#Youkai Darkness Karamatsu
deadmothsketches · 8 months
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Youkai Darkness Karamatsu.
We love a sinister Karamatsu.
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mallowkey · 3 years
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Favorite units from Hesokuri Wars from banners I don’t have any units from (which is like a lot)
Context as to who’s who I guess?
Osomatsu - Orson + Satan (Musical: Black Magic)
Karamatsu - himself (China Clothes)
Choromatsu - Jade/J (Band: 2DAYS Gig (J’s Dollhouse))
Ichimatsu - Anubis (Egyptian Gods)
Jyushimatsu - JYレSHエ松 (Overalls Colorless: Unemployed (SNロW))
Todomatsu - Tanuki (Youkai: Snow)
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trinketprince · 4 years
All the Youkaimatsus so far
JExcept sets that have all of them as the same youkais (Nekomata, Tanuki and the various Kitsune sets from Tabimatsu)
Pinup Poster from the Osomatsu Character Book #6 (July 2016)
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A classic. The very first iteration of Youkaimatsu. Kind of hard to find since it was a bonus poster from the character book, so unless you were actively looking for the book, you wouldn’t find this.
Osomatsu - Kitsune (unknown how many tails he has but is often depicted in fan artworks as 6 or 9, 9 meaning strongest/wisest a kitsune has been, Spirit Fox)
Karamatsu - Karasu-Tengu (pun on Kara, Bird Man)
Choromatsu - Dodomeki (usually a woman cursed with long arms littered with many bird eyes because of greed. Most popular one imo)
Ichimatsu + ESP Nyanko - Nekomata (Two-tailed cat, legend says that cats who live longer than a 100 years gain a second tail)
Jyushimatsu - Rokurobi (available in two flavors. Long Neck and Floating Head. He is the former. Theorized to not actually be a youkai but created for entertainment. Also used as a literary device for a wandering soul.)
Todomatsu - Yukki Onna (Also a joke on Todo being scared stiff. Yuki Onna pull tricks on humans that usually end on the person’s death via cold. Has a harsh and soft side)
Youkai Units from The Great Youkai War event from Hesokuri Wars (November 2016)
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Most popular Youkaimatsu set, this baby could get milked for miles, but for some reason isn’t. Has a lot of variants (Awakened, Darkness, Snow, Sakura and Hyakki Yagyou) and connected to a lot of other sets: Denki Mystery, Colorless Overalls, Mononoke and a bunch of others. She is the top DOGG set.
Osomatsu - Shuten-Douji (Oni Leader with a penchance for Sake, literally carrying a big ass bottle of it on his back, since he is the leader of the sextuplets and the one seen drinking beer the most)
Karamatsu - Aoandon (Summoned after 100 supernatural stories are told. Originated from the blue (ao) paper lanterns (andon) that were sometimes used to give a chilling atmosphere)
Choromatsu - Daitengu (Great Tengu, Tengus were theorized to be ascended souls, but also has its origins in a Dog Beast that looked like a comet. For some reason Dog Beast turned into Bird Man. The bird man’s beak is often anthropomorphized into long noses. Tells humanity to behave by throwing invisible stones at them)
Ichimatsu - Nine-tailed Kitsune (So wise. So powerful)
Jyushimatsu - Inugami (Dog God that possesses people)
Todomatsu - Bake-Danuki (also known as tanuki, mischievous spirits, mostly known in pop culture for their BIG FAT NUTS)
Dayon is a miko, a shrine maiden. Hatabou is an Onmyoji, an exorcist, Dekapan is a kannushi, a shrine priest. Totoko and Iyami are regular civillians
Youkai Hyakki Yagyou merchandise from Animate Girls Festival (September 2017)
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One of the lesser known sets, considering that it’s just designs for a line of merch but their designs are so good? Why don’t people use these designs more often.
