#YouTube music is better than Spotify thank you and goodnight
superhusbands4ever · 2 years
When your Spotify Wrapped is inaccurate because you listen to YouTube Music more
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rowan-guerrins · 6 months
9 fandom peeps to get to know better:
thanks @dragonagelesbian for tagging me! i am so eept rn so i have,,,, no idea how coherent this’ll be lol
3 ships you like: gigolas (gimli and legolas; i refuse to use any ship name other than the most ridiculous one lmao) (they invented love methinks); nerdanel x fëanor (their love and epic divorce compel me… rotating them in my brain like The Cube); and bagginshield (idiots 🫶). i like (love, even) many ships akfkskf but right now im in my tolkien era (again.) so uhhh yeah. all tolkien ships here. shoutout to dinkus tho.
first ship ever: literally aragorn and arwen. i was obsessed with them and wanted them to be my parents. in after-school daycare i would sit in front of a whiteboard and draw a big ole castle and draw out my elaborate fantasy role play i had w a friend in which i WAS their child. this brainrot has been with me for as long as i can remember i inherited it i will live forever with it. incurable disease (liking tolkien) haver.
last song you heard: squints. well earlier i was SINGING many songs from the broadway beauty and the beast musical but that was acapella so that doesn’t count. it’s uhh. (opens spotify). well i’m halfway through doom days by bastille (doom days by bastille my beloved). so that. (unless you do count what i was singing for some reason. in which case. uhhhh. if i can’t love her. THEE beauty and the beast song of all time. helloooooo is this thing on do you hear me? do you understand? it’s the musical song of all time to me actually. it’s so good. listen to it. evermore wants what she has.)
favorite childhood book: uhhh so i only remember really early childhood and later childhood. i know i had other favorites between like 5-8 or so. but you’re getting what i can remember ajdjwjd. as a YOUNG kid i loved “goodnight moon”. the kids book of all time. and in later childhood, outside of my obsession with the warrior cats franchise (a given), i really loved the inheritance cycle books. i need to reread them so bad SO BAD. also i need to get the illustrated edition of eragon. shakes.
currently reading: “the fellowship of the ring”. don’t look atme. don’t— look. look. when i said it’s my tolkien girlie era again. well. yeah. anyway. i am. 97-98% thru it so probably it will change to two towers. also TECHNICALLY. i am still. technically. reading “carmilla” (she’s somewhere in my room but i don’t know where oops). and also. technically. “the silmarillion” (LOOK.), because i need to actually read it all the way thru for once and not just skip to the bits about my favoritest worst guys alive who are hated by god and also do war crimes but they’re funny. so it’s. look. it. it’s okay. hey look at me. the murder is not a big deal. it’s all so catholic here. i’m more worried about that.
currently watching: stares into the distance. it’s been so long since i’ve watched anything. at least TV/movie-wise. i watch a simmer’s streams and youtube vids is that anything? no…. naur…. i think the last. thing i watched was. uh. an episode of ATLA.
currently consuming: BALDURS GATE THREE. i am obsessed w my tav rn. i restarted my playthru bc i wanted to good recruit minthara bc i feel like she’d have a crunchy dynamic w my tav, lleuad. somehow less crunchy than i expected but we just got her so who’s to say. anyway. shakking,,,, look at Them. (talking to one of the besties.)
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currently craving: japanese curry……… mmmm. with. chicken katsu. yeag
tagging: open tag bc actual tagging always gives me anxiety lmao. if you want to do this, consider yourself tagged!
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dumortain-adam · 5 years
Stella | Ethan Ramsey x MC (one shot)
Check out my other stories here - MASTERLIST
A/N: This fic is inspired by an interpretation I read about the song Almost (Sweet Music) where in it’s about a father/daughter relationship where in the daughter reminds the father of her late mother. 
I made a post before asking what would Ethan call his daughter. Shout-out to @bi-cookie who suggested that Ethan would call his kid ‘peanut’, which is really cute.  
And, sorry if there are any grammatical error. English is not my first language.
Warnings: Mentions of character death
Taglist: @lilyofchoices @honeyandsunfl0wers @kate-mckenzie @assassinoftheworld @choicesyouplayandmore @jooous [If you want to be added or removed from the taglist, just let me know :))) ]
Song: Almost (Sweet Music) - Hozier  youtube link, spotify link. I also used the song Stella By Starlight - Ella Fitzergald as part of the story.
It was a hot summer day in Boston. Ethan walked into their house with his nearly six-year-old daughter, Stella, in his arms, fast asleep. She must be tired from their trip. It was his day off, and his daughter wanted to roam around the town.
They moved from his high-rise apartment when they knew that Casey was pregnant with Stella. Oh, what a news it was. At first, he was horrified. He was afraid that he would not be good enough for his child. He was afraid that he would end up just like his father, but she assured him that they would go through it together.
