#Yamanaka Kotetsu
kyousukebei · 1 year
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5★ Larva/Tiamat (Alter Ego)
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ruslanan · 1 month
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1/2 shinobi
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x-emeraldsky-x · 9 months
Prompt - Only One Bed
Shikamaru groaned lightly as he walked to the village gate. Per Hokage's orders, he was tasked with housing one of the Hidden Sand's Jounin for a week, and as much of a drag it was, he was grateful only his father was home for the duration. He loved his mother dearly, but he had no intentions of hearing any talk, whether it was about dating, marriage or sex.
The very thought of bringing a woman to his mother shook him to his core, especially a woman like Temari. Temari was very forward, and often she'd lack a filter for the things she'd say. His mother quite easily took offense to things, and Temari's "I-Don't-Give-A-Fuck" nature was surely a horrible mix.
As the gate neared he tried to push his exhaustion away. Temari was a woman in high power, and despite what his younger self would think, Shikamaru respected her quite a lot. It was important to him to look professional in front of her.
Temari was a very intelligent woman. Often her battle strategies had led Sunagakure strongly, she was an amazing leader. Authoritive, but still caring towards the soldiers of Suna. She also showed great skill when it came to puzzles and boardgames, she was one of the few people to come close to beating him competitively. Her dedication to protecting her family was also quite admirable; always rushing in to defend her brothers, even when they were strong enough to do it themselves. She was so full of love, and balanced her work and home life well. Shikamaru admired her strengths greatly.
A light burn on his cheeks brought him out of his thoughts, whether it was a blush or the sun, he wasn't sure, but Temari's voice began to creep to his ears. He had to focus now.
Temari stood talking to a couple guards at the gate, the two that often teased Shikamaru for his apparent "obvious crush", Izumo and Kotetsu. Dreading the embarrassment, he waited for her to finish talking before approaching so they didn't have to stay long.
He muttered a small greeting, ignoring the shit-eating grins from the men beside him, and turned to Temari.
Her eyes carried dark circles, clearly tired from her travels. She had a tendency to get careless and do the whole trip on one nights sleep and a nap, and while Shikamaru found it troublesome, it was the perfect excuse to get home faster.
"Oh! There's the little love bird. It's such a shame he always keeps you waiting. It's already late afternoon!"
"Yeah! Come on, Shikamaru. Have some mercy on the poor girl, she's already stuck with you~"
Temari shook her head, half waving to them while walking off. The two said their goodbyes, and after Shikamaru glared at the them for their immaturity, he started to lead Temari across town.
They went their typical route, passing shops with their keepers trying to draw Temari in with their wears, kids dancing and playing together on the path, and all the usual Shinobi and Kunoichi making their way to their posts. It was relaxing in the only way your hometown could bring, and although Temari wasn't from Konoha, he could see her enjoying it too.
She watched the busy streets with a soft smile, the same smile she gives to her brothers, full of love and admiration. There was a sadness in her eyes, though. The sadness of growing up, or more so, watching your family grow up. Shikamaru didn't understand how it felt, but maybe one day he would.
As the sun began to set, they arrived at the house. Loud talking and slight shouting rustled the walls. Shikamaru groaned, recognising the voices, and slid open the door.
"I'm home, father... and Chouza and Inoichi."
The three men turned to them, raising their glasses and laughing. While Shikamaru and Temari stepped inside and removed their sandals, the room was filled with tipsy greetings.
"Welcome home, son. And, uh... who's your friend?"
"She's uhm, a Jounin. From Suna. She's staying here for a week."
Temari looked around while Shikamaru spoke with his father, grimacing at the smell of alcohol as she passed by. Family photos and clan symbols lined the walls. It was far more cozy than her home at Suna. With both her and Kankuro on missions, and Gaara as the Kazekage, it was practically unlived in.
Bits and pieces of conversation filtered in through her focus, Shikamaru arguing with the three men about their relationship. In a way, it reminded her of her own parents during their love, commenting on any boy she showed interest in and teasing her about crushes. None the less, what Shikamaru said was true. They weren't together, and while she was an adult and he was still 16, they wouldn't be until many years have passed.
Eventually, Shikamaru got fed up with their banter and lead Temari to his bedroom, where she would be staying throughout the trip. It was a small room with a simple double bed, very little furniture inhabited it aside from necessities. It had a door leading to a private bathroom as well.
Exhausted and quite gross from her travels, Temari decided to hit the showers while Shikamaru prepared the room better. Fluffing the pillows and making sure nothing vulgar was out in the open; he was a boy in his late teenage years of course. When he was done, he sat and waited for her on the bed.
The sound of running water covered the loud three man party in the living room, Shikamaru was rather surprised that Ino and Chouji weren't there was well. Usually if one generation of "Ino-Shika-Chou" was present, the other would be too. Maybe his father took pity on him and decided just three people teasing him was enough.
Around five minutes had passed before the water shut off, and Shikamaru prepared to take one himself. The door opened and after one final look around the room, he had a realisation.
"Where are you gonna sleep, Mr. Crybaby?"
He didn't have another place to sleep.
Shikamaru's face began to flush from embarrassment. How did he not plan this out better? He felt like an idiot. Temari's laughter didn't help either.
"I didn't plan this right."
"Clearly," Temari snorted. "But it's fine. I'll sleep on the floor, I have a sleeping bag."
Shikamaru watched her unfurl it, stopping her before she laid down. Temari raised her eyebrow, unimpressed by the contact.
"No. You've had too big of a walk to be sleeping on the floor. Take the bed."
Temari moved her body from his, crossing her arms and looking down at him. It wasn't much of a tactic to intimidate him, only to show her displeasure, but it was affective in both.
"I'm not taking your bed from you."
"I'm not letting you sleep on the floor!"
They went back and forth for a few minutes, both just as stubborn as the other, before Temari gave up.
"Look, if it's that important to you, lets just share the bed. Put pillows in the middle."
Shikamaru grumbled lightly. While he did respected her greatly, she was quite a troublesome person. He swallowed his pride and accepted.
The rest of the evening went smoothly from then on. Shikamaru gathered some food for them while Temari took the time to relax; stretching and easing the tension in her muscles. Shikamaru's matress was soft. It sunk in beneath her weight quite a bit, constantly making the pillow wall fall apart, but it was worth the annoyance after the past few days.
