#china birding tour
Benefits of Going to Yunnan in China for a Birding Trip 
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Watching birds live their lives in their natural homes can be extremely relaxing for anyone. If you are wondering about going on a bird watching trip to an exotic country, then you should think about booking one of the popular Yunnan birding tours in China. Yunnan is popular for its rich biodiversity and its extensive natural landscapes are home to hundreds of different types of birds. Going on a bird watching trip to a different country also allows you to enjoy the benefits of traveling while you enjoy delving into your passion for observing the birds. 
Bird Species in the Yunnan Region 
The Yunnan Province of southwestern China is home to more than 900 species of birds. The lakes, mountains, plateaus, plains, and wetlands create a unique environment that provides the perfect space for these birds to grow and thrive. So when you come down to the birding sites in and around the Yunnan Province, you can see many different types of pheasants, hornbills, babblers, laughingthrushes, and parrotbills. The popular birds in the Yunnan Province include the White-cheeked Partridge, Kalij Pheasant, Great Hornbill, Long-tailed Broadbill, Golden-throated Barbet, and Lady Amherst’s Pheasant. 
Major Attractions of a Birding Trip in Yunnan 
Have a look at the main highlights of your birding excursion to Yunnan.
Visiting the Kunming Botanical Garden and Zixi Mountain Forest Park 
Kunming Botanical Garden is a huge garden that offers a nice habitat for different types of resident and wintering birds, such as Red-tailed Minla, Red-billed Leiothrix, Blue-winged Minla, and Japanese White-eye. The Zixi Mountain Forest Park is yet another popular site in the region that is known for its unspoiled natural beauty. It is also the home to many popular birds in the Yunnan region.
Next, you can visit the lush Alpine forests of Gonggangling covered with coniferous trees. These trees are home to numerous forest birds, such as the Sichuan Wood Owl, Blue Eared Pheasant, Blood Pheasant, Chinese White-browed Rosefinch, and Three-banded Rosefinch. 
Ruoergai is an extensive grassland spreading across the Tibetan Plateau that offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains. It is the perfect place for you to go for a nice drive. When you are here, you can spot some of the local birds, such as the Himalayan Griffon, Amur Falcon, Upland Buzzard, Common Kestrel, and the Black Kite.     
Importance of Availing Custom Birding Trips 
Exploring the unique sights and sounds of the Yunnan region can be an unforgettable adventure that is going to leave a lasting impact on your senses. However, you need some professional help to get there and visit the numerous notable birding sites for which the Yunnan region is so famous. Consulting with a reputed tour operator like Alpine Birding can help you to know all about the region in advance so that you can plan your trip properly.
Whether you take an academic interest in birds, love to watch them in their natural surroundings, or are an avid photographer, you can benefit a lot from booking a curated birding trip to China’s Yunnan Province. 
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dirtyzucchini · 7 days
Let me tell you something about Constable Benton Fraser, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who came to Chicago on the trail of the killers of his father and, for reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture, remained, attached as liaison with the Canadian consulate.
There was never much of a chance that Benton Fraser would grow up to be what most people would casually call "a regular guy". From what little insight we get, no part of his childhood would have been standard. Looking at the anecdote Bob Fraser tells in Burning Down The House, we can assume that Benton grew up in a cabin his father built by hand, in a location remote enough and far enough North that living in an igloo during the construction of said cabin was a sensible thing for his parents to do. We see one picture of the family in Good For The Soul, and it is a puzzler:
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Now, I wasn't around in the mid to late 1960's when that photo would have been taken, and I've never been to Canada's far North, but everything I could find anywhere tells me that that is not how (white!) people dressed then even up there, and no, I am not talking about trendy fashion. Everyday clothing looked pretty much like what we still wear today, but the people in that picture don't. They look like this guy - a European "explorer" whose picture was taken in 1889:
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Side note: I am purposely only talking about white/western/mainstream society in this post because the Frasers are white.
I wonder what drove them to live like this, and so far away from other people? It can't have been money, Bob would have made enough to support them. I guess Fraser's parents weren't regular guys, either.
Anyway, we know that Bob wasn't around much while Fraser's mother was alive, and even less so after her death. He handed the boy off to his own parents instead, and Benton was raised by literal, real life Edwardians, people who were born before the invention of band-aids and bubblegum. Public radio broadcasts were cutting-edge technology when they were young. I'm glad they stepped up, and I'm sure they did their best, but they weren't exactly well-equipped to prepare a child for life in modern society. They were librarians who for some reason moved around a lot. When he was eight, they took Benton to a place called Alert - the northernmost continously inhabited place in the world. Unfortunately it's inhabited by soldiers and researchers who go there on six-months-tours, but it counts because the tours overlap. Fraser would have been the only child there, and, the times being what they were, his grandmother the only woman. What librarians would have done in Alert we can only speculate about, but between this and the fact that they helped build an English-speaking library in China before the revolution, we can safely assume that we are dealing with another generation of non-regular Frasers here. This idea is supported by the fact that they fed Fraser arctic tern for Christmas. Each bird weighs under 130 grams, and they would be hard to come by in northern Canada in December because they migrate to literally the other end of the world after breeding in the Arctic in the summer. I'm not entirely certain what this says about Fraser's grandparents, but it sure says something, doesn't it?
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This bird may scream, but it does not scream Christmas to me.
Listen, I LOVE that Fraser's grandmother taught him how to box from a book.
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Perhaps this one from 1922? In this book, the writer "not only describes the various moves of the game and traces the history of their development but deals comprehensively with all the factors of body and mind that make for success in the ring." Sounds like a good choice!
I do NOT love that she taught him that being in the hospital for three weeks after being shot in the back is "babying yourself". She also raised Bob Fraser to be the kind of man who tells his journal "The last time I saw Ben, he was barely tall enough to reach my belt. When I said good-bye he shook my hand. Never a tear or a complaint. Seven years old and he's already a stronger man than I'll ever be. Someday I'll tell him.", and friends, I DO NOT love that at all. That is NOT a healthy way to deal with emotions, and I think we can agree that growing up guided by these mindsets did Fraser no favors at all. Look at how he lives! His apartment is absolutely bare-bones, no personality, and after that he literally lives in his office - this is a man who gets REALLY uncomfortable when he's comfortable, is what I'm saying. Everything he does is quick and efficient to make sure he can devote a maximum amount of time to his work. I'd bet "Idle hands are the devil's workshop" was a very common saying in the Fraser household.
Look, our upbringing informs who we become, how we approach life, how we connect to those around us. Fraser's view of the world is completely different from how other people see it. Long before he's displaced geographically, he's displaced in time.
He grew up without TV, and while living with librarians gave him access to a large number of books, the libraries they worked at served remote communities and would not have been all too well funded. It stands to reason they would have had to make their books last as long as possible, and that new purchases would have been, shall we say, conservative? Copies of beloved classics, books with general appeal, books with educational/instructional value would have made up the bulk of purchases. Even if the librarians wanted to, there would have been little money to buy more controversial books - and it doesn't seem likely that Fraser's grandparents would have wanted to. Fraser probably grew up on adventure tales, detective stories and, as a teen and young adult, the classics from Austen to Shakespeare.
When he gets to Depot in Regina to become a Mountie he has nothing in common with the other recruits, and that continues throughout all his career. There's a reason he's still a Constable after all his years of service: he's severely lacking in social skills, and his upbringing is a big part of that problem*. He was raised by Edwardians on Victorian (and Romantic) mores and values, and bridging that gap to make connections with people from what's essentially a different world is very, very hard.
TL,DR: Fraser is both an alien and a time traveler, and we should remember that when we talk about him.
*Other parts of the problem are his queerness and neurodiversity, but those are topics for another essay. Please know that by problem I do NOT mean there's something wrong with him, I mean that there's something wrong with how society treats people like him.
Big thank you to @sammaggs and @sammeltassensammelsurium for excellent feedback!
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operafantomet · 3 months
Hi there. Idk if this question has been asked before, but where do they find the fabric for the mandarin coat?
I'd say there are as many answers as there are versions of the costume. But some pointers:
Many of the early versions were made with partly antique embroidered textiles from the Qing dynasty. These were a popular collector's item in the 19th and 20th century, to the point where some of them were never intended for use in China, they were made as souvenirs. The original design by Maria Bjørnson suggests antique Chinese fabrics, with a hem showing the classic water-and-mountain motif, the collar being a cloud collar usually seen in women's attires, and the hat a decorated winter hat.
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Even if all these costumes are made from scratch rather than bought, I thought it could be interesting to compare it to a similar authentic Chinese robe - without the collar - dated to the 1890s and sold by Augusta Auctions some years ago:
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This robe has a badge - an insignia of rank and position of a Mandarin official in the Qing dynasty. These were used both on the chest and back, and the bird or otherwise animal told onlookers all they needed to know, if the person was a civil or military employee, and how high up in the system they were. The badge is not featured in Bjørnson's design, but it has showed up in a few costumes. Maybe most proninently in Michael Crawford's original West End costume, which Bjørnson would have supervised:
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To my eye it looks like many of the elder costumes (up until c. 2005) used a lot of antique or vintage fabrics, but used on a new base. Details to look for is distinct gold couching, re-used badges, special dragon embroideres, antique collars and tabards, fringework etc. I am quite convinced some of these are antique or vintage details, like the China blue tabard with water and mountain motif used by John Owen-Jones in West End c. 2002:
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The cuff and details on one of the original Australian robes, and continued to shine in the World Tour up until 2015 or so:
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The tabard of the Swedish/Danish version, first made in 1989 and still in use in 2019 (maybe not too visible in the stage photo, but definitely when seen up close backstage!):
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As a contrast, newer costumes tends to be brassier and bigger, with less embroidery and more appliquées and trims. It looks to me like they mostly rely on new fabrics and materials, maybe with some elements of elder embroidery. This collar made for Ben Lewis in West End is a good example:
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And the recent German version, here seen on Mathias Edenborn in Hamburg. It's a costume I got to study up close and I couldn't spot any particular details that looked old:
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And this Broadway robe with what looks like a very new firefly pattern brocade and embroidered gold trims appliquéed on:
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So why this change? I guess it depends on what is available. Qing textiles has become more rare on the open market, and more expensive. Elder textiles are also more fragile, while new textiles will handle wear and tear, dry cleaning etc. better. Some of these costumes are used on stage up to eight times a week, after all.
