#Yunnan birding tours
Benefits of Going to Yunnan in China for a Birding Trip 
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Watching birds live their lives in their natural homes can be extremely relaxing for anyone. If you are wondering about going on a bird watching trip to an exotic country, then you should think about booking one of the popular Yunnan birding tours in China. Yunnan is popular for its rich biodiversity and its extensive natural landscapes are home to hundreds of different types of birds. Going on a bird watching trip to a different country also allows you to enjoy the benefits of traveling while you enjoy delving into your passion for observing the birds. 
Bird Species in the Yunnan Region 
The Yunnan Province of southwestern China is home to more than 900 species of birds. The lakes, mountains, plateaus, plains, and wetlands create a unique environment that provides the perfect space for these birds to grow and thrive. So when you come down to the birding sites in and around the Yunnan Province, you can see many different types of pheasants, hornbills, babblers, laughingthrushes, and parrotbills. The popular birds in the Yunnan Province include the White-cheeked Partridge, Kalij Pheasant, Great Hornbill, Long-tailed Broadbill, Golden-throated Barbet, and Lady Amherst’s Pheasant. 
Major Attractions of a Birding Trip in Yunnan 
Have a look at the main highlights of your birding excursion to Yunnan.
Visiting the Kunming Botanical Garden and Zixi Mountain Forest Park 
Kunming Botanical Garden is a huge garden that offers a nice habitat for different types of resident and wintering birds, such as Red-tailed Minla, Red-billed Leiothrix, Blue-winged Minla, and Japanese White-eye. The Zixi Mountain Forest Park is yet another popular site in the region that is known for its unspoiled natural beauty. It is also the home to many popular birds in the Yunnan region.
Next, you can visit the lush Alpine forests of Gonggangling covered with coniferous trees. These trees are home to numerous forest birds, such as the Sichuan Wood Owl, Blue Eared Pheasant, Blood Pheasant, Chinese White-browed Rosefinch, and Three-banded Rosefinch. 
Ruoergai is an extensive grassland spreading across the Tibetan Plateau that offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains. It is the perfect place for you to go for a nice drive. When you are here, you can spot some of the local birds, such as the Himalayan Griffon, Amur Falcon, Upland Buzzard, Common Kestrel, and the Black Kite.     
Importance of Availing Custom Birding Trips 
Exploring the unique sights and sounds of the Yunnan region can be an unforgettable adventure that is going to leave a lasting impact on your senses. However, you need some professional help to get there and visit the numerous notable birding sites for which the Yunnan region is so famous. Consulting with a reputed tour operator like Alpine Birding can help you to know all about the region in advance so that you can plan your trip properly.
Whether you take an academic interest in birds, love to watch them in their natural surroundings, or are an avid photographer, you can benefit a lot from booking a curated birding trip to China’s Yunnan Province. 
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timothy-haye · 4 months
Section 9 / The De-extinction Labs
General Layout:
Every aspect of Section 9 is inside of a large, eleven-story building. Each of the enclosures and tanks are set up for specific species from across the world, giving the section a mixture different environments from mountainous ranges and open plains to dry deserts and damp marshlands.
The section's halls are marked with signs. Guests can also get around by taking the section's underground trains.
There's a wide variety of restaurants, gift shops, and amenities, within the section, along with lab tours, fossil digs, and learning centers.
The Animals:
Amphibians: Golden Toads, Mountain Mist Frogs, Scarlet Harlequin Toad, and Yunnan Lake Newts.
Aquatic/Semi-Aquatic Mammals: Caribbean Monk Seals, Japanese Otters, Maui Dolphins, Sea Minks, Steller's Sea Cow, and Vaquita Porpoises.
Birds: Broad-billed Parrots, Carolina Parakeets, Cuban Macaws, Dodos, Great Auks, Kākāpōs, Laughing Owls, Mauritius Blue Pigeons, North Island Giant Moas, Oʻahu ʻakialoa, Oʻahu nukupuʻu, Oʻahu ʻōʻō, Passenger Pigeons, and Philippine Eagles.
Insects: Rocky Mountain Grasshoppers, Laysan Weevils, Saint Helena Earwigs, and Xerces Blue Butterflies.
Fish: Blue Walleyes, Chinese Paddlefish, Gravenches, Java Stingaree, Tecopa Pupfish, Thicktail Chubs,
Misc. Carnivores Animals: Amur Leopards, Falkland Islands Wolves, Formosan Clouded Leopards, Saber-Tooth Cats, Tasmanian Tigers, Zanzibar Leopards
Misc. Herbivorous Animals: Atlas Bear, Aurochs, Bluebucks, Bubal Hartebeests, Carpathian Wisents, North African Elephants, Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat, Pygmy Three-Toed Sloths, Quaggas, Saolas, Schomburgk's Deer, Toolache Wallabies, and Wooly Mammoths.
Other Animals: Acorn Pearly Mussels
Primates: Bornean Orangutans, Gigantopithecus Blackis, and Hainan Gibbons.
Reptiles: Domed Mauritius Giant Tortoises, Domed Rodrigues Giant Tortoises, Hanyusuchus, Hawksbill Sea Turtles, Pinta Giant Tortoises
Rhinoceroses: Javan Rhinoceroses, Northern White Rhinoceroses, Southern Black Rhinoceroses, and Western Black Rhinoceroses.
Aquatic/Semi-Aquatic Mammals:
Misc. Carnivores Animals:
Misc. Herbivorous Animals:
Other Animals:
[Amur Leopards, Bornean Orangutans, Hainan Gibbons, Hawksbill Sea Turtles, Kākāpōs, Javan Rhinoceroses, Maui Dolphins, Northern White Rhinoceroses, Northern Hairy-nosed Wombats, Philippine Eagles, Pygmy Three-Toed Sloths, Saolas, Scarlet Harlequin Toads, and Vaquita Porpoises]
[The Section Masterpost Link]
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absolutepandatour · 1 year
5 Different Subjects You Can Explore in Shangri-La
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Are you an avid photographer? Do you love to explore new places and their diverse cultures and pristine natural beauty? If yes, you can plan a trip to Shangri-La.
Shangri-La is a remarkable region located in the northwestern part of Yunnan Province in China. It is rich with Tibetan culture and alpine landscapes, providing numerous opportunities to capture the scenic beauty through a lens. No doubt, if you are choosing this place for your next photo trip, it won't disappoint you in any case.
China's photo trip to Shangri-La in Yunnan offers multiple subjects to explore. Keep reading the blog to take note of them.
