slashingdisneypasta · 1 month
I read 3 books with one picture in my head of what these gross monsters looked like, author; you cant just throw a (very beautiful) illustration of what they really look like at me in the last 50 pages of the last book!! Not n o w!! Its too late!! No!!
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theforbiddentower · 1 year
Yikker had brought her and the six lads here and ordered them to keep silent and still. He warned that they could only move when the lights came on and no earlier. If they disobeyed, he would bury his spear in their guts and tear out their livers. And they believed him. He was enraged to have missed out on the massacre, so was itching to make up for it.
Squatting on a stone bench, blocking the exit leading to the common lawns and courtyards, and looking like the most grotesque garden gnome imaginable, the Punchinello squinted up at the harsh lights, then gave the order.
"Go seek your lambies. Nobel gardens only."
Yikker was still sitting on the stone bench, a hideous smirk on his face. They pleaded with him, but he wouldn't give away any hint or clue as to where the Garden Apart was situated.
"Curse you!" Maggie spat. "If they're harmed, I'll keep that promise and kill you. You hear me?"
"Sexy Bo Peep," the guard hissed lustily, waggling his tongue at her.
Glancing at Yikker, she saw his expression change into an exasperated scowl and she knew she was right.
Before Maggie and the boys could dash into the widening gap, a squealing guard burst through, thrashing his short arms above his head. Dark blood was streaming down his face. Squatting on his hump, a crowfly was greedily gulping down his remaining eye. Maggie and the others didn't waste any time or pity on him. He blundered past, shrieking and yowling, into the Gentle Garden and Yikker's displeasure intensified.
Running across the Gentle Garden, they discovered the blinded Punchinello lying dead in the grass. His head had been hacked off.
Before they had time to react, a dirty laugh sounded and Yikker stepped from behind the topiary. His spear was in one hand, a drawn sword was in the other and it was drenched in blood.
"Me no likey Mizcha," he said, staring down at the decapitated Punchinello. "Him yap yap too much. Him no yap no more. He no use with no eyes- is better this is."
His own eyes slid up at the aberrants and even under the blue lights they saw his cheeks were flushed. His infernal bloodlust was burning. He'd missed out on the massacre beside the moat and now he was determined to make up for it. He scythed his sword through a clump of plants and they gave off an aromatic, minty scent. His great nose inhaled deeply and the blade turned in his grasp as he looked from one child to the next.
"Yikker want lamb chops," he drawled. "Cutlets and mint sauce- juicy tasty."
"You will not touch them!" Maggie warned, holding her crook before them protectively.
"Touch, slice, skewer, rip, chew- Yikker do all this- yes."
- Fighting Pax, Robin Jarvis
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ethreali · 5 years
gaebrel replied to your post: can we parlay for just one day? look, i have cake....
lmao Satan spawn ain’t as bad as Satan creator
chuck vc: how dare you speak like that of my favorite son :/ 
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inkyblinkyarts · 5 years
i finally finished this from 2018... yikkers..
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stargleeksil-blog · 7 years
Criminal Minds s01e15 Unfinished Business review
Episode 15 – Unfinished Business
So last episode was hard on me emotionally cuz I could sympathize and yet I was screaming at Sarah Jean to just take the innocence plea. It was awful.
This episode’s  name suggests we’re looking back at some information that has been given in the previous episodes. I’m intrigued.
Let’s go.
Washington DC. Cool.
Wait, why are they going back over murdered women? Oh, it’s a book lecture on the Keystone Killer. Ugh. I hate serial killers. They’re so messed up.
Max Ryan, a retired FBI agent who used to work the Keystone Killer, didn’t find him, wrote a book about him, and is still trying to find that fucker.
Hahaha Gideon didn’t miss Ryan? Yeah right.
Oh fuck. The Keystone Killer just gave him a puzzle!!!!! Shit.
Norman McKlane: “It is those we live with and love and should know who elude us.” Deadly depressing.
So Gideon and Ryan were locked up in the library all night trying to solve it. Poor guys.
The guy retired to look for the Keystone Killer. Apparently that’s the BAU version of retirement. Yeesh.
John Steinbeck: “Who in his mind has not probed the black water?” yikkers. Ominous.
“He got away?” “You think we would have woken you up if he didn’t?” yeah, Derek, use your pretty brain. I’m joking, I love you. Keep being a genius hottie.
Reid. You are a freaking genius and I love you from here till Nebraska (which is a long distance).