And now, Stella is turning six next week.
If only Casey could see her now. If she could only see how much their daughter has grown since. 
  “I’m so sorry Ethan” Naveen said, offering his condolences to his protege.
 “I don’t know Naveen. Of all the people, why does it need to be her?” Ethan asked. She was just going out to meet her friend, and a few minutes later, he got a call that his wife was hit by a car. Now, Stella was left without a mother.
He looked at his two-year-old daughter, unaware of what was happening around her. “What about Stella? What am I supposed to do now that... that Casey’s gone?” He tried his best to sound strong, but hell, he can’t. He can’t be strong when his wife just died and now his daughter is left without a mother. What was he supposed to do? Where would he start? What if…
  “You have to be strong for her. You have to be there for her.” Naveen broke his train of thought.
 “Easier said than done, Naveen” 
 “But what isn’t?” he patted Ethan on his shoulder, before leaving him to have other people offer their condolences at Casey’s funeral.
But he didn’t want their sympathy and condolences. What he wants is to wake up from the nightmare he’s in. But unfortunately, this was reality, and in this reality, his wife is gone.
 It wasn’t easy to raise his daughter alone. Not when she easily reminds him of his late wife. With how both Stella and Casey smile brightly, with how they both laugh wholeheartedly. With Casey’s blonde locks and green eyes which Stella inherited. It was a painful reminder of what happened four years ago. Casey told him that they would do everything together, raise their daughter together, but she was gone. He did not know where to start, or what to do. He was afraid to ruin everything for Stella.
Ethan settled his sleeping daughter down at her bed, watching how peaceful she looks. She looks just like her mother. He smiled sadly at her, as he remembers his late wife.
“Daddy, are you okay?” Stella asked him, as she woke up, sensing her father’s sadness.
Ethan tried to be strong in front of his daughter, but a stubborn drop of tear fell down his cheek. Stella wiped his tear away from his cheek, her small hands on his face.
“Don’t be sad, daddy” she said as she got up and engulfed her father in a hug, with her tiny arms around him to comfort her father.
Ethan let out a small chuckle. “Daddy’s not sad. I’m just thinking about mommy.”
“What about her?” she asked, pulling away from the hug.
“How she looks just like you.”
“But mommy is beautiful. Does that mean I’m beautiful too?”
“Of course. You are the most beautiful girl in the world”
“Really?” she asked, her face lighting up in delight.
“Yeah. Just like mommy”
“I miss mommy” Stella blurted out.
He too, misses Casey so much. There isn’t a single day where he didn’t wish that they were raising Stella together. That they’d be doing it all side by side. Though he was getting better as time pass by, there are still times where it all comes back. He smiled sadly at his daughter.
“Me too, peanut. Me too”
Stella let out a yawn.
“Sleepy?” Ethan asked.
“Yeah. Can you sing to sleep?”
“What song?”
“The one with my name in it. The one you told me mommy used to sing”
Ethan smiled softly at his daughter before he started to sing.
The song a robin sings 
Through years of endless springs 
The murmur of a brook at eventide 
That ripples by a nook where two lovers hide
A great symphonic theme 
That's Stella by starlight and not a dream 
She's all of this and more 
She's everything that you’d adore
Have you seen Stella by starlight with moon in her ave
That's Stella by starlight raptures so rare
She's is all of this and more
She's everything that you would adore 
He remembered, when he first heard Casey sing, he was absolutely captivated by her voice. Like the world around him stopped moving. As if nothing exists but her. He loved jazz music, as much as how much he loved classical pieces, and he was left surprised when Casey sung that song to him once.
And now, Stella seems to like jazz music as well. Oh, how she’s almost like her mother.
“Goodnight, daddy. I love you”
“I love you too, peanut. Goodnight” he kissed her forehead then he turned off her lamp.
[Next day]
He walked inside the hospital holding Stella’s hand on his. Other doctors greeted him, and to their surprise, Ethan greeted them back with a smile on his face. Stella, on the other hand, looked around the hospital in awe.
Her nanny cancelled last minute, so he had no choice but to bring Stella to work. They continued walking down the hospital halls until they reached his office. He settled down her bag that down on the chair.
“Hey little peanut” he crouched down to level his height with Stella’s.
“Promise me you’ll be quiet while daddy is working. Do you promise?”
“I promise”
“Good. Now, daddy is going to work. You could play with your toys.” he said, kissing Stella’s forehead.
He then started to work, continuing his new research. Stella on the other hand, played with her math flashcards quietly as she promised her dad. Ethan glanced at his daughter, smiling at her enthusiasm to learn advanced math for her age.
An hour later, the door to his office opened.
“I didn’t know it was ‘take your child to work day’ today” Naveen said, as he closed the door.