Landscapes: Shangri-La is covered with beautiful landscapes which include the iconic Meili Snow Mountain range, deepest gorges, picturesque Pudacuo National Park, lush green grasslands, and the colorful local town. Mountain ranges are best for preserving the beauty of sunrises and sunsets. You can climb these ranges to witness this splendor.
Local cultures: Being an enthusiastic photographer, you will be impressed with the diverse cultures of this region. From traditional Tibetan villages to stunning Buddhist monasteries, you can document the daily life of the locals and preserve the golden roofs in a few clicks. Besides, you can even participate in the local Tibetan festivals to capture and experience their colorful celebrations. Indeed, spending time with the locals will not just ease your job of snapping pictures but even let you learn about some distinct places.  
Wildlife: Do you know Shangri-La is a home for natural habitats? If you explore the region, you will discover different variants of bird species. Here you can bring your branded lens to capture a few shots of these birds and cherish the memory forever. Apart from these avian creatures, Yunnan city is also known for its beautiful wildflowers. In the meadows and hills, you can find colorful flowers that create a vibrant ambiance all around. Of course, you need to reach the region in some specific seasons to get this pleasure.   
Night photography: If you are passionate about photography, your clicks won't just be confined to the few mentioned above. You will be eager to take pictures under the moonlight, away from city lights. Certainly, the clicks in the daylight will be breathtaking. But no doubt, the night photography will be a bigger achievement. The night sky and starry landscapes are worth capturing.    
Shangri-La is not just about exploring local cultures and traditions. You can witness the sacred snow-capped mountains, clear gorgeous lakes, bucolic villages, and much more. In short, the place is a hidden paradise and a heaven for photographers.
Are you getting excited to embrace the natural beauty and aura of this place? The first thing you need to do is find a reliable tour organizer and set up your China photo trip according to your convenience. Tour operators like Absolute Panda can be your trip partner for the next few days. Connect with them to enjoy a memorable trip to China.
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breakingasia-blog · 5 years
Power Over Mekong: The Mighty River Linking Five Countries and China
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China has long wanted to dredge the riverbed in northern Thailand to open passage for massive cargo ships -- and potentially military vessels. Ultimately a link could be carved from Yunnan province thousands of kilometers south through the Mekong countries -- Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. There, the river emerges into the South China Sea, one of the world's busiest shipping lanes and the centerpiece of Beijing's trade and security strategy for its Asian neighborhood. Under the tagline "Shared River, Shared Future" China insists it seeks only the sustainable development of the river and to split the spoils of a trade and energy boom with its Mekong neighbors and their market of 240 million people. But squeezed for value by the dams lacing China's portion of the river -- and further downstream -- the Mekong is already changing. Fish stocks have collapsed say Thai fisherman, and nutrient-rich land in the Vietnamese delta is sinking as the sediment flow shrinks. The river is rivaled only by the Amazon for its biodiversity, environmentalists say, but now endemic species like the giant Mekong catfish and river dolphins are facing extinction. Environment versus big business. Geopolitics throttling a lifeline to 60 million people -- big themes are playing out on a slow-moving river. The Mekong nations -- China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam -- are struggling to ensure sustainable development, jeopardising hundreds of millions of lives The Golden Triangle Sop Ruak village, Kilometre 1: Zhang Jingjin's tour group run through a catalogue of selfie poses in front of the "Welcome to The Golden Triangle" gate. Below swirls a few hundred muddy metres of the Mekong. It is the 'Golden Triangle', the intersection of northern Thailand with Myanmar and Laos, notorious for conflict and drugs -- but now getting plump on Chinese investment. "If more boats can pass there will be more visitors, more trade and more business," Zhang, a jovial elevator salesman from Beijing, says. "Business is good for everyone." First the shoal at the Golden Triangle will have to go -- one of 15 sets of rocks, rapids and sandbars impeding ships' progress along the river. Once removed and dredged, deep-hulled boats carrying 500-plus tonnes of cargo could make the 600 kilometers (370 miles) journey from Yunnan to the Laotian colonial-era jewel of Luang Prabang. The vision is to festoon both banks of the waterway with Special Economic Zones (SEZs) replete with condos, ports, rail and road links. From Laos much of the river has already been opened south towards Cambodia, two key -- and poor -- allies readily softened up by Beijing's investment billions. But for now proposals by a subsidiary of China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), the world's second-largest dredging firm, have stalled after sustained resistance by activists in northern Thailand. But campaigners say Beijing's grand ambitions rarely run aground on local opposition. "It's resource politics... eventually they want to turn the Mekong into a 'superhighway' for cargo," Pianporn Deetes of International Rivers told AFP. The Bend in the River Chiang Sean, Kilometre 10: A short drift downstream, Kome Wilai and his friends putter out midstream on long boats, returning to polish off beers and measure the river's changes in their nets. The catch has been pitiful for a fortnight, says the 38-year-old Kome, after a sudden drop in water level in the middle of the monsoon season. "I've laid my nets twice today and got nothing. It's the Chinese dam.... there is no water for the fish to swim or lay their eggs," he explains. The dam -- the Jinghong -- is one of 11 in China's portion of the river, established as part of a hydro-electric power drive to help wean the country off coal. Laos, through which a third of Mekong flows, plans many more across key tributaries. A thicket of agreements encourage upstream countries to announce when they plan to store or discharge large amounts of water from their dams. Still, in Chiang Saen the water often drops by 1.5-3 meters without warning. "When they close the gate at the dam it affects everyone along the river," says Prasong La-on, Chiang Sean district chief. "We have to accept it." The Chinese Embassy in Bangkok insists it does not hold back water for its farmers or turbines and "pays great attention" to the needs of its neighbors. Meanwhile other analysts say the finger is pointing in the wrong direction. "The reality is that China only accounts for 12 percent of the Mekong’s surface water," says China Water Risk, a Hong Kong-based consultancy. The "Western press has a pre-determined view of China which has spilled into how it approaches transboundary water," it says, arguing downstream dams including in Laos, where the Thai-owned Xayaburi has just come online, cause the biggest impacts. Whoever is behind the fluctuations, river communities fear the worst as each year brings unwanted records... the lowest monsoon water levels, the highest unseasonal floods. "When the river is gone, it will be gone forever," warns