#Yagi Antenna
eteily4 · 1 month
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gauricmi · 5 months
Comparing Different Types of Outdoor Antennas: Which One is Right for You?
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When it comes to choosing an outdoor antenna for your home, there are several options available, each with its own set of features and benefits. Understanding the differences between these types of outdoor antennas can help you make an informed decision about which one is best suited to your needs.
Yagi Antennas: Yagi antennas are among the most common types of outdoor antennas and are characterized by their long, narrow design with multiple elements arranged in a line. They are directional antennas, meaning they must be pointed in the direction of the broadcast tower to receive signals effectively. Yagi antennas are known for their high gain and long-range reception capabilities, making them ideal for areas with weak signal strength or distant broadcast towers.
Log-Periodic Antennas: Log-periodic antennas are another popular choice for Outdoor Antenna installations. Unlike Yagi antennas, which have a single directionality, log-periodic antennas have a broader beamwidth, allowing them to receive signals from multiple directions simultaneously. This omnidirectional capability makes log-periodic antennas well-suited for areas with multiple broadcast towers or where signal strength varies.
Multi-Directional Antennas: Multi-directional antennas are designed to receive signals from multiple directions without the need for precise aiming. They typically feature a compact, square or rectangular design and are ideal for urban or suburban areas where broadcast towers may be located in different directions. Multi-directional antennas offer versatility and ease of installation, making them a popular choice for residential applications.
Parabolic Grid Antennas: Parabolic grid antennas consist of a grid-shaped reflector dish with a central feed antenna, similar to satellite dishes. They are highly directional antennas with a narrow beamwidth, making them suitable for long-range reception in rural or remote areas. Parabolic grid antennas offer excellent gain and signal focusing capabilities but require precise alignment with the broadcast tower for optimal performance.
Get More Insights On This Topic: Outdoor Antenna
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rfantennaindia · 11 months
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antennaexperts · 1 year
How Does an Antenna Work?
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Antenna is used widely in the telecommunication field, military operations, and other applications. It gets an electromagnetic wave and converts it into electric signals. Some antennas receive electric signals and radiate them as electromagnetic waves. A simple radio antenna is a long straight rod. Many indoor TV antennas take the form of a dipole that is divided into 2 pieces and folded horizontally. Numerous outdoor TV antennas have more than one dipole with a central supporting rod. The different types of antenna designs include parabolic satellite dishes and circular loops of wire.
Generally, the waves emitting at the antenna from a transmitter are the same in any shape of the antenna. Different patterns of dipoles help to concentrate the signals for easy detection. This effect can be increased by adding many unconnected dummy dipoles called reflectors and directors. These dipoles bounce the signals over the actual receiving dipoles. This is similar to boosting the signals and picking weaker signals better than a simple antenna. We will further discuss the working of different kinds of antennas and the science behind their working. We will also discuss the various types of antennas and their different properties.
Important Features of Antennas
An Antenna contains many important features such as:
The gain of an antenna is a technical measurement and the amount at which the signals are boosted. Television will pick up a poor signal without an antenna plugged in. Metal cases and other components pick up some kinds of signals by default. You need to add a proper directional antenna to gain better signals.
The gain of an antenna is often measured in decibels (DB). You will receive a better reception with a bigger gain. Outdoor antennas work more effectively than outdoor antennas.
Dipole is very directional and picks up incoming radio waves traveling at right angles to them. The telescopic antenna on an FM radio is less directional when the signals are strong. If the telescopic antenna is pointed straight upward, it will capture good signals from any direction.
AM antenna in the radio is very directional. While using AM, you will need to swivel the radio until it picks up strong signals. Highly directional antennas give ample benefits such as reduction in interference from unwanted sources or signals.
 The bandwidth of an antenna refers to the frequency range on which it works perfectly. Broader bandwidth gives a greater range of radio waves. Broad bandwidth will be more helpful in the case of television but not in other cases like satellite communications, telephones, or cell phones.
Different Kinds of Antennas
An antenna is a tool used for receiving and transmitting signals. It comes in various shapes, sizes, and features according to the needs of the customers. We will now discuss the different types of antennas and how they work.
1. Dipole Antenna
Dipole antennas normally contain 2 similar conductive elements like rods or metal wires. This kind of antenna includes odd and even modes. It contains a center-fed driven element to transmit and receive radio frequency energy. It is the simplest type of antenna containing a straight electric conductor made of metals like copper thereby making 2 poles.
The metal wire length is half of the highest wavelength in free space at the frequency operation. The conductive materials in the center of an antenna are divided through an insulator known as an antenna section. The RF voltage source is normally given to the middle of the Dipole Antenna. Voltage and current are then supplied via the 2 conductive elements to produce radio or electromagnetic signals. These signals are later radiated outside the dipole antenna. In the center of a dipole antenna, the voltage is minimum and current is maximum whereas the current is minimum and voltage is maximum at the two ends of an antenna.
2. Grid Parabolic Antenna
Grid antenna is a kind of parabolic antenna. It normally contains a reflector made from a grill of parallel wires or bars targeted in one direction that acts as a polarizing filter and a reflector. These antennas normally reflect linearly polarized radio waves with an electric field parallel to the grill elements. The spacing of the grid elements is frequently dependent and inversely proportional to the frequency.
Grid parabolic antenna has the highest weight ratio and strength. It is a very efficient antenna in which gain figures approach the theoretical maximum for the curved surface area. This antenna contains a full Parabolic reflector for a smooth digital communication system.
