#Yandere Black Templar
kit-williams · 9 months
Venom of Venus
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I think I might write anything Yandere Black Templar I'll probably give it a Powerwolf song title
Hey... ya'll want another Yandere Black Templar? But with that Civilian Darling? Still attempting to make the darling a nameless reader insert
Expect canon typical violence and religious overtones
They would have to fall back. Brother Roland could hear it in the chatter as his position was being flooded by some nameless xeno foe. He glanced to the ammo boxes as his throat tightened at the thought... they wouldn't send her back out here again. Brother Roland was certain that she would heed his warning. The planet was struggling by the time the Crusade fleet had made the unexpected exit from the warp. The Champion had seemingly recieved a holy vision of these people needing their help and they were so desperate for the salvation that the Black Templars would bring. But, they would make sure the populace was not a complacent populace... they would earn their victory. They were certainly pleased by how many civilians stayed back to try and help stem the tide.
"Brother Roland!" Her voice pierced the fog that flooded the trench as he watched this poor woman laidened with three heavy bolter ammo boxes. His Bäckerin with hands far more suited for kneeding dough than carrying around the heavy ammo boxes. Her feet were unsteady as she nearly collapsed under the weight as she clearly ran here. She was so unuse to the heavy flak armor on her and much less the weight of the ammo.
"Bäckerin, I told you to not come back." He speaks with no anger in his voice far more annoyance but his hearts fluttered with pride at the little civilian woman who stayed behind for all these months. How she was the source of a comfort for Roland; a distraction? He did not see it as such as the God Emperor's wrath and will can flood into the lowliest of mortals and it was clear in the way she always looked at him that there was that spark that the God Emperor bestows upon his followers. Her spark burned hot for her small frame just as his spark was a roaring bonfire in comparison but it was no less impressive.
"And-" She gulps down air as her limbs tremble from her effort; the rations barely keeping her physically fit enough, she wasn't trained for the front lines so she was in no shape for what she was doing, "I... I told you... I still owe you a loaf of bread. You-" Another gulp of air, "Can't die before then." She looks up and smiles before covering her ears as he fires his boltgun in rapid succession.
"Go little Bäckerin this is no place for you anymore." He could see her nod and start to run back the way she came.
She didn't get very far before her scream caused his head to snap over and time slowed to a crawl as one of the xenos had rushed over and was bearing down on his Bäckerin. To her... her life was flashing before her very eyes as the horror of the alien was upon her. But what happened next was so fast as a black blur slamed into the far to many jointed limbs. A thank you bubbled in her throat but it died as her face was pressed into the rough cloth over his armor, she was caged under him as the world shook around her.
She was screaming as she covered her ears and hot tears were running down her face. It wore a suicide switch and the sudden "shelling" wasn't helping but he prayed to the God Emperor trying to soothe his Bäckerin, his voice roughly coming through his vox as he tried to drown out the noises with his prayers.
"I'm sorry Roland I'm so sorry!" She bluthered as the stress of it all got to her and of course she was but a mortal... he understood she was scared. She was a campfire to his bonfire but he would make sure her flame did not go out even if it flickered. She could feel the way he gently pet her head as he switched to his internal vox and updated his superiors that he was alive after that.
"Bäckerin, meine liebster Bäckerin. Das hast du so gut gemacht, bitte keine Tränen mehr." Roland cooed at her, remembering when she asked to hear his mother language and the way her eyes lit up at the way he spoke. How enamored she was when he said his prayers in this tongue. How he watched her open her eyes and look at him, how her pretty eyes glistened with tears still. "There's meine Bäckerin." He said with his chest rumbling but he picked her up and dirt fell off of his back. The trench was ruined.
"You should get out of here my Lord." She said wiping her eyes, "I can run and make noise to-" She spoke as he started to mag lock ammo to his belt and body.
"Bäckerin," He said in a tone that made her flinch, "if that thought ends with you trying to sacrfice yourself." She couldn't stop the whimper as she could feel his overwhelming presence.
"I'll just sl-" She managed to whimper out before he fully turned to face her.
"Bäckerin." He hissed out and of course she crumpled.
"I'm sorry my lord please forgive me." She squeaks out before he picks her up and starts to run toward the fall back point.
"I can forgive you if you remember that your duty is not that of a martyr besides you have teased me with the prospect of having some fresh bread for months. You will not deny me that."
She let out a soft laugh as he carried her so easily but the lightheartedness died as Roland had to whip out his bolter and fire back at the skittering xenos. He could feel her grab his rosary, grabbing the large golden aquilia and starting to pray as the fog was unnatural and created by them and she could see them in the fog.
He knew no fear but he could worry. He worried for his Bäckerin. "Bäckerin tell me again what you're going to do after you survive this and the xenos are gone!" He demands trying to distract her.
"I'm going to open my bakery back up and I'm going to finally get married and have babies, so many babies!" She screeches out that final part as out of the fog one of them jump and he back hands it so hard that the sickening crunching noise will never leave her. "Oh by the God Emperor I'm so sorry I put it off!" She just sobs as she just is so stressed and scared she can't help but sob as she prays and confesses her perceived transgressions.
"I'll give them to you Bäckerin. As many as you want." He pants out but his promise falls upon her deaf ears. "It's why I can't leave you behind. How can I give you what you want!" He doesn't know why he says such things to her. But the thought of her... under him... the thought of making good on his promises to her gives him a boost to his running making him run faster. The smell of her blood hits him as she squeezed his aquilia so tightly it cut her palm as she is just praying so fervently that he can't stop himself from shouting his own prayers. His third lung fills up as he pushes himself harder. They have to survive how else can he give her what she desires and deserves. To be full of his babies! He won't tell her how he's wanted her since she gave him that first loaf of bread. How her soft smile and devotion is what brought him so much joy.
Her devotion to the God Emperor, her devotion to her planet and people, and most of all her devotion to him. Why else would she come out risking her life if she did not care?! Oh he'll kill so many xenos for her. He can see the way she presses her face against his armor to try and hide her tears and to hide her face from the wind that stings her face from how fast he runs. He ignores her pleas to be left behind to stop being dead weight. She's never a burden in fact she tries so hard... for a baseline human she tries so hard.
He's already made up his mind if she survives it's by the will of the God Emperor and his to have! He'll make her so heavy and happy! As his little Bäckerin makes daily bread. All according to the will of the God Emperor.
All of it.
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moodymisty · 9 months
Listen I know the wall husbands heads are full of concrete but I'm interested in what you could do with a black templar
Maybe having a cleric darling (Thinking more of a lay person vs someone like a sister of battle) so there can be some delicious religious subtext
But I also know some black templars are very much into seeing when normal baseline humans can overcome the odds and rise above with their own zeal.
Maybe she isn't a combatant but by the God Emperor she will help out however she can even if it is just passing him boltgun magazines.
I got ideas for Black Templars but they're all over the place! Maybe you can make more sense of my ramblings and since it's still on the brain it could be Yandere or not just however you can make a Black Templar with a Darling work
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's Note: So... I went apeshit. I apologize. I just fucking love doing religious subtext and whatnot. Also the frail maiden with her knight. Combining them? Awooga. Like this is my dream prompt. I hope you enjoy.
Summary: His thumb presses against your lips, and your mouth opens. You can taste the metal on your tongue, like bitter iron. His hand despite being so inhumanly large is so dextrious and gentle, and the thoughts that enter your mind are sickening.
Relationships: Unnamed Black Templar/Fem!Reader (there aren't pronouns used but the lady/knight vibe is super intense)
Warnings: A smidge lewd but not NSFW, Vague traditional gender roles-like talk (being gentle/needing to be protected etc), Religious under(over)tones, Forbidden romance undertones, Vague yandere/yandere beginnings, Armor kink if you squint, Brief mentions of blood and murder, General 40kness
Word Count: 2209 oops uwu
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Ceramite boots thud against the floor like the thunder overhead, echoing in the high, vaulted ceilings.
He hears a tile crack underneath his right boot as he shifts his weight onto it mid-step.
He was always heavier than his brothers. His armor had to be adjusted three different times to fit him as he outgrew it.
'Leave him, he’s off to go for his prayers, and to stalk the locals.’
His one battle brother had laughed at the other’s comment, as he left them all behind to return to the cathedral. It's far from his first time here, in these sanctified halls. He finds himself returning here after almost every patrol, every outing, every moment alone.
His armor shifts with his movement, and he rolls his left shoulder during his walk. He’s had the armor fixed after a stray round hit him in the shoulder, but it still feels off. Like the motion is ever so slightly delayed in comparison to his other interface ports.
He'll get it looked at again. For now he has a different pursuit.