Osomatsu - Karasu-Tengu
Karamatsu - Nine-tailed fox
Choromatsu - Shuten-Douji (A possible reference to Season 1 Episode 2 where he gets the most drunk?)
Ichimatsu - Mizuchi (Legendary Water Serpent/Dragon)
Jyushimatsu - Kamaitachi (Beast that rides on dust devils. Cuts people using it’s scythe-like nails. The wounds are sharp but painless)
Todomatsu - Ungaikyou (A haunted mirror that can be used to trap spirits. The spirits in the ungaikyou can manipulate the reflection shown on it’s reflection.)
Kitsune Servant Set from Tabimatsu (September 2017)
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Ok I know I said I wouldn’t cover the Kitsune sets from Tabimatsu since there are like 5 different Kitsune sets, but this one is noteworthy cause they have secondary Youkai traits other than the regular kitsune traits.
Osomatsu - Oni’s horns
Karamatsu - Tengu’s wings
Choromatsu - Orochi around his neck
Ichimatsu - True Kitsune (Or Nekomata’s paw?)
Jyushimatsu - Wanyudo (Flaming Wheel)
Todomatsu - I don’t know, but there’s something around his neck?
Japanese Youkai set from Shimamatsu (January 2018)
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Shimamatsu was such a good game, what a shame it ended so soon. The 3D models were so cute. Edit: The two designs are from before and after evolution!
Osomatsu - Enma-san (A wrathful god in charge of judging souls in the afterlife. Resides over hell)
Karamatsu - Yamato no Orochi (Eight headed and Eight-tailed serpent/dragon)
Choromatsu - Kamaitachi (wields an actual scythe)
Ichimatsu - Youkai Catman or a Bakaneko (Catboy, furry)
Jyushimatsu - Yobuko (lives in the mountains, repeats whatevers shouted into the mountain, explains the phenomemon of Echos)
Todomatsu - Yuki Otoko (Snowman, a Yuki Onna basically)
“Inn” Osoma and Choroe from Osomatsu Season 2 Episode 17
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A BUNCH OF PEOPLE REMINDED ME AND HOW COULD I FORGET THE BEST YOUKAI EVER. Osoma baby,,,, I’m so sorry..... Srsly, this skit was so good, I hope they make more skits like this where they make entirely new characters out of the framework of the sextuplets.
Osoma - A Zashiki-warashi, child spirits who live in store rooms or extra rooms, they died buried in their homes. Pranksters but meeting one is said to bring good fortunes to families. Osoma gets crossovered a lot with the other Youkai sets in JP fanart. A popular pairing is Dodomeki Chorosuke (from Denki Mystery) and Osoma also Kitsune Osomatsu (from the poster) and Osoma.
Choroe - Not necessarily a youkai, in fact in the episode she’s presented as just a regular human. But is theorized often to be a Yama-uba. An old woman banished to the mountains. She provides shelter to weary travelers (in the myth it’s just a humble shelter but you know. an inn is also considered a shelter) before eating them. In one story she eats the recently birthed baby of a woman who had to give birth in the mountains. 
Mononoke from Hesokuri Wars (May 2019)
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Technically they are all the same type of being, Mononoke, but they look different from each other. Mononoke can posses individuals and cause suffereing and even death. And technically they aren’t Youkais but Onryos, vengeful spirits. But Onryos can also be used to refer to youkais and truthfully I just wanna include this set cause their designs are so cool looking. This set’s attacks contain glimpses of units of other sets. 
Osomatsu - Bear themed
Karamatsu - Wolf themed
Choromatsu - Rooster/Chicken themed
Ichimatsu - Spider
Jyushimatsu - Boar
Todomatsu - Bull or Ox
Edo Rock The Great Youkai Harvest Festival from Tabimatsu (October 2019)
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This set is interesting cause rather than youkai alone, they are also musicians. This set also has another set like Hesokuri called The Great Youkai NEET which is basically the awakened versions, properly showcasing more of the youkai traits.
