#Yeeeeees. I've seen both
acescorazon · 11 months
Hiiii not really a question, just wanted to say that I discovered your fics recently on Ao3 and they're all my absolute favourite since then, I'm always looking forward to receiving an email saying that you posted something!!! I just joined Tumblr today and I have no idea how it works ahah but I'm so glad I can follow you there now, because you truly are one of my fav fic writers. Your Buggy is always absolutely perfect and he did not help with my obsession over his character eheh. Anyway, thank you for your good work, and know that the way you write Buggy influences me a lot on how I perceive him and how he acts in my AU (not actually writing anything, just creating little world in my head eheh). Oh and also: it's thanks to you that I now ship Buggy with Mihawk and Crocodile! Since I've only seen the live action, I didn't really know enough about Mihawk and, obviously, nothing about Crocodile; but because of your fics I now ship them SO much. Thanks to you, Buggy has 3 boyfriends in my AU and he's very glad ahah. Anyway, it's a long message for nothing but I guess the most important thing here is: thank you, keep your amazing work <3
Hiiiiiiii bbyyy :((( Thank you for writing me something so nice! I really appreciate it!!! Nice comments and asks like these really make my day and i mean that!! Thank you!!! Tumblr is shit (derogatory) but it could be worse, it could be tw- Jk it's not that bad here and i think you'll like it :) Also ofc thank you for the follow :) Thank you for everything really! I could write an essay on Buggy alone but i won't...not today at least kljlsdjksdjlakjsdasdas. nobody asked but i'm obsessed with the idea of Buggy being a brat and or just a little shit in general which is why i often write him the way i do LMAO. He's a funny little guy, and i love him in the live action as much as i love him in the anime/manga but i think he could be a little more pathetic. i do remember seeing the trailer tho and being like "lol" but two seconds later being like..."Idk...WHY'S HE KINDA..." LMAOOOOO. i don't know if you write or draw but if you do, then you should cook something up. ((We support and encourage others in this household.)) also bestie. B E S T IE. Best friend. i ain't telling you how to live your life but if you have access to the Shounen Jump app wherever you live and you got 2.99 (some of us don't, no hate here.) and if you got some time, then i recommend you read a little story called one piece LMAOOOO. I ain't one of those people who will tell you it gets good in ch/ep 80938423984023984023948 lol. i've liked it since the beginning but thats ME. You ain't gotta read or watch all of that shit to know if something's good and if you like it lmao, or at least that's how i feel. anyways it seems like it takes 80 years to get through but that's really only bc of the pacing in the anime lol, it comes out weekly and ofc the animation studio wouldn't want to catch up with the actual manga sooooo they act a lil sily in terms of pacing LMAO. it's still that bitch in my opinion though, but that's my opinion and you can see that it has 1000+ episodes and be like ..."i aint watching all that shit." LMAO FAIR. IT'S GOOD THO. BOTH THE ANIME AND MANGA ARE GOOD!!! and they both have their pros and cons when it comes to consuming them. ANYWAYYYYYYS. yeah if you have like, time, 2.99, And the shounen jump app is available wherever you are (also u can go to like Viz's official website and your shounen jump subscription will carry through there too :) ) THEN I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE PIECE!!! (btw you can read 100 chs A DAY of op or they have other mangas too bby YEEEEEE) or if you have time then i also recommend watching the anime its... it's that bitch, i don't know. If you do end up liking it then netflix can help you take a nice bite out of the series, there's also like funimation/crunchyroll... or... *whispers* there are other...ways...to watch the anime....*whispers* ...are you a cop? LMAOOOOOO.
It's really good though with a whole bunch of lovable characters that the live-action doesn't even begin to be able to get into. you didn't ask, you didn't ask, but me personally, my favorite arc is Alabasta, which is the place they should be going to next season in the live action!! it also introduces one of my favorite little villains: Crocodile!!! idk i love it and i love him LOLLLL which i shouldn't bc he's...he's not a good man but i'm 26 i'm allowed to like toxic anime men, i've earned that right. (also you can like things and criticize them/acknowledge their flaws.) ANYWAYS, ANYWAYS, I'M RAMBLING, but yeah, it's good eating, and i highly suggest you get into the actual series if you liked the live action because the series itself is more in depth. Plus, P L U S, there's more Mihawk, Crocodile, and Buggy content AND THATS A WIN TO ME. lajsldajskdajsdlasjd. it's fun and as an added bonus there's a sense of community and you can always come back here and scream your thoughts to me (and everyone else) if you like it. Like i'm honored by your compliments but nothing i write could ever compare to the actual series itself LOLLLLL.