Shikamaru came back with a simple meal. With how fast it came, Temari guessed it was premade. Shikamaru didn't seem like the type to cook, quickly or good, but food was food in the end.
While they ate, Shikamaru looked at Temari closely for the first time since he met with her. She was only wearing a bra and long pants, a good portion of her skin showing, and the most odd thing, she had her hair tied into two rather than four. Her skin looked rough and damaged from wear he sat, he was willing to bet it'd feel just the same, and her body had many healed scars from training and battle. He had heard how harsh Suna's training was, he wondered how many scars were from village people and how many were from enemies.
"Whatdya staring at?"
Shikamaru turned away embarrassed. "Nothing... sorry."
She laughed and shook her head, finishing her food before lying down again.
"You apologise too much."
Shikamaru ate in silence, trying to keep his eyes to himself. She was right in a sense, he apologised a lot when it came to her, something about her nature made him want to, even if it was any other person he'd just shrug it off. Deep down, he knew his father was right. Izumo and Kotetsu too. Naruto, Asuma, Chouza and Inoichi. They were all right. He loved her, he just wasn't ready to admit it.
Temari tossed and turned for a bit trying to get comfortable, settling for laying in her side. Back facing him. Part of him wanted to pull the blanket over her, another part wanted her to hold him close. He settled for taking care of the dishes, trying to pull his mind away from his feelings.
When he returned, snoring had filled the room. Temari's position much more sloppy then when he had left. It was unladylike, but still beautiful. Shikamaru smiled softly, the muscles in his face straining when he tried to stop.
Turning off the light, he crawled into the bed beside her, her body out of sight with the pillows dividing them but the feeling of her body remained. The bed was more comfortable, more warm, and more cozy with her in it, and he quietly wished she could be there longer than a week.
Shikamaru's eyes grew heavy with the warmth, the sound of her snoring made him feel oddly at ease. Usually he hated noise when he was trying to sleep, but there was something about Temari that made it tolerable. She made him feel safe, protected, at home. It was easy to fall asleep by her side.
In the morning, he was sure she'll find a way around sharing a bed, but for now, he'd enjoy her comfort while he could.
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peapodsinspace · 3 months
Old art compilation (naruto edition)!!! All from 2023!
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[Image ID in alt text]
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yuki-tobitake · 2 months
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Some photos of Shinobi I’ve drawn in the past two weeks with bases
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dailyirukapics · 2 years
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I love this shot ♡
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yourdicc · 1 year
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once again with the unpopular opinion: arcade draco's design is better. while fgo's version is pretty and cool it's definitely a downgrade for me. Ik that more detail doesn't equal better but holdy shit kotetsu yamanaka totally snapped hard with the arcade draco design.
She looks like she is the blueprint for what the beasts are supposed to look like. She's animalistic, menacing & vain, a pretentious whore if you will, and i love it. The head ornaments (for lack of better words) are freaky and I've never seen anything like it before, absolutely iconic. my interpretation of the colour palette: red because she loves to spill/ bathe in the blood of her enemies, gold for royalty vanity & pride, dark purple for malicious intent. while i'm in general not a fan of excessive fanservice, the promiscuous look fits her perfectly, and it's done beatifully. i mean she's the whore of babylon after all.
those epic long nails/claws that the fgo version lacks which is honestly a shame.
do I have to mention her facial expression - literally foxy; the sassy pose, titties provocatively spilling over the golden corset while black rose petals are falling around her poetically... peak character design.
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Childhood memories of Madison "Maddie" Frost
Madison (or Maddie for short) was born in the wintertime in 2001. She is the daughter of Jack Frost with long snow white hair and blue eyes and
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… in a relationship with Izumo Kamizuki (one of those 2 Naruto besties) since 2 and a half years 😊
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And when Jack's mother Gwynne Frost (inspired by Chris Pine's mum Gwynne Gilford) heard Maddie’s laptop (or iPad) having an incoming video chat from her friends, she hoped her beautiful granddaughter didn’t mind if she answered it to let them know when Maddie will come back.
"Hey, Maddie, you there? Answer us?" one of her friends called out.
"Hmm? Oh, it’s you sweethearts. Madison’s not here but I’ll let you know when she’ll come back if you like." Gwynne said.
"She’s not? If she’s not here yet, then where has she gone to?" Sakura asked. Jack entered his daughter’s room and happily said "Maddie’s out of the house giving the kids some snow days right now! From Burgess to all the way to Los Angeles." "You’re Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians, Maddie’s dad?!" Sakura asked and couldn’t believe who she was seeing. "Sakura, didn’t you know? I’m a winter spirit and one of the guardians just like Maddie and decided to visit your village after a snow day I give some kids to." Jack proudly replied to the cute pinkette. "Is Naruto still scared of ghosts?" He teased in a cute way. Sakura said "Yep, Naruto’s still scared of ghosts."
"You’re Jack Frost, Maddie’s dad from Rise of the Guardians?!" Wilbur’s 19-year-old daughter Wimlah (you can call her Stocking if you want) asked in delight. She has long black hair, green eyes and her skin as pale as Sai. "You’re as really hot as my dad and he’s made all the girls he slept with became my stepmoms since he was around my age! 😊"
"I’m hot?!" Jack grinned and fanboyed at the question. "She said that I’m hot! And oh yeah, your dad and I are both all natural!"
"Please stop scaring the kids, Jack." Gwynne said. Jack brought in large, violet-navy coloured, heavy-looking album book "Would you like to see some childhood memories?" "Sure you can!" Her friends cheered. Jack went on the first page of the photo album and shared "I took this picture on your very first school day! Maddie never liked when I took pictures of her very much but Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Stocking and TenTen loved it!" The first photo of Maddie and the girls when they were 6-7. Jack moved on to the second photo "And one time we were on an annual family Christmas trip to Toronto and Vancouver in Canada 🇨🇦 which must be always the coldest country in the world most of the year." "Awesome!" Maddie’s friends Kotetsu, Yamato, Naruto, Kiba, Deidara, Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Shikamaru, Wimlah, Lee and TenTen and Maddie’s boyfriend Izumo cheered.