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Osomatsu - Shuten-Douji (Again, we need to stage an intervention for you damn)
Karamatsu - Karasu-Tengu (Again)
Choromatsu - Mizuchi (actually riding said serpent)
Ichimatsu - Black Kitsune (Hot Topic, Goth version)
Jyushimatsu - Frog. Just. Frog. (could be a reference to the legend of Jiraiya, the ninja who could shapeshift into a frog/ride big frogs. His mouth is cover just like a ninja is too.)
Todomatsu - Kamaitachi (could be a reference to season 1 where Todomatsu wields a scythe)
Iyami - Oni (not sure if he’s any particular oni but he does have the horns and metal club)
Atsushi - Ibaraki-Douji? (White hair and singular horn, most imporant servant of Shuten-Douji)
Promo Merch from Sega Cafe collab (September 2020)
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Edit: Thank you @zenryokubatankyu for notifying me! Another set of promo youkais! You can get them by random by ordering a drink or meal at the now-defunct Sega x Osomatsu collab cafe. And the return of F6? Damn I haven’t seen you since Season 2!
Osomatsu - Oni
Karamatsu - I’m not exactly sure but he seems like a Mizuchi, a water serpent/dragon. He also could be another legendary serpent/dragon though.
Choromatsu - Kappa
Ichimatsu + ESP Nyanko - Karasu-Tengu
Jyushimatsu - I’m not sure, at first i thought it might be a crab youkai judging from the legs, but upon closer inspection he has spider webs on his robes, so they may be spider legs instead. Could be a Jorogumo, a youkai that wields fire breathing spiders with it’s spider legs
Todomatsu - Bakaneko (I think? The veil could be the napkin a bakaneko puts on it’s head)
Ayakashi Sextuplet’s Retro Halloween Cafe merch from Web Kuji (October 2020)
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Thank you @gradelstuff​ for telling me about this! Ayakashi are Youkai that appear above nearby bodies of water. Although the youkais they’re dressed up as (or are?) aren’t really what you would call ayakashi? Although it’s cafe themed, it isn’t actually from a cafe collaboration. These designs are merchandise meant to be won through lottery. So if say you really love Kara and Choro’s designs (I do), then tough luck buddy!
Osomatsu - Oni
Karamatsu - Now you may think he’s Dodomeki since he’s covered with eyes, but turns out there are two other eye-relateed youkai! Mokumokuren is a youkai phenomenon where eyes appear from torn paper walls and tatami floors, initially i thought this was it given the checkered pattern he was wearing. But he might actually be a Hyakume, a youkai covered head to toe in yellow eyes specifically. Underneath those eyes is a body of flesh roughly in the shape of a man. This Youkai isn’t particularly malicious, only detaching one of it’s many eyes to follow you and survey you for criminal activiy. He might also be a BackBeard, a youkai allegedly from the US, err that would make him a cryptid I guess? A Backbeard is often characterized as a shadow with a Yellow eye with a red iris in the center. Note: Backbeard’s true origins are not known as there doesn’t seem to be any cryprid called a Backbeard, it first entered the Japanese public eye as an antogonist in the show Gegege no Kitaro. Although ever since then this “yokai” has appeared in other media and games in Japan.
Choromatsu - He isn’t exactly dressed as it (only themed as it) but the youkai he represents is the one he’s holding, a Kasa-obake, One of my favorite youkais and it’s literally iconic. Thought to be a Tsukomogami, an object that gains a spirit after it turns 100 years old.