“Grandpa Naveen!” Stella ran towards Naveen and caught him in a hug.
“Hello to you too, kiddo” he greeted the child back.
Ethan sighed. “Her nanny cancelled last minute, so I had to bring her here”
“And are you being a good girl, Stella?”
“Yeah!” She replied enthusiastically.
“Anyway...” Naveen said, but before he even finishes what he was about to say, a knock from the door interrupted him.
“Doctor Ramsey?” A shy voice from the other side of the door was heard.
“Come in” Ethan said
The intern entered the room, fear visible on her face.
“I-I just wanted to give an update about my patient in room 402.”
“Go on”
“Uh, the patient had an anaphylactic shock, and currently unconscious. I think she’s allergic to the medications I gave her”
“You think?”
“Uh, I-I know, doctor”
Ethan took a deep breath. No matter how strong the urge was, and no matter how much the intern deserves to be berated, he can’t bring himself to yell at the intern with his daughter watching. He closed his eyes, forcing himself to calm down.
“Sometimes, the patient doesn’t know about their allergies...”
“But how am I supposed to know if they don’t tell me?” the intern cut him off.
Ethan took another deep breath. No, he’s not going to scold an intern in front of his daughter, he told himself.
“That is why we need to be careful in giving them medication. Update me if there is a development on your patient’s condition”
“Y-yes, Doctor.”
The young intern walked out of his office with fear and confusion – due to Ethan’s sudden change in behavior, making him sound a lot kinder than he actually is, etched on her face.
Ethan let out an audible sigh, rubbing his eyebrows.
“Are you okay, daddy?” Stella asked, as she came towards her father
“I’m fine, peanut. Just a little stressed.”
“Don’t be stressed. You’ll look old” Stella elicited a laugh from her father with her words. She massaged his frown lines, easing the tension away from his face.
He remembered how Casey used to ease the tension away from him. How she used to kiss his forehead whenever he was stressing himself over work that he brought home. How she used to do that with little Stella on her arms, sleeping. He remembered how she also used to joke about that he’ll look older if he stresses himself out.
“All better now?” asked Stella
“Yep. A whole lot better now.” Ethan kissed her forehead. “Thank you, peanut”
“You’re welcome, daddy” she said, then returned to play with her toys.
“Look at you. For someone who scares the heck out of interns and residents, you are surprisingly really soft towards your daughter” Naveen said to his protégé.
“Of course. She’s my kid. She’s different.”
“But you know, I’m happy to see you happy.”
“How can I not be? Stella’s like a ball of sunshine”
No matter how hard Casey’s death was for him, he had to be strong for his daughter. She’s all that matters to him right now. And in return, Stella made his life brighter. She made her father happy and proud.
“Anyway” Naveen continued what he was about to say earlier before the intern interrupted. “This is an invitation from the organizers of the medical conference in Canada in October. They want you to be a guest speaker” Naveen hands him the invitation.
“Thank you.”
It has been a long time since they last visited Casey’s grave. After his shift, they headed out to the cemetery. They stopped over to buy flowers and they continued their drive. Their drive from the hospital was short and filled with conversation and laughter.
As they reached her grave, he put the flowers down on the ground.
“Hi love” Ethan let out a sigh before he continues. He knows it’s pointless to talk to her grave, knowing he she won’t hear it, but maybe, if heaven was even real, maybe she’ll hear him. He knows it’s absurd, but he also wanted to let it all out. “Sorry if we only get to visit you now. You know how busy the hospital is. But don’t worry. Everything’s fine. Great, actually. Stella’s been doing really well in school. In fact, her teacher told me that she might get accelerated. Guess she inherited her intelligence from you. You know, she’s really starting to be like you. There is absolutely no doubt that she’s your daughter.” Ethan let out a small smile, as he looked at Stella briefly. “I wish you’re still here, so we could raise her together and you could see her grow. She’s grown so much since... since you were gone.”
He shifted his attention to Stella. “Do you want to talk to mommy?” Ethan asked.
“Yeah” She answered. “Hi mommy. I miss you.” Stella shyly says to her mother’s grave.
“Yeah. We miss you. We miss you so much, love.”
The sun was beginning to set, giving the sky a tint of orange. The drive back to their home was quieter than their drive to the cemetery. That is, until Stella to break the silence.
“Daddy, can I ask you something?”
“Hm? Ask away”
“Do you still love mommy?”
“Of course, peanut. I will never stop loving mommy” Ethan answered in a heartbeat.
“Even if she’s in heaven now?”
Ethan smiled softly at her before answering.