He’s changing up his M.O., lovely.
Ew. That photograph was gross.
The Keystone Killer sent another letter to the press? Oh Jesus.
Wheels up in thirty.
And Ryan is coming with.
What a fun party.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” Why aren’t they dating already? Ugh. Just kiss her, Derek!
Ew. Seeing it in person is even worse.
Why are you being so passive aggressive, jackhole?
I get that it brings back a whole lot of memories, Ryan, but it’s really not helping that you’re being such a dick.
Really, I thought that Reid knew everything, what can he possibly learn more from Ryan? Or from the Keystone Killer? Ugh. I just can’t even stand the name they gave them.
Hahaha, Ryan is confronted with Reid’s brilliance, lovely.
And we’re in Philly, y’all!
Ooh, Reid is going back to the scene of Ted Bundy? Wow. The had an actor play Bundy, deep.
So they have to scour everything and hope to find something helpful. Ugh. And why would Ryan not let them go over his files? What is that douche hiding?
I get that he failed, but he’s trying to fix it, so why is he throwing gravel under their wheels?
“You don’t worry about too many cooks?” amazing. I love their one-liners.
He used a quote from his book, so what? Stop taking things personally, you old fart.
How can you know if that guy wasn’t in jail? God, I hate Ryan for being so caught up in this case and in his head so he can’t help at all.
So Scott  Harbin was paroled, see, Ryan? You’re seriously misled and you’re seriously annoying the fuck out of me.
“You are really amazing,” “You have no idea.” Someone please put Derek and Penelope in an escape room that they can only get out of by sleeping together! Oh wait, they didn’t have escape rooms back in 2005, never mind, just put them together in a closed space till they have sex.
Wait, did they catch Scott Harbin or not? Yup. You know, he seems too sociable to be a psycho killer. He has a military background, cuz you can’t fold that neat and not be from the army.
Oh Elle, you are one teasing panther! I love you! Oh crap, she just went all up in Scotty’s face and it is glorious.
Why would Gideon think Elle isn’t ok? She was just taunting the sick fuck.
Let’s see some home movies!
What did Hotch find under the bed? Oh shit! He had a girl, alive, trapped under there with plastic all over her body and a tape over her mouth? Oh shit!!!!!! I hope she survives and gets good therapy. Fuck.
Ser Francis Bacon “In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.”
So it isn’t Scott now? What the fuck? He led them to Scott? Oh shit, this guy is good.
So he changed his M.O. because he can’t strangle them anymore? He’s incapacitated so he changed his M.O. to suffocation. Damn.
A press conference is supposed to help explain, try to listen to what JJ has to say. Don’t interrupt her. She’s good at her job.
So he immersed himself so deeply into this case that he lost his family, he can’t relax, his whole life is this stupid thing. Oh Maxy.
Technically, you’re never too young for a stroke. Ok. Reid, you need to relax on your facts, please. It drives my brain dizzy.
Just let my superheroes in, will you, Max? You’re being a dick.
“I need a list, sweetness.” “Aw, sugar, you’re in luck, lists are my specialty.” I can’t with these two!!!!
Out of thirty-six, five car accidents were serious enough to send the guys to the hospital, “Let’s hear it for American safety.” LOL
So Walter Kern is the Keystone Killer? Nailed it, Garcia.
That’s Walter???? That guy is such a geek! What the fuck does he do with getting off on killing people? Oh my goodness, that is so ironic. I mean, that wet sponge a killer?
Yeah right, he goes to volunteer for the community center, right, lady. Your husband is a lying asshole, and if he didn’t want you to go in a certain room then it’s obviously a den for murderer row. I mean, really. How dense do you have to be to store everything under your house? Not so smart.
Ugh, he actually detailed the murders? So gross.
You can’t stop it? Just don’t kill anybody, you sick asshole.
I love you Derek, take that fucker down!
Oh wow, he’s just sick as a fucking germ. Ugh.
Abraham Lincoln: “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” I knew I liked that quirky old dead guy for a reason. Love you, Abe.
Wait, so one of the first cases Gideon ever worked, the guys pulled a fast one on him, planted the FBI director’s itinerary in the bomber’s car, and he just ran up to the office and barged in on a meeting with the Attorney General? Oh lord, that is awesome!!!!
Why is Elle sitting at the front alone? Oh, she’s with Hotch. It’s ok.