Ichimatsu - Edit: I’m not sure but he might be a Kuchisake-Onna. In the description attached to his teaser, it makes mention of specifically his wide smile, his dos dagger and his beautiful shirt. A kuchisake onna is a yokai that wanders in the street covering her face with a mask (skull mask for ichi) and a sharp object (his dos dagger). TW GORE DESCRIPTION: She asks you if you think she’s attractive and depending on your answer she muders you with her scissors, plunging it into you OR she takes off her mask showing her wide smile, her mouth slit at the corners to her ears and asks “how about now?” and depending on your reaction she cuts you in half with her sharp object OR she slits the corners of your mouth to look like hers. END DESCRIPTION. Ichi has the mask, sharp object, wide smile and “attractiveness”. Obviously it would be inappropriate to portray ichi in the same fashion as the kuchisake onna so he was probably given the internal organ tattoos to represent the gory yokai. (internal organs usually = gore in japan). This is speculah and he might be another youkai but this is all i can think of rn.
Jyushimatsu - sailor themed Jiangshi. Jiangshi are basically Zombies originally from Chinese culture. They hop around, and crave for life force. this little jyushimatsu has taken to tomato juice instead. (Bonus: the zombie that osomatsu is in the zombie set in hesokuri wars is also a Jiangshi)
Todomatsu - Kitsune (sly fox)
“The Night Path” Youkai from Osomatsu-san Season 3 Episode 6 (November 2020)
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The latest and what sparked me to make this post tbh. This set reuses the Rokurobi design from the very first Youkaimatsu iteration! Full circle yo! I like to think of this set as an addition to the original youkaimatsu, since they’re both from the primary sources.
Jyushimatsu - Rokurobi (Again)
Totoko - Amabie (mermaid with three legs? prophesized about either good harvest or an epidemic, trivia: “Amabie” trended when Covid 19 hit the world)
Hatabou - Azukiarai (a youkai that originated from the sound of something like beans being washed near a river, anyone who comes near will fall into the river)
Dayon - Nopperabou (Faceless spirits that take the form of humans. They are harmless usually, they just scare humans)
Dekapan - Kappa (Mischievous River spirits)
That should be all of them! 
Osomatsu has been a Kitsune, Shuten-Douji (twice), Karasu-Tengu, Enma-san and an Oni
Karamatsu has been a Karasu-Tengu (twice), Aoandon, Kitsune, Yamato no Orochi and a Mizuchi (?)
Choromatsu has been a Dodomeki, Daitengu, Shuten-Douji, Kamaitachi, Mizuki and a Kappa (No repeats!)
Ichimatsu has been a Nekomata, Kitsune (twice), Mizuchi, Bakaneko and a Karasu-Tengu
Jyushimatsu has been a Rokurobi (twice-ish), Inugami, Kamaitachi, Yobuko, a Frog from Jiraiya and a Jorogumo (?)
Todomatsu has been a Yuki Onna (twice), Bake-danuki, Ungaikyou, Kamaitachi and a Bakaneko
You can definitely see a trend (lmao), I’m looking forward to more Youkaimatsus from Osomatsu-san!
Osomatsu-san cameo from Yokai Watch!!!
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denkimystery · 4 years
Denki Mystery: Six Idol Statues of Taboo - Chapter 9
ー [Akatsuka Village.] Day of the Jyushimatsu Festival, Night.
Festival noises fill the air, whistles and fireworks setting off on the distance.
[The group is currently walking towards the mountain.]
Ozo: The festival procession is headed to the top of the mountain, right?
[[A few heads nod in agreement.]]
Ozo: Okay, we're going this way. Let's get away from the festival crowd, okay?
Karatsugu: Got it.
[[A moment passes. The group walking, trying to avoid the big crowd.]]
Karatsugu: Is the origin of this festival really mountain worship? Isn't it rather something that began with fear?
Chorosuke: Enshrinement or Fear. It could be both…
[[Chorosuke suddenly stops in his tracks.]]
Chorosuke: Oh, a path over there!? Do you know which way to go?
Hajime: The Myoujin Torii gate just before Twin Peaks, is poised to face the mountain of the deity. There doesn't seem to be the Honden Hall, just the Haiden Hall.
Toshio: I can see the flames of the torches going up the twin peaks in the festival procession! Oppai! Oppai!
Hajime: Looking at it now, it sure looks like that... good for you. Wait. Right now, our main concern is the Kitsune of the Masha shrine**. Its tails point all the way to the front. Look.