“Even if she’s in heaven now”
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itsjamesstan · 6 years
all i want | j.b.b
based on: ‘all i want’ by kodaline ( spotify ) ( youtube )
i imagine the feature song being ‘the one’ by kodaline ( spotify ) ( youtube )
bucky x female reader ( kinda )
( a/n : this could end one of two ways well or awful - i hope you enjoy this first piece i’m putting out. feedback, responses and constructive criticism would be much appreciated. i really would like to better my writing and you readers -if anyone is reading this- can help 
-kisses, kal. x)
Her hands were fiddling with her phone, as she let out a yawn before connecting it to the speaker and pressing play. The soft sound of the piano echoing through the room. The light material of her night gown hit her thighs as stepped closer to Bucky with was looking far more awake that she was feeling. Giving him a soft smile and nod, she held up her hand to him. He looked at her hand momentarily before sliding his into her hold, his other going to settle at her waist and pull her closer to him. The two stood in complete stillness for a second until she moved forwards, laying her head on his shoulder.
“Don’t think about it,” She whispered into his ear, taking in a deep breath of her own before slowly swaying as they held each other, “Let the magic guide you.”
It didn’t take more than that to urge Bucky’s feet into movement, the two of them gracefully gliding in tandem across the large hall. The music encasing the two of them. Her eyes had slipped shut, she couldn’t recall when but the memories of the past few months of tough planning playing behind her closed lids. The floral arrangements, the dress fittings, the smiles and tears. And it was almost all over. In a couple hours, everyone else would be awake, the two teams would be split and the aisle will be waiting.
Gently pulling her from his shoulder, his arm rose as he spun her around, their eyes connecting as she finished her spiral. Her palm lay flat against his chest, the man didn’t waste a second in taking in his own hand, his bionic arm sitting on her waist before crawling up her back and pulling her into his side.
The two had been friends for years. She was a friend of Natasha and Wanda’s but ran into the former assassin during girl’s night in when she went to grab a snack. But they’d been friends ever since. Both of them being rather reserved and awkward, they revelled in the other’s enjoyment of comfortable silence. Very quickly becoming joint at the hip. 
Each other’s well being was of the utmost importance and Bucky couldn’t count the times that she had ripped him a new one when he returned injured from a mission, yelling at him that he should be more careful. Which he would very quickly combat with a comment about her clumsiness. Either way, they’d end up wrapped in a blanket together in the common room, a film playing on the screen but both of them dozing in a tight cuddle.
The build up was all over though. It was finally happening and reality had finally set on her as the final notes of the song played out. The next time she would hear it, her hair would be all done up, a beautiful gown laying against her skin as it gently floated on the ground by her feet. A crowd of people around the dance floor as they got ready to watch the couple.
“Thank you,” They were the first words Bucky had spoken since he had called her in the middle of the night, knowing she’d still be awake and begging her for one last practice. She had agreed, of course, sneaking out of the room before she had a chance to put on any shoes in fear of waking anyone else up, “I can’t believe it’s all so soon.”
“Time flies when you’re having fun, even more so when you’re in love.” She muttered softly in response, a small smile on her face as she collected her phone, the two of the making their way back to the elevator. None of them spoke for the remainder of the journey, sleep had finally won over Bucky’s nerves and the yawn that left his mouth as the elevator doors opened again was proof.
Wishing him a gentle goodnight and a kiss on the cheek, she was disappearing into the girls’ suite complex. As she settled in for the night, her eyes settled on the garment bag, the very one that contained her gown, that was hung on the closet door. Pushing the covers off herself once again, she let her bare feet hit the carpeted floor as she wandered over to it. Her fingers held the zip carefully pulling it all the way down until the dress was visible. The light purple material almost mocked her as unwanted tears built in her eyes. Her fingers ran over the soft material, thinking back to the same moments she had thought of in a different light earlier that evening. Inhaling deeply at the sight, she quickly zipped it back up but the carefully written label seemed to do the trick as the tears began to fall down her cheeks. ‘Maid of Honour; in a deep purple ink, in the same hand that she had tightly held that evening. In the same hand of the man who she had undoubtedly fallen in love with.
( a/n: i hope you liked it. please let me know. )
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30 Song Challenge
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Im not doing 30 days of this so here it is all at once. Enjoy and message me if you actually listen to them, I wanna hear how people like this music,
(Two youtube only songs)
 1.      Pacific Blue – Emily Zeck
a.      Lots of ocean analogys and a nice cute love song
2.      8teen – Khalid
 One of the grooviest songs on his amazing album.
3.      Old Friends – Pinegrove
 Summers are hella better for me stress-wise, but this song
4.      Past Lives – BORNS
  Its an amazing song and I hate how good it is. I listened to it over winter break after my gf at the time recommended it to me. Shame she was cheating on me the entire time.
