#York newsies
yorkseyepatch · 2 months
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A text both Kid Blink and York have gotten after dates with people
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submitted by: @64-jungle-planks
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newsiesautismfrfr · 2 months
Okay so before I go ahead with this post I need to put a couple of trigger warnings to make sure I don’t accidentally hurt someone.
*ahem* TW: Child Abuse, forced fighting, violence, mention of gore, SH, impulsive thoughts
With all that out of the way let’s go!
Albert grew up in the lower east side. He never met his mom and his father made to clear from an early age he wasn’t allowed to ask about her unless he wanted a black eye. So Albert never did.
As soon as Albert was old enough to even know what a punch was he was put into his father’s prized possession. A child fighting ring.
They were common in lower easy side and his fathers were one of the bigger ones in the city. Of course just because Albert was his kid doesn’t mean he got treated differently. His father forced him into the ring, teaching him brutally to fight and win his father money. That’s all that mattered to his father; money.
His father couldn’t care less if he died or got injured. There was one thing Albert learned immediately about the fighting rings, you either win or you’re fucked. It didn’t matter how injured you are, if you lose a fight you get beat worse than the guy who beat you in the ring.
That’s how Albert became his father’s champion. He never lost a fight and the one fight he did lose…well we’ll get to that.
Albert was scheduled to fight some kid from a completely different part of the city. But rbi gs changed. Someone cheated and snuck in a Brooklyn kid instead. And then Brooklyn boys is big. A large blonde boy who was in a completely different weight class than Albert.
His father didn’t care. He still made Albert fight him. Albert began to lose, he was on the ground getting pummeled and the only thing he could do was scratch at this guys face.
Scratch until he got off. Albert saw the blood under his nails and knew what he did.
He took that kids eye out.
Albert ran away that same night. Leaving behind a baby brother he had no idea existed.
And of the now blinded boy?
He ran away to Brooklyn. You may have heard of him, he goes by the name of York now.
When Albert showed up in manhattan he couldn’t handle being around everyone. He constantly got into fights and everyone avoided him. Everyone except Elmer. Who helped him the best he could.
But even know he wants to be hurt. Even know he craves for a fight and picks them when he can. He’s tried to fight the delanceys for all the wrong reasons.
It never works. Everyone knows what he’s doing.
So he never gets his fights, so he never gets hurt.
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kid-blinks-eyepatch · 2 months
Newsies as things said at band camp
Crutchie: guys pls- Jack & Race, fighting over a 5$ megaphone: You don’t understand we need to go into the bathroom and shout “hey swifty” into it
Blink, attempting to read his music: shit what’s that a D? Race, without looking up: Oh i love getting Ds
Mush, eating pringles: Hey Blink you should fight Oscar
Blink: i would but Medda would break it up-
Albert: what if we all link arms and form a circle around you and him? that way medda can’t get to you to break it up?
Swifty, Bumlets, Race, and Finch: *w h e e z e* ———
Race, poking the doorstop: Wall boob!
Spot: what?😭
Race, points above Smalls’ head: another one!
Smalls: oh cmon the walls get boobs and i don’t?
Davey: i feel like Blink has beef with almost everyone
Blink: No i d- *thinking* -okay maybe
Race: *pointing towards Morris* oh it’s my hubby!
Morris: *starts running*
Skittery, Finch, Crutchie, Sniper, Les, Jack: *crying laughing* ———
Albert: *comes back from the bathroom*
Race: what’s wrong?
Finch: *sippin a juice box*
Albert: so Oscar was in there and he’s got his short tucked in in the front
Graves: okay?
Albert: and he goes “i gotta piss”
Finch: *big sip of juice*
Finch: *now has juice all over himself from laughing* ———
York: oh my god i get my first tattoo in two weeks im so excited guys
Spot: what are you getting
York: some birds on my ribs as like a memorial thing
Graves; isn’t that gonna hurt?
York: yeah probably bur i have a high pain tolerance
York: and dont call me emo for this but i kinda likw the pain
Bart: you’re so fucking emo 😭
York: iM nOt
Graves: you’re literally in all black
York: shut up😭
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newsies-furry-au · 2 months
(fullbody refs are nude but censored for the purpose of showing body patterns and markings!)