Takashi: Isn’t it just a design thing?
[[Takashi goes silent for a second, trying to recall something.]]
Takashi: Ah, the song “Don't hide your head…”. Does that mean it has a secret hidden in its tail!?
Toshio: The tail is pointing to... That way over there!
[[Eyes follow Toshio's finger. There is the start of an off beaten path hidden by some bushes.]]
Toshio: There's a hidden path to the foot of the mountain. Let's go that way!
[[Toshio takes off, leaving everyone to follow in his trail.]]
Takashi: Eh!? Getting into these bushes!? I don’t want to! Ew!! Is this really a hidden path, or rather a trail made by wild animals?
ー [Deep in the woods.]
Ozo: Look. Can you see anything? Half broken ... temple? … this atmosphere is perfect!! Wanna do a hundred stories* here?
Karatsugu: Hey!? … What if we end up really summoning a spirit? This is in a blind spot from the mountain road, but what is this? An old Hokora shrine**?
Chorosuke: Wawawah… Hold it! Isn’t it kinda chilly? There's something dangerous about this place, you know? I wonder if it’s okay to be here? Won't we be cursed?
Hajime: Shinto Buddhist temples and shrines are not uncommon. There are both shrines and temples for Inari worship. But, in the era of the separation of Shinto and Buddhism…
Toshio: It was destroyed by someone. Someone was enshrining it carefully... It's kind of sad.
Hajime: Many buildings have been destroyed without a trace. Maybe it's better that, at the very least, they're still intact. I can't say for sure if the state of this building was the cause of that era, though.
ー [Inside the shrine.]
Ozo: It's dark. Can you see anything? Flashlight...
[[Searching for his flashlight, Ozo turns it on.]]
Ozo: ... Woah! ... What is this? What's going on?
Karatsugu: Th-This is a big bIG BIG SCOOP!? M-Mummies??? Th-th-the real thing!?
Chorosuke: One, two, three… What the-, there are six of these!? No way!? Six mummies spirited away into this hiding place!?
Hajime: ... Let's open it.
[[Hajime starts unwrapping the bandages on the head of the first mummy.]]
Hajime: ··· Th-This is? A horn!??
Toshio: Eh!? There are horns!? Oni demon!? Mummified Oni demon***!?
Takashi: A regular mummy is already scary enough! But an Oni mummy!? Youkai!? Why don’t we stop!? Can we go home already!?
Ozo: Wait. It… It's shiny? Let's undress it some more!?
[[Ozo takes the bandages from Hajime and starts unwrapping even more.]]
Karatsugu: This is...? Not a mummy? Something more like, an artifact... a golden statue for idolatry ...?
Chorosuke: Golden statue? N-no way, you don't think it has anything to do with the story of the buried gold?
Hajime: It’s quite possible. Maybe it's buried gold that has been molded into a different shape. Or it may be this is the true form of the treasure in itself…
Toshio: Ah! Someone’s coming!
Takashi: Please, give me a break already!
ー [Outside of the shrine]
Iyami: Sheh-sheh-sheh-sheh~... You six sextuplets.... I’ve found you, zansu!
Ozo: You look weird…! Did you eat your weird mushrooms again?
[Iyami’s eyes look fuzzy, her stance is unbalanced. Suddenly she starts swinging her log around.]
Iyami: Woo hoo! I've found it, zansu!!! Sheh-sheh-sheh-Sheh~!!! … The secret of the buried gold! … The Sextuplets!
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
Mod notes: The Honden Hall is the Main part of a Shinto Shrine, it is where the God being worshipped resides. Since the object of worship is the Mountain itself there seems to be no need for a Honden. The Haiden is the worship Hall. It's where rituals and ceremonies are held.