Due to the fragility of elder textiles, they may have to cover the embroidery with fine mesh. This dulls down the effect and makes the costume heavier, so it's not always ideal. Better then to use new stuff. Here's an early 1990 West End one covered with mesh, to protect the embroidery:
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A last aspect is of course that by using elder textiles you may put specific meaning-bearing motifs on which ideally shouldn't be there. The beautiful embroidered Indian fabric with elephants and swastikas - in India a symbol of the sun and good luck - which appeared in an unfortunate Danish Elissa skirt is a good example. Luckilly the costume crew knew what they were doing by including the five bats - for good luck - on this Broadway Mandarin robe:
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If you plan on making your own costume, I would say: Create the base of a Chinese brocade (silk or synthetic) with predominantely black or dark blue base and polychrome pattern. As an inspiration, here's the robe, collar and tabard - fairly undecorated - in making for Scott Davies (top) and Ben Lewis (bottom) in West End, with photos generously shared by head-of-costume Ceris Donovan:
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For the back: Go for a main motif, and build everything around that. And layer! Gems upon trims upon embroideries upon fabrics. The more structure, embroidery, couching and details the various materials has, the better. And then add some on top of that.
Note that it varies if a production do both the robe, cloud collar and tabard. Some production only do two of these, some do all three. But whatever the case, the costume with hat should create angles, texture and lines that makes him stand out from the previous scene, where he wore black and white and tight-fitting clothes.
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In West End I think they source it in the many amazing fabric shops in Brixton and Soho, including Borovicks, as well as antique dealers. For Broadway I know a lot was bought in the fabric district in NYC. Other productions may be equipped with fabrics and trims from these, or they may source their own materials locally. I also noticed that the Chinese (left) and Japanese (right) productions tend to use more red and purple fabrics for their versions, which I would think was also locally sourced:
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So yeah. As many answers as there are versions out there...
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pnchinbeez · 1 month
Guys I been feeling ideas recently
And one happens to involve jedtavius
So basically ig for if the ever make a show (the show idea has been popping up on my timeliness alot) I need an episode where a different museum goes on tour and end up at the natm museum (I forgot the name soyeah) I believe it would be funny if they had most of the same human exhibits but a little different like
Wax figurines jed, octy, and the Mayan leader guy ig idk
Instead of teddy you have like jfk (he was consider one of the nicest u.s. presidents)
Marco polo as an famous explorer
King tut or cleo would be a cool one for their pharaoh, I lean towards tut because I feel like a snarky and sarcastic 12-13 yr old would be amazing
Maybe we could get calamity Jane? Idk shes cool (she's the most famous frontier women ever basically, put her name in Google and no joke what shows up is probably what happened, also fun fact I was named after her!!)
Also because we have lancelot in the one movie I feel like we would need one of these three arthur, merlin, or Guinevere, maybe bother merlin in arthur idk that idea needs to be thought of more on my side
Instead of dexter we could have miss baker the squirrel monkey (the first monkey to survive coming back from space) but I think have laika the dog the first animal to go to space,one because I live her and it's so sad what happened to her (search up Brenning Davis's "Fist Dog In Space" IT will make you cry) but also I just think it's such a cute idea in general
Miniatures could be Qin Shi Huang the self declared first emperor of China and the guy that made the terracotta army to protect his tomb in the after life and maybe Victorian Era people
I would also like a plague doctor played by Adam Sandler (WE HAVE OWEN FUCKING WILSON AND HUGH JACKMAN, NOW GIVE ME ADAM OR ONE OF THE RYANS) but beggars can't be choosers
Maybe some Greek pottery and the pictures on them come to life like the paintings in the movies
Instead of a t-rex or dinosaurs like that there could be a prehistoric ocean exhibit like whale bones and fish that swim (was that already in a movie?? I feel like it was , idk)
I feel like cool extinct animals should be on display are
barnary lion: the biggest baddest lion ever its the ones the Romans would fight in the colosseum and are also bigger than normal lions they look bad ass
PASSENGER PIDEON: these guys don't get enough recognition they where the funniest things ever and also one of the best messaging pigeons, then we hunted them to extinction, so yeah
Carolina parakeet: this bird went extinct fairly recently, in the late 1980's actually, they where one of the smartest non domesticated parakeet species out there and they are super cute ( another fun fact when my dad went fishing as a 20 something yr old with his dad in the 90's he swears he say a flock of them in an old tree by the lake they were in , around the Georgia border to North Carolina, pretty cool honestly)
Also the night guard for this group should be played by Jack black, channing Tatum,or ben schwartz
Nicky should be either walker scobell or a (and hear me out ) Tommyinnit with gyed brown hair
Weirdly they both kinda are like nicky I lean towards tom because in the animated movie nicky is very skinny and walker randomly got a bit buffer as of now soooo idk
So basically this story would follow the timeline of the museum got super popular so they go on tour to another one and meet this group but as both the night guards figure out nicky and the other night guard try to warn each other that their exhibits come to life (nicky ahkmenrahs tablet but the other night guards is a curse on the sarcophagus of which ever Pharoah they have) and then all the exhibits meet and stuff and I think that both big jed and octy and little jed and octy to be dating their respective partner,, it would make for a funny scene
Also big jed and big octavius should basically parent king tut if that's the Pharoah because the real jed grew up with about 10 brothers and sister and had one son of his own supposedly. But octavius was recorded to have a daughter Julia the elder (a very fascinating women) that he exiled and was recorded feeling guilty about it and probably died feeling guilty about it also I think they would make a good parenting duo
Jfk and teddy interaction are strictly mandatory
Marco polo and wea
The miniatures from our museum and the miniatures from the other need interactions NOW
lots of jedtavius please and thank you
King tut and ahkmenrah interactions????
I feel like their relationship would be cool uncle and nephew type
The extinct animals go on a rampage at some point (we need cowboy jed and herder teddy )
Miniature escapades and shenanigans as always
And that's it
Maybe I'll finally write a fanfic for this series but idk
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J2 Main Panel SFCon 2023
Look at these cuties 💖
Would Jensen consider doing a musical? And would he ever tour with Radio Company?
He has done a musical. In high school, he was in West Side Story, he had never sung in front of anybody before and he played Tony who is singing all the time; he would definitely entertain the thought of doing something like that again but he does mention it's a lot of work. As far as touring with Radio Company they've talked about it, he's not sure about a regular tour like hopping in a van and cruising down the highway but maybe setting up a few dates in a few different cities. And it's so cute when he says this Jared goes fingers crossed.x
What's the wildest thing they've ever experienced?
Jared shares the story about how the last time he had been in France, a couple years ago, they had been staying at a hotel with a beautiful view, and he and his friend Josh were hanging out when their wives came running up to them and told them there was a guy outside who looked like he was about to beat a girl up. So Jared and his friend run out to intervene, and it seems to be a couple and they're yelling at each other, so his friend stands next to the girl and Jared stands in front of the guy. And the dude is aware of his presence but he's not looking at him, he and the girl keep screaming at each other in French until the girl storms off down the road. After the girl storms off, Jared tries to ask him if he's good and the man looks up at Jared, pauses, and goes, in French, 'Supernatural?' and Jared replies "oui", and the guy goes "bon" (meaning good) starts to walk away with his friends then stops, looks back at Jared and goes "merci, Sam Winchester."
The fan who asked this question said that originally they were going to ask something else that was mind-blowing but he forgot so Jensen jokes that's the wildest thing that has happened to him. That poor dude took a roasting 😆
Of all the places they've traveled to which has been their favorite? Excluding Italy and France. And what's one place they'd love to go to that they haven't been yet?
Jensen says Jared is just as good in Italy as he is in France, and he tells the story about how one time they were eating this amazing meal in Italy and the chef came out to ask how their food was, and Jared unknowingly did a rude hand gesture, which is basically the equivalent of flipping the bird in Italy (because in Texas this gesture means something else), to tell the chef the food was good! And Jensen was like 'that's not what you think it means', grabbed his hand, slowly put it down, and told the chef it was delicious thank you, and the chef walked away with a frown on his face. I highly recommend taking a look at this moment because it has heart eyes, some hand-holding, and they sound like such husbands! x
To answer the question, Jensen says Switzerland. Japan is also one of his favorites. A place he hasn't been to that he wouldn't mind checking out is the Maldives. Jared semi-echoes, saying he loves Switzerland, that he went there the first time because between s1 and 2 Jensen talked about going there so Jared and his brother went on route to China, and he's never been to Japan but he'd like to go. x
Is there a song that whenever they hear it it's ingrained that they associate it with SPN?
Brothers in Arms absolutely guts Jared. And Space Oddity will forever make him think about Dean chasing a fairy, basically, any David Bowie song will make him think of that.
Jensen mentions the Heat of the Moment by Asia and Jared tells him that at least he was dying instead of watching his brother die. Jensen also says his daughter found an older pop song and kept playing it on repeat in her room for like a week or so, so now he associates it with his daughter. The song in question is Sk8er Boy by Avril Lavigne. That kid has excellent taste 🎶
Out of any creature, existing, extinct, or mythical which would they like to saddle up and ride?
Without a second of hesitation, I think the fan hadn't even finished the question, Jared answers dodo bird and Jensen Liger. Then Jensen changes his mind and says Falkor.
And then, for some reason, he decides to basically serenade Jared by singing a little bit of Neverending Story which is very sweet and cute 🥰
Jared also says save a horse, ride a Winchester 😏 And the husbands continue husbanding cause the fan says they would want to ride a T-Rex and Jared does the little T-rex arms and is rubbing against Jensen (I don't know how else to word it okay) and Jensen just goes '15 years' and Jared replies '18'. They are so married, I can't deal with them. x
After years of Ken jokes on SPN were they disappointed to not be cast in the Barbie movie? And if they had gotten cast what Barbie would they have wanted their wife to be aka what career?
They are both so confused by this question, they don't know anything about Barbie. Jensen didn't even know Barbie had a career he thought she just shopped! And when I tell y'all I gasped literally gasped when I heard this man say that, Barbie has had over 200 jobs!
