of marriage. The couple, who were classmates and began their romance over a decade before marrying in 2013, shared identical statements on their social media accounts, emphasizing their need for “mental peace and betterment.”
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“After much reflection, Saindhavi and I have decided to part ways after 11 years of marriage. For the sake of our mental peace and betterment while preserving our mutual respect for each other,” Prakash’s statement read. The couple also requested privacy during this “deeply personal transition,” asking fans and the media to understand and support them through this difficult time.
GV Prakash Kumar and Saindhavi’s love story began as classmates, culminating in their wedding on June 27, 2013, at Mayor Ramanathan Chettiar Hall in Chennai. The ceremony was attended by notable celebrities, including filmmaker Mani Ratnam. The couple welcomed their daughter on April 19, 2020, further solidifying their bond.
GV Prakash Kumar, son of G Venkatesh and playback singer AR Reihana (sister of Oscar-winning composer AR Rahman), started his musical journey at a young age. He lent his voice to a track composed by his uncle for the 1993 film “Thiruda Thiruda.” Prakash’s breakthrough came with his performance of “Kadhal Yaanai” for the 2005 blockbuster “Anniyan,” composed by Harris Jayaraj, which also marked Saindhavi’s Tamil debut as a playback singer with the song “Andangaka Kondakari.”
Prakash made his debut as a music composer with Vasanthabalan’s “Veyil” (2006) and has since composed for numerous successful films like “Polladhavan,” “Angaadi Theru,” “Aayirathil Oruvan,” “Aadukalam,” “Udhayam NH4,” “Thalaivaa,” “Raja Rani,” and “Asuran.” He ventured into acting with his lead role in the horror comedy “Darling” (2015).
Saindhavi has had a prolific career, collaborating with esteemed composers such as AR Rahman, Vidyasagar, Yuvan Shankar Raja, D Imman, Sharreth, Sam CS, and Anirudh Ravichander.
As they navigate this personal transition, GV Prakash Kumar and Saindhavi have expressed their gratitude for the understanding and support from their fans and the media. Their mutual respect and focus on mental peace remain paramount as they move forward separately.
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priyajanu · 6 months
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The teachings of Ramanatha Kumaraguru Swamigal have a lasting impact on individuals who are lucky enough to encounter them outside of the confines of spiritual establishments. My experience is only one of many that demonstrate how his instruction may have a profoundly positive impact. I am reminded of the teachings of Kumaraguru Swamigal as I lead Nedunal Yaanai Upscale Solutions. Lessons from this spiritual star continue to inform my career in the business world as well as the endeavors of the organization he greatly influenced.
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sharpvideo · 11 months
பாண்டியன் நடித்த கோவில் யானை/ குட்டி யானை/ KOVIL YAANAI
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nspwriteups · 1 year
His Idol - Arulmozhi x Vanathi fic
A/N: my Vanathi spends a lot of time in her dreamworld and my Arulmozhi is a student at Vanthiyathevan's school of flirting😂
@thatacademic got me so excited I just had to write and post this as soon as got the idea
Inspired from 'Temple' fic by @rang-lo🖤
Everyone gathered at the sanctum of the Durgai temple were immersed in thoughts of devotion to Goddess Kali, welfare of the kingdom or praying for their loved ones. Well, everyone except Vanathi. Try as she might,she was not able to concentrate on praying to Kali Amma for not more than a few minutes. How can she when she is painfully aware of the presence of her yaanai paagan right behind her - the person who has stolen her heart and her mind and is refusing to give it back.She was not able to take her eyes off him when they were walking side by side on the streets greeting the people, when they were travelling on the elephant and certainly not now when they are standing so close that she was sure if she were to move he would notice.
But will he? He only smiled at her when they locked eyes at earlier times, he was pretty much oblivious to her gazing at him at other times. As much as he was oblivious to Kundavai's other companions desperately trying to seek his attention. Surely he would be praying to Kali Amma now, with his eyes closed and wouldn't even notice her looking at him one more time?
Emboldened by her own convictions, Vanathi scanned the crowd, majority of them had their eyes closed, others had their gaze trained upon the Goddess statue, lips silently chanting prayers.The pandit was loudly chanting hymns and doing aarti. Slowly she turned her head, very slightly that it cannot even be called a movement. Her eyes first landed on her Ilavarase's elbows, slowly trailing up to see his forearms, golden bangles, palms folded together, his face, his....eyes...opened and focused....on her.