5.      New Wave – Quinn XCII
  Found it recently and I can just imagine people in dance circles to this song
6.      Wasted – Tiesto
  It’s a popular song but I have small memories with friends of us belting this song out or dancing like idiots. It’s hard to miss a good time to just bounce up and down and scream this to whoever is listening
7.      Odd Look – Kavinsky/Weeknd
  VERY Sexual song but the bass slaps and it’s such a good road trip song when you are alone
8.      Doses & Mimosas – Cherub
   More than drugs and alcohol, this song talks about addiction and drowning your problems in substances. The second verse is my absolute favorite and the overall happy tone distracts from his cry for help. That’s why I like the song a lot.
9.      New Eyes – Cbdb
  I cant sing this with a frown. Very hopeful and just me complimenting the girl im with
10.  Like Real People Do – Hozier
  This song was shown to me by someone I still care a lot about at the right time where I needed to hear this. Its about being “saved” by someone but then worrying about why they were there looking. Mutual care and worrying about others doesn’t mean you aren’t worrying about yourself as well. This is one of three songs that will always get me sad and breathe heavy and wish things were better.
11.  Barcelona – George Ezra
  I spent a lot of my life abroad in Portugal, away from friends and ‘home’. This song deals with long distance and its George Ezra, so its just smooth to listen to
12.  Sarabande Suite (Aeternae) - Globus
   I did a lot of nerd shit and would listen to “epic” music while painting or building or video editing. This song has epic parts but has more nostalgic emphasis to me. I can see a trailer for some sci-fi movie being made out of this song.
13. Dancing in the moonlight – King Harvest
   Before itunes and spotify, my mom made a cd mixtape of good barbecue songs and this was on it. I used to hate it but its just so good now in hindsight and this is the best version so don’t @ me with other versions.
14.  Overwhelmed – Tim Mcmorris
  I made a movie for someone special using this song but it’s just so full of love. I want to feel safe with someone to this song or a slow dance without worrying about it being too gushy
15.  Golden Slumbers – Elbow (originally by Beatles)
  From a Christmas commercial but its very nice and I pet a corgi to this song once.
16.  TongueTied – Group love
 Everyone knows this song but its very feel good and so fun to yell in a car or group of people having drinks.
17.  Elephant Love Medley – Moulin Rouge
  Moulin Rouge is my fav musical and this duo is memorized forever in my head and all I need is a partner really. Also more people should see Moulin Rouge.
18.  Bombastic – Shaggy
  The best song I could find that came out in 1995
19.  Snow in Newark – Ryan Hemsworth
  Newark is a very grey, industrial city in New Jersey, but also where the airport is. If yall didn’t know, I grew up in NJ and when I left it for the last time ever (college), it was snowing in the Newark airport. This song deals with him living his touring life but just wanting to be back home to someone(?). NJ is nothing special but I left a lot of friends forever. Idk if I’ll ever see some of them again and it shouldn’t worry me as much as it does. ATL is so much more diverse and colorful and I’m not the same person I was when I left NJ, but that doesn’t stop me from sometimes wanting to be back.
20.  Goodnight, Travel Well – The Killers
 This was written for the loss of his grandma I think, but it’s a whole song that deals with loss and accepting that there is nothing else you can say or do now. There’s lots of things I wish I could take back, but now its best if I don’t reach out at all. It hurts but its for the best.
21.  Pierre – Ryn Weaver
   Beautiful voice, fun lyrics. Its about dating/sleeping around but mind is on one person and just like oof.
22.  Love – Kid Cudi
 This song I cant find anywhere besides youtube because he never released it like an idiot. The chorus is the best I have ever heard and I
23.  Would You Go with Me – Josh Turner
  If I recommend a country song, and your immediate reaction is “oh I HATE country, it’s so DUMB. How COULD you enjoy it?” first of all fuck you and your Hamilton loving ass but if you want to listen to one (1) country song, this guy has an amazingly deep voice and I have a lot of good memories to this song and good lovey-dovey feels.
24.  Shots- LMFAO
  I loved LMFAO as a kid (like many people) and shots is just such a simple feel good song and if you say you never at one point enjoyed their music at a party, you are weak and lying.
25.  Waiting for the End – Linkin Park
a.      His suicide really punched me in the gut and I had to excuse myself from work to cry a bit. I always enjoyed the less scream-y Linkin Park songs and there are a lot of messages I hope people can relate to and get help for.
26.  I Belong to you – Ben Abraham
  Simple and sweet, he sings about knowing that one day he will fall in love. He knows he doesn’t have one now, but isn’t worried and is sure that there is someone out there he will meet one day. The whole idea of belonging to a bright future with someone is so nice and I can only for it myself
27.  Hero – Regina Spektor
  From the best scene in 500 Days of Summer, this song plays when the overly romantic guy gets drunk and falls into depression after seeing the girl he has been creepily doting on with someone else she didn’t tell him about. For me, its just when Regina spektor keeps saying “cheating cheating cheating” that gets me.
