#You’re As Close As It Gets Without Touching Me; Danny & Jake {crowstabbed}
chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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chaoticsmultyverse · 2 years
Jake for your Danny
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Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW!
"Honestly I'm a little shocked that I haven't already made some sort of move for that, I guess I had to know him more first."
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chaosmultiverse · 10 months
☆ Danny As A Scorpion ☆
So many have heard the old tale "The Scorpion And The Frog", which has the moral of well, that's some what debatable but the one most often taught is "someone cannot defie their nature, even if it hurts them."
Danny heard that lesson many times in his life, that one is victim to their nature, cannot change it, what is broken cannot be fixed, that broken people hurt other people.
And he believed it, believes it, he internalized that and it made it so he never ever dared to try to get help outside of himself.
And he did try, for years, to be normal, to be someone he wasn't, but one mistake, one death and Danny abandoned one fake identity for another.
He is a fatealist, he doesn't believe he has a choice but to be a monster, which is how he justifies to himself his murders.
He is a victim of his 'nature' just as the Scorpion is.
And like the Scorpion he is just as likely to 'drown' and take someone down with him.
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chaosmultiverse · 1 year
☠️ Danny to Jake
Danny frowned, his brows pressed down on his eyes as he glared at the question.
"...If I had to, I would stab him, I would try to do it cleanly but I doubt I would actually do it cleanly, it'd be messy, stabbing over and over..."
Danny was looking at his hands, they were a little twitchy, his fingers were dancing around each other to get it out of his system.
"I would try and aim for the lungs, it'd be a quick though not painless deaty but.. it's hard to aim that specificly, especially given how likely Jake would fight back, it's more likely I'd be stabbing wildly until he bleed out or I got 'lucky'."
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chaosmultiverse · 1 year
☕ (Jake for Danny)
Danny looked down at the cup, it was old and well worn, chiped... still it brought him a sense of relief.
He carefully sipped it, sure to take it slow and enjoy each moment of it.
It was a very herbal tea, Danny couldn't name all of the plants that must have been in it, it was a mix of a bitter flavor and sweetness, it was a flavor that stayed in his mouth and invited him to drink more.
But... No, it was nearly gone, what little was left would go cold at somepoint soon.
It was gone.
Ah, there it was... That feeling of peace being ripped away, that empty lonely feeling that always followed ends.
0% Health Restored
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chaosmultiverse · 1 year
🚼 GhostCrow child
send me a 🚼 and a ship I’ll use a doll-maker to design what I think a child between our two muses would look like
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Prabhu "Pracy" Park
Pracy was rised on the stories of the fog and the roles his fathers had within it, this made him keenly aware of all things dark and gave him a desire to protect people from forces like the entity.
So he became a monster hunter, hunting both the supernatural and any serial killer that seems like they could be used within the fog.
He is a queit and protective person prone to being harsh.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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Tag change
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
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Update: I’m charging my ship tags to have a x instead of a & that way I can have more non-romo tags for relatonships while still having it clear which tags are for romo ships
So tldr:
X: It’s a romantic/Sexual ship between the two muses
&: It is a non-romantic/sexual ‘ship’, so close frendshps, family connections
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
Danny, do you still have Jake's gloves and his scarf? Did you ever truly feel anything for him or was it your only intention to play with his heart like a toy until you grew bored?
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"..." Ghostface is within his hideaway, it was a spot between the trial grounds, close enough to those bloodied lands to spy on those that lived there but close enough to the light to report back to his master what the survivors were up to. This space- hole, had many items laid about, some were items forgotten by other killers, other items belonged to the survivors and were taken from the luke warm coals of a fire... But by the blankets that made up what he'd call a 'bed' was a scarf folded up almost like a nest which in the center held a pair of well worn gloves.
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"Do you really think I'm that empty?" Danny stared up at the asker, despite the clam voice, neutral if not blank face there was a small fire in his eyes. "That I would simply grow bored? That boredom alone is enough motive to make me leave someone's side?" Danny thought back, so many days, so many acts, so much time spent totally bored for the benefit of the consumer, whichever audience he was stuck with.