It’s the dead of the night, moon high in the sky as he walks through the nave past pews filled with nothing but air. At this time of night he knows it will only be you here, keeping candles lit and rolling scrolls. A stray servoskull might flutter past every now and again, but other than that, you remain in complete solitude.
No distractions, no needless fluff. You're always busy, fluttering about, making yourself useful where you can. You aren't able to fight, not this threat, but your obedience in cleaning armor- weapons when an Astartes allows- and other such duties has earned you enough to stay where your fellows have left.
Many of the other human refugees have been shipped off at this point, to become the Militarium's logistical problem. You and a few others however have earned your keep. At least in the eyes of the Black Templars.
You'll be far safer here than in a Militarium camp stuffed in with hundreds to thousands of others; Like animals waiting to be shipped off world.
You'll be far safer here with him.
There you are. He can spot you from across the cathedral, and a part of him wonders why it has such an effect on him. His hearts beat faster and his neck tenses; It feels like how he does whenever he's about to fight, but also distinctly different. It almost makes him feel like he's sick from an illness he can't explain.
The moment you hear him however, knowing the sound of an astartes this late and this far away from his brothers could only be him, your back straightens. You've been leaning over for awhile, and your body makes uncooperative cracks as you stand at his approach.
He stops in front of you, at the bottom of the ambulatory steps that rise up to the main altar. You stand at the top of them, quickly moving aside so he can come closer. When he does, you can feel his gaze through the lens of his helmet. It always feels heavy, even when his helmet isn't tilted you way you swear you can feel whenever his eyes are on you.
With both hands he unseals his helmet with a soft hiss, grasping it by the rim before handing it to you. It’s almost too heavy for your grip, but you manage to hold it close to your chest and avoid dropping it. Meanwhile he takes a knee, elbow on his knee as he drops his head in prayer.
His chainsword shifts on his back, over top of a long, tattered cape that's stained with mud and blood at the bottom hem. Astartes don't leave their armor during war, and so the cloth holds the weeks long stench of iron and rotting flesh. It simply burns however, until a few minutes later and then you can no longer smell. For the best, more than likely.
The cathedral is cast in complete silence, his shoulders shifting underneath plates of ceramite. He always is whenever he prays, unlike his brothers in the few times you've seen them. Perhaps it's just a quirk of his. Or maybe they're the odd ones.
Then again, they aren't the ones visiting an empty cathedral in the dead of night, only to meet a single person. Over and over again.
When he rises, he gently takes his helmet from your hands and latches it onto his belt. You speak up for the first time since he appeared.
"Have you made good progress out there? The weather seems to only be getting worse."
He looks down at you; His short, hastily chopped hair dry and pressed in odd places from the pressure of his helmet. It's mostly dry now, but you can tell it was wet not long ago. He must've taken his helmet off in the rain and was instantly soaked to the bone.
"The Emperor watches over us. We will prevail despite the deluge."
Said deluge batters on the tall glass windows of the cathedral, and thunder cracks not much later. The sound gives you a momentary jolt. This particular storm has been going all day, but the area has been battered with rainstorms for weeks now on and off. It might not slow them down, but you can see dried chunks of mud where they've had to trudge through it to progress. Most of it is washed away on him now, the rain having cleaned his armor significantly.
Your hands grasp each other tightly, no longer having his helmet to act as some sort of grounding.
"I tried to pray like you do, this morning." His eyes noticeably brighten ever the slightest, as your voice echos in the empty cathedral. "I wanted to pray to the Emperor that you stayed safe out there."
You don't know if he finds it amusing; But the corner of his mouth quirks upward ever so slightly anyways.
"Then pray for our victory, not our safety. What matters is that we succeed," He states.
You hear the mechanics in his armor shift as he leans slightly more on his left leg than right. It's like the armor is simply an extension of himself, and you suppose it is.
He is the first astartes you've even seen, so your knowledge is sparse. A small part of you has so many questions you'd wish to ask him, not knowing if he'd even entertain you with an answer.
You're fascinated by him; You wonder if he thinks the same of you. The way he acts lends you to think so, but you don't know how to feel about it.
In the corner of your eye you notice movement, and turn to the right just a bit and see someone walking across the nave. But when they catch sight of you and one of the Black Templars, the scurry out of the main hall like death was on their heels.
It isn't the first time someone has made a conscious effort to avoid you, now that you have an astartes taking such an interest in you. People are keen to spend as little time around them as possible- as despite them being the primary source protecting you all, they have more than displayed their fickle nature. One misspoken word and you could be gone. It's happened before. You know of a few faces that have disappeared with little a word.
You must look away from him for too long, as suddenly his armored hand grasps your jaw, turning your face back to him. The awkward angle due to his height makes your neck ache, and you grasp at the seams of his gauntlet for any sort of support.
"Are you going to try and run like they did?"
He says, watching you like he's looking for something more than a simple answer.
You wonder what he sees. If he notices the way your heart has begun to race in fear and something else, as he overtakes your vision. That something else was only for those rare moments of solitude where your reasoning left you, and your mind wandered to areas it shouldn't. If you'd known any better, you might've thought such things were blasphemous, or something of the sort.
Suddenly, you remember that he's waiting for an answer; You watch as the scars on his face move when he shifts his jaw.
He takes a step closer and with no more room your back presses against the altar just behind you. You risk nearly bending over it from how close he is, his dominant leg taking root just close enough that your legs have to part to let his knee past.
The shadow of the window mullions decorate the back of his armor, the light making the shadows against his face even harsher. You can even see the shadows of large rain droplets against his pauldrons, sliding down as if they've actually fallen on him. You can hear them hit the glass as the wind whistles outside and rattles the glass.
You watch him wondering; His eyes and face are completely unreadable. Astartes are so stoic, any little emotion is held invisible deep within themselves. Trying to figure out what he's thinking is an impossible task, though it's clear the interest he has in you is no longer just curiosity. That thought makes your heart pound against your chest as if it's trying to escape, your blood hot.
His thumb presses against your lips, and your mouth opens. You can taste the metal on your tongue, like bitter iron. His hand despite being so inhumanly large is so dextrious and gentle, and the thoughts that enter your mind are sickening.
It feels like he's toying with you; Experimenting with something new as he watches the way your soft skin gives under his armor. Your hands and gentle skin have faint crumbles of candle wax and ink on them from your work, as they grasp his armor.
You're terrified. You want more of him. You'll be happy to burn if that's what it requires.
"You'll come with me, when we are finished here."
You whisper his name, telling him yes as if you were foolish enough to think you had a choice in the matter. No one but him is here to hear it.
If someone was you wouldn't be able to see them from the way his massive armored form overtakes almost all of your vision, swallowing you in a sea of shadow and pitch black armor. They would see as he leans down, his thumb leaving your lips. You can feel his hot breath on your skin. The way he almost seems to suffocate you with how much of his body looms over you, just to get close. You can hear your own heartbeat so you just know he can, his eyes dilated and nearly total black.
Your back hurts pressing against the edge of the altar, feeling vulnerable underneath his unreadable stare. The fabric of your clothing bunches in places and rises up on your body, catching on the seams of his leg plates. His armor might be cold, but astartes run hot; Like their blood is boiling, so beneath that metal chill is the heat from the skin visible on his face and neck. You think if the cathedral was any colder, his hot breath would be visible.
His lips hover over yours, brushing as if he's so thoroughly detailing every step of this. Savoring each moment, or perhaps just toying with you. Watching the way a human so much smaller than him writhes under his grip at his mercy. You want to finish it, but the hand clamped around your jaw won't allow you, as much as you want to yearn and beg and plead to k-
'Brother. Return from toying with the refugees, the chaplain has returned with an update.'
Suddenly audible is a deep voice shaken by vox distortion emanating from his helmet; His head turns ever so slightly in it's direction. The bow of his upper lip brushes over yours as he does so. His brow furrows and he seems visibly irritated, interrupted during the worst possible time. You are as well, though it's more of desperation as you try to silence the way the your body aches for just him.
But as quick as it had begun it all ends, as he rises to his full height and removes his hand from your jaw. It complains with the promise of a hefty bruising, as he uses the same gauntlet to one handed slip his helmet back onto his head.
You can feel him stare at you even through the lenses, as he shifts in his armor and walks past where you stand splayed against the altar, clothes a mess. Your legs wobble as if about to give out from underneath you without his support, a weight like a rock in your lower belly.
He walks down the ambulatory in silence and leaves you alone once more, but you know it won't be for long.
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shiyorin · 5 months
The Inquisitor knows about yandere astartes, it won't end well
Inquisitor [REDACTED] report on yandere Astartes (????)