28.  Dog Problems or Oceans – The Format
 The Format (aka early version of Fun.) has some bangers and these two are my fav from the album Dog Problems. Dog problems is about being cheated on and Oceans is about wishing you were on the west coast to see your loved one again. I couldn’t choose one so theres both.
29.  Baby mine – Dumbo
  My mom would sing this to me and my brother sometimes at bedtime when we were really young. Things were so much simpler and mental illness wasn’t even a thing I was worried about. I have a shitty relationship with my family now, and I really wish I could make things better without sacrificing who I am in the process.
30.  Need – Pinegrove
   If I could find a song 100% about me, it is absolutely this song. It goes into mental struggles, “wanting” things that are necessary, getting stuck inside in your mind, and its all in a begging and pleading tone. I really really fucking wish I didn’t ‘need’ things like social interaction or affirmation or mutual sexual attraction. If you have to listen to one, definitely make it this one.
  message me if you give any a listen. thanks
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kmalexander · 3 years
Gleam Upon the Soundtrack
In the past, I’ve released my book playlists before the launch of the book. These tend to be inspiration playlists, not the music I find myself writing to. (If you’re interested in a “writing playlist,” let me know in the comments! I’d be happy to assemble something. There’s very much a “type” of music I listen to when writing a Bell Forging Cycle book.) Since Gleam Upon the Waves has been out for a little over a week, I thought I’d go a step further and not only share the playlist but give a few details, why I chose particular songs, and how I felt they reflected (and inspired) aspects of the story.
First, the playlist! Jam out, roaders.
Not a Spotify fan? The playlist is also over on YouTube.
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The following details will contain Gleam Upon the Waves spoilers. So, if you’re still reading, I’d recommend avoiding the rest of this post until after you finished the book. For the rest of you, let’s head deeper into the playlist.
Sons and Daughters – American Spirit
Sleep now child beneath The heavy current Dragging you along
This was the song that inspired this book. Something about life dragging you through the wringer without caring about your desires or plans cemented itself inside my head (even well before 2020.)
Chapter 1 & 2
Baltimore Blues No. 1 – Deer Tick
Can you hear the sound of the crawling flesh Now can you smell the burning desire This place is too small to hide All the ghosts that’s kicking around inside
There’s something gritty to this Deer Tick song. I felt it was a nice pairing to Wal putting on airs and wearing suits—despite his intentions, he can’t hide who he is. His problems will not disappear. Lovat devours.
Chapter 3
Gates of Dawn – Heartless Bastards
I have awoken The footsteps sound of thunder
While this tune more positive than Wal’s experience, I thought opening a new reality deserved a song that had a similar impact. I’m also a sucker for Erika Wennerstrom’s vocals. (Probably why Heartless Bastards make an appearance a little later.)
Chapter 1-3
How Deep Is The Ocean – Miles Davis
Like I wouldn’t include this in an ocean-themed playlist.
Chapter 4
bury a friend – Billie Eilish
Why aren’t you scared of me? Why do you care for me? When we all fall asleep, where do we go?
I had this chapter in my head since Red Little World. I also read it for Dead Drop Live last week. I loved the idea of Ashton being this ghost that haunts Wal—an echo of his past. One he weirdly cares about despite understanding that he’s an enemy. Eilish’s pop-minimalism just felt right for a decoupled avatar whom you may or may not want dead.
Chapter 5
Wild and Wasted Waters – Kill It Kid
Wild and wasted waters Have come to carry me on
For something so deadly, humans have an odd fascination with water. Also, this song fits with Wal being entirely out of his element. It’s helped by the Alan Lomax sample that works too well as an undercurrent for the story happening to Wal.
Chapter 6 & 7
Blood on your Bootheel – Caroline Rose
Think if you act like a man, you can alter this wheel; You can make it in this world without that blood on your bootheels
“Altering the wheel” is something Wal has attempting for a while (since Old Broken Road, if we’re honest,) but he can’t change his destiny. He can kick against the goads as much as he wants, but fate will drag him along whether he wants it or not.
Chapter 8
‘Round Midnight – Thelonious Monk
No lyrics, but man what a song. (If you haven’t noticed, any of the jazz numbers I call out in the books end up in my playlists.)
Chapter 9 & 10
Glitter & Gold – Barns Courtney
Do you ponder the manner of things In the dark The dark, the dark, the dark
Wal’s damn lucky for a guy that can’t escape his reality, eh? There’s also an element of foreshowing here. With the cult’s interest Wal can’t escape his past just like he can’t escape fate.
Chapter 11
Lovecraft in Brooklyn – The Mountains Goats
Someday something’s coming From way out beyond the stars To kill us while we stand here It’ll store our brains in mason jars
If you’ve read the last three books, it should be obvious why I included this one. Also, John Darnielle is a national treasure and should be protected at all costs.