This was the least she expected to happen so she found it almost impossible to break eye contact with him. He looked at her fondly with a small smile etched on his lips. She found herself returning the smile and slowly turned back, praying for the crowd to disperse already so she can run back to her chambers and melt in embarrassment.
The aarti was completed and now the pandit was handing out the prasad. Still, Vanathi could feel a pair of eyes at her back and looking back she wondered how long he had been gazing at her.
"Ponniyin Selvare, what are you doing?" She couldn't help but whisper
"Looking at my idol" he whispered back
"But the idol of Kali is over there"
"My idol is right here, next to me"
Her eyes widened at the remark, glancing at her yaanai paagan who was now grinning at her. Such honeyed words..where did he learn to talk like that?
"Ilavarase, when did you become such a tease?"
He tried to suppress his laughter, disguising it as a cough " You can thank Vanthiyathevan for it"
Of course, she should have guessed it. The Vana Clan prince and the Chola prince has been thick as thieves ever since their first meeting, so of course Vanthiyathevan would impart his expert knowledge to his newfound friend.
They remained quiet for some time.
"Vanathi" her heart skipped a beat when she heard her given name being uttered with so much care. " Can we meet after this? In the garden? Preferably without my Akka hovering over us and analysing our each word and reaction?"
She took a sharp intake of breath. A secret rendezvous? Behind Akka's back? How intriguing!
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her uyir thozi glancing at their direction. It was like Kundavai could sense they were talking about her. How was she going to evade her smart Akka? What would distract her? Or better yet who?
Vallavaraiyan Vanthiyathevan. Yes, who else is more qualified to distract her Akka than the charming and loyal prince who has already won Kundavai's heart with his " uyir ungalodayathu Devi" .
'Kamsa Mama' Vanathi thought 'You have to do one more favour for this Maya Kannan'
@vibishalakshman @hollogramhallucination @kovaipaavai @willkatfanfromasia. @thegleamingmoon @deafeningflowercat @thelekhikawrites @dumdaradumdaradum @whippersnappersbookworm @yehsahihai @theperfectidiot20 @itsfookingloosah Would love to hear your opinions 🥰
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ahamasmiyodhah · 1 year
Vanathi's Misery (Part 2)
"Ilaiyapiratti! Ilavarasae! Ilavarasi Vanathi– she's drowning!"
Arulmozhi felt his breath stop as soon as he heard the frantic words of Senthan Amudhan. Not caring about his weakness, his legs turned on his own as he barrelled down the stairs towards the river.
Vanathi's innocent and joyous smiled filled in his vision. His gentle Vanathi, who could not hurt even a fly. The thevarams she had sent him always ever so secretly; the letters which he never replied, started ringing in his mind.
"Ilavarasae!!" He heard a female voice cry out but before anyone could stop him, he dove into the water.
He needed to save her, he needed to save his Vanathi.
Vanathi felt herself going down and down in the deep waters as the sunlight reflected the water blue. She saw various plants which can only grow in water gently flowing with water. turning around, she noticed a little goldfish opening and closing its mouth, taking in the oxygen to stay alive.
Smiling sadly, she inhaled and opened her mouth, the water gushing into her lungs and nostrils and it made her choke, The oxygen supply was cut which made her surrounding blurry and she felt losing consciousness.
'Finally, I will be with you, Amma and Appa.'
Arulmozhi frantically searched for Vanathi in the water. Whipping his head to other side, he saw something yellow lying. He immediately turned and swam towards it, realising it was Vanathi. His eyes burned with tears when he saw the same small and gentle smile. He picked her limp body in his muscular arms and jumped, swimming towards the surface.
"Paah!!" Gasping heavily for the air, he pulled her body with him and walked out hurriedly, dropping down when Kundhavai and others ran towards them.
"Vanathi! Vanathi!" He tapped her cold cheeks while she laid limp in his arms, her gentle smile etched on her face. "Open your eyes Vanathi! Akka!!" He cried desperately when she didn't opened her eyes.
Senthan hurriedly sat down and picked her arm up, checking her pulse. "Ilavarasae, she is alive. The water has entered her body and we must immediately take her to Choodamani Viharam for treatment. Or else.."
Arulmozhi turned to Poonguzhali whose heart fell seeing tears in his eyes. "Poonguzhali!! The vessel provided by Bikshus is large. Can we all come in it?" He asked her.
"Y-Yes Ilavarasae." Poonguzhali replied and that was all he needed to know before standing up with her in his arms. Vandiyadevan stepped ahead but Kundhavai held his hand, shaking her head. Looking at Arulmozhi Varman, he smiled and they all soon hurried towards the Choodamani Viharam in the vessel.