Grandpa Nart, a toothless 72-year-old boat driver, who has mapped the waters over a lifetime. The 'Golden Triangle', the intersection of northern Thailand with Myanmar and Laos was notorious for conflict and drugs but it is now boosted by Chinese investment The Rapids Khon Pi Long, Kilometer 45: If anyone has reasons for optimism about the river's future it should be Niwat Roikaew. The ponytailed conservationist leads 'Love Chiang Khong Group' which fought an unlikely 20-year rearguard defense against the blasting of the rapids. In March, 2019, the Chinese government formally shelved its plans after his campaign led the argument that both the unique ecology of the river and Thailand's sovereignty will be hollowed out by China’s dredgers. "This is the egg-laying area for fish and birds," Niwat says, gesturing to the boulders at Khon Pi Long, where water rushes as the river tightens up. "This key ecosystem used to be seasonal. But now the river levels depend on the opening of the dam gates and the ecosystem can't function," he says. "And they want to blast the rapids too? You'd kill the Mekong." Fish are confused by the shallow waters at spawning season, while nutrient packed algae -- favored food of the critically endangered giant Mekong catfish -– grows later and less prolifically. The risks sharpen as the river flows downstream. Cambodia's vast Mekong-fed Tonle Sap Lake produces half a million tonnes of fish each year, the main supply of protein for the country, says Bryan Eyler author of "Last Days of the Mekong." Further along the lifeline Vietnamese delta is on the retreat as sediment gets clogged behind upstream dams causing anemic embankments to collapse into the water. "Without that sediment distribution, the Mekong Delta will slip into the ocean faster than predicted," he adds. China disputes the gloomy scenarios while denying it has ever crafted firm engineering plans to blast the contested Thai stretch of water. There are fears for the Mekong's biodiversity as development spirals The Final Holdout Chiang Khong, Kilometer 67: It's festival time and elders with big smiles and elegant hand-woven skirts sit in front of the Golden Phaya Naga -- fire-breathing serpents of river lore -- presiding over the entrance to a Buddhist temple decorated with frescos of Mekong life. "Our culture and history are linked to the water," says Samai Rinnasak after kneeling for blessings from the assembly of monks. Economic growth and environmental change have long been reshaping that relationship. Eventually, China is "going to do what it wants," according to Thitinan Pongsudhirak, of the Institute of Security and International Studies, Chulalongkorn University, citing the build-up of dams, SEZs and cultivation of allies Laos and Cambodia. "This is China's way of power," he adds. An hour downstream in Huai Luek (kilometer 90-97) where pomelo plantations roll down to the riverbank, the final kilometers of rocks block Beijing's decades-old aspiration. Only ten fishermen remain in Thongsuk Inthavong's village, a trade withered by the decreasing bounty of the Mekong. The decay started in 2008, the former village chief says, when the Mekong turned brown overnight. "Older people said it was the Phaya Naga churning up the river bed to build a nest," he says. "But it was the same year the Chinese (Jinghong) dam opened." From his stilted wooden house he has also had a ringside seat to the transformation of the Laos’ bank from small-holdings into vast banana plantations –- all Chinese-owned. The same investors have tried to entice Thai farmers to sell up - as small river communities fear checkmate is edging closer. "China plays with us like a toy," Thongsuk says. "It makes me angry but we'll defend our river." PICTURES BY LILLIAN SUWANRUMPHA/afp Read the full article
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Ending off their epic Chinese birding tour around Sichuan, Glen Valentine and his group crossed over a tiny section of the vast Tibetan Plateau and then wound their way through Jiuzhai Valley and Tangjiahe National Parks to return to Chengdu, having added a plethora of mouth-watering specialities along the way. Top of the list was probably a family party of five of the beautiful and monotypic Przevalski’s Finch (Pinktail). Other major highlights included dozens of handsome Black-necked Cranes, Blue Eared Pheasant, an incredible 11 Golden Pheasants, endemic White-browed Tit, Przevalski’s Nuthatch, Spectacled Parrotbill and Slaty Bunting, highly sought-after Pere David’s Owl and Tawny Fish Owl, rarely seen Chinese Grouse, White-rumped, Rufous-necked and Tibetan Snowfinches, the strange Ground Tit, impressive Upland Buzzard and Saker Falcon, Chinese Sparrowhawk, the rare Chinese Grey Shrike, White-browed Tit-Warbler, Snowy-cheeked and Barred Laughingthrushes, Pere David’s Tit, Siberian Rubythroat, Eurasian Bittern, Brown-cheeked Rail, Tibetan Lark, Tibetan Serin and the uncommon Collared Crow. On the mammal front, they were entertained by Eurasian Wolf, Tibetan Fox, Tufted and Tibetan Roe Deer, Himalayan Marmot, Tibetan Macaque, Chinese Serow, Hog Badger, Chinese Goral and Golden Takin.
We look forward to seeing you on next year’s Sichuan and Yunnan trips!
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topbeautifulwomens · 5 years
#Top #Five #Things #to #Do #in #Lijiang, #China #bookme #celebritystyle #fashionphotographer #follow #friday #happyquote #igers #outfit #soccergirl #water
Lijiang, a captivating city in the Yunnan province in the southwest part of China, is mentioned for its breathusing organic surroundings and distinct ethnic minority’s society. And Lijiang has constantly been incorporated in the tour itinerary of attendees who travelling in China. In accordance to the neighborhood suggestion and travelers’ feedbacks, we proportion the adhering to prime 5 objects to do in Lijiang, which will carry you to uncover the lovely city from distinct angles and adore a remarkable trip.
One particular. Really like the peaceful year in the bar of Lijiang Previous City
There are a lot of bars and golf equipment in Lijiang. Bar-hopping has been an essential part of nightlife of locals and visitors. The bars are meticulously developed and exquisitely adorned, generating an easy and relaxed surroundings. You can drink cocktails, whisky, brandy, vodka, rum and any other you like. You immerse your self in the audio and dance, and view the cultural performances by local minorities. Some famous bars are Driving Aprolonged for Hundreds of Mile, A Meter Sun, Sakura. It’s not entirely a danger to enjoy a relaxed time in the outdated city, but as well can acquire a near contact to the local men and women’s life.
2. Trek alongside Tiger Jumping Gorge
Close to fifty kilometers absent from Lijiang Old Town, Tiger Leaping Gorge is one of the deepest and most beautiful gorges all around the entire world. It operates roughly fifteen kilometers along a torrential river flanked by the breathtaking Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (5,59six meters) in the side of Lijiang and Haba Snow Mountain (5,a few96 meters) in the side of Shangri-La. Standing at the foot of the steep four,000-meter cliffs and search up, the cliffs bounce substantial into thin air. The collection of the rapids roar and the voice resounds via the gorge. Its undulating trails on the mountain add us to the stunning cosmetic. As a result, the Tiger Leaping Gorge has been one of the most well-known trekking routes in China and draws a large few international trekkers to obstacle the wonder of mother nature. Just bring along your spirit of journey and count on to be mesmerized by extraordinary beauty.