Chapter 12, 13, & 14
Sirens – Lola Marsh
In a million years It’ll all be over Within a million years It’ll all be over
Yael Shoshana Cohen’s voice is incredible. There is a vastness in this song that matched the tone of the Wasteland. It also deals with time on an epic scale, and that’s something I appreciated—it’s cosmicy without being overt.
Chapter 15
Postcards From Hell – The Wood Brothers
I got a soul that I won’t sell And I don’t read postcards from hell
I hope you caught how Gleam Upon the Waves reflects the other stories up until this point. Wal waking in a hospital and pushing himself out of bed is awfully familiar. Despite what he’s faced with, Wal tends not to stop. He’s relentless. Tell him things are bad, and he keeps going. His tenacity is admirable, if not a bit foolish.
Chapter 16 & 17
Wicked Waters – Benjamin Booker
This must be where I lose it all, darling Throw myself into wicked waters
Again, water. Maybe our pal acted a bit too rashly?
Chapter 18
Ding Ding Dong – Waipod Petchsuphan
For all its familiarity, Empress is a foreign place, and Wal is a stranger. This poppy Thai luk thung track from ’76 sparked similar emotions for me. It’s familiar, borrowing from common themes, but at the same time it’s different from other music of the era. It’s also a bop.
Chapter 19
Hello, Darling – Conway Twitty
Hello darlin’, nice to see you, it’s been a long time
Should be fairly obvious.
Chapter 20
Figure It Out – Royal Blood
Nothing better to do When I’m stuck on you And still I’m here Trying to figure it out
This is a fairly big reveal, and while the theme of the song is related to Wal’s relationship with Essie, it’s even more complicated. “Figuring it out” is kinda a thing here, see?
Chapter 21, 22, & 23
You Want it Darker – Leonard Cohen
There’s a lullaby for suffering And a paradox to blame But it’s written in the scriptures And it’s not some idle claim You want it darker We kill the flame
Cohen’s last album deals with death and loss, there’s a heaviness to it, and it felt fitting for this section of the book.
Chapter 24, 25, 26
Mean Old World – Big Bill Broonzy
This is a mean old world to live in, I’m just travelin’ through It’s a mean old world to live in, I’m just travelin’ through Yes, sometime I get so blue, that I don’t know what to do
Another one that should be obvious. Poor Wal. Who’s the jerk that subjects him to this?
Chapter 27 & 28
Madness – Ruelle
Nowhere to run from all of this havoc Nowhere to hide From all of this madness, madness, madness
Eventually, you can only experience so much before it all just begins to break down.
Chapter 29 & 30
Sway – Heartless Bastards
So, I stumble and I sway into the room and I fade I hope my darkest day are behind me I want to stay here in the sun for a while I hope my darkest days are behind me
There’s a spark of hope here, and I feel like there’s a spark of hope in these chapters as well. Yes, two Heartless Bastard songs in this playlist. You’re going to have to deal.
Chapter 31
Remains – Algiers
While the captors boast On how they lower your costs The rich men gamble At the foot of the cross
When you make a decision, you need to be ready to deal with the outcome.
Chapter 32
Revival – Soulsavers
Why am I so blind With my eyes wide open, oh? Trying to get my hands Clean in dirty water
A song about people doing something they feel is right even though reality clashes with that desire, and somehow, at their core, they know it. If that doesn’t fit the Deeperists, I don’t know what would.
Chapter 33 & 34
The Church Bell’s Moan – Bror Gunnar Jansson
Don’t you hear them?
Ring the bell and eventually they’ll come.
Chapter 35 & 36
Get Loud for Me – Gizzle
I see my goal and get cold as December when Counting our sins, I don’t have no friends I came here to win, my start is your end Now let it begin now
FIGHT. FIGHT. FIGHT. Also, this is such a great reflection of the previous song that I had to include it.
Chapter 37 & 38
The End – Kings of Leon
This could be the end This could be the end This could be the end This could be the end ‘Cause I ain’t got a home
A song about change and facing that change. Felt like a fitting end to this playlist. 
Chapter 37 & 38… again
I See A Darkness – Johnny Cash & Bonnie “Prince” Billy
And did you know how much I love you Is a hope that somehow you you Can save me from this darkness?
Wait, never mind. This is even more fitting.
Chapter 37 & 38… for real this time
The Parting Glass – Hozier
Of all the comrades that ere I had, they’re sorry for my going away, And of all the sweethearts that ere I had, they wish me one more day to stay, But since it falls unto my lot that I should rise while you should not, I will gently rise and I’ll softly call, “Goodnight and joy be with you all!”
No… this one.
So, that’s Gleam Upon the Soundtrack, a Gleam Upon the Waves playlist! I hope everyone enjoyed a glimpse into my musical inspirations. It’s really fun to assemble these things and reflect on why particular songs spoke to me over another. I totally understand why other authors do it as well. This isn’t the only playlist I’ve made for my novels, you can check out the other ones here.