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petra-creat0r · 2 years
Now the sans and Tori children!!!
YEEEEEE! So for the Soriel kids, they've gone through a few iterations, however for a while, I've had Sariel. (On my phone, don't have the info loaded ones so have the more updated refs.)
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Sariel and CK
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Starting with Sariel. Though she was the youngest of the DF kids for the longest time, she's been the oldest of the fankids (native to this AU at least). She's very responsible and motherly like Toriel, however also fairly chill like Sans. However like both her parents, she loves jokes and is fiercely loyal and protective of those she cares about. She loves reading, baking, and strawberries (as well as secretly still likes tea patties and fairy princesses.) I should note, I changed her design slightly since this drawing, giving her purple horns and slightly thinker legs
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(As seen here)
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Moving on from his older sister by 5 years, we have CK! Aka, Comic Kings. Despite being a kid of Sans and Toriel, CK is very much closer to his Uncle Papyrus in that he's loud, excitable and full of energy (CK and Chicago are like, the closest of cousins). CK also has a little bit of an ego and is a naughty little prankster. His favorite show is The Owl House, and his favorite character is, you guessed it, King.
There was also... a third one. CK had a twin who didn't survive birth. Not in this timeline, at least...
I have a lot more on these guys too, and all my other kids, but this at least is the basic run down/introduction of them
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gaykey · 2 years
more eclipse thoughts... i am just about to finish episode 9 so should be able to see the finale.
1. love the way aye was just like nah dude you're dating me whether you like it or not
2. i love how the actor who plays kan acts the crush on thua. because it is actually well layered. like he is doing a great job of being like "i like my male friend and i could be a little weirded out about this because i didn't think i was into dudes but the bigger concern is what if he doesn't like me back"
3. i kind of wish there was an actual supernatural element to the show because that would be totally wacky
yeeeeees anon, i love that you're keeping me updated on your thoughts
also also, finale tomorrow!!! 😭😭😭😭
ayan was not letting that one go he was like 'dude we're basically dating already, we had an underwater kiss like?? might as well make it official.' akk absolutely ate it up though.
yes neo has been so good in this! it's nice to see, because his other roles i've seen him in (in fish upon the sky & vice versa) didn't really let him explore the inner depths of his character. kan is very nuanced, and he plays it really well. both he and louis are miles better in this than they were in futs. also yes, it's a nice twist for the conflict not to be kan's internalised homophobia, but, actually the fear of rejection.
that would have been fun for sure, and what i actually expected when i watched the trailer with back. but, i like how jt turned out way more. it definitely evokes more discussion with everything being based in reality as opposed to everything being down to a supernatural curse. way more satisfying to explore the lengths in which humans will go to maintain a institution or, way of life. in order to keep people suppressed.
but yes!
this means you're all caught up, right anon? ready for tomorrow? i, as usual, won't be able to watch until after work so i will be dying until then.
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weasvlys · 4 years
hiii, can i make a request? One where a hufflepuff goes on a date with fred to the astronomy tower to stargaze but at the end they kiss like real fluff and then he asks if she wants to join him in the shower and since she is a prefect they go to the prefects bathroom but like she is a virgin and yeah.
Hiii, sure dear! Here you have it.
And yes, i know it have sooooo many grammar mistakes, so yeah, sorry
And just a little reminder: I TAKE REQUESTS, even the really naughty ones? Yes! Even de multifandom ones? Yesss, even the orgy or threesome ones? YESS! Even the queer ones? YEEEEEES, so go on, and request!
- Xoxo, Vennus.