3. Yagi Antenna
The Yagi antenna was discovered by 2 Japanese scientists Shintaro Uda and Hidetsugu Yagi. It is a kind of directional antenna and is generally used in point-to-point communication. Yagi antenna radiates signals in one fixed direction. It includes a long transmission line with a single driven element containing two rods connected on any one side of the transmission lines.
This antenna contains a single reflector on one side of the transmission line and several parasite elements that act as directors. In Yagi antennas, the reflector is kept behind the driven element and is longer than the driven element. On the other hand, the director is kept on the front of the driven element and is shorter than the driven element. Normally, Yagi antennas have one reflector and multiple directors.
4. Satellite dish antenna
Dish Antenna are popular these days. They contain 2 major components namely parabolic shaped reflector and a low noise block down convertor. Parabolic dish gets electromagnetic signals from the satellite and focuses them on LNBF.
Final words
This is all about a High Gain Antenna with its working pattern, design and features. The working of every kind of antenna is almost similar with slight changes. These antennas are used in multiple applications from satellite communication to telephone lines. Many antenna manufacturers and dealers sell the different kinds of antennas online at affordable rates.
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ct-rfantennas · 2 years
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stormcallart · 2 years
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Baby Izuku the Menace ❤️
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Thinking about my robot oc who is a stevenson screen they let walk around. It doesnt have a name but it is. A stevenson screen that walks around
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kenzingmedia · 2 months
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andmaybegayer · 3 months
When you first learn about phased arrays or beamforming it's easy to be like wow, that's fucked, the net power output of this array is obviously limited by physics, but we can concentrate that energy in one place using interference which has the apparent effect of stealing energy from the low power parts of the field to add power to your high gain area, even though the antenna elements are physically separate and driven separately. It's not like normal antennas which have gain patterns thanks to their cool shapes, which is normal and good and not fucked.
But when you say that you will have the horrible realization that this is also how normal antennas work! A yagi-uda or helical antenna consists of an array of infinitesimal uniform emitters that are phased by space and time to produce non-uniform patterns! The energy is still being magically transported through the ether from one side of your antenna to the other! It's fucked! Everything is fields! Passive elements are insane! A yagi-uda is a bonkers piece of technology because it remotely drives the passive elements and that focuses the field along the axis. I want to get off Mr Huygens Wild Ride!
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heli-writes · 5 months
Between then and now, Part 2.
Part 2: The known in the unknown
Pairing: Toshinori Yagi x Reader
Summary: When a whirlwind affair between you and All Might was found out by his manager, it was made sure that no one ever knew about you or your relationship with All Might. Even twenty years later, Toshinori Yagi still thinks of you. His retirement leaves him lonely in a cold city apartment and he wonders what could’ve been. Maybe it’s time to rekindle? But is that what you want?
Disclaimers: -
Note: I finally found some time to work on this!
Heli’s Masterlist
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
The present day, Japan.
It feels weird walking the streets of your hometown again. It's been so long since you've been here. The city changed a lot since you've been wandering around these streets with your friends. While everything seems familiar, most things also feel unknown.
You wander the streets that once were so familiar to you. The TV store where you used to watch the latest hero news after school with your friends has been replaced with a multimedia store. The kiosk, where you and your brother bought sour candy and picture cards hoping to pull a Gran Torino or a Crimson Riot, is also long gone. However, there are some places that are still the same. There's still the library where you and your girls studied hard for your entrance exams to get into university. It's also where you had your first kiss, just behind the business administration section. 
Of course, the old university building is still the same. You can't remember how many tears of stress you've shed here and of course tears of joy on your graduation day. That's also where you've met All Might for the first time. He was invited as a guest of honor and had to give a speech to all the graduates. Similar to you who had to give a speech since you graduated summa cum laude. You remember of nervous you were that day.
*~*~*~ *~*
Twenty-two years ago, Japan.
Dear comrades-in-arms, teachers and parents, Today we celebrate the success of a new generation and the bright future... the bright future...
You keep mumbling to yourself going through your cards over and over again. You're sitting behind the stage you have to go on in a few minutes. You groan frustratedly. No matter how well you know the speech you've written, there is no way you will deliver it successfully. First of all, you're not a motivational speaker and second of all, you are way too nervous.
 „My, my, someone's nervous!“, a booming voice says right behind you and you jump up in your seat. 
When you turn around, you're met with the largest man you've ever seen. Of course, you know who he is. All might, an upcoming hero. He made quite the name for himself, especially during his time in America. The girls in your semester fawn over his good looks. Upon closer inspection, you think he looks quite silly. You mean that grin will haunt you in your nightmares. And what...
 „What's up with your hair?“, you blurt out before you can stop yourself.
All Might's creepy smile disappears for a second and he looks stunned but as quickly as it disappears, as quickly it returns. It seriously gives you IT-clown vibes.
 „Whatever do you mean? Do you not like my hair, dear citizen?“, he asks you in his perfect-practiced hero voice. You think he sounds fake.
„Uhm, no, I don't.“, you tell him. Again, you don't really think when you answer him.
Now, All Might is taken aback.
 „Oh, really? I-i mean you don't find it flashy?“, he says in his normal voice. You're surprised at how timid and soft-spoken he sounds.
 „No.“, you tell him with a pointed look.
 „Oh, well, alright. That's a first.“, he mumbles.
You turn fully towards him. You look up at him crossing your arms.
 „Really? No one told you before that it looks like the antennae of an insect? You know, like a cockroach?“, you explain bluntly.
All Might stares at you stunned for a few seconds before starting to laugh. It's not his booming hero laugh, but an honest one. You think it suits him better than the laugh you've heard on TV.
 „You sure are an honest one.“, he tells you wiping the side of his eye.
You shrug. „Should I be dishonest instead? Sounds like a villain's trait.“, you point out. All Might gives you that pretty laugh again. 