3. Admire the natural beauty in Lashi Lake Mother nature Reserve and Wenhai Lake
Positioned the heart of the Lashihai Watersheld Nature Reserve and surrounded by eco-friendly mountains, Lashi Lake occupies an area of 265.6 sq.} meters and is a incorporaten of over thirty,000 migratory chickens. Against the end of Oct to early April, the birds appear here to escape winter season, as soon as is the ideal time to have a bird viewing. Apart from birdwatching, the popular experiences around the lake are biking, boating, and using horse.
The Lashi Lake and Wenhai Lake components which are prosperous in forest, h2o sources and have welcoming local climate and fecund soil, are the tremendous areas for pets, vegetation, but also property for the local Naxi, Yi, Han and Tibetan people. You also can pay a visit to check out the virtually village to attain know the native cultures and face their straightforward life.
4. Check out the “Oriental Kingdom of Females” in Lugu Lake and experience the matriarchal life style
Situated on the border in between Yunnan province and Sichuan province, Lugu Lake is regarding two hundred kilometers away from the Lijiang Old Town. It is renowned for its complete natural beauty and primarily for it unique culture of the local Mosuo people who are even now continue to be the matriarchal way of life.
Mosuo people will not officially marry. As an alternative, they’ve a specific ‘going for walks wedding’ tradition, particularly the passionate interactions previous only as long as they like and freely substitute their lover. In the matriarchal society, the women are guilty for generation and control, and the men are in price of managing the housework. The young children are lifted by the women and get the surnames of their moms’. It is thought to be the last practising matriarchal society in the world and many other Naxi customs missing in Lijiang are still in proof here.
5. Enjoy the grand cultural display “Opinion Lijiang”
“Impression Lijiang” is a grand outside cultural show directed by China famous director Zhang Yimou. Taking the spectacular Jade Dragon Snow Mountain as the history, the show is provided by over a hundred horses and five hundred local ethnic Naxi, Bai and Yi people decided on from sixteen different cities and villages, and vividly showcases the traditions and life of the local people. The well-design action, beautiful costumes and engaging tale will not disappoint you.
Carry you captivated by Lijiang? Consider a tour to this historical town combining the dramatic natural beauty and unique culture, which will offer you a wonderful journey of a life span! A Lijiang tour masking the over top 5 things will be a massive shock to you.
The post Top Five Things to Do in Lijiang, China appeared first on Beautiful Women.
source http://topbeautifulwomen.com/top-five-things-to-do-in-lijiang-china/
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goarticletec-blog · 6 years
The 10 Best Places to Dine in Beijing
New Post has been published on https://www.articletec.com/the-10-best-places-to-dine-in-beijing/
The 10 Best Places to Dine in Beijing
Yu at The Ritz-Carlton
With China’s role on the global stage ever-expanding, much of the nation’s culture and cuisine continues to find appreciative audiences everywhere. And yet, what we’ve seen internationally barely touches upon the various local and regional offerings in China. There’s such delectable diversity across the country and there are only a few cities in the world where you can access it all.
Unsurprisingly, in addition to its capital-status, Beijing happens to be a hub of culinary advancement. Each year only furthers the city’s reputation as a food-centric destination; both Michelin-star establishments and a slew of important fast-casual restaurants have cropped up in recent years. And there’s more to come.
According to Julio Guillermo, Asst. Director of Food and Beverage at The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing, the exchange of ideas internationally—from Chinese chefs traveling abroad and western chefs bringing new tastes in—is leading the development of the Beijing culinary scene. It’s also about collaboration. Guillermo’s team prides itself on working with “prominent culinary artisans” and “introducing Michelin-starred chefs to the local community.”
“All of this makes the market more mature compared with the last few years. Our guests are keen on the culinary experience, including the design of the restaurant, quality of the product, presentation of the dishes, and even interaction with our chefs,” Guillermo says.
In order to fully immerse your palate in the regional flavors, consider skipping some of the American and European fare on offer in Beijing. There are a number of places in Beijing executing them to perfection—Temple Restaurant Beijing Forbidden City, Daccapo, Wolfgang’s Steakhouse, and Opera Bambana, among them—but with at least eight major cuisine types from China, it’s worthwhile to commit to domestic dining. And while the chances to enjoy Peking duck will be numerous, consider only ordering the dish once. Keep reading below for our recommendation of the best place to enjoy popular and lesser known Chinese dishes alike.
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An elegant, atmospheric Beijing staple, Transit introduces diners to Sichuanese fine dining. Arguably, the simplest dishes are best here—and they happen to be the most traditional as well—but Transit has built its name for modernizing many classics, too. Some dishes happen to be wildly adventurous, a welcome balance to the more refined plates. As for the decor, it’s luxuriant and modern.
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Da Dong
For more than 20 years, Da Dong has been one of the most sought out Peking duck establishments—though you can’t go wrong on menu that features exquisite Chinese nouvelle cuisine. Due to its success, Da Dong has become a well-known, high-end chain and the Gongti location in particular delivers on environment.
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Yu at The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing
From an on-staff tea master to the most sophisticated Chinese courses, Yu makes indulging in the finest local cuisine very easy. One can explore variations on Bird’s Nest Soup or simply enjoy a dim sum brunch over the weekend.
“The restaurant offers premier and rare food in the market, i.e. sea cucumber, lobster, garupa, Wagyu Beef,” Guillermo says. “Chef Gavin Pan and his first-class team are great reflections of ‘The Art of the Craft’ philosophy that has made our guests indulge in refined Cantonese cuisine.”
To add to your travel experience, explore Marriott Moments. From sporting events to adventure tours, the premier rewards initiative unlocks doors as you discover the world.
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Green T House
Stepping inside Green T House, you can’t help but wonder if they’re serving peace and serenity as main courses. The restaurant and tea room offers a soothing view along with Chinese-Asian fusion. The sophisticated setting makes for a meal you won’t soon forget.
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Featuring traditional Manchu (or Manchurian) cuisine from Northeast China, Nanjia Xiaguan delivers a definitive Beijing experience, from its courtyard to the signature dishes and it’s carved menus.