"Ammani, thankfully you came at right time. The water had engulfed the Devi's lungs, and she would have lost her life." Bikshu's words passed a shiver down his spine as his eyes were trained upon Vanathi. Vanathi on the other hand gently laid on the bed, unaware of the storm that was brewing in someone's heart.
"Ayya, will she be fine?" Kundhavai asked.
"She will be fine Ammani. She will take time to gain consciousness." The Bikshu said and left.
Arulmozhi stared at the soft and baby face of Vanathi with a gentle, nostalgic smile. He remembered the time she had first met him, crying because of the helpless chicks who will die either by the hands of a cat and by falling down the tree. Not seeing any other option, he had brought a elephant and picked up the cat from one branch to other, and also secured the bird's nest. And for that, she had called him "Yaanai Paaga".
A chuckle left his mouth and he frowned when he remembered how he acted with after after knowing she was Kodumbalur Princess. His misinterpretation of her was fuelled by Periya Velar who insistently wanted her and him to marry, and he had thought that she too wished to sit on throne, that was all until she had heard Vanathi and her Akka arguing.
"Vanathi, we are not having that discussion once again. You can't just give away any rights of you!"
"Akka, I do not care. I have told you a thousand times that I do not desire to sit on Chozha throne. I never did." Vanathi had said and Arulmozhi concluded that this conversation was tiring her out.
"But I do! I wish to marry you to my Thambi."
"But does your Thambi wants that?"
He wondered if everything he thought about her was a misconception? That she was different than he thought? His eyes kept trained on her sleeping figure as all the thoughts reeled in his mind. With a sigh, he leaned near her and whispered, "Be ready to answer me when you wake up."
It wasn't long before the bright stars started twinkling in the sky. He was talking with Vandiyadevan when a reluctant Poonguzhali had told him that Ilaiyapiratti seeked his presence as Vanathi had woken up. Arulmozhi immediately got up and strode towards her room with urgency with Vandiyadevan and Poonguzhali in his tow, only to see Vanathi weakly talking with Kundhavai.
Kundhavai noticed his presence. "Thambi! See, this foolish girl has finally woken up." Kundhavai said and turned to Vanathi. "Don't you ever do that again, hmm? You almost took my life with you!"
'And mine too.' he wanted to say but didn't.
"Akka," Kundhavai hummed at her brother turning towards him. "Would you mind if I exchange a few words with her? In privacy." He asked and smiling internally, Kundhavai nodded before standing up and regally strolling out, taking Vandiyadevan, Senthan and Poonguzhali with her.
Arulmozhi sat beside Vanathi's half sleeping figure, and looked at her to which she turned her head away. Gently grabbing her by her chin he turned her face towards him, taking her by surprise.
"Why did you do that Vanathi?"
@thatacademic @dumdaradumdaradum @vibishalakshman @kovaipaavai @dr-scribbler @hollogramhallucination @willkatfanfromasia
do tell me your thoughts
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nature-writes29 · 11 months
Dipawali special | Amv x Vanathi, VV x Kundavai
( Plz read the AN in the end, as it has info about the future posts, etc. )
      Vanathi sat on the floor drawing a big rangoli on one of the passageways in front of the big windows which looked over the scenery below. Just then she heard someone calling her from behind and a cry of a baby. She knew whose baby it was in an instant.
   "Ilavarasi! Please look at our little Ilavarasare! He just won't stop crying!"
   "Just bring him over" Vanathi shouted back, as Aamani came near her, with little madhu in her hands. Aamani handed madhu over to her. Vanathi's motherly instincts took over her as she didn't care that her fingure were lathered with pigments or that she was on the floor in an uncomfortable position, all that mattered to her was that her child was crying and she needed to console him.
      Vanathi took madhu in her hands and holded him close to her. He fitted so perfectly in her arms. His little head was resting on her shoulder as she slowly tapped his back, slowly cooing him. Someone had called Aamani from some other hallway so she had to go. She started to walk away but not before giving the mother and son duo an adoring look.
      Vanathi kept holding him. She could see the whole city below the palace starting to light up more than ever. Children's laughter, the smell of delicious delicacies cooking in the palace kitchen and the city. She wanted to stop this moment and just be in it for a long time. Everything and everyone was happy and good. And that the happiness of her life was resting on her shoulders right now.
      A few minutes after Madhu had stoped crying, she felt someone's presence behind her. She felt scared when it came all to near her. And even more scared when it slowly slid it's hand around her waist through all her clothing.