„I suppose that's true.“, he agrees with you.
There's a moment of silence. Suddenly, the speaker on stage announces you and your speech. Surprisingly, you don't feel nervous anymore. It's probably because you don't have to go on stage with a cockroach hairstyle. Your hair is perfectly styled by the hairstylist your father paid for. 
 „Break a leg.“, All Might encourages you and gives you two thumbs-up. You give him a smile before going on stage and delivering your speech.
Your speech went well that day. Your parents were proud of you and your mother even cried a little. After the formal celebration and dinner with your family, you celebrate with your friends. Needless to say, all of you are absolutely plastered by the end of the night.
That might be the reason you don't remember much about All Might's speech. Something about being a hero in your own story or so. 
What you do remember is the way he laughs when he finds something truly funny.
~*~*~*~ *~*
The present day, Japan.
You smile fondly at the memory. You've been so deep in thought that you didn't notice how far your legs have taken you. You shake your head trying to push the thoughts out of your head and to gain a sense of reality. Right, food!, you tell yourself.
It's been so long since you've been here last, you don't really know where a supermarket is. A quick Google search later, you're finally on your way with a fixed destiny. Luckily, the city's big and so there are plenty of stores to choose from. 
You end up getting more things than you initially planned. Having to get all the essentials from salt to butter, your bags are stuffed full. You drag them with you, trying to find the fastest way home. Unfortunately for you, the streets you once knew like the back of your hand faded in your memory. While you were confident that you'd find your way back home without Google Maps, you're not so sure anymore. Actually, you're lost.
Since the bags are getting heavy on your shoulders, you decide to find a bench to sit down for a moment. Maybe also check the map to see where you should actually be heading. Eventually, you find a map and plop down with a heavy groan. Your back isn't what it used to be. You're still denying it but you can't help but notice little things about your body that changed. Your back is one thing.
Once you've caught your breath, you realize what's in front of you. You ended up in a little square and in the middle of the square, there is a giant golden All Might statue. You almost burst out laughing. I forgot they have these in Japan. They really do worship him, you think to yourself. It's really comical to you. How the people of Japan look up to him like he's a god that became human. It's probably you know that he is in fact very human.
In contrast to everybody else, you know what his hair looked like in the morning. You know how the skin on top of hot milk makes him gag. How he laughs at his own burps. How his face looks like when he's intimate with someone. You know how he cries.
~*~*~*~ *~*
Twenty years ago, Japan.
 „Y-y/n... I don't know what to say.“
You stare past his face. You look at the rising sun behind the skyline that can be seen from Tashinor's apartment. You can't look at him. Tears are already about to spill out of your eyes. You know there's no stopping if you look at him now. 
You feel his large hand brushing your arm. „Say something.“, he begs. You can hear his own tears in his voice.
You feel the water in your eyes overflowing. Quickly you turn around so that he doesn't see. „What do you want me to say? We've argued all night. I think everything has been said.“, you point out.
There's silence behind you. You can hear him sigh. Now he's probably brushing his hand over his face. He always does this when he's stressed or upset.
 „I love you.“, he says quietly. You let out a choked laugh.
 „Not enough, apparently.“, you tell him. It drips in a harsh bitterness that's rarely in your mouth.
 „Don't be like that.“, Toshinoris says pointedly. He almost sounds annoyed. It makes you angry. You twirl around.
 „Like what? Hurt?“, you say sharply. You don't mean to attack him. You don't mean to start arguing again. You've been at it all night. Both of you know that there is no room for conversation anymore. However, no one is ready to let it rest. Because you probably know that the decision's made and if you go now, nothing will ever be the same anymore. To keep arguing right now is to keep holding on for a little while longer.
 „I don't want to hurt you.“, he says quietly. You sigh. You look at him defeatedly. 
 „I know.“, you whisper back at him. He takes a step closer to you and engulfs you in a big hug.
 „I know no words I can say can make it better. You're right. I hurt you. I choose my career over you. I know it's unfair and cruel of me but you also need to understand that my hands are tied. I can't back out now. I've come too far and too many people rely on me.“, he tells you.
You press your face into his chest. You don't want to hear this. You know this. There is no need to repeat it again.
 „Hey, look at me.“, Toshinori says and puts his index finger under your chin making you raise your head. You look at him with teary eyes. His heart aches to see you like this.
The two of you have been sneaking around for almost a year now. Given the nature of his job, he's never been one for serious, long-term relationships. This is the longest he's ever been with someone before. His mind is made up but it doesn't mean he's happy about it.
He loves you, he really does. It's like he didn't realize just how much he loves you until he was about to end it. Kanno's been putting pressure on him ever since finding out and after you've been almost caught by paparazzi last week, he knows it's time.
Gently, he brushes his hand through your hair. He leans forward and presses a soft kiss onto your forehead. You feel yourself melt against him. It's like you can't stay angry at him. He pushes his hand deeper into your hair, scratching the skin lightly. Meanwhile, he pushes your chin further up and meets your lips in a soaring kiss.
You kiss each other hungrily. Instinctively, you wrap your arms around Toshinori's neck. Toshinori's hand wanders down to your hip and pulls it against his own. You almost groan into the kiss. 
You need to stop. This won't be good for either of you. You try pushing him away but he's bigger and stronger than you and his lips are so, so soft on yours. It won't take long until you give in to him. You always do. 
It's probably why you also gave into continuing to work for him in America. That and the prospect of someday. That someday you can transfer back to Japan. That someday, when the buzz around him slows down and he can come back to you.
It's just that that day never came.
~*~*~*~ *~*
The present day, Japan.
