#Yes I forgot that goth was a music genre no I don’t want to talk about it
magpiesbones · 10 months
sometimes I forget I actually have music taste
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nikatyler · 5 years
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Oooh boy. Why do I feel like I should go straight to the replies, or else I will start talking about having a crush again? No one cares, I’m annoying, I’m sorry. Yesterday around midnight, I actually caved and told my best friend because I just couldn’t keep my feelings to myself any longer, and I was pleasantly surprised by her reaction. I didn’t want to tell her at first because we kinda tend to turn this kind of stuff into jokes, but I guess she did figure out that this time, it’s serious serious - THERE WE GO I’M OVERSHARING AGAIN I AM AN IDIOT. Anyway did I mention I love her? I don’t deserve her. She’s the best, you guys don’t even know her but I just wanted to give her a little shoutout because damn, thanks for yesterday, I thought I would explode. Also, she has an important exam in a week, so if you could send positive vibes her way, that would be great.
By the time you’re seeing this replies, I think I’m playing with Realm of Magic. I’m so excited! Last time I bought a pack on release day was with Seasons. I’m not sure who I will play this with yet. Maybe with Lucian and his girlfriend. I really hope you can somehow turn an alien into a spellcaster, even if that means he’d no longer be an alien. I don’t mind that. Whoops, hold on, was that a spoiler? Yeah, uh, Lucian is a teenager in my game at the moment, he has a girlfriend and he’s not very alien-y and I don’t care about that. Honestly…when have my aliens ever been alien-y? Miracle was the only one and she hated that (and 2019 Ronnie hates that she hated that but 2017 Ronnie didn’t know any better, long story).
Witches are something I’ve wanted in this game for a long time, so they better be good or else I’ll cry. Next up…I know everyone wants university, and I think we’ll get it, but to be fair, I don’t care about it that much. I’ll be playing university irl so I guess that makes sense. 😂 I would really like something like a band game pack, where you can form a band and have concerts and write music and…just do musician stuff, I guess. I was hoping bands would be added in Get Famous but nah, it was pretty much just acting…which I still haven’t explored. 🤦‍♀️ But yeah, band game pack is like my dream. I’m guessing it could be retro themed too, and have many references to some iconic bands?? Imagine if it was like 70s-80s inspired. Imagine THE HAIR. Did I mention I will defend weird 80s hair until the day I die? Yeah. I would really love that. I’m not saying I think a pack like this will happen, but it would be an absolute dream if it did.
TL;DR: I have a crush, I’m playing Realm of Magic and I want a band themed game pack.
autistichatkid replied to your post “Oh wow guess who’s putting nsb on long lifespan because even though…”
psa: you can use mccc to customize lifespan length!!! i dont like how fast normal goes but long is like. So Long. so i use mccc to make everything just a Lil Longer
I know you can do that, I don’t know how but it’s possible, yes! I’m not sure if I want to go for that though, I mean MCCC breaks with almost every update and knowing me, I would forget to fix my settings every single time. I think I’ll just use ea’s long lifespan and then age up people when I feel like aging them up.
desira-sims replied to your post “hey years ago you said you liked symphonic metal, do you still listen…”
Care to share some of your favorites? I’ve been in a music listening mood but feel in a rut.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “hey years ago you said you liked symphonic metal, do you still listen…”
I also don’t listen to e. g. often nowadays and… Their latest album was not my cup of tea except for song or two. And my music preference is now “whatever pleases my ears” even if it will make anyone else’s ear bleed��
Yeah sure, I can share my faves from 2-3 years ago! I’m not saying “from the genre” because I know some of these aren’t that symphonic, at this point it’s all a blur to me, to be fair. Besides, I stopped caring about genres, so…yeah. Just pointing that out so no one comes for me like “how dare you say band xy is that genre”. 