Anyways, Jensen does say that if can work with Margot Robbie he's happy. And Jared says he knows what career he wouldn't want his Barbie to have and it's deep sea exploration. I'm not explaining that joke but I had to pause I was laughing so hard I almost ended up in tears 🤣
What is their favorite department, or most important department when working on a film set?
Jensen replies that all departments are important, film and tv shows cannot be done without all departments every one is a link in a chain. That being said he would be very sad if the weakest link in the chain was catering cause there's nothing like breakfast coming off a truck like that and keep in mind breakfast is the first meal of the day, when you're filming a lot of times throughout the week the call times keep rolling later and later and later so by Friday you're not showing up to work sometimes until the sun's going down so like 7pm or whatever and then you're filming till 2, 3, or 4 in the morning but when you show up at 7'oclock they're serving breakfast out of the truck. In all seriousness, you can't do anything without the camera department, without the grips, the electrics, the props, everybody is integral, it takes an army of people to do what they get to do, and it's sad people don't get to see all of their faces because nothing gets done without them.
Jard says probably two of the most important but maybe get the least credit for what they do are the writers and the editors. It begins with the writers and it requires grips, electrics, actors, and wardrobe, and it ends with the editors.
Jensen says he knows Jared's favorite crew position: the onset carpenter. Because he breaks sets constantly it's like putting a real-life moose into a set he just breaks stuff all the time and Dave, their on-set carpenter, always had his belt ready to go and just follow Jared around putting more screws in things as needed; Jensen started noticing things were being much more greatly reinforced.
The person who asked this question is in film school and Jensen advises them to do as much as they can because the more cross-department they can work in, the greater their knowledge of how the whole thing works then they can really pick and choose where they want to be. x
What's their favorite gag reel that did not make it into the bloopers?
They think for a minute, then Jensen answers there were quite a few, that they've often said there could be a six-hour cut-together gag reel per season. They would have enough for a whole season of gag reels after two episodes.
Jared says that when SPN started back in '05 they were shooting on film so they would have to print the film, send it to get developed, then send it down to LA but in later seasons they were shooting digital so it was on a memory card and to save gags on the memory card is much easier and less expensive and time-consuming than on actual film to get processed so that's one of the reasons why they became longer.
Another thing is that when you're on set and they call action, they start rolling the camera, whether it be on digital or on film, and something goes sideways and it becomes a gag of some sort when they call cut unless the director says to print it meaning save it essentially then it's lost forever. And sometimes, directors, because they don't want to seem like they have no control on set just won't print it because they don't want to send down 30mins of the boys horsing around even with it coming under budget and under time and all that cause it makes it seem like they just let them fool around. And because they weren't producers on SPN they couldn't say when to print a gag so he thinks they lost a lot.
Jensen says there was a lot of trying to get each other to break out of character while the cameras were rolling, it was a game they did quite often and was so fun that a lot of the crew would join them, they wouldn't print that cause the crew could get into more trouble than the actors but there was one time where Dean was on the case (this makes Jared go "tell me more"- gentlemen what is with you this con) and he had to go down a basement. He opens the door and down the stairs in the basement were the camera operator, their focus puller, and their camera assistant all in their undies and there were sex toys in the basement that they adorned on themselves so he opened the door and what made him crack wasn't them doing that because he was used to them pulling that stuff it was that the guest star had no idea yet he didn't react.
Jared says MC and Alex were the easiest to break, Jensen is very difficult to break but there is one person who was undefeated: Jim Beaver. So much so that he's not sure if this made it into the gag reel but when Bobby is in the hospital and Sam and Dean are standing at the foot of the bed talking to him, Jared realized the camera was below the chest area and he reached under the sheet and started pinching Jim Beaver's toes but he didn't break so Jared grabbed his other hand to secure his right hand and pinched as hard as he could on Beaver's big toe but he still didn't react until they called cut and he called Jared a damn idiot 😂 After that Jared gave up on trying to make him break. x
Next fan volunteers at a non-profit dog rescue, called doggie protective services! And they use themes to come up with names for the puppies they rescue so could they come up with a creative theme and a handful of names for the puppies? Requirements they have to be G rated and no SPN because they've already done that theme.
Jared says Barbie professions like Astronaut the chihuahua 😂 I actually really like that name for a chihuahua not gonna lie.
He also suggests favorite amendments, and Jensen jokes 5 doesn't talk much, that's hilarious! Then Jared says but one won't shut up and Jensen replies one won't shut up so two shot him these men are on point today with the jokes 🤣
(For the international fans the fifth amendment is the right to not self-incriminate, the second is the right to bear arms, and the first is free speech)
Jared also suggests favorite vice presidents...from colonial France. Jensen suggests colors with a Mr. or Ms. in front of them, but they've done that already, and the same with breakfast foods. Jared says conspiracy theories, Jensen says James Bond villains but Jared reminds him that's not always G, and the jokes they make leave me in tears x
During the final question, the fan compliments both of them and Jared replies that Jensen is a handsome dude, and Jensen says staring at Jared is like looking into the sun awww Jensen! That's so sweet 💛
The last question is basically if Jensen's hair is longer than Jared's now, he says no but the fans are not so sure; he also comments that actors a lot of times don't cut their hair or shave until their next role cause then it's easier to cut it and do what's needed for the particular character. x
And with that, we wrap up this panel, and let me tell y'all I don't do justice to how married they were acting during this thing it was wonderful.
J2 Main Panel SFCon 2023
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theredwritingwitch · 2 years
Soulmate Fic- The Big Tug
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Pairing: Tim Rockford x reader
Soulmate AU:  Tugging - being able to feel a tug in the direction of your soulmate if they are feeling a strong emotion
Words: 1.6
Warnings: language, mention of knives
Note: It was the shoulder gun holster that hooked me, so I had to make this cheesy noir style soulmate fic.
Grandma had told you to be careful, to follow the detective, become close to the man but not too close. It had started back at the mansion. Grandma had instructed you to be available for any questions about the home before she went off for her afternoon nap. You had seen this coming, Detective Tim Rockford could barely keep his eyes off of you from the moment you had greeted him at the door. Even though Grandma clearly knew more about the mansion than you, he seemed to direct all his questions towards you. 
While the two of you were alone, you watched him run his eyes all throughout the mansion. They traveled over cobweb corners and chandeliers, over dusty vases, mopped floors, and refurbished bookcases. He asked question after question while wandering through the dinning room to the parlor room to the garden. The detective’s questions started out innocent enough. When was the mansion built? How much land in total? How many rooms? And then the questions took a turn. You followed him, observing him as he continued. How long have you lived here? What do you do for a living? How do you single handedly manage the mansion? Why so many knives? You smiled like a cat in a window watching a little bird flutter back and forth. His eyes roaming everywhere but always landing back on you.
For his own part, Tim knew yours never strayed away from him. He felt them in the back of his head, saw you lurk in the shadowed doorways as he walked circles in rooms. He connected with your own eyes every time he looked through the reflection of a mirror or the brass of a light fixture. You couldn’t look away just as he couldn’t himself. 
The detective couldn’t wrap his head on what was going on. The mansion was a mystery in itself, from unruly gardens to pristine dining rooms, Tim walked through every room. His eyes looked over every odd collection in the mansion, porcelain china, taxidermy, and finally the collection of knives. He had so many questions and zero answers. The one thing that seemed right, that seemed perfect and indeed the most logical thing in the mansion was the pull and need Tim had to be near you. But he was here for work, he wasn’t a man to cross the line of professionalism.
Soon enough, night started to creep in. The detective was satisfied for now with his tour and with a firm yet tender handshake to bid you goodbye, a spark zapped through your body upon connection. Tim most had felt it too as he drew his hand quickly back and cleared his throat. You watched him behind the curtain of a window as he walked down the path and to his car. A wave of sadness washed over you as you watched him enter his car. The detective paused before sitting, casting a glance back to the mansion, somehow meeting your eyes so he could wave another goodbye to you. A little ping of mirth erupted in you at this just as you saw a small smile grow on his face.
It took Tim all his will power to force himself into the car. His hands tightened and heart hammered away while he drove down the foggy roads back to his office. Upon every side street he passed, he contemplated turning his car around. He knew there was more to be found back at the mansion but it had nothing to do with the case, it was all about you. They way you smiled at him. They way you watched and patiently waited for him to snoop around and answered all his questions, even the more intimate ones. Tim slowed down at a red stop light, the image of your soft hair lit up by a sliver of sun that entered into the curtained windows ran through his head. He huffed and thumped his head on the headrest as a longing filled him. 
“Honestly I don’t know what is going on in my head,” Tim said to himself as yet again he felt the need to turn around. “Damn it. She just might be a vixen but I bet she tastes like a boysenberry pie.” 
The light turned green as he kicked the car in gear and continued his drive forward but there was a nagging feeling piercing Tim’s chest and thumping up to his eyes. He glanced at the rear view mirror and spotted another car driving behind him, not too close but not too far.
You couldn’t help it though, looking back as you drove at a steady pace behind the detective, you didn’t know if this is what your grandmother meant by staying close. Your feet had started running before your brain could catch up, and before you knew it you were speeding your way after the man occupying your head. You didn’t know exactly why you needed to follow him, just that you had no choice but to go. Calmly now that you had caught up with Tim, you thought back to the logistics of this case. Maybe the detective knew something you didn’t, maybe this is what your gut feeling is supposed to do. Maybe you were just being careful and protecting your grandmother. After all, you didn’t know this private eye. He could be up to anything. 
Continuing to shadow the PI, you drove down the street passing streetlight after streetlight, slowly turning and pacing yourself to follow the detective. Fighting the urge to hurry after him, you drove past a parking lot that he had turned into, opting to park on the other side of the building, where you could be just an alleyway away from him. Tucked away in the shadows of the building you scampered to the parking, just catching the view of the detective walking down a path to his office. You observed him dig for his keys as a fog from the late night tunneled your vision, forcing you to move closer. You gasped silently as you pressed yourself into a doorway, feeling your heart thump out of your chest as you suppressed the urge to run straight to him.
“Get your shit together. This is for Grandma and the mansion,” you strummed up a bit of courage before you turn back to the office, just to have your heart sink at the lack of sight before you. Rushing over to the door and glancing through the speckled glass window, you spotted the figure of the detective pausing midway up the stairs. Sidestepping away from the door, you hid and counted for a minute. Your hand held firm to the knob of the door as you counted, finally reaching a satisfactory amount of time, you gave one look up and down the street before slinking into the building.