   "Who are you?" She asked as she prepared to strike the man.
   "Do I need to introduce myself to you mam?" Said the man. Vanathi relaxed as she figured out who it was.
   "Yes mister" she said playing along with him
   "Hmmm.... Let me think.... I am your husband, the father of your child and most importantly I am and will always be your yaanai paagan." Arulmozhi replied, whispering the last part, while resting his chin on her free shoulder.
      A small giggle left her mouth as he did so. Both of her loves were resting on her shoulders. They stayed like this for some time.... Just enjoying the silence, Amv had to leave for a battle in a few days, so he was cherishing all these moments.
   "Aaya, we must get up now, the Pooja and programs will start now. Besides, people will start to look for us... Common, we must get up." Vanathi said while getting up. Amv looked unhappy at this, but, well, she was right .. wasn't she.
      After getting up, he stared at both of them as she fixed her dress, after sitting for so long. He always thought that what did he do to deserve such good and beautiful wife and child. His little tiger looked like him, but had inherited Vanathi's lotus like eyes. And... He was really mischievous. And he can say it confidently that he had inherited this mischievous behaviour from his father... Much to Vanathi's dismay.
      Vanathi looked up at him and caught him starting at her. She smiled to herself.
   "Do you want to hold him?"
   "Ha" Vanathi handed him Madhu and then both of them started to walk towards the mandir.
~~•~~ VV and Kundavai
( Plz read... IMP : So, not to offend anyone, I am not a tamillian, so I don't actually know what they do there during Diwali.... I tried to search from Google but to no avail. In Maharashtra, we have a thing called 'Abhyanga Snan' in which, on the main day of Diwali (Narak chaturdashi / laxmipoojan) we wake up early morning and lather us with oils, massage, then we bath with utna and moti soap, I wanted to do something with VV and Kun on Diwali so .... Here it is)
      "Aae will you stay still! " Vanathi said. It was the morning of Diwali and Kundavai and Vanathi were massaging Vanthyathevan before the bathe. They had just did the same thing with Ponniyin selvan before VV, he had been quite but now he was sitting in front of Vanthyathevan panting like he had ran till Singhala and back.
   "Are you trying to pull my hair out!" VV screamed as Kundavai oiled his hair rather.... Violently.
   "Shut up! Look at Thambi, he sat quietly when we were massaging him! Just stay still."
   "He is a good boy! And you both were gentle with him! And you both are treating me like I am a dirty cloth, and you are cleaning me alongside a river" After making this statement, Kundavai stoped abruptly. She bended down, came near his ear, and said:
   "Maybe you are a piece of cloth."
   "But I am your piece of cloth... Ain't I?" He replied turing his head to come face to face with her's.
   "Maybe you are right" she said in almost a whisper. Their faces were so close to each other.... That.... Well.... You get it.
      "Aaiyo Akka I am also here! Don't forget that you are infront of your thambi!" Arulmozhi shouted sensing where it was going. When he shouted this Kundavai got straight up with heat creeping up her face faster than anything. She quickly looked at her thambi who had covered his eyes with his hands, and had a traumatized look on his face. Vanathi had turned away from them and was standing with her hands on her eyes.
      "Aae! Overacting machines! Got awkward by just this? Do I need to remind you how madhu came in this world in the first place?" Kundavai asked knowing full well what effect this tease was going to have on them.
   "Akka" both of them them shouted, while emerging out of their respective hiding positions. Both of their faces were tomato red. I mean... More than tomato red.
      This reaction caused both Vanthyathevan and Kundavai to laugh out loud. They both were blushing so furiously, that Vanthyathevan thought that the couple might burst out of shyness. The rest of the festive day went like this. They were happy afterall! And ... Maybe... Teasing each other was the only this which the four of them did throughout that day. And we can just say, that the teasing went a big too far away till the night, as they went to sleep, stomach paining from all that laughing.
( A/N )
Happy/ Shubh Dipawali to all of you! Hope that you guys will have a nice and prosperous year ahead!
I know, I know, this isn't good, it may seem that I have fast forwarded a few things but I needed to post this within today while doing my Diwali chores too.... So... Sorry.
My Vacation has started and now that I have time, I have started writing Care p2, Away p4 and unexpected love p2 simultaneously. I am almost finished with Care p2, with more than 1000 words, it will be out till tomorrow or day after tomorrow. The others will come one by one. I am open to requests again, so feel free to tell me. The idea for this OS came in my mind 1-2 days ago, and have been written this since, this isn't much, but... I wrote it just for fun.