So it’s not weird that his agents have nothing to do on a Saturday night? Oh Hotch, honey, that’s messed up. But somehow you can compartmentalize wonderfully with your family and I’m so proud of you, honey.
 So powerful. I was kind of disappointed to find out that the Keystone Killer was just a wet sponge with a fetish for Ryan, but it was still a dang good episode and it had some P/D flirting, so I was happy with that.
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ponyo-ghibli · 9 years
You're pretty!! :)
Oh staph ☺️
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Yikker had brought her and the six lads here and ordered them to keep silent and still. He warned that they could only move when the lights came on and no earlier. If they disobeyed, he would bury his spear in their guts and tear out their livers. And they believed him. He was enraged to have missed out on the massacre, so was itching to make up for it.
Squatting on a stone bench, blocking the exit leading to the common lawns and courtyards, and looking like the most grotesque garden gnome imaginable, the Punchinello squinted up at the harsh lights, then gave the order.
"Go seek your lambies. Nobel gardens only."
Yikker was still sitting on the stone bench, a hideous smirk on his face. They pleaded with him, but he wouldn't give away any hint or clue as to where the Garden Apart was situated.
"Curse you!" Maggie spat. "If they're harmed, I'll keep that promise and kill you. You hear me?"
"Sexy Bo Peep," the guard hissed lustily, waggling his tongue at her.
Glancing at Yikker, she saw his expression change into an exasperated scowl and she knew she was right.
Before Maggie and the boys could dash into the widening gap, a squealing guard burst through, thrashing his short arms above his head. Dark blood was streaming down his face. Squatting on his hump, a crowfly was greedily gulping down his remaining eye. Maggie and the others didn't waste any time or pity on him. He blundered past, shrieking and yowling, into the Gentle Garden and Yikker's displeasure intensified.
Running across the Gentle Garden, they discovered the blinded Punchinello lying dead in the grass. His head had been hacked off.
Before they had time to react, a dirty laugh sounded and Yikker stepped from behind the topiary. His spear was in one hand, a drawn sword was in the other and it was drenched in blood.
"Me no likey Mizcha," he said, staring down at the decapitated Punchinello. "Him yap yap too much. Him no yap no more. He no use with no eyes- is better this is."
His own eyes slid up at the aberrants and even under the blue lights they saw his cheeks were flushed. His infernal bloodlust was burning. He'd missed out on the massacre beside the moat and now he was determined to make up for it. He scythed his sword through a clump of plants and they gave off an aromatic, minty scent. His great nose inhaled deeply and the blade turned in his grasp as he looked from one child to the next.
"Yikker want lamb chops," he drawled. "Cutlets and mint sauce- juicy tasty."
"You will not touch them!" Maggie warned, holding her crook before them protectively.
"Touch, slice, skewer, rip, chew- Yikker do all this- yes."
- Fighting Pax, Robin Jarvis
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ottermatopoeia · 9 years
I think you'd look amazing with a septum piercing! Just saying. :)
oh lord i could never. i was just thinking one on one of my nostrils would be nice but i’m a classical musician and everyone’s too stuck up for me to do that and be successful!!!!
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nanitetechnology · 10 years
Tumblr user yikker is fucking adorable and sweet
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hylianmaid · 10 years
Happy birthday! I wish for you all the happiness in the world dear xoxox
Thank you! c:
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It was a grey, cloudy morning. The fine spring weather had broken and rain looked certain. When they gathered on the lawn, ready to leave for the day's work, the Punchinellos stared at them suspiciously. They didn't know what to make of so many drawn-on faces. One was a target for ridicule, but this number looked like some peculiar form of conspiracy. Bezuel went up to Charm and was displeased at what she had done.
"No likey," the guard replied.
"Oh, what a bloody shame," the girl replied.
He reaches up and grabbed her face, then tried to rub the moustache off her lip with a calloused thumb. Charm cried out and Lee jumped forward. Bezuel bared his teeth and pointed a gun at him.
"Its all right," Charm told Lee. "I'm OK."
Bezuel's beady eyes glowered at the boy and he held the gun at the angle like a gangster rapper. "Pop pop pop," he cackled. "Me watchy you."
- Freax and Rejex, Robin Jarvis
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amethystleslie · 10 years
Yes. Yes he is.
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zweilous · 11 years
Hey Sid. (: (inserts mail icon here.)
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zombieee-queen · 9 years
Awww what, no sharesies? 
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