Anyway, 2-3 years ago I really loved Nightwish, Within Temptation and Sonata Arctica, those were like my holy trinity, I would listen to them all the time, every single day. The latest WT album wasn’t really my cup of tea, I like their older stuff way more. SA released a new album last week, I kinda liked it but it wasn’t love at first listen. I’ll have to go back to form an opinion on it. Again, their older stuff is better in my opinion. Nightwish…I don’t know if it’s still going on, but people really liked comparing the three different singers they’ve had, and I don’t know why, I think they’re all amazing in their own way. I believe I’ve read on Instagram that new album is coming next year and I’m so excited for that. I don’t think there’s a Nightwish album I disliked.
I also really liked Delain and…Stratovarius, I think it was called? One summer I also listened to Epica a lot, but then all their songs started sounding the same to me. Sorry to any Epica fans that might be following me 😅 And I’m fairly sure I’m forgetting someone, but I believe there should be playlists on Spotify easy to find.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Updates”
Unfortunately I didn’t manage to create a possible spouse(( but I hope there’ll be other possibilities!XD
And good luck!
There definitely will be! Lately, I kinda hate every sim I create, sooo…I’ll leave that for someone else :D
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “That morning, when Vanessa was leaving for work, I had a bad feeling….”
I don’t like this!
I didn’t think this would freak people out so much…but it did…and I’m really sorry :D
1o8percent replied to your photoset “Roxanne: Maybe if I go to bed, it’ll just come to me in a dream. I…”
I’ve definitely had story ideas come to me in a dream. I got several ideas for my completed legacy that way, so good luck Roxanne!
When I’m writing something late at night and I get stuck, it actually helps me to turn off the computer and go think about the story in bed. And ta-da, I suddenly get ideas! Some of them get lost as soon as I fall asleep, but usually the right direction stays in my head and I’m ready to pick it up as soon as I sit down to write again.
igglemouse replied to your photoset Roxy, the interaction said “feel tummy”, not “take the baby out of…”
She just can’t wait to meet her new sibling XD
That’s actually terrifying D:
brightlysimming replied to your post “I got a hug from a girl I barely know and now I’m emo, I already love…”
Aa!! That’s so great! I’m happy you had a good time!!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “I got a hug from a girl I barely know and now I’m emo, I already love…”
Congratulations! I hope you’ll have fun there! ��
I’m still not over that last weekend. Everyone was so nice and kind and fun and I loved talking to these people so much, uni will be great with them ;-; 
The best surprise to me was that there was this person, and they would come to me a few times and ask if I wanted to hang out with them away from the drunk crowds?? (we’re Czech, of course 95% of people who went to that trip got drunk in the evening -_- :D) And that was just so nice? I’m not used to people wanting to hang out with me. Also, we had great time together, if they called now I would quit everything to hang out with them :D
I’m about to start crying again. To all you lonely people struggling out there, trust me, it gets better, you’re not always going to be lonely and miserable. I thought that would be my case, but nope, things are starting to look better. And they will eventually start looking better for you too, I just know it. Don’t give up <3
lilleputtu replied to your photoset “*whispers* guys i wanna chop sunset’s hair off”
she’d look so cute with short hair! also it’s the sims, she can insta regrow it it’ll be fiiiiine
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “*whispers* guys i wanna chop sunset’s hair off”
One of the best things I ever did was put Cassandra Goth in a pixie cut. Doooo eeeet.
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “*whispers* guys i wanna chop sunset’s hair off”
deathflowertea replied to your photoset “*whispers* guys i wanna chop sunset’s hair off”
1 & 4 are ��
I think it’s official, we’ll be chopping Sunset’s hair off, yay!
desira-sims replied to your photoset “Meet the Teens! These guys will join my two girls, Crystal and…”
School and real life comes first, but I’ll be excited to see these simmies pop up when the time comes. ��
So am I! I’m not sure what to do right now. I want to play RoM, but when I come back to my NSB…do I finish Sunset’s generation requirements first, or do I just slowly start throwing these teens in? Kind of like I started working on Ross’s aspiration when it was technically still the Mint gen. Eh, I’ll figure it out.
tashsim replied to your post “URL Song Tag”
have to get up at 5:30 for a next month. feel your pain..