Your eyes still get glossy when you think about that night. Embarrassed, you wipe ferociously at your eyes. How silly, you haven't seen that man in twenty years. You don't even know what kind of person he is today. 
Of course, you've seen the fight at Kamino Ward. Actually, because of the time difference you didn't see it live. You saw the news after you had woken up and then spent the next hour in front of your screen. You were late for work that morning.
It was heartbreaking to watch. You remember being shocked to see him like that on your phone in the dusk light of your bedroom. It was what everybody talked about at the office that day. Everybody was shocked. People were worried about the security and stability of Japan. Meanwhile, you were worried about the man you once loved.
You assumed Toshinori eventually would have to retire. Eventually, everyone gets old. You're surprised that he held onto his job for as long as he did. He did have some brutal fights during his career, they must've left some permanent damage.
You take a deep sigh. It's ridiculous how nostalgic this city makes you feel. It's been only one morning, you keep drifting off indulging in reminiscences. Suddenly, your stomach rumbles. Right, of course, that's why you went out in the first place. Also, you probably should get your groceries into a fridge soon.
Quickly, you look at your phone figuring out your route back home. You see Takeo sent you a message with a picture but you decide to open it once you're home. You just hope he didn't manage to burn down his dorm already.
~*~*~*~ *~*
Japan, the same day.
After a longer way home than anticipated, you finally make it back. After a hearty meal, you finally check your son's message. It's a picture of him and his new roommate setting up a picnic on campus. You're sure they keep the alcohol bottles out of sight. You have to laugh and roll your eyes. You remember how it was for you to move into your first apartment. Unlike your son, you moved out of your parents' home only after you graduated from uni. You've missed out on a lot of things because of that. You've never had a roommate and your parents rarely let you go out to party. 
You send your son a selfie of yourself in the middle of cardboxes to which he only responds 'Get to work, mom! ;)'. You sigh deeply and lock your phone. He's right, you need to tackle these boxes. Your new job starts on Monday and by then you'd like to be settled into your new home. 
You start with the kitchen boxes first. In your head, they're the easiest to unpack. The layout of the kitchen kind of already tells you what goes where. You already dread the junk boxes in which all kinds of stuff are that have no real place. Considering your limited furniture, those will be the hardest to tidy up. 
You try to get around these boxes by unpacking the bedroom and bathroom boxes next. You take your time with your clothes. You've already sorted through your clothes before you got here and you got rid of a great amount of them. You gave some old clothes you don't wear anymore to the charity shop. However, there are some clothes you can't get rid of. Like the T-shirt you gave birth into. Or that old blazer you wore to your interview at All Might's hero agency. 
You can't help but to try on these random clothes. Before you know it you're standing in sweatpants, Takeo's birth T-shirt and the old blazer in front of your mirror. You almost laugh at how ridiculous that combination looks on you. Carefully, you stroke over the black fabric of your blazer thinking back to your interview that changed the course of your life.
~*~*~*~ *~*
Twenty-two years ago, Japan.
 „So, Miss l/n, what would you say is your biggest weakness?“
Nervously, you shift in your seat. You really don't know how you ended up in this seat. Looking back at it, it was probably an act of rebellion. After your graduation, your father secured a job for you at his company. He didn't even bother to ask you whether or not you wanted to work for him. It made you mad. You tried to talk to him but he always just brushed you off. 
 Since he never gave you a real job offer and you never really accepted a job at his company or signed a contract, you took matters into your own hands. You applied to many different companies. Having a business administration degree, it was open to you in what kind of area and what kind of company you wanted to work for. You don't really know what you want to do with your life. So far, your life has been presented to you. Everything was planned and followed through. It's the first time in your life, you're deciding where things are going.
That being said, you applied to All Might's hero agency just because you could. You didn't really expect to hear back from them. Hundreds of well-educated people from Japan and abroad must've applied for this position. Then again, it was only an interview. One you didn't really prepare for since you did not take this application that seriously anyway.
„Miss l/n?“, the interviewer in front of you asks again.
You're ripped out of your thoughts. 
„E-excuse me, I've been thinking about an appropriate answer.“, you tell them. You take a deep breath.
„In all honesty, I probably have a lot of weaknesses. I'm a perfectionist. I can't drop a project until it's not only done but done perfectly. That can be time-consuming and sometimes I get lost in details. I'm also a people pleaser. I don't like having conflict with others so I always try to avoid it or try to mediate if I get involved in it against my will.“, you tell the three interviewers in front of you.
The interviewers quickly scribble something in their notes. You're trying not to stare at their papers. You really want to know what they're writing down about you.
 „Would you say that, despite these weaknesses, you're still able to stand your ground and make your opinion heard?“, the other interviewer asks.
 „Well, it sure doesn't come naturally to me. However, I grew up in a family of businessmen. You learn from an early age to stay your ground.“, you tell them.
The third interviewer goes through your application portfolio.
 „Right... you wrote that your father works in finances. I actually do recognize your name...“, the interviewer trails off. The other two take a look at your portfolio as well and exchange knowing looks.
You shift in your seat. You hoped this wouldn't come up. You wanted to get your first job due to your own skills and the impressions you leave behind. Not because of your family.
Luckily the interviewers don't dwell on this for long and continue with their standardized interview questions. You're glad when they're finally done. When they let you go and call in another candidate, the others, that are still waiting for their interview, start bombarding you with questions.
 „How was it?“, „What kind of questions did they ask?“, „Is All Might there too?“
Your head is still swirling from the interview, so you give them some half-assed answers. Quickly you stumble towards the elevator and press the button energetically. The moment the doors open, you quickly scramble inside. You start going through your back trying to find your deodorant. You've sweat so much, other people must smell you from five meters away.
