#You are not special
fae-scientist · 2 years
Quick reminder that being nonhuman does not exempt you from being able to perpetuate bigotry, nor does it relieve you of any privileges you may benefit from. You still grew up in the same bigoted society as everyone else, and a nonhuman identity will not prevent you from absorbing and having to unlearn prejudiced beliefs.
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screamingfromuz · 10 months
Ok, fine, let's talk about why sometimes I fucking hate identity politics. Your identity, your lived experience, does not make you automatically right about a subject that is not your personal experience.
your identity is important because it gives you a certain perspective that is unique to your lived experience, which can allow a more meaningful examination of subjects, it does not mean you are automatically right about something or have a higher moral standing grounds.
here is a timely example, I have been hearing a lot of "listen to the holocaust survivors! they have a higher moral ground! they know better then everyone what it looks like! their perspective must be better!" as if to say that because they survived the holocaust they must have a higher understanding of horrors. this is bullshit, and my timely example is Henry Kissinger (Oh yeah baby, we are going there). The guy fled the Nazis as a child, does it give him the moral high ground? does it means his understanding of abusive governments is the definitive authority? NO! that fucker was the living embodiment of the end justify the means and he was ready to sacrifice everyone and everything if it meant preserving what he decided is the USian interests. If I would have tried to give him the moral high ground just because he survived the Nazis people will justifiably call foul!
Being a victim or being from a victimized group does not makes you automatically right about everything! Abuse victims can still be toxic and abusive. I will give another example that is gonna piss some people off (GOOD):
being a woman does not give you a monopoly on defining what is and is not abuse and sexual harassment. Yes, women has more experience in the matter but for fuck sake I cannot even count how many times women I know refused to admit blatant abuse and sexual harassment. Or on the flip side, I saw women call innocent things abusive and sexual harassment! their womanhood did not gave them the definitive authority on the matter.
I know rape victims that advocates that all men are monsters and seek to abuse women. Will you say that they are more right than others because they were abused by a man? Does their experience give them the definitive authority on masculinity?
and you know what, in for a penny in for a pound. In Israel the families of the fallen get a kind of saintly position, where their word is given higher regards then other citizens, and let me tell you people, that is fucking bullshit. Having lost a family member in a war or a terrorist attack does not mean that you are automatically know better! I have heard so much bullshit from some of those families, and people don't call it out because it was a Shacol Family!
and this goes to everyone! if you lost a family member to a shitty situation you do not automatically know how to fix the broken system that killed them! Being right about the way to fix the system is what makes you right about it!
Grief does not makes you superior to others, or make you more right, it just makes your a grieving person.
don't get me wrong, your experiences and identity does give you important perspective and it should be taken in account when examining stuff, and can even help you develop a perspective for matters that can offer deeper understandings. you are always right about your own experiences.
still doesn't make you automatically right about all the other stuff, like the experiences of others. or how the world should work.
So the next person that tells me that someone is automatically right about everything based on their identity alone and not facts, can fuck off. Your identity and experiences does not means shit if you are fucking wrong.
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midnight-in-eden · 2 years
The next person who says I’m still culturally Christian is getting stabbed.
It’s a shitty dickface argument to accuse someone of still being culturally Christian and to say they haven’t “done the work of deconstruction,” because we can’t fucking prove we’ve done it (especially not to strangers on the internet) and furthermore, do not have to. I don’t owe you my penitence. You don’t get to judge whether I’m clean enough.
And don’t start with the gaslighting about how “culturally Christian just means you live in a Christian country!” You know damn well that 90% of the people using it on this hellsite are insisting that atheists are bad and need to unpack Christian beliefs. It’s not neutral.
You know what it feels like? It feels like being told I need to repent. Which, to be honest, is probably my #1 trigger when it comes to religious trauma. (Don’t fucking tell me that means I still need to deconstruct my Christian mindset, there’s a fucking difference between that and trauma.)
And the thing is that I’ve done the fucking work. And continue to do so. I literally started at zero, pretty much everything I accepted as an axiom of truth had to be re-examined and then most of it got tossed in the trash bin. And yet every post I’ve seen talking about this includes a massive fuck ton of assumptions that ex-Christian atheists haven’t adequately deconstructed their Christian upbringing, assumptions about what we believe and what privileges we may have from our Christian background (including “passing privilege,” which is such a laughably stupid concept I can’t even properly explain it, but FYI: my visibly queer GNC apostate ass is not fucking privileged by the religion I grew up in. Public enemy #1 to that religion is apostates, so shut the fuck up about the privilege you think I have from growing up in it).
It’s like scrubbing yourself with boiling hot water and soap every day and having someone wrinkle their nose at you and say you’re dirty and need to bathe.
Fuck all the way off.
If you’re one of those stupid, self-righteous, obnoxious, toxic, shitty little assholes who complain at ex-Christian atheists that we’re “still culturally Christian,” just block me. I prefer not to interact with trash like you.