That’s not great D: I think I’d have to do that too, if I wasn’t moving to a dorm in Prague later this month. Spending so much time on the train and having to wake up so early would kill me.
elisabettasims replied to your post “Ahh, of course. I kinda forgot that I would get tan in summer, today I…”
I feel this on a personal level.
I kinda never had to deal with this before because I’ve been using foundation only for a year or so. And I’m fairly sure I’m using a lighter one now, because I definitely didn’t feel like a vampire last September :D
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Scarlett: “I saw you helped extinguish the flames too.” Talia: “I…”
talia… wyd
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photo “Scarlett: “Well, uhh, you didn’t mess up, so…” Talia: “I’ll stay, but…”
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photo “Meanwhile the contestants who have nothing to worry about gathered…”
talia you might be safe this time but you definitely should NOT be thinking you have nothing to worry about after… Earlier
I hate how this turned out D: I’ve noticed that sims in my game aren’t fond of the “enthuse about…” interactions. And then it ruins things like this.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “Madeleine: “Yes! Did you see that? Today must be my lucky day!”
Don’t boast too much, love!
She’s really doing great though! Maybe she didn’t make the best first impression, but she’s been working really hard ever since.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “We didn’t start the fire It was always burning Since the world’s been…”
What’s the name of the song? I love everything connected to fireXD
It’s “We Didn’t Start The Fire” by Billy Joel! Warning: It’s super catchy.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “I absolutely fell in love with these cute pants some time ago but I…”
I think I will overuse these pants now:D So thank you for introducing them in the first place:D And for shoutout!
I was glad to help! And… I remember those girls!
Thank youuu! I’m a “high waisted everything” kinda girl, so of course I had to recolour these so I could use them even more often. And I’m glad that I’m not the only one, I mean, the reblogs and likes on this post are insane.
And yay, glad you remember them! Juliet and Amber were easier to recognize, I guess, but the other two, Lily and Lavender…I haven’t posted them too much, ever. I forgot how pretty they were *-* I will definitely use them as my models for recolours and stuff.
dandylion240 replied to your post “I didn’t expect to come up with a whole backstory for Caleb and…here…”
I like your ideas for him though
Thank you so much! I’ve been seeing him on my dash a lot lately, so it’s kinda weird seeing like three different versions of him at once, especially when someone makes him do things my version of him would never do :D
whysimstho replied to your photoset “There you go…some gen 3 moments with no context. Good luck figuring…”
#5 Sunset signs here dad up for Simdr #6 it’s lit
1o8percent replied to your photoset “There you go…some gen 3 moments with no context. Good luck figuring…”
I’m intrigued by the last one.
desira-sims replied to your photoset “There you go…some gen 3 moments with no context. Good luck figuring…”
I don’t approve of the second one. No tears! I’ll gladly take more of the 4th and get the feeling she’s a little tired of seeing it all the time. Fire is also bad, but I guess the conversation was to good to stop. And that last one. Oh that’s great.
dandylion240 replied to your photoset “There you go…some gen 3 moments with no context. Good luck figuring…”
Why is Ross crying? Nothing better have happened to Caleb
*evil laughter*
I love how you guys assume the worst. I mean, I’m not surprised. I tend to accidentally kill my sims a lot this year. Well, you’ll find out very soon what is actually going on in these!
Also, just a side note, that child in picture #4 is Lucian and he’s not a girl, but I will admit he looks like one (and I’m fairly sure he knows that too and is okay with that, I mean, if he didn’t want to look like that, he’d beg for a haircut), so no worries. Just throwing it out there.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Oh, try to do Salim Benali!”
Aw he looks adorable! It makes me love him even more,
elisabettasims replied to your post “Oh, try to do Salim Benali!”
Salim is hard because he’s already pretty good looking, etc. He’s the dad of one of my sims who I did a BC with and founded my legacy on her, LOL(Anissa Hoffmann, she has her mom’s last name). Though I guess REALLY Salim and her mother are the founders but, I didn’t start a legacy until after her BC.
I agree, he’s definitely one of the few miracle townies who don’t need fixing.
