lutik327 · 2 months
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les yeux sans visage
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ivory-lamps · 2 months
A10: Interstellar Mirage
Characters: Muneuji, Ushio, Nagi, Netaro, Akuta, Yukikaze, Kafka, Tao, Chihiro, Ten, Kuguri, Kiroku & Nanaki Location: Hama Summary: Some time passes since the toast and excitement spreads through the room. Netaro arrives late and begins passing out colourful steamed buns… Proofreader: Shay
Translator’s Notes ☽.‎˖
Gyaru: Derived from the English word “gal”. It’s a Japanese fashion subculture which consists of showy clothing, heavy tanning, bleached or dyed hair, and lots of makeup. Associated items can be brightly coloured.
Cica: This is the Hungarian term for “cat/kitten”.
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Momiji / Kaede: (Kafka went around giving a toast to all the ward mayors, but I wonder if he’s doing okay. He looked like he couldn’t handle his alcohol very well during his coming-of-age party…)
Kafka: Heey~ Manager, so this is where you were~ Huug~
Momiji / Kaede: Wha!? I took my eyes off you for a second and you’ve gotten this drunk?
Yukikaze: He must have gotten into a good mood seeing things finally take shape. Should I carry him?
Momiji / Kaede: Oh, thanks. But maybe it’ll be better to ask Sakujiro-san to take care of him instead.
(It was inevitable during Kobe, but I bet he’ll sulk again if he finds out Yuki-nii carried him.)
Yukikaze: But Sakujiro-san went out to get a set of mahjong tiles to play with Liguang, Kinari and Yodaka-san.
Momiji / Kaede: Huh? Why mahjong tiles?
Kafka: Noo~ I’m not sleeping until Netaro gets here! We’re gonna conquer the world together~
Momiji / Kaede: (After having an interview with Netaro-kun through Daniel-san’s recommendation, Kafka has really taken a liking to him.)
(But it’s nice having more ward mayors that are like friends. Right, Kafka?)
Chihiro: Oh, I wanted to take a picture with Manager-pii but looks like they’re having a hard time with a dead-drunk President-chii. Guess I’ll come back later.
Tao: Hmm… ……? Can you hear something?
Chihiro: Huh?
??: …Steamed buns~ Addicting steamed buns~ Straight outta the steamer ♪
Netaro: How about some crazy delicious steamed buns?
Laika: Buns!
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Chihiro: Wow~!! These are great! They’re so cute ☆ The pet robot also has a [1]gyaru look to it – you’re the G.O.A.T~♪
Tao: Oh, are you Yowa-san? The one who runs that steamed bun cafe…? You said you were gonna be late, right?
Netaro: That’s right. I’m indeed Netaro Yowa, the one who will be the mayor for ward 18! I ended up arriving late since I was steaming these new limited buns for the party.
Chihiro: Chii’s Chihiro! And this is Tao-Tao! I’m so psyched – these strange steamed buns look so good~♪
Netaro: This is the “Interstellar Mirage ☆ Natto Bean Curry Bun” and this one is “Smiling Bon Voyage ☆ Mushroom Cheese Bun”.
Laika: Nattuuu~♪ Lalala, beep beep beep.
Chihiro: OMG! This lil’ robot just started singing outta nowhere – that’s sooo cute ☆ Can I take a picture with you both, Taroppu? And post it on dazzle~?
Netaro: Why, of course, Chii!
Tao: Wow, they’re already calling each other by their nicknames…
Chihiro: Hey, do you have fingers~? Can you make a heart with Chii~?
Tao: Taking a picture’s fine and all but I’m gonna have a steamed bun. Uhh… I’ll take the mushroom and cheese…
Chihiro: Then Chii’s gonna have the crazy natto curry one. Thanks for the food ♪
Tao & Chihiro: Munch…
Netaro & Laika: ……
Tao: …Pfft, ahahahahahaha! What the heck is this? It’s making me laugh like crazy!!
Chihiro: Huh!? Tao-Tao…!?
Tao: Ahahahahaha!
Chihiro: Uh, I dunno what’s going on but Tao-Tao’s going LMAO and it’s so SSR worthy! I totally have to film this!
Tao: My stomach, it hurts…!
Laika: Natuu, Giovanni, piroppu~
Chihiro: Cuteeee ☆ He’s rolling around on the floor~ Sigh I think my maternal instincts are overflowing! OMG!! I’ve never felt this way before! I can’t stop taking pics~♪
Toi: I–It’s Chii-sama…! We’re standing on the same ground…! Breathing the same air…!
Ahh… I want to pray for this miracle! Thank you for letting me be born in the same generation as my idol…!