Tim knew someone was watching him, following him. He felt it the entire drive, and felt it as he climbed the stairs. But he wasn’t scared or cautious about the approaching steps he heard echoing from the stairs. He felt reassured as he felt the inevitable tug him to the direction of the stairs. He sat at his desk, littered with newspaper reports and miscellaneous photos and files settled near a stack of old Chinese takeout, and watched. Tim leaned back in his chair waiting as he heard the first few steps timidly approach, his heart and muscles thrumming with each echo. And as your steps finally turned steady and confident, a smirk formed on Tim’s face as it finally seemed to occur to the two of you what was happening.
You swung open the door to his office at the top of the stairs and leaned your silhouetted figure on the door, directing your eyes right to Tim. The glow of a table side lamp brightened a sliver of your face so that Tim could take in your own smirk.
He filled his wrinkled white dress shirt nicely as his broad shoulders stretched under the restrictions and buckles of his gun harness. You watched him from the door, tucking your hands behind your back just as his own ran up and down the arms of his seat.
“You know there’s protocol about fraternizing with clients, suspects,...people of interest.”
“Which one am I?” you asked as you leaned off the door and slowly closed it behind you. 
“To be determined, the case is ongoing you see.” 
You nodded as you took step by step around his desk, letting your hip brush against a stack of files causing Tim to reach out and grab your hip, stopping you in your route. 
His deep brown eyes looked bottomless as he stared up at you, “Careful girl.”
Your own hand landed on his, giving him a gentle squeeze as he tugged you forward to stand between his legs.
“I can be a careful Detective, I promise,” you sighed as your hand involuntarily ran through his wavy hair. You hadn’t broken eye contact once since entering, but you both had confidence in the tugs of your souls that every movement, thought, and word was purposeful. “Let me show you.” 
Pushing your soulmate to lean back in his chair, you lifted your legs over his. Straddling his lap just as his hands hefted you up, your own hands grasped his shoulder harness and tugged him forward. Tim sucked in a breath and tightened his grasp on your waist as his lips crashed into yours. The unavoidable tug between the two of you turned insatiable. His tongue parted your lips just as you grinded down on him. Both of you groaned while tightening your hold on each other. Finally after you don’t know how long, you both pulled your mouths off each other for a mere inch in distance.
Tim caught his ragged breath, “Damn.”
You smiled into him, “So about this protocol.”
“To hell with protocol,” he whispered into your lips as he surged forward.
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aggimaginary · 1 year
The Bad Guys: The Musical chapter 1 - In The Heights
Hello everyone. I am very sorry I couldn't post this story during Summer because I had a lot of projects, I had planned for my Summer. Since it's almost the first semester, it's not too late. It's still Summer, so I consider this a summer story.
Anyway, I decided to make The Bad Guys: The Musical because Mr. Piranha was my favorite character because he was voiced by Anthony Ramos, who previously voiced my favorite Trolls character, King Trollex from Trolls World Tour. Both movies are owned by DreamWorks, and it inspired me to create the Bad Guys story involving music, like in Trolls. Sam Rockwell, who voiced Mr. Wolf, also featured in Trolls World Tour as he voiced Hickory.
Since Piranha proved to be a singer in the movie as well, I wanted to create a story that focused on him, his singing talent, and his dream to be in a musical band and be famous for his talent, but I would also like some drama as his friendship with the rest of the Bad Guys was put to the test when he almost fulfilled his dreams.
I also got the idea of this story from my childhood movie, The Fox and the Hound 2.
So, for now, enjoy the first chapter of my story.
In a beautiful morning, the sun rose from the horizon, and shined the busy streets and buildings of Los Angeles. Birds were now flying in groups, a few vehicles were already driving on the road, and people just woke up and ate some breakfast. It was a busy city, but not as busy as a group of former criminals/vigilantes whose hideout was under the bridge of the 6th Street Viaduct.
An alarm clock suddenly rang, until a green fin slammed it down to turn it off. Mr. Piranha, the short but strong and terrible Bad Guy, woke up exhaustingly on his little bed. He didn't want to get up in the morning, but every day was another day. All his friends couldn't do whatever they wanted without one would still be in their room. Piranha let out a big yawn before sitting up on his bed. He stared at the pictures of himself and his friends on the wall, having great moments with each other. Piranha smiled as he was happy to be living here in America with his friends ever since he left his home country, Bolivia.
Piranha tiredly left his bedroom while rubbing one eye with his fin. When he was headed to the fridge, he noticed on the calendar that it was his week to take out the trash. That was just great. He just woke up, and now he found out it was his turn to take out the trash. Well, everyone on the team got their part, so this was his part now. Piranha marched away to pick up all the trash around the hideout to take them away.
He came out of the tunnel, carrying a huge garbage bag. The bag was so big and heavy for a small little guy, but Piranha could handle carrying this bag. He is the "muscle" of the team! He could carry heavier than a ton of bricks. No harm was done to this little guy. His team's hideout was located under the 6th Street Viaduct bridge, so taking out the trash would be a lot. They had to keep their location hidden, despite their reputation having changed. The trash bins were somewhere up from the hideout, and someone had to search for the trash bins. And that someone had to be Piranha. It was his day to take out the trash after all.
Piranha took the long way to find the trash bin. Expectedly, he stepped on the gum. Luckily, it was on the sewer lid. He had to kick the gum off his shoe and leave it on the sewer lid.
Piranha: Lights up on Los Angeles, up at the break of day I wake up and I got this little waste I gotta throw away Pop the grate at the crack of dawn Sing while I walk down the alley
Hey, what's up, papa?
Finally, he found a trash bin at the side of the road. Surprisingly, Piragua Guy was traveling with a cart of Piragua.
Piragua Guy: Ice cold piragua! Parcha China Cherry Strawberry And just for today, I got mamey!
Piranha then encountered the Piragua guy with a friendly greeting...
Piranha: Oye, piragüero, como estas?
Piragua Guy: Como siempre, Señor Piranha
Piragua guy handed a cup of piragua to Piranha for free, and proceeded to push his cart to sell more of his piragua.
Piranha appreciated Piragua Guy's offer as he continued singing while heading back to his hideout.
Piranha: I am Piranha, you probably already heard my name Reports of my looks are greatly exaggerated Exacerbated by the fact that my syntax Is highly complicated 'cuz I emigrated To the single greatest little place in the USA: Living the Bad Guy lifestyle! I love it! Ah man, I'm a front of it And beyond that Ever since I left my fam I haven't gone back For now, I gotta get on lots...
When he arrived at the hideout, Piranha headed to the fridge to make breakfast, but he found out that something was wrong...
Piranha: No good ingredients? Hold up a second Why is everything in this fridge plain and lacking? Let's just go outside now, explore the streets 'Cuz no vibrant tastiness for the early breakfast isn't light and sweet!
Just then, Wolf came out from his bedroom, "Hey, Piranha!"
"Wolf, we don't have enough to make a good breakfast," Piranha reported.
"Oh, we can go to FasTogether. We can head there for a cheaper meal."
Piranha: That was my amigo, Wolf, you already know how he surfed He practically brought me here, this territory is his turf Now you're probably thinking: "Is this a life of crime?"
Then, Snake came out of the room, rubbing his eye with his tail, "Is it already wake-up time?"
The other two Bad Guys came out from their respective rooms as well, just woken up from bed.
Piranha: Well, you never know the pack Hands on wheel, picked me up to teach me how to never lose a step back Keep the crew together for goals, take them to the escalator I hope you're writing this down, I'm gonna test ya later
Ignoring Piranha just suddenly singing for no reason, the other Bad Guys proceeded to the elevator where their car was, and Piranha just followed them while singing
Piranha: We already passed the test, on another level Change the views, switch sides, but only temporal Fighting to wisen up, mischief for loosening up And ever since our work rise up Our lives and shells became strong and tough And to us, that's just enough
The Bad Guys hopped into the car, fastened their seatbelts, and Wolf drove out of the tunnel from their hideout. They found a way to head into the road, and headed to Boyle Heights, where most of the residents started singing about their everyday lives.
Boyle Heights residents: In the heights I flip the lights and start my day There are fights And endless dreams And prices to pay
In the Heights I can't survive without café I serve café Yet the future seems like a million years away!
En Boyle...
Meanwhile, back at the Bad Guys' car, the song continued with Piranha.
Piranha: Next up to my side, there's Snake Doesn't deal with anything flakey But he's good at being shady And behind me was Shark, his heart is caring and tender My big brother who knows the strings, used the plaster
Snake: Piranha, are you singing again?
Piranha: Got to get into the good mood, chico!
Snake: Just pick up the pace, don't keep us waiting
Shark: It's still right up ahead there, babe
Piranha: Yeah, a man's gotta dream...
Wolf: Don't mind him, he's all excited 'Cuz he'll be meeting his bug again!
Piranha: (immediately blushing) Don't look at me, I have been expecting him to cook all morning this week!
Tarantula: FasTogether runs all night
All: There's plenty to eat!
As the Bad Guys arrived at their favorite restaurant, Wolf parked the car on the sidewalk, and, just in time, two ladies they knew just crossed the crosswalk.
A journalist mother was followed by her daughter, who copied the former's every move when they walked the crosswalk.
Mira: And then, Mira walks into the room... With Mariposa and new dooms! Another blonde ditz today Refusing to groom the tomb
It's true! He protests he's innocent his whole life.
Piranha: Mira
Mira: Court says he burnt workers like smores.
Piranha: Mariposa
Mira: But his autocrats will give him more!
The Bad Guys: No way! Seriously?!
Piranha: That's right. The Rose girls!
Mira and Mariposa: Hey, Piranha!
Mira and Mariposa waved at the Bad Guys, who waved back at them before heading towards the door of the restaurant. Piranha was left behind and Mariposa rushed towards him and hugged her favorite babysitter.
"Will you babysit me again?" The little girl asked.
"Si, chica. Sure I will," Piranha rustled her hair, making Mariposa giggle.
"Mariposa!" Mira called out to her daughter, gesturing that it was time to go.
Mariposa released Piranha from the hug and skipped along to follow her mother before turning back to her favorite babysitter, and squeaked, "Bye!"