Also, thank you!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Ugh, I hate this already. Can I go back to being an adorable evil…”
You can be an adorable evil child instead!
Oh, she will be.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Gwyneth: “Ready to age up, sweetie?” Avery: oh mum you bet”
Why is Gwyneth so cute I can’t even describe it!
Her cute face is the only reason why I thought “well, I could try a BPR I guess…”
Seriously. I’ve never really cared about berries, I’ve always prefered vanilla sims and berries were just something I created in cas from time to time and then never touched again. I still prefer vanilla sims and kinda doubt I’ll ever start another berry save.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Right…so now you’re a middle aged mum with a midlife crisis and a…”
I HATE THAT STUPID HAIR AND HOW IT SHOWS UP ON EVERYONE WHEN THEY AGE UP. *coughcough* Sorry. Had a bad flashback seeing that.
I hate it so much too! But actually, wanna hear a deep dark secret? I once used it on a sim…unironically. Like I actually thought it was cute.
I was 11 though, so that makes it okay, I think. I hope.
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kyotakumrau · 6 years
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Sugizo Tube Vol.2 with Kyo as a guest Part 2/3
Same as always - don’t use it to make subs; if you notice any mistakes let me know. I tried to include as much detail as possible, but obviously some bits are edited. () have my comments.
*Ningen wo Kaburu video*
L: so we just watched the video for ‘Ningen wo Kaburu’, this was the promotional edit with blurred out scenes, full version is available for purchase on iTunes. That’s amazing.
S: You can buy it? Wow. It’s beautiful, this director is really wonderful.
L: Is it someone you have been working with for a long time?
S: The whole time?
K: Mostly it’s been the same person.
L: You always share the images together with the director?
K: Yes, well, uhm, this time it’s the image from the song title, we talked about it with the director and made the video.
S: Is it you who decide the visuals for DIR EN GREY?
K: Not everything, but majority.
S: Actually Kyo is an amazing artist in every way, also as a painter; he’s wonderful at the art that uses body, he also has amazing tattoos, he can use his body for expression amazingly. He has this visual sense that, even with Mr.Kondo*, when watching your videos/footage I always felt that the visual direction came from Kyo. It came from the ‘The World of Truth’, right? (I think Sugizo means Mr. Kondo, but not 100% sure)
K: Yeah, this too.
S: His lyrics also contain visuals like that.
L: Where do the visuals come from first?
K: When we are working on a song, the instruments are decided, lyrics and the melody usually progress together at the same time. We also create the main music (??) at the same time. I get the image then and try to give it a shape.
L: So the visuals come already at this stage?
K: Usually yes.
L: How do you get the inspiration for the visuals?
K: I love movies, but, well…
L: Even today you wore a t-shirt with Hellraiser.
S: He really loves Pinhead.
K: But mostly it’s from the news, from what I felt from them, recently there was a lot of such ideas.
L: This time it’s been 9 months since your previous single. What’s the significance of releasing a single for DIR EN GREY?
K: For us it doesn’t matter if it’s a single or album when working on a new music, it’s just that company told us to.
S: [chuckles] 'company told us to!’
K: But with an album it’s easier for us to create a worldview, to express it. With a single we have to express the us of this moment in only one song, that’s quite hard. So I prefer not to release singles. But if we don’t it’s hard to organize a tour, there are many things to consider, so it can’t be helped. DIR EN GREY has an image like this now - it’s like a business card.
S: So you don’t release songs just for promotion (for radio etc), you create a single version.
K: Now that’s true, ?? This way of thinking might be seen as an old fashion now though.
S: Recently LUNA SEA stopped releasing singles. We have a leading song and we use that for promotional reasons, so there’s no reason to create a single.
L: When working on an album do you create songs deciding on the image beforehand or do you work on new songs and then decide on the direction?
K: The latter. We don’t really have talks like 'let’s make an album like this’, 'a song like that would be good’ and so on. We randomly decide to work on a song for an album, everyone listens to it and we realize 'that’s the current course’ or 'we all want to make songs like that’.