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Fred Weasley x Y/N (Female! Hufflepuff! Reader)
Warnings: Fluffffff, smutty, fingering, oral sex(kind of?), Sexual grafic content, and that's it, enjoyyyy
Words count: 2971
"Pssst" You listened as a ball of paper fell on your shoulder, you turned to see what it was about, it was Fred "Whaaat?" You responded looking at him acting annoyed at his interruption, but you didn't get mad at him, he was the nicest and funniest person that you've ever meet, he was sweet and cute, always walking around the school corridors with a big fluffy smile that makes your heart race every time you saw it, with that charming personality and that beautiful laugh that fascinates you. "See you in the Hufflepuff common room at midnight, I've got a surprise for you..." He said in a whisper, he seems nervous, as if something in your question was a lie, not all, but at least a part of it "In the Hufflepuff common room?" You asked to check, the voices of the other students overshadowed Fred, something that was very strange, he nodded "Of course" you said flirting, he only responded by spinning his eye in a certain way, a way that made you tremble, and now the idea of ​​stopping him just for you was exciting, encouraging more specifically.
The day began to pass and the wait became tortuous, you were wondering what the happy surprise would be, would it be a new joke now annoying Ron? or could it be a new product from his store? You had been in love with Fred since your second year, and now that they were at 6th, things were starting to feel more tense, and now that Fred had been a couple of months since he broke up with Angelina, you felt that you could finally reveal your feelings to him, however no moment was the right one, besides, if you did there was a great possibility of being rejected by him.
"Really? Bloody hell Y/N, this is your chance!" Hermione said excited after hearing your words "Shhhhh!" Ginny replied, equally excited "Mione, my brother will listen, shut up for once!" Whispered the redhead "I don't know girls... Possibly it's something else, I don't want to ruin the moment by saying something so uncomfortable to her, what if I ruined it forever?" You said puzzled, in your head there was no possibility that Fred Weasley was lovingly interested in you "Y/N, I know my brother, he definitely wants to go out with you, please! Just look at you!" Ginny said, in that motivating tone that she always had in her voice "Do you think?" You answered unsure "I know it, honey!" She answered, Those words had motivated you in an exceptional way, who better than Ginny would know her brother?
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It was already midnight in the Hufflepuff common room, where you were waiting for Fred, you had to want to go anywhere else in the castle, this boy used to haunt the corridors at night and surprisingly he was never caught, he had an interesting taste for passageways, and it was not the first time that he came to your room late at night just to give you some stink bomb or gum with potion of truth, tangled in your thoughts you were taken by surprise by the sudden appearance of Fred under one of the barrels that was in the common room, "Come ... I have to show you something very special" he whispered and called you with his hand "Fred ... They will catch us" you said whispering in the same way "I promise it will not be like that ... Just come, you will love it." You snorted in exasperation, you couldn't argue with this boy. You got into the barrel and suddenly commented to slide down, as if it were a slide, You barely digested the feeling of falling suddenly when you felt that what was below you disappeared and you fell on a padded basket, it was clothes, were they in a laundry? Wow, definitely the castle would never stop surprising you "What are we doing here Weasley?" You asked the redhead who jumped out of the basket and held out his hand to help you out "You have to wait a while more beauty..." Fred replied, you took his hand to get out of the basket, still taking his hand, he guide you a couple of steps forward to a door, they left the room and started heading to a nearby painting, why anything seemed familiar to you? You had been studying and living the castle for almost seven years and you did not know this part of it? The painting was large, it was a girl reading while eating a strawberry, "Blow here" said Fred pointing to his bracelet, you did and suddenly the girl moved in surprise "If you want to enter just ask! Agh Weasley, it's you... Come in!" The girl repeated as she moved, letting you see a hole behind it, they entered and began to walk "How does she knows you, Fred?" You asked the redhead "You ask a lot of questions dear" he answered in such a charming way, boy did this boy make you shiver, you reached the end of the hall and Fred pushed the wall in front of you, it opened to reveal the astronomy tower.