Piranha smiled back before getting interrupted by his female friend.
"Piranha!" Tarantula called, who was waiting at the door, "Come on!"
"Chillax, chica, you know you love me!" Piranha teased.
Tarantula rolled her eyes as she crawled in, and Piranha caught up with her.
Inside the restaurant, the Bad Guys were standing in line to get to the counter to order their food. A lot of people were hungry this morning. There were a lot of customers ordering food.
Piranha: Just a little quip from Webs, like a boring sister Her sarcasm makes blisters And now, you know how we roll With a shining camera we control People used to come and go when around us But you see now, nobody is giving any fuss Everybody's got a role, everybody's got a dream Yet complain as I sip my coffee and smirk While watching the good ones hop to work You can hear the: "One dollar, two dollars, one fifty, one sixty-nine. I got it. You want a box of muffins? What kind? That's two quarters. Two-quarter soda. Done in no time. You need a bag for that? The tax is added." Once you get some practice at it You see how they get everything automatically Getting scrambled eggs, sprinkle sugar on the cream and practically Everybody's wins, yes! Just already passed the mess, Tick the checks, wonder what's next
The song continued with the people of Boyle Heights singing the story of their morning.
Boyle Heights residents: In the heights I buy my coffee and I go (I buy my coffee and I go) Set my sights On only what I need to know
In the heights Can be tight But even so When the lights go down, I blast my radio!
Just then, Chief Luggins burst into the restaurant, just in time the Bad Guys finally reached the counter to order with the restaurant owners, Mr. and Mrs. Gardener, took care of taking orders.
Chief Luggins: You ain't got no skills
Piranha: And that's Chief Luggins
Chief Luggins: Yo, lemme get a
Mrs. Gardener: One sausage and egg muffin)
Chief Luggins: Yup, and lemme also get a—
Wolf: (Daily News)
Chief Luggins: And a—
Shark: (Post)
Chief Luggins: And the most important, my...
Mr. Gardener: Favorite coffee, one cream
Snake and Tarantula: Two sugars!
Chief Luggins: I'm the number one earner (What?!) The fastest learner (What?!) At least I know every alley and corner
Wolf: (Yeah, you can)
Chief Luggins: I'm makin' moves, I'm makin' deals, but guess what?
Piranha: (What?)
Chief Luggins: You still ain't got no skills!
Piranha: (Hardee-har)
Chief Luggins: Hornet's gonna show up yet?
Piranha: Shut up
Shark: Hey, little brother, don't get so upset
Piranha: Man...
Wolf: Tell Hornet how you feel, maybe steal a meal
Or you'll be hearing
Wolf, Snake, Shark, Tarantula, Mr. Gardener, Mrs. Gardener, and Chief Luggins: You got no skills
Just then, it was Hornet's turn as he came out from the kitchen, carrying a tray of food, and his co-workers danced in two lines and both sides.
Hornet: Nooo! No no nooo! No no nooo, no-no-no! Nooo, no-no-no! No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no, no-no-no-no-no!
Stay on sight, eyes forward until you've done the deposit It's all on my hands, no time to search through my pockets One spill from the cup, one slip, should not rock it Keep your head high now, you're already out of the closet
No, no, don't let this fall down...
While Hornet flew towards the customers' table with their order, the Bad Guys, Mr and Mrs. Gardener, and chief Luggins watched him while waiting for Piranha to make his move.
Tarantula: Yo, here's your chance; ask him out right now!
Hornet: Work's nearly done, maybe I should have a raise.
Wolf: Do something, make your move, don't be fazed!
After Hornet served the food the customers' ordered, Piranha bravely walked towards Hornet, and lightly poked him on the back to get his boyfriend's attention.
Piranha: Hey!
Hornet: You owe me a bottle of cold champagne!
Piranha: Work doing alright?
Hornet: Just longer work for credit and I'll be on the rich train!
Piranha: Well, the victory dinner is on me...
Hornet: Okay!
Wolf: Piranha, ask him out
Shark: No way!
Hornet: I'll see you later, so...
Hornet gave Piranha a wink before heading back to the kitchen to continue working, and Piranha just dreamingly watched him go, hoping he'll see his boyfriend later for another date.
The trance was interrupted when other Bad Guys, Mr. and Mrs. Gardener, and Chief Luggins burst into laughter for Piranha being too slow and speechless to speak up to Hornet, not to mention too slow to reach his real goal in life.
Wolf: Oooh... Smooth operator, aw, damn, there she goes! Yo, bro, take five, take a walk outside! You look exhausted, lost, don't let life slide! The whole hood is struggling, times are tight And you're stuck to this corner like a streetlight!
Taking his friend's advice, Piranha headed outside for some fresh air, and, all of a sudden, the residents of Boyle Heights were on the streets, dancing to the beat of the song in the background.
Piranha: Yeah, I'm a streetlight, chokin' on the heat The world spins around while I'm frozen to my seat The people that I know all keep on rollin' down the street But every day is different so I'm switchin' up the beat
Cause I came here with nothing, searching for a little more And sure, it can look poor, at least there's the front door And it's all about the legacy that created me, it's destiny And one day I'll be on a beach with governors writing checks to me
Boyle Heights residents: In the Heights, I hang my flag up on display
Piranha: We came to work and to live and we got a lot in common
Boyle Heights residents: It reminds me that I came from miles away
Piranha: No need to look, we are not stopping
Boyle Heights residents: In the Heights Every day, we work all day
Piranha: Until the day we go from being broke to being free
Boyle Heights residents: In the Heights I've got today!
Piranha: And today's all we got, so we cannot stop This is our block!
Boyle Heights residents: In the Heights I hang my flag up on display
Piranha: (Lo le lo le lo lai lai lo le!)
Boyle Heights residents: It reminds me that I came from miles away (Before I came from miles away...) In the Heights It gets more difficult every day
Piragua Guy: (Every day)
Boyle Heights residents: And tonight is so far away...
Piranha: But as for mañana, mi pana Ya gotta just keep watchin'
Boyle Heights residents: (In the Heights!)
Piranha: You'll see the late nights You'll feel the bright sights
Boyle Heights residents: (In the Heights!)
Piranha: Blossom and the green ice I ain't gonna say it twice
Boyle Heights residents: (In the Heights!)
Piranha: So turn up the stage lights We're takin' a flight To a couple of days in the life of what it's like
All: In Boyle Heights!
The scene all changed when Piranha smiled while humming and having his eyes closed. Turned out, the whole musical number was just in Piranha's head. Everything was all in his head, his daydream.
The Bad Guys were in FasTogether, but they dined outside instead as the restaurant was still in ruins. It was still under renovation, so the customers were told to be dining outside. Business was still going to earn enough money for the renovation.
"Hey, Piranha! Wake up!" Shark shook Piranha awake from his daydream by shaking his shoulder.
The little fish snapped away to reality as he didn't know what just happened while he was daydreaming, "What? What happened?"
"You were humming for 15 minutes! You haven't eaten your food yet!" Snake said while pointing at a fried fish sandwich that Piranha ordered.
"Oh, right!" Piranha quickly grabbed the sandwich, and took a bite from it.
The Bad Guys were sitting on the table with an umbrella on top, shading themselves from the heat and the brightness of the sun.
Shark was still chewing on his burger, but he was uncomfortable dining outside "I hate eating outside. I wish we could eat inside. There's air conditioning there."
Wolf sighed as he explained while pointing to the restaurant, which had cardboards covering the windows, but it was dark and dusty inside, "Ever since the FasTogether kitchen burned down, Mr. and Mrs. Gardener had to make a lot of renovation in this place. The business is still going but there's a lot of adjustments for the time being."
As the other members of the Bad Guys understood, Piranha was fiddling with his sandwich as he thought of something or someone else than a burning restaurant interior, "Is Hornet coming after his shift?"
"Well, you know that bug. He wanted to change and forget his past. He'll come around at his own pace," Tarantula noted.
"I... guess so," Piranha hoped.
Ever since he and Hornet started dating, Piranha wanted to hang out more with him, but Hornet had been caught up with work, they dated less than usual on the first time of their relationship.
Speaking of Hornet, he arrived just in time in front of their table after serving another customer, "Hey guys."
"Hornet!" The Bad Guys greeted him happily.
"Did I miss anything?" The bug asked eagerly.
"Your boyfriend here really missed you. Isn't that sweet?" Tarantula cooed.
This made Piranha feel a little embarrassed that Tarantula tattled about his feelings, and Piranha looked awkwardly at Hornet, who was also blushing surprisingly.
Piranha wanted to drop the topic it was a little awkward and continued eating his sandwich.
Hornet snapped out of it as he was trying to stay focused on his job, "So... uh, here's your receipt." He put the receipt down on the table.
Wolf then pulled a 5-dollar bill from his pocket, "And here's your tip."
"Thanks, Wolf," Hornet happily accepted the money, even though the whole group shared the same money. It didn't matter. Coming from his friends made him so happy, "I'll meet you guys later at lunchtime. Mr. and Mrs. Gardener gave me a half-day for my hard work."
"That's great, Hornet." Snake smiled, feeling proud of his bug friend.
"Maybe we can do a little heist again?" Piranha suggested.
"Sure," "Hornet nodded smilingly. He liked the sight of Piranha, his best friend... his boyfriend. He really loved this fish, and he'd do anything for him, even if he had to sacrifice his work for him. The insect then shook his head to snap out of his thoughts, and said, "I'll see you later, guys." He flew off back into the restaurant to get some more orders as his friends waved goodbye to him.
Though Piranha expected something from Hornet, he didn't want to request it because of work, so Piranha just dropped it, and looked down, feeling a bit disappointed that Hornet forgot something. To his surprise, Hornet returned to Piranha's side, and said, "Almost forgot!" he kissed him on the cheek, "Bye!" He then flew away as fast as he could back into the restaurant.
Piranha was very surprised by that. He couldn't believe Hornet had almost forgotten yet did what he wanted from him. Guess this is what it's going to be from now on. Now that they're boyfriends, their relationship would evolve into romance. The feeling was new to both of them, but Piranha loved it hard, and wanted to stay that way with Hornet.
As soon as Hornet left, the Bad Guys finished up their food, and threw away their trash.