L: Do you decide on one mode?
K: Usually we do.
L: To be able to choose one course of action, as a ??、I think that’s amazing.
S: It’s like that for a band that has been around for a long time. Even if the direction seen by each band member is different, if we try to create sound/melody, our direction will at some point settle, come together, instantly. A band is a being like that. I always say that, but the direction for details, way of thinking is different, but rock bands are amazing. Why I think so is, it’s not about how many people created it, it’s about who did it. A song created by these members is like this, with those members the band becomes a new existence. That’s what rock bands are about. DIR of course as well welcomes its 20th anniversary and with the same band members, even without the direction decided upto the small details, if they decide to create new song together, they will be able to do it as them now. What do you think?
K: I hope it will be like that ;)
L: DIR EN GREY is starting from 2014 doing a series of tours revolving around the past albums. It something often done by the foreign artists, but in Japan it was pretty unheard of. How did you get an idea to do it?
K: There was the 20th anniversary thing, if not with this occasion there would be no other chance to look back at the old songs and play them again. So we used this timing.
S: That sounds pretty interesting; I’ve never done anything like that.
K: It’s really difficult.
L: Which part is difficult?
K: We did some really old songs, I couldn’t remember the time/era of the songs, and obviously I completely forgot the lyrics too. We had a tour every 2~3 months. So in the end my brain was just keeping rotating, I had to memorize the lyrics again and again, each album and show atmosphere was also different, so we had to remember that and change the ourselves now, and while doing that we had to express ourselves. That was difficult.
S: I have a very straightforward question about that tour. Old time fans were really glad about it, right? What about the new fans, did they want to see that too?
K: I wonder. But if it was me I’d want to see it.
S: So I’d like to ask fans, would you be happy if the band revived old albums?
L: There were some comments from fans saying 'I’d like LUNA SEA to do that!’.
S: Yeah, I thought fans were thinking like that. But the key or tempo in the past was totally different, right? Bringing that back? When we are older?
L: Oh, there are many fans saying they want to see that. (She reads fans comments)
S: If DIR wanted to see a tour like that, should LUNA SEA think about it as well?
L: Woah! (very happy 'woah’)
K: Please try to visualize it!
S: If I’m able to, then. I can’t really imagine it. Huuuuh. But it would be hard on Shinya. He would complain 'No way, that’s impossible! Why were I drumming so fast?!’. Even now it’s quite hard.
K: But you played Rosier.
S: That was just for LUNA FEST! No way! Don’t wanna!
K: (laughing) Please do it!! Do it! At least one song!
S: (something about lunafes and CY, it’s more likely for CY?)
K: I’d love to see it.
S: Let’s say to Shinya 'do your best’.
L: Is it hard deciding on songs for CY?
S: You can only ignore it. There are also songs that I’d love to perform, but there also opinions like 'isn’t it too much? Wouldn’t people be happy enough with this?’. If we do it don’t we become kids? (??)
K: There’s a song by LUNA SEA with a Japanese title that wasn’t released, I’d love to see them playing it, but so far without luck.
S: I don’t remember it. We probably forgot about having a song like that.
L: It’s that bad? (Kyo laughs)
S: When LUNA SEA was formed we were quite hardcore sounding band, our songs were very fast, our sound was hardcore or goth. Even now I love a genre like that. I’d like to do that, but the reaction from other band members might not be that great, like 'our musicianship is different now’.
K: I’d like to see Inoran to play guitar solos from such songs.
S: There are those songs from before Shinya and I joined the band.
L: Woah, there are so many comments asking Kyo to push Sugizo more.
K: (laughs) I’ve been pushing him about it since before.
S: Extreme feel like during Sport Valley, songs were so fast then. Let’s move to the next topic. (He leans back with a smirk XD)
L: (laughs). Kyo has been leading another band starting from 2013. His fans probably now this, but sukekiyo’s first performance took place as an opening act for Sugizo’s solo show.