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funny man
modern au info: i say this with love: DUMB. SLUT. DUMB AS ROCKS. well intentioned, does not think abt what hes doing. construction worker. fun guy to be around.
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dragonflydrivein · 1 month
Newsies Pairings (using that word since they're not all romantic lol) as Taylor Swift lyrics because no one told me I couldn't
Jack x David
"Now you hang from my lips like the gardens of Babylon. With your boots beneath my bed, forever is the sweetest con." - cowboy like me, evermore
Spot x Race
"But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain. When it's two a.m. and I'm cursing your name." - The Way I Loved You, Fearless
Katherine x Sarah
"We blocked the noise with the sound of 'I need you,' and for the first time, I had something to lose." - Holy Ground, Red
Blink x York
"I've been sleeping so long in a twenty year dark night, and now I see daylight. I only see daylight." - Daylight, Lover
Crutchie x Finch
"Is it cool that I said all that? Is it chill that you're in my head? 'Cause I know that it's delicate." - Delicate, reputation
Specs x Romeo
"Our song is a slamming screen door, sneaking out late, tapping on your window." - Our Song, Taylor Swift
Jack and Katherine
"I think some things I never say, like 'who uses typewriters, anyway?'" - The Tortured Poets Department, The Tortured Poets Department
Race and Albert
"No one wanted to play with me as a little kid, so I've been scheming like a criminal ever since." - Mastermind, Midnights
Jack and Crutchie
"I think you should come live with me, and we can be pirates. Then you won't have to cry or hide in the closet." seven, folklore
Spot and David
"I hate it here, so I will go to lunar valleys in my mind. When they found a better planet, only the gentle survive." I Hate it Here, The Tortured Poets Department: The Anthology
Jack and Medda
"Don't lose the way that you dance around in your pj's getting ready for school." - Never Grow Up, Speak Now
Race and Jack
"I stay out too late. Got nothing in my brain. That's what people say." - Shake it Off, 1989
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buttonsfleas · 3 months
I made a part 2!
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fansiesmemes · 1 year
Spot: I can’t believe you live nearby, and you won’t let anyone crash at your place.
York: You people already know too much about me.
Hotshot: I know exactly three facts about you, and one of them is that you won’t let any of us crash at your place.
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bigmack2go · 4 months
If this isnt modern Yorks hairstyle i dont want it
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flintt · 9 months
for christmas my friend made me york. this dirty crusty musty wife stealer who stole my wife and had kids with her is in my room and not paying rent.
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may god help us all.
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flinttflakes · 1 year
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ask--the--newsies · 6 months
Biggest life challenge? /York
"being named york while livin' in new york. pains me eve'y day."
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Spot and York seem to be close friends in Paper Mill, so I was inspired to write a little piece about them. Fair warning, there's some description of blood and facial injuries.
Roger York was the first friend Spytko Conlon made in America, on his first day as a newsie. Roger was barely bigger than him, and in a sea of boys and girls who had anywhere from a couple inches to a full foot of height on them, they quickly found a commonality in each other.
Spytko changed to Spot, York dropped Roger from his name. They stayed tight-knit through the years, watching each other's backs even when other boys wouldn't. York had a temper that got him into trouble, his knuckles bruised and lip or nose bloodied whenever he came home. Spot managed his own temper a little too well; he bottled things up until they exploded out of him in a whirl of fists and curses.
Spot learned to manage himself better as time went on. But despite his best efforts, he could never get York to shed his old ways. His friend owed guys money, guys who were actually as tough as York liked to think he was; tougher even. Spot was painfully aware that people were looking for his friend, and they wouldn't be kind when they found him.
He just never expected them to take the saying "an eye for an eye" so literally.
The lodging house was unusually calm. The girls had gone back to their own Home (they weren't permitted to stay past 9pm), and most of the boys were already asleep upstairs.
Spot was seated in his favourite chair in the main room, absentmindedly flicking through a copy of the evening edition. Bart and Myron were playing cards nearby whilst Hotshot was sprawled on the couch, snoring softly. There was no point trying to wake him to send him to bed properly; Hotshot could sleep through anything.
The atmosphere wasn't fully relaxed, however, at least not for Spot. York wasn't home yet, and that worried him. Granted, Willie wasn't home either, but Willie was sensible enough not to get into trouble. York was not. He'd decided that if they weren't home by ten, he'd go out looking. That decision turned out to be unnecessary, as the front door opened in a flurry of commotion and agonised wails that made Spot's blood run cold.