*This is p common knowledge if you watch anime that touches on horror and stuff but 百物語怪談会 (Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai, lit. A Gathering of Hundred Supernatural Stories) is a game where you and a bunch of people take turns telling supernatural stories in a room lit by lanterns. It is customary to stop at the 99th story out of fear that you may summon something by that 100th. This is connected to the Aoandon (Karamatsu’s Yokai), where blue paper lanterns are lit instead, and by the 100th story an Aoandon (lit. translated to Blue (Ao) Lantern (Andon)) appears. The entire game is similar to telling spooky stories around a campfire in western culture, minus the spirits thing ofc.
** To my understanding a Massha shrine is a shrine taken care of by a larger shrine. A Hokora shrine is a smaller Shinto shrine. They’re both smaller shrines but the difference is that Massha shrines have Kami deeply related to the bigger shrine, while Hokora shrines are standalone shrines independent of any larger shrines. Explains why the Massha shrine was found near the village but the Hokora shrine was found deep in the forest. It’s not shown here but the Hokora Shrine has a Tanuki statue beside it, and the Massha shrine, a Kitsune.
*** ok i know how repetitive some words i use, like oni demon, kitsune mask, hokora shrine and massha shrine. (like oni means demon etc.). But for justification’s sake, I didn’t want to just use the word demon, cause it wasn’t any kind of regular demon, but specifically an oni. Same with Kitsune, not just any fox but specifically a kitsune. Also Massha and Hokora are stand alone words but you wouldn’t be able to know what exactly they are unless i put shrine in front of them so hopefully i cleared things up?
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werelywrites · 7 years
Gift to Thorne Desires!! Youkai!Karamatsu x Reader
OMG so i was very much inspired by @thornedesires Dark youkai!Karamatsu x reader fic. please please go check it out, it had me at the end of my seat! you can read it here!!
I actually recommend reading their story first to understand this as it has spoilers for their story.
I DO NOT take credit for this, it belongs to Thorne!
I wanted to write a excerpt with Karamatsu’s perspective so here you go Thorne! I hope you like it! and your roomie as well
This had gotten out of hand. Karamatsu, taking the guise of your agent “Kay,” sat back in his chair, hands folded with forefingers out to touch his chin, contemplated on how did you, or rather, when did you change the deal?
He remembered the day you had made the deal with him to give you the chance for people to love you for you and appreciate your talents in exchange for your body and soul just like it was yesterday. He was a youkai after all, his memory was sharp.
He went with the deal knowing that in the end you’d lose fame and he’d have your soul to fill his lantern and then he’d go about his way. But to keep things interesting (and to keep an eye on you) he became “Kay” to switch things up. Perhaps that was what had started changing the deal.
You weren’t like other humans he dealt with before, especially ones that were seeking fame. Even in the start you weren’t making the deal for fame per se, you just felt unloved despite having a talent for acting and singing. You didn’t even want to change who you were either. You just wanted recognition without changing your outward appearance to what society deemed as beautiful.
You had kept your kindness and patience. You seemed too much like a flower in a windy field at first. He figured you’d break in the fast paced world that came with fame. But you ended up being a tree. Your roots were planted, you kept who you were despite was was thrown at you and you stood tall.
Honestly he didn’t have to do much. All he had to do was just change how others perceived you. And even then he didn’t have to do that much after you got more famous.
You were stubborn when you needed to be, flexible when it called for it, you took everything in stride. You amazed him.
He didn’t want you to change, he...he loved you for you.
He shut his eyes and let out a groan at the realization. This...this changed everything. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
It did explain a lot though...
Being around you constantly was torturing him. Being your agent had the perk of being around you a lot but it just wasn’t enough for him.  He wanted you. Badly.
It was so tempting to cheat. To force you to lose your fame sooner, it would have been easy too. Then he could have you. But just as he was about to do just that, you’d send “Kay” a sweet smile and he just couldn’t do that to you. You were happy at the moment, who was he to take that from you?
He never needed someone so badly but it went beyond just what he could take from you. No, he wanted it to be given from you. He just had to be patient.