Mashiro: Chii-sama is certainly one of the most important people destined to be born in this world!
Sonia: Ohh~ So Chii-sama is one of the chosen life-forms! I see!
Chou un: …I think all life is equal but I shall refrain from tactless comments.
Momiji / Kaede: Oh, Netaro-kun is here. Kafka’s asleep, though.
Kuguri: Hey, [2]Cica. Are you enjoying the banquet?
Ten: I figured we haven’t had a drink together yet. Anyway, good job selecting all 18 ward mayors.
Momiji / Kaede: Thanks, you two. Cheers!
(A lot of different relationships are being formed now that they’re all living together under one roof, but… it’s a bit strange seeing Ten-kun and Kuguri-san get along so well already.)
Ten: Oh, right. Shumai was howling up a storm when that guy from the steamed bun cafe came.
Kuguri: Hehe. It must be one of those wild instincts. Are you sure you want to let him in?
Momiji / Kaede: Oh… you’re talking about Netaro-kun? He is a bit of an enigma but I think it’s fine.
(According to Toi-kun’s divination, Netaro-kun was also a necessary individual that will guide us to his brother. We have to help him find his brother, just as we promised.)
Akuta: Haa, haa, all of these are so good I think I might go to heaven…!
I think I’m gonna stuff myself like it’s my last day on Earth, so don’t get in my way, okay!?
Ushio: What an idiot, walking to and fro like that. I don’t wanna watch you pig out.
Kiroku: …But… Kurama… that’s your… third plate of fried noodles…
Ushio: Hey, we’re not talking about me right now.
Kiroku: …It’s delicious so… you don’t… have to be embarrassed…
Ushio: I’m not feeling any bit embarrassed, just so you know.
Muneuji: Hmm… I’d like some more. I’m going to get seconds.
Nanaki: Oh, I’ll go with you, then. The pizza I had before was pretty good… Hm?
Tao: Sigh I finally calmed down… My cheeks hurt from laughing too hard.
Chihiro: Huh? Why did I take a gazillion pics of Tao~? I had these weird maternal instincts that washed over my entire body…
Netaro: Ahaha! Perhaps I added too much of that one secret ingredient~! Right, Laika?
Laika: Shwaa.
Nanaki: ……! …Huh…!?
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ📍 Flashback
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??: “Euclidean Instant Disassembly Stripping Pen”. Why, I’m rather proud of my invention!
Human clothes… they tend to get stuck at the throat.
Kiroku: …W–Where is he…?
Nanaki: Who even is he? Where did you come from? The door’s supposed to be over there…
Akuta: Wait, what about the egg?
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Nanaki: Ah…!
Muneuji: What’s wrong? You’re trembling.
Nanaki: T–That’s… that guy…!
Muneuji: ?
Akuta: Maaaan, I can feel the calories seep into every fibre of my being~!
Muneuji: Everyone, I want you to listen to me closely.
Kiroku: ?
Muneuji: The individual we met on the rooftop after the concert is right there. It’s that secret agent with the egg.
Ushio: What!? You’re kidding…
Nanaki: I’ve been staring at him and it has to be him. There’s no way I wouldn’t be able to recognise him.
Akuta: …Really? I don’t remember.
Ushio: I never expected anything from your brain cells, idiotake. Anyway… why is he even here? I don’t get it.
Is he the mayor of ward no.18? The one who said he’d be late?
Muneuji: Most likely. He must be Netaro Yowa-san.
Nanaki: What was it? He’s supposed to be from the secret special forces… It’s called ponzu or something…
Akuta: Yorozu!
Ushio: You remember that?
Kiroku: …The… egg… it’s there… too…!
Ushio: Huh?
Kiroku: Look…
Laika: Beep beep beep. Zee zee zee. Boing.
Nanaki: Hmm… That’s not the egg. I think that’s just a normal pet robot.
Ushio: I agree with the panda.
Kiroku: N–No… that’s… definitely…
Muneuji: You were the one who shared a deep emotional bond with the egg. I believe in Kinugawa’s intuition.
Nanaki: Even if we ignore the egg, is it okay for us to carelessly approach him?
Ushio: Who knows…? He seems dangerous so maybe it would be best to keep our distance. There might be an explosion or we might get our clothes stripped.
Akuta: Hey, did we meet on a rooftop in the summer?
Netaro: Hm?
Ushio: That guy…! He shouldn’t have strolled up to him and asked him that directly…!
Akuta: Well, everyone’s saying we all met then.
So is it true~!?
Ushio: Pretend we don’t know him.
Nanaki: …… Muneuji…!?