"I’ve also got a lot of baby photos from there! Sakura, you were here too, remember?!" Jack cheered happily. "What?!" The pinkette reacted in shock and embarrassment. "AAAAGHH!!!" "Aren’t you guys so cute or what?" Jack asked with a huge heartwarming smile for cuteness. "Oh man! Why did I have to pose for the camera?!" Sakura asked angrily in embarrassment. "Let us see some more!" The boys cheerfully demanded being prepared.
Jack moved on to the next photo turning the page "This is little baby Maddie!" A photo of baby Madison in her crib with shorter fluffy snow white hair and wore a purple and blue footed pyjamas and had a lavender pacifier with a small snowman plushie.
"SO CUTE!!!" Izumo and the other boys exclaimed cheerfully and happily. "Yeah, yeah!" Jack agreed with the boys happily. "And here little baby Maddie is sleeping!" Jack showed another photo of baby Maddie sleeping in her fluffy blue blanket in her crib. "AWWW! ❤️💕♥️" the boys reacted. Jack moved on to another baby photo "And here I bathed her and changed her diaper!" While the boys were fussing cheerfully and representing the cuteness. "He’s even worse than any of either of our parents!" TenTen said. "Which would be a total drag." Shikamaru added. "Yeah, we pity Maddie." Sakura agreed. "Agreed big time." Ino added. Then suddenly, before Jack could move on to some more photos, he felt the album book being snatched from his pale hands. "Hey!" "Stop that! Madison will freak out again!" His mother Gwynne scolded. "My first girlfriend gave birth to my girl for many painful hours so I damn well can show her pictures if I want to!" Jack replied to his mother getting angry. "Hands off my treasure, you young-looking old hag!" "You damn Amazon winter man!" His mother replied.
"To be continued." - Jemaine Clement as Nigel from Rio
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katsuyuswritings · 1 year
— ᕦ kei ᕤ —
a lonely writer who has a few friends. asking for mutuals, also an employed attorney and has no social life 💗
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— MALE — genshin, naruto, saiki k, chainsaw man, stardust destiny (oc)
male; aether, dainslief, kaeya, diluc, albedo, venti, bennett, razor, mika, zhongli, chongyun, xingqiu, xiao, baizhu, tartaglia, itto, gorou, kazuha, heizou, ayato, thoma, alhaitham, kaveh, tighnari, cyno, capitano, dottore, pantalone, scaramouche/wanderer, lyney, neuvillette, freminet, wriosthley
naruto uzumaki/namikaze, sasuke uchiha, kakashi hatake, iruka umino, kotetsu, izumo, asuma sarutobi, sai yamanaka, shikamaru nara, choji akamichi, aburame shino, kiba inuzuka, kankuro, gaara, itachi uchiha, kisame, sasori, deidara, kakuzu, hidan, orochimaru, kabuto, jiraiya, minato namikaze, neji hyuga, zetsu, zabuza, haku yuki, suigetsu, juuga, maito gai, boruto uzumaki, mitsuki
saiki kusuo, kaidou shun, aren kuboyasu, toritsuka reita, nendou riki, hairo kineshi, makoto teruhashi
denji, aki, angel devil, shark devil (that's literally all)
aifuyo hime/yuzuki, renyue yuzuki, kōhaku hayashi, eijiro yuzuki, aoi hime, anh hyu, eugene hyu, feng xiang
— FEMALE — genshin, naruto, saiki k, chainsaw man, stardust destiny (oc)
female: amber, fischl, noelle, mona, jean, lisa, eula, klee, barbara, xiangling, xinyan, yunjin, ganyu, keqing, shenhe, ningguang, beidou, qiqi, yaoyao, kuki, kujou sara, yae miko, raiden ei/shogun, raiden makoto, kokomi, ayaka, sayu, yoimiya, faruzan, layla, nilou, dori, dehya, candace, dunyarzad, focalors, navia, lynette, yuelin, tsaritsa, la signora, sandrone, arlecchino, columbina, raiden makoto
sakura haruno/uchiha, hinata hyuga/uzumaki, karin uzumaki, konan, kurenai sarutobi, hanabi hyuga, ino yamanaka, tsunade senju, temari nara, tenten, anko mitarashi, kushina uzumaki/namikaze, guren (mommy), himawari uzumaki, sarada uchiha
kokomi teruhashi, chiyo yumehara/teruhashi, kuriko/kusuko saiki, aiura mikoto, rifuta imu, mera chisato
power, makima, yuro, himeno
katsuyu yuzuki/hime, chiyo hime, shinkkami ayakemi-sanjin (teiko), kohari hayashi, mina noshiro, maikka yue, yan xiang
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— ᕤ can request ᕦ —
smut, suggestive, angst and fluff
aged up characters smut/suggestive
child!reader x parent!character or vise versa
song related storyline
ships and oc x reader
— ᕦ can't request ᕤ —
minor character smut
oc x canon (I have my reasons)
weird shit like armpit kink and others (I don't wanna name them 😨)
Also I know most of y'all are minors... You can't hide from me
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punk-pandame · 8 months
"punky don't you normally announce in like may/june" yes but i'm excited and being Very Ambitious this year so you get it early. you're welcome <3
anyway, this year's kinktober is what i call "rando-tober". meaning i put two huge lists- one with pairings, one with prompts- through random.org list randomizer and partnered them up in order for 31 full days of random pairings and prompts! and in keeping with the random theme, i decided to design it with inspiration from early aught's scene core. AKA: the lol random era hahaha
i'm hoping to pump out 31 one-shot fics and accompanying art for each one, so if i seem like i'm posting less into october, you know why XD all of my works will be naruto once again, and you can feel free to use the same pairings and prompts if you want, or use your own! feel free to use the calendar for other fandoms or original works as well! same rules as every year: do NOT use for rape/non-con, pedophilia, incest, teacher-student, etc.
as always, image ID's in alt, and plain text and blank calendar template below the cut!