Funny, statement that. Normally for a youkai, time and patience was something he’d have a lot of, but there were times that it ran thin. Some gigs that had been offered for you were of a romantic interest, he was obligated as your “agent” to offer such parts to you for you to decide to take them or not. He could intervene and suggest that maybe the part wasn’t worth your time, but ultimately it was your decision. But the thought of another male touching you, kissing you? Sure, it was all acting but it burned him nonetheless.
You always had a professional manner with male actors and singers but you’d let it slip to “Kay” at least that you’d find a few attractive. Even without you telling him of your attraction he could smell it on you when you were near. It took him everything not to just lob their head off.
It really didn’t help either that you found “Kay” attractive either. He had enough of a hard time keeping his end of the bargain and keeping his hands off of you as it was. Then you started finding “Kay” attractive, and he could smell your arousal around him. He broke many of desks just from clutching them too hard.
You were driving him insane. If any other youkai saw him now he’d be a laughing stock.
It actually no longer surprised him that he wanted this to continue. It was a sweet torture whenever you were near him. You were always busy but you always made time for him. Perhaps it was solely because he was your agent but it was nice regardless. When you’d look at him, he wanted to melt in your gaze. When you’d touch him, he wanted to go down on his knees and beg for more. When you’d talk to him, he wanted to gather the stars, the moon, anything that paled in comparison to you, just so you could shine even brighter. And, oh, when you smiled at him, he shattered in a thousand pieces with a wondrous scream that was your name in ecstasy. He wondered what it be like to have you under him, moaning his name, if his feelings were this bad already. It’d be the end of him.
Just as he was at his own breaking point, you came into his office, letting him know that you were finally worn thin and needed a vacation. Swiftly agreeing with you, it had not escaped his notice that you were running yourself ragged as of late. It had worried him enough that he mentioned a vacation to you (trickery far from his mind at this point). But he knew all too well that was how things went in this business.
After you left the room did it dawn at him that now it was only a matter of time. You only said a few months but it was dangerously close to having his end of the bargain break. He could finally reveal not only himself but his feelings as well.
He wanted to settle down with you. The idea of having you as his mate, marrying you, fuck, it was enough for him to groan in desire.
With an amused smirk he let out a chuckle.
This was going to be just the beginning for the two of you.
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hesokuriwarsarchive · 7 years
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Set 111: Dark Youkai: Ao Andon (Karamatsu) [11/12] (Feb 27, 2018) Osomatsu | Karamatsu | Choromatsu | Ichimatsu | Jyushimatsu | Todomatsu Set Collections   |  Master List of all Sets
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hesokuri-wars · 6 years
I could actually finish almost all the stages by the exception of Karamatsu. Maybe it might help someone but this is what I did. For Oso I used strong ones based with high attack (all maxed up); That means I used steampunk new year, werewolf, osumatsu, jersey, akuma rider, f6, steampunk, calming detective, macarron and angel killer. For the houses I used Princess Castle, Delincuent school and white day house. My total time was 13 mins and all you need to do is tap like crazy [1/?]
Btw, for some people at almost all stages, to make it fast you need to sacrifice 10 diamonds to have an advantage. Now for Choro I used Akuma rider, jersey, jobs 1, osumatsu, werewolf, youkai awakened, steampink, norse god, parade and F6; again is with a high attack because this stages are hell. For strategy I needed to sacrifice 10 diamonds (mostly because I didn't wanted to spend a lot of time and that is why i finished in 4 mins; for houses i used princess castle, bathhouse and his house[2/?]
Ichi was easier; I used (all totally maxed) Calming Detective, werewolf, akuma riders, tea shop, Greek god, Jersey, Osumatsu, Norse Gods, Youkai Awakened and Steampunk. Again all strong attack based (except by akuma riders and Tea Shop. The houses I used was Prince Castle, Calming Detective Mansiion and one that was for new year (dont remember the name but it gives +attack to air units); and the main strategy is making a wall of full ichis; without them u r ded[3/?]