Muneuji: Pardon my impertinence. I’m Muneuji Kaguya, the mayor of ward no. 8. Do you recall?
Netaro: Uji, your eyes are beautiful. I feel like I’ve seen them a long time ago…
Muneuji: ……
Netaro: I don’t really remember. How about we call this our first meeting?
Muneuji: ……
Akuta: Nice to meet you. Je m'appelle Akuta Supa Hero!
Ushio: Mu-chan, we’re leaving! You, too!
Muneuji: …I see. It’s because he’s a part of Yorozu.
He is a secret agent who performs his duties in civilian clothes, so he’ll blend into society by working an ordinary job. He must not be able to reveal his identity – just like the time on the rooftop.
Ushio: Mu-chan, what’re you mumbling about?
Nanaki: So this just means he doesn’t know us, right?
Muneuji: Right. If he says he’s never seen us before, then we should also get our story to match with his. We mustn’t get in the way of his mission.
Kiroku: ……
Ushio: That’s fine. Let’s just leave it at that.
Nanaki: Hmm… Oh, well.
Akuta: Then I’m good too. Anyway, let’s eat!
Muneuji: ……
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Nagi: …Sigh…
Sonia: Are you okay, Nagi-san?
Nagi: Yeah…
Sonia: This is worrying.
Nagi: Yeah. At this rate… things might be really bad.
Maybe I should go back to the store and start handing out flowers.
Sonia: But… the temperature’s gone down and it’s cold.
Nagi: That’s even better.
Sonia: ……
Nagi: Yeah. It’s better this way. …Anyway, I’ll be back.
Sonia: Nagi-sa–
Momiji / Kaede: Oh, Nagi-kun. What’re you doing over here?
Nagi: …Uhh… um.
Sonia: O–Oh, we suddenly received a work request…!
Nagi: Yeah. A sudden work request.
Sonia: Y–Yes, we’re in quite a pickle since we’re temporarily closed!
Momiji / Kaede: Yeah? Okay. We’ve got cake too so hurry back, alright?
Nagi: Y–Yep. Thanks. I’ll be going, then…
Momiji / Kaede: Come home soon!
Nagi: Ugh!
Momiji / Kaede: Are you okay!? You’re suddenly clutching your chest!
Nagi: It’s nothing… I’ll be back…!
*Nagi leaves in a hurry*
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Sonia: Are you okay, Nagi-san!?
Nagi: I’m still… fine.
But if anymore happiness starts spilling out… then things will start getting really bad. I need to regulate it…
…Let’s go, Sonia. We’ll bear with the numbing cold and hand out the flowers – we need to dilute these happy feelings.
Sonia: Gotcha!
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grayrazor · 7 months
Are there any non-mecha jet fighter anime other than Area 88, Battle Fairy Yukikaze and...
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...Girly Air Force?
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aeonmagnus · 1 year
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Transformers Masterpiece G Series Trainbots: (L-R) Getsuei, Seizan, Shouki, Suiken and Yukikaze.
(Kaen is due in Feb 2024.)
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yukikazes · 2 years
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Yumi Tada’s preliminary character sketches of Lynn Jackson, Lydia Cooley, and Edith Foss, from her artbook ‘Sittin in the balcony’. All images courtesy of this Twitter user.
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mazovshanka · 8 months
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That's what I read these days. The second edition of "The Crow" is awesome! I've always wanted to have that comic book. Many years ago it was unavailable in my country. I'm very happy I was able to buy it. I love the movie with Brandon Lee and I think the "The Crow: Stairway to Heaven" with Marc Dacascos was also great. I adore the mood of "The Crow" - dark, depressing, bitter. But on the other hand there is a spark of light in that darkness and some hope among despair. I don't know if I can say the comic book and the movie are gothic. Is there something you can call truly gothic? Although I used to wear black and so on, I've never considered myself a goth. I think I was drifting somewhere between classic goth, cyber goth and visual kei. Well, it was long time ago. And The Cure's "Burn" is still one of my favourite songs.
As for "Sentou Yousei Yukikaze" I really liked the anime so I decided to read the book as well. The MC, Rei Fukai is pretty much alike my own OC, Tristan. And it's not what you think - I had created my character before I watched the anime of read the book, so any similarities are purely coincidental. There are some great dogfights and nice music in the anime. I just love to fly! As a kid I wanted to become a fighter pilot. Ah, just a silly dream, but being up in the sky feels so amazing. Travelling by plane is not exactly that special feeling but I like it anyway. Flying a glider is definitely more exciting. It's more "private" since you're the only passenger and the cockpit is very small. The canopy allows you to see everything around and it almost feels like you are one with the sky and clouds. I really miss that feeling. "Yukikaze" somehow brought back those memories, although I'm not really fond of the stories or movies about aliens.