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support the artist - patreon | bmac
Oct. 1 Hyuuga Neji x Tenten | Fuck or Die Oct. 2 Hagane Kotetsu x Kamizuki Izumo | Consensual Somnophilia Oct. 3 Akimichi Chouji x Karui | Breeding Oct. 4 Haruno Sakura x Rock Lee | Paddling Oct. 5 Gaara x Hyuuga Hinata | Lactation Kink Oct. 6 Hatake Kakashi x Uchiha Obito | Fight as Foreplay Oct. 7 Namikaze Minato x Uzumaki Kushina | Touchless Sex Oct. 8 Inuzuka Kiba x Yamanaka Ino | Suspension Oct 9. Aburame Shibi x Inuzuka Tsume | Oviposition Oct. 10 Uchiha Sasuke x Uzumaki Naruto | Cockwarming Oct. 11 Sai x Yamanaka Ino | Temperature Play Oct. 12 Haruno Sakura x Karin | Sex Games Oct. 13 Hatake Kakashi x Yamato | Blood Play Oct. 14 Uchiha Mikoto x Uzumaki Kushina | Monsterfucking Oct. 15 Hidan x Kakuzu | Sensory Deprivation Oct. 16 Deidara x Hidan | Erotic Massage Oct. 17 Haruno Sakura x Yamanaka Ino | Healing Sex Oct. 18 Houzuki Suigetsu x Karin x Juugo | Material Kink Oct. 19 Hoshigaki Kisame x Uchiha Itachi | Phone Sex Oct. 20 Hatake Kakashi x Maito Gai | Choking Kink Oct. 21 Akimichi Chouji x Hyuuga Hinata | Food Play Oct. 22 Inuzuka Kiba x Kankurou | Chastity Cage Oct. 23 Hyuuga Hinata x Inuzuka Kiba | Glory Hole Oct. 24 Senju Hashirama x Uchiha Madara | Gaping Oct. 25 Hyuuga Neji x Nara Shikamaru x Temari | Double Penetration Oct. 26 Aburame Shino x Hyuuga Hanabi | Brat Taming Oct. 27 Orochimaru x Tsunade | Intoxication Kink Oct. 28 Haku x Juugo | Size Kink Oct. 29 Konan x Nagato x Shizune x Yahiko | Three- or Moresome Oct. 30 Shizune x Yuuhi Kurenai | Sexual Roleplay Oct. 31 Deidara x Uchiha Itachi | Knife Play
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primnroses · 1 year
— Explaining Konohagakure’s Barrier Team from Naruto to Boruto:
The information presented in this post has been checked and revised. My aim is not to hate or to discredit any of the characters mentioned. Please read about me for further information.
This post will contain evidence in picture format directly from the manga Naruto (1999 - 2014) created by Masashi Kishimoto and published by Shueisha in 1999. I will also use information from the official databooks.
This informative post will explain the role and utility of the Barrier Team from its debut in Naruto to its role in Boruto. I will use information present in the novels and the Boruto manga because it includes character development within canon compliance.
This meta is crossposted in AO3.
I give my permission to use or share this thread with informative purposes as long as you credit me.
I do not support the anime or the work of Studio Pierrot in regards to Naruto because I consider it over exaggerated and beyond biased. Furthermore, these fillers include some actions that these characters are unable to do in the canon according to official sources and they also generate unnecessary debate.
This meta does contain anime scenes from Boruto because it is a monthly manga draft that depends heavily on anime for context.
Please, take this into consideration.
This meta will include a small discussion from my own point of view about the Barrier Team and its members. There will be criticism and complaints, comparisons with other characters, previous leaders, etc.
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The Barrier Team (結界班, Kekkai-Han) is an organization formed by sensor-type shinobi and regular shinobi in charge of maintaining the Sensing Barrier, a giant sphere surrounding Konohagakure and its outskirts, which detects any foreign chakra that crosses the border of the village. Many years after the Fourth Shinobi World War, it has been mechanized and transformed into an automated sensing system composed of a few sensor-type shinobi and led by members of the Yamanaka clan (although right now that is up for discussion, as it is self-sufficient by the Hokage's orders).
It is unknown for how long this team has existed, but the Barrier Team debuted in chapter 415 of Naruto. Based on its development, Konoha has kept a Konoha-wide exclusive sensing technique through the ages and, among their ranks, they count with sensor-type shinobi like Hyūga clan members.
This team also has their own unique crest in the shape of an inverted triangle with three circles inside, worn by their members in their clothes in armbands or hats.
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Sensing Barrier and Sensing Water Sphere according to the fourth databook.
During the era of the Fifth Hokage, the Barrier Team was a rather small team located inside a room (most likely inside the Hokage Residence) where the large Sensing Water Sphere was guarded and monitored by three sensor-type wearing Shinto robes. According to the fourth databook, Kakoi, one of the sensor-type Shinto priests, was the leader at the time of debut. 
The Sensing Water Sphere represents the invisible Sensing Barrier around Konoha, and the role of the Shinto priests was to inform of any unfamiliar chakra signature that crossed this barrier. When someone or something charged with chakra bypassed the barrier, the Sensing Water Sphere rippled around the area where the aura had been detected; a team of stationary chūnin were automatically sent to the location of the disturbance to investigate the threat.
Unofficially, the Barrier Team used to be divided in two groups:
The Detection was the division formed by the sensor-type Shinto priests.
The Interception was the division formed by chūnin, with Izumo Kamizuki and Kotetsu Hagane among these shinobi, in charge of investigating the threat and fighting the intruders. 
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The Barrier Team headquarters and both divisions.
The Sensing Barrier extends from the small portion of forest before the very entrance and walls of the A-Un gate, to the portion of land behind the Hokage Rock, according to the view the manga offers, from the right side. This means that anyone entering the barrier will be detected before they reach the proper gates of Konoha, but not if they halt before the start of the barrier itself. Only Pain could come undetected to the very limit of the barrier due to the visibility his Rinnegan granted him; however, it is to assume the exact spot of the barrier is unknown to non-Konoha shinobi.
According to Pain, it is revealed that the Barrier Team has a special jutsu to get through the barrier without being noticed applicable to ANBU and probably Konoha shinobi, which allowed Kisame Hoshigaki to enter with Itachi Uchiha without alarm.
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The view of the full sensing dome from the right angle (Hokage Monument to the right, A-Un Gate to the left).
The Sensing Water Sphere, the Sensing Barrier and the sensor-type Shinto priests, or more specifically Kakoi, and all the staff members in the Detection group in the current era, are symbiotically connected with each other. This means that Kakoi’s sensory range and the rest of the staff, only correspond to the range of the Sensing Barrier and not farther, just confirmed by the presence of Pain and his summons by the limit, undetected. This detail also applies to future leaders who are currently replacing Kakoi.