"Come on, we have to head back to the hideout," Wolf noted as he led his friends to their car on the sidewalk.
Piranha just finished his sandwich before throwing the wrapper away. Before he could follow his friends, he looked back at the restaurant, still thinking about Hornet. He wished he could see him sooner than lunchtime. Piranha quickly ran to the car before his friend would leave him behind.
As Wolf drove the car on the road of Boyle Heights, Piranha looked out the window, and began to wonder that, if these people worked really hard for their dreams, he wished he could reach his someday. He hoped there would be a sign for him to reach that dream.
The beginning of the chapter is a reference from In The Heights which Anthony Ramos was starred in. I even used the opening song from the movie from this chapter. I had been studying the location of the Bad Guys' hideout under 6th St. Viaduct bridge, and I found out it was near Boyle Heights, a neighborhood in Los Angeles, California, located east of the Los Angeles River, so that was why I decided to use the reference of the opening song of In The Heights.
Special thanks to TU4QU0I53T4IAN6L3 for helping me with the song lyrics. There were a lot of lyric changes for this song to fit Piranha and the Bad Guys universe.
In this story, Piranha and Hornet are a couple, but ever since their official relationship, they haven't gone out on a real date yet due to Hornet's working schedule.
FasTogether finally appeared and was still in business since its incident in The Bad Guys season 1 chapter "The Bad Blog". It is also shown that FasTogether restaurant was located in Boyle Heights, despite being an All-American restaurant.
Mira Rose and her daughter Mariposa only appeared in Piranha's musical daydream. Mira was "voiced" by Stephanie Beatriz who also appeared in "In The Heights" movie with Anthony Ramos as one of the Salon Ladies. In this story, she sang the Salon Ladies' verse from the original song. As a reporter, Mira's verse indicated Former President Donald Trump's current news.
I hope you like my first chapter of The Bad Guys: The Musical so far. This was a really good story to write. See you guys soon!
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riley-travels · 2 months
July 16- National Palace Museum, Group lunch, and Chiang Kai-Shek Residence
Today Sabrina and I had breakfast in the hotel. We were pretty sore from our hike yesterday so we took it easy this morning. I took our quiz and then watched some youtube videos while crocheting. We met up with every one to take a shuttle to the National Palace Museum. Not having to walk or take the MRT was a nice change of pace. The museum was beautiful, I especially liked the painting and calligraphy section. Though, I wish we had gotten a bit more time to explore. Our group lunch was so delicious, I have never tried Mongolian barbeque but I loved getting to make my own bowl and seeing it get cooked right before my eyes. The fruit was also very fresh and I tried a frozen drink. I was not sure what it was, but I liked it very much and it tasted like a citrus yakult. Afterward we did an audio tour of the Chiang Kai Shek Shilin residence. It was a beautiful landscape and the audio tour was very informative into what the down time and family time of Chiang Kai Shek looked like.
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I really enjoyed learning about the history of so many different pieces held within the museum from Peter. Yi-Chih Huang's article "National Glory and Traumatism: National/cultural identity construction of National Palace Museum in Taiwan," was also a very interesting read. The author looks at how the National Palace Museum plays a key role in shaping Taiwanese national and cultural identity. Diving into how the museum balances promoting national pride while also addressing historical traumas of colonization and political conflicts. The museum, which houses artifacts from mainland China (the Forbidden City), represents both the continuation of Chinese cultural heritage and the unique Taiwanese identity formed by its own distinct history. This mix captures the broader societal tensions and hopes, showing how cultural institutions can preserve and challenge national identity stories. It sheds further light on what I discussed in yesterday's post, the complex relationship between history, memory, and identity in Taiwan’s evolving society.
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Chief mentioned to me that there might be a bug collection somewhere at the Chiang Kai Shek Shilin residence. Sadly I could only find that there might be an insect collection at the Chiang Kai Shek memorial. Though, there were many different plants from all over the world on the property of the residence. I am sure that this attracts many insects, as well as birds and squirrels.
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starfata · 2 years
Songs SQQ might know
A year ago I started a list of English language songs that Shen Yuan might have known. Then I updated the list, multiple times through reblogs. This is the compilation of those updates.
The following list is compiled from research into popular English language choices for kareoke in China, and then research into English speaking artists whose world tours have had shows in China, and a few other that made sense to me, like Reflection covers and CoCo Lee who released albums in both America and China. @blondejaneblonde says her SQQ transmigrated when Scum Villain was first published in 2015, so I used that year as my cut off date.
Michael Jackson- Beat it, Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal, Man in the Mirror, You are Not Alone, Childhood
Celine Dion- My heart will go on
Bryan Adams- (Everything I do) I do it for you
Carpenters- Yesterday Once More
Lady GaGa- Bad Romance, Alejandro, Telephone, Papparazzi, The Edge of Glory, Born this Way,
Backstreet Boys- I want it that way, As long as you love me, Show me the meaning of being lonely, Incomplete, I'll never break your heart
Whitney Houston- I Will Always Love You
Josh Groban- You raise me up
Emilia- Big Big World
Taylor Swift- Love Story, Forever & Always, White Horse, Breathe, Red, Everything has changed, We are never ever getting back together, Blank Space, Out of the Woods, All you had to do was stay, Bad Blood, Wildest Dreams, Clean
Elton John- Can you feel the love tonight, Sorry seems to be the hardest word,
Michael Buble- Haven't met you yet, the way you look tonight, Fever, Sway, Come fly with me, How can you mend a broken heart, Moondance, Put your head on my shoulder
Coco Lee- Do you want my love, Reflection (Mulan cover)
Yo-Yo Ma and CoCo Lee- A Love before time
Crystal Liu- Reflection (Mandarin)
One Direction- What makes you beautiful, Live while we're Young, Little Things, Perfect, If I could fly
Ellie Goulding- Lights, Love me Like you do
Beyonce- Crazy in Love, Crazy in Love (remix, 2015), Halo, Best thing I never had, If I were a boy
Adele- Someone like you, Rumour has it, Turning Tables, Hello, When we were young,
Katy Perry- Teenage Dream, Roar, Unconditionally, Dark Horse, The one that got away, E.T., Pearl,
M2M- Pretty Boy
Michael Learns to Rock- Take me to Your Heart
Mariah Carey- When you believe, We belong together, Hero, My all, Fly like a bird, Fantasy
Justin Bieber- One time, Boyfriend, What do you mean, All that matters
Avril Lavigne- Let me go, Wish you were here, Alice,
Westlife- Flying without Wings, My love, When you're looking like that, World of our own, when you tell me that you love me, The Rose
Wham!- Careless Whisper, wake me up before you go
Christina Aguilera- I turn to you, Hurt, Fighter, We remain
Britney Spears-Born to make you happy, criminal
Usher- Burn, Here I stand, moving mountains, DJ got us falling in love
Bob Dylan- It's all over now, Baby Blue, Tangled up in blue, Simple twist of fate, thunder on the mountain, Forever young,
Carly Rae Jepsen had a show in Beijing in May 2015!
Carly Rae Jepsen- Call me maybe, curiosity, good time, this kiss, Tonight I'm getting over you, Almost said it, Take a picture, Really like you, All that, Beautiful (with Justin Bieber)
And performed for the first time at the Beijing China show, "Run Away with Me", "Emotion", "Your Type", "Black Heart", and "Gimmie Love".
Mamma Mia opened in 2011 at the Shanghai Grand Theatre, so we can also include ABBA!
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imthepunchlord · 11 months
Can you tell what sites you used in your research about Yin-Yang? I wanted to know more about the Dragon and Fenghuang pair but the Wikipédia don't have much information.
Unfortunately, not a lot I can give you as I did a lot of this research around 2016, and I can't remember all the sites I visited, though I did go onto different websites to read around. And if you're having trouble finding info on fenghuang, you can change it to (Chinese) phoenix, while not the same as the fiery phoenix, they are becoming interchangeable terms, which is why sometimes phoenix and dragon comes up instead.
Wikipedia was for sure, searching up Fenghuang is going to give you the most of them and Dragon, but it'll be mostly about them.
Tvtropes had some info to share and consider.
Chinasage was a website I used to read up on animal symbolism in Chinese culture and they have a whole bird section.
Easy Tour China I think I used and read around on.
And... I'm drawing a blank on any others. I can say Wikipedia was the main source I read up on, but I did browse around to different sites when I was doing research.
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krispyweiss · 1 year
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Dead & Company at Rouff (Pronounced “Deer Creek”) Music Center, Noblesville, Indiana, June 27, 2023
If Dead & Company had always played like this, Sound Bites would’ve been on tour.
But they didn’t & he went to only a couple of shows a year.
Still, what a way to go out - for the group & the blog.
The band’s sold-out, June 27 show at the former Deer Creek Music Center in suburban Indianapolis was Dead & Company at their peak. Over sets of 80 & 110 minutes, respectively, the group - playing under a supremely satisfying light show augmented with familiar & beloved iconography - plumbed the Grateful Dead songbook to excitable, balladic & surprising effect.
Toward the end of its Final Tour - & at Sound Bites’ final Dead & Company show - the band turned in the best performance the blog has attended. It was the one Dead & Company show Sound Bites might listen back to one future day.
Even “Drumz” & “Space” were exhilarating. The former found bassist Oteil Burbridge joining percussionist Mickey Hart behind the array of drums while Jay Lane took a breather & Hart rattled chests with low drones from the Beam. “Space,” meanwhile, was uncharacteristically musical & found Jeff Chimeni answering John Mayer’s chirping guitar with acoustic piano as the band built toward an explosive “Hell in a Bucket” & the home stretch.
Hours earlier, the sonic fireworks popped immediately with the high-energy opener of “Bertha” -> “Good Lovin’,” which indicated the band wasn’t messing around or taking things easy.
The first big surprise came when Bob Weir fashioned a ’Til I die vocal coda on a raging “Big River” before singing the second verse of “Dark Star” while riding the white-capped “River.” An atypical, unplanned & delightful detour from the prepared setlist.
Mayer infused “Next Time You See Me” with blues-rock authenticity before he & Chimenti engaged in two rounds of intense, trade-off soloing. The latter eventually dropped in to “Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodleoo,” a transition so demanding Mayer smiled with relief when it worked.