It was not the first time you were there but if the first time for your own pleasure, it was beautiful, and on all the other occasions you had never noticed the many details that were in it, it was beautiful, you were so distracted admiring the metal structure that was in the center of it that you did not notice that Fred was no longer with you "Y/N! Come!" You turned to look at him, He had a beautiful smile painted on his lips, he was on the edge of the tower, where he looked at the stars, you thought you had never seen anything more beautiful than that boy, You approached him and he pointed to the sky, more specifically the stargaze that was there, it was beautiful, all that combination of colors and how each of the stars shone, it was wonderful, You have never looked at all this with such detail before as now, it was perfect, you could see how at the edge of your eye Fred was looking at you in such a beautiful way, it seemed that he was in love, What you did not know is he thought that he had never seen anything before and beautiful like you, so exceptional and irremediably beautiful.
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He put his hand inside the pocket of his sweatshirt, you looked at him and he opened his hand, it was a paper bird, he began to fly around you, singing with his melodious voice, until it landed in your hands, "Open it" whispered Fred, you unfolded the paper bird and inside it was written "Look at him" You turned your gaze to Fred, and he took you by the face, you felt a mess in your stomach, like butterflies, you felt him slowly approach you, you could feel his minty breath brushing your lips, he got even closer, and you felt his lips brush against yours, all the thoughts and worries in your head disappeared, it's as if now only you and him existed, and nothing else will matter now, you felt how slowly his lips were sticking to yours and tenderly he moved them giving you a soft and needed kiss, her lips were clean and soft, they tasted like a sweet and refreshing lemonade, she smelled of cologne combined with a sweet and Christmas like ginger smell, you said your hands to her soft and long hair, you felt her long fingers slowly caress your cheeks, it was perfect, exceptional, like your dreams, it was just as you imagined, the taste of his lips was minty and refreshing, you could lose yourself in that soft kiss, when he suddenly detached himself from the kiss, you instantly felt an emptiness, as if something was missing.
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You looked into his eyes and you knew, just by looking at them, that he felt the same as you felt "I-I always wanted to do this... Y/N I have to tell you now, and if you don't feel the same as I do, it's totally fine but I can't continue with this secret... I... I love you." His alley words about you like a bucket of cold water, but for some reason, these were not what he promised they would be, it was perfect, it was just what you needed to hear, his voice was full of nostalgia and sadness, disappointment, as if what he said earlier was not going to please you, you could not prevent a smile from escaping from your lips, "Why are you laughing?" I ask, he seemed even more shocked "Is that... Fred, didn't you see it?" You said separating a little from him, he now also looked at you with condition "See what?" She said, separating herself further from you, "That I'm in love with you! Damn I've been for so long and this... It's just sublime." You said, this reasoned your words and began to smile, again he went to your lips and another sweet kiss left on them. Nothing could be better than this.
That last kiss little by little raise everything, first, with Fred's hands slowly going down to the small of your back, that took you by surprise, His began to go down even more, taking your butt, where he began to caress, and then, he squeezed it, you jumped into his action and he instantly removed his hands from hi and detached himself from the kiss, looking at you, "It bothers you?" He asked with concern, you liked that reaction one more, and without asking again you kissed him, this kiss even more wild, you took both of his hands, and again you directed them to your butt, he seemed to understand the message and made his kisses even deeper, leaving you almost breathless, with one of your hands you began to lower until you reached his abdomen, it was hard and you could feel the exercise in it, you put your hand under his clothes, feeling a thread of hair, You felt like your touch his skin crawled, wow, it was really exciting, his kisses began to intensify even more, if possible, He raised his hands again and they were on your waist again, they did not last long there, since he inserted them inside your shirt, touching your naked "You are so hot" he said, that made you shiver, His hands were slowly rising while his tongue made its way into your mouth, it was perfect, "We should go somewhere else... Filch usually makes rounds here, it is the favorite place of lovers" he said laughing, you shook your head, you took his hand, and again he led you to another passage, this led us to the prefects bathroom, you had only been there once, and it had been to play a joke on Percy, Fred approached the large tub and waved his wand, suddenly water began to come out of all the taps, bubbles came out of one of them, It was a huge tub and in front of it there was a pair of stained glass windows where you could see a mermaid, who when you saw Fred seemed to act sexy, or at least that's how it seemed to you.