 „Exciting day today?“, a voice says behind you.
Oh no. No. No. You must be kidding me!, you think to yourself. You turn around in slow motion and there he is. Standing in front of you in full size. He's a lot bigger than you remember.
 „A-all Might...“, you stutter.
 „Oh... wait! I never forget a face. We met before, didn't we?“, he says cheerily.
You feel cold sweat drip down your neck. Oh hell no, your potential new boss can't possibly remember the last time you saw him. You feel absolutely mortified. Meanwhile, All Might crooks his head and stares at you intensely.
 „Oh, you must be mista-...“, you start but get interrupted by the much larger hero. He snaps his fingers and his eyes light up in recognition.
 „Now, I know! You're the one who called me a cockroach!“, he says triumphantly. He grins and seems to be very pleased by the fact that he remembers you.
At the same time, you're face falls. Your mouth hangs open. Apparently, this is happening.
 „I did not!!“, you exclaim before you can find a polite way to tell him he must confuse you with someone.
All Might snaps his fingers again and gives you another grin.
 „So, it is you!“, he booms. You feel your face heat up.
 „Sir, with all due respect, I did not call you a cockroach!“, you defend yourself. You really didn't.
 „Oh, right, just my hair.“, he contemplates.
You're not sure what to say at that. He's right. You did say that. But to be fair it was during a very vulnerable moment. Your face must look like a tomato by now.
 „I'm very sorry if that offended you. I didn't mean it in a demeaning way.“, you try to save your neck.
 „So cockroaches are a good thing?“, he teases you. You think about that for a moment.
 „W-well, they sure are a success of evolution. I mean nothing can kill these guys. So, in a way, they are like you...“, you trail off. 
All Might gawks at you and you realize what you just said. Now you actually compared him to a cockroach.
 „Y-you know, because no villain can defeat you...“, you add a bit more quiet. You look at your shoes embarrassedly. I guess there goes any chance of getting that job, you think.
Then, All Might lets out that gorgeous laugh again that you remember. And he can't seem to stop laughing. Embarrassed, you stand next to him. You're even more embarrassed when the elevator door opens again and one of the interviewers is standing in front of you. 
You shrink under the man's gaze while All Might tries to catch his breath. 
 „All Might, has this woman been bothering you? I can assure you, we can exclude her from the ongoing applicant selection.“, the man says cooly.
All Might wipes the side of his face and turns to you. „You applied for the assistant position?“, he asks you. You can only nod at that. He turns back to the interviewer.
 „Hire her, Kanno-san!“
~*~*~*~ *~*
The present day, Japan.
Eventually, you put your clothes away and start tackling those junk boxes that you've been avoiding all day. You manage to find a place for most things. Also, you christen your new junk drawer by shoving all things you don't find a new place for in said drawer.
Most of the boxes are empty now. You fold them and put them into the hallway so you can take them out tomorrow. The only boxes left now are the boxes filled with pictures. Carefully, you open the box. There are some picture frames you still need to hang on the wall. There's Takeo on his first day of kindergarten. There's you and Takeo under a Christmas tree in your house in America. And there's Takeo and you just a few months ago when he graduated high school. 
Takeo graduated at the age of nineteen. He's been held back a year because his English was too bad. At least that's what his teachers told you. Of course, you spoke Japanese with him at home but you don't think that was the reason he was held back. The truth is that Takeo was a sensitive child. It didn't help that he was born without a quirk. It was an invitation to others to pick on him.
You remember that he cried a lot during his first year in school. Other children's quirks manifested already in kindergarten. During the first year of primary school, he still held onto hope that his quirk would present eventually. Still, he already got dubbed quirkless. He also was the only Asian kid in class. And the only kid with a single working mother. You got lucky and found a job quite fast after quitting All Might's agency. However, it required you to move to a suburban area. A lot of the other mothers lead a more traditional life with being married and having multiple kids. Also, most of them were white. So, similar to your son, you didn't make many friends.
People respected you since you had a job at a well-respected hero agency. You also tried to get involved in the local community. But it was hard to bond with the other women over mac and cheese and the Superbowl barbeque when you don't really care for American football or food that you never ate before coming to the USA.
It was hard on your son too. He tried to fit in. Tried to play with the other kids. However, he couldn't keep up with them when they had quirk competition or went to the park throwing baseballs with their dads.
It probably was during that first year of primary school when Takeo asked for the first time where his dad was because „I must have one“, as he put it. Of course, you knew this question would eventually come. However, you still weren't prepared. You gave him a speech on how sometimes things don't work out the way you want them to and that you're still very happy to be his mom.
Back then, that was enough. The conversation came up a couple of times later. Especially during his early teen years, these talks became more heated. Partly that was your fault because you gave only very vague answers about your son's origin. However, as he grew up, he must've accepted it or understood that his father's absence was not your choice.
After you've put up the picture frames, you send Takeo another picture of your now neat apartment. In response, he sends a picture of his dorm room which already looks like a mess. You roll your eyes before putting your phone away again. 
Only then you notice how the sun already started to set. You sigh before getting up and cook yourself some dinner. 
~*~*~*~ *~*
The present day, Japan, the other side of Musutafu.
Instant Ramen, once again. 
Toshinori pours the hot water into the plastic pot. He really shouldn't eat this stuff anymore. Ever since his stomach injury, he has trouble digesting processed food. He can't help it though. He never learned how to cook healthy food for himself. And these days he's too tired to make anything else than something quick and easy. Toshinori sets a five-minute-timer before plopping down on his couch.