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Kakoi's symbiosis with the Sensing Barrier when he only detects Chikushodo (Animal Path) upon bypassing.
The role of the Barrier Team has remained the same through the eras, meaning that their job is to sense disturbances detected by the Water Sensing Sphere and inform shinobi teams to attack the possible threats. The Sensing Barrier has always remained Konoha–wide too. 
Although the Barrier Team does not appear again until the Blank Period and Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, we could see a similar version of it during the global conflict but on a greater scale. 
Ao, a former ANBU and outstanding sensor-type from Kirigakure, was appointed the captain of the Sensor Division during the conflict. Alone, he could detect the presence of the reincarnated shinobi among the hundreds of White Zetsu clones in every division of the Allied Shinobi Forces through his Sensing Water Sphere, including natural energy which only a few selected sensors can perceive.
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Ao maintaining the Sensing Water Sphere and sensing the White Zetsu army.
Blank Period
The next time the Barrier Team appears is in the Sasuke Shinden and Sakura Hiden novels:
According to Sasuke Shinden, after Pain’s attack, Konoha set up a more powerful barrier. However, the exploding humans could bypass the Sensing Sphere because they were Konoha shinobi, and thus, they are not considered intruders. The novel also confirms that the Interception group still exists and they also send messenger shinobi to alert the Hokage.
In Sakura Hiden, we notice a few modernizations. After Sakura Haruno defeated Kido Tsumiki, Kakashi arrived at the scene but was shortly cut by an instant Mind Body Transmission message from the Barrier Team alerting him of ANBU leaving the village.
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Sasuke Shinden (above) and Sakura Hiden (below).
This detail is key to the development of the Barrier Team in Boruto, as telepathy via Chakra Transmission Communication Device becomes one of the most used tools by the team.
By the era of the Seventh Hokage, the Barrier Team has continued to function the same was as before, with the exception of a few changes:
Although there are not any significant changes in headquarters, the Hokage Residence was reconstructed after Pain's invasion and so was the Barrier Team chamber. The location of the team has been confirmed in the anime inside the Hokage Residence.
The room has decreased in size and the area for the Interception Team has been replaced, in favor of a new Detection Team about the same size as the previous one and with the same amount of people monitoring the Sensing Barrier, although instead of Shinto priests, the staff is composed of regular chūnin.
In the manga, the room only takes a corner of an unknown location in the Hokage Residence. The automated sensing sphere has been replaced by monitors instead.
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The Barrier Team headquarters in the anime and the manga.
According to Kashin Koji, Konoha used to have a Sensory Team led by members of the Yamanaka clan. However, this information is false. 
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Kashin Koji explaining the "role" of the Yamanaka clan.
The Yamanaka clan, or at least the only member of the clan in Konoha (apart from Ino) was Inoichi Yamanaka, who was in charge of the Analysis Team by performing Psycho Mind Transmission on targets that could not be interrogated by Ibiki Morino. There are no Yamanaka clan members aside from those two in Konoha, as Inoichi’s subordinates in the Analysis Team are all shinobi of other origins such as Mawashi Dokuraku, Tonbo Tobitake and Aoba Yamashiro. The latter being the only person other than Inoichi capable of performing Psycho Mind Transmission as seen in chapter 507 and Sasuke Shinden.
(I personally want to remind you that the Yamanaka are not known to be sensors of that calibre. They use Yin Release to control other people or even animals to take advantage of their senses. Masashi Kishimoto described this as a form of sensing in the third databook. By using Mind Body Switch, Ino controlled a bird to find the Akatsuki members Hidan and Kakuzu even though they were nearby, meaning she does not have sensing skills past her surroundings. Mind Body Transmission does not use sensory skills to connect people either as it is a telepathy area like Bluetooth. Telepathy works by sharing their chakra with others as stated by Inoichi.)
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Ino's sensing through controlling other species and the Mind Body Transmission range.
Moreover, the people in charge of the Barrier Team were Kakoi and his team of Shinto priests. This information was fixed in the anime, acknowledging the presence of the Shinto priests and Kakoi after Ukyō Kodachi rewrote the history of Konoha. 
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Kakoi described as a predecessor of the Barrier Team.
Ukyō Kodachi has renamed this team as Sensory Team or Sensory Unit, although it is still called by its original name, Barrier Team, in manga and anime.
To shed more context into the new era, according to Ino Yamanaka, the Barrier Team has been mechanized and modernized to replace sensor-types with an automated sensing. The Sensing Water Sphere has been replaced by a Scientific Ninja Tools sphere that detects intruders automatically and sends an alarm to the headquarters of the team.
In the manga, the Sensing Water Sphere has been replaced by screens and the area only takes about a room corner.
The new automated system also includes a database with the imprint of Konoha shinobi memorized in it, so anyone not registered within the system will be spotted.
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Ino Yamanaka explains the new sensing system made by Katasuke Tōnō.
The range of the Sensing Barrier has decreased drastically, to the point of only covering from the gates to the Hokage Monument, instead of adding the portion of forest like previously established.
This is confirmed by Delta and Kashin Koji speaking on a tree branch by the A-Un Gate and passing undetected by anyone, even though they were within the previous range established by Kakoi in the Pain Arc. As soon as Delta crossed the walls, she was detected, but not before.
The new Barrier Team did not think about erasing the chakra signature of the deceased Jiraiya either, therefore, Kashin Koji, a Jiraiya clone, is able to come and go in and out of the village undetected.
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Delta and Kashin Koji (to the left) right by Konoha's main gate, A-Un, undetected.
Led by Ino Yamanaka herself, the Barrier Team only counts with the Detection group, formed by three chūnin in charge of sensing, or rather, looking at the screens for any intruder and informing anyone they must. According to Shikadai Nara, the Interception group has been disbanded, now only informing Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha of danger so they can take care of it themselves. 
The new Detection group informs via telepathy using the Chakra Communication Device, a tool used by the Allied Shinobi Forces to connect each division scattered across the map with each other. This device can cover greater distances than Inoichi or any Yamanaka, therefore we see him, as well as his assistants from the Intelligence Division and other members of each division, wear it. We also see Ino wear it during The Last: Naruto the Movie to receive messages from other villages, clearly outside her range.