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 7 months
If you'd told me 7 years ago that I'd become hyperfixated with an anime about a sentient fighter plane and her autistic pilot who fight aliens I'd have looked at you like you were crazy, but here I am, spending approximately 3 hours scouring the internet for any kind of decently priced merch for my favorite weird tv show.
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trap-of-the-day · 1 year
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Todays trap of the day is Yukikaze from the anime Maou-sama, Retry!
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tetrix-anime · 1 year
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Megami Magazine May 2023 Issue (#276) - KanColle: Itsuka Ano Umi de
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lutik327 · 2 months
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machines that breathe and weep
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talvenhenki · 10 months
Fic: The Cruelest of Fates
Read Here
Yukikaze is brought back as Ea
I had the thought "what if Yukikaze was reborn as Ea" and ran away with it, without waiting for an answer. You're welcome. Also includes my oc Kanon because she simply would not stay out of my writing for this series :^)
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kurayamineko · 2 years
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satoshi-mochida · 2 years
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WILD BUNCH Productions and YUKIKAZE will host a closing stream for the Armed Fantasia: To The End of the Wilderness and Penny Blood “Double Kickstarter” campaign on September 30 at 6:00 a.m. PT / 9:00 a.m. ET / 22:00 JST.
The live stream, which will broadcast live from Tokyo, will feature a variety of interveiws, special guests, creator challenges, and new music. Additionally, extremely rare signed editions of the “Composer’s Dream” CD will also be made available via the Double Kickstrter campaign at 30-minute interviews. Only 10 signed copies will be made in total.
The companies will also host a special backer-exclusive “Golden Ticket” concert on October 1 at 3:00 a.m. PT / 6:00 a.m. ET / 19:00 JST. It will feature a special band by Yoshitaka Hirota and Akari Kaita, a performance by Shoji Meguro (Persona series, Guns Undarkness), a surprise special guest, and even more creator challenges. Details regarding how to watch the stream will be provided in a backer-only update prior to the event.
Double Kickstarter Campaign Success
Having raised over 260,000,000 yen with the support of more than 13,000 backers at the time of this writing, the campaign has allowed backers to purchase combo packs of both games, with additional digital and physical rewards, allowing them to receive two high quality JRPGs at a competitive price compared to that of most AAA JRPGs.
Both games will feature music by composers who are no stranger to the genre, with Armed Fantasia: To The End of the Wilderness‘s huge 100-plus track soundtrack set to capture the essence of “Westernpunk” by Elements Garden (Wild Arms series) and Michiko Naruke (Wild Arms series), and Penny Blood‘s soundtrack incorporating the sound of various international locales in the 1920s from Yoshitaka Hirota (Shadow Hearts series) and Akari Kaida (Breath of Fire series).
Famed Final Fantasy series composer, Nobuo Uematsu, has already officially joined the project, and will assist with research and insight into authentic Irish music for Penny Blood‘s American locales. In addition, SaGa series legend, Kenji Ito, is now officially on board to help create the authentic sounds of Japanese locales in Penny Blood. Uematsu, Ito, and Hirota share roots at Square Co., Ltd. (currently Square Enix), and Hirota is the bassist in Uematsu’s band “Earthbound Papas,” where he often arranges songs from SaGa series composed by Mr. Ito.
“Composer’s Dream” CD
A special “Composer’s Dream” CD featuring special arrangements, remixes, and original music from the two games’ key music collaborators, along with additional collaborations by Persona series composer, Shoji Meguro, and Lufia series composer, Yasunori Shiono, will be available to backers of the campaign. Only 500 copies will be produced and there are no current plans to release the album after the campaign. Since it is an add-on item, only backers qualify for purchase.
Armed Fantasia: To the End of the Wilderness and Penny Blood are in development for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC.
Watch a new set of gameplay videos below.
Armed Fantasia: To the End of the Wilderness
Field Test #3 Gameplay
Penny Blood
Emilia Attacks Gameplay
Sigil Slaughter Gameplay
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vandalia88 · 1 year
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dedeuteros · 2 years
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YUKIKAZE volume 1
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yukikazes · 1 year
EXCITING NEWS: As of today, all the Yukikaze novels (including Aggressors) have been uploaded and can be downloaded from this site (WARNING: site contains inappropriate advertisements) in Japanese. 
Though this may not serve fans who cannot read the language, it is nonetheless a step forward that these novels can now be easily accessed if you live overseas. 
Good Luck, Yukikaze
Unbroken Arrow
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