Staring at the ceiling, he massages his temples. It still feels unreal to him how quickly his body deteriorated. Only a couple of years ago, he handled a full schedule with no problems. Now, a mere day at school wears him down like this. He stares at the ceiling until the timer goes off. 
He eats his ramen cup in front of the TV show. There aren't any shows that really interest him so he keeps skipping channels. After his dinner, he grades a few more papers and then goes to bed. Before the light's off, he scrolls through his phone a bit. With his private account, he follows young Midoriya. He likes a post of him and his classmates having a movie night in the dorms. He thinks back to his own school days. He remembers already being so focused on his hero career in High School that he only had a few friends during his time at school. The only time he truly enjoyed his youth was during his time in America. David introduced him to college life and made sure that Toshinori visited his fair share of frat parties.
Sometimes he wonders what it would've been like if he met you back then. When he wasn't already an established figure in the hero society. When he was just Toshinori most of the time. He could've gotten to know you as himself. It's not that you never got to know the real Toshinori. You did. Sometimes he thinks that you're the only one who got to know the real him after Shimura-sensei.
He closes social media and puts his phone on his nightstand. He turns on his uninjured side to sleep but he feels restless. After a couple of minutes, he gives up. It's something you always used to scold him for. „You're too impatient, Toshi. You need to give your body and mind to calm down a bit after a long day.“, you probably would say. 
Toshinori gets up and walks over to his balcony. He pushes the sliding door open and takes in a breath of fresh night air. He steps outside barefoot. That's another thing y/n would scold me for, he thinks. He walks over to the railing. A soft breeze lifts up his shirt and he peers down the balcony into the dark void beneath. Only a few streetlights illuminate the empty street below. He leans back again and watches the skyline in front of him. 
He remembers all the nights he couldn't sleep before. After a long villain fight when the adrenaline in his veins kept him from sleeping. Or after a big media event when his brain overflowed with impressions and thoughts and he just couldn't find any rest. There were nights that were easier to handle and those that were not. The easier ones usually were connected to you.
Part of him wished you were here right now. Joining him on the balcony only a few minutes after he slid out of bed. Wrapping your delicate arms around him from the back. Leaning your face against his back, softly whispering: „What's on your mind, Toshi?“.
He runs a hand through his hair. What is on his mind? He's not sure. Nothing out of the ordinary happened today. And yet, he feels so restless. Maybe it's because he's not used to this. This... calmness. All his life, there always was something. Even when there was nothing, he was on call just waiting for something to happen. And it always did. Now there really is nothing. No emergencies, no villains to fight, no nothing. Well, actually, that was all still happening but it's not like he could do anything about it. Not in his quirkless state. Which sucks even more. Seeing all the fights and emergencies on TV and not being able to do anything about it. 
Toshinori shivers. It's getting cold outside and he's only wearing a thin pyjama. He takes a last look at the illuminated city before slipping back inside. Pulling on the curtains, he blends out the city and its villains, heroes and all emergencies that are not his responsibility anymore.
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yokowan · 10 months
the yagi-uda antenna has evolved a fascinating display structure: it has several fake "decoy" antennas that trick the radio waves into thinking there is a large flock of dipole antennas, which scare the radio waves into flying in one direction. this is how it achieves its very high directionality. isn't biology amazing!
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senkusphone · 11 months
Dr. Stone chapter 1D Trivia post
Spoilers ahead
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We knew there was a slippery slope but we didn't know which one it was.
First things first, as we saw, Kaseki was not dead after all, and neither was Francois.
This clears things from chapter 232.5 (Dr. Stone Terraforming) where Kaseki was not shown at all, and although Francois was shown to be at the plane at the moment of the crash, they were never shown to be rescued.
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We do get a glimpse at Senku throughout his lifetime (hypothetically at least). The pictured time machine, just like the large one they are building, features the telltale disk from the movie "The time machine" (duh) from 1960, based on a novel by H.G. Wells, written in 1895.
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We also see him using a bunch of yagi antennas again, as well as a small satellite dish, all pointed in different directions in his homebrew setup, perhaps in an attempt to catch the signal regardless of which direction it's coming from. A concern I've heard is why would Byakuya contact Senku's future attempt but not the one from his childhood, and the answer likely boils down to the technology. As Xeno said they used a specialized detector to spot tiny bursts of petrification beam
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I am not sure what such a detector might entail, but since the petri beam involves a flash of light, perhaps something like a photomultiplier tube could do it, as they can detect individual photons
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The Tokyo Sky Tree is a radio tower, housing a restaurant and an observation deck, it is also the tallest manmade structure in Japan with a height of 634 meters, or 532.7 times the canon height of Suika in chapter 178.
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Here it looks like they've drawn the wrong design for the medusa capsule, this one has a speaker on the inside like the original that was sent to the moon, whereas once whyman was discovered, they changed the design to one with a small antenna in its place, and a speaker/microphone on the outside for them to communicate.
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This is what I feel like in university
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Yes we are
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next up, energy
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1.21 Exawatts has no basis I know of other than being a reference to the 1.21 Gigawatts used by the time machine from Back to the Future. 1 exawatt = 1000000000 gigawatts, so I guess Dr. Brown's machine was actually very fuel efficient.
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The (exa)watt is technically not a unit of energy but rather of the rate of energy transfer (or how fast energy's being delivered in layman's terms).
I assume he means (exa) watt-hours, a multiple of the watt-hour, which is an energy unit handy for working with electricity calculations. This amount of energy is equivalent to a bit shy of 900000 megatons of TNT. However, if you could capture 100% of the sun's output (and I mean all of it, a la dyson sphere, not just what hits the earth, and with 100% efficiency) and store it, you could collect that amount of energy in just under 30 seconds. This amount is also probably larger than the consumption of humanity over the last 60 years. It is in fact larger than the energy consumed wordwide between 1800 and 2010 by a factor of about two, going from adding and converting the data here.