Nanjia has long been a destination for locals, but knowledge of the caliber of the establishment’s food continues to spread—perhaps unfortunately as the space is rather small. Reservations are accepted.
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Nanmen Shuanrou
A known pleaser for the hot pot crowd, Nanmen Shuanrou delivers beautiful variations on the simmering, stewy meal. Served in a brass bowl, the components vary from traditional Beijing additions to Mongolian (featuring lamb, a guest favorite).
For anyone interested in spice, this is a must-stop destination. Our best advice: Go early or be prepared to wait.
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Xiao Yunnan
Yunnan, or Dian, cuisine covers the foods of many ethnic groups in a province of the same name in southwestern China. At Xiao Yunnan spice is valued and featured in many meals. Variations on rice, including bamboo, certainly help cut the heat.
We also recommend ordering meals with mushrooms, a regional necessity. And you’d be remiss to leave without a glass of rice wine.
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Lan Club
An icon of the city, Lan Club pairs high design with impeccably-crafted dishes. Lauded designer Philippe Starck masterminded the feast for the eyes over a decade ago. Each room in the restaurant is extravagantly designed—even the restroom. On the menu, the Mandarin fish always delivers.
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Xian Lao Man
A “not-so-secret” secret, Xian Lao Man is known for its delicious dumplings, which are served up at a reasonable cost. And there are so many variations—including pork, carrot, and tofu—that even picker palates can find something to enjoy here.
Beyond the dumpling, this restaurant also has traditional dishes one might not find anywhere else.
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Mei Fu JiaYan
Set along Houhai Lake, Mei Fu offers an ever-changing seasonal menu full of traditional dishes and lighter fare. All of the decor centers around famed Chinese opera singer Mei Lanfang, who came to prominence in the 1930s. As such, a visit to the restaurant does feel like stepping back in time to someplace both dramatic and chic.
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What Are The Advantages of Qinghai Birding Tours Should You Never Ignore?
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Have you always had a fascination with birds but aren't sure if you should go birding? A wonderful activity that is beneficial to your health and happiness is bird watching. As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, we are all experiencing some kind of social isolation, yet bird watching is a beneficial activity that you may do to re-energize yourself. A birding guide has all the information you require.
While you're here, though, we have some great information on the health benefits of bird watching that will help you decide and get going. Let's talk about the benefits of Qinghai Birding Tours.
Inhale Deeply to Enjoy The Freshness of The  Air
You're probably breathing the cleanest air possible because you're far away, surrounded by vegetation. Most cities have dirty air, which is bad for one's health. However, when you go bird watching in the forest, you breathe in fresh air that stimulates your body's physiological functions. There are numerous physical and mental health benefits of breathing clean air. Let's go over a few of them so you can understand what we're referring to:
● If you get some fresh air, your heart rate and blood pressure will decrease.
● If you breathe pure, oxygen-rich air, your digestive system will function more efficiently.
● You'll feel a lot better than you did before.
● Your immune system might benefit from some fresh air.
● Additionally, you'll have more energy to get things done.
These are just a few benefits that birdwatchers gain by watching birds outside. The list might continue forever.
Mental Benefits
You've already heard about the physical benefits of birdwatching, but you should also be aware that there are substantial emotional perks. The peaceful, calming, and serene practise of birding has been shown to greatly reduce stress and boost motivation in people. The sound of birds singing may also help people who are anxious or depressed. Additionally, watching birds helps you develop mental skills that help keep your mind alert. Additionally, you get better at observing things and remembering them. Overall, Yunnan birding tours are  really good for one's mental health.
To really comprehend how birdwatching operates, you'll need to practice it. The moment the head bobs and the tail flicks, you'll experience a joy that you won't be able to find anyplace else. Most importantly, you won't need to spend money on a gym, equipment, or anything else because the health benefits will be so great. You can contact a birding tour company to learn more about their techniques.
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itsiotrecords-blog · 7 years
There’s something intoxicating about hiking to a distant land where you’re out of your comfort zone face to face with an adventure. Unfortunately, few dare to answer this call and consequently miss out on the experience of a life time. If you are one of the ones who has not embarked on this adventure, we hope that these 25 extremely exotic hiking locations will convince you to do otherwise.
#1 Laugavegurinn Pass (Iceland) Laugavegurinn, il is Iceland’s most popular hiking trail and connects the nature reserves Landmannalaugar and Þórsmörk. The trail offers a great variety of landscape: mountains in almost every color, great glaciers, roaring hot springs, big rivers and lakes. If you decide to embark on this adventure however, come prepared. The full hike takes about four days to complete.
#2 Kungsleden (Sweden) Passing through one of Europe’s largest remaining wilderness areas, is a 270 mile (440 km) hiking trail that is between Abisko in the north and Hemavan in the south. Maintained by Svenska Turistföreningen (STF), hikers can experience Kebnekaise, the highest mountain in the country, Sarek National Park, and several small towns and villages.
#3 Mount Kailash Pilgrimage (Tibet) Mount Kailash is the center piece to four religious pilgrimages: Bön, Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. According to the practice, the hike should be done in one full day. However, this is a difficult task since the path around the sacred place is 32 miles (52 km) long and the mountain itself has never been climbed.
#4 Mountains of the Moon (Uganda) Also known as Montes Lunae or the Ruwenzori Range, this mountain range in Uganda makes up the highest ranges in Africa. The total length of the hike is 38 miles and it takes 6-7 days to cover.
#5 Cloud Forests (Costa Rica) There are five cloud forests for you to choose from on your next hiking trip to Costa Rica. There’s La Paz Waterfall Gardens and San Ramon in the Central Highlands, San Gerardo de Dota, Santa Maria de Dota and Bajos del Toro in the Central Highlands. Aside from hiking, there’s also horseback riding, bird watching, a coffee tour and even some guided tours.
#6 Milford Track (New Zealand) If you have seen Lord of the Rings then you already know how this hiking trail in Fiordland National Park looks like (well at least parts of it). Once described as the finest walk in the world, the Milford Track is one of New Zealand’s most popular walks with approximately 14,000 people completing the hike each year.
#7 Kalalau Trail (Hawaii, USA) Hawaii is home to tropical islands, beaches and volcanoes. It’s also home to this challenging trail that runs approximately 11 miles (18km) and takes about a day or two to complete (depending on your fitness level).
#8 Israel National Trail (Israel) Crossing the entire country of Israel, this hiking trail spans 580-620 miles (1000 km). Despite current world issues, this trail gives hikers a taste of Israel’s unique and historical landscape.