"...What point would there be to just play with someone's heart? I don't know if you haven't noticed but... I get my kicks, a fire in my soul, from the kill, yes a good time hunting, making sure I understand my victim makes it all the better but... Playing them alone isn't the goal when my aim is just my own gain." Danny stared off to the corner his 'bed' laid in.
"I do feel things for him, and I felt the absence of the things that make others so very human..." Danny's hand found itself over his chest. where his heart should be.
"I felt passion for him, that's why he had to 'die'."
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
🌋 Our bois. Provide me the brain worms, Kitty
Send 🌋 and my muse will blurt out the first thing that comes to mind when they see your muse
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"He doesn't know how beautiful he is, does he? Doesn't understand just how... Unique he is within this place..."
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
Danny, who would you kill? Your final boy Jake or your ex Erik?
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"..." Danny wasn’t sure how to answer for a moment, not because he couldn’t see himself hurting either but because He had killed them both already, Jake within the trials and Erik... Erik was the start.
“Ex... Ex is the wrong word for Erik... we never broke up, I... I needed him I won’t have left him... the issue of us being split apart was forced by my murder of him.” Danny was trying to avoid the subject of who he’d kill again, for the last time. So instead it was a detail, it was the idea that he’d leave Erik or that... That Erik would’ve willingly abandoned him, would’ve touched his heart only to willing leave dragging it along with him... Erik had always had such a strong grip on Danny’s mind and heart strings, he could’ve made a violin with them.
“As for Jake I mean I’ve killed him many times, trials and all that...” Danny felt pings of guilt, dream-like memories of before he really knew Jake, gloved hands traced over a pocket in his costume that had a reminder inside.
“...This- I- I know this is selfish but I would kill Erik again... I know I only want to be with Jake since he doesn’t understand how much of a utter monster I am, because he hasn’t seen the real me in the same way that Erik did but... Damnit I-” Danny stared down at his hand as it turned into a fist.
“...I like the person I am with Jake... Even if I’m being a total fake... I like what he brings out in me, I... I can be closer to who I am without... Without the empty pit I really am stopping me from seeming caring...”
Danny felt so much guilt, like someone pulling strings tied to his heart as hard as they could trying to rip it out, rip it apart. Words from a lifetime ago ringed in his ears ‘I know you don’t care about me Danny, I know you’re just a husk... Pretending to have passion’.
“I would kill Erik... Jake has to live.”
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
❛ the only one who gets to kill you, is me. ❜ (Killer!Jake to Danny. Ignore the fact I don’t have anything written for the verse on Tumblr)
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"Aw, that's almost sweet." Despite the joke... There was a pain in his heart from Jake's words... He still meant something to Jake but it was because of how he had ruined Jake, it was hate.
"But whose to say I'd let you. Don't get me wrong there is something... Desirable about dying at the hands of... Well that's not the point that point is at the very least you don't need to worry about someone taking that chance from you, I don't have any intention on dying."
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
How are those pine cones, Danny?
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"I refuse to comment."
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
🍃 Jake (for Danny)
Send "🍃" + a word for my muse to reply with a word they associate with it.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
Our bois for ship bingo
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Redd I blame you for getting me on this ship, fr I hadn't thought of it before we got talking and now I have brainworms for them.
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
Jake's scarf and gloves for Danny
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It had been a very long time since he had saw Jake, spoke with him, heard someone say his name but Danny still thinks of him from time to time.
In a small nook within the forest, that's where when Danny was simply resting he found the items, hidden for safe keeping.
Danny knew these were items Jake won't part with... At least not for long but the dust... Danny held the items close, staring down at them as their was a dull pain in his chest.
He already worse gloves, study leather that protected his hand from the rough world around then but... The scarf.
Danny put that on, it nestled in with the other things that came down from his hood, it was a softness alien to the costume of Ghostface. Maybe... If he saw Jake again he'd give it back.
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