S: So nostalgic. To be honest, I totally adore sukekiyo’s music. DIR has that hardcore feel, anger, destruction and sorrow, so sukekiyo has a totally different side, grave (slow manner, solemn) and beauty and feel of progressive rock, they create this very wide worldview. The vocalist named Kyo is able to express the exact opposites. I was surprised by it from the very beginning. Is it like that?
K: Yeah.
L: With what kind of feelings did you start sukekiyo?
K: I wanted to try various things, when [creating music] with different people what kind of music would it result in? I wanted to try many things and sukekiyo was realized then.
L: So with that opening act, did the offer come from Sugizo?
S: No, Kyo asked me about doing an opening act at my concert, I was very happy. That was 5 years ago? You’ve been doing sukekiyo for 5 years now?
K: Yeah.
S: When they were releasing their first album I was able to do a remix song for it, the song was really great.
L: The members in sukekiyo are incredible.
S: And like that I was able to watch as sukekiyo was born. I was honoured.
L (she talks about the information that came up earlier about working on the remix songs - they are called 'sibling songs’)
S: First I got an inspiration from the song made by Kyo and guys, worked on it and it evolved into a totally different song. So they are 'sibling songs’. Through such a creative exchange, being able to exchange DNA, it was amazing.
L: We can see the cover art of IMMORTALIS on the screen right now.
S: Do we have any video to show of them?
L: It seems like it’s coming now. Which song is it?
S: Is it from the newest release?
K: From one before.
L: Then, let’s watch a video from sukekiyo, ‘anima’.
*anima video*
S: Is it okay to talk about the video?
K: Yeah, of course.
S: The video was made by the drummer.
L: That’s amazing. Directing the worldview at the same time as playing drums.
S: Takumi-kun who plays on guitar is also amazing. It’s alright to say that, right?
K: I think he will be very happy to hear that.
S: He’s amazing playing the guitar, but also does programming and he works as a manipulator for DIR EN GREY during their tours. It’s not a secret, right?
K: He’s probably watching even now.
S: Really? Takumi, how are you? (and Sugizo toasts with a bottle of water XD)
(Takumi’s reply: ‘Sugizo, I’m GREAT!’ – and it was followed by a tweet explaining that the reply to Sugizo was his 500th tweet. And when Sugizo asks you ‘how are you?’, you will reply great no mater how you feel XD)
L: So instead of hiring someone to do that, you prefer to chose someone you know.
K: That’s right. We create songs together, so even if we don’t talk about it he will understand many things.
S: That’s a totally new era. One person can do so many things.
L: There was a comment [from Takumi] “I’m watching!” (Changing topic, Layla introduces ONENESS M and Zessai done with Kyo). Zessai was truly beautiful; I’ve listened to it so many times. I love it.
S: Thank you, Kyo.
K: No, it was my pleasure.
S: I’m so grateful for that. When creating songs for my 20th anniversary, as something not done usually, I wanted to gather the vocalists I’m close with. First, I wanted to ask Kyo to join the project and I contacted him soon.
K: There was a talk about it quite early on and I was all for it. At the moment of the shout, I thought I would break my voice but I wanted to record it on the first try.
S: It was amazing [he demonstrates the shout…]. It’s a beautiful quiet song but for a moment there’s this mad shout. To insert this kind of energy, I thought only Kyo could do that. And the speed of him working! I’ve sent him a demo asking what he thinks of the song, and usually people send back more recorded into it including some lyrics. But he was like ‘I got the actual song done’. He was making sure with me ‘I recorded the final version, is that alright?’
L: Did you write the lyrics that quickly?
K: As I explained before, I write lyrics while I’m working on a song. So it was quick. I can easily understand the worldview of Sugizo’s songs. So I could imagine what he wishes from me. I gave it a shape in my own way, the original Sugizo’s work had a melody, I left the best part and added my own colour to it, mixing everything together.
L: In the interview about the release Sugizo commented that it as much better than he was hoping for, that inserting that part of insanity into the beauty; he commented that only Kyo could manage something like that.