+++ CLEARANCE: Obsidian
+++ DATE: 327.M38
+++ AUTHOR: Inquisitor [REDACTED], Ordo Malleus 
Summary of Findings:
Initial reports of this suspected "Geneflaw" first reached my conclave several terran years ago. Astartes assets deployed to war zones began exhibiting highly erratic behaviors and perverse compulsions unbecoming of the Emperor's finest warriors.
Behavioral divergences included:
Unnatural emotional outbursts and loss of emotional mastery
Uncontrollable sexual urges and deviant acts
Possessive, clingy behaviors violating sacred chains of command
Irrational self-destructive and anti-imperial actions driven by object fixations
At first, these cases seemed sporadic and isolated across different Chapters. However, as more deplorable incidents piled up, a clear pattern emerged. Something grievous had gone wrong on a fundamental level.
Excerpted examples of documented cases:
[REDACTED] - BLOOD ANGELS CHAPTER Audio log of Sanguinary Priest [REDACTED]
"Some dark curse has been visited upon our Chapter. A growing number of my battle-brothers have become… afflicted with wanton hungers. No mere physical needs, but all-consuming fixations on certain mortals within our care."
"They will stop at nothing to "claim" these individuals for themselves, body and soul. Any attempt at intervention results in unthinkable acts of disobedience and violence…"
[REDACTED] - BLACK TEMPLARS CHAPTER Thought downloading from captured Chaplain [REDACTED] upon interrogation
"The time for restraint is at an end. I can bear this throbbing in my soul no longer! She must know the depth of my unfettered desire, the fever pitch of my infatuation. If she does not return these longings, I shall shatter worlds until the God-Emperor take pity!"
*Interrogator's Note: [NEUTRALIZE]
[REDACTED] - EXCORIATOR CHAPTER Recorded pict-captures from helm-cams during incursion on [REDACTED]
-Extreme Battlefield Fraternization between crusaders and human auxiliaries -Acts of exhibitionism and self-mutilation by crusaders -Systematic execution of any battle-brother expressing disgust at above actions -Final pict: [REDACTED]
The list of astartes goes on. Worse, there appear to be no patterns in age, founding, homeworld or even primarch genealogy. These repulsive behaviors are emerging across every Adeptus Astartes chapter at random. The Imperium teeters on the brink of an catastrophic, gene-coded crisis.
Research into potential countermeasures and remedies continues. However, my conclusions thus far firmly advocate an extreme response to contain this threat.
1) Immediate executions for any Astartes subject exhibiting Geneflawed behaviors. No exceptions.
2) Full and systematic extinction-level viral bombings against all potentially compromised Chapters and fleets.
3) Pre-emptive destruction of all Astartes gene-seed repositories, along with any Adeptus Mechanicus factions and forge worlds implicating in its creation or study.
Only through the complete erasure of this genetic stock can the essence of the Adeptus Astartes be preserved for the inevitable darkness yet to come.
The Emperor's work must be done, no matter how abominable the means required.
I await your tribunal's final judgment on this matter.
Thought for the Day: "There is nothing to be gained through mercy, only fleeting weakness and eventual damnation."
-Inquisitor [REDACTED]
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Hand So Tight
Past =-= Next
Author's Note: More of Draco in Waters AU. Thank you to @sleepyfan-blog for letting me borrow Cedric. Thank you to @kit-williams for letting me borrow Arnault, Roland. Thank you to @egrets-not-regrets for letting me borrow Erriox and Lenora and your help with editing and other things :)
Summary: Draco and Lana finish their conversation. For now, Draco is allowed to live, and has to abide by the rules and restrictions that she and the Gannet Harpies put into place. It remains to be seen whether or not he'll actually follow his word or not...
Warnings: Panic, Bond Denial, blood, yandere tendencies, unwilling Identity reveal, let me know if I need to add anything.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
All Astartes had to overcome their own set of challenges during their time as neophytes and aspirants, some worse than others. Some chapters had harsher tests, harsher training than others. All chapters had rigorous testing to ensure only the very best succeeded in becoming full battle brothers. 
But what the Gray Knight had done, had been excessive, since Claude is not of the same Chapter as the Gray Knight. Also, Claude had not asked for training from the Gray Knight, nor had he been chosen to become a Gray Knight.
They know this because they see no new colors forming in Claude’s tail, no silver and gold covering the black and gray of the Raven Guard. Zariel pointed out that fact. Lana and Mara frown at that. 
“With his lineage, it’s easy to hide such things,” The Gray Knight points out, narrowing his eyes at Zariel, “Hydras can change their colors and skin to scales very easily.”
“Not necessarily while distressed.” Lenora chimes in. 
“You say that, as if Claude can shape shift,” Zariel points out with a frown, something flashing across his face.
“How do you know that?” A lot of Space mer-ine voices ask Lenora simultaneously. Curious to see what she means by what she had said.
“I’ve seen Claude’s true form and true colors when he had been in mental distress. He is teal, navy blue, and dark gray and resembles Zariel and his brothers. There is nothing of silver and gold in him.” Lenora much rather have it kept secret as per Claude’s wishes, but the Gray Knight had laid everything out in the open now. 
Erriox is scowling at everyone in general, Lenora had told him about the panic attack that young Claude had, as well as had questions about ‘shape shifting astartes’.
Which had given him a near coronary attack. He understand why she said something, the Gray Knight was trying to pull some fuck-shit move to try and turn them against Claude for some reason or another.
He’d talked to Claude about it- and the youngling had admitted to his chimeric gene-seed including more than just Raven Guard and Night Lord- with Alpha legion as well.
So this doesn’t come as a surprise to him. Erriox has seen Claude’s true form once or twice, Alpha Legion breeds true- he’s got their tentacles, with spots and stripes of Night Lord and Raven Guard in his colorations and physical features.
He’s just really fucking pissed that the Bastard Gray Knight just outed this about his poor shy son to so many people. He’s watching the way Roland and Arnault twitch when they realize that Claude is part Alpha Legion as well as a Psyker.
“If you go after Claude for this,” Erriox warns, glaring at the two Black Templars, Arnault and Roland, “I will skin you both and throw you into acid and vinegar and never, ever let you see any of my sons ever again.”
“We share the boys!” Roland and Arnault protest. Even if… certain revelations about Claude had been rather… shocking.
Arnault is scowling, but his lovely Bonded is fond, very fond of Claude, the other little witch in the group of Primaris Marines. This Uber-witch is trying to twist them against the babies.
Fucker. It might have worked, had Roland and Arnault not met and gotten to know Claude. Seen the measure of his character. No wonder he was a jumpy Scout-ling. 
They really, really, need to talk to Cedric and Ramiel to see what the boys know about their brother-cousins. Also why in the flying fuck they hadn’t been told certain very important details about them.
Still- with how this Gray Knight had harmed Claude- and the way that he’d threatened them… They understood their wariness for First Born Marines, even if they felt a sting in their hearts for the boys.
Lana scowled, angry at the Gray Knight’s attempt at manipulation, “I don’t want to hear your excuses and anything of your twisting words. Do you promise or not!”
“I promise that I won’t be heavy handed in punishment and training for the Fledglings and Scouts. I will abide by this condition, and not be heavily punished in  or after training.” The Gray knight replies smoothly.”However, we will need to discuss what you want as limits for punishment.”
“Words are cheap to you it seems.” Lana scoffed. 
“My word is my bond,” The Gray Knight says with a frown, stung by her comment.
“It’s not an unreasonable request,” Zarius says hesitantly, frowning, hating the fact that he’s play Devil’s Advocate, and hating every word that comes out of his mouth, the taste is bitter and disgusting on his tongue, “To know what you deem as unacceptable for punishment. Him wanting to know how far he can go.”
“I guess.” Lana sighs and leans against Keed’s chest, “I guess. I’m scared that he speaks so smoothly, promising things that I find hard to believe that he would abide by…. I’m so tired.”
“It’s understandable,” Orlys says earnestly, “he’s a scary fae-like fucker.”
The Gray Knight could hear their conversation. His bond calls him to comfort Lana. He should be the one with her resting in his arms. If only he could move… He twitches his hands slightly, but the pressure on him only increases at all angles from the lesser cousins who have him pinned to the ground.
The Alpha legionaries know that the Gray Fucker can hear them, they just don’t care. Their concern is for Lana, he can go dive into an active volcano. If only that wouldn’t hurt their beloved Lana as well.
“Don’t try it,” Erriox warns as he leans more of his weight into the blades that he’s sunk into the bastard’s tail. He can feel the blades sink into the sands beneath the Gray Knight’s tail. Hopefully that will help to keep him more pinned. He had noticed the way the Gray Knight’s muscles were shifting and tensing, he was thinking of doing something.