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arseniccattails · 4 months
About that post complaining that they want AI to do tasks like laundry and dishes instead of art and music: I'm sorry, how many people do you think are employed to do laundry and dishes (and for that matter clean toilets)? I know self described artists have some fucking issue where they have to frame AI as a fundamental attack on the sacrosanct human condition, rather than being able to conceptualize it as automation that could hypothetically (because it doesn't do so yet) reduce their labor force.
This is why 'STEAM' is a joke, honest to god, you seemingly cannot comprehend your profession (or perhaps hobby or extra job) as anything other than wholly unique, on pain of death.
And, of course, if labor wasn't tied to anyone eating and sleeping indoors, it would not be a huge thing, would it? People are anxious about their job security, they're just people who never really considered they might have to be, one day, and it's making them act a little nuts. But it's still annoying to watch.
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mzjosef · 2 years
You Are Special
Lately, this thread on Twitter has been making the rounds with tons of people dunking on its nihilistic messaging supposedly written for a children's book. It's a 17 page comic, click the image below to see the tweet.
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So I was inspired to make a more positive version of it for both children and adults. I present: You Are Special
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Black Hat Would So Endorse This Horrible Children’s Book
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It’s authored by  Steve Pikelny, who has his twitter account here and yeah he’s as pleasant as you can get. As you can tell from his lovely personality, this guy is a nihilistic and seems to have contempt for humanity, so why make a children’s book. The answer lies in his belief of subverting the notions of usual children’s books to make children feel better and just seem as just worthless specks that will never do anything in life. Perfect children’s book for someone like Black Hat who would endorse crushing someone’s soul. 
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jaydenjoan · 2 years
True crime content need to be fucking abolished just as much as those abusive ass family vlogging channels.
"how are people going to know and protect themselves against serial killer tactics?" I don't know, but not with a bunch of content vultures on YouTube and Netflix trying as hard as they can to be sympathetic to killers.
Jeffrey Dahmer is not cute.
Richard Ramirez is not cute.
The columbine idiots aren't cute.
And if you think otherwise, go to hell and don't bother me about it.
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fipindustries · 1 year
in 2022, plus-sizedscribe fell into an oil vat and all of his blubbery fat melted off, which they then bottled as cooking oil. incidentally, this was their most record breaking year for sales yet. since then, his posts have been moderated by an auto-responding bot.
did you know that in 1967 DARPA funded a team of researchers to investigate the efficacy of stomach acid as a weapon? the idea was that soldier would tke a pill and then barf over enemies burning their faces or ruining their weapons and or supplies. it was discovered, sadly that it would take up to ten hours for human acid to melt off human skin, i learned about this while researching for a story i planned to write about Vore, you see
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vampirocrota · 1 year
I will say this for Red, White and Royal Blue it reminded me of Spontaneous. And I feel like I owe it to myself and the world to talk about 2020's Spontaneous more
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captaindibbzy · 2 years
Person: this invoice needs paying NOW
Me: this invoice is dated the first of February.
Person: yes.
Me: with 14 day terms.
Person: yes.
Me: it's March 17th.
Person! Yes! So it needs paying!
Me: How fucking long have you had it?!?
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kadkadduwa · 2 years
cosmo and wanda i wish white people would SHUT THE FUCK UP
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great-and-small · 4 months
Apparently the local university’s undergraduate entomology course sends students to catch insect specimens at the same place I like to go birdwatching, which explains why I saw three enormous frat looking dudes with tiny bug nets and overheard one emphatically say “bro BRO I told you we already have enough lepidopterans”
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reblogforsamplesize · 8 months
🐛 caterpillar - the returning champion of the 2023 race at 41.6% of the votes
🐌 snail - runner up of the 2023 race at 38.3%, only 3.3% behind the caterpillar.
🪱 worm - placed last in 2023, with only 20.1% of votes
🪲 beetle, 🐞 ladybug, and 🐝 bee are new competitors!
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unapologeticallydorky · 3 months
idk if anyone else felt this way, but in the Shapeshifter ep of Dungeon Meshi, it's treated like a joke that all the copies of Laios are super obviously not him, but isn't it kind of fucked up that Laios's closest companions don't seem to view him as... whole?
None of his companions had an accurate view of him as a person! One of the copies was a stupid, drooling mess! And on top of this, they all believed that because Laios struggles with social cues he wouldn't be observant to them as people. They just... fundamentally don't understand him.
I think the really accurate copies of the rest of the party was drawn from Laios's mind. His powers of observation and analytics are his strength, but that's not the same as being good with social cues.
Anyway. It made me really sad. I know his party cares about him, but it's so isolating to know your friends don't know you.
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gibbearish · 11 months
love when ppl defend the aggressive monetization of the internet with "what, do you just expect it to be free and them not make a profit???" like. yeah that would be really nice actually i would love that:)! thanks for asking
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Must be a Sugondese joke.
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