S: It was a song I wrote thinking of Kyo, from the beginning. So the artist Kyo the way I see him, I was thinking how to let him exist inside of my music, I worked with this in mind. And when working about him as a vocalist, I how will it work with a dub? Actually, that song is dub. How amazing it would be for Kyo to exist inside of such song and sing that groove, to have a mixture like that. And from that came out a performance that went way over my expectations.
L: Were you thinking about the album track list (song order) already?
S: It was decided by chance. This album has grand, progressive songs. Next was much faster song from Yohei. I wanted to show Kyo’s depth and beauty. I could not imagine more from that song. Thank you for the lyrics and singing, Kyo.
K: Not at all.
S: It’s a song you would want to play live someday, isn’t it?
K: I totally agree.
L: It would be great to have a concert dedicated to ONENESS M.
S: What we want to express and our worldview overlap to some degree, of course the surface if different (??), but I was glad we could create this together.
L: I’d really like to see it live.
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The kitchen
Last night I was reading a manga book that I used to like. That’s how desperate I am for a book by Chevy Stevens. The manga book was kinda boring and it did not take to long for me to fall asleep. I don’t usually read manga books unless it’s funny to read and if the art is top notch (l am an artist) and or if there are samurai in them. I had a strange dream about trying to find Ana and Nils in a strange city. They used to be my childhood friends. It was a beautiful dream…. even though I fucking forgot to take my fucking sleeping pills.
6:14 a.m Been thinking about the the victims of the London van attack. I feel sorry for them and their families. My heart, prayers, love, thoughts, and chants still go out to them. I would like to ring the necks of the perpetrators of this fucked up attack. Nothing worse nor more annoying than a fucking jihadist bitch. I hate using the big J word on the internet. I think the word “Jihad” should be a swear word or be forbidden to say (for Muslims and non-muslims) and I don’t fucking looking like that fucking word at all.
6:14 a.m (again) When I was writing the first comment about “jihad” I realized that I have Jill today. Sounds fun today, right? Yes but I am also dreading it because of the whole day there will be country music. And I can’t do anything about it. It is insidious and can mask itself as different genres of music but you can hear the fucking twang and Christian bullshit. I hate country music as much as the word “Jihad”. And right now I have to blast my ears with music I like and enjoy it while I still can before I am subjected to this ear torture. God I fucking hate country music!!!! 😠😡😤🤢👿👎🏼 P.S. I guess I have to think about my to favorite things (jumbo jets and Airports) and go to my Happy place, which is the Airport. ✈️🛩🛫🛬✈️🛬🛫🛩
RANDOM FACT ALERT!!! I was watching the news this morning and heard that it is to hot to fly jumbos. I did not know that. Apparently the air is less dense which mean you need to use more speed and a longer runway to take off normally. I got this from the U.S news.
8:09 a.m Jill picked yours truly up. We are going to the fucking library this morning. Thank fucking God. I can get another Chevy Stevens book. 📚Today we are going to scrap book this afternoon 👍🏼😀 and having pizza for lunch. Very yum 👅. The country music is blaring and it is driving me insane. I’d like to a country singer but that would bring me to his or her level😠. I fucking hate it. 👿But I also hate gospel music which is quick paced version of country music only without the twang and guitars. 😡I hate them both🤢😭👎🏼😤. I think music should be universal and appeal to all religions but that’s my opinion. 🤔Give me punk, death metal, goth, German techno, industrial, EDM, hip hop, and last but not least is horrorcore rap. 😊
8:23 a.m Just picked up big mouth resume girl.😠 She is especially bitchy today and won’t stop talking. If only God knew how much I hate her. I can’t even hear the fucking country music. It’s better than listening to this bitch. 😡👎🏼One more fucking word out of her fucking mouth I am going to punch her out😤. She tried to convert me to Christianity 🤢 and when I refused to convert she started turning my respite friends against me. She is rude to me and cyberbullys me to death on face book. Whenever she’s in the room people talk to her and they end up talking about neurotypical shit. The shit I can stand and talk about. They end up talking about cars, apartments, money, jobs, resumes and guys. Note: She is a fucking coward. I can’t talk about guys because I am lesbian. 🏳️‍🌈For once I want to talk about what I want to talk About. I guess smart people are hard to fucking find🤔.