“Why don’t we take a break?” Mara asks, concerned for the member of her Colony, gently resting a clawed hand on her shoulder, “for a little while, then finish this later?”
“No. I need to finish this now.” Lana replied stubbornly. 
“Very well dear,” Mara says, with a nod.
“My second condition,” Lana states, as she thinks over what it is she wants to place as boundaries and conditions on this unfortunate Bond that snapped into place so rapidly, so strongly. It wasn’t like the Bond that had slowly built stone by stone with the Alpha legionaries, or the potential one that had been broken by that Black Templar. 
It scared her how powerful, how strong, how intense it was, and they didn’t even know each other. “Is that you have to learn to get along with Zariel and his brothers, they are my Bonded, as much as… you are. You have to promise to get along with them. You have to promise that I get to have time with them, they were here first, after all. And I want, no, need to know what your Name is.”
“... I will learn and do my best to get along with the Hydras,” The Gray Knight grumbles reluctantly, feeling rather incensed that he has to get along with the fucking Hydras.
All five of the Hydras glared at him, with scowls on their faces, they didn’t want to get to know him either. But they do like that he will have to share, and not steal all of her time from them.
They had already figured out a sharing time schedule, something they had developed with Lana and between themselves, they will have to renegotiate- to include the giant silver and gold bastard.
They are going to start plotting to see the edges of this asshole’s temperament. See what makes him snap, snarl. They are going to go on a one sided prank war with this fucker and have him fuck off.
Lana is theirs! They don’t want to share her with this Gray Fucker. And sure he is making all of these promises. But they aren’t. Sly, devious expressions flicker across their faces for a moment, before they smoothly go back to scowling at the Gray Knight.
“I wish for only Lana to know my name,” The Gray Knight requests. The Name of a Gray Knight, both the Battle Name, and the secret name are some of the most jealously guarded and protected things for a Gray Knight personally. “My names are kept secret for protection and safety reasons. I don’t want -Chaos filth- to learn of it.”
The Gray Knight glares at the Chaos Space Marines that are still hovering nearby- some of those disgusting creatures daring to touch and keep him pinned down. He does not want all of these beings to know, his Bonded and, ugh, perhaps, the Hydras, provided that they promise not to speak of his name to others without his permission.
“I have several call signs that can be used in public,” The Gray Knight says slowly, “One of my titles is Brother-Captain of the Stormbreakers.” 
“Fine. Brother-Captain Stormbreaker, we will agree to that.” Lana concedes to his request. It felt a little strange on her tongue, but names are important and it is best that his request is at least respected. The Gray Knight had… accepted all her conditions after all. It is the least she could do in return. “If the boys don’t want to train with you, then you must accept that.”
She’ll talk to Lenora and Erriox- if Claude really does need Psyker training… then they can cross that hurdle when they come to it. And not with someone who’d nearly beaten the poor boy to death and tormented and kidnapped him for a week.
“Upon my honor, I will follow your conditions as best I could so that I may prove worthy of you. Will you be willing to accept our bond now?” The Gray Knight asks.
Lana pauses to take a few moments to think, so far he’s spoken well, at times. He’d agreed with only some minor arguments to her Conditions for this Bond between the two of them.
She’ll have to think about what limitations she wants for punishments and overly harsh training methods- talk with her boys, and Erriox as well to see what was considered ‘normal’ and ‘too far’ by their standards and then come up with her own decision on the matter. She likes the idea of someone watching Brother Captain Stormbreaker training the boys. 
“I…” She pauses and sighs, “I will be willing to accept our bond, for now.” Lana says hesitantly. “Erriox, Roland, Arnault and everyone else… Please release him.”
Erriox nods, and pulls his knives out of the Gray Knights tail, backing off and away from the Shiny Fucker. The rest of the space mer-ines who’d been keeping him pinned immediately release him per Lana’s request and backed off. All still watching him with hawk-sharp eyes.
“Thank you,” Captain Brother StormBreaker says, bowing his head a little to Lana, the relief he feels, at her agreeing to their Bond. To be his, to try and follow this Bond through. He wonders if the relief that she feels is just as great. “May I hold you, my Lana?”
The five Alpha Legionaries all growl and snarl at him, backing away from him, all of them carefully, lovingly holding her and scowling fiercely at the Gray Knight. They do not want to let her go, and they do not want this bastard to hold her. 
Lana quietly pleaded with them, “Please, Zariel Zarius, Talos, Orlys, Keed. Let him hold me for a while.”
The reactions she gets from her boys are devastated teal eyes peering down at her with hearts-broken expressions on their faces. They really don’t want to let her go, but do so, slowly, reluctantly, to do so, one by one they let her go. Until Zariel is the last one holding her and he has a stubborn look on his face.
Lana smiles, nuzzling him, “It will be alright. I promise.” She kisses him when he bends his head down. 
He nuzzles her with a soft churring noise, pleased at her attention and affection. “Very well, Lovely Lana.”
Zariel slowly releases her, and the Gray Knight moves swiftly to rise up to where she is, gently holding her in his arms and nuzzling her cheek with his. Purring deeply and loudly when she shyly reciprocates his affections.
The Bond is suddenly warm and quiet, happy and content. No pain, no screeches of discordant agony. Both Lana and the Gray Knight let out a sigh of relief. 
She is the most precious thing he’s ever beheld in his life, and he will do everything in his power to keep her safe and with him. He will follow her conditions, and negotiate what is considered ‘too harsh’ for punishments and training later. 
He’d heard something about the teal Psyker potentially not being trained by him but he internally scoffs at that. He’s a highly trained psyker, and a very powerful one at that, who else would be the one that they have to train the Scout?
None of the Alpha legionaries, besides Claude, has enough psykery for more than the telepathic grox-shit and the shapeshifting abilities. And the winged Son of the Ninth Primarch is too young to train someone his age anyways. Not experienced enough, and really should have more training overseen for him as well.
For now, he will hold onto his bonded harpy for as long as he can, “Thank you, Lana.” He repeats as he kisses her forehead, then her brow, then her cheek, making his way downwards to her mouth. He pressed his lips gently to hers, “Thank you for accepting this bond.” He murmurs. 
“You’re welcome Captain Stormbreaker,” Lana flushes, slightly caught off-guard by his tender treatment. 
He huffs quietly as he remembers his promise to the harpy. He whispers in her ear, “My name is Draco Kai.”
“Draco Kai…” Lana murmurs almost inaudibly. She nuzzles him, “Thank you for telling me.”
Draco purrs loud enough for Lana to feel the vibration through his armored chest. Hearing his name spoken from her lips settles the remaining restlessness in his mind. He can listen to her repeat his name again and again. 
“I think you’ve held her for long enough,” Zarius says sulkily as he swims through the air closer to the pair of them. 
He gives Lana a pleading look and scowls at the Gray Knight Brother Captain Storm-cunt. He reaches out towards her tilting his head to the side, widening his eyes imploringly at her.
While he does that Orlys is sneaking over to where the Gray Knights helmet is and grabs it. Turning away to block other’s view- Erriox glances over and lets out a snort of mean laughter as Oryls fills the shiny fucker’s helmet with beach sand and sharp pebbles.
Mara sighs and claps her claws, “That’s enough. We are done here. Let’s go home, we still have the wounded to tend to. And Orlys, clean out the helmet.”
“Aw… yes Mara,” Orlys says with a pout on his face as he cleans the helmet. He gets a mischievous look on his face as he lightly tosses the Gray Knight’s helmet from hand to hand, planning on accidentally dropping it in the ocean.
The old harpy gave him a hard stare, “Clean and return it now, Orlys.” She says sternly, not in the mood for his mischievous nonsense. She did not need the Alpha Legion brothers to get into a conflict with the Gray Knight so soon after things had been resolved.
Orlys finishes cleaning the helmet and swims through the air up to where the Gray Knight and their beloved Lana are, “I've got your helmet, Gray Knight.”
He has it in his hands, but isn’t holding it out for other mer space marine to grab it, not yet as he waits for the Gray Knight to respond to him. The Gray Knight and Mara gave him a look and he handed it over with a sullen pout on his face.
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2lim3rz · 2 years
I think the whole yandere 40k au is great! Unfortunately, I cannot reveal my identity due to the inquisition being after my head. Is it that strange to yearn for a large, burly and ever so slightly genetically-modified man to sweep me off my feet and love me unconditionally? If none are available, I will take everything else- an imperial guardsmen, a sister of battle, admech or some xeno or heretic- I'll take anyone please!!! 😭
So, like, I hope it's ok but the only genetically modified burly men I have available are...