"What are you doing?" You asked "I thought I should take a shower, the corridors were very dirty." He said that taking off his sweatshirt, he just did it and you were stunned, all that made you tremble, you could feel how little by little your center was getting wet, "My eyes are up here" Said Fred approaching you, making you blush, he placed his hands on your hips, making you gasped, he took you and pulled your body to his, he kiss you again, his kiss was wild and hard, slowly began to raise his hands, grabbing the edge of your shirt and pulling it over your head, when I take it out my chest, as if it were imnotized, you are embarrassed to see his gaze fixed on your chest, you immediately tried to cover yourself "You-You don't like it? we can stop if you liked to, you don't have to do anything you don't want ..." he said again, he seemed to be as nervous as you "No, Freddy, it's not that, just ..." You said you tried to dissolve the thought he had, "What is it?" ask taking your shoulders, trying to comfort you, "Nobody, nobody ever touched me ... Like this." You said, he stared at you, he didn't know what to say, "Fred, I'm a virgin" you said, he seemed not to have heard, He brought his hands to your cheeks and gave a raised kiss to your forehead, "Thanks for sharing that with me, I promise to be kind, if you still want to" he replied in a soft whisper, That tone in his voice made your heart pound.
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You withdrew your hands from your chest and directed them to his neck, brought him close to your lips and kissed him again, under his hands to your butt, squeezing him and making way for his tongue between your lips, you sighed at his action, and again he raised his hands to your chest and naked, he gently touched your breasts and your skin crawled, you've never felt anything like that before, with his thumb he began to caress your nipple in circles, making you moan, he began to lower his kisses to your chest, where he introduced one of your nipples to his mouth, where he began to suck, you could feel how your legs were shaking, he was distracted for a couple of seconds there, but then it continues to go down until it reaches your pants, where I take the spring and slowly lower them, making eye contact, you felt like boiling inside, he pushed his way between your legs and left a sweet kiss in your center on the fabric of your panties, "I didn't know you liked bunnies so much ... And hearts, and pink" He said mockingly, making you blush, again he smiled in that cute and tender way, lowering your panties, and again he left a kiss on your now naked pussy, that hedgehog until the last of your beauties, he got up again, and dressed as under his pants along with his boxers, as soon as his cock hard as a rock came out bouncing against his abdomen, he let out a loud sigh, almost a desperate moan, he was red and sore, needed to enter you, you were about to touch him, period Fred separated from you and stepped into the huge tub.
"Aren't you coming baby?" He said, you barely got in the tub he Fluched your entrance, making you let out a needy moan, he raised his finger to your clitoris, where he began to give pleasure, "You are a very dirty little girl, you are soaked" said, those words made your center throb again with pleasure, she began to pick up speed, eliciting several muffled moans, "You're not happy love, I want to hear how you moan." Said the redhead, that unleashed a couple of moans that echoed throughout the bathroom, again under his fingers at your entrance and inserted one to the bottom, that made you moan even louder, slowly began to pump and just did it and entered in a second, "I love to how mi finger slide into you" he said, "do you think my cook will to?" that was enough to get yo to the edge.
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He took his cock and put the tip of it in your entrance, playing with you "Fred ... Please" you said desperate for his big cock, "Please what?" He responded by sticking it in a little more, but not enough, "Please ... Fuck me" you said, that was next for him to enter you, causing you noticeable pain "Are you okay?" I ask concerned, you loved seeing him like this, so sweet, "yeah ..." You answered, he slowly began to pump, making a desperate moan, slowly began to go faster "you are so tight love ... It fascinates me" he said in a moan, you thought you had never heard anything so sublime in your life, put your hands on your hips and started to pick up speed, the moans in the bathroom was like a porn movie, the sound of their skins colliding and the water bouncing was fantastic, you felt so close to the edge "I'm ... I'm cumming" You said "Me too ... Oh fuckk you feel so good baby" he replied, taking one of his hands and directed it to your neck, hanging you gently, that was next, you felt how the heat swirled on your lower stomach, the thighs of your legs were tense, you felt on top at the same time as him, and when he came out you felt a thick and warm liquid coming out of you, you lean on his chest tired, you could hear her heart beat fast, that had been for the best.
You wondered what Hermione and Ginny would think when you told them.
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