The new Chakra Communication Device from the Barrier Team is a much more modern version of the previous one used by the Alliance. Moreover, all communications performed by the Barrier Team, the content of all mind transmissions, are stored in their own database in order to be analyzed or monitored. The Chakra Communication Device is connected the the rest of the automated sensing system to save all images, chakra prints and telepathy relays.
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The telepathy device has a stationary version and two portable versions. Ino using it in the Blank Period and the modern version used by Barrier Team.
As aforementioned, the role of the Barrier Team continues to be that of detecting unfamiliar chakra signatures and informing teams to go and investigate. This time, as soon as someone is detected, Ino contacts headquarters to ask them if the presence is registered by the database, and, if not, she will contact Naruto and Sasuke to investigate.
Moreover, they can only detect things charged up with chakra, but not objects like Delta’s drones or shinobi erasing their chakra. This is pointed out by Kawaki, who can fool the Barrier Team by erasing his chakra signature and complains that they are “incompetent” and “only rely on sensing chakra”. This hinders Konoha's protection. 
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Delta sneaking a drone in Konoha to search for Kawaki. Kawaki complaining about Konoha's sensing system.
It seems that the new modernized version has not only decreased the sensory range of the Sensing Barrier of Kakoi’s time, but it also appears to be unable to deploy a boosting sensing system. In fact, Boruto was flaring his chakra on purpose while he was still inside the village. However, nobody in the Barrier Team was able to pick this up.
Not only does this inaptitude make it impossible to predict upcoming danger before bypassing the A-Un Gate, but it also makes it an impossible task to follow enemies when they have fled away from the borders.
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Ino explains they are unable to trace anything beyond the gates or erased chakra.
For this same reason, Naruto Uzumaki had to step in and track Kawaki and Boruto by himself with Sage Mode.
When Kawaki and Boruto Uzumaki left the village, the Barrier Team could not detect them 40 kilometers outside Konoha because they were too far away from their limits. However, Naruto could finish what Ino or headquarters could not, even despite not having Kurama’s power for the extra boost.
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Boruto flares his chakra to no response. Naruto detects Boruto in the battlefield against Code around 40 kilometers away with his sensing skills.
One of the most interesting details about the new Barrier Team is that they are self sufficient and automated because they possess technology to detect chakra imprints without the use of sensor-types, as well as being able to perform telepathy via Mind Body Transmission thanks to their Chakra Transmission Communication Device without the need of Ino Yamanaka. 
This clearly makes the role of their leader very questionable.
We have already witnessed the Barrier Team function perfectly without Ino Yamanaka. Not only during Kakoi’s time, whose job and abilities are the same and above the current Barrier Team, but also during this era.
During the cohabitation mission with Team 7 and the cyborgs Eida and Deimon, as well as during Code’s invasion, the automated sensing and the staff detected (or undetected Kawaki) chakra signatures using their alarms and their screens, and also contacted Shikamaru Nara through telepathy using their Chakra Transmission Communication Devices.
As of chapters 77, 81 and 88 (and future chapters) of Boruto, Ino Yamanaka is deemed not necessary for the Barrier Team, her role taken over by the staff wearing telepathy devices and monitoring the sensing screens at all times.
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One worker of the Barrier Team detecting the Grimes and Boruto and alerting Shikamaru Nara. Other worker also contacts Shikamaru about Kawaki erasing his chakra.
How does the Barrier Team work and what is their role?
Detect chakra signatures that bypass the Sensing Barrier.
Inform the Interception group and send them to investigate. In the new era, inform Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha telepathically.
How important is the Barrier Team?
The Barrier Team has experienced a surge of utility in Boruto compared to Naruto. However, being written into the story does not equal being more important.
Originally, they were introduced quite late in the story. Konoha has experienced invasions since Orochimaru infiltrated during the Chūnin Exams disguised as the Kazekage, although their role during Pain’s invasion was decisive to demonstrate that Konoha has countermeasures against enemies looking to enter the village. 
Masashi Kishimoto created a group of shinobi exclusively to lead the Barrier Team. This was neglected by Ukyō Kodachi, and he also made it that any sensor-type could replace Kakoi and company.
The equivalent of Konoha's Barrier Team was the Sensor Division. They worked in tandem with Mukta Aburame to discover that the enemy possessed an army of White Zetsu ready, and their captain, Ao, was also responsible of discerning the reincarnated Edo Tensei from the White Zetsu and informing Darui that Ginkaku and Kinkaku were among the ranks.
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Ao senses the White Zetsu among the Edo Tensei and the presence of the twins.
So, the Barrier Team is essential to safeguard Konoha from the inside. Detecting anyone on the spot that has entered is one of the first steps to keep its villagers safe.
In Boruto, the Barrier Team suffered a downgrade compared to the previous appearance. Also counting 15 years of technological advancements that could have been implemented within their ranks, but have not happened. Because of Kara’s interests in Kawaki, who is currently protected by Konoha, they must maintain their Sensing Barrier in top condition to detect enemies.
A mistake made by Ukyō Kodachi, who made the Yamanaka clan, or rather, Ino, the leader or responsible of this team, is that he made someone without sensing feats in Naruto, a representative of sensor-types in Boruto. Choosing someone that cannot at least equal, maybe not surpass because it is impossible, Naruto’s sensing techniques granted by Sage Mode even after “nerfing” him, leaves much to be desired about Konoha’s resources and their range of sensor-types.
The failures of the Barrier Team
One of the reasons behind the surge of importance of the Barrier Team is due to Kara’s interests in Kawaki and Code’s desire to destroy Konoha. However, they also shine for their lack of resources and skills; and their lack of applying experience to reforming the new system learning by previous mistakes.
After fighting a large scale global conflict with reincarnated bodies and White Zetsu able to imitate shinobi chakra signatures (i.e White Zetsu impersonating Neji Hyūga to assassinate Sakura Haruno), Konoha’s new automated database and sensing system has not flagged chakra imprints from deceased shinobi like Jiraiya, prompting Kashin Koji to walk into the village as he pleases. 
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Sakura Haruno discovers White Zetsu's way of copying unique chakra imprints to fool sensor-types.