*cue looking at sloppily scribbled notes*
Marines Malevolent, Black Templars, and World Eaters. So 3 shades of angry
Also luckily if you're dealing with a Guardsman that has a case of the yearning, you're pretty fine! Unless, of course they're any of the following:
Catachans in general
Colonel Schaeffer (100% because he would end you solely for interfering with his work)
I want to say 100% ANY guardsman that survives to the end of his book
And as for Sisters of Battle, idk much on them but I'd say youre also pretty screwed and it gets very VEEERY iffy on Ad-mech bois because they'll either:
Servitor you. Like a really weird fucked up ;) servitor. Yes, it's grimdark setting, I like going full throttle
Servitor: Become Glorified Computer Console Version
CONGRATS! You're a non-battlefield Skitarii!
You have all your parts but all passwords are changed for you only so you can't leave
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bleedingichorhearts · 6 months
𝙎𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙃𝙪𝙨𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙧𝙮 (𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚) 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙇𝙞𝙨𝙩:
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𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: This is a 𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕃𝕚𝕤𝕥 for my longer fics under the “Space Marine Husbandry (Sentience)” tag.
𝕬𝖈��𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊𝖉𝖌𝖊: This post/𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕃𝕚𝕤𝕥 contain’s 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭 & 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 content. So, please be 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 of yourselves.
Check out |°:𝙎𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙃𝙪𝙨𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙧𝙮 (𝘿𝙖𝙧𝙠 𝙎𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚) 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙇𝙞𝙨𝙩:°| for a more Yandere/Dark setting!
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(These features might update.)
𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫: A war-band of Custodes ||Celsus, Atlas, Pythios, Horos, Sabinus||
{Chapter I} •
𝐒𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭: Dark Angel ||Ruslan||
{Chapter I} •
𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐥 𝐄𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞: A headless Custodes ||Anthelm||
{Chapter I} •
𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐀𝐦𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Emperors Children ||Ambrosio||
{Chapter I} •
𝐊𝐥𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧: Black Templar ||???||
{Chapter I} •
𝐃𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐥: World Bearer ||Rasul, Zazir||
{Chapter I} •
𝐄𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐲 & 𝐈𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐲: Raven Guard ||Zedkiel||
{Chapter I} •
𝐄𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞: Gray Knight & Alpha Legion ||Solor, Hydra, Leviathan, Asclepius||
{Chapter I} •
𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬: World Eater, Thousand Son, Night Lord & Death Guard ||Sarvak, Scarab, Saveth, Atheloca||
|°𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭°|
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kit-williams · 9 months
Rein Raus
Remember when I said I would use Powerwolf titles for Black Templars... well none of them fit for this.
Thank you to @bleepblood236 and @egrets-not-regrets for wanting and encouraging me to continue Brother Roland and his Bäckerin
Thank you @bispecsual for double checking this
tw: smut, yandere, religious overtones?, black templars, scent stuff? appreciation of musky males
There's POV switching from what is happening and what led up to it
Rein, raus Rein, raus Rein, raus
She threw her head back as she could not stop the moan that ripped from her throat as her eyes rolled back and drool ran down her chin. She tried her best to suck it back into her mouth but still some splatted against Roland's broad chest. Her hands pushing hard into the muscle gut as his Bäckerin did her best to lift her hips but it was so hard given how spread she was.
A hand of his rested on her thigh as he couldn't wait to fatten them back up. He remembers the way she was when they had first arrived how soft and curvy his Bäckerin looked... she had lost so much of her softness... he would make sure she was back to her old self. She was far too lost in the pleasure to see the dark look in his eyes as soon she would be in his room fat with his sons.
The xenos were dead... and she had finally made good on her offer of bread as soon as there were some supplies. Perhaps Roland had gotten some ingredients from the ship... she smelt so good... so FECUND he tasted the air running his tongue against the gland on the roof of his mouth as she had kneeded the dough. Of course it would take time before the bread was done so it gave him an excuse to get away from her before he pounced on her.
Roland wasn't a monster... he had to make sure that she wanted him. Even if it wasn't to the same extent that he wanted her... she could learn to feel the same a crumb of her love would sustain him he would starve until he could eat her whole. He bit into the warm bread trying to not moan as it was the same colored as the sunkissed skin of hers... like her thigh.
She offered to show him her home... she led him into the musty ruined home as she just smiled sadly at how others had gotten in... food rotting from the ripped open fridge. He kept close to her and even the smell of rotting food could not stop her smell from reaching him. He wanted to run his tongue at the source and smear it over his face. He wanted that scent stained onto a purity seal... stained onto a cloth he would bring with him and just to INHALE his Bäckerin scent.
She moaned as one of his hands wrapped around her throat and just held it. He didn't need to squeeze but he watched her eyes flutter as she pressed her throat against his hand. How his Bäckerin rutted against his cock deep inside of her, her breasts bounced, her drool running down his wrist... the way her eyes were half rolled back.
"Oh they didn't take them!" She says so happily as she pulls a box out compartment in the floor. She looks at the little box of treasures, Roland doesn't understand the sentiment of them but they mean something to her. He sits on the mattress on the floor, his eyes flicking between it and her and then to something that just reaks of her. "Oh sorry I was told I was probably going to come back... so I left my dirty laundry... probably contributing to the bad smell."
"It smells like you."
"I hope you're meaning that in a good way."
"I do. Bäckerin." He purred out his nickname for her and he watched her look to him. "Come here... klein Bäckerin."
His throat went dry as she crawled over to him. Her eyes wide and he could smell her. He felt his will start to falter. He could still clearly hear her screaming how she wanted to have babies... so many babies. If we was recalling correctly. His legs were spread as the rough material of his tunic did little to deter his pulsing between his legs. He had to bite his palm as she started to sniff the air... he was always told how intensely he could smell all that testosterone... it could be an unpleasant musky smell... like her potent pheromone smell that wasn't much of a smell but it just made part of his brain itch. A prior partner did not enjoy his "musk"... but his Bäckerin? He watched her breathing deepen... and her face break out into a blush. Why he had to bite his hand? She dove between his legs pressing her face against the rough material near his cock and just inhaling. Her feminine smell growing stronger. Before she pulled away looking ashamed. "My Lord... I'm sorry... you... you just smelled so good."
Rein, raus Rein, raus Rein, raus
He chanted in his head as his hips rolled against hers. Her face buried into his tunic... more importantly the spot that was around his crotch. She was moaning against the rough fabric as there was no way for either of them to deny what they were doing by this point. Oh at first she could have said that she had fallen face first into his crotch... his heavy hand pushing her on accident back in... they were going to pray... her poor breasts with their small scratches on them from the rough material of his tunic. Yet she seemed to hardly care just focused on him fucking her.
"Please tell me you're close." She whined having already gotten off three times just by him thrusting in. His smell was the only thing keeping her wet for him.
"Ja, Ich bin." His hands gripped her hips harder as he moved just a bit harder and faster. He finally feels that cord inside of him snap and he feels his toes curl as he pulls her hips to his slowly grinding against hers as he moans softly painting her insides.
"Oh by the throne...." His Bäckerin moaned as he pulled his tunic away from her and pulled her to his chest.
He held his Bäckerin close just running his fingers through her hair. He felt so complete in this moment. "Bäckerin..."
"Hmmm?" She hummed to him as her hand trailed along an old scar.
"Come with me." He states and feels his throat tighten as a beat passes. "Come with me... you can still bake your breads on the ship. Honestly my brothers and I would appreciate them more. I can give you what you want. I can give you those babies you want... my dearest Bäckerin... come with me." He said softly
Good Girl End
She looked to him and her eyes sparkled with joy. "Roland... but... I... I don't know what to say."
"Say yes Bäckerin." He whispers to her leaving tender kisses along the top of her head.
"How long until you go? I've got affairs to wrap up. I've got to make sure the family business stays in the family... Oh by the throne. Oh Roland!" Her arms wrap around his neck as she kisses him hard. "Yes... yes I'll follow you."
This is how Roland dreamed of getting his Bäckerin just wooing her with his strength and devotion... their bodies joining cleanly at the waist... and her saying yes. It was all perfect.
Too perfect if you ask me.
Bad End? Persuasion end Bad Girl End
She looked to him with concern in her eyes as she slowly shook her head. "Roland... I can't."
For Roland his world turned to a finite point and he could hear the snap of that reality breaking. He keeps a calm face but inside... inside he is screaming. This was not how it was to go... she was suppose to be swept away... he earned her. By the will of the God Emperor they both survived... he prayed for her death if it wasn't meant to be.
"I've got to find my family... rebuild my business and my life... all these petty little mortal worries." She looks ashamed as she sits up on his stomach, she rubs the back of her neck where not even an hour earlier she was wearing pretty pearls... in her joy to find her heirlooms. "I just... I just don't think it would work."