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Helium 3 is an isotope of helium with a nucleus made of 2 protons and 1 neutron (unlike normal helium which consists of 2 and 2 of each).
Because it's a very light gas, it tends to float away from the earth and get swept off into space much like regular helium does, and it is believed that larger amounts of it will be available on the moon, where it is formed naturally in a slow but steady supply when natural lithium is bombarded with neutrons from cosmic rays. Helium 3 can theoretically function as fuel in a fusion reactor, having the advantage that it does not release neutrons in the reaction, meaning it does not bombard other materials inside the reactor making them radioactive (and He-3 is not radioactive itself either).
The big issues are its low availability and the fact that a reactor for this fuel would need even higher temperatures than the reactors we are experimenting with today, and we are barely starting. On that note, Tsukasa eating chip
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These robots are very strange, they walk on their claws, only having wheels at the back and carrying what looks a lot like an old time minecart. If anyone knows what the name Johnny 7 might be referring to, let me know. So far I can see that there was a sentient robot named Johnny 5 in the 1986 film Short Circuit, which looked like this.
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I could also note that the robots have "Battery A" and "Battery B" noted on them.
It might just be a coincidence, but I like to think it might be a nod to an early project in the series, the cellphone.
The cellphone had two battery packs, the lead acid pack to run the vacuum tube filament, and Gen's manganese battery pack, which ran the tube anode. Historically these two battery packs were designated "A" and "B".
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For the record this is also the reason you can buy AAA, AA, C, and D size cells, but no B batteries. Those batteries used to exist, but they don't anymore, since the equipment they powered is long obsolete. Next up, Chrome has a flashback to Ruri's flashback.
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Kirisame's headpiece has reverted to the seldom seen spiral horn version, she is most typically seen with the one shaped like cat ears.
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Next up:
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No, I will not apologise
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This does not seem to be the same restaurant mentioned in chapter 43, though I guess it could have changed, since Senku seems older (might it be the restaurant in the sky tree?)
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Also Senku puts on Byakuya's coat that was on the back of his chair.
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Speaking of chapter 43...
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Ukyo is not well
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It's no longer Nanami Corp, it's just Ryusui
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To conclude, my take on what is happening
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It's been hinted multiple times that we may see the involvement of alternate timelines, which comes as an answer to the occurence of a paradox if Senku were to travel back in time or even just contact himself. The title of the chapter comes to echo this. Higher dimensions have been a bit of a popular topic lately with people making games in four dimensions, etcetera. This however is not that by the looks of it, the fourth dimension mentioned would be an additional time dimension, which can be interpreted as the existence of convergent or divergent timelines. One of the less obvious things that remain to be seen is how Byakuya (or someone pretending to be him) knew when and where to contact someone in a different timeline. We also don't know where in time they are located. It is assumed at first that the incoming message is from the future but if we are dealing with a parallel universe it may as well be coming from the past or even be coming in in "real time" (as if such concepts of relative time held up in multidimensional time).
Suika cute pose
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puddinginthemix · 1 year
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Big MHA reveal: Toshinori Yagi actually was born with a quirk, albeit an extremely useless one. Its name is Inevitable Hair Antennae
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rfantennaindia · 11 months
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868MHz 15dBi Yagi Antenna Manufacturers in India 2023
A 868MHz 15dBi Yagi antenna is a specific type of directional antenna designed for wireless communication in the 868 MHz frequency band. Yagi antennas are known for their high gain and directional properties, which allow them to focus their signal reception and transmission in a specific direction. Here's what each part of the name signifies:
868 MHz: This part indicates the operating frequency of the antenna. In this case, it's designed to work in the 868 MHz frequency range, which is commonly used for various wireless communication applications, including certain types of wireless data transmission, industrial monitoring, and IoT (Internet of Things) devices.
15dBi: The "15dBi" represents the antenna's gain. Gain is a measure of an antenna's ability to focus its signal in a particular direction. A 15dBi gain signifies that this Yagi antenna has relatively high gain and can provide significant signal amplification in the direction it is pointed. It is considered a high-gain antenna.
Yagi Antenna: A Yagi antenna is a specific antenna design characterized by its array of elements. It typically consists of a driven element (the actual antenna), one or more reflectors, and one or more directors. This design helps achieve high gain and directionality.
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antennaexperts · 1 year
Types of Wireless Antennas and Their Uses
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The antenna is important in offices and homes to generate radio waves and send information through the air. The antenna comes in various kinds for residential and commercial areas. Different kinds of antennas have different tasks to perform after installation.
Every antenna is different from another in terms of size, weight, materials, output, and so on. Let us further discuss the various types of wireless antenna in this blog.
Main types of antennas
The antenna comes in 3 types: omnidirectional, semi-directional, and highly directional. Now, we will discuss the different types of antennas in the further section:
1. Omnidirectional antenna
There are numerous options for a good Wi-Fi antenna. Point-to-multipoint networks work better than omnidirectional antennas. In the case of point-to-multipoint networks, an omnidirectional antenna is required. On the other hand, the point-to-point network will require a directional antenna to be mounted on the rooftop of a central building.
Omnidirectional antennas emit signals in a spherical shape. They emit signals in a shape similar to an electric bulb in your home. Apart from that, omnidirectional antennas are also used in various applications such as vehicles and uncharted areas. They are even used to broadcast a hotspot from one point to another.