Once again, thanks to everyone for picking up Gleam Upon the Waves. I’m really proud of it, and I hope you enjoyed your time back in the Territories. If you haven’t nabbed your copies yet, you can do so from any of the links below.
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Finally, if you’ve finished Gleam, please leave an honest review, and if you liked it, tell your friends! Thank you for making Gleam Upon the Waves one of the books you chose to read this year. Time is finite and it’s an honor you decided to spend some of yours with my book.
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chippedfolks · 7 years
I'm a shameless Spotify stalker
It's 12:38am on a Sunday night, and I'm in bed laying in the dark with my laptop on listening to the lumineers album with you. Well you don't know I'm listening to that same song as you. Angela is a beautiful song. you can't see, but knowing I'm listening to the same thing as you makes me calm. I feel something, and I know it's just me, i’m crazy. Oh you changed your song on Spotify to in the light, imma check it out on YouTube :)
You are always in my mind and thoughts and heart I can't let you go fool. I just can't...
So yeah haha that's it lol but i’ve being really really tired lately. I hope you have a huge smile on your face right now. yeah, that cheeky smile of yours haha kinda like your paps. 
Well we talk a bit on Snapchat, small talk really. i don’t know i just can’t talked to you like i used to, i subconsciously treat you a bit differently. Like i don’t know you, but i want to get to know you if that makes sense. But I guess small talk is better than nothing right, well that’s what i keep telling myself. Every time you text me i get all my fucking hopes up you don’t know how happy i get, but i guess it’s easier when you text me since i don't get disappointed. I have all these hopes but your don’t live up to them, which is ok but it’s sad for me. You’re slowly not the man i know anymore, and that is ok your my ex. Why do you respond to a text a whole day (like 24hrs after) its just weird behaviour make me feel like dog shit tbh. Like i am the last person on earth you want to talk to, and that you only text me years later just coz. As much as i want to move on because i in a position were i have to, you know can’t love someone who doesn’t want to be with me that’s just sad. I’m worth someones attention and love you know. I think i deserve that form someone even if the one person i want it from doesn’t want ME. But the more i try not to think about you and us and you and i just always am. No one told me heartbreak would be this painful. But i can’t do anything about it, can’t just unlove someone that shit takes time. So since we don’t talk I sort of just assume what’s going on in ur life, like if it's a Saturday or Sunday you either watching ur bros match or playing FIFA or taking your mum and grandma shopping. In my mind I know you’re ok and you are free from me and you are happy, and i’m content with that. Also that maybe you still sleep with sabrina by your side and haven’t put her away. 
Fuck man this Cleopatra album is beautiful, why am I crying. Wait we're listening to gale song, it's beautiful. 
I like this album, I wonder how you are listening to it. I mean it's 12:47am and you have work tomorrow on monday. Haha mr you need your 8 hours of sleep, go to bed! I am so sorry i’m stalking you and your song choices really i don’t want to be doing this, coz i sure as hell know you don’t do this at all to me. It weird i know, sorry but your songs are good. I actually learnt to love indie music from being with you. It just so calming. I wonder what you're thinking about when you listen to all these kinds of songs, i’d love to know. Haha clearly I'm thinking of you, seugsuhgsagnvjsftnghhstugstughsutghsuitgh god help me. I don't mind if I'm not on your mind, it's ok ☺️ as long as you are happy and have happy thoughts then i’m happy. I'm smiling now at the thought of you chilling laughing and listening to this album. your feet on the table and just jamming haha that’s how i picture you listening to it.
I rarely do this at night if you are also on Spotify, sometimes. I don’t sleep much, but it helps. 
I'm sorry, but I miss your voice. The sound of your laugh and just your voice  seem so distance like the last time i heard it was years ago. 
Coming to London it just is a lot different without you. It really is. You are everywhere, everyday, every minute. It's draining. Like i am noticing men look at me, more than i used to. You know when we were together i never noticed or looked at men like that, i mean i did if they were hella attractive but other than that i was so oblivious. Now it’s weird i see stuff a lot more clearer, and i could go there with guys (you know) try all those crazy fantasies i want & have chill experiences but your like a bouncer in a club stopping me from entering coz i’m underage (idk if that makes sense). Not really you stopping me, but my feelings for you stopping me i dunno also i gotta have a bit of a connection with someone to take shit to the next step. I feel like meeting new guys and going on dating and being single and having fun, erases that idea that i could ever be with you. It’s scary, i just want to know what’s going to happen next in my life.
Right so it’s 12:50am I'm really tired, empire of monsters and men is a good way to end the night!
But Thanks for the music you really have amazing taste in music! I mean it, you got an ear for it. Goodnight Jimmy.
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