York was slumped between Willie and Mack, Lucky flitting beside them trying to press a rag against the younger boy's face. York let out a gutteral howl and jerked away, his breath haggard.
"Spot!" Relief seeped into Mack's voice when she saw him. "C'mere, he's hurt bad."
Spot practically threw himself from his chair as he rushed over. Bart and Myron stopped their game, and even Hotshot woke up for once.
"What happened?" He demanded.
"Don't know." Willie admitted, trying to adjust his hold on the smaller boy, " We dinnae find him until after it happened, but it's bad."
It was bad. Spot couldn't help his sharp intake of breath, and he heard Myron retching behind him. He didn't blame him; the left side of York's face was coated in blood, trickling down his neck and matting his hair together in sticky clumps. A deep, jagged gash twisted up his cheek to his forehead, and Spot had to look away when he saw his friend's eye. What was left of it, at least.
York was still screaming, jerking against Mack and Willie's hold. Lucky finally managed to press the cloth against his face, trying to stop the bleeding. Spot heard the familiar thuds of footsteps on the stairs, and Bart and Myron's voices warning the others to keep back.
York's eye met Spot's, and he felt an overwhelming surge of fear. This was too much, far too much.
"We can't handle this ourselves." He forced his voice to stay steady, even though inside he was panicking. There was just so much blood...
He glanced over to Hotshot.
"Go get Mr. Clarke, tell 'im what's happened. He needs a doctor or somethin'."
Hotshot nodded, quickly bolting for the superintendent's quarters. Willie carefully lowered York to the floor, kneeling down and holding the shaking boy to his chest. He seemed completely unfazed by the extent of the injury, murmuring soothing words to try and calm York. Spot squeezed his friend's hand tightly, keeping the cloth pressed to his face with his free hand. He just prayed Lucky and the others hadn't found him too late.
York was alive. But his eye was gone.
Spot had never always gotten on with their superintendent, Mr. Clarke, but he could've hugged the man after what he'd done for York. He'd paid for the boy's stay in hospital and the procedure to remove what remained of his eye, all out of his meagre salary. Adults were kind sometimes, Spot had almost forgotten that.
York was home now, but.. not well.
"How is he?" Stray had asked one evening. She and York had never really been friends, always finding some reason to argue or challenge each other to a ridiculous dare, but she was worried about him. They all were.
"Well... he's awake." For once, Spot couldn't pretend he knew what to say, "He won't leave the bunk room, hardly even leaves his bed. Jumps whenever any'a us move too suddenly. Whatever happened rattled him pretty good."
"Would he want visitors?"
"Maybe.. not just yet. He needs some more time."
Spot wasn't sure how much time they could give him. The other boys -and some of the girls- had donated money to pay for York's bed and food, but there was only so much they could afford to give. Spot hated pushing his loved ones, but they needed York working again.
"Will you come sellin' with me tomorrow?" He asked that night. York's face was still heavily bandaged, but with the blood cleaned off he looked much more like himself. A black leather patch sat beside his pillow, ready for when the dressings came off; he'd balked at the idea of a wooden eye.
"O-Out there?" Spot felt a lump in his throat hearing his usually loud, boisterous friend sound so small and scared.
"Yeah, out there." Spot said, "We don't gotta go far from the house, and I won't make you do the evenin' edition if you don't wanna. But you could do with some fresh air at the very least."
"I- What if they see me?"
"The other newsies ain't gonna judge you, York. An' if they do I'll flatten 'em."
"Newsies! Christ, Spot, I thought you had brains. I mean the guys that cut me up."
If anyone else spoke to Spot Conlon like that, he would've cracked their head open. But right now he was glad to hear some of York's usual energy, even if his voice was still laced with fear.
"You owed 'em cash, didn't ya?"
York lowered his gaze, fiddling with the edge of his ratty bedsheet.
"...Yeah. You know me too well." He gave a humourless chuckle, still unable to meet Spot's eyes.
"I do. An' that's why I also know no matter what stupid choices you make, you're tough enough to live through 'em. So you come sellin' with me tomorrow, okay?"