Roland forced his hearts to beat slowly as of course it was her being a mortal... looking at the wrong picture. He saw her look at him with a worried expression, "Please don't be mad." She whispers softly.
He gave her a tender look, "Oh meine Bäckerin I could never be mad at you. Ja... perhaps you're right I was so caught up with it all. C'mere." He purrs sitting up and she easily and willingly crawls back into his lap. She sighs happily as their naked flesh moves against each other before his hand moves up and over her mouth and nose. She tries to pull her head back but that fails and he watches her eyes widen with fear and panic as she starts to make muffled cries.
Roland sat there like a stone statue as she desperately clawed as his skin... as her muscles grew heavier... her small hands clawing at his wrists. "Bäckerin this hurts me so much more than you. You'll thank me liebe. I'll give you so many sons... so many babies." Roland coos into her ears as he watched her eyes roll back and waited before he released her mouth and nose.
She didn't snap awake but was still alive. He hummed as he grabbed several items she had deemed important including that box of heirlooms. He pulled a dress from her closet on over her... the sundress was a bit too showy for Roland's taste but it would only be for a short bit.
And when she would wake up he'd happily explain himself. She would certainly understand... it was the will of the God Emperor! She would have to understand that he had no choice.
And his will must be done.
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kit-williams · 7 months
To be held in your arms...
Male Lead: Roland Female Lead: Universe/AU: Warhammer 40k/Yandere Space Marines Canon Status: Yes
Note: This is for everyone who requested for a prompt about Roland holding his child in his arms for the first time. Baby is going to be referred in the gender neutral as I got even amount of prompts for him holding a little boy as well as a little girl. I'll explore more of it after fluffuary.
Also thank you everyone for being so kind over this fluffuary!
He missed it and he knew it but little could pull Roland away from the front lines. While he wanted to be there for her... if he didn't go the danger that could eventually come back to the ship would certain kill her. His job was to keep his Bäckerin safe... and their new kinder. The extra hours out of the tight corridors of the heretical vessel... the rites of blessing... the rites of removing his armor... the prayers after... it all was pushed to the front of his mind to stave off the disappointment.
It was well into her sleep cycle when he can finally go and see her. The midwife leading him to the room she was now in as she goes over the medical details that he knows his Bäckerin will recount in far less of a clinical manner. The door opens silently as he feels so large in such a small room... the midwife coming over to wake her up...
"Why wake her?" He lets it slip out of his mouth.
"Feeding time." The older woman says as his Bäckerin groans looking at her glumly and exhausted.
"Just five more..." She pleads.
"And then your babe will be five more closer to dying. Come now this is the most important part." The midwife says with some warmth in her voice.
He stands there quietly as it smells like cleaning fluids and blood... it smells like her blood... hidden under the sheets and covers as she just opens the gown and presses the wriggling flesh to her breast. "Please little one latch." His Bäckerin tiredly sobs.
Part of him twitches as he watches his beloved being moved roughly as well as his child. But he can smell something... underneath the sterile smell. "There just a bit of a stubborn one. Oh you have a visitor my dear."
"I do? Who?" She says so very out of it still and the midwife just points over to him as his Bäckerin looks over her shoulder at him with those large owlish eyes surprised that in her exhausted state she didn't hear him or see him.
"I'll be back in a bit to make sure everything is fine." The midwife states as she pets her head affectionately before leaving the room.
"Roland." His Bäckerin says smiling and utterly tired.
"Bäckerin... I'm..." He shuffles awkwardly as he's not exactly sorry he missed the birth to keep her safe but.
"No need dear... there is always next time." She says smiling. "Come here... they won't bite... not for several months." She says laughing softly.
They looked so tiny... so fragile... so new... he reached a hand out before pulling back not trusting himself but he runs a finger across their back as they nurse from Bäckerin.
"I haven't named them yet... I wanted to wait for you and well I've been a bit out of it from how long it took... and the pain meds... and just... everything. " Bäckerin says with her usual carefree way of talking with him perhaps even more relaxed in tone and nature. "Take your shirt off."
He looked to his Bäckerin confused, "Bäckerin are you sure you're not still on the effects of pain medication?" Roland said with a slight joke in his voice.
"Oh most certainly I am but just do it. Its for the baby's sake. And sit down maybe lean back a bit."
"I don't see-"
"Just trust me."
Roland normally was hardly concerned about others seeing him in lack of attire... he relished his Bäckerin seeing him like this but he was heavily reminded by the midwife before she went into labor and the Chaplain that Bäckerin could not have sex for at minimum a month perhaps even two. But he sat there shirtless just watching her wobble to her feet as she rolled the medica bassinet over, "Hold me."
"Always." Roland replies just putting a hand on her side as she picked up the bundle from the bassinet.
Their eyes look so big on their small head... he remembers all the things that the midwife told him were normal and not to be mistaken as being an aberration. He watches her eyes look at his chest for an area that didn't have a port and then she laid their child on his chest.
His hearts stilled for a moment as he could feel their tiny heartbeating against their chest... they lacked a smell... besides being covered in blood and other fluids... he held his breath as this... this was their child. His eyes focused on their small little nails... he could hear their small inhales... he feels his cheeks wet as there they were... finally here.
"Hello there little one..." He says softly... in a fearful whisper as he breathes life to the next few words, "Ich bin dein Vater... oder Papa." His hearts hurt at the sudden swelling of feeling for this tiny little human that was not even a day old yet.
Roland turned his head and rested it against her side as her fingers ran through his hair with a warm smile looking down at the crying man, "Thank you.... thank you Bäckerin for giving me this."
"Well thank you for making it all happen. It takes two of us to make this." He feels her kiss his head as she uses the time he takes having the baby rest on his chest to sleep as the fear Roland had for the tiny mortal creature they made evaporated in an instant... what was the weird wriggling fleshy thing was their baby... far too soon to say what features are from whom... but he didn't care as he loved them. Just as he loved his Bäckerin and he hoped to love more while he had his time with her.
Fluffuary TagList: @bispecsual @the-californicationist @egrets-not-regrets @libraryshadow @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
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kit-williams · 3 months
Could you write something where Roland finally got his bäckerin pregnant and his reaction to it? :3
I think I can think of something (its short but I wanted to try)
His face rubs against her stomach as it finally took funny enough just before he left to go on a month long mission to help a planet. Backerin sighed with a smile on her lips as she ran her fingers through his white hair.
"You good Roland?" She says just trying to not have him get too excited as they've had too many 'almosts' and she doesn't want him to be overly excited. But she knows he can't help it.
He was quiet as he just nuzzled her stomach just focused on the feeling of her fingers through his hair. "Do you think they will stay?" He says quietly.
"So far they have. And if they don't we can always try again." She says to the Black Templar
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kit-williams · 8 months
Desperate thirsty yandere astartes who can't handle it when you sit on their lap cause it just makes them want to bend you over and plow a few kids into you.
This is Roland coded (sorry if you were wanting a different man) and Tulio coded
Roland leaned back in his seat as his Bäckerin was soon walking over sitting beside him as the impromptu meeting was drawing in more and more brothers. So it was understandable when you would sit in his lap... his soft Bäckerin. He felt his mouth water and salivate as you did your little hip wiggle like a Hen getting comfortable in her nest. He never wanted to tell you what you were doing to him... though he wondered if you knew it was why he was more eager whenever you two returned to the bedroom that he was so very eager to try to put a baby into you. But he did his best to control himself but oh... how he wanted to.
Tulio bit back a whimper as his Psychi crawled into his lap as his hands twitched not wanting to rest them in an improper way but he had convinced her to lounge with him. To get her off of her feet and to indulge with him as he enjoyed lounging and conversing, was the excuse he had given her. He watched her look away and the blush that danced on her cheek... the way she gently bit her bottom lip for only a moment before she crawled up against him. A stray hand of his brushed against her thigh pulling the swell of her ass to his hip and he had to will his cock to not twitch in pleasure nor to simply cum at the feeling of his Psychi against him as he offered her grapes and wine.
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kit-williams · 6 months
Roland penance
Old Roland piece that has been rotting in my drafts I might as well post it now or I never will
tag: @bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog @thevoidscreams @barn-anon
The first month back was utter hell for Brother Roland. The first week back was hell... the first day back was hell but that first hour? Blissful. He had her in one arm as she was passed out still. Though he was concerned as there was an ugly bruise forming on her lower face from where he had to hold her. She smells so good. Is all that ran through his head as he carried her to his room.
The way she laid on his bed looking like an Engel. He let himself live in his small little fantasy before he sighed and went to go see the Chaplin. Roland had had partners before... but there were rules on gathering up mortals... and he had broken them.
"Chaplin Eckehard..." Roland said looking at the skull helmed templar.