9:20 a.m Just arrived at my respite house. This day I don’t feel over runned over and trashed. That’s fucking good. I think. We are going the bleeping library today at 10. Me! Want! Chevy Stevens! I just took some selfies with the dog filters on. I love using the dog filters because of the big tounge, it shows that I need to lick pussy. Besides my spirit animal is the wolf dog (German Shepard). I believe in Wicca and shamanism as that they help relieve my PTSD. I have to say that my religion is Wicca. I am a white witch. And I also believe in Native American shamanis. With way the dog filters are epic and I love it.
10:21 a.m Went to the library can got my Chevy Stevens book. Yay!!!!! 👍🏼😀🤗😊I am looking forward to bed time so I can read the fucking book. God I love Chevy Stevens and her writing, story lines and the plot. Some people think she is scary but i don't😡. Once I found the book I explored the rest of the library (the teen section in particular) and found some cute and nice Korean manga, if you want to call them that, but I am committed to Chevy Stevens books right now😍. After seeing those mangas I think I will broaden my book horizon and give mangas another chance. I used to like graphic novels and comic books when I was in high school. 😋But then I hit twenty years of age and forgotten all about them. Time to go do memory Lane next time I at the library. 🤔
11:00 a.m. We did scrap booking. A boring task to deal with. But I just found out that I was anorexic skinny as a child. No fucking reason the others picked on me besides for my ptsd. If change my diet I would not want to that skinny again. I want to fucking muscle. That was a memory that I think should’ve not be brought back up. It’s fucking embarrassing. The skinny geek with ptsd. Ouch. Thank god I don’t have to show those pictures on my fucking Facebook. I would be a laughing stock of the world. Scrap booking is fun in a boring and embarrassing way.
12:00 p.m Lunch!! Pizza!!! YYYYYUUUUUUMMMYYYY! 👅 My pizza all feta cheese. God fuck, I love my feta cheese on my pizza. We made our own pizzas for us to eat. Time to go. Food!!! Coming!!!!!!
1:00 p.m Me and my friends helped Jill’s husband Greg to clean the pool equipment. It’s almost surreal, why the fuck not getting the pool ready for us. I oversaw the hosing of the pool stairs and weights. I got my pants fucking soked. That was when I decided to call it quits but I did do quite a bit of hosing of the stairs and the pool weights. It was nice outside and I was wearing a hat… but the dear flies, black flies and the mosquitoes where horrid. So the hat did not work worth a shit. So I used my hat for swatting the bugs a way. I was scared of ticks that one might bite me. They are supposed to terrible this summer. Was going to play cards outside… but fuck that: ticks.
2:00 p.m Played a boring came of crazy 8s. I was sooooo bored I was stoned. I am naturally stoned, no need for drugs. This only happens when I am bored. Jill thought I was falling asleep during the game and ordered me to lay down for the rest of the day. So I was lying on the couch looking like a fucking fool all day until home time. This is the roughest afternoon I had ever had. It’s doesn’t help that I had a ptsd flashback and a flack back of a distant past life where I was a Buddhist nun living in the Himalayas….. twice at the same time. I was in a trance…. not sleepy. When will be get it…. I AM WICCAN, BITCHES!!!!!!! A WHITE MOTHERFUCKING WITCH!!!!!
3:00 p.m Found out that Caitlin blabbed on my again for no reason just to get me into trouble. She does this all the time and it’s a wonder that I haven’t been kicked of program for fucking reason. Apparently I said “why do you have to clean the damn kitchen”. She does this to me all the fucking time. And I wish she would stop getting me in trouble before I punch her lights out. What I fucked up way to end the fucking day. And it was such good day too. Fuck!!!!!😠👿😡😤🤢
4:30 p.m Just got the call of a fucking life time. Tomorrow I am going aboriginal day in Ottawa. Soooo fucking hyper right now. 😊🤗🤔👍🏼😍✈️
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