For Jyushi I used 10 diamonds (because i was lazy) and the units that I used (all Maxed) were Steampunk New Year, Vampire (XMAS), Valentines, Popular Episode 1, Steampink, Greek God, Date with Totoko, Jobs 1, Werewolf and Youkai Awakened; the houses were Princess castle, Bathhouse and the one that gives +attack to air types. And for strategy you need to SPAM jyushis, send all of them at ones. [4/?]
And for Todo I also sacrificed 10 diamons and used (all maxed) Dark Youkai, Werewolf, Akuma Riders, Osumatsu, F6, Jobs 1, Jersey, Magical Girls Awakened, Valentines Day and Norse God and the houses were Princess Castle, Bathhouse and his house that was the Greek Gods Temple. Same with Ichi, you need to make a barrier with all the todos. With the sacrifice of 10 diamonds I finished at almost 4 mins. [5/6]
And lastly, for what I had experienced and seen, you CANT pass Karamatsu's stage without Summer Kamen OR Taxist Karamatsus. I tried with my strongest units and houses and it doesn't work and I even have Vampire (XMAS) and Drag Queen Karamatsu + my oden goldies at Maxed 70 and just no, it doesn't work, not even with the sacrifice of 10 diamonds. If someone can pass it, please tell me the secrets because gdi is horrible. Hope this helps someone??? [6/6]
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heso-tl-index · 7 years
Hesokuri Wars: Youkai Event (Prologue)
Originally translated by current Mod Ichi of @hesokuri-wars​!
Part: ★ · 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 (END)
Osomatsu: Hey~! Check out that amazing sunset. The view from our second floor isn’t bad at all! Osomatsu: It’s like a Russian Leg Sweep in autumn, huh? It gets dark just like that. Ichimatsu: Isn’t that a pro wrestling move? 
Choromatsu: You mean the sun sets really fast? Why are you bringing pro wrestling moves into this?! You make it sound like the world’s ending! Geez. Choromatsu: Eh? They finished constructing that building over there. Ichimatsu: Ah, speaking of which, the construction cover is out of place. I…don’t have a good feeling about this. Choromatsu: It’s a distance away, but we can still get a clear view of it, huh. Karamatsu: Heh. So that’s Flag Corporation’s new building. Osomatsu: Eh~! That’s Hatabou’s building? It’s black and gold all over, just what the hell is that? Is it a casino?! Karamatsu: No, that’s not it. That’s… Karamatsu: A **production** for handicrafts!! In no time at all, a **love call** for an **offer** will reach us, as his old friends…! Todomatsu: Okay okay, he’s not going to call us. What are you even saying, it’s like you’re half-asleep! Jyushimatsu: I’m home, muscle! They’re selling a lot of paper lanterns in the shopping district nearby!  Ichimatsu: That’s because it’s autumn festival season. …That’s a really amazing moon. Jyushimatsu: It feels a lot more refreshing now. Todomatsu: Anyway! Today, we’re having hot pot~! Mom and Dad are out at the neighborhood association, so how about we have the hot pot while moon watching? Osomatsu: Ah, nice~! Alright! Then me and Karamatsu are going out to buy some beer~! Jyushimatsu: Have a safe trip!!
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hesokuriwarsarchive · 7 years
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Set 111: Dark Youkai: Inugami (Jyushimatsu) [8/12] (Feb 27, 2018) Osomatsu | Karamatsu | Choromatsu | Ichimatsu | Jyushimatsu | Todomatsu Set Collections   |  Master List of all Sets
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hesokuriwarsarchive · 7 years
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Set 111: Dark Youkai: Bake-danuki (Todomatsu) [7/12] (Feb 27, 2018) Osomatsu | Karamatsu | Choromatsu | Ichimatsu | Jyushimatsu | Todomatsu Set Collections   |  Master List of all Sets
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