A deep-space “Bird Song” filled the role usually occupied by “Dark Star” & - as they did 364 days earlier at the Creek - Dead & Company closed the first half with a “Don’t Ease Me In” so euphoric Mayer bounced on stage with as much enthusiasm as fans in the pit & lawn.
The high energy was unabated after set break, as Lane & Hart pounded out the rhythm to “Aiko Aiko.” After Weir’s declaratory Hey Now! statement, Mayer lit into a “Sugaree” that surely won over any remaining naysayers as he fanned his guitar with such ferocity, the final solo seemed to shift the ground as the audience went deliriously berserk.
Then, similarly electrifying chestnuts “China Cat Sunflower” -> “I Know You Rider” & “Uncle John’s Band” helped the audience to briefly recreate the days of the Father Band before the music slithered into the aforementioned “Drumz.”
Over the past eight years, Sound Bites & Dead & Company have shared a love-like relationship & the band is the blog’s least-favorite of the spin-offs that began with the Other Ones in 1998. Despite this, Dead & Company on 6/27/23 turned in the best gig the blog has witnessed from this conglomerate & made saying fare thee well less bitter & more sweet.
Grade card: Dead & Company at Deer Creek, 6/27/23 - A
See more photos on Sound Bites’ Facebook page.
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Bird Watching Tour in China: Discover The Best Places
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The winter season makes us indeed lazy, but choosing to get out of the cozy blanket and head for a bird watching tour in China will never be a regretful experience.
It is time to escape the daily busy schedule and head to China’s top destination for bird watching. China is home to various bird species that are a real treat to the eyes of a bird enthusiast.
Furthermore, bird watching is one of the best ways to give your mind a dose of peace and refresh your inner soul. So, are you confused about which places to explore in China for bird watching? Continue reading the article below.
So, let’s get started!
Rongcheng is said to be the largest Swan habitat, covering an area of about 10,500 hectares. It is one of the top swan lakes in the world and is perfect for birding trips in China. As soon as the winter season knocks on the door, thousands of swans from Siberia fly towards Rongcheng Swan Lake for wintering. Watch the swans dancing, singing and walking with your naked eyes, which promises an enchanting experience overall.
Xinjiang Bayanbulak Swan National Reserve
Towards 400km northwest of Korla, high-altitude wetlands form the second-largest grassland area in China, with the Kaidu River flowing through it. In addition to this, it is known to be the famous Xinjiang Swan Lake, which is the natural habitat for the massive population of wild swans. Don’t forget to capture some of the captivating moments when the bird’s wings are fanning.
Poyang Lake
This lake is a must-watch destination for birding trips in China. It falls in the Jiangxi Province. The place holds around 310 species of birds and is famous for being the “Kingdom of the Stork.” You will come across a huge number of rare birds here, like Grus leucogeranus, Grus japonesus, and many more. Along with this, the place is also popular as the largest migratory bird wintering area in Asia since around 1 lakh birds fly here during the winter season.
Dongtan Wetland
Another best place for bird watching tour in China is Dongtan Wetland on Chongming Island. It is about 100 km away from downtown Shanghai. Being one of the most preferred winter birding parks, it spreads around 24 square kilometres. Every year, from November to February, the place holds an annual birding festival, welcoming the largest number of birds.
This place provides a warm and mild climate in winter. Red-billed gulls from Siberia have spent their winters here for almost 30 years. For birding trips in China, add Dianchi Lake and Chuhu Park to your bucket list in Yunnan. Head to the Botanical Garden in Xishuangbanna, which has a tropical climate, to watch the Crimson Sunbird and Anastomus Oscitans from close by. However, the Napa Lake wetlands in Shangri La are home to noble birds like black-necked cranes, attracting numerous photographers worldwide.
Wrap Up Time
Finally, these were the places ideal for bird watching tour in China. You should add these destinations to your bucket list and make sure to visit them once you land in this country. Don’t forget to carry your cameras as you are going to capture the most beautiful birds behind the lens.
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scherenschnitte28 · 1 year
Characterized by lush, palm trees, vast yet breathtaking caves, cerulean beaches, and salty breeze paired with tropical essence, this can only be seen nowhere but in Palawan. Located southwest of the Philippines, Palawan is a long and narrow group of islands near the South China and Sulu seas. It is the largest province in the country in terms of total area of jurisdiction. Puerto Princesa being its capital, highlights some of the world's most serene and secluded beaches, thus making it a suitable haven for those seeking solitude and tranquility. The island's pristine and bespoke beaches are surrounded by crystal-clear waters, making them one of Palawan's prime attractions. Pack your bags, wear your slippers, lock that seashell necklace up, and prepare as we take a peek at some of the most gram-worthy destinations that will fill your calendars red this upcoming summer.
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Explore the magnificent island of Coron in Palawan. The tropical island is located in the Philippine province of Palawan. The place is best known for its world-class World War II shipwreck diving. Not only that, the island also has stunning Palawan beaches, limestone karst landscapes, pure freshwater lakes, and coral reefs in shallow water.
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A little more relaxed and ideal for family vacations and diving excursions is Smith Point Beach-Coron. Near Banol Beach on the northwest shore of Coron Island, Smith Point Beach is tucked away in a tiny, nearly circular inlet. The beach is fewer than 100 meters long, and the bay's stunning limestone karst structures are scattered across its glistening waters. Smith Point Beach is a fantastic place for swimming and snorkeling since the bay is home to vibrant coral reefs that are home to a vast marine life, including a lot of starfish. Here, you may locate a few beach shacks where you can eat and drink freshly served foods.
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The island is ideal for diving excursions since it is a little more laid-back and has a lot to offer tourists. Lakes, lagoons, and lovely white-sand beaches may be found on the island. You may unwind, and get away from the daily grind in this tropical location. No other Kayangan Lake is one of the top sights on Coron Island hopping trips. Take advantage of the opportunity to visit Coron's tourist attractions, which include island-hopping to multiple beaches and lagoons.
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Calauit Safari Park is a 3,700-hectare island off the coast of Palawan where you may explore the game reserve and wildlife sanctuary of the Philippines. Hundreds of giraffes, elans, waterbucks, Calamian deer, monkeys, freshwater crocodiles, zebras, bear cats, bushbuck, and a variety of birds can be found there, along with other exotic African and endemic Palawan plant and animal species.
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Puerto Princesa is a seaside city on the western Philippine Island of Palawan. The biodiverse Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park serves as a starting point for boat tours into the enormous limestone caves and underground river. Around Puerto Princesa Bay, which is home to long-nosed dolphins, turtles, and rays, are numerous dive spots. The 19th-century Immaculate Concepcion Cathedral is located close to the port.
Subterranean River National Park in Palawan encompasses one of the world's most awe-inspiring cave systems, featuring spectacular limestone karst landscapes, pristine natural beauty, intact old-growth mangroves, and distinctive wildlife.
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El Nido in Palawan houses the most beautiful locations in the world. Obscure lagoons, limestone formations, sandbanks, stunning islands, and pearl-white beaches with blue water are just the tip of what the 7,641 islands in the Philippines have in store for you. The El Nido island hopping tours are the most popular reason to visit this little town, but there is more!
One of the most well-known tropical havens on Palawan Island is El Nido. There are several magnificent white sand beaches and amazing lagoons in this coastal town, which is situated on the northernmost tip of Palawan. Everyone will have the incredible opportunity to see the most breathtaking rock formations and learn about the underwater environment if plan to traverse El Nido. You may chill, enjoy yourself, unwind, and get closer to nature at this covert paradise.
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At this moment, you are now prepared to seek a worthwhile experience. Book your flights and fasten your seatbelts as we are about to make memories that will leave prints not just on beaches but most importantly, in our minds. Heal your cravings and claim that peaceful rest, everyone.
Mary Galle G. Inayan, Pam I. Peregrino, Lance Nathaniel S. Deocampo. John Lorenz G. Faltiquera, and Dominic C. Marañon
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mekongdeltacity · 1 year
Unveiling the Wonders of Vietnam's Mekong River: Nature, Culture, and Adventure
The Mekong River, one of the longest rivers in the world, flows through six countries in Southeast Asia, including Vietnam. The river is a vital part of the country's economy, culture, and ecology. The Mekong River in Vietnam is home to a diverse array of flora and fauna and plays a critical role in providing water for irrigation, transportation, and fishing.
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The Mekong River originates in the Tibetan plateau and flows through China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam before emptying into the South China Sea. In Vietnam, the Mekong River flows through several provinces, including An Giang, Dong Thap, Can Tho, and Vinh Long. The river plays a significant role in the region's agriculture, providing water for rice cultivation, fruit orchards, and fish farms.
One of the highlights of the Mekong River in Vietnam is the famous floating markets, which are unique to the region. These markets are a hub of activity, with vendors selling fresh produce and handicrafts from their boats. The most famous floating market is the Cai Rang Market in Can Tho, which attracts visitors from all over the world. The market is open every day, with the busiest time being early in the morning.
Another unique feature of the Mekong River in Vietnam is the many traditional villages that line its banks. These villages offer visitors the chance to experience the local culture and learn about traditional crafts such as mat weaving, rice noodle making, and coconut candy production. Visitors can also see the unique architecture of the region, including stilt houses that are designed to protect against flooding.
The Mekong River in Vietnam is also home to several ecotourism sites, which offer visitors the chance to explore the natural beauty of the region. One such site is the Tram Chim National Park, a protected area that is home to a diverse array of bird species, including the endangered Sarus Crane. Visitors can take a boat ride through the park, spotting birds and other wildlife along the way. Another popular ecotourism site is the Tra Su Cajuput Forest, a vast mangrove forest that is home to several rare and endangered species.
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The Mekong River in Vietnam also plays a critical role in the country's transportation system. The river is a major thoroughfare, with boats and barges transporting goods and people up and down the river. Visitors can take a boat tour along the Mekong River, exploring the region's waterways and stopping at various villages and ecotourism sites along the way.
Food is an essential part of the Mekong River in Vietnam's culture, and visitors can sample some of the region's most famous dishes on their tour. One of the must-try dishes is the fish hotpot, a hearty stew made with fresh fish, vegetables, and spices. Another local specialty is the banh xeo, a crispy pancake that is filled with bean sprouts, pork, and shrimp.