#9 Zion Narrows (Utah, USA) Ranked #5 in the National Geographic’s America’s Best 100 Adventures, this hiking trail is a section from the canyon located on the North Fork of the Virgin River. The term “The Narrows” refers to the hike going through the canyon and also the actual place itself which covers 3.6 miles (5.8 km). Wading or swimming through the waist-deep waters can be a challenge for some hikers but is one of the highlights in the entire 16 mile (26km) expedition.
#10 Fitz Roy Trek (Argentina) Cerro Fitz Roy is one of two mountains (the other being Cerro Torre) within Los Glaciares National Park and one of the two favorite hiking destinations in Patagonia. El Chaltén, a small mountain village below the mountain; used to help secure the disputed border with Chile but today, its existence is solely for tourism purposes. The stunning hike also enables you to take a side trip to Perito Moreno Glacier, one of the best attractions on the continent.
#11 Pays Dogon (Mali) Inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1989, Pays Dogon or French for Dogon Country, is a region in south Central Mali and is where the Dogon people have settled in for 1,000 years. Bandiagara, one of the major towns hiking through the smaller villages is one of the popular routes. Visiting this culturally rich plateaus and lowlands would allow you to experience very simple and spiritual way of living.
#12 Petra Kingdom (Jordan) From the Dana Reserve to Petra is a 50 mile hike (which takes approximately seven challenging days). Nevertheless, when you stand in front of the exquisitely carved and fabulously stunning façade of Al Deir , you’ll realize that the arduous hike was well worth it.
#13 Cappadocia (Turkey) Hiking through cave churches and houses carved in the rocks makes Cappadocia in Central Anatolia, Turkey, another culturally rich experience. Several of these underground cities were used by early Christians as hideouts. Other than hiking through all these famous structures, there are also hot air balloon tours and cross golf that you can try out after exploring the scenic cliffs and caves.
#14 The Snowman Trek (Bhutan) It may not be the longest hiking trail on this list, but 24 days away from modern civilization can be challenging in it of itself. Bhutan is known for being a blessed and peaceful place and houses one of the most difficult hikes known to man; the Snowman Trek. What makes this trail particularly challenging is 11 peaks, the highest peak reaching 17,400 feet (~5,303 m).
#15 Great Ocean Road (Australia) The Great Ocean Road is actually the world’s largest memorial dedicated to those who fell during World War I. The 243-kilometer (151 mi) stretch of road along the south-eastern coast of Australia was constructed by returned soldiers from 1919 to 1932.
#16 Annapurna Circuit (Nepal) Spanning 150 miles within the Annapurna mountain range in Central Nepal, this circuit is one of the most popular hiking trails in the world as Nepal is known as the hiker’s mecca. One of the three in this list from this country, the trek takes between from 17 – 21 days to complete.
#17 Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) The highest free standing mountain in the world, Mount Kilimanjaro’s is a stunning 19,341 feet (5,895 m) above sea level. There are six official trekking routes by which someone can climb the mountain. However, if you’re just up for hiking rather than climbing then you can traverse the easier routes.
#18 Great Himalaya Trail (Nepal) Although there have been sections in Nepal and Bhutan that have already been walked on and documented, this 2,796 mile (4500 km) trail is still an ongoing project. It is a proposed route along the length of the Great Himalayan range from Nanga Parbat in Pakistan to Namche Barwa in Tibet, China. It’s projected to be the longest and highest alpine walking track in the world when completed.
#19 Yoshida Trail, Mount Fuji (Japan) Around 300,000 people climb this popular cultural destination in Japan from July to August. Though it is a natural site, the Japanese consider it as a holy mountain along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku. It has been submitted to become a World Heritage site because of its relevance in the country’s cultural history.
#20 Yunnan (China) This mountainous province and an exotic hiking location in China boast a fusion of cultural, historical and environmental diversity. It is riddled with lakes, rivers, rice terraced mountains, national parks, and three UNESCO World Heritage Sites, two of which are natural sites and the other one is a cultural site. The popular Tiger Leaping Gorge is one of its popular hiking spots.
#21 North Drakensberg Traverse (South Africa/Lesotho, uKhahlamba/ Drakensberg Park) The Drakensberg is the highest mountain range in South Africa, crowned by the “Amphitheater” which is a three-mile-long up-to-3,280-foot-high wall of rock. The range forms the border between South Africa and eastern Lesotho. Moreover, the uKhalhlamba/Drakensberg Park is protected by UNESCO as a World Heritage site.
#22 Torres del Paine Circuit (Chile) One word to describe this popular hiking location: gorgeous. That’s why almost every avid hiker in the world wants to experience this mesmerizing Patagonian sensation. Here, blue glaciers create a vivid dichotomy with the earth, exotic animals–like the guanacos–dot the hillsides, and the mountains themselves take on wild and incredible shapes.
#23 Inca Trail (Peru) The Inca Trail is by far the most famous trek in South America and is rated by many to be in the top 5 treks in the world. The 26 miles (43km) trail combines beautiful mountain scenery, lush cloud-forests, subtropical jungles and a stunning mix of Inca paving stones, ruins and tunnels. To top all this off, the final destination of the trail is Machu Picchu, the mysterious “Lost City of the Incas”.
#24 International Appalachian Trail (USA, Canada, Greenland, Scotland, Spain, Morocco) Although there is already an established international trail which covers 1900 miles (3058 km) there are plans to extend the trail towards Great Britain and North Africa. It currently runs from the northern terminus of the Appalachian Trail at Mount Katahdin, Maine, through New Brunswick, to the Gaspé Peninsula of Quebec, after which it takes bridge crossings to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, a ferry ride to Newfoundland, and then continues to the northern-easternmost point of the Appalachian Mountains at Belle Isle, Newfoundland and Labrador.
#25 Mount Everest (Base Camp Trek, Nepal) Mount Everest towers above the Khumbu at over 29,000 feet and is perhaps the most iconic symbol of challenge and adventure on Earth. At the base of the mountain, you can stand face-to-face with the fabled Khumbu Ice Fall and its towering seracs. You can also hike to the summit of Kala Patar at over 18,100 feet for an unobstructed view of Everest’s windblown summit.
Source: List25
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tybrosholidays · 7 years
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Classic China Summer Holiday: The Classic China Tour covers the most breathtaking scenic areas of Guilin, Beijing, cultural city Xian, Yunnan and Yangtze River cruise. You can see the Great wall, iconic Beijing 2008 Olympic Center, the Bird’s Nest & Water Cube for an unforgettable holiday experience.