I hope that you guys liked this. Instances mentioned are from the book. If any confusion let me know! :)
Any suggestions and feedback appreciated.
∆ Requests Accepted ∆
_ All work is original. Do not copy _
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THURAIYUR THEN THIRUPPATHI ARULMIKU PRASANNA VENKATAJALAPATHI SWAMI - BRAMMOTSAVAM - YAANAI VAHANAM - PERUMAL MALAI ADIVARAM - TAMILNADU - INDIA - 30 MAY 2023 - துறையூர் தென் திருப்பதி அருள்மிகு பிரசன்ன வெங்கடாஜலபதி சுவாமி - பிரம்மோத்சவம் - யானை வாகனம் - பெருமாள்மலை அடிவாரம் - தமிழ்நாடு - இந்தியா - 30 மே 2023.
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thegleamingmoon · 1 year
Thanks to @thatacademic Akka/Sakhi for encouraging me to write this otherwise this would've remained half-written for ages lol.
Here we go,my first ever fic on PS
His precious jewel
'Thodudaya sevian
Vidai eriya’
At the odd hour of midnight,the Kodumbalur princess gently hummed the tune of the thevaaram by Sambandhar. Which she once had dedicated to her precious prince.
‘Thoo Venmathi soodi
Sudalai podi poosi
En ullam kava kalvan’
Melancholy filled her tunes as her thoughts travelled from Ilavarasar and Ilaiya Piratti to Poonguzhali and back to Ilavarasar and all the events that had transpired a few days before, filling her heart with sadness and more confusion.
A rich baritone male-voice called, breaking her chain of thoughts,as Vaanathi wondered about its familiarness until she looked up to find out it was very familiar indeed.
"What brings to the gardens at this odd hour of midnight,prince?”
The heart of the said prince, Arulmozhi broke a little as she chose to address him as someone distant, instead of being her usual chirpy self.
"I wanted to make some things clear,princess. He said,masking the emotions of hurt and concern behind his stern look.
The oath. Why did you take such an oath, Ilavarasi?" Without beating around the bush,he got straight to the point that had been bothering him quite a lot for the past few days.
“Why do you ask,prince?”
A sigh escaped from her lips as she chose not to look at the prince again and began to speak.
“I just declared what was there in my mind for a very long time. I could not bear the accusations that were hurled at me,rumours that were spread about me,about us. I could not find a better way to put an end to all that.”
“But I need not prove my love for you,Ilavarasae, for it has always been as vast and deep as the endless oceans. This life has taken almost everything away from me ,let it not take away my self-respect.”
Taking a deep breath,she continued.
“Ungal manathil enna irukiradhu endru puriyaamal ivalavu naatkal irundhuten. Inimel ippadi panna maten.”
( I could not understand the conflict of your mind,it will not happen hereafter )
Fighting back the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes,she started to go back to the palace when Arulmozhi held her hand,making her breath hitch and her feet stop in the tracks.
“En idhayathil yaar irukiradhu endru unakku theriyuma,Ilavarasi?”
( Do you know who's there in my heart, princess? )
“Nee mattum thaan”
(Its you and only you)
Holding her hand with a firm grip he pulled her slightly close to him.
“Aamam Vaanathi! Naan unnai vaanalavuku nesikkiren. Naan seidha thavaragalai mannipaayaa? Ennai Mannipaayaa? Sol iniyavale,yennai thirumanam seivaaya?"
( Yes Vaanathi! My love for you is as infinite as the sky. Will you forgive me for my mistakes? Will you forgive me? Oh dearest,will you marry me? )
To say that the Kodumbalur princess was shocked yet overjoyed at this unexpected confession would be an understatement. Her eyes,like lotus petals met his and all she saw was only his pure love towards her. Pristine and devoted like hers.
“Sammadham,Yaanai Paagaa!” She exclaimed,laughing through her tears which made the heart and eyes of the said mahout overflow with sheer happiness.
“Be my queen,Vaanathi. Be my beloved queen who would rule my soul,who would rule me! Just stay with me always and forever.”
“Forevermore,beloved! May you never leave my heart.”
And with that the tearful princess,overwhelmed with whatever was going on,hid herself in the secure embrace of the prince who treasured her in his arms as if she was an invaluable jewel. Which she was,his precious jewel.
Tags : @vibishalakshman @thatacademic @thelekhikawrites @chiyaanvikram @ragalata @nspwriteups @whippersnappersbookworm @rang-lo
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