Gradually, York came back to himself more and more. He was never quite the same, still flinched at the sight of a knife or when someone came up on his blind side, and there was a big scar even his patch didn't cover. Spot didn't care how long it took him to recover, he'd be with him no matter what. Blood or not, brothers look out for each other.
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newsiesautismfrfr · 19 days
I’m just gonna come on here and brag real quick /silly
Me and my friend are being Jack and crutchie for Halloween :3 I’m Jack and she’s crutchie. I got these really good newsie boots yesterday from goodwill >:3
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sparkedblaze · 1 year
you mentioned york as one of morris’ modern au circle in that response to lilshocker8 and i am now begging you to talk more about them
Okay, so this is a little complicated, and this is also gonna make me explain how everyone kind of fits together.
Bear with me
Okay, so the different borough boys all come from different high schools, and that's how they know each other (i.e. the 'hattan boys all went to one, Brooklyn boys all went to one, etc etc etc)
Brooklyn was Manhattan's biggest rival, and that still carries into the present day.
All the kids who are in the group were in and out of Foster care, and they'd all seen each other. They'd become friends... Sort of.
Jack and Spot always had a rivalry. They were both captains of their respective teams. Baseball. Hotshot's the only one that pursued it past high school (as of now)
They still have that playful feud, that's a little more feud than playful, and definitely comes between Racer and Spot as some point.
My Brooklyn boi pairings (not important to this post, but v important to me): Spot, Race, Albert Hotshot, Ike York, Graves Bart, Myron, Crutchie (THEY'D BE CUTE ASF DON'T COME AT ME)
I think that's all of them?
York is an MMA fighter
He isn't like... friends with the Delanceys. He's heard the stories, and he knows they weren't good people
But, at the same time, he's seen them at their most vulnerable.
They all get lost in fighting. They can't hide their emotions in the ropes.
They're really good, so he respects them as fighters
He's also seen how much Oscar cares about his little brother, and how childlike Morris is.
He does, however, offer food or games before fights or traveling one venue to another.
When Morris and Oscar start visiting Medda's again, York is one of the first to smile at them, and tell them happy holidays or welcome back.
Morris feels way more comfortable with him at the house with them, because he's familiar, even though he's associated with that violence. Morris can separate that. He knows that how people act in the ring is different than the way they act outside it.
Idk if I have anymore but I'm distracted by my silly little firefighter show
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sk1ttery · 1 year
do you have a favorite headcanon about the group for your modern au? how about one for your favorite character?
My favourite headcanon is probably that Henry is Jacobi’s nephew and he lives with him and works at the 24hr Diner. York is Henry’s cousin who moved from Brooklyn for reasons I won’t spoil rn, and now lives with them.
So Henry and York both work there a lot after school, alongside Mush and Romeo who work part-time.
The workers of the Diner wear pins on their aprons, such as their name tags, pronoun pins, little pride ones and other silly little pins (I have a collection of them saved to a pinterest board).
York will buy in bulk random pins and gift them to Jacobi who now has a little collection of really odd pins he wears with pride because he loves his nephews sons and would do anything for them.
As for favourite character I’d say probably either Splasher or Bumlets!
I HC Splasher as genderfluid and they live on a boat with their dad. She originally lived in Brooklyn but moved a couple years ago from the current timeline. At first no one knew him all that well, and he kept to himself. The group didn’t realise she was genderfluid and at first thought there were several people with the same name until Racer figured out “Wait a minute. That’s Splasher from Brooklyn. Spot knew them!” and they were dragged into the group. She’s on the dance and swim team and is a cheerleader with Buttons! (Who’s nonbinary). He adores musical theatre and has a pet bearded dragon called ‘Dingus.’ whom they would die for. After she officially becomes part of the group she really comes out of her shell. He’s really funny and sweet and the group end up loving him just as much as anyone else.
Bumlets is the one who made the group Discord server on impulse at like, five am. For ages he was the only one running it until he got stressed and made some of the others mods. He takes dance and theatre and is an incredible dancer yet still somehow one of the clumsiest people you’ll meet. How this is possible? The group have been asking themselves this for YEARS. He’s one of the few in the group with a relatively stable family and his mum has sort of become the mother of the group. He’s another character who I’ve transed the gender of because I love him and I am trans. (He’s transmasc and uses he/him). He has a pet cat named Bubbles. He also loves musical theatre! (Though most of them are theatre kids.)
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