This antenna radiates radio frequency in every direction. It will radiate RF signal similar to a theoretical isotropic radiator. Besides, the omnidirectional antennas can also be placed in the center of multiple client devices to offer central communications capabilities to nearby clients. Moreover, an omnidirectional antenna is perfect for large commercial buildings and residential complexes.
2. Directional antenna
A directional antenna is another good option for homes and offices. It reduces interference that causes weak or slow internet connections. It can minimize interference in areas with many devices.
The benefits of directional WiFi antennas over omnidirectional antennas are as under:
·       Installation process
It is simple to install an omnidirectional antenna. It has a radiation pattern of 360 degrees and can work with different kinds of cellular base stations. Apart from that, the directional antennas also have a lower gain and greater redundancy. Directional antennas work better for roaming in various cells.
A directional antenna is widely used in boats, RVs, and detached buildings. It reduces interference from all directions. Your intended use must be kept in mind while choosing a directional WiFi antenna.
A common example of a directional antenna is a mobile adapter or Wi-Fi router. These antennas work generally at a two to nine dBi gain. It can be used as a center antenna of a hub and spoke system. Directional antennas come in various types. The most popular kinds of directional antennas are single or dual-band antennas that suit everyone’s needs and specifications.
3. Semi-directional antenna
The next type of antenna is the semi-directional antenna. As the name suggests, the antennas are developed to emit RF signals in a specific direction. They are generally used for point-to-point communication.
A semi-directional antenna is used for short to medium-distance communication indoors and outdoors. The working of a semi-directional antenna emits RF signals similar to a street lamp shining on the road. Semi-directional antennas are used in a campus-like environment as they offer a network bridge between 2 buildings.
The major types of semi-directional antennas are Panel and Yagi antennas. Panel antennas are also known as Patch antennas and are used indoors to radiate into the forward space. They are used in places such as warehouses, buildings with long hallways, libraries, hospitals, and retail stores.
A patch or panel antenna is placed at a high point on the wall aiming between the rows of shelving. This antenna has a horizontal beam width of 180 degrees or less. It covers maximum coverage outside the environment. Semi-directional antennas reach where an omnidirectional antenna cannot reach.
4. Highly directional antenna
The third type of RF wireless antenna is a highly directional antenna. It is used in long-distance point-to-point communication. This kind of antenna is used to fill the network gaps between 2 buildings that are put far apart.
These antennas have high gain and offer a narrow beam width. They work like a spotlight shining in a specific direction. The main types of highly directional antennas are Grid and Parabolic (Dish) antennas. Grid parabolic antenna look similar to TV dish antennas and they are large. Grid antennas differ in size and they look like a grill and are developed for outdoor environments with higher winds.
One of the major types of highly directional antenna is the Sector antenna. Sector antennas contain some highly directional antennas placed back-to-back and they work together to offer omnidirectional coverage.
Each antenna offers a pie-shaped coverage pattern. Sector antennas are mounted at high points on the terrain and tilted slightly downwards with a tilt of every antenna at an appropriate angle for the terrain. The other side’s signal is wasted up in the air. This is the reason why sector antennas cover larger areas and zones. Sector antennas have greater throughput than omnidirectional antennas. They are usually used in cell phone coverage and sports venues.
Is antenna required when you have Wi-Fi?
Wi-Fi antennas give faster internet connection and cover large surroundings. They are found in laptops and computers but don’t work with these devices. Wi-Fi antennas are available like an USB adapter for any PC with the help of USB port. This adapter increases internet speed and stability while it keeps the system running.
Both directional and non-directional WiFi antennas can be chosen for a home or office. Yagi Antenna is a very common type of Wi-Fi antenna. It has a radiation pattern of 45 degrees. Mini-panel antennas are low-profile options that improve WIFI in the indoor areas.
Final words
These are the major types of wireless antennas. Every type of antenna has advantages and drawbacks. The omnidirectional antenna provides general coverage and is affordable. A directional antenna is one of the best options for gaining signals to a specific area. You must know the basics of Wi-Fi antennas before buying an antenna.
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ok i know all these antennas and dishes were probably just drawn randomly but can you play with me in this space for a minute i want to speculate. for fun
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these two antennas on the left are pretty clearly yagi uda antennas (ones even drawn with enough detail that you can tell which way its pointing. drew a little arrow to show). yagis are very directional so since theyre both pointing in different directions i assume theyre being used for different things. they have all kinds of applications but its my post so im going to blindly speculate and say well, if i was in panic mode i would probably want an easy way to communicate with my apocalypse bunker at the very least as a failsafe and well a yagi can work for that as long as its pointed in the right direction. as for other potential uses well i would probably also want to keep as ear out for local law enforcement since i assume portal operation has got to be breaking some kind of laws and once again you can use a yagi to do that. from what i understand its a little overkill considering how small gravity falls is but whatever itll work probably
as for the giant seti looking satellite dish after looking into a bit im actually pretty confident that this is an early tv dish, in the late 70s/early 80s satellite tv was kind of just starting out so thats just how big the dishes were apparently
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^ heres a picture of a commercially available satellite dish from around that time (which was going for over $30k in the early 70s btw... yikes) and the resemblance is really really close imo. person in the pic was interviewed about his setup in 1981, so the dates match up too. so despite the really dramatic scifi kind of look to such a huge dish i think the purpose of it was actually relatively mundane. it seems that programing was a bit limited at this point in time so im not sure what exactly hed be watching but who knows, maybe someone was broadcasting some scifi shows for him to keep up on
the tiny satellite dishes on the shacks roof are little bit more of a mystery to me since as previously mentioned tv dishes were fucking huge at this point so theyre definitely not for that. honestly i dont know a lot about parabolic antennas. might get back to this later
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