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psitrend · 7 years
Kunming is a beautiful city and is the capital of China’s southern province of Yunnan.
It has a population of 6 million and has a lot of points of interests for study abroad students. While you’re out of the classroom on the weekend, here are some of the places to visit in Kunming, China.
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Dianchi Lake is one of the most popular Kunming tourist attractions. You will not only see the lake view, but also the western hills. While you’re there taking in the views, you’re able to see and feed the seagulls. There are a lot of them!
Since 1984, seagulls from Siberia have come to Kunming every winter. It gives locals a good chance to look at them and it gives study abroad students the chance to feed them and get up close and personal with the birds. The people of Kunming love to go to Dianchi Lake to greet the birds and feed them treats.
“Dianchi Lake is one of the most popular Kunming tourist attractions”
Keats School has done day trips to Dianchi Lake to enjoy the seagulls and the views. We believe it’s one of the best things to do in Kunming.
If you’re in China during the Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year, you’re going to want to do some sightseeing in Kunming.
The Spring Festival is the most important Chinese festival celebrated at the turn of the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar.
No matter the places you go to visit in Kunming, China, you will see Chinese New Year decorations and celebrations. Festivities in the city run from the evening preceding the first day, to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first calendar month. You won’t want to miss that event. The New Year falls on the new moon between Jan. 21 and Feb. 20. In 2018, the Chinese New Year will be on Feb. 16 and it’s the Year of the Dog.
During each Spring Festival, Keats School decorates the halls with beautiful red decorations. One year we had extra large Chinese characters hanging on the wall of 福(fu2), which means happiness and luckiness.
“The Spring Festival is the most important Chinese festival celebrated at the turn of the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar.”
During the Spring Festival, there is one place where students can do a lot of Kunming sightseeings. It’s called Festival Street.
Along the street, you’ll see different vendors selling interesting things and delicious food.
Festival street activities last about one month. You can buy anything you need for the holidays on the street. It’s named Festival street for a reason! Keats students and teachers explore Festival Street whenever it’s in the city. We encourage our students to get out with the locals because they’ll immerse themselves in the culture, and they will also have a chance to use their Mandarin skills.
If you’re looking for something to do in Kunming, China on the weekend, why not take a day trip to minority village? While it may sound a little strange, Yunnan is home to the majority of China’s recognized ethnic groups. About 38% of the province’s population are members of minorities.
Because of this, Yunnan has started to build natural villages, giving prominence to the architectures of various nationalities.
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Keats has taken students to visit the Minority Village in the past by bus. Students think it’s a good place to visit in Kunming, China because it’s one of the biggest minority museums in China. Students have said they learned a lot from the museum and saw exhibits they hadn’t seen before.
Inside the minority village, you can see the different villages and minorities visible in China. Students are able to experience the different cultures while staying in Yunnan.
There’s nothing better than fresh cut flowers, that’s why the Dounan flower market is a must-do thing in Kunming, China.
The market is the largest flower wholesale market in China and it’s located in the Chenggong district of Kunming.
Before entering the gate of the flower market, students can easily smell the fresh fragrance of the flowers. It’s the type of smell that can stop you in your tracks. Once inside, you’ll see four to five hundred flower stores and vendors.
“The market is the largest flower wholesale market in China and it’s located in the Chenggong district of Kunming.”
At Keats, we know this flower market is on the sightseeing bucket list for many Kunming students, which is why we plan trips there. While students are at the market, it gives them a chance to practice their Mandarin language skills, while learning how to bargain with the vendors, which is something a lot of Chinese vendors allow.
Kunming and the surrounding areas offer so many tourist attractions. Not only are there tourist attractions, but there are also attractions that are free that locals even love exploring, which means it’s worth the trip!
Keats School in Kunming China has eight different study options including intensive one-on-one and a Study + Tour option. The professors at Keats school are able to help you plan trips for your weekends while you’re outside of the classroom. We encourage all students to get outside of their rooms and explore the many things to do in Kunming China.
Contact Keats School today to apply for Mandarin lessons or to learn more about what we offer.
5 Things To Do In Kunming Kunming is a beautiful city and is the capital of China’s southern province of Yunnan. It has a population of 6 million and has a lot of points of interests for study abroad students.
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Bird Watching Tour in China: Discover The Best Places
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The winter season makes us indeed lazy, but choosing to get out of the cozy blanket and head for a bird watching tour in China will never be a regretful experience.
It is time to escape the daily busy schedule and head to China’s top destination for bird watching. China is home to various bird species that are a real treat to the eyes of a bird enthusiast.
Furthermore, bird watching is one of the best ways to give your mind a dose of peace and refresh your inner soul. So, are you confused about which places to explore in China for bird watching? Continue reading the article below.
So, let’s get started!
Rongcheng is said to be the largest Swan habitat, covering an area of about 10,500 hectares. It is one of the top swan lakes in the world and is perfect for birding trips in China. As soon as the winter season knocks on the door, thousands of swans from Siberia fly towards Rongcheng Swan Lake for wintering. Watch the swans dancing, singing and walking with your naked eyes, which promises an enchanting experience overall.
Xinjiang Bayanbulak Swan National Reserve
Towards 400km northwest of Korla, high-altitude wetlands form the second-largest grassland area in China, with the Kaidu River flowing through it. In addition to this, it is known to be the famous Xinjiang Swan Lake, which is the natural habitat for the massive population of wild swans. Don’t forget to capture some of the captivating moments when the bird’s wings are fanning.
Poyang Lake
This lake is a must-watch destination for birding trips in China. It falls in the Jiangxi Province. The place holds around 310 species of birds and is famous for being the “Kingdom of the Stork.” You will come across a huge number of rare birds here, like Grus leucogeranus, Grus japonesus, and many more. Along with this, the place is also popular as the largest migratory bird wintering area in Asia since around 1 lakh birds fly here during the winter season.
Dongtan Wetland
Another best place for bird watching tour in China is Dongtan Wetland on Chongming Island. It is about 100 km away from downtown Shanghai. Being one of the most preferred winter birding parks, it spreads around 24 square kilometres. Every year, from November to February, the place holds an annual birding festival, welcoming the largest number of birds.
This place provides a warm and mild climate in winter. Red-billed gulls from Siberia have spent their winters here for almost 30 years. For birding trips in China, add Dianchi Lake and Chuhu Park to your bucket list in Yunnan. Head to the Botanical Garden in Xishuangbanna, which has a tropical climate, to watch the Crimson Sunbird and Anastomus Oscitans from close by. However, the Napa Lake wetlands in Shangri La are home to noble birds like black-necked cranes, attracting numerous photographers worldwide.