"Brother Roland. Something troubles you?" The Chaplin said turning away from the white haired woman he was conversing with.
"I... I am conflicted... I have sinned."
This led to Brother Roland leading him back to his room and the two stood in the doorway as Eckehard just sighed. Roland's Bäckerin... he was the one who recommended he pray for her death as a sign. It had worked for him... civilians were skittish little things and very much unuse to the affections that he and his brothers would lavish upon them. Eckehard took a sniff and growled at Roland. He could smell the sex.
"You think of me a brute?" Roland snarled.
"More like a barbarian. Are you but a Space Wolf in disguise?! No better then they?!" The Chaplin roared back.
He was proud of Roland punching him back as they moved away from the room, the mortal did not need to see the demigods fight. "So did you not get the answer you wanted from her and took it?!" Eckehard goaded Roland.
"I asked her if she wanted to come after the sex. Do not dare! Suggest I would sully what has been promised to me!"
"You jumped the gun Roland!" He smacks his brother with his crozier, "We do not leave for another month! So you bringing her here denies her the death she could have had! You stupid foolish boy!" He yelled at him as other brothers look on. Roland winces as he knew Chaplin Eckehard was right... he had gotten so caught up in her rejection.
He placed his hands on his head and just felt such shame. "Chaplin... Chaplin what do I do?"
He heard Eckehard sigh, "I will be sending you on a penance mission. A whole month of combat with no backup... your brothers on world will be informed of your sin and will chase you off should you try to join up with them. Should you survive the month alone it will be by will of the God Emperor. Head to the armory then to the chapel."
Eckehard watched as Roland wistfully looked to his room door but obeyed. He heard the steps of his Soroitas walk up behind him as she looked up to him. "Eckehard she is just a civilian. She should not be here."
"I know that. But she survived things she should not have. If I was Roland I would not have been able to wait... then again I was in his position centuries ago." His hand went down to the skull on his bible as he remembered his darling and he kept her with him always now.
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kit-williams · 7 months
Cooking Together
Male Lead: Battle Brother Roland Lichtner Female Lead: Bäckerin Universe/AU: Warhammer 40k/Yandere Space Marine Canon Status: Yeah 100% canon
"Baking is a science Roland." His Bäckerin cooed at him as his hands were coated in flour as she had managed to get the communal kitchen she lived near empty. Back home there would be a holiday about love and romance about some imperial saint and it was one of her order heavy days and not baking a heart shaped confection felt wrong.
"Then a science man I am not." He says frowning down at the bowl of ingredients. But his muttering just causes her to laugh as she takes the bowl from him.
He watches her spread flour on the surface and hands him some dough. "Just copy my movements."
Roland was good at that as soon his hands were moving over the dough just kneeding it as she soon left him to his own repetitive movements as she was cooking down a few things. "What are those for?"
"Toppings... decorations. On my world we celebrated an Imperial saint who was known to be a romantic. They got killed by some successionist who did not like their ideals of love and kindness. Rather gruesome death actually... kind of funny its a day we celebrate love."
"Hmmm. So you make confections in this weird shape?" Roland side eyes the heart mold.
"Heart shaped dear." His Bäckerin corrects.
"I might not be an apothecary but this is far from anatomically correct."
"Some theorize its that shape because its the shape some people see when looking at a shapely ass or breasts or something." Bäckerin says not seeing the way Roland leans back and shamelessly observes her rump before retuning to kneeding.
She pulls out some other baked treats as Roland watches how easily she glides around the room so effortlessly. She slides up next to him taking the dough from his hands and feeling it before sectioning portions off and letting them proof.
"Would you like to try and help with decorating or rather just watch me?" She says cooing at him as he looks at what she is going to be doing.
"I could... try..." He says with a bit of uncertainty.
His Bäckerin grins at him as his skill with piping frosting is hardly anything compared to hers but then again he was a weapon and she was a Bäckerin so he was made for war not baking. But the way she grinned at his messy decorations made it worth it. "Is that an attempt at an anatomically correct heart?" She tilts her head.
"Yes." He replies looking at the red splotch on the small confection.
"I'll give you a cake to decorate next time so you'll have more room for your vision."
He watches her wash her hands before returning to the bread and watches her slice it in places. Roland walks over noticing a larger piece set to the side. "Take the pieces like this right?" He copies her as they braid bread... "And if you pinch it here and here... when you slice it you can get hearts." They braid a few more together before she puts them into the oven and she smiles up at him.
"You did this every morning?" He asks softly.
He watches his Bäckerin nod, "It seems people are realizing I'm on the ship as I've been getting personal orders from some serfs." She says taking one of the cupcakes Roland decorated and taking a large bite of the frosted thing. Overly sweet on her tongue as she can't help but move her hips enjoying it.
Roland watches with rapt attention as the colors all smear together on her lips and tongue as frosting smears onto the corner of her lips. And the way her eyes smiled as she was saying something but Roland didn't really hear it as his mouth was on hers and he was tasting the second hand cloying sweetness as his tongue ran over her lips, her teeth, over her tongue, and against the sides of her mouth.
He almost ignored the timer for the bread but she tugged his earlobe, her little signal to get him to listen... her small tug on his harness and his honor to listen to that agreement. He pulls away as clear saliva is all that is left from the multicolored sugar high. He pants softly as she pulls the tanned bread out of the over and lets it cool on the rack.
"So... where were we?" She says turning and looking at Roland being caught with his own frosting mess smeared upon his mouth as they both decided to help clean up the other's mess ❤️‍🔥
Fluffuary Tag list @bispecsual @the-californicationist @egrets-not-regrets @libraryshadow @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
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kit-williams · 8 months
Imagine some sloppy heated make-out sessions with your Yandere who just got back from a longer deployment, and he really missed your kisses.
I'm sorry if you were hoping for someone other than Roland but...
Roland knew he was in no shape to be around his Bäckerin. He was a spring all coiled up just ready to snap but her smell... her taste was getting to him and it seemed the separation had gotten to her as well. They only barely made it through the door of their shared living space before she was pushed against a wall and his mouth on hers. Her nails digging into his shoulders... her chirping out how much she missed him and was worried for him. He wishes he could say the same but when he enters the field of battle that is his focus... and well keeping her safe is part of his focus so it wasn't exactly a lie when he said he thought of her fondly. The snicker from her mouth as she insinuated less than chaste thoughts from him... to which he only husked a 'maybe' as a reply.
Solos felt his claws ache finally getting his armor off unlike his brothers that were stuck inside of their armor Solos had the ability to take off his armor. The for once healthy looking space marine was angry at how long that hive took to tear down. Of course, he only benefited from going to hives and gorging on Imperials like the parasite he was but he missed his Lovie. He chitters seeing her as she coos back before long he's upon her just happily showing how much he needs his Lovie.
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kit-williams · 9 months
Bun in the Oven
Ya'll are just animals for Brother Roland aren't you? Well you can't have him he still has his Bäckerin and even then he'd probably take a couple decades to mourn his Bäckerin then you'd lot have a shot with him.
For @the-californicationist for the follow and the request to see him with his Bäckerin "pregnant as hell"
@moodymisty Here's some fluff for Brother Roland
Pregnancy source: I just had a child 6 months ago so yeah I remember being pregnant as hell
tw: Roland being a bit of a pervert towards his wife (not much triggering but don't be surprised when he perves over his wife)
I hope you all enjoy this I've gone back and forth on if I'm happy about it.
His Bäckerin smelt like bread. Roland opened an eye as he inhaled deeply of her hair. He lifted a head to check the time... it would normally be about time she would have gotten up to start in the kitchens her duty as a Bäckerin. Roland was not ashamed to admit that his muscle gut had grown a bit more since bringing her home.
He was moved to a different unit and put on short term missions until she entered menopause to which he could go on missions that could last a few years and then after his Bäckerin goes to the throne he would be put on mourning missions but thankfully for Roland that isn't for awhile.
He felt a kick against his hand as he looked down to the beautifully round stomach of his Bäckerin. A healthy baby boy the midwife had said. He didn't understand why she wanted the pictures of what looked like a blob to him... the way she cooed and giggled at her stomach already talking to him like he was there already... he didn't understand it but he rubs his hand against where the baby had been kicking. He was his Bäckerin's personal heating pad, as she affectionately said.
He knelt on the bed rubbing his face against her stomach just gently as he whispers in his mother tongue, "Sei gut für deine Mutter." :: Be good for your mother. :: He gently kissed the unborn feeling their small foot against his chin earning a chuckle from Roland. He had morning prayers and training as he kissed her forehead, "Ich liebe dich." :: I love you. :: He whispered to her.