Moreover, they rely solely on detecting chakra, making shinobi like Kawaki and Boruto, who can erase their chakra flare thanks to their Karma, and Karin, who can erase her chakra at discretion, to be able to enter or escape the village without being detected by the system or lookouts who are extremely apathetic. Not to mention none of the gates have lookouts like the ones in the War or use other sensing methods like Inuzuka clan, Hyūga clan (who used to be members) or Aburame clan alternative sensing skills that do not require sensing chakra. 
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Hyūga with their eyes, Inuzuka with their noses and Aburame with their beetles being pivotal in tracking and sensing.
The sensors working for the Barrier Team are very limited to sensing only what is inside the Barrier, making their sensory feats only Konoha-wide or Sensing Barrier-wide. This sensing symbiosis with the Sensing Barrier is a problem, which means that sensors' skills scale to a machine rather than having abilities of their own. This problem results in them only sensing people when they have already entered Konoha, but not their approach, thus not preventing anything. If the enemy masks their chakra, these efforts are useless because they will not be detected.
This is more apparent for Ino Yamanaka, who was made into the leader of a sensing team and given prominence as someone that can potentially have above average sensing skills, but has failed to compel.
After having no sensing feats in Naruto, she is given a Konoha-wide sensing range equal to the Sensing Barrier’s Konoha-wide sensory to increase her importance. This way, her sensing power scales to a machine. However, after she debuts being able to sense Delta enter Konoha like a competent Konoha sensor, she gets gradually worse when it is discovered that she could not sense Delta plotting her entrance with Kashin Koji a few meters from the A-Un Gate to trying to sense Kawaki and Boruto knowing she cannot detect anything beyond the gates of Konoha or even being unable to sense Code’s ear on Shikamaru despite being a body part charged with chakra. 
The writing made the Yamanaka clan into a sensory clan instead of sticking to their original role (or Inoichi’s role because he was the only member in Konoha like aforementioned) as mind interrogators to gather intel, which was scrapped and the whole family rewritten. This inclusion makes it all the more forced and nonsensical. 
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Inoichi Yamanaka and the Analysis Team using Psycho Mind Transmission.
Her lack of skills and Naruto’s necessity to use Sage Mode to do the job of the Barrier Team, has led the writers to dispose of Ino and keep writing their failures without her, as she really makes no difference in or out of the team. This means that any sensor, even Moegi Kazamatsuri who according to Ukyō Kodachi in her character trivia, got perfect sensing skills to replace her; just like Kakoi was serving the same purpose and was replaced.
Ino’s skills as a sensor and telepathist are easily replaceable by the Barrier Team’s automated sensing and Chakra Transmission Communication Devices. So her accomplishments could be replaced or she could be removed from the story (like she already has been) because she is fulfilling a role that should not be hers while also failing to do it decently. Connecting Eida, Shikamaru and Amado could be performed by headquarters with their telepathy devices and sensing is performed by a machine. 
Could they be redeemed?
The greatest disadvantage of the Barrier Team is their small sensing range and their inability to rely on other sensing methods than chakra perception. 
After exposing the main problems related to not erasing deceased people’s chakra imprints from their database and failing to boost their system in case of emergency, there are a few points to make in order to make the Barrier Team a competent and compelled facility:
Keep Ino away from their ranks as she makes no difference, while maintaining the automated system which includes alarms, visual screens and instant telepathy.
Reuse Kakoi’s greater Sensing Barrier to track Konoha’s forest area before the A-Un Gate.
Use other sensory and perception techniques from other clans like Aburame’s beetles, Hyūga’s Byakugan and Inuzuka’s ninken/sense of smell to counter shinobi’s ability to erase their chakra signature.
Put the Akimichi clan in the lookout by every gate like they used to guard the Logistical Support & Medical Division during the Fourth Shinobi World War, this way being able to see approaching danger and fighting them before their entrance to give Konoha time to elaborate a plan.
Considered the most powerful shinobi village, using past experiences and the full power of Konoha's shinobi forces, their clans and their technology, could prevent infiltrations; as well as giving each member of a clan their deserved time to show their abilities.
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Note: The Fourth Shinobi World W4r has been replaced by global conflict to avoid mature content flags.
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i-scream-for-fate · 1 year
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Alter Ego class Tiamat (Larva) for the FGO X FGO/Arcade Collaboration event in Fate Grand Order.
Illustrator: Yamanaka Kotetsu
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historias-multorum · 1 year
July Muse Line-Up
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Alright folks, here are the muses that will be on main.
This means they will be the ones answering asks, open starters and starter calls.
If they are NOT on this list then they will not be around in July. The only time you will see them is in drafts.
Naruto Muses:
Madara Uchiha
Izuna Uchiha
Hana Inuzuka
Sasuke Uchiha
Karin Uzumaki
Ino Yamanaka
Haruhi Uchiha
BNHA Muses:
Aizawa Shouta
Sir Nighteye
Tamaki Amajiki
Tsuyu Asui
Shoto Todoroki
Tenya Iida
JBA Muses:
Kei Nijimura
Mitsuba Higashikata
Osomatsu-san! Muses:
Karamatsu & Jyushimatsu
Bleach Muses:
Byakuya Kuchiki
Neliel Tu Oderschvank
Isane Kotetsu
Meninas McAllon
Pokemon Muses:
Miscellaneous  Muses
L Lawliet
Miles Edgeworth
Sailor Star Healer
Reo Mibuchi
Makoto Tachibana
Donna Beneviento
Liz Bandicoot
Kaneki Ken
Yomo Renji
Sebastian Michealis
Tilly Green
Serenity Wheeler/Shizuka Kawai
Abel Nightroad
And any new muses coming soon
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teatitty · 2 years
This illustration by Yamanaka Kotetsu hurts my soul btw. Holmes is looking at the other chair all sad and forlorn because That’s Where Watson Used To Sit. They always went to the Turkish baths together and now he’s alone
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Official muse list
Note: A name that's been italicized is an oc that belongs to someone else, a name that's been boldened, and italicized is mine.