Wrap Up Time
Finally, these were the places ideal for bird watching tour in China. You should add these destinations to your bucket list and make sure to visit them once you land in this country. Don’t forget to carry your cameras as you are going to capture the most beautiful birds behind the lens.
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Top Reasons to Select A Birding Tour Company for Your Qinghai Birding Trip
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Do you wish to take a trip to see birds? You must then go to China. It has a lot of beautiful places where you may watch different beautiful bird species. If you are a serious birder, this excursion might greatly enhance your birding opportunities. If you want to observe a beautiful flock of some really rare bird species, you can travel to Shanghai or Yunnan.
To begin with, though, you must pick a reliable travel agency that provides such intriguing adventure vacations to remote locations. To ensure that your bird-watching holiday runs as well as possible, make sure they provide you with all kinds of bookings and reservations as well as the support of a local expert. The Qinghai birding tour is the most well-liked of the several kinds of birding vacations. Let's look into why.
Take a Guided Tour
What is the largest group size possible? Your encounter's quality might be significantly impacted by the number of your group. It is not ideal to have fifty bird watchers following one guide, but the size of the effective group may vary depending on the terrain. One leader may be adequate for 20 people in open spaces. On narrow forest tracks, a group of no more than eight or nine individuals under the direction of one person is usually acceptable.
It's Not Just Birds
Some tour operators design their birding tour in China so that you can experience beautiful natural beauty, authentic Tibetan culture, amazing landscapes, and grazing wild animals in addition to viewing magnificent birds. This journey is also taken by many wildlife photography lovers who want to get beautiful bird images.
Explore Incredible Species of Birds
Any reputable company will organize a trip to the province of Qinghai that lasts more than ten days. You might view some of the most stunning bird species at this time. This trip gives you the chance to witness a number of endangered species, including the Great Cormorant, Black-necked Crane, Ruddy Shelduck, Pallas' Gull, Brown-headed Gull, Ibisbill, and others. Therefore, this tour is the greatest option for your birding experience if you are serious about birding alone.
What do you think, then? Find the best tour company in China that organizes such birding excursions in Qinghai, Sichuan, or Yunnan, and embark on a once-in-a-lifetime journey.
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3 Places You Should Never Miss During Yunnan Birding Tours
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Yunnan is one of China's most diversified provinces. Travelers from all over the globe are drawn to the site's stunning combination of superb scenery and people. The province is a magical land, from Tiger Leaping Gorge to the Yunnan Rice Terraces. You may rediscover life in a fresh light by taking a short vacation through Chengdu, Dali, Kunming, and Gaoligong Mountains. Aside from the lovely crystal water, blossoming flowers, lush grass, and spectacular fauna, there is another attraction waiting for you in the middle of the forest.
Yunnan, known as the "colored clouds in the south," is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular regions to locate exquisite birds living in the lap of nature. Continue reading to know what awaits you on Yunnan birding tours.
Things to See in Yunnan
Yunnan Province, located in southwestern China, has recorded about 940 bird species, including approximately 40 indigenous species, ranking first in China in terms of total bird species. Yunnan Province, which has many distinct landforms including mountains, lakes, plateaus, marshes, and plains, provides different habitats and climate conditions for different bird species. Because of its unique position, excellent climate, and rich habitat, this province has become a major wintering stop for migratory birds.
This china birding tour itinerary takes you to the most prominent birding spots in Yunnan Province, such as the Gaoligong Mountains, Yingjiang, Ruili, and Nabang, which are home to a wide variety of pheasants, babblers, parrotbills, and hornbills.
There will also be some unique species such as White-cheeked Partridge, Rufous-throated Partridge, Red Junglefowl, Kalij Pheasant, Silver Pheasant, Mrs. Hume's Pheasant, Lady Amherst's Pheasant, Gray Peacock Pheasant, Gray-headed Swamphen, Great Hornbill, Oriental Pied Hornbill, Golden-throated Barbet, and Blue-throated Barbet, etc.
Kunming, Yunnan Province, China
Yunnan Province's capital is Kunming. The famed botanical garden, located 12 kilometers from Kunming city, is a popular tourist destination. The property spans 44 hectares and is densely forested with plants, trees, and flowers. Because of the abundance of greenery, the region is a favorite of birds. On a lovely morning, you may take a stroll in the gorgeous woodland. Red-tailed Minla, Blue-winged Minla, Red-billed Leiothrix, Japanese White-eye, Black-breasted Thrush, Blue Whistling Thrush, Black-headed Greenfinch, Crested Finchbill, Brown-breasted Bulbul, Long-tailed Shrike, and Spot-breasted Scimitar Babbler are all possible sightings.
Dali is an autonomous prefecture in the northwest corner of Yunnan. Because of its captivating geographical environment and the popularity of 25 ethnic minority groups, the town is ready to provide a one-of-a-kind experience to every visitor. A variety of bird species may be seen in the lovely surroundings. Spotted Nutcracker, Black-browed Tit, White-browed Fulvetta, Rusty-capped Fulvetta, Yunnan Fulvetta, Stripe-throated Yuhina, Rufous-capped Babbler, Elliot's Laughingthrush, Spotted Laughingthrush, Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler, Chestnut-tailed Minla, and Yellow-throated Bunting steal the
Mt. Gaoligong
The mountain ranges may be found on the western side of Nujiang Valley. The Gaoligong Mountain Nature Reserve deserves a special note here. 26 bird-watching locations are bio-resource-rich. Because of the wealth of biodiversity and high elevation, this area is home to 43.4 percent of Yunnan's bird population. Among this vast array, 40 endangered bird species are even protected on a national level. Mrs. Hume's Pheasant, Silver Pheasant Hill Partridge, Mountain Bamboo Partridge, Rufous-throated Partridge, and Rufous-throated Partridge Scimitar Babbler, Slender-billed Scimitar Babbler, Some common birds to see are the Red-tailed Laughingthrush, Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush, Blue-winged Laughingthrush, Scarlet-faced Liocichla, Gray-winged Blackbird, Long-tailed Thrush, Wedge-billed Wren-Babbler, Gray-bellied Tesia, Slaty-bellied Tesia, Chestnut-headed Tesia, and more.
If you want to explore the birds in Yunnan, contact Alpinebirding for consultation.
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