theforbiddentower 2 months
"Playing games with me, Iris?" Collin purrs. "How interesting. You're less like your sister than I thought. You know, she was still alive after she fell over that banister. She begged me to call an ambulance, but of course I couldn't do that, because then I'd have to explain what she was doing at my house in the first place. So I put her out of her misery instead."
- How To Find a Missing Girl by Victoria Wlosok
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theforbiddentower 4 months
"It's 9.24."
Telling me the time is a small act of betrayal- and therefore an ordinary act of bravery.
It is maybe the first time I've seen Peter be truly Dauntless.
- Tris Prior, Insurgent (By: Veronica Roth)
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theforbiddentower 4 months
Of course I know Alice. Once she was the Rabbit's Alice. The voice had gone all singsong croony. Pretty little Alice with a pretty axe murderer at her side. Pretty Alice who cute the Caterpillars throat and made it all fall down.
- Looking Glass, Christina Henry
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theforbiddentower 4 months
"I couldn't help it. I gasped. Ballrooms were the cure for almost anything."
- Dorothy Gale, The End of Oz Danielle Paige
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theforbiddentower 5 months
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Bookish places in France 馃嚝馃嚪
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theforbiddentower 5 months
Peter takes the vial with a shaking hand and twists off the cap. The liquid trembles inside it, almost spilling over the lip. He holds it under his nose to smell it.
"How much should I drink?" he says, and I think I hear his teeth chattering.
"I dont think it makes a difference," I say.
"Okay. Well... here goes." He lifts the vial up to the light like he is toasting me.
When he touches it to his mouth, I say, "Be brave."
Then he swallows.
And I watch Peter dissapear.
- Allegiant, Veronica Roth
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theforbiddentower 10 months
max hastings and oliver lavoy are some of my biggest enemies
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theforbiddentower 11 months
It is so almost exactly like soaking your cuticles pre-manicure that I am half expecting Principal Kingston to whip out a nail file. Instead he glances at Mr. Gabriel and then reaches out to clamp his hands over mine, holding them in place.
- Evil Librarian, Michelle Knudsen
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theforbiddentower 11 months
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馃枻. Art by Bawny
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theforbiddentower 11 months
Aaron is jumping around at the end of his tether like an overexcited dog, visibly beside himself with happiness. He's gazing lovingly at his bloody, exhausted, exhilarated fish-featured demoness with the same naked want as when she was in human form. Perhaps more. She spares him a tolerant, fond smile, which is particularly disturbing with her long eel's mouth, and I swear he almost loses consciousness from bliss.
- Evil Librarian, Michelle Knudsen
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theforbiddentower 11 months
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figure running from a falling mansion by john w. allison
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theforbiddentower 11 months
But if the Nome King could take out Mombi, the witch with the most Wickedness, that didn't say much for my chances of defeating Ev's most sinister senior citizen on his own turf.
- The End of Oz, Danielle Paige
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theforbiddentower 11 months
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theforbiddentower 11 months
"This is Paul," Dean said. "He wants to manage us."
And with those eight words everything changed. I didn't realise that something monumental had happened. You never recognise those big moments when they happen, its only afterwards when you look back and wonder at the weirdness that you realise. Right then, I sipped a Diet Coke that someone had thrust into my hand and nodded and smiled as Paul talked at me and Dean about how he was going to make us famous.
-Guitar Girl, Sarra Manning
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theforbiddentower 1 year
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Inside Castle Dimitrescu | [x]
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theforbiddentower 1 year
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theforbiddentower 1 year
The witch crooked a finger at Ozma. "Come to dear old Mombi," she cooed sweetly. When Ozma kept her distance, Mombi rolled her eyes. "Bring the little darling over here," she snapped.
I gingerly took the reluctant princess's hand, eyeing Mombi warily. Ozma didnt look pleased, but she didnt resist.
"You're not going to hurt her, are you?" I asked.
"No, no, no. We need her," Mombi said, looking Ozma up and down wolfishly. "As stupid as she looks, there's power in there. Somewhere. She's a fairy, you know. She's connected to Oz's lifeblood in a way that none of the rest of us ever could be. If anyone can find the Rainbow Citadel, its her. Its magic, she's magic, its the way these things work. She just has to want to find it."
"Yeah, goodluck with that," I said. "I dont think Ozma wants anything. Except maybe to play patty-cake."
Mombi ignored me and placed her hands on Ozma's cheeks. Ozma looked like she was going to run away, but the witch held her firm. "Don't be afraid," she said. "I'm just an old woman. Wouldn't hurt a fly, would I?"
Mombi stared deep into Ozma's eyes and bit her lip in a look of mild concentration. A small, purple dot of light began to form in the centre of the witches forehead. Mombi plucked it off like she was removing a piece of dirt and placed it in her palm, closing her fist around it.
"Just hold still and close your eyes, darling." As if in a trance, Ozma obeyed.
I watched the whole scene with a slightly sick feeling in my stomach. "Ozma's shielded from most magic," Mombi explained nonchalantly. "But when you're dumb as a brick like she is, certain spells can get through well enough."
She opened her hand, revealing that the pinprick of energy had taken the form of a glowing indigo spider the size of a nickel. She plucked its wriggling body up and placed it on Ozma's temple, where it sat for a second and then crawled down, across her cheekbone and onto her earlobe, finally skittering into her ear canal and dissapearing.
"Yuck," I shuddered.
"Oh, dont be a ninny," Mombi scoffed. "It's just a little spell of intention. She won't even feel it. Barely does anything except give her a little push in the right direction. Think of it like this: if I whispered I want doughnuts in your ear while you were asleep, you'd wake up craving doughnuts, isnt that so? This isn't much different, except that I'm too old a woman to stay up all night muttering in Ozma's ear, especially with those enormous flower earmuffs she loves to wear."
- The Wicked Will Rise, Danielle Paige
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