RWBY: Team RWBY, Team CORS, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, Coco Adel, Velvet Scarletina, Fox Alister, Team NDGO, Jaune Arc, Sun Wukong, Glynda Goodwitch, Ilia Amolita, Kali Belladonna, Ghira Belladonna, Sienna Khan, Winter Schnee, Willow Schnee, Raven Branwen, Summer Rose, Vernal, Emerald Sustrai, Cinder Fall, Salem (Human/Grimm), Grimm, Hozukimaru Wukong, Lyon, Jade, Meryl, Jade, Baelz Zirconia, Zephyr Nikos Zirconia, Lupin Nikos Zirconia, Scarlet Nikos Zirconia, Bast Belladonna Zirconia, Shrike Branwen Zirconia, Desmond Caine, Pewter Pegasi, Wes Goldmane, Terra Firma, Rose Crimson, Crimson Wilde, Sable Leone, Jade Inaba.
Naruto: Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno/Uchiha, Ino Yamanaka, Hinata Hyuuga/Uzumaki, Hanabi Hyuuga, TenTen, Temari, Anko Mitarashi, Kurenai Yuuhi, Tsunade Senju, Konan, Sarada Uchiha.
Bleach: Rukia Kuchiki, Yoruichi Shihoin, Orihime Inoue, Tatsuki Arisawa, Rangiku Matsumoto, Soi-Fon, Retsu Unohana, Isane/Kyone Kotetsu, Nanao Isei, Tier Harribell, Neliel Tu Odelschwanck, Apace, Sun-Sun, Mila Rose.
One Piece: Nami, Nico Robin.
Attack on mid: Mikasa Akerman, Annie Lionheart, Potato Girl.
Hellsing: Seras Victoria, Rip Van Winkle, Zorrin Blitz.
Overloard: Albedo, Narberal Garma.
DragonBall: Bulma Briefs, Mrs Briefs/MILF/GILF, Chi-Chi, Android 18, Future 18, Android 21, Majin 21, Launch, Videl Satan, Frieza Force goons.
BNHA: Izuku Midoriya, Tsuyu Asui, Mina Ashido, Ochacko Uraraka, Momo Yayorozu, Jirou, Nejire Hado, Mitsuki Bakugo, Rumi Usagiama, Midight, Mt Lady, Nomu.
YU-GI-OH: Teá Gardner, Ishizu Ishtar, Mai Valentine, Black Magian Girl, Alexis Rhodes, Jasmine, Mindy, Akiza Izinski.
Game of Thrones: Denerys Targeryean.
Harry Potter: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Ginney Weasely, Luna Lovegood, Cho Chang, Fleur Deacour, Nymphadora Tonks, Narcissa Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange.
Pokémon: Delia Ketchum, Jessie, Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny, Cynthia, Arezu, Nessa, Bea, Nemona, Penny, Sada.
Sailor Moon: All inner and outer Senshi
Cyberpunk: V, Panam Palmer, Judy Alvares, Lucy, Joey Brass.
Claymore: Clare, Cassandra, Jeane.
Rosario + Vampire: Outer Moka, Inner Moka, Mizore Shirayuki, Tsurara Shirayuki, Kurumu Kurono, Ageha Kurono, Ruby Tojo, Nokonome.
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: Jolene Cujoh.
Ghost in the Shell: Motoko Kusanagi
Avatar/TLOK: Toph Beifong, Katara, Suki, Azula, Zuko, Mai, Ty-lee, Ju Dee, Korra, Asami Sato.
Familiar of Zero: Kirche Zerbst, Henrietta de Tristain, Tiffania Westwood, Tabitha, Longvelle.
Helluva Boss: Millie, Loona, Verosika.
DC comics: Starfire, Blackfire, Raven (Rachel Roth), Terra, Wonder Woman, Batgirl (Barbra Gordon), Catwoman, Power Girl, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy.
Marvel Comics: Gwen Stacy, Marry Jane Watson, Felicia Hardy/Black Cat, Rogue, Kitty Pride, Storm, Mystique.
Scooby-Doo: Velma, Daphne, Hex Girls.
Dragon Age: Cousland, Hawke, Inquisitor, Morrigan, Lelliana, Anora, Merrill, Isabella, Cassandra, Bethany Hawke, Sera, Josephine Montillyet.
Mass Effect: Sheppard, Liara T'Soni, Aria T'Loak.
Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks: Princess Jasmine, Esmerelda, Arora, Belle, Ariel (human), Kida, Chel, Helen Parr/Elastigirl, Violet Parr, Pocahontas, Nani Pelakai, Moana, Mavis Dracula, Jessica Rabbit.
Star Wars: Ahsoka Tano, Shaak-Ti, Barriss Offee, Luminara Unduli, Ayla Seccura, Bastilla Shan, Mission Vao, Juhanni, Kira Carsen, Vette, Vaylin, Lana Beniko, Darth Talon, Rey Palpatine.
Ben 10: Gwen Tennyson, Charmcaster.
Final Fantasy: Yuna, Rikku, Payne, Tifa Lockheart, Yuffie Kisaragi, Aireth Gainsborough, Ashelia B'Nargain Dalmasca, Fran, Lightning/Clair Farron, Y'shtola Rhul.
LoZ: Link, Zelda, Imp Midna, Twilight Princess Midna, Urbosa.
Fire Emblem: Lyndis, Minaeva, Shiida, Robin/Grima (M/F), Cordelia, Tharja, Olivia, Corrin (M/F), Camilla, Hinoka, Kageru, Dorothea, Edelgard, Lysithea.
Overwatch: Tracer, Dva, Mercy, Pharah, Sombra, Widowmaker, Ashe.
Elder Scrolls: Aela the Huntress, Mjoll the Lioness, Serana Volkihar.
Fantasy/D&D: Pike Trickfoot, Vex'ahlia, Keyleth, Delilah Briarwood, Nott the Brave, Yasha, Beau, Jester Lavorre, Imogen, Laudna, Werewolves, Mind Flayers, Orcs, The Devils of Emon, Nadûr, Korrin.
Kuroneiu: Olga Discordia, Cloe Discordia.
Action Taimanin: Ingrid, Oboro, Asagi Igawa, Sakura Igawa, Yatsu Murasaki.
Kingdom Hearts: Aqua, Anti-Aqua, Kairi, Xion, Namine, Larxene, Arlux.
This list is subject to change, as there may be muses I've forgotten, or decide I don't want to write for anymore.
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