Pregnancies were hard... it had been awhile since Roland had delt with the hormonoes of a pregnant woman but he did his best... being there to lick up her tears... to please her with his tongue or fingers... to do whatever it is that she needed. But these final months were going to be hard on her as she couldn't handle the pace of the large bakery on the ship but that didn't stop him from seeing his Bäckerin in the communal kitchen.
The way she was laughing with one of the serf wives or serf husbands... they were doing their best but this Crusade of Black Templars tried their best to not take civilian spouses. Though the Cadian in the communal kitchen would argue from morning prayers to night prayers that they did not count as a civilian... to the chapter serfs if you were not a serf you were a civilian to them.
Roland would happily accept the title of pervert if it meant that he could just watch his Bäckerin all day. She had filled back out so nicely... and the stretch marks on her body were divine, much like her thighs. From behind you could hardly tell she was pregnant it was only when she turned that one could see the heavy belly and swollen breasts she was like a bread roll... a happy bread roll.
Roland would join the mortals for their evening meal, well would join his Bäckerin Frau. And while he looked down at her eating her strange meal she would pass him some of the rolls she made today. He hoped that one of his children would learn to bake like their mutter... because he would miss this when it was gone.
He casually just pulled her into his lap and lifted the heavy weight of their child on her body earning him a sigh of relief. This was just the first of many babies... oh yes he was aware that it would be hard on her body but neither of their bodies were their own much anymore... it was all by the will of the God Emperor. She could have only a couple of children or they could have ten and Roland would happily be there for all of them.
"Roland." His Bäckerin looked up at him.
"Ja?" He said after swallowing a mouthful of her sweet rolls... and his hungry eyes went right to her breasts and he lustfully hopped he could have a drink from them later.
"What do you think about Reiner? Or the name Stefan?" She said as she loudly slurped on her soup and popped a boiled egg into her mouth.
"They are names. Kurt is a name too... or Wotan." He suggested watching her nod.
They had returned to their room after she started to fall asleep into her soup. He helped her out of her clothes and pulled his off. He'd get a few hours of cuddling his wife before night prayers and then would return to rest and start it all over again. Their nude bodies pressed against each other as she just mumbled her 'I love you' before sleep claimed her and he lovingly whispered it back into her ear along with other whispers of both love and lust to her.
And all was good.
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kit-williams · 4 months
Roland, break for the not so nice asks?
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
Backerin dying now that he has her and they are together... she's done her part on the field so for him he sees it as her duty has changed (to him). He would throw all of himself into getting revenge should it be an enemy that kills her.
It would be the slow moments that would kill him... the moments that would have him remember... it would be SAD
Lucky for us that is not something he has expirenced
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kit-williams · 8 months
I need to be folded like a lawn chair while big Black Templar man breeds me for all he's worth.
*cracks knuckles also pauses work on another boy*
Alright ya'll are getting Brother Roland again because he causes the most thirst. If you need to put this into a time line setting this is before Bun in the Oven
SMUT heavy breeding kink
He tried to be good to his Bäckerin but there were some months that his will would faulter. And as Roland would discover putting a baby inside of his Bäckerin wasn't as simple or as easy as he thought. He could smell the biological changes and the fact that something took but then he could smell her body change back. Frustrated he asked her not understanding that the human body was just too strong for it's own good. His Bäckerin soothed him by simply saying "well if my body reabsorbed it this early then there might have been something genetically wrong. A lot can go wrong... I'm certain you can put it in terms of becoming a Black Templar. Sometimes healthy aspirants just die during the process... sometimes what might have been a viable baby just doesn't make it." She would smile at him and just soothe his wounded pride.
She still humored him to make sure that they could both still could conceive and it was simply the roll of the dice. Though Roland knew him being a Space Marine probably wasn't helping him. He finished his prayer and headed to training as he was just stewing in his own mind. His Bäckerin smelt so good this morning... just like the day they first had sex. He couldn't stop himself from pinning her down and bullying his cock inside of her. Watching her whine and whimper under him just sent such a... a thrill up his spine. Chaplin Eckehard was so helpful for Roland during these times but even Roland would watch him stalk after one of his two wives.
Training was hardly helping as it just seemed to get his blood flowing faster to between his legs. His Bäckerin should be out... just a cold shower. He marched back to his quarters after bidding his brothers farewell. His Chaplin had explained that like with battle brothers once he had "imprinted" upon his mortal that he was suddenly acutely aware of her scent biology... he could still look at other mortals and find no desire stirring in his loins but looking at his Bäckerin and occasionally women who looked similar to his Bäckerin could cause the stirring between his loins.
Perhaps it was a bad idea to be where her scent was the strongest. But he was a Space Marine if he could not resist temptations then he was vulnerable. He did not wish to be a weak link when out in combat with his battle brothers. The cold water seemed to hiss against his naturally warm physiology but he could feel himself calming down... coming down from the frenzied high. Till he heard the front door open and his eyes snapped open.
He could hear her... he could smell her... he held his breath so he wouldn't taste her. He could smell the scent of flour, yeast, butter, and eggs against her... probably entangled into the scent of her hair. She was bringing home bread was all... she would leave... he waited those painful seconds as his eyes went over to the bathroom door... she would leave...right?! Oh by the Throne why wasn't she leaving?!
He couldn't face his Bäckerin just yet... "Oh Roland..." his ears picked up even muffled through the door. He twisted the water off and stalked out running his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he could smell her. He watched her pull her fingers out of her unzipped trousers and put them into her mouth licking herself clean.
"Bäckerin," He snapped, "Get on the bed now!"
He watched her jump as her head whipped her head to him seeing him fully naked and he watched her eyes fail to meet his as they were caught between his legs looking at the angry throbbing thing. His own eyes were no longer the soft honey brown but were black with how he looked at her with nothing but a predatory desire. But when she didn't move suddenly she was face first into a burly chest.
"R-Roland?! W-what"
"Less words." He felt himself salivating as he unabashedly inhaled her scent, "I'm going to fuck a baby into you!" He snarled as he threw her onto the bed as he punched a code into a terminal. Only the Chaplin could contact him or get in during this time. When he looked over at his Bäckerin he was pleased that she had stripped naked.
She flinched in unconscious fear as suddenly he was looming over her. She was still a mortal at the end of the day and he was a lethal weapon. As much as he wanted to pin her under him and thrust with reckless abandon, as her scent was coaxing him to do, he rolled over laying on his back. "Work yourself on. Please." He hissed giving her this one concession.
Lucky for him she was already so wet. He let out a guttural hiss from the back of his throat as her hips began to roll and bounce her way down his cock. "Du riechst so gut." He groaned arching and pushing himself into her more. She felt so full and whimpered as he gave her till she started to move.
She found herself on her back quickly as his hips began to piston in their barely restrained pattern. He really shouldn't indulge himself during these times of the month... but it was addictive to smell her fertile scent just mingling with his own when he fills her with his sperm. His drool splashes on her breasts as he is lost in his fantasy. Her breathy moans filling the room just as much as the wet squelch and slap of his hips against hers. The way his balls met her skin, the feeling of her feet against his chest and shoulders... oh he knew when he was bad she would press them against his neck to try and break him out of whatever trance he was in.
He pressed her down causing her moans to increase an octave as she was utterly cock drunk slurring his name as the bed creaked and rocked with the rhythm his hips had set. He sometimes wished his Bäckerin could handle him more... but he wouldn't give her up for anything. He could feel the way she clenched around him and the way she groaned in pleasure as he fucked through her orgasm simultaneously extending it but also building up the next one.
"So gut." He salivated on her shoulder before sucking a hickey into her skin. It didn't take him very long to get her to orgasm again but when she did he bottomed out snarling, "Meine Bäckerin, meine... meine... meine." All gutteral sounded and coming from deep within his chest and throat as he stilled his hips just rolling them as he flooded her insides. He knelt there just panting softly as he let her legs go and watch them just spread wide and she rested her feet on his thighs.
"Um... hi to you too?" She spoke softly.
"You're ovulating." Roland said as if it was completely obvious as to why he dragged her to bed, "I wasn't expecting you home."
"I was just going to leave some bread and... yeah neither was I expecting you." She moaned softly as he had softened and pulled out. He cocked his head to the side as he felt some pride and sexual satisfaction seeing at how wide open he would leave her. Pushing some of the oozing cum back into her quivering cunt. She moaned softly as he would do so. She wasn't staying as open as long any more. "Roland?"
"Hmm?" He finally looked up at his Bäckerin.
"Get my laptop I'm not going to be moving for a bit. Not with... that."
He just grinned going to get her some water and her device. He would pepper her with kisses and his tender affection till he had to return to his duties. But he was happy to return to them with a clear head even though it meant any plans his Bäckerin had were ruined.
Though he was certain she hardly minded.
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