In conclusion, the Mekong delta tours in Vietnam is a remarkable region that offers visitors a unique blend of culture, history, and natural beauty. Whether you're interested in exploring traditional villages, browsing floating markets, or immersing yourself in the region's ecotourism sites, a trip to the Mekong River in Vietnam is sure to be an unforgettable experience. So why not book your tour today and discover the wonders of this remarkable river?
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celeste-fitzgerald · 2 years
Sweet quotes about Kelly Groucutt from his friends
(most of these are from after his death so they're quite bittersweet, but still very sweet <3 )
Bev Bevan:
"He was such a bundle of energy, totally irrepressible. Kelly was the life and soul of the party, the practical joker in the band. He was the type of character who was always joking around and could light up a room whenever he arrived... "I remember being on the road with Kelly back in the 70s. It was a great time to be out there and he kept us entertained. He used to have an endless supply of bad jokes. He was always on the go, couldn’t sit still, and even when he did he would be playing with a Rubik’s cube or something like that. Kelly was a real gentle soul as well – he wouldn’t harm a fly."
Louis Clark:
"I have so many memories, like closing many bars with him in hotels all over the world having solved the world's problems, his silly jokes, which I found funny for their sheer silliness, sitting next to him on planes in the early 80's with the constant clicking of his Rubik's cube. "I'll always remember around the same time period while in L.A. recording Kelly's first solo album, him climbing from room to room over our balconies at least 20 stories up. "I also remember more recently when my watch strap broke and the local repair shop said it would have to be sent to the manufacturer. I gave it to Kelly and he fixed it in three minutes. He was "Mr. Fix It" and the "Gadget Man". "Kelly always made time for everyone, us the band, anyone in trouble and his fans who he genuinely loved talking with."
Mik Kaminski:
"We were like brothers. We would call each other anytime we needed to. He was always there for me. Even though he’s gone, I keep expecting him to phone me up at any minute...Kelly had loads of birds. Whenever I rang him up it was like calling Regent’s Park Zoo!"
Mik Kaminski again, in interview with Martin Kinch:
Martin: "Are there any certain songs that you perform when you, uh, think about him more than others?" Mik: "Um...well, all of them, really, because Kelly had his [unintelligible] little piece he'd do in the middle of a song, he'd...he'd walk over and...you know, he had quite a [laughs] comical edge about him when he was performing and you can always see him coming over and doing his bits even though he's not there, so...they're all pretty much...you know, there's a bit of Kelly in all of them."
Melvyn Gale, in an interview:
KJS: Finally ... what is your #1 favourite ELO song and why? Mel: Got to be Midnight Blue, because it reminds me of Kelly.
Parthenon Huxley, of ELO Part II and The Orchestra:
"In late 1998 I walked into a large, well worn rehearsal room in Birmingham, England for my audition with ELO Part II. I wasn't sure who everyone was, but immediately Kelly Groucutt positioned himself directly in front of me, tilted his head upwards and said, 'You're TOO TALL!' We laughed. Leave it to Kelly to be the icebreaker... "Fans of ELO Part II and now The Orchestra will attest that Kelly was always available after a gig for an autograph, a photo, a cigarette, a drink, whatever was happening at the moment. Hours after a performance the last thing fans heard in the parking lot was usually a tour manager shouting, 'Kelly! The bus is leaving!' He gave the fans every spare minute he had... "Kelly was a tinkerer, a gadgets freak, a student of puns, an expert Country & Western singer, a walking encyclopedia of music history (song title, artist, year released), a loving Dad, a smoker, a drinker, a traveller (China, Cuba, Chile...hmmm...never noticed how much he liked "C" countries), a joke teller, a tireless chatterbug, a generous friend, a lyrics freak, a willing accomplice."
Phil Bates, from ELO Part II and The Orchestra:
"On tour, he was my greatest friend. When I was having health problems, and waking up in the middle of the night, in some far-flung place 5,000 miles from home with some extremely worrying things happening to me, Kelly told me to call him, whatever time of the night, and he would come and help me through my difficulties. That was the kind of friend he was, and the hole he will leave will be impossible to fill."
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kokiafans · 1 year
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KOKIA in flashback - 2018
Time flies, and in 2018, KOKIA celebrates her 20th anniversary! She counts down to it with many new releases, starting with her 4-disc (!) best of album EVOLVE to LOVE, which gets a special big package release along with the normal version. On the video side, we get the 3-disc DVD release Bird Watching, looking back on her career in clips going as far back as 2002 and commentary throughout. Just ahead of her actual anniversary, she releases her new album Tokyo Mermaid, and finally, she celebrates her anniversary proper with the big venue concert Beyond Imagination.
Rather than ending her 20th anniversary there, she kicks off the celebrations proper, continuing to perform in both Japan and abroad, visiting China again, and even returning to France once more. The Tokyo Mermaid album is the first album in a while to get a French release, too.
KOKIA is also on a roll with the ton ton ton animal project and releases the second album in the series, again released in tin packages, and also releases merchandise as planned, including animalthemed cookies.
A first this year for KOKIA is a Blu-ray release. So far, her concerts have only been published on DVD, but her 20th anniversary concert gets both a DVD and Blu-ray release. Later this year, her 2016 LAYERS concert also gets a Blu-ray upgrade.
And finally, KOKIA starts a collaboration with cocochia, an organic brand, modelling for them together with her son Leo.
◆ Lives and events ◆
February 26 Mini live and autograph session to celebrate the KOKIA release EVOLVE to LOVE -20 years Anniversary BEST- (TOWER RECORDS Shibuya, B1F CUTUP STUDIO) (Promotion: mini live 20th anniversary)
March 3 KOKIA ~ongaku no kudaru basho~('the place where music falls') (Nagano, Yatsugatake Kogen Music Hall) (Promotion: Yatsugatake 2018)
April 29-April 30 KOKIA 2018 20 years Anniversary Concert ~Beyond Imagination~ (Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall) (Promotion: 20th anniversary concert)
May 3 E-ne! ~good for you~ Holiday School Special (ueen’s Square Yokohama 1F, Queen’s Circle) ※ Live performance broadcasted by FM Yokohama
May 12 Mario Tashiro's classical crossover - concert Primo! with the Tokyo Chamber Orchestra (Tokyo, Nihonbashi Mitsui Hall) ※ guest performance (promotion: Primo)
July 29 KOKIA premium symphonic concert ~KOKIA 20th Anniversary Fireworks Festival~ (Kanagawa Kenmin Hall, grand hall) (Promotion: fireworks festival 2018)
August 11 KOKIA 2018 in Nagoya Yume no tsuzuki ('sequel to a dream') (NAGOYA Blue Note) ※ 2 performances in 1 day (Promotion: Nagoya Blue Note 2018)
August 17 KOKIA 2018 20周年纪念中国巡演 ('20th anniversary China tour') (Guangzhou Friendship Theatre) ※ 20th anniversary concert (Promotion: China 2018)
August 18 KOKIA 2018 动物���乐会 (Guangzhou Grand View Theatre) ※ Animal concert (Promotion: animal concert China 2018)
August 19 KOKIA 2018 20周年纪念中国巡演 ('20th anniversary China tour') (Shanghai Bandai Namco) ※20th anniversary concert
September 15 KOKIA Ikimono no ongakukai ('concert of living beings') (Tokyo, Haremame (Haretara sora ni mame maite) ※ 2 performances in 1 day (Promotion: ikimono no ongakkai concert)
October 5 KOKIA Tokyo Mermaid ~yume miru abuku~ ('Dreaming bubbles') (Billboard Live TOKYO) ※ 2 performances in 1 day (Promotion: Billboard 2018)
October 21 KOKIA Salon (Harajuku Quest Hall) ※Event exclusively for members of the KOKIA fanclub, club ancoro, 2 performances total (Promotion: KOKIA Salon 2018)
November 11 KOKIA 20 Years Anniversary Stage (France, La Cigale) ※ First performance in Paris after 8 years (Promotion: Paris 2018)
November 24 KOKIA I remember YOU (Billboard Live OSAKA) ※ 2 performances in 1 day (Promotion: I remember you 2018)
◆ Releases ◆
February 21 Release of best-of album EVOLVE to LOVE -20 years Anniversary BEST- (Victor Entertainment) ※ First all-time best-of album consisting of 62 songs on 4 CDs, collected from over 8 labels, to commemorate 20 years since her debut. The first edition limited version contains a lavish booklet and 4-disc digipack. (EVOLVE to LOVE)
March 14 Release of the 20th anniversary complete video collection Bird Watching (anco&co.) ※ 3-disc DVD looking back on the 20 years since her debut via video and images (Bird watching)
April 25 Release of original album Tokyo Mermaid (Victor Entertainment) ※ First original album in 3 years released for her 20th anniversary year (Tokyo Mermaid)
July 27 Release of the DVD and Blu-ray of KOKIA 20th Anniversary concert Beyond Imagination (anco&co.) ※ First Blu-ray release (Promotion: 20th anniversary concert)
September 15 Release of the album Ikimono no ongakukai ('concert of living beings') (anco&co.) ※ second album in the ton ton ton project (tontonton, ikimono no ongakkai)
November Release of the Blu-ray KOKIA 2016 Concert LAYERS ~lights and shadows~ (anco&co.) ※Blu-ray version of the previously released DVD (Promotion: Layers concert)
◆ Other releases ◆
January 25 Release of the smartphone app game LibraryCross∞ ('Library Cross Infinite') ※ Wrote, composed and performed the theme song, Tomatta toki ~Library Cross~ (’Halted time’) (library cross) September 6 Release of the Monet single Egao no kisetsu ('Season of smiles') ※ Offered the end theme Egao no kisetsu ('Season of smiles') for Sun TV's Wagging Tail
◆ Other ◆
February 20-February 26 KOKIA EVOLVE to LOVE -20 years Anniversary BEST- Special Panel exhibition ※ On display at Tower Records Shinjuku and Tower Records Umeda Osaka Maru building (Translated blog entry)
April 9-April 15 Special broadcast on the Yunika Vision screen in front of Seibu Shinjuku station ※ Footage of performances from the 20th anniversary KOKIA complete video collection 3-disc DVD Bird Watching (yunika vision)
October Designs the brand logo for Dr. Recella's organic brand cocochia. Also models with her son for promotional images. (Promotion: cocochia)
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